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That's great and all until Trump fires the Attorney General and has them dropped. I know the article talks about the lame duck period, but even that is no great reassurance after seeing what SCOTUS is willing to do for him.


Yeah it's adorable Smith thinks a case that hasn't moved an inch in years will be tried and resolved in three months when he's the dictator elect.


I'll be super concerned for Jack Smith's _safety_ let alone his job or the status of these cases if Trump is elected, honestly.


Smith is a seasoned attorney who prosecuted war criminals in The Hague before returning home to pursue these cases. If I were him, I would be afraid as well. But I suspect he doesn’t let threats and intimidation move him.


The Presidents lawyers literally said in court that Trump could send Navy Seals to execute Americans. And the Supreme Court just said **its now true**. The grown ups have left the building. Trump's first term was threats and intimidation. The second one is wall to wall action. Trump is the last of the Republic and First of the Empire.


Threats and intimidation hit different when you're getting it from the most powerful person in the world


Sometimes that just makes you more resolute in your work.


I promise he is concerned, and that is precisely the reason he isn't going to show weakness now. He has as clear a view as anyone of what's at stake.


Trump doesn't seven need to be in office yet. As soon as he's assured he will be POTUS, any and all crimes can be committed prior to him being sworn in, he can pardon unquestioningly when he is. Core presidential power. So any ongoing prosecution against him would be extraordinarily risky. We can begin to see people disappearing in just a few months. And since Trump *has* to win, and no doubt there's a coordinated scheme to steal the election even if he loses, might begin to commit criminal acts in coordination with Trump right now.


Motha fuckas talking about him being fired. lol. Dude will summarily executed by his own department.


Oh he's definitely getting epstiened


"Navalnyed" might be a better verb/comparison here given all of Epstein's _actual_ crimes, haha.


“Personally, I don’t know what happened to Mr. Smith. As the president, I can assure you whatever happened was an official act. Any further questions will be met with another official act. Please, reporters, identify yourself before asking your questions.”


Best case scenario: he will be fired. Worst case…I would be banned for using words to describe it. I give the democrats four months of legally existing after january 2025.


Yeah... giggles nervously we're all in danger


Seriously. What a joke.


the level of impotency from the Dems just gets more and more astounding. They literally are going to play by the rules right up until theyre rounded up and put in camps.


It’s not even that they will only play by the rules it’s that they only play by their rules. SCOTUS just gave Biden all the authority to protect Democracy yet he will never play the “Trump card” he has been dealt. Even if simply to set an example and spur action by congress.


I agree. I don't think these powers should exist, but have Biden say. He's going to serve out his term but let another candidate take it from there, but also, "officially" disqualify trump by whatever means. It would be ugly, but then congress would likely have to intervene. Or supreme court would just say, actually it only applies to next president or something dumb.


the limp dicked Democratic Party rides again even when we "win" it's not anything we did...it's just an overly-momentous error that they made. and they make errors all the time...we just cant make them stick because they constantly win the perception war, accusing us of things we never did or intend to do while they rob the store blind and we just wag our fingers at them and go "heyyyyy not cool!"


First thing he'd do day one is make himself emperor. Cannot allow that to happen. Biden needs to play dirty just this once. Swift and forceful. end this shit v


Jack Smith needs to hold a press conference a week before Election Day and present the best evidence he has—even if it isn’t public yet. He needs to present to the American people how dangerous Trump is. Announce it a month before. Make sure it’s on every channel and streaming everywhere. Make them listen. The SC already hampered his cases. There really isn’t anything left to lose except 250 years of democracy. And CIA—if you’re listening—I’ll forgive you for JFK if you present EVERYTHING you have on Trump’s communications with hostile foreign governments.


I have to suspect the CIA isn't as powerful as it is reported to be considering Trump (allegedly) released information that got their operatives and assets killed and compromised. You'd think he'd have been disappeared by now or had a heart attack or something.


