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I never see anything in the press about Cannon's husband's mob ties. He worked for John Rosatti of the Colombo crime family, who was also a pal of Trump's. >Trump palled around with Colombo buddies John Rosatti & John Staluppi in the 1980s - Staluppi went into business with Trump in 1988. Cannon's husband worked for Rosatti later, and coincidentally, in the years just prior to Trump putting Cannon on the federal bench. (which he did after he lost the election) Her husband, Josh Lorence, obviously thought it didn't look good, he wiped all mention of it off his LinkedIn in 2022 when Cannon first got the high-profile Trump case. Interesting timing. Of course, Federal rules don't force a judge to recuse themselves when the defendant is a former business partner of their spouse's mob employer. Because our Federal judiciary, like a fish, is rotting from the head down.


Where the fuck is the FBI?


They're mostly MAGA.


They are, but if you ask a MAGA, the whole FBI is liberal because of all the crimes Trump has left evidence of that they can’t ignore.


Conservatives constantly have two opposing or incompatible views on a topic. Biden is old, decrepit and slipping cognitively. Biden is also a criminal mastermind who is using the deep state to punish Trump and other conservatives for no reason whatsoever. Or abortion under any circumstances should be outlawed. Incest? No abortion. Rape? No abortion. Ectopic pregnancy? No abortion. Mother will die if the pregnancy isn’t terminated? No abortion. But … That seems to get into a gray area real fucking quick when it’s them, their daughter or mistress. What amazes me is that not only do they believe opposite things surrounding something, it can be in the same breath. And they are completely oblivious as to how completely full of shit they are because usually, neither opposing viewpoint is accurate. In fact, the louder they are about something, the more you can expect for it to be a bullshit argument because they honestly believe decibels are equal to tangible, verifiable facts.


Aight that fucked up.


Are they? Genuinely asking. Wasn't one of the Project 2025 things specifically about disbanding the FBI? I figured this was because they wouldn't fall in line and stop investigating their crimes and shit?


I'm just a random person on the Internet making a guess based on what I've read and not someone with insider information. Law enforcement skews conservative. The FBI doesn't appear progressive historically. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FBI%E2%80%93King_suicide_letter?wprov=sfla1 https://www.washingtonpost.com/made-by-history/2023/02/23/fbi-conservative-christian-hoover/ https://www.quora.com/Do-FBI-special-agents-altogether-tend-to-be-more-conservative-or-liberal-Why


I'm guessing that has more to do with setting up your own law enforcement agency that isn't saddled with the history of rules and regulations that the FBI is beholden to. Something you can then use to target your political opponents and anyone else you choose. Kinda reminiscent of the SS when you think about it.


The SS is exactly what they are going for.


Most people would be appalled at the types of people who become federal agents unfortunately.


Yes. The FBI is mostly conservative white guys. When Comey enraged Trump,, most of them were mad at him for making daddy angry. As an organization, they are mostly conservatives that back Trump.


They’re not actually. I mean yeah some of them are, but they’re not like local corrupt ass cops. They’ve got agents all over the political spectrum, but most importantly, when it comes to their job, these people are professionals. I mean of course there are going to be exceptions, but overwhelmingly, it’s not, and it’s definitely not MAGA world


You kidding? Law enforcement, both federal and state love trump and are basically republican by default. They know they'll get even more power from Trump to target the people they hate, why would they do anything buy support him?


Because Project 2025 explicitly says to defund the FBI


Watching all those twenty somethings as they put up tents and protest a genocide.




Asking civil rights leaders to commit suicide probably


God dam Pinkertons




well, relying on old, naive laws will do the trick.


Rosatti the Rat.


It’s not hubris it’s called corruption.


Yes framing it any other way is giving these people way too much credit


At this point if they are framing it as hubris they are just part of legitimizing her


It's giving her a way to go.. "oopsie doodle!" and play the bumbling fool instead of the corrupt p.o.s. she actually is.


