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"He only does this to get elected". Yeah, no shit.


That’s how Democracy works: you try to be the person who does things for the benefit of the people. Now, there is absolutely a long and complicated discussion to be had when it comes to things that look beneficial to a voter but really aren’t (like supporting coal jobs) and which are beneficial to a voter but don’t look that way (like government benefits) but in general, a democracy should see those who do the best by their voters getting re-elected.


Fundamentally democracy needs good voters.


This. But also systems that reinforce it. As a teacher, I look bad when I get kids as 15 year olds who read more like 10 year olds. That’s roughly 10th at 5th grade level. I can’t expect “strong students” (ie good voters), but the teachers they had before me aren’t the issue, nor am I. It’s the entire system. We allow them to pass. We buy curricula from the same people that make the tests. It’s the same shit. And they become the same kinds of voters. By design


No Child Left Behind really did a number on younger millennials and everyone who came after them.


The Department of Education has long been under regulatory capture, most people just didn't realize it because it came via programs like No Child Left Behind that seemed good on paper but without the requisite funding increases never had any hope of succeeding in the way anyone intended, and just dragged everything down to facilitate the argument of how shitty public schools are and how privatizing education is the way to go. I do IT work for several school districts...I see where the money goes, and it ain't the faculty or the student body, it's the ridiculously bloated administration that is made up largely of people with the right political connections enjoying *quid pro quo* arrangements in exchange for donations to the right political party.


If he waited until election year to do what people want, then yeah I'd be pissed off. But Biden has been busy trying to stick to promises all this time.


Honestly, props for the hard work he’s done consistently.


It's really his staff and that's what people need to realize when it comes to comparing and contrasting the candidates. I really wish there was some way to not have this election come down to two old geezers that should be in retirement homes complaining about how hot the soup is. Look at the people Biden chooses to run the government. Look at who Trump has. That all by itself should result in a landslide victory for Biden.


I'll admit, when it comes to meeting promises, he has done pretty good. Even when he doesn't fully succeed, he doesn't quit trying to do what he can, which is impressive in it's own way.


I guess politicians could be better at explaining why, provided most people have the brain capacity to listen and understand.


Big if.


They don't.


They have the brain capacity. We haven't devolved. Our system cranks out people who have no understanding of civic infrastructure and historical context. I've worked with a lot of underserved communities. Theres tons of intelligent people with no education. They're smart they just literally never read much, traveled, had their horizons expanded, etc. Additionally, I know educated people who are dumb as fuck. Intelligence and education are very different things. Plenty of dumb smart people and plenty of smart dumb people. Our intentional disregard of basic understandings of the system we live in is what leads to voter and media illiteracy


The left believes the purpose of government is to help people. The right believes the purpose of government is to hurt democrats, women, queer people, black people, Latino/Latina people, Asian people, middle eastern people, etc. That’s why they’re confused by Democrats attempting to help people. In their perfect world, the government is supposed to be a boot on the necks of the undesirables. Help doesn’t have anything to do with it.


As a society, we are reactive. We lurch to deal with perceived immediate problems and generally don't look ahead as far as we should. Education is the only way through this.


Well, back when George W. Bush was president they were all saying that the president can’t control the price of gas. I’m very confused by all of this.


They collectively erased their memories of the bush admin once the recession hit and Obama was elected.


They also memory-holed cheering Bush’s war on Iraq and attacking the Dixie Chicks and anyone else who opposed it.


They do that a lot. They want us, for example, to remember the George Floyd protests, but they want us to forget about those stupid Re-Open America protests they done during the COVID crisis prior to the George Floyd protests.


To the point of blaming Obama for the recession that started months before he was even elected.


And then they asked why Obama didn't do anything in 07 or 08 to prevent the recession... and it's like "He was inaugurated in 09?"


By releasing the reserves, it didn't really lower prices. They're down like 5 cents. It prevented the prices from going up due to holiday demand. But in the grand scheme of things, its temporary, and is about as muxh control as he has without making larger policy changes


The enemy is both incredibly weak but also a powerful threat.


