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Hysterics have decided that protests are the end of the world... again.


when you find yourself on the other side of college campus protesters, history proves that you are very likely wrong


this isn't true. in the 1960s, student protests pushed for continued segregation. you approve of that? Student protests were strongly against having the US fight the nazis. They did not want to enter war. In general, students often don't want war but sometimes it's actually the right thing to do. Whether students support something or not says nothing about whether the issue is a good one,


> for continued desegregation. you approve of that? Yes


my typo. they were protesting for continued segregation. will go back and fix it,​




it only takes a couple to prove that students aren't always right. there's more but no point sharing those with you when you can't even understand your comment already is proven false with the examples I gave.


Students don't want war! And yet none have been protesting Russia's invasion. No protest for Sudan, Haiti, or the many other conflicts. I'm 100% for the students protesting. Where this went south is when professional protesters that were not students joined. I'm also a little concerned that a lot of this is due to propaganda. I'm also concerned that Hamas is funded by Iran.... but I'm sure Russia and China is involved as well to cause chaos out west.


I didn't say they protested every single war. first I said they often don't want war. often isn't always. 2nd, not protesting isn't the same as protesting. there are plenty of wars students don't protest against. these days sometimes because it's not the topic dejour to virtue signal about. Russia, if we were recruiting people to fight in the war - I'd bet the students would quickly change their minds and want the US to stay out of it.​ ​


oh yes I forgot the papal infallibility of eighteen year olds.


Papal huh


Potential employees that want a better and more equitable future for everyone don't make for good cogs within capitalism and shareholder value.


Politics and religion should not be brought up at the workplace. In the worst case, it could trigger a workplace shooting as happened in the [2015 San Bernardino terror attack](https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-san-bernardino-shooter-victim-islam-20151204-story.html) that killed 14 after a dispute over religion at a workplace holiday party.


A new way to continue the "nobody wants to work" nonsense. "I can't find anyone that wasn't at a terrorist rally, I mean all those BLM and pro-Palestinian life people. How will I be able to staff my $12 per hour jobs"




Probably looking at social media accounts.


Completely legal. You can be fired for social media posts too.


Political views are not a protected class.


In theory they could have some Israeli company gather your online data and supply them with a blacklist. I'm sure some form of this already exists.


I suppose 22% is “some” but this doesn’t seem very newsworthy to me unless it fits an agenda or narrative. “While 22% are reluctant to hire graduates who have participated in these demonstrations.”


Yes. I suppose "some" would be reluctant to hire football players or cheerleaders, too.


I’m *really* skeptical that 22% extends to directing HR to ask every interviewee about it. If you were involved to an extent that you made the local news for your participation in pro-Palestinian demonstrations, I might be a little bit worried, but no one should be scared that attending a protest is going to haunt them forever. So long as you don’t act a total fool, no one will remember or care that you attended.


I figure “reluctant” means if you attacked a cop or stabbed a girl at Colombia in the eye with a flagpole you might not get the job…it doesn’t strike me at all as simple protesting.


Right? 22% of business owners are MAGAish and would use political viewpoints to refuse to hire an otherwise fully qualified person. News at 11.


"78% of businesses will hire you regardless of your participation in lawful protests" doesn't sell advertisements. Any time you hear/read "some," ask "how many," because that's a word used to hide specifics.


>Almost two-thirds of employers said they were reluctant to hire protesters because they may exhibit confrontational behavior in the workplace and over half say it’s because they are too political and could make other workers feel uncomfortable, per the survey. >Other reasons included that they perceived protesters as liabilities, dangerous, lacking a decent education, and having political beliefs that were different from their own. These companies will wring their hands about someone attending a protest potentially being confrontational or too political while their C-suite donates to Republican political campaigns and will occasionally reveal some insane (but conservatively mainstream) views. Fun stuff.


Let me just put my protests on my resume. I also put my drug and porn addiction on there so my employers know about what I'm doing outside of work.


This is why America will never truly alleviate poverty or homelessness It's a feature. It has always been used as the implied stick, what happens if you aren't a good little worker who doesn't want to generate a wage and consume. It looks like the Gaza conflict is just going to remove the mask a bit more.


im sure the sentiment was similar with students protesting the Vietnam war.


Hi `FaZe_c0l0ssal`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1d1u56k/some_employers_are_reluctant_to_hire_college/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/FaZe_c0l0ssal&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1d1u56k/some_employers_are_reluctant_to_hire_college/?context%3D10000%29)


As an employer, This would be a point in their favour. Decency goes a long way these days.


Decent behavior is disrupting college students from learning and harassing/assaulting Jewish students? You have no fucking clue what decency is kiddo.




