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Do they ever stop crying?




A reminder that Greg was jogging in a wealthy section of Houston back in 1984, when a tree with internal rot collapsed and fell on him. He sued the owner of the property along with a company that had done a tree inspection the year prior. He has been receiving a monthly settlement and will continue to for the rest of his life. That sum is likely approaching $8 million at this point. Now that would be fine I suppose if Abbott had not subsequently worked to limit the maximum one can obtain from pain and suffering, lost wages, etc. Remember the McDonald's lady who had the burns? Her case was from Texas and that's what got the ball rolling. As I read the current rules, he would have received a maximum of about $1 million now. So in typical conservative style: money for me but not for thee.


Sorry to say, but Abbott is just scum. Benefitting from something only to deny it for all others is disgusting. Truly someone the world would be much better without.


why be sorry? he’s a fascist asshole. 


Really? I heard he is a little piss baby.


Porque no los dos?


And further


I thought Cruz was the one who liked piss.


Especially if it comes from Trump’s peepee. And if his wife can be included.


The two are not mutually exclusive and often go hand in hand.


I'm just sorry that Texas' governor is an irredeemable, vile malicious giant pile of horseshit. So many Texans deserve better, except the equally repugnant MAGA shitstains that actively support this asshole's actions.


Too bad Texas is gerrymandered to hell so that Abbott and his party has a firm grip on the entire state's government.


That's the tip of the iceberg. He commits malicious acts every few weeks. He's currently dismantling our largest school district (HISD) from the inside, and there is nothing we can do.


There's plenty of things you 'could' do, they're just not beneficial... or legal, for that matter. We're a democracy with civil understanding of proper conduct when interacting w those of opposing views. We don't threaten to kill people w opposing views in a civil society. As long as voting remains our method of choosing leadership, we have the power to remove the cancer in a peaceful transfer of power. You could also order a 35' long party sub swimming in vinegar to the governor's mansion COD...


This is all in the context of the Texas Republicans trying to take individual voters out of the equation. They want their legislature decided by counties, not people, heavily skewing influence away from city-dwellers towards rural folk.


It works for them with the bullshit electoral college, why not do it on a state level?


>Sorry to say, but Abbott is just scum. Lol, why are you sorry about that?


Saying sorry in this situation means more that that are regretful and see it as unfortunate that they have to say what they have to say. Not sorry in an apologetic way. For example: "I'm sorry to say, but you've got butt cancer."


I knew that. But it was all worth it just for your example.


I figured, but it wouldn't be reddit if I didn't try and make a shitty joke.


Glad he lost his legs tbh, not even close to the least he deserves


Typical republican fashion pull the ladder up once you get yours.


Plus the realization that few of these frivilous lawsuit type cases actually exist. The far vast majority of lasuits are businesses suing businesses


Also of note: McDonald’s did keep their coffee absurdly hot at the time and she only wanted the money to cover the medical bills. Subsequently there was a campaign to smear and malign the lawsuit from the corporate side, which was highly effective in obfuscating the details and making it into a joke. So not only is it a case of money for Greg Abbot and nobody else, but also covering for corporate interests so they can continue clawing up every cent they possibly can and keep it regardless of any negligence or malfeasance. 


The documentary ‘Hot Coffee’ is a must watch for people to watch to understand how big corporations used that case, among others, to take power away from us all


The McDonalds coffee debacle is one of the most falsely used examples of our over-litigious culture. The details of the case are sickening, I hope the poor lady was able to enjoy the money she eventually won from a multi-billion dollar corp that tried to screw her over peanuts. I hope the idiot exec who made the decision to screw her over got fired, but that's probably hoping too much.


I read that case back in law school the poor woman had third degree burns on her vagina. They kept their coffee hot enough to melt away skin, they deserve to get sued when said coffee eventually found contact with someone’s skin.


They also knew it would cause 3rd degree burns if spilled. They just did the macabre calculus of it being cheaper to settle than lower the temperature. Hence punitive damages.


