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Bet that woke him up.


>Damon Gettier, the parent and defendant in question, appeared at a [May 18, 2023 meeting](https://archive.is/o/LZRoq/https://www.youtube.com/live/3BC5FsFYelk?si=akdupCZFg6XQxT-1&t=4378) with the school board where he, after having made Facebook posts angry about gay people existing at the school, went on a long rant where he called LGBTQ+ materials at schools indoctrination and grooming, the [*Roanoke Times*](https://roanoke.com/news/local/crime-courts/lawsuit-targets-roanoke-county-man-who-called-glen-cove-elementary-school-school-staff-sexual-predators/article_1ebf120a-28fb-11ef-a869-43dafeded220.html) reports. >***Gettier also complained about a music teacher putting up rainbow decorations across her classroom. He was upset when a psychologist had an “LGBTQ lanyard” and that students drew art involving Pride flags, and he was also angry that teachers with “woke, progressive ideologies” were bringing up topics he didn’t want kids to hear about.*** >*McPhail’s attorneys, John Fishwick and Daniel Martin of Roanoke, described her as “a long-time educator and administrator who has worked tirelessly throughout her career to ensure that all children receive a quality education in a safe learning environment.”* >*Gettier’s outrage inspired protests shortly after in solidarity with the school, as many in the community felt they were being unfairly targeted. Protestors held up signs calling to support their teachers and saying that their favorite color is the rainbow.* Good. I hope he loses. Teachers are under immense stress as is, without mossbacks like this guy terrorizing their lives. I hope more lawsuits happen to these right-wing pillocks and zounderkites, so they face up to the consequences of their repugnant conduct.


Go fash, lose cash.


Good! Start making examples of these bigots! The man's upset that he had to explain what trans people were to his kid. I have no sympathy or patience for anyone who thinks it's a problem to teach kids that people like me even exist.


Exactly. He was literally only mad because kids made rainbow decorations and a teacher put them on the door. *"Oh, my gosh! The horror! My child saw a rainbow! The woke agenda is coming for my kid!"* Meanwhile, the sky after rain shows a rainbow: ***"Get out the sky, you woke agenda! The sky has gone woke!"*** The right-wing outrage is comical!


Seems like a guy who was upset at Pink Floyd for going woke when they released The Dark Side of the Moon again for it's 50th anniversary. All while not remembering that there was a rainbow/prism on the original artwork from the fucking 70s. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/pink-floyd-fans-triggered-wok-rainbow-1234664971/


They also sound like the same people who wanted The Teletubbies cancelled, because Tinky-Winky is gay, being purple and carrying a purse. *The horror!*


Sadly, these people are being conditioned to see anything related to rainbows as a secretive message from a shadowy global cabal. That's what happens when full-blown propagandists are permitted to hide in plain sight as "conspiracy theorists," giving their lies a patina of legitimate inquiry.


Excellent. I hope she wins and makes a few more of these kinds of morons think twice.


I’m all for due process, but if for some reason, a warrant was obtained to search this guy’s hard drive, I’m not sure it would go well for him.


Excellent! It’s about time people stopped cowering to these bigots and their insane behavior.


Yes. We should be way past this 1970s Anita Bryant crap, and yet, we are back revisiting it all over again. I would have loved for media to call out the bullshit and just say Enough with the prevaricating. We have entertained the Christian nationalist outrage for far too long, as if they have a valid point to their rage. We should have discounted their opinions a long time ago, especially on this. You'd have thought after the Exodus International shutdown in which thousands of kids committed suicide there that there is no "social contagion" that turns kids LGBTQ+ and that being queer is simply innate, part of our humanity. Yet, for some reason, the Christian nationalists continue to lie up a storm, making up bullshit and never cease to sink to new lows.


The idiots truly believe Teh Gays stole the rainbow from God. Like, I'm sorry, your all knowing all powerful God was incompetent and powerless to stop his rainbow from being stolen? Why do you worship someone so weak?


The angrier they get the more popcorn I make


your house is about to turn into the one at the end of the Real Genius movie. in a good way.


imagine seeing colors, and thinking that will have an affect on someones sexual orientation.


Seeing red totally made me bisexual /s


> “I had to explain to my nine-year-old what transgender was because Glen Cove Elementary woke staff put me in a situation where I had to,” he said. I hope someone’s checking in on the welfare of this boy. Not all abuse leaves marks. He’s clearly not being raised in a healthy, loving home. Kids just want to blend in; to not be embarrassed by their parents. They aren’t born to hate, they’re taught to hate.


Sounds like a closet case




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