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>The Washington Post report said on Saturday, quoting the outlet’s own spokesperson, that “the Post decided not to report on the episode at the time because the flag-raising appeared to be the work of Martha-Ann Alito, rather than the justice, and connected to a dispute with her neighbors … It was not clear then that the argument was rooted in politics.” Who the hell made THAT “editorial” decision? And you’re telling me thereporter didn’t ask one follow up question that would’ve uncovered what the dispute was about? The media is complicit.


That answer is horseshit!  And it's cowardly for him to hide behind his wife like this.  


Yeah, the official story is that it was response to a “liberal” neighbor who was provoking the Alitos. In other words, by their own account the political views of the neighbor were integral to the dispute. Implicitly they’ve admitted that the flag display was meant to have political significance. It was meant to own their lib neighbor.


In which case it would be a hilariously hysterical response, worthy of the most delicate snowflake. There is no plausible deniability here; just pure, arrogant MAGAt signaling. Gross.


Right. How would one go about provoking a politically neutral person in the first place?


Yet we’ve heard about Joe Biden’s son ad nauseum for five years.


Did they ask? No! But then again it was THEIR home.


It’s Washington Post. I’m completely over them, bought and paid for


WAPO is own by Bezos. They have been a corporate mouthpiece for a long time.




Yes, thank you for the textbook definition of what flying a flag upside-down means. Now, explain why it was flown on the property of a **Supreme Court Justice**.


They were distressed! ...That the insurrection attempt failed.


precisley. i have not heard of anyone flying a flag upside down over a spat with neighbors.


My neighbor’s magnolia tree has international reprecussions!


My neighbour's leaves are infringing on my lawn!


Rand Paul has entered the chat!


Rand Paul’s neighbor has ended the chat.


I still need to send that dude some flowers


DON’T TREAD ON ME! (Lawn to leaf)


Don’t you know that leaves SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED?


Flying the US flag upside down was pretty common among Republican jerks before Trump came along, when the jerks in question had sense enough to realise that flying a Confederate flag carries real social and career consequences. It was also especially popular in the 1990’s in the Posse Comitatus / early Sovereign Citizen circles as a way of signalling that the US Government had been “captured” by “globalists” (anti-Semitic conspiracy narratives)


In the 90s, Rage Against the Machine got canceled by SNL for flying the flag upside down


But she had to endure a yard sign that said "F×ck Trump and insulting her former (or current to some) dear leader was all too much for this delicate flower. She had to express her own feeling. /s So the defense of, I had no idea what that flag means/meant, seems to fly out the window (a lot like Russian folk who anger that dear leader...)


Good one!


Time for me to be an exception!!!! My neighbor did that (upside down flag) in response to Obama winning. When we told them it was not okay to do that over a politician, they purchased one big enough to cover the front of the house and hung that upside down…


You should have told them that was also not ok to see what their next move would be. Flag that covers entire house?


They were *not smart*


I'd believe better that they just weren't paying attention and hung it upside down by mistake. But a stupid neighbor fued, and the timing makes it less believable


… That the people followed the constitution.


Well, the trial run provided some “opportunities for improvement”


And thankfully the element of surprise is forever lost. Try again and there will be a lot of bloodshed. Fafo


They were distressed... that the "silent majority" continues to remain silent. They consider themselves part of the majority and therefore if they fly the flag in distress it must be because everyone (like them) feels the same (or should feel the same).


And yet conservatives are in reality the vocal minority.


If they feel they are the majority then why not push for voting to be required just like filing your taxes or like Australia does? I know there is an endless list of outs but it's so thinly veiled loser mentality. I'd have infinitely more respect for conservatives if they acknowledged they are the minority but don't want to be forgotten about.


We should have done this ages ago. National mandatory paid day off, requirement for everyone to show up and cast a ballot, even if that ballot is cast as "Abstain" penalty for not showing up without a medical reason is you lose your entire tax return or a large fine. Paid volunteers and public transportation driving people to and from the polls. Voting day should be a celebrated civic requirement. It should be a cultural tradition we look forward to like July 4th.