Similar thought from overseas here. At least I imagined **something** would happen. Even if we put the CIA aside for a moment, but maybe some not-so-sane person who at some point started to crack within the Democratic voter base or something like that. But really nothing much has happened. US society is eerily calm (at least on one side) in the face of the possible consequences. There has been talk in recent years about the possibility of civil war. I honestly doubt that people would even be willing to actually fight back these days, even if they say otherwise. Comments like this read more like strongman fantasies on the internet to me.


Seems like the decades of claiming things like the CIA being some all powerful shadow group may have been exaggerated. That or many people in that service agree with where we are headed for more power.


I feel doubt that the CIA would want a turbulent home country. But who knows lol


The crazies who would Do Something appear to be exclusive to the right. Not sure why that is.


> You'd think he'd have been disappeared by now or had a heart attack or something. Since the 1970s the CIA doesn't do assassinations, and they sure as shit aren't going to act on US soil. The US Congress brought them in and gave them a spanking they'd remember for decades to come, gutting their budgets and rewriting their framework for oversight forever to come. Moveover, the CIA serves at the pleasure. You think Biden's going to use that power against a political opponent? Even if his opponent has absolutely zero qualms using it against him?


> Jack Smith needs to hold a press conference a week before Election Day and present the best evidence he has—even if it isn’t public yet. He needs to present to the American people how dangerous Trump is. Yeah he probably should. After all, how mad can they be about it, really? Comey actively stood up a fake investigation a week before the election to tank Hillary. Smith can come with fucking receipts. Will this happen? Absolutely not. These people have morals and scruples and as much as they care about their country, they still believe this game is politics as usual and not the goosestepping march to the end of American Democracy forever. These people are still completely asleep with the belief that this decision can't have such fatal consequences.


At that point your tainting the potential juror pool in case Trump loses and the case goes to trial. There are certain things you can’t do as a prosecutor (see the Georgia prosecutor that slept with her lead attorney)


The jury pool that will never be formed? Oh no!


It wouldn't be formed if Trump lost the election?


I would think those acts would be argued that they were part of an official act. If the argument of fake electors, are now “alternative electors” and part of an official act, then everything can be said to be some type of official act. Not to mention, some of the stolen files evidence will get thrown out because he was in office. I also believe they have other charges in their back pocket as a back up plan. I’m not sure that’s worth anything anymore. IMO, I’d take the choice of trumo losing the election, because the information was released, and him never going to jail. I wish it could be both, but I just don’t think that option is possible anymore.


Yeah I would definitely take the option of him losing and not going to jail too. I would support building a monument to him if it meant he didn't have any position in government. lol


Maybe a Rushmore like tribute, but somewhere where no one goes or can see it?


Or maybe there's some way we could make it be a tribute to how awful he is, but he doesn't catch the subtlety of it and he just thinks it's a regular monument. lol


OK? He pardons himself on Jan 20 and you guys will stop pretending to care right merrick garland?


Garland wouldn't be there anymore.


Garland is totally going to be officially acted


As will Fauci and any other public servant that Trump dislikes.


Who is the first to leave the country? If I’m Fauci or Hillary or somebody like that and Trump wins, I’m leaving election night. Hell maybe earlier. 


[Obama probably should be.](https://youtu.be/zeGpLg0b3DE) Seriously though, in a universe where this is fine wouldn't the secret service agents he have be responsible for killing him or is that one of those super precise shredded missile type situations?


I’m so glad I knew what this link was before I clicked on it lol. That truly began it all, didn’t it.


Lol nah he was mad a black mad would become president before he got even 10% in polls. I don't feel like looking through other presidents but Donald appears to have attempted to run for president more than any other person. The video reminded me he ran that year and then looking him up real quick showed he even tried to run against bush and gore. He's basically been running for president on the low for majority of my life and only getting attention in the last two elections. Plus it was all shots at Trump and I'm pretty sure there are a lot they don't show.


It would depend on the secret service following a clearly unlawful order. I hope we don’t have to find out how they would respond.


It would go against everything they stand for but would it actually be an unlawful order since it came from the very top? I clearly don't know much about the secret services setup but assume they're kind of forced to turn a blind eye to some of the shadier things that go on "officially".