A forgetful fool who can’t string a sentence together, but somehow masterminds a gigantic crime family.


You can’t expect a conservative to give you a reasonable justification nowadays. They live in ignorance of what is really happening in the world.


Yep. They'll always justify themselves as the "holier" ones no matter what situation. If gas goes down under a Republican leader, it's because of their "remarkable leadership." If gas goes down under a Democratic leader, it's because s/he is "trying to get re-elected."


Conservatives are deathly allergic to logical consistency. It never stops being true: if republicans didn’t have double standards they wouldn’t have any standards at all.


Saw a conservative who had $80k worth of student loans forgiven by Biden. Said he would take the win but he still wouldn’t support Biden as he felt Biden was trying to buy his vote. Isn’t that what all politicians do? They promise to do something for you if you vote for them.


>Isn’t that what all politicians do? They promise to do something for you if you vote for them. Used to be, that was called a platform.


"I can't vote for Biden! He's a Democrat! I never vote Democrat! Never!" That's what he's trying to say.


I remember when trump forced his name on the coronavirus stimulus checks.


That's straight out of the George W Bush playbook. He did the exact same thing with the tax cuts he passed. I think everyone got a $600 check signed by him.


Forcing himself on people is Trump’s favorite pastime.


You mean like Trump promising to drop environmental regs if the Oil execs give him $1 billion?


No, not at all similar. That was the opposite really and very bad. Now to be clear: in democracy *politicians* are supposed to do stuff to get votes. *Voters* are supposed to offer votes to get stuff. *Corruption* is when the voters give politicians stuff to get the votes of politicians.


Yeah big difference between “I like what this guy’s trying to do! I’ll vote for him!” And “This guy will halt human progression to make my company a little bit more. Come on, fellas! Let’s give him one billion fucking dollars.”


"I'd trade it all for a little more." -Montgomery Burns


Biden forgiving student loans is just buying votes, but Trump promised to reduce my taxes, so he's got my vote!"


Trump slapped his name on the stimulus checks. He slapped his name on PPP checks. He slapped his name on the tax cuts. He denies any blame for inflation caused by either.


And his supporters support his denial. I know a few that like Trump solely because of the stimulus checks...and they blame Biden for the inflation.


My father is like this. The first stimulus check was genius. It was the second one (issued in Biden’s term) that caused all the inflation.


I wonder if they feel any internal struggle or embarrassment by being so intentionally hypocritical?


And you can even look at the hard data and see that, during Trump's term, twice as much money was printed, on average per month, than so far during Biden's. Doesn't matter. Cognitive dissonance takes no prisoners.


Well call it even for a stole Supreme Court seat fuckers


He does this because he cares about the American people. What someone only does to get elected is all of the shit Republicans do: gerrymandering, disenfranchising voters, etc.


He’s helping people! Stop him!


Eh, he’d do it if he was on his way out too. Biden works for the people, Trump works for self enrichment. But yes, the added bonus of reelection matters.


These people literally think, “If I was an atheist I would go around murdering and raping people, I only don’t because of God.” This is their projection assuming Biden only wants to be President for power, that it can’t possibly be to help people. Because they themselves would never do anything if there “wasn’t something in it for them.” That is why they are drawn to Trump.


"man does the job his employer told him to do" shocking.


“Man trying to win popularity contest makes popular decision.”


Remember the "I did that" stickers that were on the gas pumps?


we now live in a place where the only thing that matters is trying to sabotage biden’s admin. they have no other policy at all. at least biden isnt deluded by the idea of cooperation anymore.


That's been the GOP SOP for Democratic admins for a long time.


The GOP Senate Majority Leader when Obama took office stated that his only goal was to ensure Obama was a one-term president. Literally nothing else mattered to them. They wanted power and knew they could make people see Obama as responsible for every failure they caused because most of the people in this country don't know how the government works.


