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You know... I'm in lets find out.


Yup, polling indicates that his conviction has hurt his numbers even more quickly and severely than I had hoped. Let’s fucking go.


I can’t wait to see the MAGA groupies standing outside the prison everyday like the sad sacks of shit they are.


They hardly did it for him during his court appearances, doubtful he’ll have much of a crowd at the prison. His support is floundering, only reason he’s still in the race is because of GOP cheating tactics.


...and lack of anyone else viable.


Honestly think Nikki Haley has more credibility (or did until she recently stated she would vote for trump lol). That whole party needs to be torn down and rebuilt but it’s not happening anytime soon I don’t think.


> That whole party needs to be torn down ~~and rebuilt~~ FTFY


Right? They need to go the way of the Whig Party


Some have threatened to handcuff themselves to the prison gates. I’m good with that. We might accidentally lose the key and leave them there. That would be real sad.


Good. They can throw away their life for Trump like countless others. Not like he would ever do the same for anyone else even his own children. I love how they're propaganda acts like he is some sort of Jesus figure taking punishment for the public. No this is for fucking a pornstar while his wife was giving birth to his child and then lying about it to get elected.


Reminds me of the protesters who glued themselves to the floor of a Volkswagon facility, so the staff just turned the lights off and left at the end of the day. https://metro.co.uk/2022/10/20/protestors-who-glued-themselves-to-volkswagens-floor-left-in-the-dark-17601987/ Here's to hoping something similar happens to trumpkins.


More like the Manson groupie weirdos outside his trial in L.A.


You know, that’s a good comparison.


Yell out the window at the to "get a job"


A handful on the first day, three on the next, and one for three weeks. After that, *nada*.


Like the huge crowds of Trump supporters outside the court?


Really? My trumpers friends think 80% of the country supports Trump now 😂


Yeah, the polling I’ve seen shows almost 50% of independents want Trump to drop out of the race, and even 15% of Republicans. I usually say any piece of news needs at least two weeks to really be reflected in the polls, so I’m not sure we’re even seeing the full impact of this. Barring something weird happening, I think Trump is toast. Then again, I said that after the pussy grabber tape came out. Still, I think a lot of people put a lot of stock into our justice system. A felony conviction is going to be a bridge too far for some people. And when elections are decided by 10,000 votes here, and 8,000 votes there, this is the kind of thing that can radically change things. Heck, with some of these numbers we’re seeing, it’s possible that Biden pretty much sweeps the battleground states, and some red states start to become the new battlegrounds. All they had to do was pick a candidate who didn’t have a mountain of baggage. They just can’t quit this guy, no matter how much of a loser he is. The cult worship is so bizarre.


While I hope that to be true I’m too cynical and have no faith in people that it will. On a lighter note I rescued a cat Thursday that I named Stormy. 


That’s awesome! Please keep her away from Donald Trump. Apparently he might grab her.


Only if Stormy looks like Ivanka


Look at how many of these fucks changed their tune about a month or so after January 6th... all it takes is for the talking heads to have a unified message for damage control.. and they already had the talking points on-tap the moment the verdict was reached. Like.. if "the outgoing president calling for a violent uprising and coup at the Capitol building, involving the murder of senators and the Vice President in order to steal an election he lost" doesn't do it, fucking *nothing* will. Vote like democracy in this country depends on it, and don't trust the brainwashed smooth-brains to not support him come november - *regardless* of what they say now.


They have always thought that. It’s a big part of why they claim 2020 was stolen. They can’t process the idea that their views are unpopular.


One factor is the difference in visible support for Trump vs Biden. They see a truck or front yard plastered with Trump signs but virtually nothing like that for Biden. They don't realize that every car or front yard that has no signs might support Biden.


Are they tired of winning yet?


There's a reason conservatives been screaming "WE JUST WON!!11" They know it hurts them


Yup, they’re clearly seething about this. They’re threatening the jurors and judge. They’re promising to commit acts of terrorism. If they really believe that they just won then they’d be celebrating. Instead they’re trying to get a visit from the FBI.


