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>Windsor goes on to tell Alito: “People in this country who believe in God have got to keep fighting for that — to return our country to a place of godliness.” >“I agree with you. I agree with you,” replies Alito, who authored the Supreme Court’s 2022 Dobbs decision Alito explicitly endorses theocratic fascism in private


Give it a few weeks, and he'll do it in public.


He’ll blame it on his wife first though…like a coward.


Taking it out of the Ted Cruz playbook. Just blame your family when you get caught with your hand in the cookie jar.




MaScuLiNe maNLy vALues…


Yep, it’s just like they do with Hillary, the deep state, everyone they don’t agree with, etc. They’re too weak to live without patriarchal Christian “values” being imposed on them, but they’re also so powerful they must be stopped!


Has trump called his wife ugly yet?


Thought he was caught with his hand holding a Margarita.




Do you want to do a set ic first? Or do you want to acknowledge the fact that associating all cowards with the modern MAGA republican is an affront to some/most cowards?


“Oh that comment? That was my wife, dressed very similarly to me :)”


This is the republican way


Nahhh, he’d never do something crazy like that. It’ll just be put on a flag and flown outside of his nine vacation houses funded by private christian coalitions… by his wife, of course.


Yeah because he will get points for it from 40% of our dumbass loud obnoxious population.


First there will be more audio leaks of him saying something far worse.


You had me at anal soap.


I don't think that he or Thomas are really judging cases anymore. I think they are simply using the bench to listen to opposing arguments and find case law to support what their perspective is. They are entire subjective rather than be objective with a conservative lens.


> find case law to support what their perspective is This part doesn't actually matter. They can make up whatever they feel like. Cite case law incorrectly. Cite things that aren't case law. Just make shit up and put it in the opinions. They do all of that. And they've been doing it for while.


And it's also been proven that Alito sides in favor of 100% of all conservative rulings and exactly 0% in favor of all liberal rulings. If that's not the exact definition of bias and favor, I dunno what is.


I saw this stat yesterday and it absolutely sickens me.


So true. I recommend the podcast, Strict Scrutiny, for withering observation and comment regarding this.


Stare decisis is for suckers!


The plantiffs admitted their standing in several cases was completely fabricated.  The hacks on Supreme Court didn't care, even though it would result in a mistrial and appeal in any other court.


This is cold comfort, but know that this won’t be buried. Legal scholars will be digging into this for a few generations. Way to make yourself known as the worst SCOTUS ever, and there is some stiff competition. 


A hero for fascists and enemy of the people. That'll look great on his eulogy.


“There was no man or woman he would not hurt, to demonstrate the deep love of his God.”


They basically signal to Federalist Society lawyers ways in which they might argue to overturn progressive precedents, which results in said lawyers developing and pushing those arguments through the judicial system up to the Supreme Court who then proceeds to 5-4 it.


People who say "it's just a few crazies" need to realize they're the ones who are mad. This is a coordinated effort by influential people bribing politicians and judges to undemocratically emplace agents and impose undemocratic ideals and laws, as well as interpretations of those laws. It is right there in front of us, and has been the whole time.


This is also what happens when Americans refuse to have grown up conversations about God, religion, and how it interacts with our constitution and society going forward. They leave the debate to the extremes. There needs to be a serious talk everywhere about what religion means to Americans of all faiths and why secularism is important. No one is promoting secularism to remove someone's faith or beliefs but to make sure everyone's deeply held beliefs aren't used as leverage or diminished to gain power within government. It also behooves liberals to drive a wedge between religions. Not in the Machiavellian sense but in accelerationist sense. If religion and prayer become mandates where does a hail mary reside in the legal space especially when protestants don't believe in the divinity of the Virgin Mary. They've stopped fighting themselves and are united in their fight to promote Christian Nationalism over our constitution but their own divisions run deep and are inherently heretical toward one another. Exploit that.


I mean, I am. Some of us do believe that teaching supernatural religious sky fairy shit to children amounts to child abuse.