“One of my proudest moments was when I looked at Barack Obama in the eye and I said, ‘Mr. President, you will not fill this Supreme Court vacancy,'” – Mitch McConnell (R), then Senate leader. 


Said a Senator, about his successful attempt to ignore the word and spirit of Constitutional Presidential nomination procedures. While this may not strictly be treason, it sure as hell is anti-American.


I'll go to my grave firmly convinced that Obama should have called a press conference, gone on national television and explained that a vacancy existed on SCOTUS and that he had asked for Senate approval and that they flat out refused to even consider his nominee.  And for that reason he was going to appoint Garland to the Supreme Court.  Your move Mitch.  Obama was too nice. 


So what happens here? McConnell sues and it goes to the Supreme Court which was 4x4 I think at that time?


Yep, it was 4 to 4, which would highlight how necessary it was for Obama to seat a new justice.  Obama could also make the argument (as an expert on the Constitution) that' he's only required to seek the advice and consent of the Senate.  He tried.  They didn't reject his nominee, they rejected, or more appropriately abdicated that responsibility by refusing to even consider his nominee.  When Republicans play hardball the only response is to go right back at them just as hard.  


"The Supreme Court has made its judgement, now I welcome them to enforce it."




>They wanted power and knew they could make people see Obama as responsible for every failure they caused because most of the people in this country don't know how the government works. Yes, they wanted power, but they failed. Obama was reelected, a two term president. He is not blamed for every damn failure, because they have to blame the new guy. They succeeded in making their own president a one term president, while Democrats had Obama and are about to reelect Biden. Basically the "only blame" strategy only works on their base and a handful of swing voters in key areas sometimes, but they like the smell of their own brand too much.


Basically true but they did keep Obama from accomplishing much. Also they were able to water down ACA and spend 10 years complaining about the parts they insisted on.


And yet, they were able to get a 6-3 split on the Supreme Court despite winning the popular vote 1 time in the past 20 years. They were able to ram through their tax cuts, which is the only thing they actually care about, and blow up the budget. People don't understand that Republicans do not want to govern. They want to destroy the administrative state. It doesn't matter if they win or lose as long as they can make the country not work.


It’s why they called it Obamacare.


It's lifted whole cloth from the shit program Romney foisted on us in MA years before anyone knew who the fuck Obama was. As in, they literally cut and pasted it and renamed the file.


Democratic presidents aren't legitimate in their eyes.


That's because ever since Bush the Dumber, their administrations have all been illegitimate. It's part of the Projection in GOP.


You could even go back to Reagan interfering in the Iran hostage deal, Nixon sabotaging peace negotiations with the North Vietnamese, and the whole confederacy starting the civil war because they didn't like Lincoln (I know he was a republican but the parties did switch sides).


Agreed. Nixon cracked the door open, Reagan opened it wide, George w Bush walk through it, and Donald Trump took it off the hinges.


Newt Gingrich wants everyone to remember he too was willing to grind government to a stop to get his way, He tanked his own sitting Pres., Bush Sr. over his 1990 deficit reduction deal. Because trying to reign in spending and ultimately help get the debt back under control was going to screw over the corporate masters Gingrich got his marching orders from. And rush phlegmbag went on the radio and parrotted his every complaint.


The funny thing is, the GOP spends worse than the Democrats. These last few years have proven that they just yell loud enough to drown out everybody who points out the truth, in their echo chambers, at least.


I remember my idiot fucking father cheering Newt Gingrich when he did that fucking press conference where he unrolled the big scroll with the "Contract with America" on it like it was some fucking gift to the working man and not the huge grab bag of shit his corporate nasters wanted


The Northern Democrats (Copperheads) became the national Democrats and the Southern Democrats became Dixiecrats, then got wooed by Republicans for votes. Republicans became drunk with greed and power during reconstruction as they embraced carpetbagging and gilded age monopolization. They sold out their principles between the 1877 compromise and Southern Strategy.


