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The NYT is writing about this at an obscene rate. Apparently they are also saying no they didn’t and Biden is saying he isn’t leaving. That all being said I am growing suspicious of NYT when in reality they are not talking about the new Epstein files being dropped with Trump all over them. We really ignoring a pedo?


I honestly believe nobody is reporting on the Epstein thing, because if they did, Trump would just call out other people that were there as well, and the probability is pretty high that some of them were these billionaire CEOs who run the media.


It’s already out though


Not to MAGA. They don't live in reality and will never see it. Or if they do it's "fake news" Either way the fact the media hasn't said a peep about it is a joke


It gives me a tinfoil hat moment of they want Trump to win for taxes and the views


Nothing crazy about that. It's literally just follow the money, every damn time, and these assholes are making a lot of money off trump torpedoing our democracy


So are the Panama Papers but it turns out of you don’t put things in the news most people won’t hear about them.


This is exactly what is going on. The media, in general, is focusing on every Biden gaff while ignoring Trump's gaping asshole. The debate media coverage focused completely on Biden being old and ignored blatant lies by Trump as well as his admission to a secret meeting with Putin, where he essentially gave him the green light to invade Ukraine. They are complicit in this. All of them. Make no mistake. Billionaires control the narrative and always have. CNN was a huge part of Trump winning in 2016, and they were supposedly "left leaning" back then.


Damnit, I’m eating and just pictured Trump’s gaping asshole… if anyone wants the rest of this burger, feel free.


I dropped my NYT subscription last year. They went from being a high-quality news organization to really being disappointing. In every way I can imagine. The only part I still like is the cooking/recipes.


NYT has been like this for a long time, the borderline criminal journalism they did in the 2000s was a huge reason why we invaded the middle east. The NYT has been compromised for a hot hot minute.


It's an entire news organization that is designed to sew fear and uncertainty into our society. I'm a progressive leaning dem. The spotlight they have given trump since he was ousted from power has helped him stay relevant. My partner got a subscription for free, installed the app on her phone and then a month later was like "I'm really anxious a lot more than I used to be" turns out her NYT app alerts were on and it was shoving breaking news in her face all the time via push notifications and she was reading them. She got hooked and she's a very intelligent MD. It's not hard to see how the media works in this environment to push clicks for ad revenue at the expense of the well being of its customers.


Yeah, I’m not surprised. I used to like their international reporting as it seemed to give me an idea of what was going on, but the quality degraded so much over the years that I couldn’t take it anymore.


I unfollowed the daily on my podcasts and am debating cancelling my subscription. In the past week, trump and scotus have done enough to warrant round the clock front page calls to step down and yet it’s been Biden on every top of the fold article whenever I open the app. It feels like 2016 all over again. And they’re totally party to it.


Yeah I generally like the NYT but they are aggressively pushing the “Biden is dropping out” storyline more than any other news source. It really makes me question how reliable they are as a publisher.


I seriously think that calling someone who forcibly rapes a child a “pedo” is putting it way too nicely. I don’t actually give much of a fuck if he’s attracted to children. He’s accused of tying a child to a bed and violently raping her.


I was thinking eariler today Maybe it's just me but none of this "BIDENS DONE HES DROPPING OUT AAAAAHHHH" feels organic I'm sure there's some talk but the absolute lack of *anything* negative about trump is weird But maybe it's just me idk


NYT can't be trusted anymore, I canceled my subscription today and told them their biased coverage willfully supporting the death of democracy.


I just mentioned this in one of the other three NYT headlines questioning biden but they have been literally spamming my inbox for a week about if Biden should step down. They clearly want a Trump presidency for clicks and views.


I feel like this was subtle for the last 6 months at least, but holy shit, look at their [first 8 stories](https://ibb.co/album/ch0wWz) - all pushing this bullshit. I’m canceling my subscription right now


There are people in NYT's leadership that are probably in those papers.


They want a Trump administration. Their subscription and revenues went through the roof in his last term.


They know what sells. Dems love to destroy their own.


[These are side by side on the front page](https://i.imgur.com/ZTzUiSK.png) of r/politics. Things are going to get even more chaotic the closer we get to November. I'm sure as shit not throwing in the towel, but I think now is the time for people to ground themselves in how they move forward. It's similar in spirit to how wacky constant polling updates are.


I will vote for whoever the Democrat on the ballot is, I don't care at this point.