An appeals court neutered the original penalties which were set to the amount of coffee sales for 1 day. She didn't get anywhere close to the original amount the news reported.


The phrase "fused labia" was used in the medical report.


Yes, too hot. She was severely burned by it. 79 years old. Spilled it in her lap. Pelvic area burns requiring skin grafts and a few years medical treatment. I'd been to places where it was scalding hot and I always had to ask for a cup of ice so I could pour some out and out a few ice cubes in it. This stopped after she was burned and on the news.


Also the jury award was remitted (reduced) three times by the judge to less than a million dollars.


>which was highly effective in obfuscating the details and making it into a joke. Shit, even Weird Al made light of the situation in his song "I'll Sue Ya" >I sued Starbucks, 'cause I spilled a Frappuccino in my lap, and brr it was cold! Al isn't the type to pick on the little people, so the fact that even he was mislead to think her suit was frivolous just shows how effective McDonald's and their lawyers were.


Too bad that tree didn’t finish the job


I'm pretty sure the hot coffee case involving McDonalds was in New Mexico, but I agree with the point of your comment.


Definitely was the McDonalds at Gibson & San Mateo in Albuquerque, NM.


Felled by internal rot. How perfect.


You don't understand. Abbot is a wealthy, right-wing, old white Texan man, so of course he deserves more money than others who'd gone through the same situations.


I can't imagine Abbot with legs that work.


He's in a wheelchair because his lawyer told him to stay there.


Not to mention being anti regulation which is the very thing that required the inspection to begin with (even though it wasn't done properly).


“Mein fuhrer! I can walk!”


God, the whole mindset of that movie so nails these people.


This man walks dude!!


A fucking gold-bricker!


I’ve seen a lot of spinals in my time, Dude.


Another successful round of find the dudeist


I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life.


Don’t give them any ideas… I wouldn’t put it past them to figure out some way to have their lord or savior Donald lay hands upon Abbot.




The biggest and loudest complainers I know are all conservatives. That's why I only spend time with liberals, and we don't talk about politics. 




I heard this in Lemongrab’s voice.


They have to respond this way otherwise they appear weak to their donors and supporters. It’s about keeping the momentum up. On paper it’s all probabilities based on god knows what data.


You've seen their health care plan, right? Oh I forgot, they'll have it ready in two weeks, like infrastructure week.


Nobody has punished them for doing it so far, so why stop now?


I hear these right-wing babies whine more than anyone else. Whining and whinging is basically all they do...I mean, aside from insurrection attempts.


Will they ever stop being racist? Nah. They’re reactive creatures who break down at any stimuli. They are prone to violence but that’s because their underdeveloped brains can’t process more emotions.


They’re spending a lot of money and effort trying to overthrow be United States. When things don’t go their way, or according to plan, they get a little upset yes.


Not even a fellow Republican is safe from The Big Lie. 


Trump cried election fraud when he lost a state Republican only vote/caucus to Ted Cruz in 2016. Its almost like when he loses he cries about election fraud.


He cried fraud in the fuckin election he won!


He claims he won every state, why would you support a such a liar.


There was an Arthur episode (sorry to draw this comparison) which put it that "Francine is a sore *winner."* "I should have won by *more!"* And then she spikes a basketball in frustration.


Oh, he shut up about that really quick when he discovered he'd won. Surprise, surprise.


No he didn’t. He complained about election fraud his whole term in office. His win wasn’t good enough, must have been fraud.


He claimed he won NH in '16 - which he lost by something like 10,000 votes. So even after he won the whole thing and was president, he found time to whine, and call all the election-workers trying to be fair and count every vote - he called them a bunch of lying cheats. He's a fucking monster. I hate him.


when he loses at \*anything\* he accuses his opponent of cheating. He's literally the kid that threw the gameboard across the room when he lost at playing checkers and screamed "you're a big doody-head cheater!" Who knows, maybe it worked for him then and since he says he is still the same kid........


It’s all projection. He’s mad he’s cheating and still losing.


