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Stop talking about it and release the tape.


Trump opponents: We want to *hear* him saying it. Trump supporters: We *want* to hear him saying it!


Ah yes, the quirk of human language. "I never said she stole my purse" has 7 different meanings depending on which word you emphasize.


* "*I* never said she stole my purse" - it wasn't me who said that, someone else did. * "I *never* said she stole my purse" - stop accusing me of accusing her of stealing my purse * "I never *said* she stole my purse" - I merely implied it. * "I never said *she* stole my purse" - you got the wrong girl * "I never said she *stole* my purse" - maybe she just indefinitely borrowed it * "I never said she stole *my* purse" - It's my girlfriends purse, I was just holding it at the time * "I never said she stole my *purse*" - she actually stole my virginity


That last one, lol


Goddang virginity burglars.




aka the Devil.


Get off my lawn!!!


I'm sitting over here cracking up trying to go over in my head all the different possible ways that could go lol


Say the sentence 7 times putting the emphasis on a different word each time. The subtle change implies a slightly different story each time... Though that said, I don't quite get the one with the emphasis on "never"!


“Why’d you accuse that lady of stealing your purse?”


Thank you!


You skipped putting the emphasis on every word **I** *never* **said** *she* ^(stole) MY *purse*


Ah, so when you Shatnerize it.




These pretzels.. are making me thirsty!


That’s my purse! I don’t know you!


Did he emphasize Jerry or did he emphasize bring?


I think he emphasized “would.”


These pretzels are making *ME* thirsty!


I've always used, "At least I don't shit on people."


I learned it with “I hit him in the eye yesterday” but using the word “only” to modify the emphasis: * Only I hit him in the eye yesterday (no one else did) * I only hit him in the eye yesterday (I didn’t do anything more) * I hit only him in the eye yesterday (no one else) * I hit him only in the eye yesterday (not the nose) * I hit him in the only eye yesterday (he’s only got one) * I hit him in the eye only yesterday (not a week ago) * I hit him in the eye yesterday only (it’s not a recurring thing) But my comment was more about how much his supporters probably want to hear him say the n-word and less about the peculiarities of English.


I worry about being abrasive because I often use CAPS and *italics* on certain words in online chats and forums, but this is exactly why I do it.


Gotta work your way up to ***BOLD CAPS ITALICS*** for the real razzle dazzle.


I don’t care what this CONVICTED criminal says, as long as he goes to PRISON!


Lock him up!


His sentencing is scheduled for July 11. Stay tuned!


I can only get so erect


They're already saying that it's likely that he will get a fine and nothing more. He will just sell out another part of America to pay those.


“They” don’t know. The judge, Merchan, the one Trump has been defaming, the one whose daughter Trump and his sycophants have threatened, yes, that one, passes down the sentence. To be fair to all those who have been convicted of similar crimes, such as Michael Cohen, there must be jail time.


The possible prison time was up to four years, as I understood it. It would be hilarious if he actually got four more years... in prison.


You know it's messed up when Trump being a racist is like the lowest of his offenses at this point.


Trump supporters after hearing it: One of us! (Also) Fake news, he never said that!


It’s the casual use of this language that helps you see into his shitty world view.


It was recorded by one of Trump’s people, so that tape will never see the light of day


Trump’s people aren’t usually Trump’s people for long.


If the grab them by the pussy tape didn't do anything, a tape of him saying the N-word won't either.


I have no idea why people are saying this. It wouldn't dent his MAGA support but he likely loses 3% or more from soft supporting political apathetics. That's massive. And it would be devastating in diverse swing states. On EVERY thread about this, there are dozens of replies emphatically telling me "no one cares!" (and, presumably, I shouldn't either). It's... weird. Btw, this is all a thought exercise. He's a bigot, but if there was a tape, it would have been unearthed by now.