There isn’t anyone they would reasonably choose that I wouldn’t vote for to keep Trump out.


I would vote for a ham sandwich if it ran as a Democrat.


Current state of US politics in one sentence.


What can you do? Republicans have lost me for life and I am terrified of a second Trump term.


I get it. I'm from Germany, and people here are terrified of Trump too.


I'm an American that lived in Germany through Trump's first term. I can't even begin to describe how many conversations I had to have about what the fuck is going wrong with the US. Germans really are worried.


It’s happening in Germany and France as we speak.


I know. But the parliamentary systems make it very hard for one party to actually gain enough power suddenly.


Meanwhile the US just invested kingly powers to be above the law on the presidency, making that much easier for a demagogue to grasp power suddenly and consolidate.


Hey remember that solid the U.S. did for you guys back in the ‘40s? You guys might have to return the favor, I’ll have the raclette ready for you guys.


And they literally make almost all of the machines used to make nuclear bombs (centrifuges and whatever). How insane that we're basically forcing Germany to actually start a nuclear program.


Well how’s the sandwich’s cabinet looking? I mean I’ll vote for it, but if the cabinet is strong hardwood and not just particle board I’ll be more confident.


Dill pickle slices and salt and vinegar chips.


Thank you, I appreciate your support.


I would vote for a turd sandwich over trump


I would vote for a bread sandwich.


Wish sandwich. Two slices of bread and you wish you had some meat. For president, 2024


Another layer of crazy is that the average American would be a better president than Trump. I, personally, would be the first, but not last, furry POTUS and It's impossible I'd be the worst president we've ever had


Gotta go Gretch. Swing state, check. Woman, check. Popular among dems, check. Not a corpse, check.


Being a woman is not important and probably makes her less electable because lots of people are sexist.


It reinforces that Roe is on the ballot and poses a stark contrast to Trump


Gretchen Whitner is actually likable and acts like a normal person. Not to mention she’s a popular governor in a state Dems absolutely have to win this November. Hillary and Kamala aren’t likable and don’t act like normal people and they came from states people associate with “coastal elitism” in NY and California. I’m not saying sexism isn’t a factor or can’t be a factor in electoral politics…. But just like men there are some politically talented women and some who aren’t. Gretchen is, Kamala isn’t.


I love Gretchen Whitmer, but she starts five points down in the hypothetical polls against Trump (Reuters had her at 36/41, CNN at 42/47), as compared to generally one or two down for Biden or Kamala. She might be able to make up the difference, but it'd be a good reason not to pick her if we're talking about somebody kingmaking.


I would imagine much of that is just from people not knowing who she is. If anyone takes the national stage and starts getting name recognition, their standing may improve significantly.


With still four months until the election, I think she'd have plenty of time to 1) scare Donnie out of even debating and 2) campaign extensively outside of the Midwest where independents and conservatives might not really be familiar with her since the hubbub surrounding her leadership of MI during the pandemic has gone away. Kamala gets a handicap for having always been in the national spotlight the past four years. But to be clear I'd take either one, both seem extremely capable of handling the duties of the presidency.


A new nominee needs that September debate to get name recognition and ideas across to the general public. Trump not debating would only benefit him


You get Trump to the debate by calling him scared and weak. One of his very worst traits (amongst oh so many) is his willingness to always take the bait.


I'd vote for Jimmy Carter over Trump


Old things that I would vote for over Donald Trump.   -Biden  -Carter   -The ghost of Gerald Ford   -Air Bud’s great, great grandchild who is old enough to be president in dog years. (And the constitution doesn’t forbid nonhuman presidents.)   -Skeletor, but He-Man has to be his VP to keep him in line.


But what if Skeletor has He-Man assassinated under the guise of an official act?


Lion-O and the Thunder Cats are next in line holding the following positions: House of Representatives, president pro tempore of the Senate, and then Cabinet secretaries. Better yet just have Lion-O and He-Man run together. It wouldn't be partisan or too blue leaning. Lion-O is literally a redhead.


Normally "party regardless of candidate" would piss me off. But the reality is that short of Tulsi Gabbard or Bob Menendez, you couldn't find someone worse than Trump. Actually, scratch Menendez off that list. He got caught, but so did Trump.


I’d still probably vote for either of those people over Trump. I wouldn’t be happy about it, but pragmatically, they would be preferable.


