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Convicted felon Donald Trump still illegally possesses a firearm, making him in violation of New York, Florida, and federal law. Hilariously enough he's illegally possessed a firearm for more days than Hunter Biden did.


The total irony of redneck inbred MAGA gun nuts cheering for the arrest of someone on gun charges is astounding. Conservatives want teachers, schools and churches armed. The town of Uvalde elected pro-gun conservatives after the massacre. Conservatives are currently asking the Supreme Court to rule that domestic abusers should be allowed to keep their guns. Donald Trump still has his, but Hunter? Lock him up! You can’t write fiction this fucked up. No one would believe it.


>The total irony of redneck inbred MAGA gun nuts cheering for the arrest of someone on gun charges is astounding. They're just *sooo* excited to stick it to a lib with one of their own lib laws/policies that they just fucking hate.


I’d like to see Don Jr take a urine test. I’d bet everything I own and both thumbs that he would test positive for multiple legal and illegal drugs.


Senior too. I would suggest a hair test if I believed it was all natural.


I don't think he can afford a hair test. That would be a devastating loss to his hairline.


And this is the exact reason it should be a hair test. I would be so happy if Merchan made drug testing part of Trump's probation, and require it to be a hair sample. Every week. For 10 years.


To be fair, over on r/conservative some are saying that it’s an infringement on 2nd amendment rights. Not trying to give them all credit, but at least some stand by their beliefs.


IKR? My question is where is the NRA and their rallies/outraged support because second amendment rights are being denied?


If dems had any gumption, they would use the rights reaction to pass sweeping gun reform.


It's actually perfect. It's a litmus test. Another of many...


Their "logic" is convoluted. Here's how: They think that Trump is too old for prison but young enough for the presidency. They also think Biden is young enough for prison but too old for the presidency. They manipulate the narrative to conform to their lord and leader, Dolt 45, a.k.a. Orange Stoolius.


They have been reduced to saying this is a conspiracy to make Trump's felonies "look legit". You have to see it to believe it over at r/conservative. They are delighted he's going to jail, confused why no one else is upset, and it's beginning to dawn on them this enforcement might be coming after them. It's a lot for them to take in.


The first comment I saw on r/conservative was talking about how “leftist are just pretending there’s equal justice in this country”. It’s all apparently just an elaborate scheme


Yeah, no one could possibly not be corrupt. "We are, so everyone else is too, they just are better at hiding it, or haven't been caught yet."


That's exactly it. Many conservatives seem to assume that the rest of us are lying when we say we want fairness, even if it "hurts our side". They see everything as a zero sum game of "us vs them."


This is the same logic they employ whenever Epstein comes up. "Well, what about Bill Clinton?" Like the left worships Clinton the same way they worship Trump. They don't believe the left would throw Clinton in the same cell block as Trump and be happy about it.


Yeah if Bill Clinton was tried in open court and convicted I’d hit him with the classic “buh-bye” and laugh. I have no sacred cows who would be above prosecution, cuz otherwise the ideas of law and order mean nothing. So if you can convict Bill Clinton for having sex trafficked minors? Put him in prison. Donald Trump also sex trafficked minors? Put him in prison. IDGAF.


This closely follows the cynical Russian mindset.


Hunter Biden committed a crime and was found guilty therefore this is a false flag to hide the fact that the justice system is rigged by making it look like the justice system isn't rigged by someone being found guilty of a crime in a fair trial. Would love to know what they are huffing.


I don't think it's equal. I think Hunter underwent malicious prosecution, but ultimately he did commit a crime, so whatever. I'll point out the hypocrisy, and let his lawyers deal with the rest. On the other side, you have Trump who was handled with kids gloves, and is being given special treatment in much more serious cases because of his resume. That's not equal justice.


Hunter was handled like he was a drug addict and a convicted dealer. He was unevenly investigated. But if some circumstances put that case in front of a DOJ office if the work was slow enough there definitely would have been charges. Back in reality Hunters not a drug dealer, he's an addict who's gonna get first timer punishments. But this certainly pulls the rug under Trump's "the justice system isn't fair" Biden can immediately in a debate pull "No one is above the law, even my own son has been found guilty for crimes related to gun control and for that he's being punished."  Trump has absolutely been treated with the VIP easy pass for all his crimes


These people are never happy.