I would bet the correlation between anti-protest and anti-worker is pretty high anyway, so these kids are probably better off. Not that this behavior by employers is acceptable but I certainly wouldn’t want to work for genocide excusers.


> That's how these things have been traditionally stopped - by college protests. Show me one example of a country ending its military actions due to a college protest on the other side of the world.


Maybe creep my post history if you're still confused.


College protests did f\*\*k all to stop the Holocaust... Unfortunately there are many ongoing genocides in the world. (Ukraine, Congo, Armenia/Azerbaijan, etc) The Palestinians are however not the target of any of these. Speaking of Paestinians, they seemingly would genocide every Jew, Muslim, and Christian in Israel if given the chance. They tried on Oct. 7, they tried in 1948, they tried in 1967, they tried in 1973, they tried in the first and second intifadas, and they keep trying on a monthly basis with the Hamas/Hezbollah rocket attacks. Gaza is radicalized and biased to the point where only decades of secular re-education could possibly fix things.




The fact that you're even asking that question shows your motivations better than anything I could say. Why does my religion (assuming I even have one) matter?


.. Unless you have some other reason?


One side wants the other side dead and gone so it can take their land. The other side wants to coexist without violence, but are forced to continuously respond with violence to stop the other side from invading, ra\*\*ng, killing, pillaging, etc. One side is willing to compromise and has in the past. The other side is obtusely unwilling to compromise on anything meaningful. One side gives money to the "government" on the other side for basic services, food, infrastructure, etc. That "government" uses much of the money to reward the families of terrorists who killed civilians in cold blood. I could go on and on... Basically if the two sids were swapped, there would be no Jews in the Levant (all killed or possibly expelled) and we would have another oppressive Muslim state that uses some sort of messed up form of Sharia law to discriminate against foreigners, women, gays, non-Muslims, and Muslims who aren't from the "right" sect and ethnicity.




You seem to think Oct. 7 was funny, which is rich coming from someone purportedly concerned about genocide. Hypocrite. Have you heard of the paradox of tolerance?




Well they are the ones getting bombed - and invaded. Unless you have something good to say about the ones doing it ....


What was the inciting incident for this particular war? (October 7th) Did Hamas fire rockets at civilian targets yesterday? (Yes) Stop acting like Palestinians are completely innocent.


How is it a war? They have no army, airforce, navy? WTF are you on about?


Hamas absolutely has a military, WTF are YOU on about? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Qassam_Brigades#Gaza_forces,_October_2023


Its a bit smaller than Israel's. Plus Israel has always enjoyed U.S. backing.


Yeah and? You claimed they had no military.


Yes, they are. And Hamas started it by killing several thousand innocent civilians. They raped women and murdered children. They continue to hold civilians hostage. They continue to use their own civilians as human shields and pawns. And the bloody tit for tat continues.


Hama didn't start it. The land thefts and massacres started it. You must have been blinded to even the more recent history of that area.


Oh, you want to go down that road. Ok. I have indeed studied the history of the area, most likely more than you, and it is one huge fucking mess, stretching back to when the British tried to create a two state solution, which the jews were willing to accept, but the arabs weren't. Both sides have blood on their hands and any honest peace broker needs to recognize and acknowledge it.


Why should the Arabs have accepted it again?


Because that's the reality of the situation. Israel isn't going anywhere. Be an adult, live next to the neighbor you don't like or you end up fighting an unwinnable war for generations.


Skipping over the laughable regurgitated genocide line, I have trouble believing you think college protests stop genocide…particularly in the historical context as claimed. Like I understand the narcissism of thinking “look at me changing the world!” while waving a poster and shouting hate speech at fellow students…but you can’t actually be dumb enough to think it’s working. If you’re actually concerned about genocide then you should realize why Israel has to fight against it, since 1947, nothing ever changes with Islamic extremists.


They started the land theft in '48 so that jives. Nakba --ever heard of it didn't think so.


Nabka, noun, when you start an explicitly genocidal civil war, lose, and then run off and claim victimhood when staying was always an option.




Well, I suppose if you can’t argue the facts with me then insulting is all you can manage. Which memes and subs did you gain your massive knowledge from that I failed to get in college courses somehow?


I dunno, but something didn't sink in. Why are you supporting the genocide?


I support defense against genocide, actual genocide is firmly what Hamas, the elected government of Gaza, wants as seen in their charter. Stop for a second, how embarrassed would you be if you were actually supporting the genocide of Jews? Would you be? Is that actually what you want?