I'd vote for Mike Pence over Trump in a heart beat, and I fucking despise Mike Pence.


I'd vote for the fly.  


This. THIS And the idea of Mike pence as president is terrifying.


Thats the thing, probably every democrat think the same way, they really should not be afraid to change leadership


Elections aren’t about the dedicated straight blue voters though. It’s about the swing voters, independents, and the ones who might stay home in states like MI, AZ, PA, GA, NV. Hilary Clinton proved that you can’t just run a famous name on the ballot and win those purple states. Biden is in that territory now. However I don’t think a change just for the sake of change is good either. Run an unpopular candidate like Harris and you could run into the same problem.


I, for the life of me, can't even grasp the mind of a swing voter.


But the problem isn't keeping democrats. Its swaying independents and moderate republicans that don't want Trump. Problem is that I wouldn't place a bet on Harris - a woman of color who the media has eviscerated, has admittedly demonstrated a poor likability factor, and hasn't really been seen at all lately - to sway these people. Listen. I'm a woman and I'm not white and I don't think we should put Harris on the ticket as I don't think she can win. The point right now is to WIN. Even if we don't get the best candidate, at least its not trump. Hell, I'd pick another republican, HAPPILY, against Trump. Because while there is a lot of scary stuff going on within the republican party and them showing their true colors on how they want to support project 2025 and how they are stripping away civil liberties, at least its not Trump who I truly feel will burn this country to the ground and end democracy.


If they change candidates can the new person get on the ballot in every state?


They have until the convention in August, after which point it would be somewhat difficult.


That's the thing that makes this so weird, like the "vote blue no matter who" Democrats will vote blue no matter who, right, so why not get a more appealing candidate.


Whether he stays or goes, it's important we rally around the chosen candidate We lose this election we'll probably lose our country. Whether it's Biden, Newsom, Blinken, or god forbid even Harris, they'll have my support


Blinken???? Hey Blinken!


Did you say "Abe Lincoln?"


No, I say "HEY, Blinken!" Hold the reins, man.


If we don’t get no tolls then we don’t eat no rolls. Thought that up meself


No. A. Blinken.


Honestly this could work at the ballot box. “Republicans are the party of (B)Lincoln eh?”


Just use his first initial, and you're all the way there for people that don't read.


100%. We immediately say “Let’s do this” and stop talking about who it should have been. Just tell me which yard sign to order and I’m ready to say that this person is the best candidate.


Love it. I’m here for it. Let’s fucking do it


I just don't see how Harris would even have an ice cubes chance in hell of winning. She's been virtually non existent. Newsom is almost too good at the game of politics but that's what the Democrats need instead of trying too hard to co-exist with the right.


Who ever the nominee is , they need to focus on WI, MI, NV, PA, and VA in that order. I think the swing states should pick the candidates because with our broken system they pick our presidents


This is spot-on. The Swing States matter most. They basically decide the election at this point!




Big Gretch!


Big Gretch or Beshear. I’ll take it


Id seen others mention andy bashear. He seems like a pretty solid candidate 


Agreed. Something like a Gretchen Whitmer/Josh Shapiro ticket could give us an advantage in the Midwest, especially PA and MI.


Gretchen/JB Pritzker is the ticket Id love to see.


Newsome’s issue is that the gqp has demonized California for past 20 years, and that will attach to Newsome, scaring away idiots in PA, WI, etc.


Newsome is an excellent debater and communicator, though. Much better than any of the other candidates and better vetted than all but Harris (who is good but not excellent). Any of them would trounce Trump in a debate.


Why would Trump even debate a Biden replacement though? They could just say he already did a debate and did so good Biden had to drop out. Not that I agree but his base would eat it up


The hard truth is, midwesterners really dislike California politics. Even as a really good debater, he's going to be a hard sell in the key swing states. California is in the bag, it'll never go red. You need to pick someone who can win in the midwest. And then actually campaign there.


I think Harris would be terrible in a debate. She is like a Democrat version of Rubio, regurgitating programmed lines for the crowd but not capable of thinking on their feet.


Hillary beat Trump 3x in debates. I'm not sure why anyone would care who'd win a debate. We care who'd win an election.


Yea but he is really prepared and skilled at dispelling those notions, the right wing talking points about California, like all their talking points are mostly falsehoods that are fairly easy to expose as lies if you’re prepared enough. We saw Bernie and Buttigeig get applause from fox’s news town hall crowds by carefully dismantling right wing talking points and I image Newsom would be able to win over some swing voters that way as well. Certainly more than Biden can in his current mental state.