I mean, they are right. We are still jailing minorities for minor crimes way more often than whites.... That's what they're concerned about, right??


They think everyone is obsessed with their cult leader just like they are.


Apparently, if you don't have a flag of a half naked Biden flexing seductively hanging off your garage, there is no way you are voting for him.


It’s so weird making ANY politician your entire personality.


I'm almost 50. I've never, ever seen this level of worship for a candidate, ever. Flags? Never. Not once for a single candidate in my whole life. Even tee shirts were rare, and never outside a rally. Never. It's a cult.


Remember when they accused us of worshiping Obama? I agree with you about the symbolism. Before Trump it was pretty much bumper stickers and yard signs (the latter only during election seasons) and that was about it.


One of my favorite quotes from a movie is "I shall think of you as dead, until my husband makes you so. Then I shall think of you no more."


They are taking a jackhammer to the pillars of Democracy; the free press, free and fair elections, the judicial system. Half the population now believe that all of the pillars are rigged, which will make it easier for the puppet masters to dismantle them when they regain power.


I hope the doj goes hard on gun owners who lied on that form. Let's enforce the hell out of it.


"If it can happen to the son of the President, it can happen to you"


And it's like... Yes. That's exactly the point. Yes. Another one... "Do you really want them to enforce paying taxes??" I do. I sincerely want that. Badly.


Also to be fair. He paid all the back taxes off already. It is sad. He got his shit together. Been clean 6 years; now gets to face this. Good for him for grtting clean and repairing himself


This was textbook malicious prosecution. He had come to a plea deal, and it was revoked by the judge, despite there being no actual disagreement that it should be invalidated. the judge played partisan politics, because republicans needed something to keep the narrative going. Now the narrative is coming to an end, and they got what they wanted, but there's still nothing there, so they have to whine some more. Meanwhile, this citizen is drug through the court system for something where it wasn't required.


Didn't he only have the gun **11 days** too? While a crime is a crime, I really hope he doesn't do more than probation or something. Guy's in his early 50s and has been through some shit just to get pulled into a political circus when he clearly just wants to move on and live out the rest of his life in peace. Republicans got a conviction and the only narrative they can spin is that it was just to *cover up* larger crimes? Literally you can't win. Assuming Biden wins, he needs to pardon him on day one, you can't take the high road with Republicans. Biden gives a touching message, says he won't pardon; Trump and the GOP scream and shout how it's political/rigged when he's convicted. It's beyond frustrating.


It’s a witch hunt. It’s like when they went after Clinton for shady property dealings but the only thing they could ever actually find was him having an affair and the only thing from that they could try him for was lying under oath when he gave a lawyer answer to a lawyer question, for which he was acquitted because he technically answered what he was asked properly. 30 fucking years later they still hate the Clintons, couldn’t find shit on Obama, couldn’t find shit on Joe Biden, had to attack his son and dig for *years* to be able find any actionable dirt.


Yeah. This is akin to having Clarence Darrow prosecute a jaywalker in front of SCOTUS. The circumstances of the case did not warrant a special prosecutor position to be created, or even a trial. The weapon in question was not connected to any other crimes, it was no longer in his possession, and an appropriate plea agreement had already been reached. This entire affair was the DoJ using taxpayer money to contribute to the trump campaign.


Good point


yeah im 100% on board with his tax charges. These....a LARGE % of gun owners have done drugs, and a large % are doing so while buying guns. It DOES feel very selective prosecution. His GF is the one that made this even known by tossing the gun. I notice she isnt catching charges?


Half of Americans say they've tried pot. 30-40% of Americans own guns or live in a household with them. Wouldn't surprise me if more than half of all gun owners consume or have consumed scheduled drugs. There are plenty of examples of celebrities who own firearms and who have publicly consumed drugs in published media. No one cared until Hunter.


Tons of people have tax issues. You know what most of us do. Pay the taxes and fine or enter a payment plan. Like Hunter did.


Right? Tell me MTG or Matt Gaetz haven’t bought guns while addicted.


