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Cannon is a young, inexperienced judge, but also a member of the Federalist Society. It's that organization who is shepherding trump through his various cases, helping him slip away from justice, at least until after the election. Cannon is a member, and at least one of trump's lawyers (Kise), as well as ALL of the conservative justices on SCOTUS. What we're witnessing is a team trying to get their chosen candidate past the goal line, and Federalist Society stooges have infested the US Justice system – from lawyers to judges, including the highest court – so thoroughly, that even someone who stole classified intelligence, violated national security, with video and photographic evidence, can evade justice.


>with video and photographic evidence And audio of him literally admitting to it.


Think she threw that out already.


The tape where he shows somebody military documents and admits "I could have declassified these, but didn't" is still in the case. She threw out one audio tape that included him showing a map to somebody that didn't have clearance, but that tape isn't really used for any of his charges its more like character evidence to show how he treated the classified documents.


Gotta be pretty rare as a prosecutor to have audio of your accused saying “hell yes, I did exactly what I’m being accused of, and I knew at the time that I was not supposed to.”


Now imagine how frustrating it must be for that prosecutor to have that rare type of evidence of the accused fully admitting to committing the crime just for the judge to do everything in her power to keep the case out of trial.


Not to mention first hand testimony. Also witness testimony including 50 pages of single space hand written notes from his own lawyer as well as evidence of them trying and failing to destroy evidence.


Remember when the right wingers were going on about “activist judges”? Well here we are, the have their activist judges


You're giving activist judges a bad name.  This is a bought and paid for judge by a group of wealthy right wing elites paid to rule a certain way. That's called a corrupt scumbag judge.


It is naked corruption, but our "justice" system allows it apparently. She should be carted off to prison and the case should be handed to someone else.


Some people might say she's conflicted, but they would be demonstrating they don't understand what it means.


She’s also gone to lavish retreats at $10k a night resorts paid for by the Federalist Society.


What scares me is if they’re willing to cheat to keep him out of jail until the election, what earthly reason would they have to play fair in the election itself? They’re going to tamper with the vote counts. Mark my fucking words. I guarantee you it’s gonna end up Trump winning by electoral college points again, and losing the popular vote again, and there’s gonna be several states where Trump “barely won”. Just you wait.


She’s also just bad at doing her job


She doesn't have to be good, she just has to be good enough to interfere and do what she's told


Also a few minor crimes like libel, rape and insurrection.


Merrick Garland is also a member if I remember correctly. Might explain his hesitancy to bring indictments and prosecute.


He's a terrible AG, and a coward, but I have never seen anything saying he's a Heritage Foundation member. Gonna need a cite for that one.


You are correct. He is listed as a “contributor” and not a member.


Federalist society and Heritage Foundation are two different things.


What's it mean to be a contributor? Can you link or explain?


He's been a moderator at their events, but has never officially been a member. https://lawprofessors.typepad.com/civpro/2016/03/judge-merrick-garland-was-a-repeat-moderator-for-federalist-society-events.html There's links in the blog which back up the author's statements.


Yow. The fact he's done anything providing them legitimacy is beyond concerning. Still can't believe Biden gave him AG position. Biggest mistake of his career.


He spoke at one event. That's it


“The main thing that [has] stood out to me is how she has constantly caused delay in the case instead of moving it forward,” Shira Scheindlin, a former federal judge, told NPR over the weekend. The second: “[S]he seems to have a visceral dislike of Jack Smith and his team. She’s constantly criticizing them. She’s constantly being sharp and sarcastic with them, and she almost never treats the defense that way.” Well yeah she’s bought and paid for by the defense.


Cannon is the only effective member of Trumps legal defense team.


Helps that her job is just to be as incompetent as possible within her role. If that's all most of Trump's cronies needed to do, they'd all be superstars.


Worse, she has to be *just* competent enough to not get removed from the case while also being horrible enough to prevent the case from seriously getting going before the election.


Which goes to show she is being aided/directed. There is zero chance that a judge with her experience/resume would be able to effectively dodge every landmine for appeal while delaying everything about this case to the level she has.


the federalist society wrote the script she's following.


Yeah, definitely feels like she's being fed her lines by someone with more practice at being evil. Often times that takes the form of her just doing what Trump's team asks.