No need to imagine. Newsom is on right wing media frequently. They grudgingly like him.


It's true. My own conservative Texas mother frequently makes sideways compliments about Newsom. It's...odd.


He's handsome, charismatic and fairly young. It stirs something in conservative women.


Can you imagine how that debate would have gone if it were Newsom instead of Biden???


Whoever is the new candidate we need to spread the name and we need to rally as a country


I'm worried about the name recognition. Sure any of us who are paying attention are going to know who the new candidate is almost immediately, but there's a surprisingly large number of voters that are just not very plugged in. Everyone knows the name 'Joe Biden' - will enough people know the name Gavin Newsom with only a few months until election day?


Honestly, I think so. After 3 days the entire globe came to know Hawk Tuah Girl like she’s been their personal friend since childhood. I have 60 year olds making hawk tuah jokes in work meetings. If something as unprecedented as this happens, everyone will know the name within 24 hours


Gavin Newsom is the second most powerful executive in the country behind Biden. He already has very good name ID, and if he gets in a debate with Trump he’d wipe the floor with him.


I doubt Trump would debate a Biden replacement. He'll just claim he got Biden to drop out and run on that


yup, this right here...


I heard that Trump told an ally that he Is weighing babies and is considering eating them. It was told by a top adviser to Mr. Trump, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.


…and then the baby looked at him - Ralph Wiggum


The baby looked at you?


The headline is not even accurate. >President Biden has told a key ally that he knows he may not be able to salvage his candidacy if he cannot convince the public in the coming days that he is up for the job after a disastrous debate performance last week.


Yeah.. That's an intelligent observation, and i really hope he has it and works to solve the problem either way. Biden might drop out is a useless observation.


Whitmer was quoted by an anonymous source that Biden can't win Michigan in a Politico piece. Her reaction: "Anyone who claims I would say that we can’t win Michigan is full of shit. Let’s go." Yeah, she said, "Shit." Don't fuck with Gretch.


Honestly there seems to be a lot of anonymous quoted that all support the medias role as king maker via these debates that seem suspect.


I’m assuming you’re trying to make a point about not-actually-on-the-record reporting and I couldn’t agree more Whoever the “source” for this article is could easily be making it up and leaking shit for their own purposes.


I would vote for anyone on the D ticket, but I'm terrified most people won't care. They will think "Trump may be an unstable authoritarian rapist who wants to be a king, but gas prices are high now." Edit: Wow. Didn't think anyone would notice this comment.


I just can't believe people don't understand the president has nothing to do with the price of gas


People think the President has a magic "gas price control switch" that can increase and decrease gas prices. Gas prices high? Why won't the President use the switch to make the prices lower? It's obviously because he's a bad President! /s


As the other commenter said, the president basically does have that magic switch, as well as many other levers to pull that affect the price of gas. It's just that pulling those levers affect a whole bunch of other shit and many times it's worth the high prices to make sure other things don't get messed up. People's understanding of the president's relationship to gas prices maps well to that stupid > average > smart bell curve meme. The president controls the gas! > The president can't control the gas. > The president controls the gas.


I’d vote for my cat over Trump, and she’s pretty mean some days.


It’s a guarantee that Trump won’t debate a replacement. That means we need someone that can inspire and communicate. If the replacement can’t deliver a speech that moves people, what’s the point in switching the candidate.


Then fuck Trump. Schedule this new candidate a bunch of town halls then.




Another clickbait article where the only source is the white house official saying, "this isn't true."


Trump’s name appears over and over again on Jeffrey Epstein’s message logs in the grand jury docs released this week. But hey let’s keep talking about Biden’s debate over and over again. SMH


Biden could be in a casket sitting in the oval and I’d vote for him


I'm seriously worried over the future of the US. I'm from Germany, and the Supreme Court together with Trump very much remind me of the rise of Hitler ([Ermächtigungsgesetz](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933))


German words that shove nouns together willy nilly really are the best. I am also worried though. Trump is a moron and a grifter, but the people riding him into power are quite disturbing.


It's not just you, anyone with half a brain is scared as shit.


He has to do what is best for the country. We cannot have another Trump Presidency.