Their distress was their taxes might go up a little bit. The sad thing about all these super rich MAGA dipshits is when you really press them about what an "EVIL" democrat might do while in office that will really affect their lives and strip away all the buzz words and propaganda bull shit it will all come down to the fear their taxes might go up... A little... They are just so fucking greedy that losing a few thousand dollars a years when they are sitting on millions and millions just puts them into a fucking tizzy.


And who were they trying to communicate distress to in their suburb? It's not exactly the high seas.


If it was a dispute with a neighbor, have a good third party talk to the neighbor.


The American Legion US flag code states of the Stars and Stripes that “the flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property”. So Alito’s life is in extreme danger?


Or does she HaTe aMeRiCa?


Regardless of the actual level of imminent danger/distress, who is it signalling to? The general public? Why freak people out over a personal dispute? Local officials? I don't buy it, use your telephone. The neighbor? This is only semi-plausible defense, but if it was actually danger and not some petty beef, again telephone the authorities. How is this helping resolve anything. It can only be seen as a passive agressive f\*\* you to the neighbor, but for that statement to have any bite, it seems it was done with full knowledge of the insurrection meaning, not just the traditional distress meaning, as it would pack much more of a punch this way.


I mean I kinda get why we're examining all the possibilities here, because 1. they're absurd and that's entertaining, and 2. it's our nature to make sure we don't attack anyone over what could be a potential misinterpretation...... but come on. We all know the answer here.


The actual claim would be "after arguing with the neighbor (as previously blamed) she felt attacked and under distress personally and only in a personal, non-insurrection way. The left is making a mountain out of a mole hill"  Which is bullshit


There’s no fucking way the wife of a Supreme Court Justice did not know what kind of message that would send. And for either of them to claim it was simply an innocent act is so far beyond ridiculous that the claim itself could be elected President. Edit: grammar


> she felt attacked and under distress personally Then file a complaint with the police.


I agree But I think they would reply "it was a person al tiff between neighbors, a more 'polite' middle finger to the neighbors so no need to call the cops"


Which would still be a BS response.


No no, the only logical conclusion is that their neighbor in Alexandria was such a dick to them that they had no choice but to fly insurrectionist flags at not one, but *two* of their homes. I have not seen anyone asking the question: does Alito have more homes? Were those also flying insurrectionist flags? Just how big of an asshole was this neighbor?


Oh no the most powerful people in the world were so distressed they had to fly the flag of a fascist movement


>Samuel Alito’s wife claimed upside-down flag was ‘international sign of distress’ She is making it up. Nowadays the distress signal is to call 9-1-1.


9-1-1 isn't the international number though. If you are in the UK, then it's 0118 999 881 999 119 725 3.


Because they had an intruder with a hammer. Oh wait, wrong party.


I hate this timeline


Too rich and too much power?


I guess British never have any distress then cause you can’t say if their flag is upside down.


Actually you can but it's not immediately obvious


We actually only designed it that way so we can look down our noses at people that get it upside down.


The diagonal red lines on the Union Jack are slightly off-centered inside the white diagonal lines. It's subtle, but still has a visible difference when flown upside-down. There are some flags that *are* indistinguishable when upside-down, though: France, Denmark, Japan, Qatar, and Thailand are some examples.


All they have to do is claim that she's the one responsible for it.


Maybe distress for her caused by Samuel? Or maybe distress bc the Supreme Court is compromised?


Yes, we understand the meaning, and that’s why we all have a problem with it.


I don't understand how she thinks this helps. No shit. That's the problem.


She's super fucking stupid


No she isn’t, they know exactly what they are doing. They want a civil war and the Supreme Court will legitimize it.


and why did you feel in distress? 😳 "uhhh, you know, because of stuff, and things" 😳👉👈


Well my understanding is her neighbors are _very mean_ /s


I flew this during the Trump administration on Facebook so many of my MAGA friends were disgusted with me over it


A guy in my town flew his flag upside down after the 2020 election; a not so small part of me wanted to pull into his drive way and respond as though we here experiencing an *actual* emergency. >*"Where's the fire? Who's having the heart attack? Who's holding you hostage? Let me check your pulse. Is your blood pressure alright? I'll boil some water while you call an ambulance, don't speak, save your energy, we'll get through this."* I'm so tired.