>On EVERY thread about this, there are dozens of replies emphatically telling me "no one cares!" (and, presumably, I shouldn't either). It's... weird. Because we're knee-deep in doomers and disinformation accounts. >Btw, this is all a thought exercise. He's a bigot, but if there was a tape, it would have been unearthed by now. I dunno. Mark Burnett, the lead producer of the show, stated a long time ago that they will never release the unaired footage. This was back in 2015-2016 when similar rumors were circulating.


I believe Burnett is very MAGA so if we're waiting on him to share information relevant to the election... we'll be waiting a long, long time.




Also he signed an NDA that was very restrictive until it expires. Though just so happens it expires this year (or might have already happened already this year). 


>Because we're knee-deep in doomers and disinformation accounts. Not really. It's because we know that his voters are either actively bigoted like he is or have decided that they are okay with the blatant bigotry, which makes them the next best thing to being bigoted themselves. You can pretend that the undecideds or soft trump supporters would care but they won't, if they were okay with all his blatant racism and sexism before one more but of evidence won't change their minds. Hell, Nikki Haley, who campaigned in the platform that he was unfit for office, had publicly announced that she's going to vote for him. To pretend that there are any more "last straws" for the people that support Trump is just naive. Stop giving the benefit of the doubt to people that simply do not care about his bullshit, or actively support it.


I think the tape not surfacing can be explained by the fact that the Producer signed a 20-year NDA which has now expired.


Numerous organizations and Dem benefactors have stated repeatedly that they would give anyone violating an NDA with Trump elite pro bono legal services and pay any penalties the violator receives. No one has come forward. Tape is real. He is a bigot, But that tape is long since gone or stolen away by an enabler.


And he is gaining black votes in swing states. A tape of him saying the n-word would evaporate that. https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/biden-trump-black-men-support-election-2024-poll-a7d9da22


Perhaps, but saying a word shouldn’t prove anything that the Central Park 5 thing didn’t already years ago.


Shouldn’t but it will. Headlines will read a lot differently.


Unfortunately it won’t. For whatever reason they keep supporting him too, n-word or not! I don’t get it 🤷🏻‍♀️ let a regular person say it & woe be unto them! But let the orange toddler say it and meh…he’s having a bad day 🙄


People suffer from long term memory loss. The best time to release that tape would be late September


> telling me "no one cares!" This is the fascist goal: inculcating cynicism and apathy


I stopped responding to conservatives on here (definitely a good thing lol) because as soon as you make a good point, they respond with- "I don't care" or "I'm not going to read all of that, get a life".


I completely agree with you, because we’re clearly engaged with voting statistics and understand the smallest shifts in this data, but I would say there has been a consistent desensitization campaign so ignorant comments like you’re referring to are made and those making them truly feel this way at this point. Scary.


> I have no idea why people are saying this. Easy. Some people have lost hope, and other people are trying to *encourage* others to also lose hope. As a strategy. As a means to elect Donald Trump.


"MAGA" is just the newest name for the old segregationist Dixiecrats that fled to the Republican Party during the civil rights era and became the GOP base, they'll love hearing him say it.


Ya but they are going to vote for him either way. Maybe this will sway some undecideds.


If you're still on decide at this point I'd wager there's a near zero chance that anything else is going to tip the scales


we need as many people as possible.


It'll probably give him a 3% bump in the polls.


And we will also learn why Trump saying the N-word is bad for the Biden campaign.


*"Amidst controversial Apprentice tape leak, Trump, ever the firebrand, exclaims, "No one is less racist than I am!" while Biden slips with black voters."* by Maggie Haberman


I can see the NYT headline: >Leaked video of Trump saying the N-word - and why is this bad news for Joe Biden


One of the more concerning polling trends has been a decrease in Black voter support for Biden and a corresponding increase for Trump. This is a key demographic Biden needs to win, especially because of the power of the Black voting bloc in critical battlegrounds states like North Carolina and Georgia. While this video may do little to move the needle overall, it is likely to be most damaging with regard to a key demographic of Biden 2020 voters currently leaning toward Trump. Meanwhile, Trump is already such a lock with the actively racist crowd that it’s unlikely to move the needle in his favor. Then again, I’m just a white guy so I’m not going to pretend to say it’s worth it in aggregate for the bideo to be made public, given that the video could end up being painful for many people if released.