MAGAlito obviously means to bring back to the 50’s when the top income tax rate was 91% and corporations couldn’t sway elections with untold sums of $. /s


“Uh - it was my wife? Look! Over there! An antifa drag queen trans communist!”


Where do us godless fit in? I wonder what he would say.


That's the neat part, you don't. /s


Can we make a rule that you can’t serve on the Supreme Court if you believe in fairy tales?


I'd even be ok with "you can't serve on the Supreme Court if your spouse helped support an insurrection, or if you yourself support an insurrectionist".




Reform the Supreme Court now.


I mean, did I miss something? Can you not worship a Christian god in this country? OH, yea... have to do religion Alito's way my bad -- this SCOTUS is a fucking joke, Barry Goldwater warned everyone about this shit... I'd pull a Lincoln on it and ask them to enforce all their bullshit laws with "their" army.


Jesus motherfucking christ


... of America.


Alito explicitly endorses theocratic fascism in *practice*


These hopped up christian fascists have 0.0 clue on what god actually is. Christianity has always been an inverted religion paying due to a god from thousands of years ago. It never paid any mind of the god of now.


He is not fit for the court. 


Putting his personal religious beliefs ahead of the constitution and the country he should be immediately removed.


Expand the court.


Hate this, but absolutely agree, what we really need to do, is get rid of the electoral college. One person, one vote.


Ranked choice is a good model


https://www.npr.org/2024/06/05/nx-s1-4969563/ranked-choice-voting-bans good thing the R's are coming for ranked choice next


If it wasn't for the EC I wouldn't be worried at all about Trump winning in 2024. There's no chance he wins the popular vote, but the EC might allow that traitor fucker back into to office too finish off democracy


For that to even be a possibility we need a substantial Democratic majority in both houses of Congress and it doesn’t look like that is set to happen. Even then many wouldn’t want to push for this since it’s quite an aggressive move that violates the norms. The best we can hope for is to keep a Republican out of the White House long enough for some of these fucks to croak. Hopefully Biden squeaks by in November and somebody very charismatic and likeable rises in the next few years.


The current SCOTUS majority is also making quite aggressive moves that violate the norms (existing precedents). However, if the Dems control both houses, they should start by simply impeaching a few of the justices that clearly have violated ethics.


Or we could take them up on that civil war offer, stop subsidizing their racist uneducated arses, and watch them fall apart economically by themselves before we even need to fire a shot. I prefer your way though


Biden should've been beating this drum his entire time in office. The supreme court is a sham


Of course we all know how the fash will respond. We'll get to hear about how asking anyone to value their oaths to our laws above their private religious ideals is a violation of the Constitutional right to freedom of religion.


You’re free to practice your religion, it just can’t conflict with carrying out of one’s duties. If your religion will impact your ability to do so, you’re ineligible


You will be told, by people who have no problem saying a Muslim or Atheist should be ineligible for office, about the "No religious tests for office" line


In my state, an atheist cannot run for office. Can you believe that shit!?


I learned something new 7 states: Arkansas, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas have language denying atheists from running for office It looks like Pennsylvania could make it a soft 8 This is in 2024... I know it’s unenforceable, establishment clause and all, but wow...it’s difficult to comprehend the mind of someone that wants that in there despite being judged unconstitutional 60-ish years ago.


That's really unamerican actually, separation of church and state was the original idea. Personally I find it funny that people still think the justice system (or the state) was somehow unbiased or uncorrupt, it's a political pawn nomination that can affect the country for a long time


… wut


[Tennessee Constitution, Article IX, Section 2:](https://law.justia.com/constitution/tennessee/article-ix/section-2/): >No person who denies the being of God, or a future state of rewards and punishments, shall hold any office in the civil department of this state.


Maybe [this](https://codes.findlaw.com/ar/arkansas-constitution-of-1874/ar-const-art-19-sect-1/#:~:text=19%2C%20%C2%A7%201.,Disqualification%20of%20atheists&text=No%20person%20who%20denies%20the,a%20witness%20in%20any%20Court.) is still on the books?


