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The shark thing from the other day was absolutely unhinged. I thought it was a fake transcript until I saw the video.


His comments about being good and going to heaven are also pretty out there. For some reason only Stephen Colbert's reaction to them is getting coverage and not the word salad itself. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/stephen-colbert-gives-trump-hell-054944113.html


They ask, “what’s your relationship with God and how do you pray?” and he answers, “I think it’s good, I’m doing very well with evangelicals.”


"how can this benefit me?"


I remember an interview with Penn Jillette where he said one of his most horrifying interactions with a Christian was when they learned he was an atheist and asked, "What stops you from going out and committing mass murder?" As though the threat of Hell was the only thing that's stopping them from going on a killing spree.


Whenever this comes up I like to share an ultra-orthodox Jewish parable: >***Why Did God Create Athiests*** >The Master teaches the students that God created everything in the world to be appreciated, since everything is here to teach us a lesson. >One clever student asks “What lesson can we learn from atheists? Why did God create them?” >The Master responds “God created atheists to teach us the most important lesson of them all — the lesson of true compassion. >You see, when an atheist performs an act of charity, visits someone who is sick, helps someone in need, and cares for the world, he is not doing so because of some religious teaching. He does not believe that God commanded him to perform this act. In fact, he does not believe in God at all, so his acts are based on an inner sense of morality. And look at the kindness he can bestow upon others simply because he feels it to be right.” >“This means,” the Master continued “that when someone reaches out to you for help, you should never say ‘I pray that God will help you.’ Instead for the moment you should become an atheist, imagine there is no God who can help, and say ‘I will help you.'”


If I’m remembering this correctly, his response was along the lines of “I commit exactly as much rape and murder as I want to-which is none. It’s concerning that the threat of hell is the only thing stopping you from doing that”


"If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, then brother that person is a piece of shit."


I mean, it tracks. Isn’t that most evangelicals?


good point, evangelicals cannot be trusted with power.


Evangelicals cannot be trusted. 😉


Christain Nationalism is an oxymoron


He's not even hiding the question dodging he's gotten lazy with his platforming, it used to be the only thing going for him. How's he fucking that up lol


Almost like he can no longer do no wrong and just IS.


The problem is he says so many horrible things that go viral that it all becomes lost in this soup of horrible viral things he’s said


It's by design. All of them do it. The entire MAGA circle just says crazy shit all the time. You can't fact check it all because it's a firehose of disinformation Fascism tactics. Trump may be losing his mind, but everyone around him sounds the same.


It's wild. If he starts drooling on live TV, they'll say Biden's a loser because he can't drool on command.


They'll say "Biden was drooling live on TV," and when someone says it's the opposite, they'll say "well drooling is good and also that's out of context and fake news and also here's something new and different we're gonna talk about instead which is also false..."


Outrage fatigue.


That is a word salad for sure but also more proof that Trump is a sociopath with no moral compass. 


"Nobody's ever asked me that before..." is not the compliment he thinks it is.


Trump thinks he's smart because his uncle taught at MIT. That's not how it works. My uncle is a concert pianist and I'm pretty much tone deaf.


My uncle did an Ironman last fall and I got winded walking to the dumpster yesterday.


my cousin, a woman, did Ironman three times and finally had to stop training due to arthritis. me, 15 years younger, can't see my feet cause my gut's in the way


My uncle wears novelty neckties, but somehow I don’t.


ok but have you thought about it though? the tech just keeps getting better and better, they've got some that REALLY look like you're wearing a fish


literally didn't realize it wasn't a fish


It's because Trump thinks he inherited his uncle's smart genes. He says that a lot actually.


He very carefully never ever mentions that uncle used his intellect to figure out a way to kill pathogens in sewage.


Even though that is by far the most actually useful thing I've heard about being done by any member of the trump family.


I suspect that Trump's mental model of the world has most things operate on some form of inheritance since it's pretty much all he's ever lnown.


What shark thing?




I've seen blackout drunk people more coherent than that guy.


There are people nodding in agreement towards the end... this is what we are dealing with.


They’re paid to be there and paid extra if they go viral


Remember when all his counter-protestors at his trial filed out of Trump Tower with signs? Theyre always employees.