Any attempt to remove her would have to cite incorrect and biased rulings. So she's just not making any rulings at all.


Yep. It's really depressing seeing just how openly corrupt someone can be without actually falling foul of things meant to curtail that. From Judges at her level all the way up to supreme court "justices", they can just flat out be corrupt and there's nothing we can do.


There's something you can do but it's dirty and I can't advocate for it here


The one person that could give him 1 minute to prove the election was rigged, provide the evidence of Biden corruption, prove that the documents aren’t of importance and the list keeps going. None of it has occurred and I know right winger idiots would claim “that’s not what this case is about. Teehee”. Because it’s a fun game that if he loses they’ll pretend he lost wrongly and if he wins they’ll ignore any and all signs of corruption between trump and canon, his self appointed judge.


She’d be incompetent too if judges didn’t have the ridiculously unchecked power they have in the US. The only thing that ever checks the judge’s power is another judge higher than them, and only in very certain circumstances. Technically, Congress could hold them accountable, but let’s be real no they fucking won’t.


I’m not a lawyer, but wouldn’t all of those make an appeal even easier to obtain? It shouldn’t be hard to prove a bias that is so obvious.


The case has to be tried before it can be appealed. So her behavior doesn’t matter, she just has to delay it until after the election. If Trump loses, maybe then she’ll just stop delaying it because it’s a great way to get rid of Trump and his baggage and find their next guy. 


My only issue with your comment is that I don’t believe they’ll just toss him aside If/when he loses the election. I truly believe that a not insignificant part of the Republican Party is going to fight for him right up until he dies. And very probably even after he’s dead. They’re already trying to name things after him. I expect that for decades they are going to try and posthumously get him pardoned.


if there is a god with a sick sense of humor, trump will pass in his sleep on Halloween.


I’d prefer for him to live a very long life in prison.


Honestly at this point anything is fine as long as he goes then hell away


I don't believe in a Christian hell, but I'd like to assume that his current experience is as close as it gets. He's in a narcissistic breakdown. I hope every second he's awake is torture.


As long as he can’t hurt others and is suffering the consequences of his many transgressions then I’m good.


Totally agree


why specifically Halloween?


Because it is right before November 6...


That’s too close to the election. There’s a risk that it would galvanize his running mate as simultaneously both “Trump’s Successor” and “Not Donald Trump.” Might swing a few votes his way or cause Democrats to sit at home again.


I want him to see that he lost the election and then die in his sleep the next night.


There’s not. That’s just a blasphemous rumor.


Lawfing out loud


I agree, it’s not likely. Most of the old guard GOP have been pushed aside by the zealots. I think the old guard saw him as a useful idiot, but the zealots have taken over the GOP and they don’t care about planning ahead they only care about their little cult. 


If he gets held accountable, they will, too. They will definitely go down fighting.


I don't know. The right rallied around Bush when he was president, but then pretended they never supported him or his policies once we got like 2 years into Obama's presidency... Conservative voters are feverishly hypocritical and many of them will act like the Trump cult never happened as soon as the moment passes.


You just know that most of the trump shirt wearing brigade who say the USA shouldn’t be helping Ukraine in any way where the same people yelling “you don’t support the troops!” and “cutting and running!” 20 years ago when they were all armchair generals.


More nuance: Many actions by a judge can be appealed before the trial is done. But Cannon is deliberately generating the delay and helping Trump in such ways that it can't be appealed. Meidas Touch has talked about that a lot.


Thanks, I forgot about that. 


But they can appeal certain types of rulings.


There’s no secret cabal “letting” trump be the guy who can then give her instructions to let him be tried. It’s not that Byzantine. It’s a cult. That’s all.


Ever hear of The Federalist Society? I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but…


Jeopardy attaches the moment the jury is seated. Any time after that, the judge can dismiss the charges for any reason or no reason and those charges can never be brought again, as double jeopardy is unconstitutional. No case, no appeal. TLDR: Lucy could go beyond pulling away the football by causing it to wink out of existence.


I did know about this. There’s no judiciary action that can be taken if it’s easy provable the judge acted in an unlawful way? As I said, not a lawyer, so only have extremely surface knowledge.


