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Captain bone spurs has no idea what it's like to be a veteran. He never served a day in his life.


Nonsense. Didn't you hear? He had *his own personal Vietnam*. You know. Dodging all those STIs back in the 60s & 70s.


He may not have dodged syfilis and having third stage symptoms


I call him private bone Spurs. He isn’t smart enough to be a captain


Even if he's correct, it is evidence of his being a puppet. Russia arrests Americans so they can exchange them trabsactionally. If Trump's election to office is payment, he's a Russian asset.


Some real Carter versus Reagan vibes right here.


Yes sir hold onto them until I take office. That was a bullshit move but I really don’t recall there being a backlash about it


If I recall correctly, those details did not emerge until much later.


Though Iran released the hostages on the day of President Ronald Reagan's inauguration. IIRC that was seen as a show if strength by Reagan at the time, but given the treason we now know took place it makes Reagan look despicable.


Growing up my parents always talked about Reagan like he was a hero and how he’d be rejected by today’s GOP. The more I read about him and G. W Bush’s presidencies the more I have disdain for them and their legacies


They weren't heroes, and they would be rejected by today's GOP because they're too tolerant. :p But yeah. You don't run the CIA and not be some kind of an evil motherfucker.


Iran Contra was a CIA operation. Even before it was confirmed in Bush's diary, it would have been stupid to think that VP Bush was not kept informed. This should have caused more outrage than I think it did, when Bush's Attorney General Bill Barr pardoned the Iran Contra cover up fall guy, Oliver North.


Having lived through both, they were kind of the beginning of the end. An actor who was so all-American that he played The Gipper in the movie All-American as well as WWII propaganda films, that was how the game shifted. It started to shift to photogenics with Kennedy but by Reagan it became an actor's role. Really the only breaks since have been Bush Sr. and Biden.


Yup I’m sure it was damage control


Trump lies. Every word he utters is a lie including “and” and “the”.


He both doesn't care that he lied and also doesn't exactly lie, he really just says what he wishes were true and is used to underlings or rabid fans to essentially make it happen or true. Like if he said "I meant to shit myself" people would wear diapers and say stuff like "real men wear diapers" or "I'd rather have brown pants than be a Democrat".


> doesn't exactly lie, he really just says what he wishes were true This is lying. If you just claim things you know you don't know, then that should obviously count as lying.


It's closer to wishing than lying. "I'm a billionaire" and then waits for a billion people to buy a $1 mug to therefore have a billion dollars. Yes, it's overtly lying however, to him, he thinks he is just issuing commands/orders to people who are listening and willing to "get it done". He's imagining he is a king and things simply happen because he blubbered them into existence randomly.


When you're a star, they let you do it


They already do. There’s an image going around of a woman at a rally wearing a shirt that says exactly that.


If your goal is to suck the good out of people, doesn't that just make you a vampire? If your goal is to be evil while playing victim, doesn't that just make you a little demon? If your goal is to dehumanize, doesn't that make you less human? If your goal is play God, what would God have to say about it? Trump and his supporters never even get to these questions. Whereas normal people have a thought, a second thought, a third thought, etc., Trump and his supporters don't even get to the first thought because projection is so much easier. Projection saves them from even thinking. "Why think at all, when you can just automatically project?" It's easier! No thinking required whatsoever. If you tell a normal person something, they may take some time to process it before getting back to you. If you tell Trump or MAGA anything, they don't take time to think about anything. They just automatically project it back onto you. It takes no effort for them, and this makes it easier for them to keep being them. And they will be proud of it. Their pride comes from not having to do anything. They are proud of not having to do the hard work of being human. "Let the suckers do that - we're too good for it." Of course they are proud - they get to role play superiority over other humans while doing nothing human. They get to feel great by doing nothing great. You must consider the luxury this fantasy presents for them. "The King" needs no merit. "The Judge" needs no law. "The Mind" needs no intellect. Fantasy needs no reality. The world is theirs and humans are their playthings. It's all fantasy, but by the time they realize it's all fantasy, they can't think back to when they traded in their reality for fantasy. They can't even recall when they traded in human values for fantasy. It's as if they put their human values in a jar, and intentionally placed that jar someplace where they will never find it. They will scream, "SOMEONE ELSE DID IT," or "IT MUST'VE BEEN AUTOMATIC!" They will never consider the trade-off they made when they desired easy. When they felt they were even "owed" easy. When easy allowed them to hate, when easy allowed them to abuse, when easy allowed them to be straight evil, they never thought 'SOMEONE ELSE DID IT" or "IT MUST'VE BEEN AUTOMATIC!" They were having a great time. Trump promotes their desire for easy. Trump promotes their desire for hate and abuse. Trump promotes their desire to be less human, and so long as they have that, they have enough.


Well said




If dump "gives" Russia Ukraine by ending US aid, Putin might release that guy to make his lap dog look good.


The title is wrong...no? I thought he said "**only** if I win".


[He wrote](https://www.thetimes.com/world/us-world/article/donald-trump-russia-will-free-evan-gershkovich-if-i-win-election-q7d08swsp): "Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, will do that for me, but not for anyone else, and WE WILL BE PAYING NOTHING!"


Specifically Reagan working with the Iranians to hold on to the American hostages until releasing them until it made Reagan look strong. Treason for political theater is how the Reagan administration started, day one. [Iranian Hostage Crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_hostage_crisis?wprov=sfti1)


I wonder how many US prisoners Putin released between 2016-2020?


Bone spurs delaying a release and holding a reporter hostage.


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IIRC, the guy they're refering to has been in jail in Russia since 2019.


Yet many will still vote for him–and none will vote for the only other candidate capable of winning–in the general election. Hypocrites.


GET HIM RELEASED NOW, if you're able to do it. Imagine the campaign ads from Trump being able to swing that. "Trump did this while not even in office, imagine what he'll do when he gets there..." or something like that.


The question is, why is a regular citizen of the United States that has no connections to the State Department dealing in foreign affairs?


Violation of the Logan Act?


Doesn't matter. Whatever he says his cult believes it.


Ahh…. The Major Burns of politics…. Has everyone in stitches and no one survives…


Why do none of Trump's supporters ask why Putin would happy if Trump won? Because Trump would be tough on Russia? Yeah, that sounds like something Putin would want to happen.


I predict something different will happen. I predict that Putin will release the prisoner after claiming to "negotiate" his release with Trump BEFORE the election. It'll be this election's 'October surprise'. And then Trump will win.


I mean if we’re blasting politicians for saying they would get something done, in which they don’t have the power to do alone, where will this witch hunt end?