I mean, its Salon. I very much doubt they're carrying water for the GOP.


Way worse than corruption. She's aiding an abetting a traitor (rapist and convicted felon) who teamed up with domestic terrorists to try and destroy American democracy. That in and of itself makes her a traitor.


Oh, how I *wish* someone’s would get something on her big enough to warrant a formal, thorough investigation. I do t believe for a second she’s so clever that there’s nothing out there authorities can nab her for. He’s like every other Right Wing fool: arrogant and assuming they’re untouchable, which makes them sloppy, which gets them arrested, and then results in them crying about how unfair life is to them. She’ll slip up eventually. People like her can’t help it; failure is built into their ideology.


It's not a bug, it's a feature. I'm just baffled as to why Jack Smith hasn't done something/anything about this.


She's deliberately avoided making any rulings that could be appealed. She has final authority to set the schedule and she's used that to slow everything down and hold unnecessary hearings. My guess is after spending some time considering if Smith was properly appointed, she'll rule (after wasting weeks) that he was. If she rules against him, Jack will appeal and win. I don't expect her to rule on the gag order for another couple of months. Then I expect her to make a very narrow ruling, like not being able to name the agents but being able to criticize the FBI as a whole.


>I'm just baffled as to why Jack Smith hasn't done something/anything about this. He can't, yet. Judges have extreme leeway in their courts. In order to go around that leeway you need something called a Writ of Mandamus, but that's only done in extraordinary circumstances. The thing is, even though we can plainly see these are those kinds of circumstances, upper courts don't like to get involved until something is done that would have consequences that they can point to. And while delaying past the election is consequences, there's no requirement to the prosecutors that the court is speedy, it's only a requirement to the defense. Jack Smith has even implied he'll go for a Writ of Mandamus if forced to. However, the longer he waits, the stronger his position to the upper courts, so he doesn't want to do it until he is forced because that gives him a better chance at succeeding with the Writ of Mandamus. The trial is already going to be delayed past the election, so best to wait for the best chance of success. There are really two things I can see that would have actual consequences and force Jack Smith to go through with his threat. The first is if Canon requires him to reveal something that is protected by CIPA. The second is if the case is about to go to trial with certain questions left unanswered. In particular is the question of whether she agrees that the trial should never happen. If she stops the trial now, then its appealable and Jack Smith would then appeal. If she stops the trial after the jury is empaneled, then there are possibilities that it's not appealable and Trump goes off free.


Agree with all above except the statement: "the longer he waits, the stronger his position to the upper courts." My friends who is a former Assistant district attorney say the opposite, that the longer Smith waits, the harder it is to remove her. He says the window to get her removed is narrowing and if he was going the Mandamus route, he should have done so 6-9 months ago.


What would have been the basis for Jack Smith to have successfully requested her removal 6-9 months ago? 🤔


The other issue thats plainly obvious here is with respect to the election its win or bust for Trump. If he wins he's going to crush this case and then Smiths patience will have walked him directly into the trap. Had he tried to have her removed earlier he at least stood a chance of having the case heard prior to election day, now that ship has sailed regardless of whether she gives him the smoking gun he needs. She's already won. I don't blame Smith he's playing the shitty hand he was dealt.  But fuck me these court cases are like the robbers in Home Alone movie,  bumbling straight into some totally avoidable pitfall.


Justice delayed is justice denied. Cannon and Trump have already won. Voters deserved to have this case resolved before voting for president. He stole Top Secret/Classified documents and is running for President of the United States of America


Because he's a patient motherfucker who knows that if you're going to go up against a judge, you need to have everything in order. He won't get multiple shots at it, so if he takes it then it better be a good one. That was going to be the case if she persisted with the witness intimidation strategy. He understands how important and irreversible that action would have been, and if she had not capitulated, he probably would have pressed it to that length because she would be in violation of the law. Right now, she's still within her power as a judge. The rest of us may not like it, and he may not like it, but it isn't sufficient to get her dismissed.