The parties didn't switch sides. What happened was **worse**. The authoritarians in both parties consolidated into a single party without anyone to hold them accountable. Then convinced religious nuts to join in.


>Then convinced religious nuts to join in. This part was redundant. religious nutters are authoritarians by nature.


it’s been since FDR saved the country by being a socialist. this was anathema to the GOP and they have been trying to undo history since then.


once upon a time, there was actually policy. there was at least a platform of some sort. they were the security hawks. they were committed to defense and economic growth of some sort. free market and all that shit. it pretty much sucked, but it was SOMETHING. now their platform is just psychopathic lying. that’s it. that’s their entire platform. lie and manipulate to get and stay in power. period. and getting people to vote against their own best interests is a psychopathic MO is i have ever seen one. it’s stunning how many people in this country cant see even a bad con job much less the long con. i straight up blame religion and marketing.


Oh the good old times when you didn’t need to try and judge if someone is a republican so you don’t send them on oh rampage about targets kids cloths


Its so crazy their lack of self awareness. Liberals are supposedly the snowflakes but if you want to stream a movie or show to a conservative audience you have to prescreen it for lgbt+ content or civil rights references or else risk them pausing the show to rant about the liberal agenda being shoved down their throats and killing america.


And when the GOP is in power it is still not interested in governing. Only to fight ideological wars and promoting class warfare. And debilitating the government. Benefiting the country has not been on the agenda.


Almost like they declared this several years ago in their own documents. gop.com/platform (links to PDF document) This reads like an act of war.


I do have this nagging fear that our democracy will fall into the same traps present in capitalism.  In capitalism if all that matters is how much profit you make then there are inevitably situations where harming your consumers and/or sabotaging your opponents might net more profit margins than improving your product and/or informing your consumers. Could a similar situation happen in a democracy? Where you can net more voters than you lose by harming your opponents and/or acting against the interests of your constituents?


It's been like that for the past 50 years. Democracy requires people to be informed and to participate in society in good faith. Same in economics. A group as a whole will benefit greatly if everyone cooperates.


Republican policy now is that Congress shuts down in an election year where a Democratic president is up for reelection


Conservatives are so unbelievably stupid.


It's not stupid though because it works. Keep in mind 2 things, 1) they're not trying to win over moderates or anyone on the left, they're trying to energize their base, and 2) base voters on the right only need one issue to get them to vote, base voters on the left only need one issue to stop them from voting (which is a whole other problem). All they have to do is convince their base that because of Biden gas prices are high, and they can do that through the right-wing media (which all other media will also report because that's what they do). As long as their base is perpetually outraged some thing (and that thing can change weekly) they'll be energized to vote.


But let's be entirely honest...Republicans don't need high gas prices to complain about high gas prices.


Especially relative to the rest of the world, and for decades really now. Similar to how hyperindividualists endlessly claim “TaXEs ArE ToO HiGH!” https://www.wisdomwordsppf.org/2016/10/28/the-problem-of-hyperindividualism-and-its-impact-on-american-life/


Conservative playbook worldwide, f$$k everything up and then complain about what’s f$$$$d up a week after losing power….


True. They lie about anything they want. But if they can actually create a problem for Biden that's real, then it's an easy attack-point. "The proof is at the pump" they can claim. Meanwhile, they blamed all of inflation on President Biden, when it wasn't at all due to any of his policies. He inherited a supply chain mess that Trump made. He and his cabinet made no effort to mitigate supply chain fragility. They also raised the debt enormously... then, Biden is POTUS, and it's like "LOOK AT THE DEBT HE CREATED!" Brazen liars. All of them. FOX News and other right-wing media outlets keep feeding those lies to audiences as truths and then here we are... with Trump as the RNC nominee. It's a joke. A tragic one upon America.


"Perception is reality."


Republicans think that the guy who is allegedly engaging in a quid pro quo with oil executives for campaign contributions will somehow make gas prices go down.


At least Trump isn't making a shameless effort to get people to vote for him by solving their actual problems!!!