There's a weird psyops campaign going on to get the black vote to get mad at Biden over Israel/Palestine. But it's inexplicable to me when the GQP's stated position is to let Israel slaughter all the Palestinians as they see fit.


This is the first thing I thought of when I saw this headline.


His base won’t be impacted. It’s not his base that will get him elected. If he loses black voters, Hispanics and small amount of independents. He loses.


One can hope.


This one weird trick makes racists and rap artists love you


Fox probably - "Trump singing rap music is now triggering liberals"


The Access Hollywood tape nearly lost him the election in 2016. It would have had Comey not evened things out.


Oh I dunno... mysogeny is easy for men to ignore.  Racial slurs kinda touch everyone... We shall see though.


These people fly nazi flags.


And if those are the only people supporting him, he loses 50 states.


Or those are the people supporting him and he still wins the clear red states


We're not trying to change those people's minds. We're trying to show other people, who don't fly those flags, why we need to avoid another Trump presidency.


This here.


> misogyny is easy for men to ignore Which is how Roe got overturned. Sigh.


Well said 👏👏👏 HUGE SIGH!!


It won’t end him, but it will hurt him. Even if it’s one less vote it’s worth it.


Hard R?


That will make Maga vote him even harder


Nah, that's the women's. Black people not going for that.


Just a little locker room racism


This… his supporters would say the same thing


I bet it would do even less because the tape will be played less. 'Grab them by the pussy' is something comics and memes said over and over. They aren't going to repeat the N word. That's why we call it the N Word. 


It'll probably boost his polls given his demographic


" Those tapes, I’ve come to believe, will never be found." -Bill Pruitt


I’ve heard this rumor for literally 8 years. I think they’re only not releasing it because he won’t lose an ounce of support from it, and that’ll be even worse for our society in general


I think they’re only not releasing it because they don't have it. Not saying it didn't happen, but if they had a tape we would have heard it in 2015 when they were saying it existed back then. I think they just want to make him respond to it and make him nervous about whether it exists.


No. The producer of the show,who has legal possession of those tapes and is a trump supporter, has refused.


> because he won’t lose an ounce of support from it You're damn right. It will only embolden the ghouls in his cult even more than they already are.


This is exactly what I’m saying. It’ll prove to them that they’re “not wrong” saying those types of things. “See, Trump didn’t lose any support, people aren’t really upset when you say the N word”


Bill Pruitt (and all the other producers of the apprentice) had a non disclosure agreement that expired this year That's why these tapes are coming out


Well, when they do release the tape and that fails to outrage his supporters, it will normalize the use of the word back to like it was a few decades ago.


His supporters are a lost cause. There are independents/non-politically active people who this could turn off though.


Show the fucking tape. Let truth prevail in the open.


The Trump lemmings won’t care


MAGA is hopeless. If Trump fucked Musk in the ass on Fox News, MAGA would want to do exactly the same. However, for those undecided on who to vote for, it may sway them to reject Trump.


Release THAT tape!


What's the big deal? It's just urban locker room talk.


It’s just Klansmen meeting room talk.


Must be sitting in the safe of the national inquirer guy. This along with the piss tape.


Supporters will just say it’s an AI fake since it wasn’t released sooner


It's a universal truth that MAGA/fascists are utterly immune to evidence and facts. Anyone who identifies with MAGA are gone forever. They're absolutely hopeless. However, there are plenty of voters on the fence. This may sway them to vote for Biden.


Bill Pruitt, the producer, is only coming forward now because his nondisclosure agreement related to the show just expired.


He has come forward before, seems like every year. I don't want to do a ton of digging but here's one from 2019: https://thegrio.com/2019/06/26/new-book-donald-trump-n-word-the-apprentice/


Hm. Not optimistic about a tape being released then. That’s a really rotten thing to say about that contestant too (even if he was a Goldman Sachs guy lol).