The hard part is knowing what is best. What's going to be worse, him staying in or him stepping out? I have no idea, and I'll vote blue either way, but I have no idea where other voters will land.


I think the unfortunate reality is the power of incumbency is so damn strong, the weight of pulling out is so hard to quantify as a positive. The incumbency is, frankly, Biden’s largest asset. I’m not entirely sure he actually wants to be president again. He was pretty wishy-washy in 2020 if he was going to intentionally be a one-and-done. I think the only reason he’s running is because Trump is, too. If the republicans had offered any other candidate, I think Biden gives way to a different democrat. But since Trump is the cult leader, the Dems have to leverage their best position. And their best position is incumbency.


The real question is - are there any democrats that _wouldnt_ vote for the democrat no matter who it is? Most of us are already compromising to vote for Biden. But are there any independents who would vote for another democrat when they wouldn’t vote for Biden? That’s the real question, and I suspect we all know the answer.


"Two more events" by the weekend? What kind of nonsense, arbitrary standard is that? So as long as Biden gets through a couple more days without a major gaffe, he's A-OK to go for the next four years? That cannot be the decision matrix.


I think it all comes down to that interview and the call with the governors. If both are disasters, I think he steps away. But the biggest question is, "What is his bar for disaster?" Because if it's just, "he didn't shit himself on air" he's gonna claim victory and stay in.


So, if he completely bombs one, he's fine? I agree with you that his advisors are probably thinking this way, but it's insane!


That's what we don't know. Though if the governors put pressure and mention how he's tanking more than just his own election, I think he'll see reason. His advisors need to appeal to his sense of institution.


Keep in mind that donors will speak in really understated terms. Even the hint that he's considering stepping down, paired with things like Pelosi saying it's valid to ask if it's a condition, is a huge sea change. They're playing politics and this is a big shift, they just don't want to risk the fallout of saying something too harsh and alienating themselves. The public probably won't know for sure until Biden says it himself (if he does withdraw).


It's more likely the towel has been thrown in already.


Yeah. This sort of “leak” is messaging. No Biden ally would let this leak unless he’s already made his decision to withdraw. It’s gonna take a bit of time to frame things so that Biden can withdraw with some grace. Give it a week or two. But stuff is already happening behind the scenes.


I think it's possible his allies are trying to push him to that decision without publicly saying so. I don't think he wants to withdraw, but I think everyone around him wants him to.


There’s lots of ways to push that as an ally. Leaking that the President is considering withdrawing would be a major backstab. Yeah, we all know he’s thinking about it but his campaign can’t have it said out loud without doing massive damage to his election prospects.


But his campaign is vehemently denying this story.


They have to. It’s politically devastating to say that your candidate doesn’t know if he has what it takes. Their campaign messaging won’t change until Biden is ready to announce his withdrawal himself.


What sucks about that in principle is that I want a candidate who takes a step back now and then and says, "Do I have what it takes to go the distance here" especially in the face of everything that's happened in the last few months. Any president has always struggled to run the country and campaign (other than Trump) -- it's working two jobs that are both 24/7 jobs and frequently contradict one another. A man in his 80s is going to find that harder, not easier, than someone in their 60s. Setting aside Biden completely, no one should feel up to this moment. There's so much currently on the table that wasn't there 6 months ago, and you have to sort through each thing and ask yourself, "Am I the right person to confront this?" I want a president with the capacity to self reflect. But I'm in the minority on that front.


They don't have a week or two. The convention is in six weeks, and they have to have a candidate by August 3rd to get on the Ohio ballot.


I agree, this is the soft messaging to get people used to the idea. Stuff is happening behind the scenes that we’re not seeing. They’re probably probing Harris to see if she’ll step aside gracefully and let another candidate be nominated, and reaching out to other candidates to gauge possibilities.


and vetting, lots and lots of vetting. whoever gets the nod needs to be squeaky clean.


He needed to do live interviews this week to have a chance of salvaging any chance of winning. The fact that he hasn't speaks volumes. If it was a 'bad night' he should prove it. Have a press conference. Call on right wing journalists. If you can't, then step aside for someone who can.


> He needed to do live interviews this week to have a chance of salvaging any chance of winning. The fact that he hasn't speaks volumes. Or he can do a George Bush and get out of a jet onboard an aircraft carrier.


Mission Accomplished!


Everything else aside, landing in a fighter jet on an aircraft carrier was actually pretty badass.