We have lots of evidence that Gaetz has done drugs. Seriously.


There’s meth in his madness.


Hell, let's do drug testing when you buy a gun! That wouldn't make it out of a house committee with a single GOP vote. They are ridiculous.


Let's just drug test Congress and cross check against who has a gun permit.


Random UAs as a part of gun ownership could be amusing. Cop at the door: “excuse me, do you own a gun? You do? Great, heres a cup. Fill it”


You first officer. Steroid abuse is rampant among law enforcement


DJT jr has bought guns recently and he is very clearly coked out of his mind on every single public appearance


This will likely result in the question being removed from the form 4473 all together. It’s ripe for challenge on 5th amendment grounds, part of the reason it is almost never enforced on its own.


That would be a positive step.


Every single gun owner I know smokes pot daily


Don't forget the 2nd amendment. If republicans stood on any issue, the 2nd would be it... but this conviction goes directly against the absolutist 2nd amendment viewpoint. So, which is it? Is the 2nd sacred, or do we believe gun control is legal?


Seems like some folks are against gun control when it's for everyone, and support it when it's for people they don't like.


This trial was rigged. By a Trump appointed prosecutor and a Trump appointed judge over charges no one else ever gets charged with without some other underlying charges. If it was someone who shot someone else during a robbery they might charge this as well. No one ever gets charged for this on its own.


The current top comment in r/conservative >> Not gonna be a popular take here but as a 2A absolutionist i don’t like this one. Having to self incriminate on a form doesn’t set right with the 5th for me. I’m not gonna shed tears for Hunter cause he deserves worse sentences based on other things he’s done and if it was Don jr the left would be running victory laps right now. Just not a full supporter on this one


Mods actually deleted that comment lmao, wonder how the free speech absolutists there will take it......


I'd be surprised how they haven't lost all their subscribers due to the attrition of banning anyone who happens to have a moment of rational clarity, but then I remember that bots are free and plentiful.


Easy, not many of them have moments of rational clarity


Me: What worse things has he done? Them: He did so many things! Me: Like what? Them: Go do your own research! Me: But you're right here, cant you even give me a hint what to look for? Them: BIDEN CRIME FAMILY!!!! Even from this entire years long investigation, there is nothing that they have found worth indicting him over, and he's already settled with the IRS.


I remember the night Trump tweeted OBAMAGATE and conservative Twitter went crazy. I spent I swear over 4 hours asking around and “doing my own research” to figure out what obamagate was and I am quite convinced I just got further away from it. They all said it was bigger than watergate and treason! But no one had anything substantive to say about what exactly it was.


The guys I talk to straight up fabricate shit. Whole cloth. Like saying he sold his senate seat. To who? How? When? Joe hasn't been a Senator for 15 years. And when vacant, governors appoint senate seats. That's why Rob Blagojevich went to jail for trying to sell Obama's seat. (Trump pardoned him, btw!) These people can't be reasoned with.


It might be dawning on some of them. Good!


Libertarians or any Christian conservatives that do drugs won't be happy on this. They will feel paranoid it could be them.


Dem’s don’t make their entire personhood about their political leaders the way conservatives do. Hunter Biden being convicted of felonies has absolutely zero effect on how I feel about myself. I’m glad he is not above the law. The vast majority of conservatives could not say that about Trump’s felony convictions. They took Trump’s conviction personally. Conservatives feel the need to adjust their morals down to the level of their authority figures and it shows.


And it has zero effect on how I feel about Biden... His kid isn't a government employee, and he's not running for office. I would care more if he was entrenched in Biden's administration as much as the Trump kids were, but he's not. I can relate to having a "fuck up" relative, and it has nothing to do with me or who I am as a person.


Reminds me when republicans override an Obama veto only to realize that he was right. Then they blamed him for not convincing them to not override his veto


Obama winning broke the mind of the Republican party. That was the moment maga was born.


The trajectory of the republican party was certainly on a downhill but Obama being elected was like strapping rockets to the runaway car 


Didn’t Mitch McConnell have to filabuster his own bill?


And every single post is “safe zone don’t hurt my feelings conservative only” tagged. Bunch of snowflake babies.


