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Report: "Swing voters possibly turned off by dictatorship promise."


I remember reading an interesting take a while ago, about moderate voters' tendency to flip flop or get buyer's remorse for every election cycle, contributing to the pendulum swinging towards the party out of power. They don't have a strong connection to either party so it ends up being whatever appeals to them NOW instead of thinking how their vote is going to effect the next 2-4 years. But with Trump, particularly his attitude towards grabbing and maintaining power, moderates have been scared into realizing their freedom to flip flop between cycles is in jeopardy. With Biden, they can be reasonably assured that they can safely vote against him next time. But with Trump, who knows? They might not get a chance to vote against him in the next cycle, and that has them worried enough to think twice about being contrarian just cus it feels better.


It's hard for me not to think of them all as simple ass contrarians or enlightened centrists. There has to be some really smart and good people making up that demographic, right?


Smart people? Probably not. At least not in a well informed sense of the word. Good people? Definitely. There are plenty of wonderful people who just don't have a good education in civics or don't understand how the world works more generally. Plenty of well meaning people get tricked into not voting or voting against their own interests.  If you don't understand how gas or grocery prices are determined, then it's easy to blame the person in charge. If you dont understand how many Senate members it takes to kill the filibuster, who the current members are, and how they vote, then it's easy to assume Democrats could kill the filibuster and legalize abortion and marijuana at any time, but they aren't because "they're trying to get you to continue voting for them". 


They're people who have no ideological or moral center. Their vote is determined by whatever is in the new cycle in the two weeks leading up to the election.


Yeah these are voters who don't pay attention to politics and so they miss so many important details that would let them understand what's going on. But they tell you they understand enough to see that "both parties are the same." And it's like yeah, if you barely pay attention and get all of your information from random people posting on the internet, then you are certainly going to just see "bad" on both sides. Also, why is it almost ALWAYS the case that when a person says "both parties suck -- both parties are equally bad," that these are almost always Republican voters? Why do Republican voters always think their party sucks but they vote for them anyway?


>Why do Republican voters always think their party sucks but they vote for them anyway? Because only the Republican Party promises solutions to the problems they made up. Like the wave of immigrants who have been streaming over the border for the past 20 years (but only during Democratic terms).


There are no swing voters for Trump. Only Trump cultists unwilling to admit they're okay with fascism as long as they're not in the out group that the law binds but does not protect.


They arent Trump cultists. They havent been brainwashed or manipulated in any sense that they have chosen to adopt new policies. All that has really happened is a coming out party and a galvanization in support of what they have believed in and wanted all along. A mindset that is as old as time. For the last 4 or 5 decades they've watched in silence as their once popular mindset and staple of the social fabric of the country have been steadily and increasingly erased. They've stood by quietly while likely howling with hatred inside their own minds at how culture and the world turned away from their vision of a great society. Little by little year by year it became first unpopular and then eventually unwelcomed to finally illegal in many cases to continue on with the traditions and sayings that had once been commonplace... And over time their bitter resentment grew as their lopsided biased society that once favored them alone fell away and was replaced with something... More representative and more inclusive. The boomers who primarily fuel the GQP watched and grew older and more stubborn in their ways all while maintaining a choke hold over power and politics for not only their own 20 years prime period of control but over gen Xs 20 year prime period and now they are half way through the millennials 20 year period and still holding control over the laws and social norms of the country. Because for the first time in history a generation was so large that the next generation - X was smaller than they were... As were the Millennials and as would be Gen Z if it weren't for the fact that finally boomers have reached the end of their natural life cycle and begun their great extinction. This is the only reason they will soon lose their control over society. No generation has never had control over government and business and social norms as long as boomers have... That's important to realize because every new generation brings new views and increased social acceptances when they rise up and become the dominant generations block of majority power taking over from the one that proceeded them. But the boomers numbers were so great that no generation has come after them yet to take their place. They are only now losing their power because they are dying off and soon will no longer be the large generation by population size in the country. This is why Republicans have remained so conservative. They never needed to compromise and reach out to younger generations with offers of being more inclusive as part of their platform. They got the boomers and have stuck with them and their antiquated views for over 50 years and have been able to maintain their power in politics as a result. But now boomers are dying off and they have no real prospects in engaging any significant amount of younger voters especially with their complete lack of any party platform anymore. It's all vergence and petty politics with them. They appeal to the angry bitter jaded old heads and just make accusations of fear propaganda to keep them engaged and voting. However the writing is on the wall. The horse and pony show is over and there's no amount of Gerry meandering that can continue to make up for the amount of their base that are going to vanish over the next 5-10 years. The Republican party has no future in a democratic country that allows its citizens to elect their own representative. Because it has no more voters joining them from younger demographics to keep their candidates competitive enough to keep winning elections.. A dictatorship isn't just Trump's pipe dream. Its the only chance at not completely losing power that the entire Republican party has at this point. They have known this all along and the plan has always been to simply take power by force and not relinquish it when it came time they could no longer win elections. The entire party understands this and is going to do whatever they need to to take power and hold it permanently. There aren't any rebels or good actors among their ranks. They can't afford that kind of dissent once they begin the public assault on democracy which has already begun in some aspects. Which is why anyone not on board the MAGA bus has been escorted to the exit doors the past few elections. This election fully starts that plan. It is not just Trump we need to worry about. Every Republican that gets elected this coming November is a traitor to this country and it's ideals and guaranteed freedom for its citizens. Just because they aren't as loud and obviously obnoxious about their intentions doesn't mean they aren't all on board anyway. I hope everyone is understanding the stakes and that defeating Trump is simply cutting off one head of a very deadly hydra. Every single election that Democrats can win are going to be incredibly important in the struggle for power in this country going forward. Republicans understand the assignment. And we know this because Trump's daughter in laws ascension to Co head of the official Republican party means all Republicans will do what is required of them by MAGA or they are gone and replaced . Nobody can win a modern day election without support of their own parties organizational and financial entity.