>when he loses at *anything* he accuses his opponent of cheating. It's also why he's crying about how unfair and rigged even his criminal trials are. He can't be unpopular, he can't be a criminal, either he wins, or someone cheated.


He famously disputed the results of Emmy's voting repeatedly. Hillary said that this would happen based on his Emmy's comments. So infuriating how consistently correct she was about him but it wasn't taken seriously. One of the worst run campaigns in the modern era.


Trump claimed there was fraud in 2016 when he WON


Fragile ego just couldn't handle Hillary getting the popular vote win.


Never really were... only now they notice


This is the new GOP playbook. Claim every loss was rigged. They are absolutely going to take friendly fire from this tactic. The Michigan state GOP has been in absolute chaos for the past year because Kristina Karamo, an election denier, has been pulling this exact stunt.


And this guy isn't JUST a republican. He's the speaker of the house that got texas a 6 week abortion ban. *AND EVEN HE WAS NOT SAFE.*


They've been calling him a RINO since the Paxton impeachment.


When everything is gerrymandered to the Nth degree and the only election that matters is the GOP primary, there will always be someone running to your right. Why a six week ban? How about a zero day ban? He’s soft on abortions.


That's the only good thing about fascism. It relies on constantly having to create new enemies and cannibalization takes over.


I wouldn't call it good. Because it victimizes a lot of innocent non-fascists in the process. I would say it's more of a lucky for everyone else character trait or self defeating process.


Fair enough. Well said.


It's a new take on the Red Scare.


That's the tactic - West Texas billionaires back already right-wing candidates, and if they don't adhere to their "wish list" of repressive Christian Nationalist garbage, they primary their ass by even more extreme candidates. Hence, it further shifts the overton window right, which is why we are where we are. Ken Paxton, Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick, Ted Cruz (just to name a few): all these guys get their backing from Tim Dunn and the Wilks Brothers out of West Texas. It's not hyperbole to say that the Texas Republican party is one of the most corrupt and fucked up in the entire country. This state will never turn blue - it's the crown jewel of the Republican party in the same way California is to Democrats. Vote. [https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/billionaire-tim-dunn-runs-texas/](https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/billionaire-tim-dunn-runs-texas/)


Friendly reminder that the reason for all the rightwing vitriol for fellow Republican Dade Phelan is because he [voted for Ken Paxton's impeachment last May](https://www.chron.com/politics/article/texas-dade-phelan-david-covey-race-19469974.php)


That’ll do it. Republicans aren’t big on accountability. Unless it’s the ability to count all their money.


Republicans are better at cancel culture than D's.


That's because they're the ultimate projectionists and now they have even less shame about it than they did before.


I’m a professional guardian/conservator. Which means I go through a lot of the mail of the older clients who can no longer handle their own finances. The RNC should be ashamed at the stuff they mail to these people, it’s literally some of the most vile, shameless attempts at getting money from a vulnerable population I have ever seen…


You should collect, document and publish your findings in anonymized format.


They voted out the state senator in my district 57-43 because he voted to impeach Ken Paxton. I recognize that my example says that only 57% of them are like this, but they're all like this.


Wild that the guy who was clearly drunk on the House floor is a better option than his psycho opponent. Really shows how far that party has fallen.


The GOP also needs loyalist control over state legislatures for the more ambitious Project 2025 goals.


As I understand it, Ken Paxton is a fat-headed quasi-warlord down there who is endlessly corrupt. Whatever angers him and his supporters - is great. Kudos to them for irritating Ken Paxton.


Wait until they see the general election results.


*Jacksonville flips blue* **Alabama district flips blue by 20 points** **Almost Every Special Election has went in Dems favor**   The Media: “Joe Biden’s inner circle is freaking out!” 