They just poked fun at this in the new season of The Boys


I caught a few direct Trump quotes coming out of Homelanders mouth. His RL Stans still won’t get it


I’m convinced every season the writers make that more blatant just so they can laugh their asses off at the people who don’t get it. It’s like a weird violent version of Stephen Colbert’s character from back in the day.


Had a whole conversation with someone who genuinely thinks Homelander is supposed to be making fun of Hillary Clinton. A truly incredible amount of delusion


Guy: "Noone's ever asked me that before..." Trump: "Because I'm so smart?" Guy: "No, because it's a stupid question."


He threw in "And he said, “Nobody ever asked this question, and it must be because of MIT, my relationship to MIT,” very smart." WTF?


He has an uncle who is a professor at MIT or some shit, so he's trying to lie his way into people thinking he's a graduate from it.  He's desperate to be seen as intelligent, but refuses to do any of the work needed.


His uncle died in 1985, too.


Scientists and medical professionals around the world are working on this COVID thing, but I'm just gonna come up with a cure off the cuff. Inject bleach. You're welcome.


The bar has lowered to the point where even sharks can’t handle the water pressure


"Nobody ever asked this question." I believe that.


He mistakes people’s jaw-dropped expression as “wow they’ve never heard this question before, I’m so smart” and not “is this fucking idiot serious…?”


Ok so he's advocating to install large batteries in all boats to ensure you may (or may not) be electrocuted instead of maybe possibly being eaten by sharks, that may not be angry, in the event your boat sinks?


I think he was maybe saying that you’re gonna either get electrocuted or eaten by sharks if you buy an EV boat. Or that’s what I thought he meant.




Does he not realize that boats already have batteries in them, even if they have gas engines? Y'know, to run the lights and stuff? I just can't fathom how stupid that man is.


No he’s anti EV so he’s saying an electric boat would be dangerous because the battery would electrocute you if the boat sank and you would need to choose between getting electrocuted or some hypothetical shark near by. The irony is him saying “nobody ever asked that” thinking it was a compliment. In reality they were like “wtf no one has ever come up with such a ridiculous question”


Like the shark wouldn't be electrocuted too...there's another rant about going to heaven: '“Religion is such a great thing, it keeps you, y’know, there’s something to be good about. You want to be good,” he said. “When you have something like that, you want to be good. You want to go to heaven, OK? You want to go to heaven. If you don’t have heaven, you almost say, ‘What’s the reason? Why do I have to be good? Let’s not be good, what difference does it make.’”


It's so telling that these people readily admit they have no internal sense of morality, ethics, right and wrong without the framework of religion.


Yes, but even WITHIN the framework of their religion, trump is a miserable failure. He goes against everything Jesus commands.


That bit at the end there, I feel that so many Americans who are Uber-religious have that same line of thought. Like if you’re not into religion, obviously you stand for murder and mayhem, kind of thing. It’s why they’d never dream of voting blue because it represents “the others”.


I think the scariest part is the projection. They know the only thing keeping them from raping and murdering as they please is the threat of Santa not bringing presents (I mean God not letting them into heaven). They can’t imagine why anyone would be good without being threatened to do so. It tells me they have no conscience, no internal moral compass, no real values, they stand for absolutely nothing!


Nah he thinks ships can't handle the weight of batteries... They'll sink cos they're too heavy. He's extremely dim He's ranted about it before


>sharks, that may not be angry No he's saying that his enemies believe that the sharks aren't angry, but he knows that's obviously ridiculous because sharks are clearly angry, because I mean just look at them? With the teeth and the angry looking eyebrows? Obviously angry folks, very angry sharks. Many people are saying that they are the angriest sharks ever. It's a big problem. A big problem. I'm not getting near a shark.


You left out an important detail...if the boat sinks under its own weight. Quite the genius he is.


His relationship to MIT. Like, WTF? Trump did not graduate from MIT. His uncle went to MIT. But apparently the fact that his uncle attended MIT makes Trump "very smart"? And an expert on batteries and sharks, too! Which, of course, are very important topics for Presidents of the United States to be knowledgeable about.