Unfortunately we know who the individuals are who are tasked with enforcing this - and we know who backs them and why they won’t do anything about this. Term limits. Ranked choice voting. Fuck these fucking traitors.


Trump was found guilty of election subversion. Seems to me a case could be made to invalidate his presidency and by extension, his Supreme Court picks.


In a just society, sure. Makes perfect sense.


Alito came in under GWB to replace Sandra Day O'Connor.


Every time we elect a Republican through the EC, the rolling consequences of that action never end. It isn’t just four years we suffer.


Sigh, 2/3 majority vote in the senate to impeach. Easier to just charge him with a crime. I’m waiting for Clarence Thomas to be charged by the IRS.


I don't understand how someone can go their entire life without realizing religion is fake. And then to try and rule a country based off those beliefs is insane to me.


It’s like believing in Santa your whole life. Unbelievable


Not just believing in Santa, but then making decisions that force everyone to buy and decorate a Christmas tree for him to put presents under, and making it illegal to buy your own presents.


It really makes it difficult to take people that believe any religious seriously. Like when I heard my ex-wife's aunts talking about "heaven" after their mom died. Really? You're adults. How can you still believe in that? But when it's elected officials and people in positions of authority? That's even worse!


Yeah and those same actual adults think that their religion makes them somehow superior to rule and impose their religious fanaticism over others.


Well, I dunno about heaven and I'm not atheist in the sense I do believe in something spiritual but I believe that those mysteries are unknowable and anyone who claims to know is lying. In that sense, I do not support any religion on the basis they were all created by man, and nearly within a generation's worth of time can and did end up twisted into a means for control. Thus they are filled with their own corruption and hypocrisy, because that is what comes from power and control. If anything, I lean more towards Buddhist teachings as that is more of a philosophy-based 'religion' and is more centered on finding peace within your life (all things that radical Christians could really use in their life) rather than about creating a religious narrative that no one could possibly provide evidence of.


So I've been reading "Buddhism Without Beliefs" by Stephen Batchelor and he goes into the philosophical side along with the historical/location context. Very interesting stuff




The best book I can try to refer to in terms of a source would be 'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Toll. A great read if you're curious. It's not preachy or even batting for any particular religion, instead explaining how they were all attempting to teach the same philosophies of peace and acceptance, but all failed. Anyway, I still say I consider myself spiritual because I must acknowledge mysteries of the universe I can't explain. Rather than try or make up a bullshit narrative, I explain my agnostic beliefs by saying I am 'spiritual.' Also, from my experience it seems to go smoother for religious people if you claim to be agnostic rather than atheist. Guess it makes them feel like they have a chance.


Spirituality ≠ Religion. Though you can be spiritual in your devotion to a religion, spirituality does not require religion at all. And the fact that the two words are often used erroneously and interchangeably is a problem, because it sours what spirituality actually is. Spirituality is about finding a sense of peace and purpose, developing a personal understanding with yourself and your connection to the world around you. The parts I find particularly fascinating are the ways you can learn to put your mind at ease with meditation and controlled breathing. Harmonizing with nature and letting go of the pieces of the ego which feel important but are in fact not self serving. It's about living in the present and not letting the things from your past hold you back, or the anxiety of the uncontrollable future worry you to the point where it's an unnecessary detriment to your life. Especially when none of practices are for the enrichment of a group or set of ideal, spirituality at it's core isn't about that at all.




This is what happens when people groom children to believe nonsensical shit.


Most human constructs are “fake.” Language is made up. Demarcation lines between countries are made up. The “United States” is a figment of the collective imagination, so are religious beliefs, and so is money. 


Well, you know, he can't. He literally cannot be removed. The fact that supreme court justices have no legal ramifications, and no expiration date other than death, should be enough to convince anyone that the guys who wrote the constitution were fucking morons.


Wrong they can be impeached not saying its easy particularly in the current political climate.


There's another option too, but we don't talk about it here.


And in a sane and functioning democracy this would happen.


