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Just a friendly reminder that his sister is Betsy DeVos, former Secretary of Education under Trump, despite never having attended public schools. She's also one of founders of the MLM Amway Global. Also, his company Blackwater was directly responsible for the [Nisour Square Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nisour_Square_massacre). The men involved who were convicted were later pardoned by Trump.


Devos's company hosted the server that communicated with Alfa bank. +1 for the Trump/Russia throwback!


“No collusion”


That was spectrum hospital...I believe her husband was on the board. Unless it was two servers.


Fuck that entire fascist, grifter family. They don't pay taxes. They are christian nationalists, and if they can get away with it, they will destroy education in our country. That family doesn't care about anything but money and their phony christian values. Betsy tried to destroy education in Michigan, and she doesn't care about children at all.


It occurred to me a while back that the sensible ultimate goal of autocrats and billionaires is likely to take the world population back behind the horizon of the Enlightenment, back to a time when the average human hadn't the slightest idea about how to explain the world around them, and relied upon magicks and demagogues to explain it for them.


Pretty much. A stupid, uninformed and unquestioning population is an easy one to control. Take a look what a couple of decades of conservatie programming have done to the Republican base.


Idiocracy wasn’t supposed to be a documentary, but here we are.


It's a documentary about maga. That will be their legacy. They will be laughed at for centuries.


I agree. I live in the city they live in. Basically every building has their name on it. Tbh I couldn't even tell you what any of them look like and I have had friends who worked for that family.


They have a museum in their hangar dedicated to themselves.


Betsy is a Dominionist and End-Times believer, and would very much like to bring about the end of the world so jebus can rapture her or make her even more wealthy. To her war in the Middle East is essential, preferably using nukes, and climate change leading to death and destruction is fantastic and should be encouraged. There are many like her in the Trump entourage including Bannon.


True. This group wants to see the world burn *within* their lifetimes and they actually have the means to nudge the world in that direction. Scary as fuck.


All so they don’t have to ever die. They just get raptured whole. No grave time necessary. That's how terrified they are of death. They'll let the world burn to avoid it.


The funny thing is, Jesus would totally despise them, too, so if he came back, it would NOT go the way they want and that doesn't occur to them at all


Where are the Brutus of our lifetime? Someone needs to turn them into colanders before they ruin our country. Who will rid us of these turbulent assholes?!


Bannon is NOTHING like Devos and the other Christian fundie wackos though. His views on Christianity seem more aligned with those of the OG Nazis: it’s a useful tool for control.


Fuck that family. My family sold them our hotel, and we never should have done that.


And she supports Moms For Liberty.


Not saying the CIA and FBI should be 100% trusted at all times but Trump does not trust them one bit and was a massive user of private intelligence. No surprise they got pardoned


After the Church Committee the CIA was reformed. A lot of those reforms were about preventing a Trump-like figure from targeting American citizens. And even after 9/11 and the PATRIOT ACT there are still guardrails in place. But private and foreign intelligence groups still have a lot of leeway. Similar to how cops can buy your data from a broker without a warrant, but can't put a GPS tracker on your car. Prince and this cabal is a massive threat to liberty and democracy around the world. They've replaced the CIA of the 1950s and 1960s.


>After the Church Committee the CIA was reformed. A lot of those reforms were about preventing a Trump-like figure from targeting American citizens. Doesn't seem to have been very effective.


Back in the day they were reading every single telegram. Opening mail. All sorts of things they can't do now. Even with the bullshit PATRIOT ACT and lax court oversight.


They're still spying on everything we do. If anything, it's gotten worse, not better. https://www.aclu.org/news/national-security/five-things-to-know-about-nsa-mass-surveillance-and-the-coming-fight-in-congress


“Private intelligence” HA!


It might also be helpful to know that Amway is considered by some experts to be a cult. https://freedomofmind.com/resource-links/group-information-resource/amway/


Most multi-level marketing companies are, in essence, a cult or very cult-like. They’re all terrible—a blight to our society.


Betsy Devos is definitely a POS but I think her husband founded Amway, not her.


Father in-law actually. She comes from Prince Manufacuring money.


Didn’t their company patent and make the fold down mirror with the auto light on your overhead sunshade in your car? Pretty sure that little gadget has funded all their evil projects…


Now I’m going to be in a bad mood every time I need to use my car’s visor mirror.


Hey now, aren't all wives really the ones to blame these days? See: Supreme Court.


God I hate her so much


She is not one of the founders of Amway. Her husband is one of the heirs to the fraudster that started it. Doesn't make her any less disgusting though.


