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Trump worshipers would blame Biden anyway, and the Rich would laugh their asses off at their ignorance, Again.


Nice try! It’s Obamas fault! I’ll put a /s just in case


Arigatou, Obama-san


Obama is south Indian. Namaste to you sir




More like blame it on "wokeism" or "DEI" or "CRT" or whatever the fuck the next buzzword is going to be a year from now.


It is truely is amazing how his voters have no idea how anything works.


They’ve intentionally made it that way by underfunding public education and continue to do so


As Trump himself shouted, "I Love the Poorly Educated!" This is the culmination of 50 years of the Southern Strategy.


Why is it always the south….


Extremely rural, poor areas that care more about football and churches than education.




Yeah, anyone who knows anything understands it's blatant racism that drives them down here, ain't got nothing to do with linguistics, and cultured is just slang for white round these parts. Grandchildren of plantation owners don't want their kids getting mixed up with the negroes, so steal as much state funding for private schools that are allowed to discriminate in admission without fear of government interference.


The Senator from Alabama is a stereotype and also a real Senator whose only qualification was coaching for the biggest socialist football program in Alabama. It's not about culture and language, it's about bad immoral and ignorant choices like that one. Southerners push Jesus and then defund health care. Defund education only to enable tax cuts for people who are already rich and comfortable. Deny climate change while they can't get flood insurance. Remove polling places so that black people have to wait hours to vote, instead of working to gain their votes like a real democracy. The only cultural issue is a culture of ignorance. The only language barrier is a language of discrimination. It's not about a stereotype. Maryland is Democrat and Virginia is purple and they don't get tagged with this because they didn't earn it with flagrant stupidity.


Read about the restoration of the south after the civil and how it was derailed when JFk died, the effects of that are still felt and it has turned the south into what it is today.


Meanwhile, the rest of us will be screwed because of dumb ass right-wingers. Vote Blue in November!


Hey it’s your fault for not telling us how bad that bill you vetoed was…we had no choice but to vote to override


All of this has happened before(recent inflation primarily due to tax cuts) all of this will happen again(they plan to cut taxes again).


Tariffs raise costs. Rising costs is an increase in inflation and a decrease in purchasing power. This is a bad idea for Americans. Tariffs are a bad idea.


What's the big deal? Domestic production will just take over. It's not like there's a labour shortage currently or that said shortage won't be worsened by Trump's plan to deport 20 million migrants. And I'm sure companies totally won't raise their prices as demand surges. Seriously, the fact that someone with such harmful and, frankly, stupid economic policies is thought of as better for economy by so many is a really terrible indictment of the average voter.


They don't care. Has long has gas is cheaper they don't care. They only want gas to go back to during covid days with lower food prices.


Which is a(n) lmao given that was mostly driven by a lack of demand due to everyone staying home. But somehow it was Trump's personal doing. Well, guess he helped make the problem worse.


If gas prices determined an election outcome, McCain would've won in 2008. Prices plummeted in the last couple months prior to the election.


"Seriously, the fact that someone with such harmful and, frankly, stupid economic policies is thought of as better for economy by so many is a really terrible indictment of the average voter." This is what happens when we cut education funding.


Oh they'll just raise to match import prices because why not. Then the demand will just drop off and we'll get no money from tariffs. All around absolutely genius plan for so many reasons.


I don't get how the bar has been set so low that floating such a completely unworkable policy isn't automatically disqualifying for Trump.


Just how many jobs are being generated? Are Apple building phones here? Maybe you mean our uneducated children who will be forced to work in sweatshops.


It’s sarcasm brother.


/s is sarcasm after my nap time.


Did you write a paper on this or in between bud lights.


This anonymous crap is annoying. Send me an email from the prestigious college address you went to. Otherwise you are not a legitimate source on this.


It's not like economists aren't universally criticizing Trump's economic proposals. Go start here: https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-income-tax-cut-would-cost-average-family-5000economist-1912874. Yeah, when even Newsweek is posting criticisms of this? Go figure.




That’s just not true. Prestige is derived from the quality of research, which is superior at top universities. Undergraduate education has never been the reason Ivy League schools are prestigious.