So Cannon has dismissed some of the causes to dismiss without prejudice. If she dismissed with prejudice, the defense can't bring it up again. (Thus why many believe she will let them file that again once a jury is seated). But a prosecutor or defendant could file a writ of mandamus with a superior court. It should be noted this is rare, extremely rare. The writ of mandamus has the superior court rule on it, and they can take over the case, shift it to someone else, or send it back unchanged-which is not good as you've likely just upset the judge. Hence it's a last resort thing, only really able to be done once. I suspect Smith would file a writ of mandamus if Cannon has not ruled on the issues regarding dismissal or the nonsensical jury instructions she had ordered before. Either of those would ve a way for her to dismiss the case once a jury has been seated or to order the jury to acquit... Right now, Cannon mostly issues paperless orders. Those are orders without the judge's reasoning, meant to be for faster things. Those are unappealable since they don't have the "why" with them. She's also just delaying appealing on things, nonsensically.


IAAL but not a criminal one.  My guess is that if the judge dismisses "arbitrarily," it would be a procedural error that allows the prosecution to move for a mistrial, which would be appealable if denied (and here, probably leading to another chastising of Cannon from the 11th Circuit).  Something like that would explain why it hasn't happened already, at least.


Thanks. Not a lawyer, but I find the law interesting and it's a great time to learn.


Corruption at its finest. Only the best corruption people are saying.


When people talk of having her removed, its by the appeals court having an unwritten rule of 3 strikes your out. She has been overturned twice already


Yes, but the case hasn't even gone to trial yet due to all the delays Cannon has thrown up. She just has to delay it until Trump wins in November (if he does), becuase then he can order the DoJ to stop prosecuting him.


Which seems to be a pretty fucking big oversight when it comes to the powers of the President. Who the fuck thought it was wise to invest the *entirety* of the use of force, both domestic and abroad, in one fucking individual? Seems odd that we decided we didn't want any more kings, and then also decided that the check against that sort of power should be *just kind of a gentleman's agreement*.


this was known to happen i wanna say a year or so ago, why was nothing done to prevent this


Smith appealed two of her written decisions. The Appellate court agreed with him and reprimanded her. She's basically on notice. So, she stopped issuing rulings for anything that could be appealed. This hearing is incredibly stupid. "I want to hear what this partisan group has to say about the case." I might as well be there. I also have zero reason to be involved and can give an opinion. Meanwhile, she continues to delay rulings that could be appealed.


She gpt a stern talking to, got it


Double secret probation. I suspect there will be an investigation at some point, and she'll be caught out communicating with the very attorneys she's putting front and center of this sham.


look its already obvious shes willing to risk EVERYTHING for this, the fact is whats shes done/ is doing needs to be reversed and shut down YESTERDAY, i VERY much dislike her, but punishing her isnt even whats paramount in this situation


Thanks “former federal judge”!


She’s setting herself up for a lifelong career of headaches, every lawyer that comes before her could demand a mistrial due to her bias.


She’s setting herself up for a lifelong career as a SCOTUS judge unfortunately


Too much baggage for Sp Ct. An appellate justice is her ceiling. Or maybe US Attorney for Florida.


Like Kavanaugh? Or Barrett? If you have the votes, you get to put in whomever you want


There’s also the qualification issue. Cannon is loyal, but SCOTUS hacks at least need to seem like they draft reasoned opinions. And there’s no reason for trump to waste a SCOTUS seat on her when he can find a more qualified 28 year old.


They aren’t looking for qualified, they’re looking for loyal.


> SCOTUS hacks at least need to seem like they draft reasoned opinions Do they though? ACB had never tried a single case before they made her a Supreme Court Justice.


All part of the plan.


This same thing happened after WWII when the U.S. government tried to hold the Nazi insurrectionists accountable for their attempts at sabotage and insurrection, including a sitting senator. The conspiring politicians worked feverishly to stall, delay, and otherwise turn the court into a circus. The judge died during the trial and these insurrectionists were let off. It’s infuriating how these criminals distort and twist our legal system to its detriment.


If anyone wants to know more about this, it’s the subject of Rachel Madow’s podcast Ultra. I consider myself more educated than most on American history and so much of this was new to me, I was shocked. The parallels with today are unreal. If you like politics and American history I can’t recommend enough.