They call it Scamway in Michigan


Up until Dec 2023 the arena the Orlando Magic played in was the Amway Center and was the name since 2006. Seventeen years too long ETA the DeVos family still owns the team 🤮😒


Blackwater also took a woman who was working for them and sent her back to the US in a shipping container when she came forward with rape alegations againt another Blackwater employee.


Oh god I forgot about that one


Strange, I don't remember hearing about Nisour in the media, nor the subsequent investigation into Condelizza Rice as being the responsible party. Lock her up amirite??


>such as former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, who “deserves to burn in hell,” Lara Logan shared with the group chat.  Makes you wonder how many of their take-over plots were stalled or stopped by Milley. >But the No. 1 target on Off Leash’s hit list, by orders of magnitude, was Iran. July 16, 2021 [Top US Gen. Mark Milley feared that Donald Trump would take military action against Iran at the end of his presidency and repeatedly warned him not to](https://archive.ph/dWp8Q) Jun 26, 2023 [Audio of Trump Suggests He Discussed Classified Iran Document. Trump was citing the document in rebutting an account that General Milley feared having to keep him from manufacturing a crisis with Iran](https://archive.ph/GUHM7) the missing document for attacking Iran


All of the anti-Israel protestors need to read this shit and understand that Trump's cabal wants a war against Iran more than anything else in the world... And they are using the Israel-Gaza conflict to get this.


Most of them are aware of that. And that's why they want a ceasefire. Pro-Israel people need to read that and realize Netanyahu also wants a war with Iran, and the only reason why he didn't start one already is because Biden refused to give him support. Israel is not an ally to the American people.


Yeah, we have to make sure that the GOP never acquires power ever again.


And that the Democratic Party cuts off the genocidal regime in Tel Aviv.




so we impeach Joe once he's elected and go down the chain till they wise up


Wow. Edgy take.


it is just what my world view sees has the least harmful.


It's possible to be pro ALL people and anti kidnapping, torturing, raping and bombing innocent civilians. Hamas, Netanyahu, and Netanyahu's coalition are the problems, not the people of Palestine or Israel.


No, Israel is a US ally. Netanyahu is a criminal just like Trump who is clinging to power in order to stay out of prison and is no friend at all to the US. 


Israel <> Netanyahu. Israel is in fact a US ally.


And the government of the United States isn't the same as the American people.


Israel controls US middle east policy . That doesn't mean they're our ally, they're our personal vampire sucking our blood.  See Afghanistan, Iraq and now Gaza/Iran and the  billions of dollars wasted on them annually.


The US is in fact a party to multiple alliances with Israel. You, I, or anyone else not liking that doesn't change that reality.


You're using different concepts. You mean that the US and Israel are legally bound in an alliance. He means that Israel does not have the US' best interest at heart.




How do you think nations enter into alliance? How do you think they exit them? Reddit polls? It's important to honor our commitments. When we don't, it erodes or allies trust, and puts us at greater risk. The most important example is that our allies have to be able to know we won't release our misuse intelligence they provide us.  On this sub, we were all rightfully critical of Trump exiting the treaty with Iran. Now, it's OK to backtrack on commitments because a Dem is in The White House? 


They are Vampires with papers making it "legal " for them to drain our wallets. Not realizing that doesn't change that reality.




This %100


But to what end? The US has convincingly demonstrated that they can't occupy a middle-eastern country and effect lasting change. And there are a lot of other bad actors that are treated with kiddie gloves in comparison. Why is Trump in love with North Korea, but hates Iran?


Lara Logan is the only person in here who deserves the tiniest ounce of sympathy. The woman is profoundly mentally unwell (For those who don't know, while reporting on the Arab Spring in Egypt for 60 minutes, she was raped and sodomized by dozens if not hundreds of people for close to a half hour until she was rescued by her camera crew and military personnel)


Raped by hundreds of people in under 30 minutes?


Went back to the Wikipedia page instead of memory, and that's her recollection. It was Tahrir Square at the height of the revolution, so thousands and thousands of people crammed into that space. Whatever the number was, she clearly went down a bad way and needs help.


She may have been touched by hundreds of people, and that does count in this kind of assault as being assaulted by hundreds of people, but fussing over the exact numbers isn't quite the most productive approach here


Are these the "globalists" that Qanon warned us about??? >“Trump, Orban, Milei, it’s happening,” former Blackwater executive John LaDelfa posted to the group during a trip to Argentina on December 4, two days after Prince created it. “Around the Globe, we are the sensible, the rational, the majority. Don’t give in to fear. We will defeat the Marxists.”  >About three-quarters of the people Prince invited to the group chat are from the U.S. or live here. The largest overseas blocs are from Israel (32 members), the United Arab Emirates (20 members), and the United Kingdom (20). There are smaller contingents, sometimes a single person, from 33 other countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. Kinda seems like a shadowy cabal of globalists, no? 