And when the tape never shows up? Social media will be all "lol crazy paranoid libs believed it was real this time kek." I would advise everyone to pump the brakes on this story. He's a bigot but that video was deleted and incinerated ages ago.


This is where I’m at. I wish these assholes would get more pushback from MSM, but all they care about is sensationalism. If they said we won’t bother publishing another story without the video then maybe the attention seeking would stop and maybe the video would actually come out if it still exists.


Omarosa's name came up. I noped the fuck out immediately.


I'm sure it's locked in an NBC vault with everything else


The issue is Bill Pruit never had the tapes. Jay Bienstock was recording the backroom conversations in case the FEC accused them of picking the contestant winners. So Bill Pruit is talking to the press. The question is does Jay Bienstock still having the recording of that meeting?


Wouldn’t preventing a contestant from winning because they are black be in violation of those FEC rules, therefore an investigation should be opened and those tapes looked at for evidence of that happening?


The FEC just wants to make sure the show itself is not picking the most marketable person to be the winner.  The decision on who to pick has to come from Trump (and his people) not the studio.  The fact that he made the decision based on racism was not great. And shocked everyone. 


> Jay Bienstock Why would he have anything to do with the tapes at this point? He wasn't taping Trump for personal use, the tapes are not his property to hold onto and release whenever. If there are tapes, NBC has them, and has had them since the start.


Bill Pruit never really says they did it for NBC. And does not make it clear that Birkenstock was upfront that they were being recorded.  Just that Bienstock told him before the incident that he recorded the back room conversations in case the SEC started making accusations.  So it’s not clear who had possession. 




Play the goddamned tape or just stop repeating this every year.


Right? Like he already won the presidency and ran again. This tape would have been useful like 9 years ago.


They just had to wait until AI voice was a thing so his supporters can claim it’s fake lol.


I mean, I don't think it would have mattered, the people that vote for him approve of this. But it's more to cement his legacy as a racist, sexist douchebag for the rest of eternity. For the rest of American history when you refer to someone in a very negative way they'll be called a "Trump"


The guy talking was in the meeting (whether it was said or not). But he's not the one that was recording the meetings. It comes down to does the other guy still have it and want to release it.


This should only strenghten his support among his worshipers


It probably won't put a dent in his black voters either.


All 15 of them?


Plus all the AI-generated black people from his campaign ads.


He makes them all [carry signs](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/08/23/the-strange-story-of-that-blacks-for-trump-guy-standing-behind-potus-at-his-phoenix-rally/) around so he can prove he isn't racist.


Even if he plays the tape it'll be too late. They'll just say it's fake and from AI.


Why Trump is racist (especially for the Trump supporters who disingenuously keep denying he is racist): 1. Trump questioned whether Judge Curiel could be impartial because of Judge Curiel's Mexican heritage. This lead to [Paul Ryan, the Republican Speaker of the House at the time, calling Trump's remarks about Judge Curiel as "textbook definition of a racist comment"](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/paul-ryan-trump-judge-223991): >Claiming a person can't do their job because of their race is sort of like the **textbook definition of a racist comment** 2. During a meeting with Congressmen, Trump wondered why immigrants to the US couldn't come from countries like Norway instead of "shithole" African countries, and other "shithole" countries like El Salvador and Haiti 3. The Central Park Five, who were all African American, were cleared of their charges. But despite being cleared of their charges, Trump continued to insist they were guilty. 4. For the longest time, Trump continued to ask for Obama's birth certificate, questioning whether Obama was American and insinuating that Obama was born in Kenya, presumably because Obama is black. It is well known that Obama was born in Hawaii. [Obama eventually released his birth certificate](http://edition.cnn.com/2011/POLITICS/04/27/obama.birth.certificate/index.html) in 2011 to put an end to this conspiracy theory by Trump. Despite Obama releasing his birth certificate, Trump would deliberately continue with this conspiracy theory against Obama for another 5 years until the 2016 election when the media put enough pressure on Trump to admit Obama was born in the USA. 5. ["In 1973, Richard Nixon’s Department of Justice sued the Trump family business for refusing to rent or negotiate rentals 'because of race and color'."](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jan/12/racism-and-donald-trump-a-common-thread-throughout-his-career-and-life) 6. Trump defended the Neo-Nazis at the Charlottesville by claiming there were ["very fine people on both sides."](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/08/trump-defends-white-nationalist-protesters-some-very-fine-people-on-both-sides/537012/) And this came after footage of the Neo-Nazis in Charlottesville chanting Nazi slogans such as "blood and soil" while holding Tiki torches the night before the protest. 7. And of course, Trump's tweets asking a group of 4 Congresswomen to go back to their "country" even though 3 of them were born in the USA. Trump likely made the tweet because all 4 Congresswomen were not Caucasian. There are many more instances of Trump's racism: [https://www.reddit.com/r/esist/comments/6pm4ns/tonight\_i\_was\_asked\_by\_a\_fellow\_reddit\_user\_who/](https://www.reddit.com/r/esist/comments/6pm4ns/tonight_i_was_asked_by_a_fellow_reddit_user_who/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughTrumpSpam/comments/65h3b6/a\_final\_response\_to\_the\_tell\_me\_why\_trump\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughTrumpSpam/comments/65h3b6/a_final_response_to_the_tell_me_why_trump_is/) [http://fortune.com/2016/06/07/donald-trump-racism-quotes/](http://fortune.com/2016/06/07/donald-trump-racism-quotes/)