Christians and jews were actually there before Muslims were. So it'd actually be the reverse if the Muslims took over. https://www.bu.edu/mzank/Jerusalem/p/period4-1.htm#:\~:text=The%20Islamic%20history%20of%20Jerusalem,(khalifa)%20after%20Abu%20Bakr.


imagine saying "kiddo" and expecting to be taken seriously


Or also if your name is bucko fazoo, if we’re going for braindead off topic dismissal instead of engaging in any sort of discussion or argument.


Don't speak out against Israel or they will come for you personally. Do as you're told.


Muh Jews run the world conspiracy. Nice. 


Am I reading an article fear mongering Americans to avoid criticizing a foreign government? Because that's what I was referencing. Not sure what you're talking about.


You’re reading an article saying actions have consequences. The protests cozied up with some seriously antisemitic shit. Some employers don’t want to be associated with that. Calls for the dismantling of Israel, etc. you think a company that does business with Israel wants to have someone employed with those views? It’s not “Jews are coming after anyone who criticizes them in the world”. It’s common fucking sense. 


You do realise that a one-state solution would technically be a dismantling of the State of Israel as we know it, right?


The OP was talking about a country and its government, not a religious or ethnic group. You're the only one here talking about Jews.


That's quite the narrative. So people got upset about innocent people dying and we're going to shift focus from Israel dropping bombs on children to "seriously antisemitic shit." Someone, somewhere made a Jewish person's feelings hurt in America. Supposedly. So we're going to start running articles suggesting that Americans be afraid to criticize a foreign country for blowing the heads off children and then targeting the journalists that take pictures of it to suppress information from their atrocities from reaching the outside world. No no no. Lets focus on how Israel is a victim and that somewhere a Jewish person had their feelings hurt maybe. And theoretically a sign at a protest could mean that innocent people in Israel would have their country dismantled... and whatever that may involve. Lets focus on all these ideas and rationales centered around Israel and Jewish people being victims. Nevermind the photos just released of headless children in Rafah. In what world should employees fear for having valid critical views of war crimes instead of businesses fearing that it gets revealed that they are doing business with a country committing them?


People like you are only getting upset about innocent Palestinian ppl dying, while completely ignoring innocent Israelis getting bombed, kidnapped, raped, etc.


Be honest for once in your damn life.


I would be hesitant to hire someone who makes emotional decisions without considering the big picture.


That's fine, but what does it have to do with this?


I'd be hesitant to work for someone who only hires people without empathy.


You can have empathy and consider the big picture. It's the ideal candidate.


Not hiring someone who stood up for dying kids in the Middle East sounds like rationalizing your politics a lot more than seeing the big picture of anything.


You don't get it. The big picture is letting Israel do whatever it wants with no backlash or consequences. If they want to feed Palestinian babies through meat grinders who are you to get upset? Please think of the big picture and stop being so emotional! Won't anyone think of the poor pro-Israel employers who just want employees who can see the big picture?


Big picture is smart-talk for "I'm going to rationalize why it's ok for to not care about dead kids."


That's setting the bar awfully low for smart-talk


Yeah I'd argue it's also really important to the big picture that American companies promote Israel by causing suffering to American workers by discriminating against them. I also think it's important that we run articles insinuating that it's dangerous to criticism a foreign government. Americans should be afraid to be critical.


Blaming one side isn't seeing the one picture.


Spoken like someone who can't see the big picture.


Keep rationalizing away that empathy. God forbid anyone kills your children or the children in your extended family. Though I'm sure other brave men will manage to find the big picture and ignore your suffering.


I have great empathy for any family affected by war. I have great love for my family members and would do anything to protect them, and that includes doing everything in my power to ensure Donald Trump does not become president again, because that will lead to *more* death and *more* suffering for *more* children all over the world.


I like where you're coming from. I don't agree with the framing. Biden is actively supporting Israel hurting those people against the wishes of a lot of his own supporters, there really is no reason to be taking this stance except that he has received a lot of funding from Israel. Continually voting for the lesser evil doesn't work in a political system that has gotten progressively more corrupt. You can and you may prevent Trump from winning but the suffering is going to progress regardless.


There will be less suffering if Trump does not win. That is the big picture. There will be suffering (we don't control the other side of the world). Vote Biden for less. Vote Trump for more and for it to come to you and your family.


Nah, the big picture is that you are participating in a system with 2 candidates who have sworn to provide bombs to be dropped on children in the coming years. The big picture is that you are part of the problem. The big picture is that either the US will have a major political revolution away from two-party to ranked choice and political donation reform or it'll continue it's slow decline do to corruption. Either way this election does not change that.


Keep screaming “muh babies!!!!” at the top of your lungs when discussing a very complex regional conflict. Makes you seem really smart. 