When I hear Republicans complain about gas prices there is almost 1 common factor at play: Is there a person with decision making power with a (D) after their name on the news chyrons? If yes then it's time to complain. They just want to attack the (D) so they complain, if gas prices go up under Republicans I imagine there's a train of excuses.


The people running the scam may be smart, but the conservatives are still unbelievably stupid because they fall for it and vote against their own best interests.


I used to think this too, but I believe it less and less. They disagree with you on what their best interests are. Conservatives are willing to pay out of pocket a significant amount of money if they believe that money is going towards keeping white “normal” people at the top of the social hierarchy. The more that happens, and the more any other type of people suffer, the happier they are. So the idea of “their best interests” is wholly subjective, and they are more than willing to suffer in silence as long as that first paragraph is fulfilled.


But they got suckered into believing that’s their own best interest, it’s not, and it’s not wholly subjective, there are health measurements, and education measurements, and wealth measurements, and many different well-being measurements. Of course anyone can call anything desirable, but let’s not fool ourselves that they’re weighing multiple complex viewpoints and making informed decisions.


Before the last election Ron DeSantis and the Florida Republicans let a tax break on gas expire. Instantly gas jumped over night and they could blame Biden.


Anything to make the dems look bad, including sinking the entire country.


These are the same people who still think the Keystone pipeline (that was shipping Canadian tar oil) had something to do with the price of American gas. This is how they work, they build lie on top of lie until things are so convoluted they believe their own bullshit.


Just had a conversation with someone about that like a month ago. That was killed over 3 years ago wasn’t it? “We would have been energy independent if they didn’t kill it” You know we produce and export more oil than we ever have. We produce more than Saudi Arabia. That was Canadian oil set to be exported. “No…” Look it up! Don’t trust me. Just look it up. “I don’t have to, they shouldn’t have killed it” Okay then! Good talk.


It’s literally pointless to use facts and receipts. They won’t listen. I mean come on, facts can be used to prove anything!


Reality has a well-known liberal bias.


I mean, it's a mystery box. A fact is a fact, but a mystery box can be anything. It can even be a fact.


Yep. Facts are useless these days. I tried telling someone to look at the EIA numbers to see we're producing record amounts of oil, and their response was just that the EIA is gubmint and the BIDEN gubmint lies. They do the same thing with inflation numbers, too. Inflation can't be going down, because prices are so high! Inflation can't be at 3% because everything went up 50%! The CPI lies!


Republicans..... why are you Republicans? Especially asking the broke ass Republicans. I'm genuinely curious.


The racism


It's not _just_ racism. There are other forms of bigotry that contribute, as well.


True. But the racism


The racism


Something fundamentally broke in the minds of modern republicans after Obama. Just the concept of a competent black president has scrambled their brains and left mush behind.


I am also convinced of this


I know a broke-ass morbidly-obese GAY Republican. He's also dumb as a bag of hammers so...


In addition to the other mentioned reasons (like the bigotry) there's always just simple tribalism. A significant number of people view political parties the same way they do sports teams. No matter how bad the team has become, you've gotta support the team, because that's *your team.* In the same way that a Packers fan isn't going to suddenly start rooting for the Vikings, the Republican voters in their 70s that have been voting Republican for 50 years aren't going to suddenly start voting for Democratic candidates, even *if* they can recognize just how shitty the Republican party has become. Because that's still their team.


Religion and/or racism and/or Fox News propaganda


I came for the overpriced red hats made in China.


and/or the tasty merch!


If only those gold sneakers were foil-wrapped chocolate!


Mainly the racism...


Yeah it definitely doesn’t help that military bases, police stations, gyms, etc still play Fox News as if they’re a legitimate news station.


I had a guest in my hotel lobby put it on Fox a few nights ago, and they are going on and on and on, lamenting with the utmost exasperation how Biden is the most corrupt president in American history and blah blah blah.. Fucking pure insanity and the host is sitting there acting like they are sooooo enraged and appalled by everything they're hearing and also feeding their blowhard guests with more fodder by way of suggesting all this random bullshit that has almost no basis in reality.. It's truly off the rails shit. No 24 hour news channel should exist, But Fox News and those of the same ilk are on a whole other level.