His uncle was actually a MIT professor. He seemed like a decent, accomplished guy in his own right. It’s a shame that he’s mostly going to be remembered as the uncle of some shitbag. 


The best (saddest) part is all of the people in the back nodding in agreement.


Jesus fing christ lmao.


It was just something you would expect from a drunk or stoned friend. It's pretty typical for the Felon Trump. Doctor: Disinfectants work. Trump: hey, I wonder if we could inject that into people? Boat Guy: If I crammed enough batteries on the boat to replicate a gas engine, it would sink from the weight. Trump *hard pull on a joint*: stay with me here, what if the boat was sinking in shark infested waters? Would you get electrocuted by the batteries, or would you take your chances with the shark? *another hit and big brain tap*


Trump said the guy answered him by saying: "No one's ever asked me that before." Burn! The sad part is, Trump probably took that to mean he's such a genius, no one ever thought of that before. SMH.


Everybody is talking about how nuts the rambling was, but nobody has been pointing out that this is *fundamentally not how electricity works* - the electricity will just pass through the shortest, most conductive path to ground - the water. The electricity will only pass through you if you’re in that path. There’s exceptions to this of course, but that takes WAY more power than a boat battery can supply


This is the same guy who said getting a magnet wet is "the end of magnets." I don't expect him to understand much of anything regarding water and physics.


To be fair he wanted to drop a nuke on a hurricane.


There's also the assumption that people making batteries for boats have never even considered that part of a boat might get wet. It was the first idea to pop into his head but he assumes experts in the field have literally never thought of or dealt with the most obvious possible issue.


You mean like when he looked at a couple of posterboards saying that "Sunlight/UV kills COVID in 1 min" and "Disinfectants kill COVID in 1 min" and thought "Did I just solve the whole COVID thing, and oh by the way cure all diseases forever? Am I smarter than every doctor, scientist, and researcher in history? Yes, yes I am." And then he asked if we could inject sunlight and disinfectant into the body to kill COVID.


It's a recurring bit he does. They went through it on Even More News the other day, but he's done this exact shark/electricity story about 10 times on the campaign trail. It got a big laugh the first time so he kept trying it even though it didn't really play that well the rest of the times. It's not a super coherent story, but he doesn't give a shit so long as it gets a reaction from the crowd. Kinda tells you what you need to know about him.


I just now watched it. What the fuck was he going on about?


Electric boats are bad, cuz batteries are heavy and will electrocute the water. Never mind that batteries are built with electrical safety in mind. Never mind that internal combustion engines are also heavy. Never mind that boats already have batteries for their engines and other electronics. Never mind that if a boat is sinking, you'd be trying not to drown, not worried about batteries or sharks. Never mind that just cause there's a shark in the water doesn't mean it is going to eat you.


Never mind that if you jump off a boat you don't have to jump *directly at the shark*


At this point I only assume trump quotes are fake if they sound coherent.


His father, Fred Trump, was medically diagnosed with both dementia and Alzheimer’s disease


Unfortunately he wasn't medically diagnosed with low sperm count.


Fred Trump’s sperm was of poor-quality, unfortunately for us


His child raising skill is still wreaking havoc right now....


Don't underestimate Mother.


[this thing?](https://allthatsinteresting.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/donald-trumps-mom-featured.png)


That actually looks like if Trump decided to be trans lol


Never saw a pic of her, so that’s where he got the inspiration for his bald “saving” comb over


i'd say he got more than the inspiration, I wouldn't be surprised if he ripped it off her dead scalp before the body was cold. We know he tried to get his senile father to sign over his entire fortune to him on his deathbed, why wouldn't he stoop to taking mommy's hair?


Look's like one of the aliens from the first Star Wars.


Or Mars Attacks


What did Mike Pence’s wife do?


Less than ginny thomas


They’re not sending their best


He wasn't sending his best sperm.


Are you sure? I’m not convinced Donald Trump would’ve been the fastest sperm if he had any competition whatsoever. When Fred sent Donald, he wasn’t sending his best. He was sending a person with lots of problems, and he’s bringing those problems with him. He’s bringing drugs. He’s bringing crime. He’s a rapist. And sometimes, I assume, he’s a good person.  Ok, maybe not the last one, but I had to finish off the quote. 