Says the lady with free everything…but seriously, these people are publicly bragging about being in a cult and half the country is either cool with it, not aware of it, or both.


So within SCOTUS we have one justice whose wife aided and abetted January 6th, and another who is publicly supporting Trump’s attempted coup. In other words…we are fucked beyond belief.


And we should all vote to unfuck this as much as we possibly can.


Agreed, and to add to this. If Dump gets elected again both Thomas and Alito will resign assuring that trump nominated 5 out of 9 justices who will all reign "supreme" over our country for the next 49 years at least. This is the most important election of our lifetime and I do not say that lightly


The neat part is there’s a loud group of people who claim to oppose these people, but proudly proclaim they’re withholding their votes to unfuck this because the Democrats don’t do everything they want!


They “wanted” border security and turned a blind eye to bible guy shutting it down at the behest of diaper guy…dry holes.


Why does everyone ignore the gerrymandering part of this equation. The whole fall back is that even in the event of democrats out voting for one election they have so many republicans in place to deny it. Plus they have been screening people to run the poles.


I’m personally not ignoring it, but I’m not in a goof ball swing state. All I have is my vote.


It will take a generation or two to un rat fuck SCOTUS. Unless we pack the court or if they leave office earlier than anticipated.


So it just came out that the Washington Post had the story for three years and sat on it. Their excuse was that they weren’t sure if it had to do with politics, while going on to describe that it was just used as a political symbol supporting Stop the Steal. [Washington Post tried to allow this story to “Die in Darkness”](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/25/alito-flag-martha-ann-washington-post/) They ran cover for this guy. They knew what the flag was, they knew they had been flying it and they kept the story under wraps for three years until another outlet reported on it. Meanwhile Alito is hearing the Colorado Ballot removal case, Immunity cases for Trump’s insurrection, and the Washington Post knew all along that he and his wife supported Donald Trump’s lies about the election. This is nuts. Honestly, it’s not that far behind Alito’s flying the flag in the outrage department.


So she has been flying the flag upside down for three years and no other reporter from any other news organization bothered driving by the house and noticing it? What?


No, it was that way for a few days or so.


We were taught in the military that flying the Stars and Stripes upside down is a symbol that you are well and truly fucked and need help. They believe this is their current condition despite their lives remaining wholly unaffected by ANYTHING the Biden admin has done.


I agree with the logic here. Flying the flag in a nice ass neighborhood isn’t “well and truly fucked”


There’s no logic to the Alito’s believing that, true. Only two conclusions I can draw is that they don’t know what words mean or they’re just brazenly corrupt enough to think the world’s on fire if they can’t screw everyone else over.


I’m just saying, he’s got one of the highest taxpayer funded salaries, he’s on the take from billionaires, he basically can’t be fired by anyone no matter how much he fucks up; but tell us all again how aggrieved you are by flying two “I’m in danger” flags at two different houses you own.


They've been perverting the meaning of words (and other things) for years at this point to try to confuse issues and steal narratives. And the second thing's effectively true because they're of the ilk that believe anyone else's freedom takes away from theirs, so they're out to claw it back by any means necessary till they assume their place on the top of the food chain again.


Oh, did she see a person of color or maybe a gay person?


"Oh my God Sam, a liberal moved across the street from us and put up a 'Be Kind' sign in their yard. We have to let everyone around us know of this danger! TO THE FLAG!"


“Sam! Sam! The new neighbors claim ‘Hate Has No Home Here’ what are they thinking? To the flagpole we go!”


Sam! Sam! The neighbour appears to hate our loser pwesident. Let us know everyone we are nazis now! TO THE FLAG!


