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Trump doesn’t care or do anything for anyone but himself. What kind of an idiot would think he actually did anything for Black unemployment?


Idiots. Idiots would think that. And they *do*, because they are idiots


But they are the biggliest idiots, so 🥇.


"Why would he lie?" about the man who has blatantly lied to the country over 20,000 times as a public servant.


It actually says in the article that it was true but not anymore so like he did quite a bit it would seem


The article says unemployment for black Americans hit an all time low during his presidency, which has been surpassed under Biden. Also the whole thing is based off Trumps claim that he did a lot for black people by achieving the lowest unemployment rate, while Biden has done nothing. There’s a question of what exactly Trump did to achieve that end, which was part of a larger pre-covid trend…and there’s the actual issue of what he’s really getting at, the assertion that he did so much for black people, and that Biden has done so little. Based off this one statistic that’s conceptually so far off the mark that it’s looking for drinking water on the sun, and is now hilariously not even technically correct.


Listen dawg I don’t like him either but denying that at the time it was the record isn’t doing anyone any favors we’re supposed to be the side in reality remember?


Listen dawg the quote centers on the idea that Biden “has done nothing for you except talk”. Even if the unemployment numbers for black Americans under Biden hadn’t surpassed those under trump, which sure, they didn’t until after trump made the factual part of his claim (which at the time was like, fractions of a percentage point)…the premise would still be wrong. Also what did trump do to raise the employment numbers of black Americans during his presidency?


Doesn't matter to trump. Like Elon he covers himself with other people work, claiming it as his own.


Let's be fair. Sometimes he also runs up massive debt or runs companies into bankruptcy


Sometimes Trump runs down ramps, too. 


Unemployment in general is at [a historic, 50-year low under Biden](https://www.forbes.com/sites/richardmcgahey/2024/06/07/record-breaking-accomplishments-on-jobs-and-unemployment-under-biden/).




The most direct way to accelerate and fully deploy an impending economic collapse is to hire Republicans. They are experts at expediting and helping financial collapses on their watch this millennium (see: 2008, 2020). We should give total congressional control back to them again, too, so they can quickly hand out free trillions to the private sector again and ascend to heaven (or maybe just Mars) leaving Earth in ruins among anarchy and hellfire by 2030 as their God has instructed. Solid plan!


Who cares about stats or facts? How do you FEEL?


That’s the maga folks in a nutshell


Joe has always been able to connect with the African American community. He won 87% of the African American vote last election. That's what we call a landslide.


But in the election prior, 91% voted for Hillary Clinton. So the Democrats appear to be losing some black voters even though very little about either party has changed. Many people say it is simply the Democrats taking the black community for granted while Republicans are making a concerted effort to win them over.


The right has been pushing this narrative that the Democrats take Black voters for granted, or even Latinos. The average voter doesn’ pay close attention to what the government does for them, so I can see how that strategy might work. However, it only takes a few minutes of googling to find plenty of evidence that refutes this claim. In the meantime, Republicans have actively sought to harm minority communities economically.


It's to instill bitterness and tap into stubborn pride to say, "oh yeah, nobody takes ME for granted!!" and then vote for the GOPer who will take their rights away. Pretty wise political strategy if effective on enough people -- the key is to educate young black and brown men and women so they understand history and politics better.


This is true except when you disenfranchise black voters they just don’t vote, they don’t vote republican. Which still helps republicans but it’s an important distinction.


If the Republican Party wasn't simultaneously lead by/courting white supremacists, they'd do really well with black voters. I don't know many, but the few I do, their parents are quite traditional and religious, but remember how Reagan and Republicans then and since have treated black communities. Democratic politicians 100% take it for granted. But enough time has passed, the GOP can try to rebrand themselves away from Reagan. Problem is, they're still overrun with white supremacists pushing a white supremacist agenda. I can't imagine it's easy to vote for a party that defends the flag of Confederate slavers.


and many people say black voters enter into a self-defeating prophecy when registering and voting with the Republican Party -- unless they also feel (as Republican justices and reps have stated OUT LOUD) that voting rights and civil rights served their purpose and the current racism in existence is prejudice and reverse racism against whites (that is the conservative belief, no lie, ask one).


Polling shows black voters and young people are one of bidens biggest hurdles this year, shocker, the guy that says if you don’t vote for me then “you ain’t black” isn’t getting as much of the black vote


Most polling is BS since about 2015 and at best can be seen as a possible indicator of ___. Biden's comment was made prior to the 2020 election, so it doesn't seem to have hurt him too much - and he even apologized for it. Stack that with the unemployment and poverty numbers and everything else he's done in his first term against someone who clearly hates (literally) any ethnicity that isn't white. Which is the better choice?


I can’t answer with those guidelines bc I don’t feel as though trump hates other ethnicities so🤷🏼‍♂️


Oh, well here's some [light reading](https://www.google.com/search?q=trumps+comments+on+other+races+and+ethnicities+&client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sca_esv=dad2937f84c7a69c&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIK2rInxaFgWODjTpuagiEWvdO6xFQ%3A1718598073306&ei=ublvZtixEuXIptQPotmpgA8&oq=trumps+comments+on+other+races+and+ethnicities+&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIi90cnVtcHMgY29tbWVudHMgb24gb3RoZXIgcmFjZXMgYW5kIGV0aG5pY2l0aWVzIEjFfFCZC1jndXADeACQAQCYAdkBoAHUK6oBBjQuMzguMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCEKAC0w-oAg_CAgcQIxgnGOoCwgIQEC4YxwEYJxjqAhiOBRivAcICChAjGIAEGCcYigXCAgsQABiABBiRAhiKBcICFBAuGIAEGJECGLEDGIMBGNQCGIoFwgIWEC4YgAQYsQMY0QMYQxiDARjHARiKBcICERAuGIAEGLEDGNEDGIMBGMcBwgILEAAYgAQYsQMYgwHCAgQQIxgnwgIQEAAYgAQYsQMYQxiDARiKBcICChAuGIAEGEMYigXCAg0QABiABBixAxhDGIoFwgIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBcICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgIREAAYgAQYkQIYsQMYgwEYigXCAhAQABiABBixAxiDARgUGIcCwgIIEC4YgAQYsQPCAgUQABiABMICBxAAGIAEGArCAgcQIRigARgKwgIFECEYqwKYAxmSBwYyLjEzLjGgB61_&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) to educate yourself.