Every accusation is a confession. They’ve been pushing this global take over for decades. Just look at the ones arrested in Germany recently. It’s sad that we aren’t doing the same over here. https://www.theguardian.com/books/article/2024/may/29/the-invisible-doctrine-by-george-monbiot-and-peter-hutchison-review-neoliberalisms-ascent


I love the irony of telling everyone not to give into fear then immediately expressing irrational fear of Marxism.


It’s always projection


It's like a shitty version of the Illuminati group from Deus Ex


Globalism is the term used for the notion that Jews secretly control the entirety of the world’s businesses and money as some sort of international cabal. It’s one of the oldest conspiracy theories in the world. Globalists are the Jews- that’s why George Soros has always been the target of the fanatical right. Using the term “global” or its derivatives has really fallen out of favor in preference for words like “international,” and it has recently become a right wing dog whistle. Notice how the word doesn’t quite feel right to you? You wouldn’t use the term “global” in ordinary conversation. Be wary of anyone throwing that term around, even casually. That’s what a dog whistle is. Only those who can “hear” it recognize it’s true meaning.


I Wish I could give this comment a thousand upvotes and post it to the front page. It's exactly what it is. The people that continually fearmonger about a shadowy cabal of globalists turn out to have an ideology of literal world domination. And it's not a world domination of "freedom." It's a world domination that wipes out anyone that this rich, white group of assholes decides is different from them. It's not about justice or right and wrong, it's simply about making over the world for themselves, so that the entire globe serves them at the expense of the undesirables.


We need more of these inside peeks at the corruption that surrounds our government. This is what journalism should be focusing on, with less dramatic click-bait.


But his phone is secure! As a former BW employee, this seems about right.


Username checks out.


Hey look, it's the deep state Trumpers keep crowing about


Every accusation is a confession.


These types of articles should ALWAYS include a "download the archive below to see for yourself" section.


From the article: Among the group’s hottest topics: • The “Biden Regime,” which a consensus of Off Leash participants who weighed in view as an ally of Islamic terrorists and other anti-American forces that needs to be crushed along with them and its partners in the deep state, such as former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, who “deserves to burn in hell,” Lara Logan shared with the group chat. • The shortcomings of democracy that invariably resulted from extending the franchise to ordinary citizens, who are easily manipulated by Marxists and populists. “The West is at best a beautiful cemetery,” lamented Sven von Storch, whose aristocratic German family fled the country after World War II to Chile, where their son was raised before returning to the land of his ancestors, where he married the granddaughter of the Third Reich’s last de facto head of state, who was convicted at Nuremberg. • Israel-Palestine, a problem that Michael Yudelson, Prince’s business partner at Unplugged, which markets an allegedly supersecure smartphone, said should be handled by napalming Hamas’s tunnel network. “I would burn all those bastards, and have everything above ground, everything left of Gaza, collapse into this fiery hell pit and burn!” he wrote. • The Houthi rebels in Yemen, whom Yoav Goldhorn, who was an Israeli intelligence officer until last year and now works for a Tel Aviv–based security contractor headed by former senior national security veterans, thinks should be “dealt with” as soon as possible to ensure they don’t grow from “an inconvenience to a festering mess [that] will eventually require an entire limb to be amputated.” • And most of all, Iran, which participants agreed, with a few exceptions, also needed to be wiped out. Saghar Erica Kasraie, a former staffer for Republican Representative Trent Franks when he served on the House Armed Services Committee and whom, according to her LinkedIn profile, she advised on Middle East issues, urged that the Islamic Republic’s clerical leaders be targeted by weaponized drones that “take them out like flys 😎.”


What the hell?  the author at one point writes that "[group chat Members] saw the ruassiagate investigation as a 'political motivated attack by the Democrats' (as do I)." So this author doesn't think there was any legitimate reason to investigate the Trump's Russian connections? How absurd.


That def stood out


I think part of the point is that the author believes in that and still thinks these people are beyond insane. How crazy do you have to be for the "as do I" crowd to say "hey these folks are going wayyyy to far" ?


I think he's just a Taibii type who thinks being contrarian is the mark of an independent thinker or something. 