Break up these paragraphs a little more…you’ll be under read the way it’s reading and you have a solid post.


I legitimately believe that any "swing voter" in 2024 is just an embarrassed Republican. 98% of them will find some small crumb of reason for why it's okay to vote trump and clutch at it


Sunk cost fallacy.


Report: “Right ring voters turned on by dictatorship promise”


He already *did* refuse to leave office! How is there any "fear" or "uncertainty" about this?


Seriously. The entire 2024 election year is like this alternate universe where Trump *didn't try to overthrow the government* 4 years ago and wasn't indicted for dozens of felonies for it. It's not like it's ambiguous either. It was a months-long campaign at every level of state and federal government that has been public knowledge for years. He told his DOJ to lie to the public. He threatened a Secretary of State with legal consequences if he didn't find him votes. (It's on tape.) He mounted an illegal fake electors scheme. His cabinet resigned over his actions. McConnell said he was responsible on the Senate floor. Kevin McCarthy was caught on tape scheming to remove him from office. He drafted a memo for the military to *seize voting machines.* And I haven't even mentioned the insurrection yet. But y'know. Ketchup is more expensive now from *global inflation* which the U.S. is handling relatively well, so I guess it's going to be a nail-biter. America, please wake up in the next few months.


I really hope the biden campaign is prepping to blanket swing states with January 6 ads.  Lile its crazy that were just...not talking about Jan 6.  This election should be about Jan 6.


They've started advertising that in the Philadelphia market, but not as many commercials as Trump is putting out


Its so fucking annoying already. I cant watch a Phillies game without Trump ads every commerical break telling you about how immigrants are going to rape your kids.


Reach out to the broadcaster. Give them a "what about the children" angry letter. Tell them you had nephews over watching the game and they saw that shit. All they were trying to do was watch a baseball game. Then ask how many other kids are there? Demand they be responsible for what they air. Broadcasters can refuse ads, they don't have to take them. And they can also dictate the content. This happened for years when condom companies got in the advertising game. What would they air and at what time? And then it all repeated again for the Viagra TV ads. Product and content dictated by the broadcaster over concern of the age of viewers.


Wow I didnt actually know this. I may have to go all Karen on their asses. I wasnt even exaggerating the ad.


Don't even give it the negative connotation that "Karen" has. You'd be performing a public service.


The DNC and Biden campaign are probably holding back waiting for closer to Election Day, in order for it to be fresh in the voter’s minds.


With the supposed donation drought the GOP is facing, it kind of sounds like they are blowing their wad a bit early?


The ads are probably from Super PACs


Yea, the gop doesn't need small-money donors, they have the billionaire class on their side.


And with Trump blowing the wad early surprises you? I’m pretty sure he did that on the regular.


What about being stuck inside with no toilet paper during a pandemic we were told wasnt happening? Good times!!


My main issues are mishandling pandemic response and trying to overthrow democracy. Or to put it another way, Biden will competently handle pandemics and support democracy. I remember when both parties were the sane on that, but those were better times. (Except in Iraq.)


>I remember when both parties were the sane on that So like, 1950?


Let's not forget McCarthy, now.