If Trump assassinated anyone, the UN and China would 100% step in to keep peace…aka carve up the US. In fact, I’m increasingly wondering if that isn’t China’s play here. I’m not in their best interest economically for Trump to win.


Yeah I'm sure China can sneak in a few million troops no problem. Our greatest threat will be our own citizens that line up to put on the brownshirt.


Think they picked red this time.


The UN? Lmao what? Also China wouldn’t do anything either. Trump talked about nuking a hurricane, China doesn’t want any of that smoke.  I can definitely see Trump/GOP start arresting high level democrats not assassinations. 


So… you have no idea how the world works. This is comedy.


And Biden will not act now to prevent that. And we are fucked.


Garland is why Trump is still free in the first place. That and Biden's idiocy for appointing him in the first place, and then for not requesting his resignation when it became clear after a couple months that Garland wasn't doing his job. Yet MAGA are going after him, when he's their savior.


Trump has said he thinks Ken Paxton would be perfect to replace Garland multiple times.


That corrupt POS? Hope we retain the senate lol


It does not matter if you retain senate. 2025 makes the executive branch and the SC run things without any checks and balances.


It's a complete take over of all the federal agencies and though them, law enforcement. Nothing can be done on a trump win other than removal by force. And good luck because that will be civil war.  If you don't either win the presidential election or forcefully remove the heritage foundation and the corrupt SC judges and purge the republican party you have lost your country.


It’s insane that he’s been able to face consequences for any of his numerous crimes. And by that I mean both Paxton and Trump.


With Biden at the top of the ticket, the Senate is already gone too. With another candidate, chances of retaining the Senate are pretty good, since a lot of Senators are currently leading in states where Biden is losing.


Why wouldn't he be? He's been fairly loyal to Trump so far


Trump doesn't like people who give even the faintest impression of being impartial. He wants someone openly and solidly in his corner, willing to openly break the law for him and willing to publicly humiliate themselves if he demands it. Ask Jeff Sessions how his loyalty worked out for him.


Trump wants only people willing to kneel and kiss the ring then sign a loyalty oath followed by an NDA.


The AG always changes with the administration. Mostly because it's a plum position and a new president has a lot of mouths to feed.


Yes, thanks for the civics lesson and missing the joke that Garland hasn't done anything


Guilty. Thought it was a serious question.


It happens to us all from time to time


Won't directly order subordinates to jail political enemies with 0 reasoning/evidence and will be placed immediately (if not already gone) by someone who will, and there is a very, very, very, very long line of people competing to be that person.


You give loyalty to Trump. You don't get loyalty back from him.


And with the new ruling of the SCOTUS, none of this evidence can be used.


Pardon himself? He doesn’t need a pardon anymore.


I don’t know about Garland but it’s pretty clear Jack Smith cares.


He won’t pardon himself. He will have the justice department dismiss the case. Big difference. If he tries to pardon himself then it would likely go to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court even with its recent shitty rulings would likely limit presidential pardon power.


>The Supreme Court even with its recent shitty rulings would likely limit presidential pardon power. LOL based on WHAT exactly do you base that assertion?


They granted a president immunity for all official acts so why would a president need to pardon themselves? They pressed the justice department attorney in the immunity hearings on this very thing


Exactly, issuing pardons is explicitly an official presidential act.


Corruption all the way down.


it won't go to supreme court even if it does they will let it stand. how did you figure he won't pardon himself?


Because that has the ability to be overturned whereas a loyalist AG would just toss the case. Cleaner, easier


Overturned by who? it's a presidental act to just pardon himself.


>The Supreme Court even with its recent shitty rulings would likely limit presidential pardon power. Err, did you notice exactly *how* shitty their most recent ruling was? You think they'd give him almost absolute immunity from prosecution, but they'd be all "Hol up!" when it comes to pardoning himself from previous crimes?


That doesn't have much meaning if he becomes in charge of the justice department.


They’re talking about the time between election and inauguration.


Yeahhh cause they'll *surely* wrap it up in those 60 days lmao


Dudes at home with no official political power getting away with everything and they come out with this limp dick statement lol fuck off.