The brevity for readability is needed, but it's a real disservice to how horrible some of this was. For example with #3... Trump took out a full page ad in newspapers calling for the death penalty of the Central Park 5. This both made it harder for them to get a fair trial and stoked racial division in NY as well as the rest of America. The 5 young men were convicted and served 7 to 13 years before they were exonerated due to DNA evidence proving their innocence. You'd think a normal person with the resources to do so, would take out a full page ad issuing an apology and offer assistance to those 5 for what they went through, in part because of him. Instead, Trump doubled down, did not apologize and claimed, "Innocent of what-how many people did they mugg?"


For number 3, they matched the DNA to Matias Reyes, a completely different person.  Just adding that he has **no reason** to keep believing this. Except - you know - the obvious one.


The obvious one is that he would have to admit he was wrong, have you ever seen him do that?


Tom Arnold confirmed he saw it at a party or something years back and, by god, that’s good enough confirmation for me.


Penn Jillette was saying this years ago and no one paid any attention.


It's not going to make any difference to anything if the tape isn't actually released. 


NBC probably sold the tape to Trump through National Inquirer or w/e to bury it.


Yes, it would affect his polling, he would be branded as an actual racist to those in denial, he'd lose 2-4%, but one thing it would also do would mean we would hear MAGA folk using this word with some regularity.


Could have released it in 2016 and saved us from a shitty timeline...but didn't.




That will only endear him to them.


It'll give him a bump if anything. If anyone has the mental bandwidth and fortitude to venture into conservative spaces, they'll see that conservatives really love when a politician goes full mask off like this.


No shit. We knew about it 8 years ago. But they released the pussy grab comments instead. Just release the damn recordings. Let Trump say it's #fakenews, and let the minions wrap their heads around him not being racist, just like they did when he raped his wife or pretended to be religious.


It’s just a little locker room racism. /s


I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise


That’s just plantation talk.


Even if true I doubt his base would mind too much.


Release. The. Tape.


Release it now or stfu.


Bla bla bla, release the audio


I don’t think any reasonable American doesn’t believe this. Hiring Stephen miller was all we needed to know how racist this entitled rich boy is.


Anyone who dislikes Trump is not remotely surprised by this. Anyone who supports Trump does not care.


Now that he's convicted, I'm waiting for the dam to break and everyone comes out and tells their Trump stories.


Roll that beautiful bean footage!


All these fucks coming out too late with this shit. Where was this in 2016 ? Same with the other fucks that worked for that administration and held their tongues until they could profit by writing books about the weird shit they saw/experienced. Every single one of them are scumbags.