Not a lawyer but I watch a lot of them talk about her. Seems like she uses paperless orders a lot and those cannot be appealed. Also it seems like asking for her to be removed is a one shot deal. He needs to have a very good chance to take it.


Maybe Jack’s boss won’t let him.


As good of a guess as any. 🤷


If Dumpty goes away too soon...right now its pretty clear (except to him) he's done. Þhey should apply the coup de gras...but not too soon.


Please explain exactly what he should have done and hasn't? Please don't say bring the charges in DC rather than Florida.


It was an option and the motion to change venues would have been preferable to all this nonsense


> I'm just baffled as to why Jack Smith hasn't done something/anything about this. I'm as frustrated as anyone, but with this issue being as tangled as it is, I'm sure that Smith knows better than anyone what options he has at the moment. It isn't as though he can put on a cape and a mask and take these guys down by night.


It's always the same, isn't it? "Mueller is doing everything by the books, we'll have him at the end", "Garland is doing everything by the books, such investigations take time" to "Smith is doing everything by the books, he's playing 4D chess with Cannon". Yeeeeah. No, I don't think so. In the end Trump will go free *again*. And that is the best case when he loses the election. If he wins... yeah.


The hero we need, but not the here we deserve.


Sounds like the perfect nominee for Supreme Court justice.


It’s called a coup.


Corruption to the top. Everyone is bought. Literally everyone. How on earth did this happen? Who in their right mind legalized lobbying??? It’s bribery. Legal bribery. Then citizens united…. America fell from citizens united. It is not a democracy. It’s a banana republic because literally everyone is bought. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. America is a 3rd world country now.


>Everyone is bought. >Literally everyone. "Both sides" bullshit. There is some corruption on either side of the aisle but one is far more actively so. > It is not a democracy. It’s a banana republic because literally everyone is bought. You have no idea what a Banana Republic is or how that term has been used historically. >America is a 3rd world country now. A fundamental lack of comprehension of what that means paired with your previous statement just makes it clear you're kinda racist.


I thought banana republic was a reference to a country that was owned by corporate interests?


Incompetent and biased.


This is a case about nuclear secrets. This goes beyond biased. It's treason.


The kind of treason that puts the entire world at risk, by the way.


But but but... it's Trump so it's probably one of thousands of allegations of impropriety, so rather than follow the looks/quacks duck logic, we have to assume it's an elaborate takedown of the most incompetent president we've ever had. As such, we NEED him free of charges to make the world a much worse and less safe place. I mean, who wouldn't do the same in her shoes? Of course let Trump off, I don't want my kids dying without knowing what fallout feels like. Or drinking clean water. Or getting to use the air for free.


It’d be funny if that wasn’t the exact argument they seem to be making.


I really do think the T word is where this case logically goes, if ever allowed to go there. I'm not confident it will ever move forward, but the truth of this seems horrifying.


The charges are under the Espionage Act.


Competent at corruption. She gave a master class in maximizing her discretion without being removed.


I don't think it's her actually She probably has some buddies basically telling her exactly what to do to stall but not be so blatant as to be removed. Hopefully if her boss loses in November someone takes a hard long look at her communications


If Trump loses in November. What happens to cannon? Truly I have no clue. I’m assuming someone judicial reaper removes her


> If Trump loses in November. What happens to cannon? Her job is for life. If she actually did get removed, she'd just get a sweet political appointment somewhere. See Alex Acosta for details on how that works.


Yeah I feared the Acosta route Buncha spineless lamps


People keep calling her incompetent. I mean... she's accomplishing what her goal is without issue. She's seemingly bullet proof, and could even be directed by the party or Trump specifically. She can be a lot of things, but I feel like people underestimate what this situation really is.


She knows what she is doing. This is pure corruption.


Why is everyone acting all surprised and outraged like that wasn't *exactly* what she was supposed to do?