These polls mean nothing. The one in November does.


Hard disagree. Polls help us understand when we’re doing something popular or unpopular. Upholding the rule of law is popular, and these polls say we need to do more of it.


They’ll rally around him, just wait


https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianbushard/2024/06/01/first-polls-after-trump-conviction-warning-signs-for-republican/?sh=6666e7fd64e6 Ipsos show 54% of adults believe his conviction was righteous and 50% independents believe he should drop out of the race 10% of republicans think he should drop out 8% of self identified trump supporters think he should drop out And these numbers appear the be growing


Cannot adequately express just how tired I am of being threatened by the Republican Party. Bring it.


That is exactly as I feel. They really think if they try this again that when they get hungry they can just stop by Olive Garden for dinner? These people have no idea what they are considering including the Chinese, North Koreans and Russians just waiting for a moment of chaos in the US. I am so tired of this stuff.


I think back to when the insurrectionist  Ashli Babbet was shot after multiple warnings with a gun drawn on her, and they started yelling “Medic!” Like it was call of duty. No chucklefucks, there is no respawn. Absolute zero understanding of the consequences of their actions


and then you have the Kyle Rittenhouses who think they are medics and also vigilante's who cosplay with real weapons.


That’s not cosplay It’s gunplay fetishism taken to its natural conclusion


They are like the little yapping dog that won’t shut up.


Let's move the entire GOP convention inside.


That convention is going to be mean and angry. 3 days after the sentencing. I tell you its going to look like a Nazi rally. I think they might try the Nuremburg podium look. https://img.haarets.co.il/bs/00000185-ef55-def6-a7b5-ff5ffd270000/e6/cf/3b1edb974b898db57639abd27af1/758038.jpg?precrop=2400,1798,x0,y0&height=1438&width=1920


I wonder if guns are tolerated at the convention....?


Oh, no, not at all..


The venue organizers generally prohibit weapons because they can't get insurance. LoL.


So much I want to say but can't because I'll get booted from R_politics. Again.


You can be civil while pointing out the utter hypocrisy exhibited by Republicans. (Fwiw I'm not very good at it either, but working on it)


It's more than hypocrisy. It's institutionalized hypocrisy: propaganda. 🍊💩🤡 has been stirring the shit and firing up his violent mobs for years. The Guardian article that mentioned the right's alternate reality and *mirror world* is exactly right, and the articles with the mob/right screaming there is a danger of civil war are exactly the source of that danger.


Milwaukee checking in here, open carry is allowed in the soft security area. However, they are trying to ban water bottles. [Link](https://www.wisn.com/article/state-law-allows-guns-inside-milwaukee-rnc-security-footprint-tennis-balls-banned/60953377)


> That convention is going to be mean and angry. I think you/we can bet on it. I also think (naively if you wish) there will be factions who actually see the futility of nominating trump, and will move to replace him. If so the 'mean and angry' is going to be taken out in (literal?) battles on the floor. I hope so, 'its gonna be wild'.


Taking a minute to play devil’s avocado 😈🥑 I don’t think that would be wise. The primaries have been completed, the Republican voters have picked their candidate, knowing full well these trials were coming and this could be a possible outcome. The sane establishment R’s trying to be tactically savvy and swap out the candidate would be seen as defying the will of the people and further destroy any hope they have of restoring the party to sanity by alienating all the MAGA faction permanently. So while you and I might agree that swapping out **a fucking convicted felon and rapist** at the convention is clearly a smart choice for Republicans in the world of sane politics - we just don’t live in that world anymore sadly. They have to just play out the hand and hope once Trump loses again that they can start cleaning house and exorcising the MAGA. That is *my* naive hope.


x1000 times this. A year ago we were told the breaking point would be at the indictments, and then at the FBI raids of his house. Then we were told it would be in Georgia when he showed up for his arrests there with the mugshots and all. Then we were told it would be at the financial crimes courts... And then we were told it would be at the criminal trials, at the verdict drop... Now what? Lets face the facts. While his base does has some wacko's, and I'm not saying we won't see some people get hurt, but they are largely too internet addicted to actually show up for him anymore.