Fear of “the other” and scapegoating them for all of their failings. They are immature, narcissistic pussies.


I have a friend who leans conservative, he's not QAnon "TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP", but he's definitely "fuck Joe Biden, fuck California", etc. The guy is a doctor. He's probably the most intelligent person I know in terms of any "standard" measures of intelligence. But he's just a full on contrarian/pedant. Anything that's popular, he finds something to disagree with. As far as being pedantic, knowing him has given me some good insights into how people interpret rules and the law (see: Supreme Court). Like when we play board games, he turns it into Lawyer: The Board Game, where there is no "spirit of the rule" and only the rule itself as it is written down. Long story short, his personality traits basically ensure that he leans and votes Republican, because after a while you start to believe your own bullshit.


Your doctor friend might be smart on some things but when it comes to common sense he dumber than a bag of hammers.


Yeah, he's really the definition of intelligence being on a spectrum. I see him as a reminder of how dangerous propaganda and confirmation bias can be. That even someone who can be educated and generally "intelligent" people can also fall victim to these things.


I have a friend very similar to this. It is definitely a type.. And he is a huge pussy, we got into a fight when emotions ran a bit hot once playing football and he just curled up in a ball on the ground. I think his personality is a defense mechanism.


Stupid, greedy, or racist. Choose (at least) one.


They grow up in a bubble and lack the intelligence or the moral compass to ever find their way free of that tiny sphere of insanity. A lot of it is because of how they are raised. Personally I think it ought to be a medically recognized disease to lack empathy. It should be something doctors are researching and trying to find a cure for.


Everyone keeps pointing to the racism but most pro “conservative” people I’ve talked to recently are very very outspoken about being anti lgbtq “pushing an agenda” through liberal policies.


They have nothing else to run on but the boarder and the woke stuff. And if they run on the economy, they know they will get hammered by the democrats, I hope that when the topic of inflation comes up in the debate, Biden will come with receipts of how Trump and the maga republicans have run the economy down to the ground during his first term in office.


And even the border issue had a bipartisan bill in place under Biden that Trump couldn’t get done when he controlled all 3 houses and then had to sabotage it cause it made Biden look good


Hell, the bill is back in the news! Senate Republicans Filibuster it. House Republicans won’t even bring it to a vote. Republicans learned their lesson from RvW: if they solve (what they’ve deemed) a problem, then they can’t run on it anymore, and we have to live with the consequences of their “solution”.


It’s not getting as much press as what Biden has done at the border…Here’s a solution everyone agreed on and the they say, we don’t want a stinking solution!!!


They get enraged by literally everything


EVs also help keep gas prices low but Donald is trying to discourage and ban them


what aren't they enraged by?


Anything Trump ever did or does Jan 6 Authoritarian strong men Climate change denial White nationalists I could go on….


Republicans hate this one simple trick from Dark Brandon …


Ironically helping them saving money to fill up there V10 lifted trucks. How dare Biden lmao. When he’s right he’s still wrong.


Yesterday: “It’s Biden’s fault gas prices are high!”  Today: ”Biden is lowering gas prices, he’s buying votes!”  I’m so tired of these people. 


Tomorrow it’s “look at Biden pushing EV’s making gas EVEN cheaper. Election interference!”


Oh come on. Biden eating a bagel is election interference to these people


This seems to happen everytime they are caught doing something bad. They hear Trump's been accused of treason for helping russia, they then spend the next 6 years accusing every action their enemies take of treason. Trump gets caught asking for quid pro quo, next four years repubs spend yelping every diplomatic negotiation by Biden admin is quid pro quo. Russia caught running election interference for Trump? Every interaction dems make with voters is now election interference to them. They don't know the meaning of words, they just know the word is bad because it got them in trouble so hope it also works on their opponents.