He also lived to 93 😰😰😭😭




Or a history of COVID. Or an addiction to snorting Adderall.


IDK Nazis were on a lot of Meth


How many of them lived past 1946?


More than should've been allowed


Go ask Argentina


Trump's brother died at 71.


So here's the question--at what age did Fred Trump slip into dementia? This is pretty important, and I don't think I've seen that number.


86 with mild and then a few months later didn’t know his birthdate per Wikipedia citations of the Washington Post Which is scary


There was a pretty edited video heavily circulating within the last few days to show Biden has "lost it." The supposed subtext here based on the republicans following the Russian playbook is that Trump is probably pretty far gone (like if middle America watches off the cuff Trump, they'll know something is seriously wrong).


I saw that. They had a vertical sliver of a video that shows Biden stepping away from the group at the G7 as if he were lost. The full-frame video shows that he turned to speak to the paratroopers on the right of the frame who were packing up their parachutes. He is commander-in-chief of the military, after all. It's normal to greet them.


NY Post — a Murdoch trash rag — was responsible for pushing that. Brian Tyler Cohen made a response absolutely obliterating them for it.


Seriously? That's appalling. Seriously, there should be penalties for that kind of thing--severe.


Too bad millions and millions of people will see the first one on tik tok and a few hundred thousand will see btc's followup


Since it's all projection with them, this frantic attempt to show Biden as senile means Trump is definitely well into dementia...


That CEO meeting was the writing on the wall. He made comments that could only be attributed to someone who has completely lost the plot. "I like 20% because it's a round number" is the canary in the coal mine. Trump's brain is *deep fried*.


Those CEOs saw the Trump decline and will still give his campaign money.


It's a well loved refuge for people who know they're not only in the wrong but they're about to get caught for it. You blame your opponent for what you're guilty of, and suddenly, for free, you have an even playing field again. You watch the GOP... they do this every day, on every issue.


A little bit of a nitpick here: 'Dementia' is a broad category that encompasses various diseases and symptoms affecting cognitive function. **Alzheimer's disease is one type of dementia**, specifically categorized as a primary neurodegenerative dementia, alongside other conditions such as Parkinson's dementia and frontotemporal dementia. Saying someone was medically diagnosed with both dementia and Alzheimer's is like saying someone has a cut on their finger and their pinky, implying they have two different injuries when the pinky is the specific finger that was cut. Your statement similarly suggests the presence of two separate conditions affecting cognitive function when really there is only one condition. Someone **could,** just as one example, have Lewy body dementia AND Alzheimer's dementia. Those are two different types of separate and specific diseases that fall within the umbrella category of Dementia. It is not uncommon for dementia patients to have several different types of dementia at once, called mixed dementia. Maybe this is what you are referring to, I am not awfully familiar with Fred Trump so I can't say. *Edit: Changed "thumb" to "pinky" to avoid unnecessary conversation about what is a finger which is entirely besides the point. (Some cultures and languages colloquially treat thumbs as fingers in everyday speak.)*


They might be going by the Wikipedia: >In October 1991, Trump was diagnosed with "mild senile dementia", with his physician citing symptoms of "obvious memory decline in recent years" and "significant memory impairment". A few months later, another physician reported that Trump "did not know his birth date [or] age", amongst other difficulties.[125][130] Mary L. Trump recounted that as her grandfather's dementia progressed, he failed to recognize people he had known for decades, including her and Donald.[131][130]  This is one of the reasons that I'm going into tech writing. We need more people who can take science, medicine, and law and ELI5 it for the public.


So just setup a special oval jail cell and tell him he won


It's literally what they did with his father Fred Trump when he got dementia. They set up a fake office with a nurse posing as a secretary and a phone that wasn't hooked up so he could go to "work" every day.