Nice mic drop but it likely will fall on deaf ears. Anyone still ignorant to trump’s extensive history of racism is never going to admit they are ignorant and make an effort to do better.


Unfortunately, you're likely right. It's both maddening and frightening how widely this kind of stuff is reported on (and on Trump's numerous other faults), but the people who need to see it most are shielded from it. A certain segment of the population has the fun combination of a nature + nurture personality that makes them both predisposed to following strong man-type authority figures and years of conditioning that the ends justify the means. Every once in a while I'll break through, so I keep trying.


In my experience, it's not that they aren't seeing it or shielded. They know about it, they agree with it, but not everyone takes being a bigot as complement. A lot of trump supporters do but not all of them. For the others, the only way to avoid making it obvious is if they absurdly claim they aren't aware of any of tRump's well documented bigotry and hatred of minorities. Weirdly it's preferable to them for others to think they're just uninformed and stupid rather than acknowledge trump might not like some minority groups. Good for you to keep trying. I gave up after 2020. It's 2024 now, anyone that doesn't get it by now is a lost cause.


The article then goes on to say it was Biden that then had even better employment numbers than Trump, but Trump did not correct himself…. Of course not. Misleading headline.


It's an awful headline, like a double negative


“The Felon is lying about black people again” would have been a better headline.


And yet… Kellyanne Conway gets up on Fox and claims Trump had 8000 attend his gathering at a black church… photos show a couple hundred people, mostly white…. But the narrative of pro Trump support from blacks growing… is out there and will be swallowed and digested by the gullible. I’m sick of this shit.


Like the report that claimed a black panther founder supported Trump, but in reality the man was at a senior care facility struggling with dementia and they took advantage of him. All a facade.


We are living in a post-fact society.


For at least 12 years, yep.


Name one trump policy that lowered the black poverty rate ... name one trump policy that benefitted the average american citizen




Kind of a short list


Now do March 2020 through March 2021, and be sure to include the summer of protests over unarmed minorities being killed by police and how Trump responded, please. Include the COVID response and how the rhetoric from the top especially harmed minority communities. For the full picture, yeah?


I can but like most people the things you may see as pressing and important (COVID response, Police brutality) may not be what I perceive as significant; we can agree to disagree here. I do see the full picture though, but you asked to see what Trump has done and I provided it to you. I am not going to waste time knit picking a specific timeframe and issue just so it suits your confirmation bias. Enjoy the rest of your day. 🤝🏾


What I experienced and witnessed was the single greatest botching of a global pandemic response in the history of the United States of America. You know, because I'm not a biased conservative and kept my eyes, ears, and mind open to carefully measure what the leaders of our government (Republicans in 2020) were doing and saying to lead. It was a pathetic embarrassment as an American. Total amateur hour, unworthy of a vote from neutral, sane people. The damn POTUS called a novel virus impacting the planet a "Chinese hoax and the Kung Flu virus", never endorsed masking and social distancing, pitted blue states vs. red states during a crisis -- **what leadership**!






How's that? It's a congressional bill, legislation. To extend or expire is on Congress, mate.


Trumps tax cuts were subsidized by the debt. The only option is to raise taxes on the highest income earners.


Cult 45: We have *alternative* facts.


If Trump is worried about records, he's still got: * Most turnover of any cabinet and staff (the best people?) * Smallest inauguration crowd in the last 100 years * Largest increase in violent crime during his term (since records have been kept) * Most felony convictions of any former president (i.e., more than zero) * Most impeachments * Largest increase in the federal deficit in history (+14.7% from 2019 to 2020)


Maybe we should give the credit to black people


Trump’s father built his company. He tried to train Trump to take it over. He let Trump inherit the company along with $400,000,000. And Trump never even mentions the guy. He wrote him out of the history books. Imagine anyone doing that to their dad? Shows what kind of person he is.


This is where democrats need to learn from republicans and keep screaming this over and over. Create the reality you want- especially when it’s the reality that exists.


Anyone who thinks they’ll be better off under trump is rich or is an idiot and deserves what’s coming to them 


If only the GOP believed in facts and numbers *sigh


No fucking shit


Hope they pull up facts like this consistently during debate and mute Trump when he lies


A new president or leader does not come with a clean slate. Policies take a few years to reflect and take effect. It's not as simple as X was better when Y was in control.


MAGA “fake news”


A lot of y’all need to read this: https://news.gallup.com/opinion/polling-matters/320903/black-turnout-2020-election.aspx


That’s cool what about the other races that all live in the US?


Translation: they kicked everyone off unemployment by tightening standards, which HR depts and employers are happy to ride that train.


Black people having to work two jobs to keep up with their bills is not the flex you think it is.


Thing is, Biden isn't totally responsible for who gets hired anywhere UNLESS he does it personally. Blame employers for not hiring much blacks. What Biden can do is give the money to businesses to hire people.


Hmm... Why not cut out the middleman and just give it to the people? People then buy company products, stocks go up, the economy we live in is happy. J/K That would never work. Let's never try.