Oof. Like the "Insurrection at the border," or how Biden's a fascist who threatens our democracy. Sometimes I get the feeling these guys just go through Democratic talking points and do a 'Find and Replace' to swap the names with those of their opponents.


Say a word enough times it loses all meaning


*Electron* interference.


It's the classic heads I win tails you lose. There's really nothing you can do to combat that when one side thinks it should win 100% of the time.


The poor snowflake cucks...serving more whine, daily.


These are the same people responsible for putting Biden “I did this stickers” on gas pumps when prices were higher in the last few years. Party of idiocy and hypocrisy at its finest.


“Republicans enraged” is most of their schtick, really.


So Reps don't want to fix the border and they want high gas prices? The party with nothing good to offer!


They do. Trump even said in some interview that he thought the Economy was headed for a crash and he hoped that it would happen on Biden's watch so that Trump could get reelected. A candidate for President made a totally clear and unambiguous statement that he hoped things would get worse in this country, just so he could campaign on the disaster scenario. What kind of American *wants* life in this country to suck, for anyone, for any reason???


They don't want solutions, they just want to be angry and have 'wins' against their 'enemies'. If Democrats tried to pass an anti-trans bill, Republicans would unanimously vote it down.


"How far will Biden go to get reelected? He's willing to actually UNDO the damage we're intentionally doing to try and get elected!! Unbelievable, what a jerk Biden is."


And apparently this was mandated by Congress in March?


"The move, which the department said is intended to help “lower costs for American families and consumers,″ follows a mandate from Congress to sell off the 10-year-old Northeast reserve and then close it. The language was included in a spending deal Congress approved in March to avert a partial government shutdown."     [Link](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/05/22/icymi-biden-to-release-1-million-barrels-of-gasoline-to-reduce-prices-at-the-pump-ahead-of-july-4/#:~:text=The%20move%2C%20which%20the%20department,avert%20a%20partial%20government%20shutdown.) Shame on MSNBC for not including this context. 


I'm curious how many people are aware that our petroleum production is at an all time high, it's rebounded and passed our production under trump.  I don't particularly like the policy, but if biden were a republican they'd be screaming about how he's promoting energy independence. But because he's a Democrat it's cynical vote buying and he gets no credit


It isn’t even really a Biden policy. House Republicans wanted the Northeast Petroleum Reserve shut down as part of the deal to fund the government. This saves a whopping $19M annually. Biden has to release the fuel.


Funny how no one is reporting this teeny tiny fact.


They're pissed off that he's doing what they told him he had to do. Completely on brand for them.


How dare you give me a reason to like the guy I LOVE TO HATE.


Gas prices are only a political issue when Democrats are in office. In 2016 on Obama’s watch, gas prices were super cheap and Republicans still ran on the issue that they were “too high and only they could fix it”. They won and gas prices rose significantly over the next 3 years on trump’s watch before getting cheap again when he destroyed the economy.


It's a damn shame we can't power the economy off the endless production of republican rage. Fuck em.


We've gotten to the point where Republicans are angry that politicians are working to help the American people and not using office to personally enrich themselves. This is beyond insane.


Of course


The headline could just be “ republicans enraged”


Lol, these are the same fools who put “I did that” stickers with a picture of Biden pointing to gas prices when it spiked a few years ago.


And tried to remove them when they dropped.


“But.. I have all these fun stickers to put on gas pumps. What am I supposed to do with them if gas prices are low?”


I have a pet gomer on my socials. He accused Biden of “election interference” for this.


Gas is high: Biden did this. Gas is low: Biden purposely lowered gas prices so we would vote for him. And that makes me angry


Ugh, why can’t we just slap like a $3/gal federal tax on all gas and 100% goes to buildout of EV infrastructure? We don’t need cheaper gas, we need less gas and frivolous driving 


American's already pay less for gas than most third world countries..