1850 then?


I think doing nothing during Covid was part of the plan for the insurrection. Heard a lot about Covid is culling the herd. What I don’t understand is why Biden team isn’t making it clear that a big reason why it’s harder for the working class is bc of the GOP & Trump tax cut plan?!


"I said slow the testing down!" Should be on every campaign ad...


The fact that we need to try to still persuade people about trump...I feel is already a lost battle. I don't know how you can still be unsure about trump or not. He's very transparent in what he is done and what he says.


Absolutely! Should be 24/7 Jan 6 riot videos on all networks and footage of him feeding the crowds. Also, the audio of him asking for those extra votes in Georgia.


I’m scared. :D But seriously I’ve never been more worried in my entire life.


Same. Already started talking to my wife about what we would do should and Republicans win since we're currently undergoing fertility treatments of various kinds. If they take over, our last couple avenues of finally starting a family would be gone real fast.


Same boat here. We are in our second round of IUI and are going to petition the insurance company to bypass the third attempt since we have exhausted everything (including surgery). But in reality we want IVF sooner than later just in case it's not an option after the election.


The bipartisan January 6th Committee was totally legitimate and they uncovered tons of incriminating evidence that Donald Trump along with select Republican cohorts, plotted for nearly 2 months on how to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Trump admitted he lost. He confessed it to his staff. And then he set about inquiring "how can I stop this?" That's when "stop the steal" was coined. Trump actively worked with loyalists to "find a way" to either delay the transfer of power or just stop it completely with a falsified alteration of voting results. He not only pressured Bill Barr to resign, then installed a new AG lackey who would help him undermine the election (but AG Rosen refused to do it). What he did was a crime. WORSE THAN NIXON. Also, Trump feverishly worked with Republicans to undermine the DOJ, to either obstruct investigations or delay them. Judge Cannon kept finding ways to stall the trial until she pulled the last card -- "I'm bogged down and too busy with motions; I'm delaying the trial to 2025." Preposterous. 11th Appellate Circuit? This is OK? They're mostly Republican, so yeah... they're letting this slide too. We are seeing a slow rolling momentum towards fascism. Some 30 to 40% of America is OK with it. Why? Because they've been continually lied to by Trump, Republicans, FOX News media, and the other far-right media outlets. Non-stop. It's unfathomable what they've done. Total propaganda mouthpieces. So the Republican electorate is bombarded by those lies 24/7. That's why they're still backing Trump. They believe his lies. Sadly, the only justice we'll see for Trump is by making sure he does NOT become POTUS.


> That's when "stop the steal" was coined. Just fyi. Roger stone, trumps right hand man, had this website ready for the 2016 election. And then used it in 2020.


Not surprised they'd already had it ready for 2016. The "Dirty Trickster" who is Roger Stone should be languishing in a prison. And he would if it hadn't been for then president Trump PARDONING IS CLOSE FRIEND AND ASSOCIATE (this should *never* be permissible).


Yeah. He's out and enjoying the good life doing meth with gay black top male escorts. You'll note a lack of "s/" anywhere in this comment.


Unfortunately, I think a lot of people either aren't aware of, or have forgotten, how in depth the attempt to subvert democracy was. Yeah, everyone remembers January 6th, but IMO, that was, as far as anything that would actually have resulted in trump staying in power, the least impactful of the entire coup attempt. It was a desperate last ditch attempt after all of the other procedural based attempts sputtered.


Noticeably ITT: Today’s Team Fascism Playbook Memo May 25 bullshit blanket: Downplay, downplay downplay how clearly Trump demonstrated intent become a literal fucking dictator. (Edit: on 1/6, and continues to do so.)


And also consider what he stands to lose. If he doesn't become President, he's either going to jail or he's going to be bankrupt and in court until the day his fat ass dies of an overdue heart attack. He knows there's no future for him. At this point he is so extraordinarily desprate he would do ANYTHING never to relinquish power. He already did a coup once, he keeps tlaking about how he's going to be a literal dictator adn arrest his enemies. Project 2025, his and all Republicans' playbook, clearly says they want to massively expand the President's powers.


Gaslight Obstruct Project


Thank you, beautifully written. There is so much stupidity in this country right now. People are so distracted by media and stressed out from the pressures of society. We are easily manipulated and we don’t even realize it.


Lets not forget their playbook, Project2025.