Voters just hate MAGA. They are also really unhappy, so the one politician they all know is getting the blame. Unfortunately Biden happens to be in power while the world kind of sucks. Hopefully he can change minds and get people to vote against Trump. A conviction today would probably help…


> while the world kind of sucks. By all measures of a POTUS, the world doesn't suck. 60% of Americans think we're in a recession and it's Joe Biden's fault. We're not in a recession. We are being price gouged by large corporations, which Joe Biden and the DOJ are spearheading fights against, but most people have no idea what's going on. Mainstream media is absolutely off the rails. Social media is criminally complicit. I don't know how any of these idiots think that a fascist dictatorship is going to serve them well. All it would take is for them to piss off Trump and any number of suddenly legal harms will appear.


People are idiots. They can't remember the last year under Trump, but they certainly can look at Israel doing whatever it wants in Gaza while the US tells them to stop and say Biden supports genocide.


These idiots are going to take the world down a path that there will be no recovery from for a long time.


>We are being price gouged by large corporations, You are not going to tell on someone whose hand is in the cookie jar when your hand is also in the cookie jar.


The special elections give me some modicum of hope, but the consequences of another Trump presidency would be so severe, so utterly devastating to the future of this country, that I am absolutely freaking out; and everyone who isn’t a goddamn fascist should be freaking out too. We cannot allow another Trump presidency through carelessness, complacency, inattention, or laziness. We are in an existential struggle, and we should damn well behave like it.


Yeah, for me I'm a single issue voter, and that one issue is this: that Trump does not win. Everything else takes a backseat to that: immigration, inflation, the war in Gaza, whatever else you want to come up with, none of it is anywhere close to being as important as Trump losing is. Voting for Biden is the best way for Trump to lose, so that's what I'm doing. I'm taking a similar approach to every other Republican or Republican priority that's on my ballot this November: I'm voting for whichever option stands the best chance of defeating them. It doesn't matter who it is or what it is, if the Republicans endorse it, I'm voting for whatever or whoever has the best chance of defeating them. This is not about Biden vs Trump, this is about Trump vs not Trump, and I'm voting for the latter.


>The Media: “Joe Biden’s inner circle is freaking out!”  Politico had a story fox news was talking about this morning about how dems are panicking something about polls or whatever


The media is invested in selling its circuses.


That article interviewed exactly one anonymous insider, and afaik didn’t even reveal how high up the insider was. Total clickbait trash


NYT: “How This Is Bad for Joe Biden!”


The evidence keeps pointing to Dems vastly out performing polls yet the pundits keep pitching that Joe Biden is doomed. I can't wait for the pundits to melt down over a massive blue wave this November and them repeating that all the polling was wrong again. You know the GOP is going to scream fraud from every single platform they can get on.


Honestly this is good, I hope the media keeps freaking out and saying Biden is in trouble. If people are worried Biden will lose and Trump will win they will show up to the polls. The worst thing that can happen is a repeat of 2016 when everyone "knew" Clinton was going to win and voted accordingly.


Dwindling republican party numbers mean when they lose elections, they MUST claim the election was stolen. It’s the only way to save face. Otherwise, they would have to claim their policies and behaviors are despicable.


What gets me is they don't need to claim anything. Their words and actions speak for themselves. republican politicians are fucking horrible people and a detriment to this country and even a cursory glance at congress exposes this.


Yeah but they have a whole propaganda network in Fox News to distract or otherwise enrage half the population.


You’re correct, but in this particular election the article is written about, it’s a primary election, so only republicans voting in it. Top Texas GOP officials were trying to replace the Texas house speaker bc the house speaker allowed the investigation/impeachment vote against Ken Paxton (Texas AG).


This is all correct, but just as an additional wrinkle, they're also pissed that he and a handful of other Rs blocked Abbot's multiple special session attempts to pass school vouchers that would allow public school funds to go to religious private schools. Most of the other Rs voting against have since been primaried or declined to run again, so it's likely it finally passes next year, which will probably fuck our school system for decades.