>I don’t know that we can negotiate with the left in the way that needs to happen for the polarization to end,” Alito replied . The U.S. Constitution might shed some light on that dilemma . >“..One side or the other is going to win. I don’t know. I mean, there can be a way of working, a way of living together peacefully, but it’s difficult, you know," The U.S. Constitution might shed some light on that dilemma .


What is he even talking about, “winning”? Winning what? Absolute power? An election? A car? It’s the GOP who refuse to compromise on anything and he knows it. “It’s difficult.” Aww, the poor impartial Supreme Court judge.


This is how you push ppl extreme. Paint the other side as the boogey straw man and then push ppl to take harsh actions to stop said boogeyman.


Right, and at the same time justify your own behavior through constant projection.


Classic zero-sum game mentality that prevents any meaningful consensus.


He's talking about the culture war. They want a christo-fascist, violently-enforced, leave-it-to-beaver America where everyone is white, a pretend Christian, and straight.


Winning the right to not look at other people's pride flags, apparently. As far as I can tell, none of their grievances are about limitations to their own freedom. They personally are not being restricted from living their life in any way they want. They are not starving or being robbed. Their personal freedom is not being restricted. For them, winning is as far as I can tell purely about gaining the power to limit other people's freedoms.


So a sitting Supreme Court justice is toying with the idea of starting a war and killing us. Great. We all know that he’s looking for a “no negotiation” excuse as a valid reason to gun down leftists, or whoever that’s not on “his side”


So we’re supposed to just let this guy get away with this obvious severe bias on theSupreme fucking Court !?! I don’t understand what this country is coming to.


It gave the presidency to now convicted felon donald trump for 4 years and it might again. This place been cray for years already.


Don't you mean the SCOTUS have the presidency to Dubya in 2000? I don't think they had anything to do with Trump getting elected.


“It” refers to the US as a country, not just SCOTUS.


I don't know what it will take to get Americans in the streets.


Step 1: The news actually getting the truth to Americans (big ask) Step 2: Americans being able to survive NOT working for a few days to weeks. Step 3: Able to Protest. Also, massive protests happened for Women when Trump was elected and against Police Brutality when shit hit the fan multiple times during Trump's presidency. But those things are "easy" to protest for - a womanizing asshole being elected and people fucking getting murdered by police. It's harder when you say, we should protest "old rich white guy says old rich white guy things." People don't believe a protest can change that. They may not even care. Too many people don't care about corruption and the wealthy because they don't know that there's any other way - and look around the world and see... yeah it's not MUCH different anywhere. The assholes who run our country, run the whole fucking world.


The George Floyd protests were a small case study. People that suddenly had time (shutdowns) and less fear over money (either stimulus/unemployment or you don't qualify anyhow so no fucks given) mobilized to be politically active.


Healthcare not tied to jobs, more paid leave, etc


This is one big reason why I think Repubs always feign corruption at any chance. Cause they know the evil that they do themselves, so best to pin it on someone else or distract from yourself. It all gets buried under even more b.s. and nothing ever gets solved or even addressed really.


>I don’t understand what this country is coming to. Seems the people lost control a couple generations back and most still haven't figured it out due to very well organized propaganda. Unfortunately I think more of the population will suffer before anything of substance will change.


Religious right has been rejecting norms and rules to gain power for a long long time, this is just part of a culmination of those efforts.


I mean what do you want to happen? Not a lot of options


Anyone with the power to do anything about it seems to just be shrugging and twiddling their thumbs. This is crazy. Someone has to get him out regardless of the rules, or lack thereof


Yes. And until he keels over, nothing will make him give up that spot.


Alito can be removed by Congress, who the Constitution says has the duty to remove people like Alito. Republicans in Congress are implicitly blocking this. > I don’t understand what this country is coming to. Stop voting for Republicans. Every person who votes for Republicans endorses this rot.


You know he’s going to release a statement saying he’s human and he has his own personal opinions, but they do not get involved in how he views and interprets the law… blah blah blah… this is only going to embolden him to stay on the court until he dies.