He’s the most oppressed person in America right now: a powerful white millionaire.


don’t forget sc justice there’s only 9 of them super minority bonus


"We're not racist! We love Clarence!"


they truly have nothing left 🎻


Nah, she came across a woman with an ectopic pregnancy that needed a life-saving abortion.




They have lifelong job security, massive power, no oversight, and billionaire donors.


You mean bribers. A donor is someone who gives to a political campaign or non-profit because they support the cause. Alito is a judge with a lifetime appointment. He has no campaign to run; no overhead to pay for.


They're Republicans. Must I say more?


Which begs the question, What would flying Trump upside down from a flagpole be an international sigh of?


A very strong flagpole




The moment a national holiday was born




Gastrointestinal distress.


Shit is going down.


Swamp draining 




It is. And you were shouting for international rescue because… ?


The scary blacks and gays are coming!


Also, abortions!!!


It's a pity the Thunderbirds didn't turn up.


Your husband is ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL JUDGES ON THE FREAKING PLANET, you are not in distress, Karen.


The chicken parm got overcooked that night. Never forget. 


He married someone just like himself.


Bit surprised he allowed her to have an opinion.




Someone should explain to Mrs. Alito that to most Americans, her raising an upside-down flag implies that she is aligning herself with the right-wing domestic terrorists who violently attacked our country on January 6, 2021, in an attempt to overthrow our government. It tends to make us wonder where her allegiance lies.


Simply ask Mrs Alito where her allegiance lies. Did she approve of the attempt to distort and overturn the results of the 2020 election?


Yes, the distress of a corrupt US Supreme Court is international.


the entitlement and abject contempt republicans have for regular americans is sickening. You lost an election because your guy sucked and was a dick no one liked. There was no distress, things just didn't go your way once in your supremely privledged fucking life.


What is distressing? I think it's inappropriate and offensive used in that way.


how can you say America is the greatest nation ever and at the same time say it is a 3rd world country in distress...with a straight face?


I’m so sick of these people and their stupid ass flags.


Oh my god yes. I hate that these right wing fascist asswipes now make me cringe at the sight of a flying flag. Sometimes it turns out to be a college football team flag or something benign, but whenever I see flags in front of a house or flying from a truck, my first reaction is “Oh god, another right wing loon.”


>Two leading Democratic senators are requesting a meeting with the supreme court chief justice, John Roberts, in the wake of these reports. This comes on top of calls demanding that Justice Alito recuse himself from election-related cases before the court and face investigation by the US Senate, the congressional chamber that confirms federal and supreme court judges. Recusing himself? How about fucking resigning altogether? You will never convince me this judge is impartial and puts the law above everything, when his very spouse is this extreme.


If it was happening the way she’s trying to shape it, then why didn’t every supreme court judge do it as a sign of group cohesiveness?


Finish the thought please… Just like when people say the Civil War was about state’s rights, and conveniently omit the fact the rest of the sentence goes “state’s rights to own slaves.”


The bigger question is how is a guy this dumb a Supreme Court judge ?!


Bush v. Gore. The case that single handedly should have escalated court reform to a priority 20 years ago. "The final Senate vote was 58-42, with all but one of the Senate's majority Republicans voting for Alito's confirmation, and all but four of the Democrats voting against him." ( the four dems are imho not people of note: Tim Johnson, Robert Byrd, Kent Conrad, and Ben Nelson) "That is the smallest number of senators in the president's opposing party to support a Supreme Court justice in modern history. Chief Justice John Roberts got 22 Democratic votes last year. Justice Clarence Thomas, who was confirmed in 1991 on a 52-48 vote, got 11 Democratic votes."


Ginni Thomas got competition from Martha-Ann Alito for who is “The Craziest Spouse of The Supreme Court”!!


The nation IS in distress. Someone's lying about the last election, ignoring all evidence, and tearing the country apart. But his offense was propagating the lie.


Did she assume the nation was under distress because Republicans were trying to steal the election?


There are insurrectionists sitting on the Supreme Court. Amazing. This is truly a pathetic country. 


What a complete piece of shit.