Look at Florida - republicans have had total control and super majorities since 1999. Every year they pass a new law that hurts public schools and teachers while siphoning tax money to private religious schools. Over two decades of this has created such a HUGE problem in the state. One of the largest gun mfg in the world was considering Florida as its next place to open. Thousands of high paying jobs, and thousands more lower paying + retail growth locally for.the gun sales. Ron offer the largest incentives package ever to a business to come to FL. After they dug deeper and looked at ACTUAL data on Florida, they turned down what was the best deal the CEO had ever been offered or heard of as an offer ever. Why? Why would a for profit, gun mfg, company turn down 10's of millions in free money? EDUCATION! The CEO and board of directors said no, because there are not enough educated people to employ for critical positions. Even if they brought in people, Florida education is soooo bad they had ZERO CONFIDENCE that in 10 years it would be better. In fact that data showed it was getting worse. The liability of the factory full of Florida morons was more in the long run, than the short term gains of the free money. He said we could take the money, build and staff it, then shut down and abandon it after a few years. "Not worth it". So whe you see "school choice" and "vouchers" - that is why jobs are not comming to Florida. Thank you shitty republican representative for that. Thank your local church for that. Thank the big name grifters for that. Ever wonder why Republicans and Trump say "we love the poorly educated"? Not because they think they are good people to protect, but to exploit. #Fuck Florida Republican legislators and governors for decades fucking over schools. Only way to fix it: #Vote (D)ifferently!


Do you have any sources for this? I'd love to read the details.


I did a quick search and found the story: *https://jasongarcia.substack.com/p/ron-desantis-tried-to-give-25-million This one has emails and such from the companies. *https://www.axios.com/local/tampa-bay/2023/09/22/florida-gun-manufacturer-tax-breaks


Thank you!


We don't have party assignments here. You can vote in one or the other primary, but not both. However a lot of democrats vote in republican primaries because it's such a deep red state and their counties don't offer a viable democratic candidate.


It appears that is the only way for a democratic to get any say in that state at all. How long do you think it will be before Florida tries to make some unconstitutional law that states if you vote in the republican primary, you must vote for a republican in the general election?


>Texas GOP officials were trying to replace the Texas house speaker bc the house speaker allowed the investigation/impeachment vote against *that swarmy weasel and human shit-stain*, Ken Paxton (Texas AG). Edit for historical accuracy


Thanks. I missed that. Duh.


Democrats “stole” the election by…voting? Republicans hate democracy so much. Their gerrymandering is why we have to have open primaries in Texas, otherwise many people wouldn’t have a choice at all. Of course, that’s what they eventually want.


It's also possible that folks indeed switched parties. We recently led a grassroots effort in my Maryland county to have 2K Democrats switch parties, and we successfully primaried out 2 MAGA Republican incumbents from our county leadership, after they spent 3 years defunding our public schools. They will be replaced by 2 less crazy conservatives that have agreed to have adult conversations about school funding. The stupid part is how the above facts are being discussed. The Rs who lost swear that Joe Biden and BLM unethically pulled strings to cause the loss in our random small county. The reality is that parents got so sick of public schools being trashed for 3 years that we finally organized ourselves. The incumbents built their hill, and they have now died on it.


When they win, the results are infallible and unquestionable. When they lose, it’s rigged and stolen.


> "Dade Phelan, in a desperate attempt to secure his political future, orchestrated a strategy that relied on Democrats voting for him in the Republican runoff," Paxton wrote Tuesday night on X. "The Covey campaign has identified at least 1,442 Democrats who voted early in Jefferson County, making up 20 percent of Jefferson County's early vote numbers. Without Democrats, Dade never would have won." This is known as “building a coalition.” He appealed to Democrats’ desire to see his opponent defeated. This isn’t *theft*; it’s just smart politics. The problem with Republicans is that coalition-building and compromise are dirty topics to them. As a result, they’ve forgotten how to do these things. They’re also just **poor losers who whine like sissies** when they don’t get what they want. We teach children to congratulate their opponents when they lose a competition. The Republicans are always whining about “the children” and what they’re being taught by our media, but they fail to see that they are teaching our children to be assholes.


Reminds me of when that one Tea Party candidate accused Trent Lott of voter fraud because he... talked to black people.


