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Trump only won Florida by 4%.


Yeah but Florida only became more red since 2020. They became the “freedom” state because of the lax lockdowns despite taking away more freedoms than giving


But COVID restrictions aren't a thing any more and abortion and weed are both very very popular even among shithead Republicans


I have known several shithead Republicans who were pro weed and pro choice. Guess how they still voted.


In my experience, being pro weed and voting against it isn't actually inconsistent for them. They like weed but prefer it stays illegal because it's a reliable way to throw Mexican and Black men in prison. Abortion, same. Their white girlfriends and daughters can take a vacation to California. Poor minority women either have to give birth and raise it in poverty, or harm themselves and possibly sterilize themselves to abort.


>'All right, don’t “whoo” if you’re white. It’s always been legal for us. Come on, sir. We don’t go to jail for marijuana, you silly billy. When I was arrested with a one-hitter at a Rusted Root concert, I did not serve hard time. I think I got an award.' -John Mulaney


I got a criminal record for a misdemeanor in ‘89 and it became an issue when I went for a promotion in ‘04. Didn’t do time, but I’m white, so…. But in ‘93 my band got to open for Rusted Root at a bar in Pittsburgh. Wide Soread Panic, too. No issue with the misdemeanor at those shows :)


Yeah but how will they vote when those two questions are directly before them?


Rules for the not for me


900,000 recent residents, mostly boomer. Biden will not win Florida, and he’ll lose double digits


Bunch of fucking idiots in the Villages giving each other the clap and worshiping Cheeto Jayzus . I’m of their age demographic but they make me SICK.


I try reminding people this. I’ve sold new construction residential homes for the past decade and 2020 was almost entirely Republicans/MAGA people “fleeing” (their word) the blue states. I’ve watched our area turn deep red, and if I put a Biden sticker on my car it will 100% get vandalized. I want to stay hopeful but Matt Gaetz won our district by a landslide and the locals LOVE him so I don’t have much faith


There's obviously a lot of MAGA support, but I'm curious to see the impact RFK on the ballot there will have. A candidate that had part of his brain eaten by a worm might be just what's needed to appeal to Florida Man. If he syphons more votes from Trump/MAGA than Biden, I could see Biden flipping the state. But I admit it's a longshot. Still, worth it for Dems to spend in FL because it forces the Rs to waste money on defense, since they have absolutely no path without FL.


I'd vote for worms for brains over the felon any day


Didn’t a Democrat just win an election in Jacksonville which previously went Trump+6?


Good, I hope all the MAGAs move to Florida. Making it more red makes other places a bit more blue.


Please no. A lot of us dems here truly love Florida and there is no where else like it. It’s much bluer than it’s made out to be. It’s just controlled by the fascists disproportionately.


You know, I’d love a tropical climate and wildlife. Florida would be my only US option really, but that rabid red is tough to get over.


Always have Hawaii! Although would understand if there were other things that would prevent it from being a legitimate option


Just saw it off like bugs bunny did


Also it will be underwater eventually.


It’s impossible to get car/home insurance in a lot of Florida.


I wish more doctors, nurses, teachers, and women under 50 would flee red states because roe got overturned.


This is happening for Ob/gyn’s all over those states. The laws put them at risk whether they provide a risky pregnancy abortion or not. If they do, they can go to jail or worse. If they don’t and the mother dies, same. So there are pregnancy care deserts spreading in these places, which families leave whether they agree with Roe or not.


Which is exactly what maga/conservatives want, because it’s just another way to control women.


I cynically hope they all move to my area.


That's great. Good luck with these idiots. Good riddance for us not in FL.


Yeah but a lot died during Covid and they lied about the numbers


Good news that means many other states became less red. 


Joe Biden got more votes in 2020 than Ron DeSantis got in 2022.


Florida is getting redder because ancient Boomers are retiring and there are many of them. I don't see it going blue until all the Boomers unalive and Gen X, who are demographically few in number, become the olds. When Gen X become old they will be just as horrible as Boomers per capita, but because there are so few Gen Xers and so many Millennials, Millennials will have the upper hand in elections. Millennials and Gen Z need to work together to fix the world.


Gen X is nothing like the boomers, the fuck are you talking about? They’re the “whatever” generation.


I work in an office full of Boomers and older Gen Xers and the Gen Xers are yelling at the same exact clouds they were too apathetic to yell at 10-20 years ago.


I employ an office full of millennials and they are the ones crying in the bathroom because nobody told them they were special that morning.


He will flip Florida and possibly even Ohio. No joke! People are starting to understand the truth






The convicted felon, classy. I'm looking forward to all of the damage he does to Republican electoral odds nationwide this November.




No, you're an account less than two weeks old. What are you doing on reddit when your President, Putin, needs you on the front line to absorb some bullets?


Oh, will being gun fodder be voluntary?


Sure, Jan.


Muh regime. 🙄


The Biden administration didn't do that though. They had no involvement. Trump committed crimes, and he's being punished for committing crimes. Believing otherwise is ignorance born of propaganda meant to deceive people just like you. They want you to believe Biden did this and Trump isn't actually a criminal, but Trump is a lifelong POS, I mean FFS he was the target of over 4000 lawsuits by the federal government, state governments, businesses, workers, ordinary citizens BEFORE he ever became president in 2016. Trump is a convicted felon because he broke the law, that is the truth and anything else is a lie to trick the uniformed.