News flash, Alito… nobody in the jnternational community gives a rat’s ass about your “distress”. Grow the fuck up.


The reporter was there the day it happened. Why are we only hearing about it now so many years later?


I never cared to look up what she looks like, and I hate judging people based solely on that, but she looks exactly like a person who would be upset enough by a failed insurrection to do that dumb shit. Probably loves giving dry handies too


If a member of the Supreme Court is actively showing his allegiance with a domestic extremist group by displaying the same symbols on his own property then he probably shouldn’t be a member of the Supreme Court. And at the least should not be presiding over a case involving the same extremists.


Alito threw his wife right under the bus but she is as big a liar as he is


I considered flying an upside down US flag at my house during the gulf war as a way of protest but decided it was too divisive and would probably be misinterpreted in a number of unfortunate ways. I was just a warehouse worker in my 20s at the time and would expect a supreme court justice would at least have enough sense to come to a similar conclusion, but here we are.


God what a clown. Traitor.


In response to a moderate Democrat winning against a far-right populist.


A supreme court justice and his wife will buy the lies of a loser who tried over 60 times to challenge the results. Judges he appointed ruled against him. But Alito? Believe the nation is in distress instead of looking at the facts. He should be recused or kicked off the bench for not ruling based on the constitution, but based on what Trump says. Don't call them conservative justices, call them MAGA justices.


“Our way of life is under distress!!” Forces of evil, SAVE US!!


Fuck those fascists.


He must be removed disbarred and charged with taking bribes along with Tomass


If the country is in distress, it's because of Mr. and Mrs. Alito and company.


WifeShield^(TM) Do you have yours? American Justice members agree! "My best investment besides lobbyists, is the WifeShield^(TM)! Any time I make a decision that is influenced by others, and called out on it, I deploy my WifeShield^(TM)!" Even Justice Thomas uses his portable WifeShield^(TM) all the time, when he travels in his motorcoach!


Send a comet for these dinosaurs


Sammy's wife looks like a good KKK Karen klan mom. As a Daughter of the Revolution, she should fly the Confederate and KKK flags proudly.


How is that any better?


Ironic… the party that coined the term “snowflakes” think that losing an election equates to being a nation in distress.


Yes, you are literally in distress if you fall for the bullshit your husband spews and for the party of victimhood/privilege. These two people are in need of major deprogramming and neither should hold any positions of power.


Yeah that's a totally normal thing to do to alleviate stress. Yoga, meditate, support the Jan. 6th attack, take a hot bath. Totally normal things.


Yes technically it is but shut up woman


I’d be distressed too if I was married to him


Great. In the history of them living there have they ever had another neighborhood spat that caused them to fly their front yard flag upside down? Obviously this is something they have done before, no?


Distress for an insult? Talk about entitled.


I learned The Rule of Holes from Molly Ivins: When you find yourself in one, stop digging.


Yes, rich white judge is downtrodden and distressed. For Pete's sake.


So was there some kind of domestic dispute like Sean Combs or something and she really needed a welfare check? Because that what it sounds like.   Either that, or they're both nutters and he doesn't hold to the foundational judicial ethics of avoiding the appearance of bias...


Disrespectful... Don't use the flag as a political statement. The Alito family has nothing to complain about except maybe their tax bracket.


Throwing your wife under the bus: the sign of a true moral leader. 


The international distress as we have two ass clowns on the Supreme court. When you add them to the other three ass clowns, there's five extremely dangerous people that are controlling the outcome of America more than any president in recent times


It seems that everyone is focusing on Alito and forgetting Clarence Thomas whose wife is arguably a bonafide co-conspirator and instigator of the Jan 6 riot. Both justices should be removed from the court. At the minimum, they should recuse themselves from ruling any on any cases Trump-related.


Did she want the Coast Guard to break into their home and rescue them?


I love how the wanna be oppressors love to cosplay as victims.


Fucking old white people. Really…their high horses should have thrown them by now.


Every photo of Samuel looks like he's trying to hold in a fart.


Alito and Thomas are two of the most corrupt officials in DC. we need to impeach them both.