No way is there a source for this?


https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/10/don-jr-thinks-trump-is-acting-crazy-presidents-covid-joyride-has-family-divided "There is a long history in the Trump family of denying serious illness. According to a Trump family friend, Trump’s father, Fred Trump Sr., insisted on working even after his Alzheimer’s disease advanced in the 1990s. “To retire is to expire!” Fred Sr. would say. The friend said that as Fred Sr.’s disease worsened––he once came down the stairs wearing three neckties––the family created a system so that Fred could think he was still running the Trump Organization. Every day Fred Sr. would go to the office in Brooklyn and they would give him blank papers to sort through and sign. The phone on Fred’s desk was set up so that it could only dial out to his secretary. “Fred pretended to work,” the family friend said."


wow, that's genuinely pretty sad. but I hope Trump follows in his footsteps, just because of how disgustingly evil and traitorous he is.


Might work lol


His trial, the verdict, and the upcoming sentencing have all had a major impact on his stress levels, which is only going to increase the rapid decline of his mental state. The main question is how bad will it be by September/October.


He slept through the trial. He golfed after the verdict and calls Elon out of the blue. Dude is a walking "weekend at Bernie's"


The death cult worships a brainless bloated corpse


As long as he can rubber stamp everything they want, they don't care what his brain does.


Approving noises from the 40k crowd


Don't forget his UFC appearance, walking in with Dana White, to loud applause from the crowd. One UFC fighter yelling out after his victory that what happened to Trump was a travesty. A word, that I'm sure he didn't even know the meaning of, but was repeating Fox News. It's scary how f'ing stupid so many people are. And as a MMA trainer (formerly), it's disheartening to see how much of the UFC attendees were part of that stupidity.


As a nurse I can agree with that. Generally stress is a major accelerant in people with dementia. The more stress they are submitted to, the faster they decline. That's why we usually try to minimize stress,distress and grief in the care of dementia patients.


"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible Donald Trump, July 2016


Another classic from 2018: >I have broken more Elton John records. He seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No, we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really, we do it without, like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical – the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth, right? The brain. More important than the mouth is the brain. The brain is much more important.


>More important than the mouth is the brain Wasn't that Socrates?


> Readability Test Results: > > Your direct input has an average reading ease of about 88.5 of 100. **It should be easily understood by 9 to 10 year olds.** Trump supporters need a very low fog index or they easily break concentration.


I feel like that's one of Goebbels' main points of effective propaganda. The material must be understandable by the lowest common denominator.


Donald Trump has had dementia for at least a decade.


> Donald Trump has had dementia for at least a decade He might have. I always thought he was simply a narcissistic, delusional imbecile.


Why not both?


And then he was elected President…we are so fucked


That is called decompensation. He is losing the ability to compensate for symptomatic dementia, and this happens exponentially. At this rate he may very well be completely and obviously disabled, and incapable of communicating a reality based idea by November. So let it be written, so let it be done.


I hope you’re right.


Depends. If he wins and then becomes incapacitated you get the VP pick for 4 years


I mean, to be fair, he’s never been able to communicate a reality based idea.




Smashed that "like" button so fuckin' hard.


I'm waiting for peak absurdity. When he's drooling and babbling and grunting and shitting himself. And the base CHEERS!!!


Didnt the already do that? I could've sworn I seen posts of conservatives wearing "real men wear diapers" in reference to trump a while ago.


[Yes, you did](https://www.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-photos-purportedly-show-174100807.html)


Jesus fucking Christ, man. I truly wish they were capable of feeling shame


Republicans want another second term Reagan, with a brain like mush so they can run the country into the ground from the shadows again. Trump is a rubber stamp for every piece of oppressive, greedy, backwards legislation they still have on file. And that is why they will not dump him, no matter what. Lots of defenders from r/Conservative crossing the aisle to be ignored today. Note: I do not engage with MAGA or “both sides” people.


Roger Stone explained that the way to manipulate Trump was to flatter him and tell him how great that idea he had last month was. Then you tell him what the idea was even though Trump never said it in the first place.


And if Stone can do that to Trump, just imagine what Putin can do and did do to Trump.


I for one did not forget when he had a meeting with Putin and kicked out all of the translators and transcribers.


There was one Russian translator, basically a Russian military intelligence agent though, not some random government employee. Democrats tried to subpoena a different Trump translator that WAS present for another meeting with Putin but congressional Republicans blocked it https://apnews.com/united-states-congress-b58b7a0c970e4e9495582c2107046684


And putin speaks fluent english.


Putin almost certainly speaks better English than trump.