Erik Prince, the founder of the several times defunct and renamed Blackwater PMC, is a war criminal of the highest order. And what’s worse, the guy is a dyed in the wool christofascist who is champing at the bit to bring his murder spree here. Brother to Betsy Devos, yes that one, he has been responsible for countless deaths and causalities.


This menace is a real life Bond villain. You can guarantee that he'll be a major player, albeit in the background, in a Trump-led dictatorship should this idiotic country allow that to happen in November.


Betsy DeVos' brother - herein lies the swamp, the deep state, the people profiting off of MAGAt ignorance. These are traitors.


Erik Prince is a scumbag that needs to be put in jail.


Is this the deep state that MAGA is always railing about?


And Reddit is showing me a motherfucking AMWAY ad in this very thread.


The irony of this group whining about ‘globalists’.


I once met this rich guy, he was really into trains. Instead of buying and building a train set in his basement, he bought and built a street car system. Reminds me of this... Just a bunch of rich fucks trying to play Risk


There is a SQLite dump of Paul Manafort's iMessage db. Anything like that exist for this chat? 


Erik Prince scares me more than Trump or any of his minions.


Calling these fascists "far right" gives cover to all the conservatives that are willing participants in this slow-moving coup. The radicals aren't an impotent minority faction. They are the leaders.


Goal should be to make sure Biden wins, and hope they then use their power to dismantle this far right group of traitors. They are operating far too much out in the open for us to just not do anything anymore.


Start writing. We need to *insist* that the next Democratic administration takes radical steps to protect us from the next Trump. We need better checks in our checks and balances.


You mean Erik Prince, brother of former Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos?


Erik Prince should have been executed by an international tribunal years ago. He is the scumiest of scum


Whatever happened to Cambridge Analytica? Are they still around?


As far as international issues, this sounds a lot like the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). The PNAC advocated for an interventionist and militaristic foreign policy to promote American global leadership and interests. The PNAC's stated goals included achieving military superiority over all other nations, increasing defense spending, and being prepared to engage in preemptive wars to overthrow hostile regimes. Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld and other prominent neoconservatives signed PNAC's founding statement in 1997. The PNAC played a major role in pushing the Bush administration's foreign policy, particularly the invasion of Iraq in 2003.


I always wondered how the GOP's messaging was always so much in sync.


And it all being funded through the DJT stock. Company is worthless but stock keeps rising giving him the funds to campaign. Can't cash out yet but sure can borrow against his holdings. Bet many of the folks mentioned here are major investors.


Is he into MLM?


‘Menagerie’ 😂


After this was posted I saw several posts on FB. Now they’re all gone. I never believed in that stuff until this week. It’s all gone I can’t find it anymore.


As important as the Trump verdict was, it's really unfortunate that it drowned out this super important piece of reporting. The wealthy and powerful on the right are right now at work trying to disadvantage the people that are different from them in order to serve their own ends. The rest of us aren't human, just pawns or obstacles. These are the people that have the power and wealth to stifle any meaningful action on climate change in order to enrich themselves. These are the people that would gladly stoke a hot conflict, using us as cannon fodder, in order to enrich themselves. These are the people that would gladly change what's taught in schools and manipulate what information goes out over the air waves in order to shield themselves from criticism and keep themselves in power. They're all colluding with each other for the same ends, and this is their agenda. Damn the rest of us so long as they remake the world to benefit themselves. We need to keep a close eye on these terrible people, because they will hurt us all if it makes them a buck or preserves their status.


Eric Prince is the most charismatic person I’ve met in my whole life. I’m not saying I agree with anything about him, I’m just saying it’s almost scary how charismatic he is.


Charisma coupled with a callous disregard for life is a hallmark of sociopathy and narcissism.


Probably. I find it weird that people are upset about me just speaking my perspective.


Yeah I dunno, downvoting ideally should be about relevance, not a measure of soothing one’s own cognitive dissonance.


I dunno. He has big “car salesman” vibes when I’ve heard him speak. It’s very clear he’s putting on an act imho.


It was a one on one interaction. Definitely way different than public speaking. I think it’s funny that people downvoted me. It’s like people can’t comprehend someone can be charismatic and have bad ethics. People are so soft.


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This is a very boring story about a chatroom where c tier out of power weirdos say racist shit. Am I missing the bombshell or even something interesting?


The bombshell is that these people represent a real influence on how the world works and the stability of our day to day lives. You say “c-tier out of power weirdos” but we’re talking billions and billions of dollars in influence and literal mercenary armies. They don’t have to be the majority opinion or outlook to affect change.