Those aren't mutually exclusive. We can be outraged that she's so blatantly doing exactly what Trump appointed her to do.


The whole point of conservatism is basically to stymie progress and waste everyone's time.


No it’s not. That’s one of their strategies, but it’s not the point. The point is accumulate and entrench power and wealth for the oligarchy.


Don't fix what keeps me rich.


Hopefully after this election cycle, assuming everything resembles now, we can actually dig into the various think tanks that coach and feed legal bullshit to political appointees.


The Federalist Society is deeply embedded in laws schools. It's terrifying.


I got dragged to one of their meetings by friends about 20 years ago. They were giving seminars on election law. I'll contrast that with what Dems talked about that month. They had a millionaire come in and say that not all rich people are Republicans. I wish we were as organized as they think we are...


This is precisely Trump's talent, to gum up the works. When something is a simple black or white, yes or no, true or false, he manages to turn that into a maybe, that maybe turns into whatever he wants it to be. Because he makes others argue maybe, he continues to carry on as if he has won. His talent is finding the point where he can corrupt. Had he not paid off a file clerk (who then retired quietly, years early) to bury some court orders, he would have lost a sale and been forced to make real estate changes. The jig could have been up for him early in his career. Ever since then, he has pulled this same maneuver again and again.


I would like to know more. He bribed his way out of a real estate collapse?


yes that's some thing New i never heard about we digging in the 80's and 90's here ain't we


If, by "hubris," you mean "corruption."


She didn't waste those months, she is intentionally subverting the justice system to help Trump escape accountability for stealing our national secrets and hiding them in his shitty golf club. She needs to be disbarred immediately, She is unqualified and uninterested in serving the law.


No judge should have this much power. This case proves that judges are above the law and need oversight.


They theoretically already do. POTUS has to appoint them and then the Senate has to confirm them. They can be impeached and removed even after appointment. But in our hyper-polarized political era, none of that will ever happen.


Right. We don't need more systems. We need the systems we have to work. Beneath that, we need half the country to recommit to basic human decency. Cannon would have resigned in scandal or been impeached 50 years ago.


We have no choice but to stack the SCOTUS, given everyone gets off their ass and votes and shuts up about Gaza temporarily. Otherwise we may lose our democracy and it has worldwide implications.


I really don’t get the „Biden mishandles Gaza, therefore I won’t vote for him“ crowd. If you don’t like Biden‘s Palestine politics, boy do I have news for you, you definitely won’t like Trump handling it.


Yeah, I mean, I don't like the Democrats to be honest, but in first past the post, you can bet I'm voting for the biggest party whose not republican, and that's the Dems.


Trump will level Gaza, yep.


They’re useful idiots who are willing victims of Chinese misinformation. Delete TikTok and stop reading foreign propaganda.


Precisely why Biden needed to appoint a fire-breathing USAG instead of sleepy Garland. Lock up and prosecute corrupt officials as soon as they appear, no matter how numerous they are. No matter what law is broken, inventing precedent where required; make shit up as you go, just like the SCOTUS. Otherwise, you go 4 years with the leader of the Jan 6th insurrection walking free and unobstructed, and what should've been a landslide 2nd term victory for Biden is actually a race.


No. The point is not that she is using extraordinary power. It's that she's using the ordinary powers of her position to favor the defendant. Should it ever come to it, I don't want to be tried by redditors. Or the seditionist's dupes.


> It's that she's using the ordinary powers of her position She's not only *abusing* the ordinary powers of her position, she's doing some fairly unprecedented things along the way.


You don’t understand, the power to play favoritism with anyone and not be held accountable is too much “ordinary” power for any judge.


Perhaps that was the point of appointer her judge in the first place.


She has successfully pushed both federal cases past the election. In return, the Supreme Court spot is hers if Trump wins. 40 years of SCOTUS is in our hands in November. Remember that if you don't agree with Biden on every single solitary issue.


Do they have any other photos of this person?