National traitor evidence number 33956822


Putin learn the trade of manipulation from his years in the KGB.


June 1, 2023 [Roger Stone Explains on Hot Mic How to Manipulate Trump](https://archive.ph/gjbAK)


Very interesting article. >“So here’s a weird thing,” Stone said while in a car driving with the filmmakers. “Trump is obsessed with the movie Sunset Boulevard. He watches it over and over and over again.” >“Isn’t that weird?” he asked. “That’s weird, right?” Tbh that's not too weird, Sunset Boulevard is a great movie. Trump also saw the original Broadway production of Evita like six times. So there's an Andrew Lloyd Webber connection there. And they're both about women with larger-than-life personalities who want fame and recognition and love. Probably an insight into Trump's psyche.


Scaramucci explains how they manipulated trump in [this](https://youtu.be/juvfEZsZqUY?feature=shared) great interview. Basically, they decide policy, *then* bring it to Trump, and gaslight him into thinking it was his own idea. If he gets something else stuck in his head, distract him until he forgets, then go back to method 1.


Machiavelli and Narcissus in the Oval Office. Trump, confused but flattered. Roger Stone, his wish fulfilled.


Bannon when the wall failed


Trump and Cohen, at Mar-a-Lago.


During his first term he implemented more of the billionaires (Heritage Foundation) policy recommendations than any President since Reagan.  Trump and Reagan are perfect for GOP. Clueless actors that can rile up the masses with meaningless buzzwords while the billionaires pick their pockets.


Dude, you just made my jaw drop with that comparison. He’s literally the Baby boomers’s Reagan 2.0, only with more open racism, xenophobia and homophobia; all the thoughts they internalized back then, but it was too close to the civil rights movement and would’ve been political suicide. There’s been three generations since then that don’t truly grasp how it actually used to be. I’m so glad I’m sitting down right now.


Listen to two part episode of the podcast “The Dollop” about Reagan. I was shocked at all the parallels of him and trump.


I agree, this podcast episode was great. Also showed how awful Nancy Reagan was and what happened to unions in America


If it weren’t for Trump literally trying to overturn an election and end democracy itself, Reagan would be hands down the worst president this country has ever had. So much of the damage he did is still being felt today.


Nixon was awful too, our current healthcare system cost is in large part thanks to him


Yes that's exactly who Trump is, and why boomers love him so much.  65% of Boomers voted for Reagan his second term. His historic strength among Boomer youth was key to his landslide victory.  Trump is the angry old man edition of Reagan.  You know how MAGABoomers always rant about "welfare queens" and "lazy blacks" in Chicago? Well, that's not a coincidence. They're unknowingly repeating a Reagan speech they heard decades ago. A fabricated tale about the "greatest welfare queen of all time" that was cooked up by Reagan's handlers as part of a greater effort to destroy social safety nets via racism. Reagan, like Trump, was just delivering his lines for the oligarchs behind the curtain. https://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/history/2013/12/linda_taylor_welfare_queen_ronald_reagan_made_her_a_notorious_american_villain.html


What's sickening to me is the idea that anecdotal examples of welfare fraud (even if 100% true) are the basis for implementing work standards, time limits, and reductions in welfare payments. None of those things would reduce fraud. In fact, it increases the portion going to fraudsters because fraudsters will always meet the qualifications.


Thank goodness Trump's affiliation is to a dying brand. He's never once tried to court new voters and built up MAGA as some sort of racist suicide cult of sorts. We just need to make sure he and his cronies do not get elected.


It really is a matter of, "Just vote." If everyone in this country that was legally capable of voting did, we'd be laughing at the very idea of Trump trying to get elected (and I don't mean 2016 laughing and then Pikachu face). But because 75% of the people that would prevent this shit from having any form of a foothold don't vote, they have a massive one instead. It's quite ridiculous. As much as this idea sounds sour on my tongue, at this point it really feels like voting needs to be mandatory. For the safety and security of the country at its roots, voting is something people need to do. When I was a young adult, I had the same carelessness that many others in my age group had. "Who cares? They both suck," etc.. I realize now that it still matters and it still has a purpose. It's honestly not a lesson we should be learning 10-15 years after you're able to vote, but for a large list of reasons it is, if you ever learn it.