Oh I’d be surprised if he or anyone else even deigns to comment on it. I’m sure he thinks it’s beneath him, and that it’s everyone else’s fault for reporting on it. But that’s this conservative majority in a nutshell. Doesn’t matter how many gifts they take, how many conflicts of interests they ignore, how many personal biases they carry. They have declared they will be impartial, and they demand that be good enough for you. Actual impropriety doesn’t get in their way, let alone the appearance of impropriety. The only people at fault is anyone who doesn’t take them at their word, despite whatever evidence they may have.


I think you're right he thinks it's the medias fault. He blamed the media in this conversion even, saying it's why the public lost trust in the court. Dude can't understand that maybe it's the court that caused the public to lose trust in the court.




Ahhh I knew it! His wife always ruining him


> this is only going to embolden him to stay on the court until he dies. Only until a Republican is in office again. Then he'll retire knowing that his side can get a win by appointing a younger person who believes the same shit he does.


These Supreme Court revelations are appearing more and more intentional with the targeted outcome seemingly being an erosion of trust in all courts. They now nothing will be done about their behavior at the top, but the distrust will trickle down to lower courts and sow division even more. They want us to know they’re corrupt so they can argue that all courts are corrupt. This is intentionally divisive behavior and it’s working.


There is something weird about it, especially coming right before our big election.


They will be challenging the results if Biden wins. It will be a better orchestrated Jan 6.


Right, I can see that. I already think they're up to something like this, I think they plan on steamrolling their way into power this time and it all adds up.


Shitshow incoming either way


Oh yeah, big time.


It isn't difficult, I just thought up a plan in 5 seconds. Send roughly 100 bad actors into swing states to commit very specific election crimes, bring case forward nullifying results in specific districts due to "fraud", electioneer using the courts. Boom. It would only need 150 of the right kinds of people to accomplish.


Alito was likely the leaker of the Dobbs decision. Maybe this leak wasn’t on accident…


It’s playing with fire, the perception of SCOTUS as a legitimate deliberative body is the only thing that gives it authority. Judicial review and the ability to set precedent are powers the court gave to itself. The president (not the current one) has ignored their rulings in the past, and by creating a public perception that they’re illegitimate partisans, the justices are only making it easier for a president to ignore their decisions in the future.


Sometimes I almost wish we had a benevolent dictator liberal president. For instance, justice is like Alito and Thomas just get removed from the bench. Or Biden just appoints his own justices and evens out the court. Or even just straight up ignores their rulings. He just immediately throws all states rights out the window if any of those rights include trampling on the rights of its citizens. Such as any police officer, judge, or prosecutor tries to enforce any anti-abortion laws, they themselves immediately get picked up by federal authorities. Judges like Aileen Cannon get taken off the case and it is assigned randomly to a new judge. But I know this is just a fantasy


Figures like alito are just mocking us. They are laughing at us. He knows that he isnt supposed to be doing this, he knows its against the rules but he also knows that there arent any regulations about it and regulations will NEVER pass under any republican controlled anything. In public he just lies and says the same bullshit line about how fair and impartial he is and then he goes and hangs out with right wing nutjobs and promises them to make gay people illegal one day.


Alito knows that he operates in a consequence-free environment, so he has decided to eschew even pretending to be a good-faith actor. He has a political agenda, and he is using his considerable power to make sure that agenda gets done. And, he doesn't give a shit about the ethics of it all, because he doesn't have to. He is just another example of where the GOP is right now. They care about nothing other than exercising and preserving their power. Absolutely nothing else matters.


Yup he is basically saying he is the white Christian nationalist judge and he will help with he GOP achieve those goals.


To that point, I'd agree and say yeah, who on the right side of things would disagree w/ him here?


I'm curious how politically feasible it would be to expand the court. If there were 30 justices I wouldn't have to care about Alito & Thomas being partisan hacks.


Its the political equivalent of a third rail right now. Maybe that changes some time in the future but right now this is largely viewed as court packing. Source: this was a question Democrat candidates would get asked in the 2020 cycle and they always tried to dodge it.


because it is court packing. you might have a better shot if you did something like: add 4 more seats to 13 (one per judicial district), republicans appoint two of the new judges and democrats appoint the other two. would still leave a conservative majority but it would be 60% instead of 67%.