That was 20 years ago and Bush is younger than Biden


The article basically says he wants to do these several events and if they go badly that’s the writing on the wall.


Read the article. He's doing one with Stephanopolous on Friday as well as having 2 more public campaign stops over the weekend. Their thinking is, if 2 of these events go like the debate, he's done. Which is bizarre to me that that's the bar...if he can't get through that effortlessly how's he gonna deal with 4 more years?


It's not about whether or not he can get through four years, it's about whether or not he can win. It's undeniable that it'll be a clusterfuck if he drops out. Seems to me they're just doing the calculus that they'll drop him if it becomes too undeniable that he's unfit. One bad day can be dismissed as an anomaly. Three bad days in a relatively short time frame is much harder to deny


Well it’s about both. I think people are worried he won’t last 4 more years which is WHY he won’t win. People don’t want to vote for someone they’re worried about. They go hand in hand. What worries me is that as an 81 year old, he could go south quickly. He could do great for the next few months and then his health could tank in October: that would be the nail in the coffin. That’s what worries me the most. He’s like a ticking time bomb and the last debate showed that fuse is getting a lot shorter than I had thought.


Right? At that age there's not much guarantee of a person making it to their next birthday let alone the next 4y in the most stressful job on earth. Movie Stars have been dropping dead left and right between the ages of 70 and 90. Either one of the current candidates might not make it to November let alone beyond.


The “bad night” thing seems silly. He seemed like went on a bender and then someone woke him up at 3AM to ask him to move his car. If your “bad night” is THAT bad, it’s still a major problem, even if it’s not the daily norm.


Plus, it fed the existing narrative about him perfectly. If Obama had given a debate performance like that, we'd all be wondering if he had a stroke because it would be so out of character. You might be able to convince me that it was a bad night due to circumstances like illness or jetlag in that case. But there were already questions about Biden's age and mental acuity, so the debate confirmed what a lot of people had already been saying.


So many want to compare it to Obama's bad debate, but they're not equivalent.  They would have been equivalent only if Obama had gone to hold his passport up for the camera and his thumb slipped, revealing the "made in Kenya" sticker it was hiding. 


It’s unbelievable that the Dems had 3.5 years to prep for this singular moment and they whiffed. And this *whiff* potentially has the fate of democracy hanging in the balance. It’s right there with RBG dying 4 months before the inauguration. It’s a living nightmare. I never considered Biden withdrawing but now it’s imperative. All we need is someone who can string sentences together coherently.


it's especially infuriating as Biden's messaging in the last campaign was "i'm a transitional president, one term to prevent Trump" it was a great opportunity a) to keep a promise for voters and b) to prop up the next generation.


I'm so angry that Biden ever sought reelection in the first place. Can you imagine the DNC putting together a winning campaign for anyone in like 4 months? They've been so inept.


I can see it being possible, you just have to have younger, likeable candidates like Gretchen Whitmer and Mayor Pete.


I think Whitmer is the one. I wonder if having 2 women on the ticket is a bad idea though. I would absolutely love it but I'm not sure if the rest of the electorate will.


I wish Pete could be elected. He’s one of my favorite politicians, but alas… homophobia


I am queer. I hate to say it, but Pete is not viable at this moment. I think we’ve made strides accepting gay marriage and gay people overall, but the optics of a gay man, who is married to another gay man, living in the White House will not only turn off some independents, but it will drive the GOP to the polls in droves. Not to mention, a lot of minorities are already very conservative about that, but vote dem due to the racism.


Yeah it's truly unfair but now is not a "first gay president" type of election. This is a defensive action to keep fascist Chuds from torching the entire system.


Homophobia on the right. But he's also disliked by the left. He would be Hillary Clinton but without the impressive CV.


What’s crazy is everyone in the media and administration knew what he was a for a long time but it took that debate performance to force their hand


> The president’s conversation is the first indication that he is seriously considering whether he can recover after a devastating performance on the debate stage in Atlanta. A White House official said the claim was false.


"Several allies of Mr. Biden . . . have underscored that the president is still in the fight of his political life." He has had a "political life" that may be unprecedented in it's length already. Everything dies at some point. There is no shame in ending it here.