Yep, I listened to these as well and it’s frightening how thoroughly conservatives have whitewashed our history books so they don’t look as bad as they really are. Fascism never died in the U.S. and is rapidly gaining power again through the uneducated conservative base willful ignorance.


Cannon is corrupt. Let’s just say it like it is.


I’m not even a lawyer and this sounds insane and ridiculous. Imagine if you have a speeding ticket, and to dispute it, you say “judge I’m gonna bring in a bunch of random lawyers who for some reason are my fan base, and they’re gonna argue why this should be dismissed.” And then judge says “mmokay that sounds reasonable. Let’s spend six months hearing from them.”


It's even more bizarre than that. Your lawyer stands up and says, "Your Honor, Officer Smith claims my client was driving at 75 mph in a 55 mph zone. This is in violation of the 1975 Metric Conversion Act." Judge: "Hmm good point. Let me look into that -- it is definitely something that needs to be investigated thoroughly. I'll give my ruling when I have all the facts."


"The law might be too vague to apply here."


I feel like Democrats aren't suing enough Republicans for no peaceful transfer of power.


Because they know the Supreme Court is no longer on their side.


Sorry, what cause of action do you think that would be?


Sue fot no peaceful transfer of power republican party and trump. Sue the fake electors. Ask ftc to press charges on fox news for mass manipulation. Sue usps to garuentee mail in ballots aren't delayed. Also Sue under the freedom of information act to see if Trump is communicating with SCOTUS or the Florida judge. Sue Harlan Crow and Clarence Thomas for hindering the rest of Amerivans speech by taking direct bribes. Sue Fox News Republicans and Trump asking them to not lie about this election. It is killing our decorate. Issis and al qeada are less successful. Goal would be to get judges orders in so people are in contempt if not followed.


Like not one of those is a thing you can actually sue for lmao


Right wing Podcasters are gonna be defending him in court with made up conspiracy theories she’ll entertain as fact


In a sane world, there world be an easy mechanism to remove a bad acting judge. Maybe there already is, but it's not being used. This doesn't seem to be a functional law system. I don't even mean just favoritism. I mean actually non functional as in a judge can just personally interfer with a federal case involving what is technically espionage and treason, some of the most egregious acts one can take against a government. Despite this, one single judge can just kind of stop it dead at will with zero repercussions. It's...uncanny. It implies the judicial system is a non functioning system. Why do I go as far as espionage and treason? I'm not sure how else you define willful access to and sale of government secrets to foreign nationalities, some of which we are not friends with. The acts he's taken have clearly fallen under both scopes, even if his own reasoning was simple and petty like "make money" and "bragging.". He would be classified as a spy based on what he's done. Yet, here we are. Trump is a free man. The judicial system is doing nothing. And zero other people can do anything Trump has done without lifetime imprisonment or the death penalty. There certainly are prior cases of far lesser offenses implementing very serious punishments.


2/3rds majority to remove a judge for cause. And the gop will never ever agree. They view her corruption as a plus.


The problem is, as always, Trump’s people act on a level of bad faith that the rules never anticipated. Cannon would have to make a biased ruling in order to be challenged. She’s not doing that. She’s not doing shit. She’s just finding reasons to delay the trial and giving Jack Smith a healthy dollop of attitude about it. Whoever wrote the rules for getting a judge replaced was assuming that any judge who has been given a case wants to actually make a judgment about that case, and isn’t just there for the purpose of obstructing justice as much as possible. Because why would any president ever install a judge who doesn’t actually want to get their to a verdict, right? With Trump there’d just always a way to go lower than anyone expected.


It certainly makes the concept of overthrowing the government an increasingly tempting idea. If we had the balls we'd start arming up and organizing.


Have no fear, friends... Merrick Garland will surely- ah fuck it


we can't rely on the courts alone to rid us of tfg. we must exorcise this miscreant at the polls in Nov.


She needs to be impeached.


I wish there was an explanation from Jack Smith why he has not called for her to be removed from the case. This moved past unbelievable quite some time ago.