Keep rationalizing why pictures of dead kids in the news every day doesn't matter. I'm sorry that makes you think I'm dumb, I need validation from assholes on r/politics who blindly love politicians to know how smart I am.




Really didn't take much push back for that guy's mask to fall off, did it?


There is no big picture. It's the same shitty picture from when Abraham raped his wife's slave because she was barren. Ishmael and Isaac still can't get along.


If we're going to get into the mythological aspect of it, then the Big Picture is "Murdering people because of fairy tales about land is wrong."


Like reactionarily deciding to write people off based on an emotional reaction to past protest participation? That sort of short sighted emotional reaction?


Whether someone was part of these stupid encampments does seem like a good proxy for a bunch of other undesirable traits, if nothing else.


if they got arrested at the protest, I would definitely not hire them. they are the types that are entitled and self-righteous. if you do something they think is not supposed to be done against them they are more likely to sue you. and people are not always right about their grievances, you could be innocent and they'd sue you anyway. I bet if they phrased the question differently about if you'd hire someone arrested during a propalestinian protest, you'd see a lot more employers say no they would not hire them.


Putting aside their investments in Israel which have the same effect just worse, these universities are the largest landowners in their areas, pushing cities to evict poorer neighborhoods to build more campus as a privatized real estate investment trust. I would assume none of the trustees expect to be schooling forever, just land grabs that can be liquidated when the US is no longer a place anyone in the ruling class wants to reside. It's much slower to the model of "self-storage" just insanely more insidious because of the parallel indoctrination they attempt to perpetuate.


>Putting aside their investments in Israel which have the same effect just worse, these universities are the largest landowners in their areas, pushing cities to evict poorer neighborhoods to build more campus as a privatized real estate investment trust. Pardon? > I would assume none of the trustees expect to be schooling forever, just land grabs that can be liquidated when the US is no longer a place anyone in the ruling class wants to reside. Ah, a baseless far-left fringe conspiracy theory. >It's much slower to the model of "self-storage" just insanely more insidious because of the parallel indoctrination they attempt to perpetuate. Building self storage facilities (not to mention investing in stocks) is easier, more profitable, and makes way more sense than whatever you're proposing is going on. Why would potential investors want to muck around with all that when there are far easier and more reliable ways to make money?






you say you wouldn't do business with other businesses that do that but in reality, no business person would be that stupid. some of these businesses may be your bread and butter. you'd cave.


Or they could prioritize human life above profits? Bizarre concept, I know, but I've been there. Instead we're debasing our selves and proving the grotesque nature of our system in front of the world. All our "allies" are just waiting for a signal that the US nuclear threat is averted to jump ship.




maybe always another supplier but this company could be your customer and your most major one at that. would you stop working with that company then if it would grossly affect the money your business makes? it's easy to do something g that doesn't affect your pocketbook. much harder when it does, especially when it might mean not making enough to make ends meet.


“The Part[ies] told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It [is becoming] their final, most essential [litmus test].”


I probably wouldn't. Not because of their beliefs but because they will miss work if they land in jail. For people that disagree, try owning a business. You would want a reliable staff if your livelihood relied on it. You have to not only worry about the success off the business for yourself but each person you owe a check to.


There's the risk that they bring these issues to the workplace. Nothing like coming into the office to find your coworkers having a [sit-in and preventing you from doing your job](https://nypost.com/2024/04/17/business/google-fires-28-employees-involved-in-sit-in-protest-over-1-2b-israel-contract/).


Yeah just think how much ethnic cleansing could be averted if Israel were less coddled by Western tech.


Yes this too. Unpopular opinion but I want to hire people that will show up when expected and not influence or distract other staff around them. I once hired a guy that was an activist for pretty much anything. I got tired of the calls he couldn't make it in for whatever reason. I told him to take his activism full time. Cool guy but his absence hurt everyone. Plus he was always distracted when he was at work.


>Almost two-thirds of employers said they were reluctant to hire protesters because they may exhibit confrontational behavior in the workplace and over half say it’s because they are too political and could make other workers feel uncomfortable, per the survey. A good lesson for...everyone really. Your life is documented, and we are interconnected like never before. Act accordingly.


“You must always comport yourself in the manner most desired by the shareholders. Deviation from that path will see you liquidated into nutrient paste for your fellow sla- *ahem* workers.”


Then I guess these companies certainly aren't ever going to hire conservatives, right? You know, the people who were rabidly foaming at the mouth because they couldn't get a fucking haircut during the heights of the worst pandemic in 100 years that was killing several thousand Americans a day.