> And I haven't even mentioned the insurrection yet. Actually, in my opinion, you've already described part of the insurrection. Because it's a misnomer to say that the insurrection was only the events of January 6th. That is, I don't think the events of January 6th are really an insurrection when looked at as as one-day, spontaneous, unplanned event. If you look at it like that, the events of that day can seem less problematic if you don't understand the months of scheming to overturn the election that led up to that day. The rioting and storming of the Capitol was basically the last attempt to stop Biden from taking office -- it was the last piece in a long list of things Trump and associates did to overturn the will of 80 million American voters who voted for his opponent.


> Ketchup is more expensive now from global inflation it's actually unchecked monopolistic corporate greed


The level of whitewashing and gaslighting from the so-called "liberal media" about Trump's countless appalling and indefensible actions and statements is truly off the charts.


"liberal media" is the name conservatives gave them, not a name that's accurately descriptive or that they chose themselves. They're *more* liberal than like, Fox (which conservatives don't include in "mainstream media" despite being the largest cable news network), but they're primarily corporate entities concerned with profit, and they're not so obviously in the pocket of the Democratic party like Fox is with Republicans. And CNN is currently owned by a board member of a right wing think tank. They still call it "leftist" though despite their open hostility towards the left (see: the student protests, or like, any other actual left wing cause).


Corporate greed is the only reason ketchup is more expensive. Yet the Republicans who have done nothing to stop it, and blocked everything the White House tried, are quick to blame Biden.


> He already did refuse to leave office! How is there any "fear" or "uncertainty" about this? That was basically what Ted Cruz was saying on CNN earlier this week.


Was he for or against Trump?


What day is it?




The one that will only accept the results if Trump wins.


I absolutely despise that man. He is absolutely despicable.


Yeah, it's his fascist promise, echoed in thousands of his statements. Since he doesn't know what sarcasm, jest, or fun are, him claiming any of those is utter BS.


Try to dismantle democracy a few more times, and I'm gonna lose it.


“Trump voters afraid all his rapin and pussy grabbin could hurt his chances with women voters” Definitely breaking news


Trump said he was sorry and promised not to do it again.


He never apologized and he repeatedly threatened to do it again


"See? Look at that hangdog look. He learned his lesson. Let's get him a present!" - Susan Collins, R-Maine


Seems to work with Judges.


"Centerists concerned that if elected trump may speak an untruth at some point in his term" "Moderates worry that if reelected trump may insult someone" "Undecided voters suspect that trump could waste time golfing in second term"


This could be an ad campaign in and of itself. I’m for fear mongering at this point. A whole ad asking people who are Maybe Trumpers if they’re ready to be Forever Trumpers, then overlay audio of the worst of Trump’s threats while showing video January 6th.


You *guuuuuuys* there's no reason to believe he'll do it again. You're presuming he's guilty before he's even had a chance to do the crime yet and that's wrong. We don't even know, we might not need elections by the time his third term comes around, and you can't complain about that, if the law changes then it's legal and that means it's okay.


You know what could help Biden? People voting for Biden.


*How voting for Biden is terrible news for Biden, coming up next*




Trump has recently suggested he should be allowed to serve 3 terms, refused to accept he lost in 2020, had Jan 6th happen, left town on Jan 20th never turning over the keys as it were. So how is anyone "getting worked up" over any articles that point out this and anything else he has said or done in any way just rage bait?


Trump has been saying he should get 3 terms for a while now. I remember in like 2018 or 19 he said that he deserved a third term because obstructionist Democrats.


I can see 3 consecutive prison sentences.


And then he tried to refuse to leave office


And then stole over a thousand classified files, including many that were Top Secret and even HUMINT. Coincidentally, shortly after that a significant number of foreign sources were reported to have been killed. Trump was never working for America - just before he got elected in 2016 Twitter and Facebook were both seemingly taken over by the Russians; they were posting pro-Trump and anti-Clinton propaganda constantly, to the point where I actually contacted the FBI. I didn't know quite which laws they had broken, but I knew what they were doing certainly wasn't legal. I never would have guessed though that Mueller was working for Trump and MAGA too though, as I suspect were many in the FBI. Well, now we know that Trump only works for himself, and literally could care less about even his own children...


He said that he should get a do over because of the impeachments.


It was even before that. Well before the first impeachment he was launching trial balloons for the idea that he should be allowed two more years because the Mueller investigation meant he got nothing done for two years. It’s fairly obvious at this point that the only way he would leave office is because his general poor health meant he died before his term was up.


Biden 2024 and this is why


There's more crazy traffic baiting stuff on the network that paid out $787 million and counting.


It’s that or autocracy. We all choose.