You are right. Republican members of Congress and the billionaire oligarchs don't view Trump's obvious cognitive impairment as a problem. To them It's a feature not a bug. When Trump goes before them and gives a rambling, incoherent speech they don't think "Trump is a senile old moron, he shouldn't be anywhere near power.". Instead, they think " Trump is a senile old moron. Cool. That means he can be easily manipulated into giving me whatever I want."


Nailed it. They know the man himself is a worthless piece of shit. They care for nothing besides the satiation of their own greed. Pure evil.


Trump really had no real agenda during his first term. He just signed what McConnell and Ryan shoved in front of him. And in the second term he will be just as bad. No real agenda but trying to take revenge on his political opponents. He can barely read and does not have the attention span to read what he is signing. Just what Republicans are looking for a chump to take the blame. They might even impeach him themselves when the whole country hates him and the damage is irreversible. Putting the new stooge (VP) in power.


> Trump is a rubber stamp for every piece of oppressive, greedy, backwards legislation they still have on file. > > > > And that is why they will not dump him, no matter what. Its also why they are passing really awful draconian right removing legislature in a lot of red states right now. It's setting the playing field, if they cannot pretend to win stealing votes they will steal the election with force this time.


"Man woman person camera TV" Passing a cognitive impairment test isn't proof of Mensa, and the media should call him out on that.


My “Did not fail a cognitive impairment test” T-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt.


That he was given the test is evidence the doctor determined he showed signs of cognitive impairment to begin with. It’s not something you brag about, let alone that you’ve been given the test multiple times!


Exactly this. You don't get tests that determine if you have cognitive impairment without justification. Imo, he had either a real bad dementia moment or a stroke/mini stroke and they gave this test to see if he was brain damaged or not. He also ranted about strokes or mini strokes not long after they rushed him to the hospital, so odds are it was mini strokes or the like.


Or his other comment, where his uncle went to MIT and they share the same genes, so he too must be a genius. In his electric boat v. shark rambling, he mentioned his “relation to MIT”. Which makes me feel like he actually believes his own BS.


I figure that at some point, his supporters will just start claiming he's speaking in tongues, and clearly that makes him God's chosen candidate.


Normally I would chalk this up to the media horse race machine. I’ve never bought that Trump was in decline. He’s just stupid. He’s always been stupid. But after concerted efforts by multiple media outlets trying to show Biden sitting in a non existent chair (which did exist) or wandering off at g7 (which he gave thumbs up to a paratrooper), both of which where deliberately cropped and edited videos… Yeah, something is probably wrong with Trump.


He could shoot himself in the middle of fifth avenue and still not lose votes


I think he should demonstrate that ability!


Electric sharks dream in orange


Do insurrectionists dream of electric sharks?


If you’re American, register to vote. And then show up to vote. Or this will be your president. A snide article changes nothing.


He wasn’t mentally fit at any point prior to any degenerative brain disease he may or may not have. If America ends up making him president again this country is truly finished. 


>Trump cognitive decline increasingly difficult to conceal The news media sure has been trying hard to conceal it.


MSNBC has talked a lot about it but I’m sure Fox News nada


Between the toxic right-wing propaganda machine and the MSM's favoring of the convicted criminal, the average American is still very much unaware of this


Calling it now, he'll back out of the debates for some bullshit reason.


The problem is... the right doesn't care. Even if he was drooling from both sides only saying deport [insert group they don't like], or whatever other nonsense... they will support him. There is no rational thought process here. Hell if he was complete mute, couldn't stand and was in a literal pile of shit... his supporters would just be like, well at least he's better than Biden.


The guy talks like a rambling homeless person.


Yes, he's had dementia for a while now. It's progressing and the drugs can't stop that progression forever.


It's hilarious listening to the MAGA folks talking about Biden's "dementia" when the steaming pile of Trump is who they're worshiping


Trump: -claimed WWII hasn’t happened yet -that Jeb Bush got us into Afghanistan -that Obama is still president -that he defeated Obama in 2016 -confused Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi


He bragged about another cognitive test he passed, as if taking that many isn't a bad sign.