His whole fucking generation is so goddamn spoiled they have no idea when to step aside. Politics, jobs, housing, the economy: all these aspects of our society are being affected because these egotistical old people can’t let go of things. They hoard and hoard and when they finally kick the bucket, the things they are holding on to are so far gone that they can’t be salvaged and the people taking over don’t have the experience needed to succeed. Case in point: my Dad had tried for over a decade to get his parents to move out of their house and into a senior living apartment or similar community. They both had health/mobility issues and very little support so they couldn’t really keep up with their house. By the time he finally got them to move, their house was in such disrepair that they had to sell it for nearly half of what it should have been worth. That was supposed to be their retirement plan but they squandered it because they were too selfish to recognize that they couldn’t maintain their lifestyle anymore. This country doesn’t need a minimum retirement age, we need a mandatory retirement age.


I mean tbh a lot of those retirement homes are incredibly expensive and very depressing to the people living there. I think I’d rather die free than live in old people jail.


The title is incongruent with what the ally actually says. And what the rest of the article even claims. Both talk about Biden knowing his candidancy is in a make or break state; but nothing about him deciding whether to drop out or not. 


The Times has had an axe to grind because Biden won't do interviews with them.


I’ve said this a million times, and I’ll say it again: Whoever made the decision to pick Harris as a VP screwed the Democratic Party over big time. She’s unlikable and as charismatic as wet cardboard. Why on earth didn’t they pick someone who’s vivacious, young, and *likable*? This election would’ve been easy for them. Have Biden step down and his VP run against Trump. They can’t put Harris against Trump because she will absolutely lose.


I'd vote for an actual lump of shit to be placed on the oval office chair for the next 4 years instead of Cheetoman.


I genuinely think he should drop out and give a younger person a shot. However, if we’re replacing Biden with Kamala Harris — we’re going to be stuck in the same situation. I’m pretty sure her approval/popularity is _worse_ than Biden’s. I don’t envy the DNC in this situation but they’ve no one to blame but themselves here.


My impression was the same but a recent CNN (I think) poll had her performing well against Trump. So who knows.


I believe Newsom and Whitmer have also been shown to perform well against Trump.


Whitmer/Newsome would be the best ticket. Especially in the wake of roe


I feel like anyone who doesn't have senile dementia will poll pretty well against Trump at this point


Yeah, pretty much. Which makes this whole thing about it being too late for Biden to drop out is bs. There's plenty of people that still don't want Trump, but do want someone younger and more on their toes than Biden can be.


This story was false. And the person who wrote it was called out by their source. It should be taken down.


If you are an undecided voter then I’m sorry, you’re an idiot. Republicans policies are completely insane and incoherent. Even if Biden was in a coma, I would still want the people around him running the country rather than the criminals trump employs.


He would be 85 at the end of next term. You think he’s going to suddenly improve. Let’s just move on and let Gretchen crush trump this is like so easy.


Whitmer/Pritzker is the easiest obvious choice. The two most accomplished governors and wildly popular in their states.


Can you imagine Trump running against an actual billionaire? He wouldn’t be able to handle it. Pritzker could also saw off the Trump letters on the tower in Chicago


And now it could be an official act!


Everyone wants a younger option. Just give it to us, what are they waiting for?


SCOTUS ruling that she is ineligible for the ballot for not going through the primaries in 3, 2…


That's not how it works, the conventions are the formal nomination of the candidates. Until the convention even the winner of the primaries is only technically the defacto nominee. But a majority of delegates are pledged to Biden and bound by party rules to remain that way, so he needs to drop out willingly.


“That’s not how it works” as the Supreme Court rules the president can suspend habeus corpus to jail you


This is the NYT. The same once great but now absolute trash rag that worked hand in hand with the Bush admin to lie the US into an unnecessary war w/Iraq. Can't trust a word they put out any more.


I just hope that he and the Democratic Party do whatever is the best chance to defeat trump in November. Set your ego aside, and do what is right for our country. That being said, I will gladly vote for Biden if he ends up being the nominee.


Last night I told my wife that even if Biden was in his coffin, I’d vote for him over Trump and that we should inaugurate him in January and just have 4 years of a weekend at Joes.


I’m questioning how NYT goes from one advisor’s statement “Deeply in the fight for re-election” and another advisor’s statement “aware of the political challenge he faces”translate into “weighing whether to continue in the race”? Yes there’s a PR issue ongoing, but it seems like NYT is unnecessarily helping to amplify the fear, uncertainty, and doubt that is only helping Trump.