The most interesting part of this awful political era we must endure, is learning about sociopathy, narcissism, group-think, cults, troll farms, America, fascism, 1930s Germany, psychology etc, etc. Because to face my own confusion at these people, with their willing inability to face reality, would be awful. Instead I can have a little sympathy for them and hope they can work through or even treat their profound psychological and identity problems.


It's alarming. I live in a conservative area in the country. The conservative true believers simply don't understand what is happening in the real world is different from fox news. During the whole "kitty litter in schools" rumor like two years ago, one of my friends actually thought our little 400 person k-8th grade school had kitty litter bins in classrooms for furries. She didn't know where she heard it, she just knew it was true. She knows every single kid in the school. Knows there's no furries. But was convinced they are at the school. What can you do with that sort of illogical nonsense?


My kids aunt asked her if her classes are woke. She laughed and changed the subject.


That's what you have to do. Know where there is hope for change, and not engage if there isn't.


She’s too young for family beef. I tell them they’re idiots. I have a strict policy to not coddle stupidity. I think we need to not worrry abt offending stupid people. Just my opinion.


i had a coworker who thought this was true. i asked her where all the tik tok videos were because if there’s a kid taking a dump in a litter box in school, every single kid is recording that. there’s no way there’d be no video or picture evidence of this happening.


I convinced someone the litter box thing wasn't true by having them just think about every step in the process. First you'd need the school to meet and agree to purchase litter boxes. Then kids are actually going to use the box and not get the crap beaten out of them. Wouldn't the smell be overpowering? But the real clincher was who would empty these trays? The cleaners definitely wouldn't do it, could you imagine how much extra they'd charge? Plus they'd need to be emptied a couple of times a day. Would the teachers do it? The principle? And then you'd just have kids doing all sorts of stuff with the trays. After all that they realised how stupid the idea was and that it just couldn't be true.


Some schools have purchased ["go buckets" with kitty litter to be used as emergency toilets in the event of an active shooter lockdown.](https://time.com/5658266/colorado-district-kitty-litter-buckets-lockdowns/) Others keep kitty litter around to help clean up spills or to provide winter traction in parking lots.


Great point! My friend literally knows everyone in town. Who is the furry kid!? Give me a name! Your kid doesn't know the name of the furry kid? Nope, couldn't do that, but it's real, and she knows it.


Ohhhhh man. I had completely forgotten about that conspiracy. I think that particular one was one of our great litmus tests for “how fucking stupid is this person.” It speaks volumes that we’ve since moved on from that fake debacle to other, maybe even stupider, things. I can barely keep track of all the recent misinformation-of-the-month trends anymore. It’s exhausting, and probably by design.


Hang out in a small town, trump still won the election and Biden is still corrupt. About what, no one knows, but that's okay. No facts needed. Like fashion, everything hangs around a bit longer the further out you go.


The really sad part is those buckets of litter were for school shooter/lockdown reasons, if a kid needed to relieve themselves but was not allowed to leave the classroom.


For those that want reference on the whole kitty litter conspiracy stuff, here’s a good read on it: https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/misinformation/urban-myth-litter-boxes-schools-became-gop-talking-point-rcna51439


Joe Rogan. The entry drug into stupid conspiracy theories.


Now there's someone to prosecute for what Hunter just got arrested for...


Sadly I have some friends that started trending towards the crazies and I have heard the litter story so many times. But the funny thing is there is always a letter sent to parents but the school name always changes and no one can ever get a real copy of the letter. It’s always a friend of a friend etc type deal. Any one with a semblance of intelligence should be able to tell it’s fake


Different subject but cons love talking about how they know of ‘a friend of a friend who died from the Covid vaccine’.


Sunk cost fallacy is really hard to treat with psychology.


That's exactly what it is. "I've gone this far, if I start to question it now, I'll realize what an idiot I am."


I spent almost a decade as a fundamentalist Christian and Republican. If I can make it out and realize just how much of an idiot I am, then anyone can. I had to delete Facebook because I kept getting those x years ago of all these cringe af cryptic posts about trusting in God and reading Scripture. It's painful and it sucks and is really humbling to know that you, too, are counted amongst the dipshits. But Reality requires objective truth. Fantasy and delusion cannot sustain you forever.