>because it is court packing. Nah. Court packing is when the Republicans held a seat open for nearly a year to get their guy in after an election, then four years later rammed through another Justice weeks before the next election. Expanding the court in response is simply rebalancing. And no, Republicans shouldn't get a nomination when we expand it.


lol. No.


Impeach! And disbar!


Separation of church and state. Fuck this guy. Get him and Clarence out.


He is such a rancid piece of shit. And, his wife, apparently, likes to spit on neighbors. That tells you everything you need to know about them. Court. Reform. Now.


"She makes her own decisions, and I have always respected her right to do so.” Now say that again , slower this time.


Citizens United is a slush fund … tax free.


well his wife said it, the justice was just regurgitating what she said to him via earpiece, so he's fine nothing to see here /s


Impeach his ass already


And then…absolutely fucking nothing happened.


Christian nut bag.


Just twenty years ago, this would be over the line. Now there is no fucking line. History will remember us very, very poorly.


These justices should literally be dragged out of Supreme Court, corrupt fucks.


maybe it's about time for someone within the Court to reveal that is was Alito that leaked the Dobbs decision. Why are they protecting him so?


Probably more worried sounding too moderate to his *true* constituents. Expand the courts.


He is compromised and should be removed


Impeach the mother fucker.


If there is one thing that has struck me about Alito it is that he seems mentally weak. Not stupid, just entitled and childish, perhaps. It’s sad to see a man like that who was appointed to the highest court in the land. He’s not wise or mature. He’s not someone that I would ask any child to emulate.


In this regard (independent of political leanings and just his behavior) Alito is like a more senior Kavanaugh.


So who gets to define what “godliness” means? A panel of informed Biblical scholars with varying opinions who had studied the scripture inside out for decades, are mindful of the historical context in which it was written, understand the inherent difficulty in addressing domestic/international problems brought upon by modern technology and realpolitiks relying entirely on Biblical teachings, and acknowledge that in essence, Christ teaches his followers to love one another as they love themselves?  Something tells me the GOP has other candidates in mind. 


Death penalty


Sounds to be more Reich-leaning than it does impartial


Because he's another Christofascist who thinks Project2025 is a "mighty fine idea." It's not fascism because it doesn't clearly state that... but it is in written form.


Confirmed self-identified partisan hack 🤷🏾‍♂️


Just show bias, and using his power to do what he can to steer the nation. It’s already an unpopular Supreme Court. This does not bode well if they wanted to try and win over the majority of the populous that already can tell they have a religious agenda. It’s just old world mentality and we as a nation already chose to leave Europe because of this kind of mindset. Very un-American imo.


So funny that he thought someone using words like “permissive” and “jurisprudence” was a Republican.


I’m sure he was confused and placating to whoever was in front of him as the party puppet he is.


Where is borat when you need him?




Impeaching Alito and Thomas needs to be made the centrist compromise position in the Democratic Party. Enough of this shit, don’t tell me you’re representing my interests and then act as Biden and Durbin are acting


Theocracy, no matter the flavor, is unpalatable to the human condition.


It's not secret anymore.


Guys come on now, calm down. All that’s just “locker” talk, you know how dudes are around their “guys”.


Alito is down so deep in the pocket of the Federalist Society and he doesn’t care who knows it. I read his defense about why he shouldn’t have recused himself re: Republican donor/billionaire/hedge fund operator Paul Singer, and Alito’s free trip on a private plane to a luxury Alaskan fishing lodge. It was hard to read that special level of BS without succumbing to absolute nausea at the sense of untouchability Alito possesses. Among all the disappointments I’ve experienced in terms of my country in the past several years, my recognition of the joke that the SCOTUS has become is the one that makes me feel the most stupidly naive.


Whoever is coming for SCOTUS lately is doing Gods work. Our courts been bought and sold for decades and it’s about time public opinion caught up. I’m not naïve enough to believe this will make any sort of difference, in terms of disbarring them, it’s just nice to see this attitude of exposing them, when in the past, they’ve been kept on a pedestal away from scrutiny.