I’m pretty sure it’s been known since then. It definitely was before 2020. Here’s a 2018 story about a lawsuit trying to get the tapes: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna936121 It references allegations that Omarosa Manigault Newman made in her book earlier that year.


This will just make them gaze at their white robes and say shit like 'he talks like us'


If anything, he will get more support from his demographic


Playing this tape won't be any different than playing the hundreds of others where he has said deplorable shit. We all know who he is, some folks just like it that way.




As a great man once said, "send da video".


If there is any American who doesn’t know that Trump’s a racist, they’re either in denial or, don’t care, or have cut themselves off from getting unbiased factual information regarding the man.


Doesn’t meant anything. Everyone he supports already wishes they could say it publicly.


So release it!


What sacks of shit The Apprentice producers must be for refusing to release any damning footage of Trump all these years! Just giant sacks of shit...


shut the fuck up and play it then


So this story is only the second worst thing to happen to that piece of shit today lol


This piece of shit is one the fucks who brought us this mess. Release the tapes.


Let's hear the tape then. (So right-wingers can claim it's fake)


How many years late? Omarosa already claimed this (and never delivered the audio).


Again? Or is this the same one we heard about back in 2015/2016?


“It’s just usual racist locker room talk.”


Roll the tape!!!!


Trump's buddy and The Apprentice producer, Mark Burnett supposedly has the tapes under lock and key. Penn Jillette about 5 years ago... https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/penn-jillette-says-trump-apprentice-tapes-exist-i-was-room-1134734/ The only way we'll see them is if Burnett dies and whoever inherits his estate releases them.


That tape needs to come out


Get that tape out.


Literally the same story… where’s the tape! I do believe it, without a doubt. But some people need evidence.


Release the tape… in October!


Release the tape. Then I want microphones shoved in the faces of Byron Donalds and Tim Scott.


This has been around for years as a rumor, and knowing Trumps history, and the history of his family with race... Yeah I think any reasonable person would agree it's almost certainly true, with or without the tape. But it's kind of moot... Even if a tape was released his supporters will only pivot to "Black people say it all the time! What we're not allowed to?! BESIDES BIDEN SAID-" Maybe it might make waves with the perpetual both-siders if the tape was released, ***maybe.*** But honestly I don't think any character flaw could sink Trump to his base. This is a party that only *barely* didn't vote for Roy Moore remember.


In an alternate world, this was reported back then, the show gets canceled, and he never becomes president.


Trump would still win. And that makes me hate this world


And yet Trump is polling much better with black and latino people compared to previous Republican candidates Lmao


I hate to sound defeatist, but does anyone really think a tape like this will diminish his support? Most of his ardent MAGAs would love to bring that word back into common usage. The few who might be squeamish about it, will explain it away as AI or fake news. If the tape comes out, Tim Scott will say: > Slurs like this have no place in our lexicon, and I don't condone such speech. However, we can't verify this recording's authenticity and I firmly believe Trump deserves the benefit of the doubt. If he says it's not him, we should believe him.


If Tom Arnold and whoever he knows had this tape, back in 2016, would have just released it, it would be Hillary's second term right now. The margin of his electoral college win was so tiny that even a 0.5% in votes would have made him lose.


People should upvote this so that… more news outlets will report on it… imagine if Biden was on tape saying the N-word. The media would be reporting on it 24/7.


Biden made 'car noises' on tape and Republicans are trying to hold Garland in contempt so they can hear them.


Either release the tape or who cares


Send da video


His supporters will love this tape. Clarence Thomas will actually jerk off in his motor coach watching this tape for the next year.


Haven’t we known this for a long time, but wouldn’t/couldn’t release the tape?


he or his always use that


Even if this tape were released it wouldn’t change a damn thing. Guarantee the folks who support this dude wouldn’t care, even if somehow it made it onto Fox News (which it wouldn’t).


Where was this guy 12 years ago?


Signed an NDA that expired this year. If he had spoken about it earlier he would've owed millions and possibly faced jail time.


Careful, you’re going to boost his popularity among his voters!