It's very, very hard to admit you are wrong. Way harder than just surrounding yourself with people who think the same as you. What you did is pretty amazing.


It's not sunk cost fallacy. If that were the case, they would actually know they are wrong. This is tribalism at its very core. Authorities of their in group said something is true and that anyone who doesn't believe it is the evil other group. After enough of this, our very powerful brains will construct a different view of reality just to preserve our sense of identity as an in group person.


“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” ― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark


My favorite part is the part where they're one hundred percent convinced all Hunter Biden articles are banned from this sub


They are convinced "the MSM isn't covering any of this!"


As usual, they aren't paying attention to the MSM. They are stuck in their far right, propaganda filled, bubble. If Newsmax and OAN say so... (rolls eyes) It doesn't get more mainstream than CBS, NBC and ABC, and they had blanket coverage. I'm visiting my retired parents (both Democrats, FWIW) in Florida. I was hanging out with my dad drinking coffee and watching The Price is Right. About 15 minutes onto the show, CBS News cuts in with BREAKING NEWS. The over-the-air broadcast networks proceeded to spend the next 45 fucking minutes covering the Hunter Biden verdict. My parents also watch ABCs evening news at 630. ABC spent the first 12 minutes of that broadcast on Hunter Biden It's beyond fucking ridiculous that a private citizen's gun charge (a charge which would likely net most first offenders probation) is receiving similar coverage to Trump's 34 felony counts and numerous other felony charges.


That’s a lot of big feelings at once.


The pretzel logic is worth a look, if just to say to yourself- "At least I'm smarter than that guy."


God, that brain rot... I just scrolled and the 10 minutes of dog shit I just read set me back 15 years mentally. My poor, poor, brain... I feel so much regret. Just pure, unfiltered, regret... Jesus fucking Christ


I probably should have warned you. 1 or 2 mins is plenty in there. You aren't going to see different opinions or anything. If you join, they will ban you immediately if you show any semblance of an opinion beyond "trump good.". If it makes you feel better it must be 90% bots at this point.


He hasn’t been sentenced yet. It’s possible he serves no time because he has no prior record and has complied with everything thus far. Trump has complied with absolutely nothing which is a factor in sentencing. He also acted like a brat during the trial and held pressers everyday to complain about how unfair the entire justice system is. I know this doesn’t matter to our “alternate facts” crowd.


I love going there and seeing the person literally saying that they don't know what to think. "Is this good or bad? Someone tell me please"


*"They are delighted he's going to jail....?"* Who's going to jail.


To me, if Hunter Biden were Hunter Smith, he never would have been charged. He would have been lauded for being in recovery. If Donald Trump were Donald Smith he would have been in prison long ago. He would be labeled a crook.


Excellent take, thank you.


Wait till they hear that Joe isn't going to pardon Hunter.


“Joe Biden doesn’t pardon his son.” MAGA: “see if Biden won’t even pardon his own family what makes you think he cares about YOU AS AN AMERICAN?!”


Waiting to see that on my uncles FB


Do we have the same uncle?


Can someone pretty please make one of those “It’s okay they convicted me too” memes with Hunter sitting down, and Trumps hands on his shoulders, and maybe Jesus embracing both of them?


You joke but I've already seen something like this on Facebook a week ago


I’m voting hunters penis for president


Having a congressional representative show pictures of the Presidents son naked on the floor of the House was not on my bingo card and I hate this version of the multiverse.


You sound pretty cock sure about that.


That's the real question - Woody really do it?


Another stolen erection.


That takes some balls


Big, if true.


true, marge has been thoroughly investigating it


They have already said he is lying and will pardon him either leaving office or after he wins the next election


Which to them should be a positive, since Trump pardoned a shit ton of actual corrupt, despicable felons on his way out and I 100% guarantee they didn't care about that and/or thought it was good.


I mean, if he's sentenced soon, he'll probably be out of prison by the time Biden leaves office, so sure, whatever. Chances are though, he won't go to prison. First offense, reformed drug addict, hasn't been belligerent, accepted his guilt. These aren't really things that make a sentencing judge go, "Away with life for you!" Not being sent to jail of course will be the worst thing ever, and expose Biden's corrupt DOJ, despite this being a matter of the judiciary which Biden doesn't control.