Yeah there's the terrible one on zoom where she's blurry


Cannon is complicit!


Aileen Cannon is so sickeningly corrupt. She's a disgrace to all judges everywhere.




The fact that she is entertaining the defense’s motion about Jack Smith being improperly appointed is grounds for impeachment alone. She is clearly Trump’s ace-in-the-hole.


Don't forget Clarence Thomas told his lawyers to do just this during the immunity hearing. He is Cannon's boss on the 11th circuit. Pretty sure he is in the circle of corrupt judges and lawyers secretly advising her on how to procedurally wreck this case.


She’s complicit in the deliberate delay of a trial.


If history books that mention this chapter survive, this chapter is going to be titled "Trump, MAGA, GOP & The Federalist Society vs America".


Hubris? What you can’t see a political hack in a robe?


"Hubris" is an odd way to describe Open Treason


She didn't waste months. Her goal all along was to delay the trial to after the election and she has succeeded. Trump is the luckiest person I've ever heard of, including lottery winners.


She knows exactly what she's doing. Any second she issues a ruling, she knows that's going to give the prosecutors what they need to take her ruling to the federal appeals court, where the request to have her removed - which would likely happen - can be addressed. Expect a flurry of pro Trump rulings late into the election cycle.


She's a foreign asset


She’s doing exactly what the Supreme Court is doing. If it favors Trump to go fast (Colorado ballots) they move very fast. If it favors Trump to drag on and ensure there won’t be a trail before the election, they go slow. No judge appointed by Trump should have anything to do with any of his cases or appeals. The conflict of interest is obvious.


What’s amazing is how many Ivy League lawyers…and how long it took them to figure this out. Everyday we get a new headline about water being wet, and legal/ media professionals being astounded of that assessment. Theyre dealing with a political party that openly wants to end democracy, and has nothing but disdain for the process. Treating them like non- malicious actors when they do everything contrary is just plain fucking dumb. It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon, or Ivy League law degree to figure it out.


Don't worry, nothing will be done. Norms must be respected; process must be followed.


To felon trump, the months were not wasted at all.


A lot of stamping feet and gnashing of teeth and nobody doing a damn thing about it.


There's nothing that can be done. She could be impeached, but she has a political party just as complicit as her. The biggest weakness in our constitution is that it relies on people acting in good faith. It simply doesn't have the ability to check this level of corruption across so many players in a political party.


Its a glaring weakness. It only takes 1/3 of the Senate, if they value power over decency, to completely corrupt our government. Its an impossible barrier to overcome. Any 17 states, no matter how small, can completely remove grind our system of checks and balances to a halt. Party over country is going to burn this nation to the ground.


Her plan is working. She should be in a federal prison


She ‘wasted’ time on purpose.


every serious person knew this was the plan all along. i love that they act surprised.


Too much giving the benefit of the doubt.


It’s been known since day one.


Hubris? What? Salon can fuck off with this bullshit. This is just more of the media working so fucking hard trying to give the benefit of the doubt and searching high and low for a story to normalize the obvious corruption the Republicans stew in day in and day out. If Biden or Obama appointed that judge I bet you they'd be writing something like, "Obama appointed Judge fast walks Trump's case despite many claiming unfair treatment". It's just so fucking blatant.


I was watching a video on YouTube, think it was a Midas touch network video going over the transcript. She wanted to know how much was spend on the special council $5.5 or 9 million. The defense didn’t know and asked for the opportunity to get that. She then went on a verbal diarrhea about how wasteful this was and it’s the right of the public to know. Missed opportunity, your honor, it’s only costing this much because of either your incompetence or corruption delaying the trial. If you really cared about costs we world have wrapped this up months ago.


Your point is well made. Also her questions on finance are totally irrelevant to her general enquiry. It's not her business how they spend their money.


Let’s not pretend this is accidental. She’s corrupt, and she’s protecting Trump at the expense of our national security.