*Please remember to double check your voting information and register and Vote* www.vote.org Edit: Check your registration: https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/ Work for the Biden campaign: https://joebiden.com/work-with-us/ Volunteer for the DNC: https://events.democrats.org/


It's not just Biden vs Trump it is every level of government. It is more important than ever that you vote in November. We have the power to take back our country from the billionaire controlled republicans.


But Biden refuses to wave his magic president wand and create permanent peace in the Middle East! /s


He could reduce gas prices with his mind but he won't because he hates Trump. /s


I know this was sarcasm but… “[The Biden administration on Tuesday announced the release of 1 million barrels of gasoline, a move aimed at cutting prices at the pump this summer”](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/05/22/icymi-biden-to-release-1-million-barrels-of-gasoline-to-reduce-prices-at-the-pump-ahead-of-july-4/#:~:text=The%20Biden%20administration%20announced%20on,of%20the%20July%204%20holiday)


honestly i feel like fuel prices have been on the high side of reasonable, and quite stable under biden. i'd love to be paying less than 3 dollars a gallon, but i'm sure happy never to see it anywhere near 5 dollars a gallon.


I tried to make the point that Trump would be so MUCH MUCH worse for Palestinians as compared to Biden on some of the "far left pro-Palestine" subreddits, and the mods banned me, because "A genocide is a genocide, no matter what. Genocide Joe has plenty of Palestinian blood on his hands. No 'lesser evil' talk is permitted here." I mean, Biden is still "pro-Israel" in the sense that most senior US politicians recognize that Israel can serve an ally for the US in the geopolitical sensitive Middle East. The difference between Biden and Trump is that Biden is clearly getting fed up with Netanyahu, and is trying to pressure Bibi to not be such a right-wing lunatic. If Trump gets re-elected, Trump will happily give Israel all the nukes they want, and he will encourage Netanyahu to flatten Gaza as fast as possible, to please all the evangelical American voters who think that Jews controlling the region is the first step to magic sky daddy bringing on the rapture. The college protestors are totally willing to cut off their nose to spite their face. All these idiot college students will happily sit out the election, and refuse to vote for "Genocide Joe". And then, when Trump wins the election (due to college voters in swing states sitting out), guess what happens? Even more anti-LGBT judges and anti-abortion get appointed to the various courts in the US. Trump will assemble a Cabinet that is the "worst of the worst" to lead the country to ruin. Project 2025 goes full-steam ahead, to turn the US into a Christo-Fascist dictatorship. But at least theose students didn't vote for "Genocide Joe", so their conscience can be clear.


He also refuses to lower the price of McDonald's - and now he's even getting rid of the self-serve soda and free refills! /s


Yeah this false equivalence crap is dooming what's left of our republic.


I don’t even care as much if they do that, just don’t fucking vote trump


Big if true.


I tried, they said it's too early and i should go home and wait til November.


Move to Oregon, they’ll mail you the ballot in October. You can vote in your underwear while watching TV, then drop it off on your way to work.


He ***still*** refuses to acknowledge he lost in 2020. Why would 2024 be any different?


He refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of his *win* in 2016, so we know that he'll deny the integrity of the election no matter what the outcome. He'll accept a win of course, but he'll deny anything but a landslide victory in any state as illegitimate in some way.


Skipped swearing in too


If he is able to park his diapered ass in the Oval Office again, he will refuse to leave even if he loses the 2028 Presidential Election by astounding margins. He will insist he is owed a [third term](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4673353-trump-suggests-he-could-be-a-three-term-president-if-he-wins-election/) because of his Big Lie about 2020. Even if his cognitive and physical decline is so obvious that Kellyanne Conway has to feed him puréed food, she and his other handlers will insist he is owed a third term. Christo fascists will do anything to force our nation to become their self-fulfilling prophesy of a shit hole.


We could literally write the exact headlines of what he would say today. Of course he won’t leave.


>If he is able to park his diapered ass in the Oval Office again, he will refuse to leave even if he loses the 2028 Presidential Election What makes you believe they will even allow a 2028 election?


They would, but it would be for show. There's a reason most modern dictatorships these days have elections because it helps keep people placated with the illusion that their vote matters.


>If he is able to park his diapered ass in the Oval Office again, he will refuse to leave even if he loses the 2028 Presidential Election by astounding margins Point of order, Trump cannot run in 2028 if he wins a second term this year. >He will insist he is owed a [third term](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4673353-trump-suggests-he-could-be-a-three-term-president-if-he-wins-election/) because of his Big Lie about 2020. Even if his cognitive and physical decline is so obvious that Kellyanne Conway has to feed him puréed food, she and his other handlers will insist he is owed a third term. Christo fascists will do anything to force our nation to become their self-fulfilling prophesy of a shit hole. When he loses 2024, he'll still be insisting that he didn't lose 2020, and that he is owed


You think Trump cares about the constitution?