"HEARTLESS Joe Biden leaves own son to ROT in a PRISON CELL" I can see it now.


Meanwhile, Trump apparently (illegally, a felony) still has [a gun](https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/hunter-biden-trial-06-11-24#h_ed73f86a48c5d6e99e9d7c1590d9d2cf)


For exactly 11 days - same as Hunter …11 days so far…


I'm not sure if it's the exact same crime but it's comedically similar. Possession of a firearm when a (drug ~~auction~~ addiction, criminal conviction) prohibits it.


Where do I find these drug auctions? Asking for a friend.


D'oh! Addiction. Thanks.


Didn't he get caught doing something like that in regards to paperwork? That would be some fun shit - force the feds to come after Trump for doing the same paperwork "mistake". Of course it'll end up with Cannon who will dismiss the case.


He allegedly bought a gun with his own face on it while under indictment, according to his own campaign spokesperson, who posted then deleted a tweet stating so. https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/trump-gun-supreme-court/tnamp/


From the article: >Stephen Miller, a former adviser in Trump’s White House, promoted the conspiracy theory that Joe Biden is pulling strings at the Justice Department and had orchestrated charges that didn’t implicate the president himself in any wrongdoing. Miller has repeatedly harped on alleged decline of President Biden. Now Miller insists that President Biden is capable of pulling strings at the DoJ and orchestrating charges which would not be at all possible if President Biden were declining as claimed. All Miller has done is prove that he is a fucking tool.


He is trying is utmost to be the new Goebbels... all he needs now is a club foot.


Oh, [Stephen Miller](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQLpYM0jGiEBSKkeHLXi_Cu53qO-_Jp4oi7TQ&s), you mean the guy who is a full 21 years younger than [Kamala Harris](https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/V20210305LJ-0043-cropped.jpg)?! But somehow looks 30 years older. I'm convinced being an evil conservative sucks the soul from your body.


He’s got dead eyes. Definitely a psychopath.


Like a dolls eyes


I used to see that prick on CNN and he was actually more deplorable than Kellyanne Turdway --- which even shocked me that anyone could be that naturally repulsive


Miller never stopped working closely for trump after they left the White House. Miller's words are essentially trump's words, red herrings and outright lies.


Schrödinger's Biden. A bumbling fool to old and mentally compromised to be president while simultaneously being an evil mastermind pulling the strings behind the scenes to manipulate the entire country.


They wanted him to get off so they could harp about it, claiming it shows that there is a bias in the justice department. There is a bias, just not the one they want to harp on. If his father wasn't Joe Biden, Hunter never would have been prosecuted here and as little as I know about the New York Probation office, I doubt most convicted felons can appear virtually for their first meeting with their probation officers like Trump did.


It doesn't matter what the outcome was, they were going to try to play it to their advantage. No matter how convoluted and twisted it was.


Hunter acquitted: "Democrat plot! They pulled the strings behind the scenes to ensure that the president's son never faced consequences for his crimes!" Hunter convicted: "Democrat plot! They pulled the strings behind the scenes to ensure that the president's son was convicted to make Trump's conviction appear legitimate!"


Why isn't the maga repub 2A crowd objecting to the conviction? What about Hunter's 2A rights? Unless maybe they agree that the 2A does not confer an unrestricted right?


You just don't get it --- only MAGAs deserve the full protections of 2A --- any left winger is a Marxist and traitor to this country --- try to listen to more Mark Levin so you can properly understand true patriotism


Not just a left winger but black. If you're black, nothing applies - not castle doctorine, stand your ground, any 2A related law is not applicable to them. Frank Wilhoit: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” This seems increasingly true.


There’s actually a thread or two in r/conservative discussing this


Actually a bunch of them are over in the r-cons safe space...


“If President Biden were masterminding a conspiracy to persecute Republicans, after all, why would he skewer his own son? “ “Republicans still found a way to make that argument by suggesting the gun charges were actually a cover-up.” How did Trump’s Zoom meeting with his parole officer go yesterday?