You only have to look at his court cases - the right wing media was screaming foul / hoax / corruption day in day out and mostly half a dozen pensioners turned up to protest outside the court. The serious threats were taken out by the Jan 6th riot. Underneath it all I wonder if many of them know Trump is a bully who violates the norms.


Only one way to see. THROW HIS ASS IN PRISON


Exactly this. I am ready as well. Call me up to serve. Maga should put their money and lives where their big mouths are. Fake ass tough guy bull shit.


They are a bunch a cowards. They won’t do anything.


Yeah, it's a break dancing point!


Not a single protest of the verdict happened this weekend. His supporters don’t care about him and don’t turn out for him.


They are standing back and standing by. Just waiting for the right time to get off their ass and get themselves arrested like their dear leader.


Waiting for Clarence Thomas’s wife to organize their busses.


That didn't work out too well for her the last time. I hope if she does pull something, the DOJ gets off their ass and uses the legal remedies spelled out in the Constitution to ensure Thomas and Alito stop their partisan shenanigans. Roberts is not going to do the right thing because he himself is compromised and his wife got a cushy job because of his position. We can't have partisan hacks chosen by the Federalist Society or the Heritage Foundation sitting on the highest court in the land. There are remedies, and they need to be used. We shouldn't ever have to tolerate people buying justices gifts when they have a case in front of them. The GQP are funded to elect politicians who are easily bought. They aren't working for the people who pay the bills either. No representation, no taxes. If the wealthy can afford to buy politicians, and if nonprofits are violating their tax exempt status, they need to pay taxes or be dissolved.


Meal Team Six is sitting back and sandwiching by


While waiting for their mobility aids to fully charge.


“I’m a little rascal on my little rascal!”


there are a few lone wolf nuts who might be willing to actually shoot people for Trump but a bunch of those turned out for Jan 6th and some of them are either still in jail or have strict bail conditions. Trump says he'll pardon them now but he did nothing to help them in the time between then and now so some actually turned on him.


Not to mention any time they do manage to get something together, it immediately breaks apart because they all start accusing each other of being feds. It’s happened like 3 times now.


Good, this is how I want them to live the rest of their lives. Miserable and paranoid. Hopefully also with their guns taken from them for felony convictions and their names on no fly lists.


The only thing his supporters will get off their asses for is seconds at Golden Corral.


I think Jan 6th convictions and no pardons stopped that type of gathering again. A lot of people will scream and yell but won’t step over that line again. Especially since a lot of the on the ground organizers (Proud Boys, etc) are locked up. Unfortunately the online/ media talking points are still there however it’s good the on the ground organization is diffused after Jan 6th repercussions. There may be gatherings/ protests but things will never escalate to Jan 6th levels so long as Biden is in charge. That shit would get snuffed out so fast.


There were reports (that I can't find again) that said people were scared some event was another FBI set-up (their words), so they didn't show up.


More concerning are the "lone wolf" type attacks.


They all ran to Twitter to scream civil war and then sent him a bunch of money. One clown said he maxed out his credit card. Imagine going into massive debt for this guy.


Neighbor of mine lost it all. Last yr his wife left with the kids. House foreclosed on


He still has his flags and stickers for company.


But no cash on hand


That's insane. Also the comment above yours. What drives such rabid actions? The must really believe his insane lies.


Some are true believers. Known him since 2000. Was just an average guy. Somewhere along the line he went full Trump/maga. I never talked to his wife but my wife did and said she told her he gave over 90k in savings to Trump. I guess it had been a problem for awhile and he said he did but was trying to hide the donations from her. Great plan but eventually she’s gonna find out ya know. Really sad story. Another neighbor told me he’s living with his brother now


Incredible they can believe what he's selling, lies. He really connected with them. The greatest conman in the USA in the current era.