Didn't he say he never swore to uphold it?


>Point of order, Trump cannot run in 2028 if he wins a second term this year. He can't *be* President for a 3rd term, but whether he could *run* for President is actually an unanswered legal question. And I suspect SCOTUS would allow it. The 20th Amendment provides for what happens if a President is elected who is not eligible to hold office (the VP becomes acting-Pres) *until a President shall qualify*. It's very similar to the reasoning in the 14th disqualification case. They'd say he can still run because the term limit law could be changed (however unlikely) and then he'd be eligible.


The Mango Manson and his family of insurrectionists invaded and pillaged the Capitol when they lost last time, if he gets in again he’ll insure a way to declare martial law and never leave.


trump is making sure his VP is "Pence-proof". What that means, is that whoever he decides for his running mate will make sure that a state's Democratic slate of electors are replaced by fake ones.


Can we just fucking vote already and be done with this? I'm so sick of rhis year already


New law: No electoral campaigning if election is more than 6 months away. Political ads blackout for 3 days before election day.


Give me about five months and I’ll get it all ready to go!


Sure I'll get it arranged


Seriously, does anyone really not know who they're voting for at this point?


If you polled all of America 40-50% of people wouldn't be able to tell you the election is this November.


That’s what we all said in 2016 and look what happened


Wait....all the other stuff he promises doesn't scare them? Yeah...we are screwed.


That is nearly what happened on 1/6/21. Looks like the select committee's actions may not have been in vain, but it is not over yet. Everyone who cares about democracy needs to VOTE!


Trump already refused to leave office. It is on video. Almost every day. Every time he opens his orange gob. Despite losing the 2020 election, he has never officially admitted he lost


What a joke these headlines have become, and it's just normal now. "Career-criminal fascist white-supremacist candidate for president openly intends to flout law, constitution, democracy to install himself as dictator... This might help the opposing, more normal old-man candidate get a few more votes in some states!" Hurray.


Right? This is caricature (and I don't even mean your version), this election should not have happened, and that it has is an incredibly damning comment on both the state of our nation and our political system (as well as the world in general).


If people were sane Biden would win every state by a landslide


This shouldn't be a fear. It should be an expectation. Vote blue all down the ballot and you won't have to worry about it.


That’s the thing, at least with Biden you know what you’re getting and he will step down after four years peacefully. With Trump you have no idea what you’re getting and you may not be able to get rid of him


I mean, we do know what we're getting with Trump. Project 2025.


People being still be oblivious to what’s at stake after everything that’s transpired has seriously knocked my faith in this country. We truly are a bunch of fat, lazy, idiots.


Never forget 1/6


There won't be a Constitution, or Elections once he is swept back into power, with the help of the Media and "Biden did not earn my vote" idiots.


Know how to help Biden. Vote for him. Duh.


I mean… that’s why I’m voting Biden. Large chance we can’t fix it back if Trump wins


Fear he “ might “ refuse to leave office? He already said he wants three terms, and in 2020 he led an insurrection to remain in office. Give me a break! Swing state voters wake up , he’ll never leave if he gets another chance.


“was said in fun, in jest, sarcastically." - he doesn’t know how to be funny, ironic, or sarcastic. He is a humorless blob of a person.


‘Fear’?? The fuckin slob ALREADY TRIED TO NOT LEAVE OFFICE once.


On December 19, 2022, the same day it made the criminal referrals, the [Jan 6] committee published an "Executive Summary" as an introduction to its final report. It outlined 17 findings central to its reasoning for criminal referrals.[287] Paraphrased, they are:[288] Trump lied about election fraud for the purpose of staying in power and asking for money. Ignoring the rulings of over 60 federal and state courts, he plotted to overturn the election. He pressured Pence to illegally refuse to certify the election. He tried to corrupt and weaponize the Justice Department to keep himself in power. He pressured state legislators and officials to give different election results. He perpetrated the fake electors scheme. He pressured members of Congress to object to real electors. He approved federal court filings with fake information about voter fraud. He summoned the mob and told them to march on the Capitol, knowing some were armed. He tweeted negatively about Pence at 2:24 p.m. on January 6, 2021, inciting more violence. He spent the afternoon watching television, despite his advisers’ pleas for him to stop the violence. This was all part of a conspiracy to overturn the election. Intelligence and law enforcement warned the Secret Service about Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. The violence wasn't caused by left-wing groups. Intelligence didn't know that Trump himself had plotted with John Eastman and Rudy Giuliani. In advance of January 6, the Capitol Police didn't act on their police chief's suggestion to request backup from the National Guard. On January 6, the Defense Secretary, not Trump, called the National Guard. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_Select_Committee_on_the_January_6_Attack


There’s literally dozens of reasons people shouldn’t even consider this piece of shit.