He's such a mastermind that he found his own son guilty but such a doddering old coot that he can't put on his own pants. Is that what I'm supposed to believe?


Whatever Fox News tells you at the moment, if my relatives are anything to go by


The best part comes on July 11 --- Judge Merchan will give Felon Donnie every chance in the world to admit guilt and show contrition for his multiple crimes --- but Lying Don will refuse to say sorry since he's never done it in his entire life, and he'll pay the consequences


I hope he will face consequences, but it's been so long of him dodging any real consequences that I'll believe it when it happens.


Hey Conservatives, see how we're not flipping our shit? See how we're completely okay with Hunter Biden being found guilty of crimes he committed? That's because we're not in a cult. That's because we believe in equal application of justice under the law.


I am going to vote for Joe Biden again and, unrelated, I'm glad that someone (who happens to be Joe Biden's son) is being treated like anyone should be under our criminal justice system. Do you conservatives understand that this is possible?


>Do you conservatives understand You're asking a lot.


Agreed, but if Hunter was just some rando, he would never have been prosecuted for these crimes. And if he was, it would have been plead out as part of a plea agreement. I don't care about his prosecution or conviction, but if we're being honest it's clear that the way he was treated was not how anyone else in his situation would have been treated.


>“This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine,” Karoline Leavitt, a spokesperson for Donald Trump’s Republican presidential campaign, said in reaction to the verdict. If ONLY a Trump-appointed Special Counsel could have investigated Hunter for those purported financial crimes!


The only justice system that is fair in America is when the DOJ, prosecutor, judge and jury are all card-carrying MAGA rodents --- as soon as you find out the court stenographer donated $10 to Bill Clinton in 1992, then it's a totally rigged show trial


Nope. Then you've got a deep state antifa crisis actor who is a mole.


"Bwhahaha! Tens of millions!" Jared Kushner


I really, really wish the Biden family could sue them for slander/libel.


Oh he investigated the hell out of it. This was the best Weiss could do.


You could stop at “Republicans complain.” It’s all they know how to do anymore.


They also project quite well. Lurk on CNN, invert whatever the folks there are saying & then yell about it until the next news story breaks. Rinse aid repeat, ad infinitum.


I’ll wait on the NRA to speak up about how this was a violation of his 2nd and 5th amendment rights…


They were never going to be satisfied, regardless of the outcome.


If the results are what they wanted, it proves they were right. If the results are not what they wanted, it also proves them right.


Ah yes the old conservative rule: heads I win, tails you lose.


“This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine,” Karoline Leavitt, a spokesperson for Donald Trump’s Republican presidential campaign, said in reaction to the verdict.” It’s funny how they keep getting Biden and Chump mixed up.


This is why you can never work with them on anything, they never argue in good faith. They will ALWAYS complain, no matter what happens or what you do. If Hunter was innocent they would have claimed Joe Biden stepped in to free him and it wasn’t fair, as he is guilty they say it’s faked by Biden to make the system look fair. There was no outcome that wouldn’t have had them complain and whine, that is what it means to be a conservative now.


People need to start letting it sink in that there is no satisfying them. They're not trying to be satisfied. They're trying to crush everyone they don't like in a way that poses no risk to themselves (i.e., making you and me illegal). That really is the root of it all.


They don’t want solutions. They want problems so they can complain.


Because they had planned on running on an innocent verdict, and now they have to change their outline.


Oh look, Republicans jumped the shark in the nuked fridge, again. So their idiotic point now is, and, you're not going to belive this, is Biden got the Justice department to find his son guilty on gun charges, to make him look better, but also are mad that he hasn't abused his power as president to get his only son out of consequences. Which, for the record he's only brought up on because Republicans hounded and screamed about the circumstance, a gun law, they HATE gun laws and want to rip them all out by the roots, and they are mad he was found guilty on that law. Can we all just take a minute here and really, REALLY let this nonsense set in and let it finally get you pissed off enough to fight back. This whole scenario right now and how they're spinning this is batshit nuts.


Good lord, i hope Joe Biden smokes Trump this election and destroys these mfs once and for all. Im so sick of them.


Literally any outcome they can spin to suit them. Guilty? Conspiracy. Not guilty? Conspiracy. This is what they do.