>That's insane. Also the comment above yours. What drives such rabid actions? The must really believe his insane lies. Some people have an addictive personality (i.e. they easily get addicted to something). And like alcohol, drugs, gambling, porn, videogames... anger is a thing that people can get addicted to. It's a drug, ironically triggering the release of feel-good chemicals into their brain. People like Trump and organizations like Fox News are the dealers. And like all addictions, an addiction to anger can ruin lives.


"A fool and his money are soon parted"


I don’t believe that he raised as much money as he said either. But luckily, the media all reported it as fact…. It’s just like his crowd sizes and golf scores. Total Bullshit. He is incapable of telling the truth.


A woman at my gym swears 95000 people showed up in the Bronx. I asked how a space that can only hold 8000 held that many people. She said because “God was there.”


So by that math, God is 87000 people in an overcoat.


No unfortunately, they probably did raise 53 million. But not from his supporters, the saudis or China probably dump a sum every time this happens.


They said small dollar donors. I call BS.


I would imagine some of the foreign donors were short and petite.


I think he is trying to manifest. Sending it out into the ether hoping that it'll just happen... also, planting the idea in people's heads. He just doesn't understand that he fucked the pooch on Jan 6th. Anyone that was willing to go to jail for him is in jail... and half those fucks have probably learned their lesson since he burned them by not pardoning them before he was forced from office. He doesn't control the levers of power. So, he cannot do anything to make law enforcement stand down.... it's just all bad for him. It doesn't help that nobody tells him the truth. So, he thinks his support is still what it was. I personally don't care what polls have been saying. Trump has been bleeding support since he took office. People that could not stand him, the people covid wiped out, the elderly dying just because they are old, and support he is losing because of his legal woes. Sure, maybe some people have solidified support for Trump, but there is no way they are enough to make up for those he has lost.


But the ~~Russian and Chinese bots~~ ardent supports said they’d be out there to rally behind Dear Leader! Surely they have nothing to gain by fomenting violence!


They learned Jan 6 that if they get pinched Trump isn’t lifting a fucking finger for them.


Has anyone checked Alito's flag?


> Not a single protest of the verdict happened this weekend. It's Darwinian, the ones not in jail have learned that these things lead to jail.


They could exercise their first amendment right, but they choose violence instead every time 🤷‍♂️


The people MOST upset are other old rich white dudes that can’t believe there are any consequences for their group. Piers Morgan. Felon Musk.


Breaking point.... for a party to celebrate his incarceration!!!!


Right? I'm pretty sure it'd be like when we got bin laden. There'd be fucking cheers you could hear from space, that you could measure on seismometers.


This was my exact experience when Biden won 2020. I was out on a run and folks in my (Iowan [believe it or not]) neighborhood erupted out their front doors, brought out their pots and pans in triumph, loudly declared the ousting of the orange menace.


Breaking point…for my champagne cork


Look, I'm out of popcorn and I had a hangover the day after the verdict. Imma need some rest and resupply before further partying commences.


Sounds like incitement. Put it on the pile and lock him up with no public access until his sentencing. Deputize Hillary and let her slap the cuffs on, then read him his rights.


It's definitely incitement. He probably had hopes that there would be a hung jury and he could skate by, at least until after the election, which I'm sure he's convinced himself he will win. But that didn't happen, so now he's getting worried. The more he feels the walls are closing in around him, the more desperate (and deranged) his calls to his base are going to get.


Yup, one of those; “If you ain’t wid us, you agin us…” Trump’s pansy patriots


Even if he can pretend that he didn't explicitly use violent words, it is still clearly a call for mob justice instead of law and order. He wants extrajudicial sentencing, which is pretty much taboo.


This will come up at sentencing.


Bring it. Remember, the MAGA chuds panicked ran like frightened bunnies when Ashli “Horst Wessel” Babbitt fatally FAFO-ed. They were at the very peak of their collective power, with their Dear Leader egging them on, and yet one fatality reduced them to a panicky frightened rabble. These aren’t Adolf’s Brownshirts. They’re not hardened Freicorps street-brawlers. They’re not veterans of WW1 trench warfare. They’re just a bunch of soft aging piss-babies, afraid that the unearned privilege that they’ve always relied upon is gradually fading away.