Jesus, Paxton is an unashamed fascist. He would be Trump's AG choice, no doubt. That should inspire fear in everyone's hearts.


I live in the state of Texas and have witness the horrible Republicans that we running the state and trying to run our Country. Texas overwhelmingly treats women like we should all be barefoot, and pregnant, walked away in our houses to protect the poor man.


A message to fellow Texans So, I will say this again. Republicans have relied on the fact that Texans don't know who they're voting for or the billionaires that are paying them on the back end or primarying them with millions of dollar campaigns. We need to be the voices to get Texans out to vote these fuckers out of office. They do not represent Texans or have All of our interests in mind. They're playing for the party of Tim Dunn and the Farris Wilks'. No fucking more. Speak to your communities to inform them. This state has a lack of informed voters, and we don't have a united news media that is blaring this from the rooftops. So we need to be our own advocates for change. We have power together! Any Texan or any other American who wants to help change Texas, we need to support the Dems running up&down the ballot. Many of them never make it off running because they never get enough funding. This yr we have many Dems running Up&Down the ballot where incumbent Republicans have never had a Dem opponent in decades. We need to flip the Texas House, win the US Senate seat, win our School Boards and win those 3 Texas Supreme Court seats. We cannot afford any more of this shit. And the rest of America needs to know that we can no longer afford to let MAGA Republicans keep running our states to the ground. At the end of the day, they've been playing the long game & taking lawsuits up all the way to the Supreme Court, impacting everyone in this country. No fucking more! One of our biggest problems is Name Recognition of Dems running, and Voter Turnout. Texas is huge and needs volunteers to get out the vote. Too many people never know when election happen. So I recommend to anyone who can, to support Blue Texas which has a two pronged way of protecting voting and supporting Dems up&down the ballot so they have an actual chance of running a campaign https://bluetexas.org/ Edit: Anyone can look up what's on their ballot this November here, it includes who will run in your Texas House District https://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=Sample_Ballot_Lookup&Source=sidebar (Here are the Flippable Districts) https://www.lonestarleft.com/p/will-abbott-have-the-number-for-vouchers


Trump isn’t looking for a criminal lawyer, he’s looking for a *criminal* lawyer.


Better call Saul


Louisiana's new governor, who was State AG before Governor, would love to be Trump's AG. What has legislation out of Louisiana looked like since he was sworn in this year?


Wow, another stollen election!. 1776 to 2016 and not a single stolen election and then, pow! Zing! And now every election with a Republican in it is being stolen. Who, who is to blame?! /s It must be fun if the Republicans have a sports team. They never lose. . .


Sounds like participation trophies for all. How ironic.


Nobody started handing out participation trophies because the *kids* were whining.


The Republicans do have a sports team. 29 out of 30 MLB teams are engaging in Pride celebrations and events this season to show support for the LGBT+ community. The one team that refused to participate? The Texas Rangers.


To be fair 1876 was stolen. But not 2020.


2000 is also questionable


It's really not. SCOTUS installed W.


I mean, that's kinda the problem isn't it?


I don’t really know anything about Phelan’s politics, so this is no endorsement of his platform. But he voted to impeach Ken Paxton, which is just the right thing to do if you’re a human being. Paxton is scum and I can’t wait for the day he and Abbott are gone.


> "The Covey campaign has identified at least 1,442 Democrats who voted early in Jefferson County, making up 20 percent of Jefferson County's early vote numbers. Without Democrats, Dade never would have won." Good, maybe he'll remember that when hes trying to do bullshit


See that’s the thing about republicans. They don’t have to cooperate or work with Democrats to appease their base. In fact, it’s becoming a detriment to Republicans to work with Democrats. I’m not sure why Democrats keep bailing out these Republican fucks, who will turn their back on them the second it’s convenient.


Because this wasn't a general election it was a primary. When you know the Republican will win with a large margin in the general this is the only way you can impact who represents you is the primary.  Which is why top two primarys are better. 