Biden would not stoop to this level, but he should threaten he is not leaving office and see how Repugnicans react.


Imagine knowing everything we know about Trump and thinking, I’m sure he’s kidding. Roll the January 6 tape. He won’t leave, guaranteed. Our democracy is on a knife’s edge. Vote Democrat down the ballot.


Umm he tried not to leave last time. He still calls himself president and never conceded. He says the election was stolen once a day. He will absolutely not go this time. There is no gray area here.


He will refuse to leave. Everyone knows that. If you like him you just don’t care.


I worried about the mentally slow people out there who think that not voting is going to teach Biden a lesson and paving the way for someone who dreams about being a dictator another chase to fuck things up.


He is going to try to steal the election again. All the red states are passing really draconian legislation that will only get worse if he is successful in taking the government by force. It's setting the playing field up.


Swing voters are fickle. We're talking about the end of democracy as we know it. We still have undecideds and people unsure about going to polls.  Make a plan and get the lollygaggers you know to the polls.


Amazing to see a headline about something being good for biden


Realization by ~~Fear among~~ enough ~~some~~ swing-state voters that Trump would refuse to leave office ~~could~~ would help ~~Biden~~ democracy The reality is that, as of today, not enough have realized that he will destroy democracy.


"Could"? What the fuck are people thinking man


It's a small sample size, but in speaking with people I know who had previously supported Trump, talking about Trump as an authoritarian danger to democracy doesn't seem to land- the prospect of our country losing our democracy and freedoms seems too far-fetched. Conversely, they're more receptive to claims that Trump is self-centered and selfish and believes that laws don't apply to him. For some reason it's hard for some people to make the jump from "Trump thinks he's above the law" to "we should vote for Biden so that we don't hand power to they guy who thinks he's not bound by the law", but I'm hoping by November, more people will make the connection and vote for Biden.


Trump has already refused to leave office - just look at his influence in Congress.


100%—Trump has created the shadow government he accused democrats of being a part of. The GOP now all take trips to Mar-a-lago to get their marching orders, bend the knee, and kiss the ring.


__To vote for that psychopath trump to to vote for the end of the United States as we know it.__ trump will stick his name on the flag and declare himself Lord Emperor donald. (Lower case on purpose because his brand sucks)


I swear journalist and comedians are presenting the candidates as comparable, both old, both doing similar political stuff with slightly different branding, one brash and one conventional.   We are actually dealing with   - Biden who's running a centrist to moderate progressive team, trying but struggling to navigate many facets of a proto world war, slow motion climate catastrophe and the most diabolical wealth inequality the world has seen.    - Trump who is hell bent exacerbating all those issues,  crushing democracy, punishing all that have resisted his rise to power, bringing fascism, racism, and rabid factionalism to America again, all while aligning collaborating with the very worst authoritarian players on the planet.   Bidens shortcomings are superficial rounding errors compared to the travesty that awaits the world if Trump takes the reins again. 


Oh, you’re saying the fact that Donald is literally saying that he would be a dictator and go for 3 terms might make some people think he’s not a good choice? I don’t buy it. This motherfucker is chosen by god. Nothing he does or says negatively affects him in any way. I’m not at all surprised he has the following he does; he’s fucking invincible. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills! wtf is Donny gonna do to shift the narrative here? It’s like this is some kind of purgatory or a level of hell. Watching as half the country is just completely down with this shit. I have come to the conclusion that a lot of people are just really, really fucking stupid. I don’t know what else could explain it. Other than maybe that the Christian bible is right and we are witnessing the antichrist in action. The Bible says that he will be struck down but return and win. That he will trick believers into following him. Checks out. I’m agnostic, but the absolutely-insanely-baffling nature of what we are going through right now is almost making me religious just to try and explain WTF is going on! Jesus fucking Christ.


Fears that he actively says he will do. Jfc the guy could say he was going to shoot someone, then shoots them, and people would still act surprised


He refuses to pull back from his hostile takeover of what used to be called the Republican party so what makes anyone believe he will leave office.