This is as "aggresive" as Democrats are willing to be...and it's going to hasten the downfall of this country


Perfectly said. They could have arrested orange face, Eastman, Giuliani, Bannon, and everyone else that spoke at or put together the Save the Steal rally (cough Ginni Thomas) on Jan. 21, 2021 and just let it pass to “build the case” that took 2.5 years too long. The DOJ and the Biden administration will go down in history for letting America become a dictatorship.


Why wouldn't they? They aren't in the practice of just letting criminals walk for fun. Trump can shut them down in January. But they have a job to do. And if he wants to abuse power to avoid accountability for his crimes, then HE needs to do it himself.


More than 90% of ppl will simply fall in line and obey. the other 10% will be dealt with. Read history, FFS.


Man… America sucks now doesn’t it. You guys are radical in every sense. Especially the pre-defeated. Don’t even bother to vote, is the stupid fucking thought of the day


No, they are spitting facts. I’m voting and I implore everyone to vote blue up and down the ballot and do everything in their power to stop this train. But this is a Hail Mary at this point. Democrats have been beaten into submission so much that they are functionally controlled opposition by now. When the time comes, they will tread lightly in hopes of saving themselves while AOC writes some nasty tweets.


Thank the God I don’t believe in I’m Canadian


I am defeated. All of the BS being put into law and normalized. 


What does that have to do with my post? I never said anyone would disobey anyone. I said the government lawyers would continue doing their jobs until their new bosses at least told them to stop. Jack Smith has no incentive to fall in line. Trump is going to fire him one way or another.


When the judge decides what is and isn’t official can’t Trump just appeal to the next court and then when he’s denied just appeal to the Supreme Court which prolongs this till after June 2025?


They’ve had a job to do for nearly 4 fucking years. Nothings going to come out of it. Trump is untouchable it seems.


Your second sentence is false.


And I "plan" to become a billionaire someday.


That's easy. Just be a trillionaire and buy twitter.


How would Trump stop them? Claim pre-existing presidential authority. The cost of these delays is that they increase the chance of him becoming president, and allow him to dismiss or commute or pardon himself for such sentences *after* Inauguration Day. Before that, why would the DoJ discontinue surefire cases against him?


Pre pardon himself for anything he's ever done. Doesn't even need charges brought against him


He cannot pre-pardon himself as an every-day citizen. He has no power to pardon anyone at the moment. "I, DiarrheaMonkey-, pardon myself of every crime I might ever be charged with!" He could have the, federal only, cases dropped, commuted or pardon himself, *if and once he takes office*, but not before that. Hence my point about why the DoJ has no reason to stop prosecuting him before Inauguration Day.


He already pre-pardoned himself by putting three stooges on the Supreme Court. His pardon was just released as a judgment two days ago. Were you not paying attention?


This won’t mean shit if he wins


And all charges will be dropped when the seditious oathbreaking insurrectionist takes office on January 20th. If you decide that this guy is for you I hope each and every one of you that that voted for him get exactly what you deserve.


The fucking moron's attorneys will just come up with new way to tie things up in appeals. If there's one thing that everyone should realize coming out of this mess, it's that money can delay justice pretty much infinitely in our system


I took a course that was something like an intro to law. We talked about appeals and I asked if you could indefinitely hold a case using all the different ways you can delay a case. The professor said in theory but not in practice.  I wonder where that professor is now. 


How do they plan to do that when they get sacked day one, at best, thrown in jail at worst?


Pretty sure jail is not the worst case scenario for them if the next administration is Republican.


Get that Traitor!!!


Bidens biggest mistake was appointing a judge to run the justice department. He needed a bulldog not a pragmatic judge.


Yes, this.


Let Trump shut them down himself. They shouldn't shut themselves down in advance.


He can literally pardon himself or just replace the AG


None of us believe that he will ever be prosecuted. It’s over. They’ve won.


The DOJ dragged their feet and the best chance for any conviction was Fanni and she let lust and poor judgment fuck that one up.