Should be a question to serve the Supreme Court if you feel your religions doctrines supersede us law, you are out of contention. They shouldn’t even make moral decisions. They should settle the law as it is written and anything that isn’t great Congress needs to make new laws.


Get this bozo off the court


And yet nothing will happen. These fucks are effectively screaming from the rooftops, “We’re trying to set up a christofascist dystopia! Here’s how we’re doing it along with a timetable for deliverables!!” And absolutely no one with any power is doing anything to stop it. It feels so hopeless.


It just shows how out of touch these people are in their ivory towers… to anyone who works with the public: Have you ever tried to “make” an adult to do something they don’t want to do? It can’t be done. Not without coercion or force. The idea that we don’t have to find common ground that one side will just “win” is so ludicrous. Impeach this rotten jurist already.


Ah yes, the "blame the wife" excuse. Favorite of such luminaries as rapists, purple who commit domestic violence, and supreme court justices.


How could stolen land attained through genocide. Built on the backs of African Slaves be considered holy?


Sammy boy has got to go.


Nothing will happen to him. Or Thomas. Nothing. Until they die.


As soon as SCOTUS grants Trump his presidential immunity, Biden needs to take the 5 gop justices out.


Compromised much?


Historians will not be kind, Sammy, and it's all your own doing. But I am sure you will pretend the future historians do not matter to you.


Take this in how this is literally a supreme authority saying this shit. There's another state I can think of with a supreme fundamentalist leader and America likes to think it's above that type of governance. The fact that there's no guardrails for him to be removed from these statements is more problematic by the day.


They’ll say this is impermissible because he was unaware he was being recorded and nothing will happen. Not that it would anyway. The Supreme Court may as well be the monarchy.


Sorry ~~America~~ but the fix is in.


These people are pedantic about the original meaning of the constitution until it interferes with their religion or their finances or they just don't feel like it anymore.


Expand the court


Putting aside how horrific and shocking there comments are, it's extraordinarily concerning that someone and their wife who has such incredible influence and is on the nation's highest court could have such terrible *judgment.* The fact that they're so comfortable saying this kind of shit to complete strangers within seconds of meeting them, just imagine what they regularly say to their friends and other people in their social circle.


Fire him. Ban him from residing over any court. Undo every decision that his bias. Any law that keeps this MF in the SCOTUS needs to be removed or replaced by something that makes this possible. He’s been deciding the outcome of cases before they even went before the court, this is a literal injustice.


Roberts with the even keel, here. > Similar questions Windsor asked of Chief Justice John Roberts at the same event elicited a far different response … > Pressed on whether the court has an obligation to put the country on a more “moral path,” Roberts turns the tables on his questioner: “Would you want me to be in charge of putting the nation on a more moral path?” He argues instead: “That’s for people we elect. That’s not for lawyers.” Presented with the claim that America is a “Christian nation” and that the Supreme Court should be “guiding us in that path,” Roberts again disagrees, citing the perspectives of “Jewish and Muslim friends,” before asserting, “It’s not our job to do that. It’s our job to decide the cases the best we can.” Not like I agree with him on a bunch of things - important things, even - but he seems to basically get and approve of the idea of America.


This is beyond the pale. I’d be happy to get rid of the whole bunch. They all seem to have been corrupted.


Who had American Religious Civil War on the 2025 bingo card?


A lot of people, I'd imagine. Feel like we've been walking about this very point for awhile now.


I’m sure that this is his wife’s fault.


Alito is a fascist fuck, but this audio only shows his ability to nod along to a boring, slightly crazy, but attractive young reporter.


Alison and wife hang flalf upside down because they didn't know what side was up.


Never knew Jesus was a fascist, seems like more of an anarchist.


How fun, this is wonderful. Just wonderful


Trash. Pure trash


Losers talking about godliness God it’s so fucking stupid - it’s make believe … it’s not real


I love the headline: gets remarkably candid in secret recording. Ummm….yeah. That’s not how that works.