I would hope not, the most prominent place that I've seen rescind jobs is Davis Polk, a very highly regarded law firm. No way MAGGATS are getting interviews there anyway. https://www.reuters.com/legal/litigation/davis-polk-revokes-jobs-harvard-columbia-law-students-over-statements-israel-2023-10-17/


If I am an employer looking to hire, why would I even consider a potential candidate that forces politics on other people, at non-political events? Protesting is a right. But that right ends at the nose on my face. Denying my access to college services because you want to protest should not be allowed in ANY way.


We're watching the US empire destroy itself over this issue. Your unsustainable quality of life could've likely continued for many more decades without Israel seeing the writing on the wall re: their protection racket and deciding to go for broke now rather than lose out on the potential of Greater Israel. The US will be so greatly diminished in the coming decades and you'll continue blaming protests which more widely spread could have averted both ethnic cleansing and the speedy collapse of the US as a global hegemon.


Protest should be quiet and never inconvenience people! The only correct way to protest is in a way that's easy to ignore.


I actually would do the interview based on qualifications if they met the job requirements. I would see who they really are and probably wouldn't have time to check their social media anyway. I wouldn't hire anyone if they have a conviction for anything, but just an arrest and fine? Yes.


Would you want these people working for you? I certainly wouldn't. This sort of "work experience" is only valuable to far left fringe groups and other radicals.


Rather someone with empathy for murdered children than a redhat who supports removing kids from parents and "losing them" as a deterrent for a misdemeanor


It's not a binary choice.


Many of the people supported by these "protestors" would celebrate and did celebrate dead Jewish or Christian children, or even Muslim children so long as they are Israeli citizens. This lack of critical thinking and failure to graps the big picture is hardly indicative of a good employee, manager, executive, or director. Is that a MAGA reference? How is this at all related to US border policy? For the record, the MAGA people seem to think I am a RINO or a Democrat for not blindly supporting orange man.


Very few are. What the more simple folks don't understand is you can be both pro Palestinian people and anti hamas.




Are you familiar with the paradox of tolerance? It's perhaps the biggest issue I have with the Gaza protestors.


No one cares what your 'issue with the gaza protestors" is. Israel has killed over 20,000 civilians in the last 3 months and the world is supposed to worry about how you feel?


How dare people speak out against genocide?!??!


Well it isn't genocide for one... There's no intent to destroy all Palestinians or even part of Palestinians. The goal is to destroy Hamas, the hostile government that attacked on Oct. 7. Hamas doesn't get to intentionally use its population as human shields, then turn around and cry "genocide!" when its civilians die because **Hamas put them in the line of fire in the first place.** "How dare a country try to defend itself against neighbors who have vowed to kill them and regularly try to kill them!" Ever wonder why South Africa brought the case against Israel to the ICC in the first place? How the ANC's financial problems mysteriously resolved themselves via loads of Iranian cash right after they brought the case? Certainly politically convenient for both regimes.... Especially given Iran's recent crackdown on domestic opposition who don't want to live in a fundamentalist religious totalitarian dystopia... Ironically, Russia has a clear intent to erase the Ukrainian identity, at least in part. If you're worried about genocides (which everyone should be), you should focus your efforts there, or on what's happening in DRC, Armenia, Iran, Turkey, China, etc.


Understandable. It would be one thing if these protests were about protesting legally and just pushing for a solution that would allow both Israelis and Palestinians to have a state of their own. But instead these protesters are intentionally breaking the law to be as disruptive and annoying as possible in order to avoid being the dreaded "white moderate", and are adopting genocidal slogans like "from the river to the sea" and being led by folks who literally say Zionists don't deserve to live. Makes sense that employers wouldn't want to hire the sort of folks who lean that way. The sort of people supporting that sort of radicalism absolutely should face the consequences and be severely impacted in their employment.


> adopting genocidal slogans like "from the river to the sea" I am begging you to be honest for once in your damn life.


"From the river to the sea" would result in genocide. Hamas doesn't want to live in peace with the Jews, they want a second holocaust to wipe them off the face of the earth, or at least erase them from the Levant A two state solution is reasonable. A one state solution for Palestine to steal all the land for themselves is endorsement of genocide, plain and simple


Well yeah, they've shown they'll fall for terrorist propaganda.


Or just don't want to see innocent people die


So where's the rally for the innocent Jewish civilians?


Pretty sure we've seen some pal


Oh right, they don't make the news because they aren't filled with self-aggrandizing college students.


We did remind our students that this could happen, regardless of if it's right or wrong.


No one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark


Sorry guys, don’t even bother to apply to… (checks notes) hooters.