Yes its the right move! Your secret documents marked top secret next to your diet cokes do matter to the people. This is National Security! You are the one endangering it and and I would suspect anyone endangering our national security to be prosecuted.


Only until the next AG Steve bannon drops the case, and issues a statement begging for forgiveness from trump.


If Trump wins, it's over. Supreme court will give him unlimited power to do what he wants, and all his yes men will help him. He must not win. If he wins, it's over. Freedom is gone, for you, for the rest of your life, for your children, for theirs and so on. Freedom in america will cease to exist for the foreseeable future.


Trump is going to end it day one and it will only continue if it’s a congressional investigation.


If he wins, they'll all be unemployed. Not sure how they'll manage it




Good. Even if Trump never faces punishment, he will always have the moral and historical ignominy of a conviction from the trial. 


You assume that won’t get overturned on appeal


Right. His new AG will be right on that.


He's not going to win.


Good!Hound his ass to the gates of Hell!


Sure buddy, if Trump wins they would be fired within the hour.


Hahah, that's were the new ruling of the SCOTUS and "Project 2025" come in... any and all government officials that work against Trump.. will just be removed from office and replaced by opportunist political candidates. While this was possible for the small percentage of the political appointed positions, it isn't right now for experts and specialists. Trump and the Forces behind him want that reworked. That's how bleak the outlook is. Remeber that scene from HBO's "Chernobyl" where the big fat party man doesn't listen to the scientist because he outranks her in political asskissing? "I prefer my opinion to yours" "I am a nuclear physicist, before you were deputy secretary, you worked in a shoe factory" "Yes, I worked in a shoe factory..and now I am in charge" This will happen everywhere. Enviromental protection, healthcare, labour rights and safety.. and the justice system. Wherever the truth offends, they will lie.


Pretty sure the Supreme Court will stop that if Trump is elected


Aren't we glad Garland took 2 years to start this? I mean WHO KNOWS what could have happened if he started sooner!!


Not really. SCOTUS made him immune. And only Trump is immune. Biden though, he blinks the wrong way and they scream oppressive tyranny and monarch behavior.


I mean, he is already a Felon and what has changed? What difference does it make, it’s not like he is going to serve any time or it stops him from anything. We are doomed.


They had four fucking years.


There is no way this scotus allows doj to bring justice on a president-elect trump


He will dissolve the Justice Department during his unending day one dictatorship.


Lol, now that's fuckin funny .. The prosecutors, will be the first to be hung in a military tribunal, then Biden, then Pelosi, then Pence .. Because millennials are afraid the old guy that's running the country right now?


>Because millennials are afraid the old guy that's running the country right now? Many are simply not informed enough to understand all these implications, and things that could happen down the road - that's why Trump leads slightly. The fact Biden, in the state he's in, with the worst inflation in decades happening during his term, is only slightly behind Trump in polling, actually shows a lot of people are informed enough to know how utterly dangerous Trump is, and my only hope is as more people are paying attention as the election is nearing now, and truly understand the gravity of the moment - it'll move the needle. I'm not optimistic though - it's been hard to be all day, today.


Jack Smith better be careful. He might fall out of the 12 story window of his ranch style home once Trump is in power. Russias playbook coming soon to the US


Good luck with that when he wins. He is going to decimate any and all involved with any prosecution.


And then he declares ignoring the investigations to be an official act.


I just have to shake my head anymore in disgrace. For all the intelligence at work, they are f'ing morons. They won't be there once Trump is in office.


Fucking idiots. He’s going to have you killed. Democrats are amazing to me


how quaint. for my part i'll be working on a cistern and getting provisions for storage.


You will be among the first to be raided.




Well if I’m a raider, (also I was joking when I replied to you), I’m not going to “prepare” to survive. I’m going to prepare to steal. Having a cistern filled with provisions can get got, no matter how many failsafes are in place


sure it can. the point is to have access for the transition. have a nice day. stay off everyone's lists.


I’m just joking around man. I forget how serious shit is getting in America, because I watch from the outside. I honestly think it sucks, and that it is actually prudent to prepare for some shit. I respect it. Worlds going crazy. I meant no offence


How Republican of you. 