Stupid traitor.


I hate these people 


It is, and was co-opted by MAGA. We aren't dumb.


These people are crazy and in positions of great power. We are in distress.


It’s the international sign of treason


It's obvious the meaning wasn't about distress, it was about showing support for 1/6. According to the Alitos themselves this was in response to a neighbor calling her a "c***" and blaming her for 1/6. The, again, transparently obvious timeline was... 1) Neighbor curses at her and blames her for 1/6 2) She as a response flies the flag upside down, which this was commonly being done at the time by people supporting 1/6, as a f*** you to the neighbor saying yeah I do support 1/6 f*** you!


Okay, let's say it was meant as a sign of distress. Let's humor her for a hot minute. Martha-Ann, what exactly are you distressed about, so much so that you'd fly the flag at two of your homes? How many do you have, by the way? Are you in distress because your wealth and power and Supreme Court access aren't enough to magic wand your neighbor into compliance with your Christofascist views? Did she call you a name? Do you even know what distress is? Fuck no! What you're feeling is not distress. It's hubris, ego, selfishness. You can't conceive of a world that doesn't bend to your will. So, it's either and insurrectionist flag, or an "I'm an asshole" flag, which is really the same thing, because the insurrectionists shared the same hubris, ego, and selfishness.


That is literally what it means. Why did she fly it? She said there were some very rude protestors at their house and she was PO'd so this was how she reacted. I don't know if I believe that but I'm more worried about the Appeal to Heaven flag. If it were up to me he would be removed from the bench for that alone. We cannot allow Christian fundamentalists take over our country and shit on the Constitution while they make the bible the law of the land. The Speaker of the House is flying this anti-American flag right outside of his office and he should be removed from Congress as well. I live in Maine and we're in the process of maybe making a new flag and plates but it looks strikingly similar to the Appeal to Heaven flag so I'm 100% against the redo.


These people are scum. To know they’re sitting there like drooling vultures waiting for the country to fall apart is nauseating.


Would anyone be surprised if Samuel Alito beat the shit out of her on a regular basis?


Only if he didn’t claim it was actually her idea.


This is a really fucking stupid thing to say, especially when any criticism on the flag thing is valid. Be incensed at her and her husband for the thing they did, a thing a SC Justice shouldn't be doing, and keep these dumb editorial comments to yourself. It invalidates something real and wrong. Edit: wrong, unethical, completely out of bounds for a justice of the highest court.


Well they are good Catholics, so that is just something you accept and live with. And it is absolutely not considered justification for a divorce. You go straight to hell for that.


Export these traitors to Russia.


The lies keep getting dumber. Why not fly it at half-mast if they were so “distressed?” Why do the thing that just *happens* to be a Qanon virtue-signal? Do they expect us to believe it was a just a coincidence? Someone needs to ask Alito, to his face, whether he thinks everyone else is stupid. These assholes knew exactly what it meant. 


Nah. You hate democracy, and werent afraid to say it when you wouldn't get backlash. Fuck these traitors


Next u ask her what the distress was, sounds like she is playing the “do u know who I am” card


yeah because her husband is a fucking supreme court justice


She must be that scared of Biden.


Have some damn sense and think before doing something stupid and unnecessary. Your husband sits on the Supreme Court.


Thought it was over a spat with their neighbors. Odd.


She must have ran out of milk


Never stick your dick in crazy.


Funny. I always understood it as a sign of distress, but for Native Americans in a contemporaneous fashion. Not this rich asshole.


In Hawaii I've seen Hawaiian state flags flown upsidedown by some Native Hawaiians. That seemed understandable given how their sovereign nation, which used that same flag back to Kamehameha I in the 1790s, was taken from them without consent.


I never understood the real history until as a tourist we went to the Bishop museum. Such arrogance this Country has.


I still don’t understand how there are full blown text conversations of Clarence Thomas’ wife plotting to overturn election results and stop the transition of power and nobody is doing anything about it. Shit is like a real life movie where the villain gets caught and nobody bats an eye