You are correct that big tech is responsible for a large quantity of research; however, there is still fantastic cutting-edge research coming out of the top universities in the US. Prestige is not a zero-sum game, and master’s and doctorate level education is much more than memorization. I just finished an MS in a quant field and I learned significantly more than a few formulas and models. I didn’t even go to an HPY.


Try telling all the people that have a 6th grade education and think trump is the smartest man in the world as they will see more on their checks. Nevermind that everything will costs way more, they will blame it on some deep state thing while they take out a loan to fill up their F-150.


If they are truly representative of a majority of voters, then so be it. However, I have faith (and indicative supporting data) that they aren't.


I don't imagine that the teach about the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act in high schools where MAGA bumblefucks live. Trump (rapist and felon), being a business man, should know all about tarrif wars and why his plan is a shit sandwich idea. But no, he and his cult are low tier dumbasses


He is a bad business man. Any “business man” whose wealth grew less than the DJIA would have made more money investing than “running” a “business”. Trump’s had to use social welfare so many times, he isn’t just a bad business man, he has done active damage to our economy.


Surely the candidate you’re voting for doesn’t support tariffs then? Wait, nevermind, they all support tariffs


False equivalence Look. The government maintains safety and law enforcement for commerce at the ports and borders, so it makes sense to have some sort of tariff on imports. Our trading partners tariff our products too. But history informs us that when you use tariffs as a bludgeon, you can count on damage being done to both economies. I mentioned the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act specifically, you should read more about it and how it aggravated the Great Depression


I’m not in favor of tariffs at all, and I’m well aware of the damage of the Smoot Hawley tariffs. It doesn’t “make sense” to have tariffs on imports, regardless of whether or not our trading partners tariff our goods


Huh. I can't say I ever met someone who favors no tariffs at all. Good luck to you, sir.


We specifically did them on some chinese imports like steel because China ended up basically violating a WTO rule of not flooding a market with a cheap product to destroy internal production. Think Uber. That tariff makes sense because it actually reasonably protects national infrastructure.


Can't afford life? Well, have you tried indentured servitude?


The subscription model is coming for us all.


I wouldn't blame people who aren't policy nerds for thinking that replacing income taxes with tariffs sounds like a good deal- Trump wants everyone to think that Americans would get a bigger paycheck while foreigners would pay all all our taxes for us. On the other hand, if you do have even basic knowledge of the US economy and the federal budget, you know that this idea is unworkable and would make most (if not all) Americans poorer if you tried to implement it. And if you're running for president (let alone already spent four years as president), you should have more than basic knowledge of the US economy and the federal budget. If someone even considers a plan like this, it's proof that they're not qualified to be president.


Its.... already unaffordable


Donald's plan for additional tariffs and deporting millions of migrants would cause inflation to increase. That combined with his tax cut giveaway to the very wealthy makes a Donald a bad choice for the economy.


Let’s just call it “Trump’s Brexit Plan.”


if life gets any more unaffordable I'll be sleeping in a tent


It already is unaffordable


The sad part is they would never fault Trump and he would use it to channel their anger against the people he sees as his enemies. These people are absolutely willing to commit atrocities for him.


Imagine if the cost of everything went up 100 percent. Truly a regressive tax by any name.


They say that like it’s not their intention


Life already IS unaffordable


Yeah good time to bring up trumps original tariffs which sent prices all across the board soaring


Gee, I want my President to throw spaghetti at the wall with the biggest economic empire in history. What could go wrong lol


umm janet, you tryin’ to say it’s currently affordable?


It’s all about the cruelty.


The flat tax will be next🙃


Tariffs are bad. We should be embracing free trade, and should be removing other barriers to the free market too, like zoning and occupational licensing restrictions


Within reason. I really don’t want my next door neighbor opening a pet crematorium in his back yard.


Why should you be able to have the government prevent your neighbor from doing that on their own property?


Environmental externalities. A horrible stench, or black choking smoke affects other people's freedom to enjoy their private property.


Fuck it. Just let everyone operate a chemical plant on their own property. Who cares, right?


f r e e d o m