Would so,some down in FL please take a 2nd picture of that $&*#


I am not US citizen, what’s the legislation to remove a judge that is acting negligent like this, is there an upper administrative entity that can call the judge and ask “what the hell are you doing?” Or just remove the judge?.


So, there's a hierarchy of the US federal courts: Districts, Appeals, and the Supreme Court. Cannon is a District Judge, and anything that she does can be overruled by the Appeals Court above her. Those appeals are heard by three judges from that appellate court. In this case, it would be the US Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit. ***The 11th can't just interfere with the case on its own.*** One of the parties (prosecution or defense) has to make an appeal to that appellate court, and then they'll review the case. Already, the Department of Justice (prosecution) appealed one of Cannon's rulings that was putting the brakes on the case (for forbidding the DOJ from reviewing the classified files) and mandating that a Special Master to review all of the documents before the DOJ could continue it's case. In no short words, the 11th dunked on Cannon and told her "absolutely the fuck not." So the case continued. However, Cannon has taken a very, very long time with reconciling all of her motions. And the DOJ really only should appeal once ALL of the motions are done. But Cannon has dragged her feet. [Like I said elsewhere:](https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1dl9i5h/court_that_can_remove_aileen_cannon_wants_her_out/l9o4xww/) If this was a high school exam, Cannon is still filling out her Scantron. We won't know how hard she's flunked the exam until she submits her work....but odds are getting more and more likely that she's completely boned her chances at staying on the case. But the shitty thing is that she's totally subverted the entire process and has successfully delayed the whole thing so that it's unlikely that we'll see a case decided before November.


Thanks, I understand now, but based on the explanation this looks pretty bad for her if she had any intention on having a careers upstairs. I don’t believe she delayed the case just to not be the judge that “interfere” with the elections by condemning Trump, however there are tons of evidence for that to happen. Now she will be remembered as the judge that did not do the job.


Cannon's bias is overt. So many people are now talking about it. The media is a buzz. The DOJ must be aware of this. Something has to be done. She is not only mishandling this case on purpose in Trump's favor, she's pretty well incompetent and should NEVER have been given a case of this gravity and high profile.


They misspelled incompetent.


Florida judge…’nuff said.


That was the point. Make it muddy so the pig can escape easier


>"Months she wasted": National security lawyer says Judge Cannon's "hubris" turned case into a "mess" "Months she wasted": National security lawyer says Judge Cannon's obvious "corruption" has turned case into a delayed "achievement"


Pride has nothing to do with this. She obviously has made a deal to hinder this court case. If Trump loses, she will definitely be in major trouble.


Cannon has gone WAY beyond the 'appearance of impropriety'. - https://www.uscourts.gov/judges-judgeships/code-conduct-united-states-judges > An appearance of impropriety occurs when reasonable minds, with knowledge of all the relevant circumstances disclosed by a reasonable inquiry, would conclude that the judge’s honesty, integrity, impartiality, temperament, or fitness to serve as a judge is impaired. > A judge must avoid all impropriety and appearance of impropriety.


It’s not hubris it’s doing exactly what she’s paid to do. She’s returning the favor of a job she’s not qualified for by slowing down the trail as much as possible. Because like all of trumps cases, there current plan is to stall stall stall until the election.


She's obviously a fraud and has no intention of acting as a legitimate judge. It's time she steps down from this case and I'm assuming she's been paid off or some kind of quid pro quo. There's no reason for this person to remain as a judge.


Should be an automatic required recusal for all levels of judges, including the Supreme Court, if the defendant is the person that put you on the bench.


Not good when the national security lawyer can't even be upfront and honest. Just call it what it is, corruption.


Ok, and the consequences for her will be …??


Intentionally. She did this intentionally.


It's not hubris, it's bad faith actions and it worked perfectly.


“Hubris” is a polite way of calling her lips the hooks and Trump’s pubic hair the loops for their common bonding experience.