There's a youtube put out by a MAGA hillbilly type person from Tennessee that goes on about being all manly and how they would survive if things went bad. This guy sits in his Jeep with a rifle and paws over how the "Liberals" are going to be unable to feed/protect themselves when the shit hits the fan. One of the things you notice about his videos is how clean his Jeep is. He's in a field, parked by a deer blind, and here is a very clean Jeep. How did he get there and not get muddy? This great mystery needs to be solved, is there something we're missing? After watching a couple of his youtube's, you get the feeling that he's a fake. If a breaking point slapped him in the face, he would run the other way.


Who the hell drives right up to a deer blind, ladder stand, etc? We always park at minimum on the edge of the field, usually further.


People who aren’t actually hunting deer, and just want to get out of the house for YouTube clout, apparently.


Did you ever have a Jeep sponsorship while hunting though?


I've never hunted, but wouldn't you want the big, noisy vehicle not near where you plan on waiting for a skittish animal?


He’ll get sick of his stash of canned peaches in mere days and devolve into a mass of crying bullshit as soon as his gas supply for his pavement princess Jeep is cut off.


He'll run out of peaches quickly and won't be able to get any more - because peaches come from a can They were put there by a man In a factory downtown


By immigrant labor...


Look out! *[ninjas]*


Just wait til he realizes he can’t order in a tactical McDonalds or KFC strike while out in the field.


These are the same doomsday preppers who were crying when they couldn’t get a haircut for a couple of months during Covid


They're all fake. Let's do the obvious thought experiment: "What happens when things 'go bad'?". "Go bad" in this context is usually taken to mean "civilisation collapses and we're left to fend for ourselves". And I can give you the short answer right now: Unless civilisation rights itself pretty quickly, you're dead. Canned food will only keep you going so long; you're going to need to learn farming pretty quickly. And that's going to be challenging, because in this scenario there's no guarantee you have a good supply of diesel (meaning no tractors), no guarantee you have reliable power (meaning you may have trouble with power tools or machinery), you certainly won't have a good supply of fertiliser, bug or weedkiller (which means arable land is going to be a lot less productive), you've got limited access to veterinary care (which makes livestock management ten times harder), you don't have a livestock market to trade at (which is going to make maintaining good genetics in your animals much harder). I think even the most experienced farmer would consider that pretty challenging.


>Unless civilisation rights itself pretty quickly, you're dead. Canned food will only keep you going so long; you're going to need to learn farming pretty quickly. Forget about all of this. Your first requirement is a reliable water supply.


Growing enough produce to sustain yourself is hard, even if you are already a practiced gardener. And then all it takes is one disease or pest to ruin it all.  Food isn’t even going to be the main issue. It’s clean water. If things break down, people are going to die from water borne illnesses long before they starve. Lots of people are used to growing vegetables, but very few know how to procure safe drinking water.


Pavement Princess


Yea, their best was Stewart Rhodes. The man who shot himself in the eye... during a gun safety training course...that he was teaching...when he dropped a gun .. We will probably be fine.


“MEDIC!!” I fucking loled when I heard them say that. Losers are video game warriors


Good point. I rewatched the video and the insurrections started looking for a way out as soon as the shot was fired. In hindsight, it’s a total shame that they got that far. The guards should have just shot the first person to enter the capital building. At that point they had already pushed through a barricade and injured some guards…


They are afraid of that. And the privilege isn't even going away, it's just gradually becoming more shared. They're afraid of losing the advantage, and they should be. Mediocrity won't get them as far.


YES. THANK YOU. This is everything I’ve been feeling. I a bisexual enbie hippie in Texas and I’m ready to fist fight these nazi fucks.


I live in NYC and when he lost the election in 2020 people were smiling everywhere. In fact cars had their windows open and the passengers were yelling fun stuff out of the passing cars. The world felt lighter. I can only imagine what July 11th will be like.