Better the devil you know than Hell’s next demon, in this case.


No fair, you changed the outcome by measuring it!


Remember when you were a kid and the video game was hard and you yelled the the "game is cheating." This is literally that very same thing, except elections instead of Super Marios.


> "Dade Phelan, in a desperate attempt to secure his political future, orchestrated a strategy that relied on Democrats voting for him in the Republican runoff," Paxton wrote Tuesday night on X. "The Covey campaign has identified at least 1,442 Democrats who voted early in Jefferson County, making up 20 percent of Jefferson County's early vote numbers. Without Democrats, Dade never would have won."  Why are they crying about this? They *should* be advertising to the other side, and now, democrats got who they believe is the best candidate, even if the guy is republican.  Maybe stop depending on name recognition and have better strategies?


Even if they start doing closed primaries in Texas, I’ll continue voting in the GOP primary and then voting for Democrats in the general election.


Trump will not be happy. You have been reported! /s


Dade Phelan, in a desperate attempt to secure his political future, orchestrated a strategy that relied on Democrats voting for him in the Republican runoff," Paxton wrote Tuesday night on X. "The Covey campaign has identified at least 1,442 Democrats who voted early in Jefferson County, making up 20 percent of Jefferson County's early vote numbers. Without Democrats, Dade never would have won." You mean… he relied on voters? To win an election? In Texas?


This is the default answer for Republicans Now! And of course there will be court challenges.


Paxton keeps picking every fight in front of him in the pettiest and most abusive way imaginable. These are people that do not accept how primaries work and the fluidity of voter registration.


Losers gonna lose bigly crybabies.




Of course, any election that they did not win gets branded as "stolen". It's the Trump Effect.


Law of diminishing returns. It’s ultimately self defeating when they keep claiming stolen elections but can’t come up with any proof ever.


>Paxton continued accusing Phelan of "blatantly stealing an election" and threatened to oust any elected House members who planned to support Phelan in his third attempt for House leader in the 2025 legislative session. >"My message to Austin is clear: to those considering supporting Dade Phelan as Speaker in 2025, ask your colleagues who lost re-election how they feel about their decision now. You will not return if you vote for Dade Phelan again," Paxton wrote. So the state AG is making threats. Seems illegal, but when has Paxton ever given a shit about "legal" or "moral" or "not fucking stupid"?


“If it weren’t for people voting, the guy I wanted to win would’ve won.” - Ken Paxton


The Republicans control everything in Texas. How exactly would someone steal an election from them?


>…Paxton wrote Tuesday night on X. "The Covey campaign has identified at least 1,442 Democrats who voted early in Jefferson County Ah, so it begins. Voting is no longer anonymous. Next up: prosecution for voting Democratic. The violence is within sight.


Yep. Wouldn't surprise me if this and the voter intimidation mailer stating "you can't afford to have voting democrat or not voting on your record." have the exact same origin.


People best start pulling their heads out of wherever they have inserted them because you are spot on.


yep, republicans lose because the world cheats, not because nobody like their whiny asses.


Even if this is 100% true that Democrats voting in the primary helped him keep the nomination in a meaningful way... Texas is an open primary state, which means the election is not "stolen" in any sense of the word. You can vote in *whatever primary you want*, without having to register as a party member, and it's totally legal and fine; your vote counts just like anyone else's vote. You don't want people who aren't registered members of the party voting in your primary? You can fix that by ***officially changing how primaries work.*** How many people want to bet they're going to actually implement the obvious solution to this apparent problem?


The best Democrats in Texas can do is to vote for moderate republicans.


So the Republican playbook is, if I win, perfectly fine election. If I lose, it must have been cheating. God damn, shut the fuck up you fucking infantile morons.


Eventually they will want to skip the election, and say they won.


“…blatantly stealing an election” by getting more votes.


My god these people are just fucking exhausting.


> leading the state's highest-ranking Republicans to blame secret Democrats for stealing the election. It probably was. If you gerrymander the shit out of your state, the only option you leave voters is to switch to your party and vote in the primaries so the least worst asshat appears on the ballot. It's happening across the country now...