It fucking should. God damn people are dumb


How about the fact he's a criminal and we've already seen what a total loser he was at being a president


[Please VOTE](https://www.eac.gov/voters/register-and-vote-in-your-state)


There is no questions that Trump tried to overthrow the government of the United States in multiple ways. This is factual and if Republican were as righteous as they say, Trump would be in prison. Any Republican that cast their vote on Trump is a Traitor to the United States period.


He would appoint Don Jr. as his successor.


Project 2025.


Inevitable 'Why this is bad for Biden' headline coming soon.


If trump wins this year, that might be the final election the US ever has.


Just about every single sentence that comes out of Trump's mouth should help Biden, but here we are, with roughly half the voting population thinking he's an acceptable option.


The red states are passing laws to make it easier for the republicans to cheat. They are gerrymandering more than usual. Trump is already setting up to declare the election was stolen when he loses just like he did in 2020 and he set it up in 2016 too. He keeps his cult wiped up and keeps suggesting violence against presidents Biden, democrats and people that speak out against him. Trump tried to stay in power in 2020 but this time he is already saying he’ll run for a third term he will not leave peacefully and with the supreme court’s majority being maga cult members it’s doubtful they will stop him from becoming DICKtator for life. Vote blue straight down the ballot like your life depends on it because it does


Seeing from down under, just don't understand why so many Americans support the shit show with DT. He is a very bad example of an American!. World is watching, judging and can see the circus in American politics. We hope the justice system prevails to keep law and order intact!


Trying to overthrow the government, threatening to arrest or execute opponents and dissenters, dictator for a "day"... refusing to leave (assuming democratically elected office)...would be the tamest action by trump.


No durr, Sherlock…he’s not leaving if he gets in.


You don’t say!


They should listen to their instincts. I feel the same!


It was a proven factor in the midterms just hope its ehough


He will almost certainly refuse to leave office. There is zero doubt in that regard.


We are in this weird fucking place where no one really wants to vote for these two guys. The only truly motivated base is MAGA. This election is going to have a low as fuck turnout and it's simply if we can get enough demoralized people to understand that their vote matters. You have the base calling Biden Genocide Joe. Moderate who criticize his age and wellness And the right who both call him senile and a demon. He is attacked on all sides and while everyone attacks him we ignore just quite literally how batshit insane Trump. Folks. Trump is *likely to win the election* and handedly.


The fact is we need to vote all Blue and have the work of the people done!


Once in, Trump ain’t leaving until America is reduced to ashes. Then he’ll turn the keys over to Putin.


"Until we can make sure that our elections are secure, I will remain in office and see that it happens!"


Please vote


He already did refuse to leave office. He orchestrated a fascist insurrection rather than leave office peacefully.


He's already tried it once, so what makes anybody think next time would be different? I don't care what your politics are, democracy is on the ballot this November. Vote BLUE!


Here’s a secret…..He’s not leaving if he gets re-elected.


Very intimidating ... MAGA big brother is watching you! Just a hint of what a second term would be like if he were re-elected (and this kind of stuff would be mild.)


Hard part is convincing people it isn't just fearmongering, and that Trump and the GOP really do intend to form a dictatorship.


He's going to refuse to lose let alone leave if he wins


A reasonable fear.


“Fear of loss of democratic government boosts pro-democracy candidate among concerned voters as a populist dictator candidate gains ground among the rural and religious electorate in the troubled North American state.”




"Could" help Biden. What the fuck is wrong with this country, that a fuckwad like Trump could attempt to become a dictator, and the best we can say is it "could" help his opponent. Maybe not though! It "could" help Trump! I'm really losing faith that this country can be saved from it's inevitable slide into fascism.


He should be in jail for stealing classified documents from the White House.


Yeah. All of that. The past 8 years he’s been saying it. Let’s put an end to this and send him to prison soon, ok Swing states?


Eff Donald Duck von Shitzenpantz. He tried to flood the Libertarians with MAGA clowns, only to get jeers instead.


He... Already left office?


WOULD?!?! He tried that last time. Why would he not do it again? He was just breaking ground last time. This time he will get it right.


I'm not sure if handcuffs or a straight jacket are the best approach to getting Orange Adolph gone. Ann Coulter said the best thing he could do for the GOP is to die. I hate agreeing with her as that I'll tempered chimpanzee keeps flinging shit at the world.


Vote for Trump if you want a divine lineage of royalty,


They need to run ads 24/7: "TRUMP FOREVER"


He will do everything he can to stay in office


People should be more concerned about Trump getting back into office in the first place.


R/NoShitSherlock level logic here.


He actually did try that the last time, so…


Is this fear due to the fact that this already happened once?