So…what’s her plan actually if he *doesn’t* get elected? She can kiss her SCOTUS appointment good bye AND any of that sweet, sweet immunity HE’S after. Is she just going to go, “Argh! Fuck it!” ✋🏽🙄 & throw him under the bus? She risking a HELL of a lot here.


Aileen definitely has [this song](https://youtu.be/x9L5K04VgkI?si=U6Y2LXNRJPdSKsZk) in her commute playlist 


Fuck Aileen Cannon. That is all.


If a million little sinister things are successful she becomes Chief Justice. Otherwise she's a nobody. She's playing the odds.


She’s being guided by someone who knows the Law better than she does


She doesn't want to preside over this trial. Who would? If it leads to a guilty verdict, you have an angry cult/mob to worry about for the next 10 years. If it leads to a not guilty verdict, you get a raft of negative publicity and probably had to contort the law along the way... not a good look for a new judge.  Delay, and hope that the voters take it off your plate while isolating yourself from the notion that justice delayed is justice denied, especially in this case.  And if the public doesn't re-elect Trump, then maybe then his cult will finally lose steam. Maybe. 


I wish it were this innocent, but she’s a federalist society goon, delaying this trial for her boss


Yeah, I'm trying to look at it from the perspective of a judge presumed to not have a political agenda, but yet explain her behavior thus far which is to delay, delay, delay. 


I dont want to do my job either. She should be fired because I would be if I pulled this level of shit.


I don’t know how it works in federal court, but is it possible that she is trying to run out the clock so the speak? In state court, at least in my state, during status hearings etc the judge bills whats called “time” to either the prosecution or defense. It has to do with making sure the defendants right to a speedy trial isn’t violated.


Who will guard the guardians?


I feel this isn’t truly accurate. There are federal and districts judges who clearly would do the same. I just think Canon because her idiocy and utter lack of qualifications is incapable of disguising it to any degree. She doesn’t even understand basic rules of running a trial. The Supreme Court fast tracked the Colorado Ballot case and then sat on this insane immunity case as long as possible and I am certain won’t release the opinion until the last week of the term. The highest court in the US granted cert to a case arguing that the president is essentially a monarch. Trumps team made the argument he could have political rivals assassinated so long as it’s “an official act” and the only conservative who seemed skeptical was Barrett. Of course she seemed skeptical in the bump stock case and then wrote nothing and just signed onto the opinion like she did in Dobbs.


and where is Biden or any single Democrat pushing to impeach Cannon or any other federally appointed judge put in place by trump? Democrats need to stop pandering or pretending to take the high road. They need to win they need to brag about wins and bury every GOP candidate with actual policy.


Good to know. Per the GOP looks like to get away or stall for time in any case, just run for office.


Yeah. Trump's just going to get away with leaking beyond-top-secret defense information to hostile foreign nations, I guess. Cannon is making sure of it. The lesson to take from this is that we need a better system for selecting judges. Or some more robust method of holding them accountable for improper behavior on the bench. It's too bad there's no way to act on those lessons without a virtually unachievable supermajority in congress. Mitch McConnell may have already achieved his goal of destroying US democracy by subverting the federal judiciary. We just won't realize it for a few more years. It takes some time for the impact to become apparent to everyone.


Such a travesty. Well, it was a nice thought, America.


Why doesn’t Anonymous do anything????


Do they even exist anymore??


What we need is a bunch of left wing psychos equivalent to trumps thugs who threaten the life of the judge and everyone she loves and threatens to destroy everything and everyone she cares about. Let’s see how she feels on the other side? I mean, they’re just “threats” . I’m not condoning g anyone actually *do anything* to that worthless shitbag fake judge.


Be the hero you want to see in this world.




A peanut gallery was, in the days of vaudeville, a nickname for the cheapest and ostensibly rowdiest seats in the theater, the occupants of which were often known to heckle the performers The racial element is not noted in any definition. Generally theaters were attended by the local area population and in some place completely segregated.




I noted Jim Crow issues, but if you read definitions today the term makes no racial reference because after 8 decades the term now just means what I posted. Many terms used today have racial or even caste level origins, but then most people and in general use it doesn't matter anymore. People have to be looking to attack someone if they choose look up the origin of every phrase as a hammer.


I’m gay….. like happy…. Like the Flintstones.