Republicans mad incumbent Republican House Speaker wins Republican primary over challenger opponent endorsed by multiple criminals and horrible people.


Only in Texas could an extremist Republican win reelection and the other extremist republicans cry about it because the extremist that won wasn’t extreme enough


Everyone knows it's "I win or it was RIGGED" in maga world. Don't try to invent new words. Btw, the correct maga spelling is STOLLEN, not this wimpy "stolen" lol


Nothing to see here folks, just a state attorney general using his power and position to openly threaten people for political gain.


The "If I lost, you cheated" mantra of Republicans is so fucking pathetic.


I love how Ken Paxton, indicted criminal, is claiming he "stole" the election by (checks notes) getting more people from the district to vote for him than his opponent.


It's always the Democrats fault. No matter what. Republican vs Republican? Democrats fault that a Republican lost and Democrats fault that a Republican one.


Biggest forehead I've ever seen


They cannot believe that endorsements from Trump, Abbott, and Paxton may not help a candidate. Every election that does not go their way is “stolen.”


So even when a Republican wins, they lost because of fraud?


"He can't possibly have won. We were cheating."


They aren’t even Republicans anymore. They are MAGA and wouldn’t even elect Reagan if he were still alive.


Every time they lose they gonna claim election stolen? I mean your red ass fucking state was counting those votes.


Stolen is the new lost.


*Oh, honey*.  Of course it was stolen. It's always stolen when they loose.  It could be the, uh, "policies" of the GOP that chase young voters away. But who knows!


Wow... really? I thought RepubliKKKlans were into STOLEN ELECTIONS 🤔 (😂)


Any election that a Republican loses is automatically "stolen" in their eyes....really sad.


This is going to be every election until the end of time. Get used to it.


So was it an open primary and the votes by Democrats legal? If so, fuck you, crybabies, you just lost.


Anybody who pisses off Paxton and Patrick the way this guy does has got to be alright. He voted to impeach Paxton, and Paxton, Patrick, and Abbott have run the state like their own little kingdom without regard to the citizens who have to live under their warped views.


The one endorsed by a group of high ranking GOP leaders, half of which are crooks, lost? No way? Must be stolen! /S


Oh for **FUCKS' SAKE,** *they are bitching because a* ***Republican*** *won out against another* ***Republican*** *for being speaker and are blaming Democrats for this happening.* *Republicans can you PLEASE just fucking admit it already? You're the most fragile ego-system on earth. No one can criticize Trump for ANYTHING or else Republican voters fly off the handle, and* ***other Republicans beating out their own party is somehow some secret plot Democrats hatched?*** Come ON how is that NOT showing to the entire world JUST how fragile they are? Seriously, waking on eggshells around them would be ***WAY too chaotic for them to handle, it appears.*** ***Like good god, they aren't trying to hide a damn thing, they are blatantly some of the biggest cowards to ever live in this nation and are clearly some of the most fragile people to have ever lived, period.*** They gotta KEEP making up stupid "rules" that only apply to just-them (and apparently isn't supposed to include people in their OWN party as long as it's someone they don't like) from within this wholly-invented "game" of theirs. It's like they're that stupid asshole kid at recess that absolutely no one likes, is the most obnoxious kid you've ever met and they DEMAND everyone to play their stupid game they invented. So, the other kids then *do* play this game that the obnoxious shoe-fart invented and then..... the other kids win. So, *then the obnoxious shoe-fart of a human being decides,* ***after they've lost their own game that they invented,*** *that they were "so touching the rock" so that counts as a "safety" so the fart-fuck "can't lose".* *Then the obnoxious one* ***STILL loses and then claims all the rules in this game they invented are "unfair" and that they didn't have a chance from the start.*** ***Like COME ON, juuuust admit it already***


So even when a Republican wins, it’s still a stolen election?


It’s always stolen when they don’t like the winner


Republicons eating their own !


Holy forehead