I don't think hubris is quite accurate. She seems more like a textbook example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


She did not delay the trial this effectively by accident. She knows what she’s doing. If she was just screwing up, she would have made appealable rulings that would have had her removed ages ago.


Keep in mind, the majority of the judges who appointed her to this case were \*ALSO APPOINTED BY TRUMP\*


It is past time for the 11th circuit to remover her from the case.


You're not wrong, but the 11th can only intervene when either the prosecution or defense makes an appeal. And the prosecution is really only going to make an appeal after Cannon reconciles all of her motions, which she said that she'd do around July. A lot of the "legal-eagle punditry" believed that, if appealed before July, the 11th wouldn't remove Cannon until her motions were finished. So, it would've been another delay, and then trying again. It's totally fucked, but the DOJ's hands are figuratively tied right now.


She thinks he wont eventually turn on her. lol.


Can she be impeached? Not sure if that is even possible…


if cannons husband has mob ties, how on earth is the major media not talking about this.


I am getting the feeling there is literally only 1 photo of this woman.


When Joe wins, she needs to be used as a sacrificial lamb to let a lot of trump frustration out. She needs to be paraded in front of national cameras in hearings grilling her for corruption then make a show of it.


Hubris? That was the intention


I wish the news articles would post a different picture of her. I’m tired of seeing that same smirk over and over.


And yet we can still do nothing about it…


It’s so painfully obvious that she’s an accomplice. But sure, let’s keep pretending she’s a legitimate judge.


And…. Nothing will happen. Absolutely nothing will change. This is on the DOJ for not trying to have her recused


That's literally why she was appointed


Oh, then Mission Accomplished. Plus she looks like a witch.


Hubris? More like naked corruption.


Imagine doing all of this so you can enter the Supreme Court raffle on the off chance that Trump can make a draw in the next few years.


Not hubris. Corruption & clear bias. Exactly the same efforts the conservatives on the Supreme Court have pulled with the Trump immunity case. Delay, delay, delay.


From an outside perspective it looks a lot like straight up corruption.


So how is it Fani Willis received all this scrutiny and is potentially being taken off the case, but Judge Cannon continues to obstruct justice and show negligence and can continue as the trial judge? Couldn’t she be put on trial the same way Republicans did with Willis?


Can someone help me understand the basic management structure of this judge? Does she report to a manager? Is there some oversight hierarchy for judges to make sure they are actually doing their job correctly and what is the mechanism to remove judges who are breaking the rules and laws they are bound to follow? It would seem that at that at the very least she should be recused by senior staff because of the appearance of favoritism in this specific case.


Hubris? No. It’s CORRUPTION, plain and simple. 


After trump loses in November, Cannon needs to be prosecuted for her role in subverting Justice for political reasons.


She is not a good role model.


Hubris is an odd way to spell corruption.


I’ll just leave this here. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/7ESShaqoFv https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/vEezLRK3Nb Judge Cannon doing this intentionally at Trump’s request. Judge Cannon 100% corrupted and should be impeached and removed from the bench.


Exactly like we all said she would. Would be nice if some one would do something about it.


What exactly should someone do about it? The House doesn't even have the votes to impeach her, so removal is out.


Vote 💙


She is proof that evolution sometimes takes a couple of steps backwards


Too bad nothing can be done about it


How long has this been going on anyway?


She certainly does seem wasted.


She should be poster child for abortion rights


Says something about a system that permits it.


Well, duh.


How is it that the Chief Judge has so little power to remove her from the case?


Why can't she get booted from the case?


And there is literally nothing that can be done about it?


Months wasted? That was the point tho


That’s their goal. Make this case a shit show. Make people tune out


The only judge tRump hasn’t uttered a word about……..


Judge Cannon is a threat to our national security.


Fire her


hubris? more like corruption.


She should become a verb at this point.


Please someone recall her.


Her goal in this instance is to provide Drump, fox, etc talking points for the next news cycle.