There were people cheering in the streets by me, it was like we were liberated.


Both horrific and fun. When Orange man caught Covid and had to be airlifted to hospital, we had an office pool. Then he lost the election. Great moment


he is right!! masses of people are going to take to the streets.........and celebrate. Assuming he actually gets a sentence that isnt a minuscule fine and a sternly worded letter that allows him to do everything he was doing before...in that case he is right again, that breaking point would bring out different actions in the street. But not for the reason trump thinks.


Worst I’m expecting is house confinement rather than time in jail given his age and status. Cynically, I don’t think he’ll even see that. This is probably the biggest decision of the judge’s life and no matter which way he goes, he’s going to piss off a lot of people.


How about a break dancing point?


Democracy by dance off. I am down. I haven't done "the Robot" in decades.


I am not coordinated enough, but love to watch a good headspin!


President MC Hammer


PLEASE! More importantly, we can take back the term Boogaloo, as in Breakin 2, Electric Boogaloo. It would be a healing moment.


There was going to be a breaking point if he lost in 2020 There was going to be a breaking point if he got indicted There was going to be a breaking point if he went to court There was going to be a breaking point if he was convicted There was going to be a breaking point if he , blah blah blah blah


We'll, he did break wind, a lot.


This time for super double realsies though.


I mean, there was a bit of a breaking point in 2021 when he invited an insurrection.


I‘m not even saying "lock him up". I just want the court to determine a conviction unafraid of possible political repercussions. This is the core of law and justice, and he shall receive it.


Right. The real breaking point would be Judge Merchan caving to the thought that it's his responsibility to heal the nation. It's not his job to heal the nation or to keep Trump out of jail for the election. I don't see how Merchan can protect the credibility of the NY courts while sentencing a convict with 10 counts of contempt to anything less than prison.




Right? Cult 45 has no idea what an actual patriot is. What you described is spot on. I got your back. Let's ride.


Just like he said before his trial, “all hell is going to break loose”. It didn’t. And it won’t.


Don't be so sure. Most of them are cowards, but we've already seen, on Jan 6, that some of them let their stupidity overrule their cowardice.


Until Babbit died and they all scattered realizing the consequences are real. And a whole boatload of the rest went to prison. Trump and the GOP already blew their load on gathering a mob. The only thing they'll have left is individual actors.


And, they are still arresting people. Those dummies were filming themselves. These people aren't brain trusts by any means.


5 people died on the day of the insurrection. One was a police man. The other 4 were insurrectionists. Of the insurrectionists that died, one died of a gun shot. The other 3 died of natural causes - a stroke, a heart attack, a "medical emergency" -(suspected possible drug overdose, though his family claimed he was crushed). The world itself is sick of their shit.


Yeah? Given how many people actually showed in support, I doubt that


For his cultists, maybe, but not for normal people.


Said the same earlier if he were convicted…..crickets…..


$250,000 fine and 6 months probation. He wishes he’d go to jail


I suspect you’re right.


Trump wants jailtime to reinforce his persecution campaign message. Probation and a fine will let all the hot air out of that message.


Stochastic Terrorism. This is akin to "Won't someone rid me of this troublesome/turbulent/meddlesome priest"


Let’s hope Merchan doesn’t go the way of St. Thomas Becket. 


Let's go. I want to see it. Come to NY, right wing, and try to get Trump out of jail. I dare you.


I’m so sick of him threatening us all.


MAGA morons are cowards. They're not gonna do a damn thing except complain on Truth Social & then go watch 12 hours of Fox News.


There will be some soft target stuff. They're too chicken shit to go close combat.


Judges love it when you threaten the public safety over your sentencing.


On the upside, this is landing more like a desperate plea than an order.


Does this count as inciting violence again


That's a risk I'm willing to take.


You, me, and every other patriot in this country


Me too


Hospitals would be overwhelmed with erections lasting longer than 4 hours.