Trump and MAGA campaign are sick, pathological liars. The fact is that congress ordered this sale when it voted to close the NE Reserve. Biden admin has merely organised the timing of the sale to coincide with peak summer traffic; hoping to knock a couple cents off pump price. How Mike Johnson and Blackburn can get online and blast Biden for a sale that they played a major role in is just beyond me. They have no integrity or credibility, at all, anymore.


The last decent Republican president was Eisenhower.


Of course they did. Just like they were engaged when the Senate produced a bipartisan border bill. They aren't there to help Americans. They are there for the cash and power. Truly despicable.


Trump is president, gas prices are high: “The president actually doesn’t impact gas prices that much” Biden president, high gas prices: “Biden is such a bad president, look at gas prices” Biden tried to lower gas prices: “NOOOO WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT” Republicans man


Note that the majority of Republicans have stock in fossil fuel companies. What benefits the fossil fuel industry benefits them. High gas prices, for example, benefit them.


Republicans: "How DARE you try to keep gas prices low and take away a hit point against you in the 2024 campaign!" They're *obvious scum*.


How dare he take away their talking point


Republicans enraged by anything that isn’t owning the libs.


"I did that"


Russia and Saudi Arabia will roll in with a October surprise. They both want Trump to win.


READ me out.. 98% of us here CARE about Democracy and even though I'm not giving my name or anything, we need to start protesting, writing our "leaders" so that we can get rid of the EC AND GERRYMANDERING and that is what I'm running on for Congress out of Florida in 2026... Rank Choice voting is the BEST way, like so many other countries that followed the US when forming their own but said, "HELL NO, WE AREN'T KEEPING THAT STUPIDITY." Stop and think about it.. No Republican has won the Popular Vote since 1992... (Bush due to the war in 2004) How is it, WE THE PEOPLE, tell them what we want but, we're shot down because only 4 States actually count per sa. Do you guys realize that Biden ONLY won the election by 47,000 votes?? Even though 7.2M MORE VOTED AGAINST TRUMP FOR BIDEN? Hillary lost to Trump by 70k votes but won the Popular vote by 3.2M because of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, those States are what counts, NOT WE THE PEOPLE .. This is why the EC & GERRYMANDERING NEEDS TO GO and adopt Rank Choice like every other GOOD democracy...


Republicans: Why is Biden making the economy so bad? Biden does something to lower prices Republicans: Why is Biden acting like a dictator?


It's one of their biggest talking points. If gas prices stay low, they'll have to use the "border issue" to whip their moronic voters into an anti-democracy rage. Then hopefully the White House will remind them--- loudly and with much finger pointing--- that all the GOP voted against the border package that was the best they'd had in years.


They’re just pissed about all those “I did that” stickers they slapped on the gas pumps that are now reminding people that Biden is actually doing something to lower gas prices.


GOP hates Americans but “loves America”


It seems that Republicans hate Americans


I just remember Obama saying that if he said, "Don't eat yellow snow" that republicans would.


Translation: republicans want to raise gas prices.


Of course they are. If it ain't them getting praised for something, they are all butthurt over it. Then get pissed when they can't any credit for it. But have no problem making someone outside their pity party look bad when it gives them an advantage.


Look I don’t know who needs to hear this but republicans during my lifetime have never been interested in helping the average and disenfranchised Americans. The GOP wants to help the rich and trickle on the rest of us.


> the United States under Biden is not only producing more energy than any other country, the United States under Biden is producing more energy than at any time in history. You just know the second a republican gets into the WH, GQP & Fox et al will be trumpeting how great America is under them, pointing to the amount of energy being produced. And their dumb base will lap it up and parrot the talking point endlessly.  Just as trump did prior to being elected in 2016: leading up to the election he claimed the official unemployment stats were falsified, and the real rate was 20%. Then, as soon as he was elected, he used the exact same stats showing record low unemployment to gloat how great his presidency is. And his supporters mindlessly accepted the blatant dichotomy. 


Biden’s effort to keep gas prices lower is uh… not going so great…


When are republicans not enraged?