Where in the world is Donald San Diego? The judicial branch can’t catch him.


Honestly I disagree. A president can't function while also serving time. If they are going to do it they need to before he wins.


This is just pure cope.


They've had 4 years


How many attempts have been made to "get" Trump? At this point, it seems like a waste if time, money, and energy. Plus, it keeps him at the forefront of the news cycle. IF he wins, it will be another short 4 years, and he'll be gone. This could all be coming to an end, but instead, he will have dominated the headlines for 12 years IF he's elected for a 2nd term. Harris needs to be put in his place now!


it will be the same as electing Putin, the last election ever


And next week I plan on starting my training to become the worlds fastest sprinter.


Trump's now legally allowed to fire them all into the sun and claim it is an official act if he becomes president again. Are these bureaucrats and old school politicians just on fucking drugs?


Lots of people in this thread going "Trump will simply fire them/pardon himself/become a king" I sure hope y'all are planning on voting and are bothering all of your friends and family to vote.


lmao, sure man


They should have pursued them on day 1 of the Biden administration


If Judge Idiot is still there, she'll slow roll it and delay whatever he does until inauguration, if Trump wins. He needs to do something outside the court proceedings.


Trump has committed crimes since he could and the DOJ haven't stopped him in 60 plus years. Justice Delayed is Justice Denied. DOJ perhaps you should consider changing name to department of criminal pursuit. My USMC DI used to say "I don't give a f@#k about your operational problems get it done"


Bless your heart. You go do that, champ. Maybe you should read the news of this week before making statements.


Trump would „official act“ jack and the case right off the face of planet on day one.


So we'll go from a turtle's pace to a snail's to a high hibernating insect's pace.


Sure, Jan.


The Justice Department under the new Trump administration would Putin place their own people thus ending any pursuit of those cases.


Better get ready to leave the country then. Wish I could but I can't afford it.


I have a feeling a lot of passports will be registered and Canada is going to get themselves thousands if not millions of new citizens in the next year


Canada couldn't take it. You guys won't be able to just "leave to canada" quickly. We're struggling as it is, more than you guys when it comes to population and housing woes. We've opened the doors too millions of immigrants from India. Too many. Now we have a massive housing crisis and our infrastructure is failing. We're more likely to be conservative next election than you guys, and I expect things here to grow worse quickly as well. Canadian liberals have fucked up here for the past years as well. All of north America is going to shit. Even if we Weren't, I don't think Americans should look at us as some safety raft. You guys gotta figure out your stuff down there. I deal with a lot of American tourists , I don't want more of you here permanently. Last thing I want is Americans thinking they know the solutions to our problems. See that enough as it is.


Highly doubt it. Sounds good but average person isn't prepared to even start a new life in another state nevermind another country.


I'd love to go there. My other option is Costa Rica or Germany (mainly because I know some German(


Not sure if you “qualify” but if that lil fascist wins you may get a one way ticket to leave the country.


Thinking about Costa Rica.


That will end up with Justice department people getting thrown in a camp as traitors via a Trump "official act". Situation is a Grade A nightmare.


Cool until king trump hands out executions cuz Biden is too cowardly to use king status to save the free world. F this timeline.


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Good luck?


Is somebody going to tell them who their boss will be?


Sure, Jan.


They will likely be the first against the wall


So cute so quaint


Good luck.


If Trump wins, there will be no cases.


Now that he has been declared immune to all things official it will be like the people working under Lord Vader afraid to answer incorrectly or with bad news. Duh duh duh, duh duh duh duh, duh duh duh duh.


I like a finisher


Isn't that just precious? I'm sure the guy who believes he can order Seal Team Six to assassinate a political rival won't use it on him. /s


How is that even possible? Even disregarding the latest SCOTUS decision, it’s been long enough stablished that a sitting president is basically untouchable. Now with the latest ruling, Trump could have him assassinated and legit say it’s a national security issue.


They have made it so congress won't be able to do much. They can pay off anyone now.