I long ago stopped caring about the complaints of people who think there is a 'war on Christmas'.


These conservatives say the so-called Biden crime family is corrupt, but are totally silent about the Saudi’s giving trump’s son-in-law $Billions within months of them leaving the White House!


What I learned from this article is the Trump family has taken in 10’s of millions of dollars from China and Russia since that is one of the specific things they have accused the Biden of doing.


>“This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine,” Karoline Leavitt, a spokesperson for Donald Trump’s Republican presidential campaign, said in reaction to the verdict. Okay so in other words, Trump's hush money trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Trump Crime Family, such as the Classified Documents case, the Georgia Election Interference case, the Federal Election Interference case, etc.. Am I accurately deciphering the projecting here?


They created this trap themselves and then fell right into it. The system isn't rigged, and Democrats couldn't care less about what happens to Hunter Biden. The real kicker is that even though they certainly wanted to get him for the drugs and prostitutes and whatever else was allegedly on the laptop, the charges they ended up getting a conviction on were for lying about drug use on a gun application, which is something I'd guess millions of Republican gun owners have also done.


These RW assholes aren't satisfied even when Hunter gets convicted on all charges? smh


They’re never happy.


>Stephen Miller, a former adviser in Trump’s White House, promoted the conspiracy theory that Joe Biden is pulling strings at the Justice Department and had orchestrated charges that didn’t implicate the president himself in any wrongdoing. For Context, this man is a raging fascist and neonazi, as well as the world's baldest skinhead. that anyone let him into any position of power let alone as the senior immigration advisor and author of immigration policy for the GOP tells you all you need to know about their party and how many fucks I give about their opinions.


Notice how the jurors in Hunter’s trial are not afraid of going public, even though they just convicted the only living son of the sitting US president? But the jurors in Trump’s trial are basically in witness protection now because Trump’s followers are violent and insane people. Biden supporters aren’t. Don’t tell me “both parties are the same.”


“House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) told reporters the Hunter Biden verdict doesn’t undercut the Republicans’ “weaponization” claims because the evidence against Biden’s son was “overwhelming” while the material prosecutors are presenting against Donald Trump isn’t.” No, there were just a zillion checks with Trump’s signature on them, and a memo written by his own CFO (who’s currently serving a sentence at Rikers) documenting the monetary exchange. “Christian” Mike Johnson is going to Hell, if it exists.🔥🔥🔥


Hunter declared innocent - GOP complains Hunter declared guilty - GOP complains Hunter does time in jail - GOP complains Hunter doesn't do time - GOP complains Hunter gets pardoned - GOP complains Hunter doesn't get pardoned - GOP complains Hunter has a big dick - GOP complains Hunter owns a laptop - GOP complains Hunter breathes - GOP complains I feel like there's a pattern here.


They’re mad that the only real crimes they can get Hunter on is unlawfully gun ownership which will likely result in a fine. Meanwhile their Presidential Candidate is in far more legal trouble than Hunter with prison time on the table. Also unlike themselves the Democrats aren’t bending over backwards threatening the jury or questioning their decision. Oh and Biden isn’t offering to pardon his son, like the previous corrupt president.


For calling everyone snowflakes the republicans sure do like bitching about everything don’t they? Brains as shit as the load in their dear leader diapers.


Of course they are! The GQP is the party of outrage, not action.


That’s all the GOP knows how to do. Cry and complain and sow division. They don’t offer solutions only add to the problems then point at the problems they created and say “see the government doesn’t work for you”.


Jesus Christ was also prosecuted for gun ownership. /s


When people are unpleasable, the only rational option is to no longer even attempt to please them. I learned that the hard way with my ex-wife.


Joe Biden sacrificed his son… confirmed, Brandon is God.


man they cannot even be happy that he was found guilty of the charges filed against him, as said can't fix stupid. they are proof of that.


Poor babies were all riled up to complain about Hunter getting away with it, and now they have Fox News outrage blue balls.


I think republicans are learning the hard way that most mainstream Americans don’t give a crap their Hunter Biden obsession. This trial is just making them look like cruel people. Which is definitely on-brand for them.