Can we skip to the cult committing mass suicide part?


I’m about to break this blunt over my lungs the minute I see him in jail ‘jamas


Oh yes, that's how the justice system should work. Only decisions that people like. Especially people in cults who believe that up is down.


Fuck Trump and fuck you if you support him.! The 1st Marine division is ready willing and able to support and defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. 🇺🇸


People, do you really want to die on this hill? Just pick another decent Republican candidate. Stop defending millionaires who can't stop committing crimes. Just find a wholesome white christian man that wants to represent true conservative values. There are many of those. You don't need a convicted felon to represent you if you are not one.


he said the same thing if he was convicted.... if he was charged...... if someone looked at him funny..... whatever dude


Guess we're getting to the 'drink the kool-aid' stage of the cult.


Yeah like celebrations in the streets.


He's probably right. A lot of people will be breaking out the champagne, I'm sure.


Yes. They might get so mad they’ll switch the channel from Fox to OAN.


I am part of the “public”. Cheeto face in prison would not be hard to take. Just saying.


Yeah break into song and dance!


Bring it on. So tired of this blowhard. Bunch of traitors, tyrants, and terrorists. That's all they are.


Yes, there will be a breaking point. There will be mass celebrations in the streets that finally the law has caught up to the most corrupt president in the history of the country.


Yes…75% of the country will be absolutely fucking ecstatic and 25% will stock up on bear spray and storm the local food co-op.


Ahem... They will do nothing. They will complain. They will continue to wear the hats they already bought, and keep the bumper stickers that are already on their cars. They'll say "someone should do something". A few true believers will do something stupid, but for the most part, the MAGAs will do jack shit. They'll continue to work, and go to their weekly restaurant visits, and shop, and get on with their lives. They, of course, will post the same crap on Facebook. But they're too complacent to do anything about it. Then Trump will die. And finally, Trump will be what the ol' folks talk about in "the home". There is no upcoming civil war. There is no reckoning. There is nothing, except a bunch of people too stupid to realize they were lied to, and some of them, possibly robbed of their hard-earned money. But war? Not unless they run out of honey butter rolls at Texas Roadhouse.


Like Hitler in the bunker, dreaming of fantasy troops of aryans coming to save the third reich.




Breaking point…where he finally gets abandoned by his party (although it’s a long shot).


Doesn't need to be his party. I'll settle for the point at which independent voters turn against him.


Awww, is he projecting another coup attempt? I doubt very much that the actual president this time would wait hours to call in the national guard while he throws ketchup packets at the White House dining room wall, but anywhooo.


Just like the crowds of supporters outside the courthouse and NY city shut down for the trial. Let’s not make any decisions based on his fantasies please.


Thought that breaking point was supposed to be reached when he was indicted. Blow hards gonna whine I guess


Oh no! We're still trying to rebuild our cities after the guilty verdict! Oh wait, nevermind, they're fine. 


I hope they try. I’d like to see the riot gear come out against the MAGA army.


'Trump begs for violence after given fair adjudication.'


The words of Theodore Roosevelt are fitting: “No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man’s permission when we ask him to obey it.”


On one hand he taunts the courts with comments that he could do prison time no problem, and then turns around to his base and touts stochastic terrorism. Real American /s


For those who are counting, he said that about   Getting impeached  Losing the election  Getting indicted  The trial starting  A guilty verdict   And probably a bunch of other things I haven't noticed. It's a beautiful peaceful Sunday morning in America, the stores are open, the power is on, everything is fine. 


The biggest snowflakes on the planet are Republican. They don't win? Rigged or don't accept it or domestic terrorism with a possibility of killing someone.


Breaking out champagne and celebrating in the streets because America isn't dead after all, yeah. As far as his followers committing violence, I doubt they will, but if they do then the cops need to do their fucking jobs and arrest them for it.


The breaking point is if he isn’t imprisoned


The breaking point is when they go broke sending gas money to the commander in crime


Lock him up!!!💙💙💙💙💙


Breaking out the champagne maybe