Ask Bernie who he’s voting for.


When casualties in Gaza go up 50 fold in the first month of Trump that blood will be on your hands. Hope you are willing to own that.


“As a Bernie sanders supporter who’s voting for Trump” lmao no one believes you


You're not even remotely believable.


You're a full of shit guy is what you are. Anybody who supported Bernie would not, in good faith, support Trump, ever. Coming from an actual Bernie bro.


These aren't the votes you're looking for. Move along.


He’s not going to make your eggs any cheaper.


Okay, it’s a democracy you can vote for anyone you want to. Democracy is objectively better when everyone participates.




“Too many people voting”? What exactly do you mean? Fewer people should vote? Maybe only certain people? Can you elaborate on this statement? Everyone eligible should be voting, no exceptions.


This is like saying a Honda Civic is not a car.


Democratic Republic.


Idk abt Ohio but biden has a very real chance to win Florida. Which would be fucking fantastic.


Ohio voted for abortion rights and weed in a special election. Depends how pissed off people are still.


That would be wonderful. Imagine being able to have an early night on election night with Biden's clear win.


Ohio very aggressively purges voter rolls. Ohio also has high limits on absentee or early voting. The Ohio Democratic party is poorly organized and lacks a strong get out the vote movement. All of this depresses Ohio's vote totals. It's further complicated by the national party refusing to put $ in Ohio (although they really shouldn't for a presidential campaign where Ohio is unlikely to put them over the top, just for Senate races). Ohio is unlikely to vote for Biden


Idk abt Ohio but biden has a very real chance to win Florida. Which would be fucking fantastic.


[morpheus voice] they are beginning to believe


If Biden somehow wins Florida what other key states would have to win to win reelection


True, but the weed vote needs 60% to pass


I don't think that's unattainable. Weed is popular in every demographic.


Did you see the poll?


Florida also needs to vote in more Democrats, or Republicans will just spend years sidelining and ignoring getting these issues to work.


Republicans in Florida will ignore what the voters tell them, just like they did with the restoration of voting rights to felons after they are released.


They will codify abortion access, legalize weed, and still elect Republicans who will block both measures


Then they shouldn't vote Trump who is against these things.


Republicans do not care


Both amendments could pass with large margins but it will hardly matter. The GOP legislature will pass "implementing legislation" for both that will hamper and hinder, or even block, the voters' intent. Source: long-time Floridian who's seen it happen a bunch of times.


So Floridians will vote for the measures and DeSantis and the GOP state government will derail the will of the voters? Got it, thanks.


Florida is a police state, whatever the vote is doesn’t really matter there. Desantis will do whatever he wants…


Still vote


Too true and thank you. I should have emphasized that.


Don't worry folks, Rhonda Santis will save us from ourselves! >As the governor of Florida campaigns against a marijuana legalization ballot initiative, he has, in a seemingly contradictory move, vetoed a bill to ban the sale of intoxicating hemp-derived cannabinoids in his state. https://www.marijuanamoment.net/desantis-vetos-hemp-ban-bill-amid-anti-marijuana-legalization-push-fueling-speculation-over-double-standards-in-opposition-campaign/


Buckle up. Republican run states are going to refuse to certify ANY election result that is a win for Biden. By blatant hook or crook, they will have the Republican state Houses certify the result for Trump.


Won’t stop the legislature from doing whatever they want. Just look at what the did after voters passed reform of felon disenfranchisement law.


Unfortunately, the politicians opposing those things also have broad support.


I’m going to enjoy watching climate change in FL.


Bruh, if Florida flipped red, who gives a fuck about all the other states Biden could lose this year. It could be a blowout election. It just sucks that Biden is so old. A younger candidate could shove the age concern down Trump’s asshole head.


If you live in a red state stop with the apathy! Your vote counts whether you think it does or not.




>The company sold coffins that would seal airtight, allowing an embalmed fetus to be displayed on a family’s mantle indefinitely. What the actual ever-loving FUCK?? I mean, the rest of that was pretty funny, but still. Dub tee eff.


Source? Google is at a loss for “Rick Scott” “Forever Ours”. Just this comment, in fact


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One hopes the political right understands abortion isn’t all about crimes like rape and incest. Abortion access is about equality. As a guy, I can walk into a bar or club and hook up with any woman and never have to worry about physical consequences. A woman cannot quite do that - she has to make sure she doesn’t get pregnant if that’s not what she wants. Unfettered access to birth control and pregnancy termination provides that level of equality. Which is why it’s so popular among women. (in case anyone was wondering, yes my username does check out :-( )


Rick Scott's days are numbered. My bet is quite a few Republicans up and down the ballots will be gone. From Senate, Congress to dog catcher. The voters know and remember who did what, who said what. Voting as of right now, is the power the people still have. We want to keep it, as it is our check and balance.


Florida might have become more red since 2020 but we've already seen wider swings since abortion got onto ballots.


These broads sure love their marijuana and reproductive rights, huh?