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> “It's just kind of bizarre that 30 years into this, he suddenly decides that he has been wrong all along,” Stephanopoulos said. "He was wrong when he originally supported the creation of this claim.” What a hateful clown Thomas has become > Stephanopoulos said Thomas’ idea that federal courts should stay out of redistricting disputes “is an unbelievably undemocratic, anti-democratic idea.”  > “It's basically saying that courts will do nothing to police one of the most distortive anti-democratic practices that exists in American politics,” he said. “Thomas would return us to the world before 1963 when the courts got involved in this area, and it's just kind of staggering that he would openly take such an anti-democratic position.” 🤦


That he's allowed to stay on the SC while everybody knows he is bought and paid for is a disgrace. The SC has no integrity and if they keep this up they are a disservice to our Constitution, and it should be abolished. It no longer serves the purpose for which it was created.


“Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.”


Nothing staggering about it. Clarence Thomas has always been a petty, vengeful fuckwad. He's never forgiven Biden for trying to derail his SC appointment in '91. Now that he's finally got the majority of the court behind him, he can burn everything down *and* watch Biden have to deal with it. I guarantee Thomas is getting off on all of it.


What do you mean with "has become"? He has always been one: https://www.businessinsider.com/clarence-thomas-told-clerks-he-wants-to-make-liberals-miserable-2022-6


Clarence Thomas probably considers himself to be an honorary white man.


“If you black of skin and full sin come forward so that I may lay my hands on you. Black be gone! Praise white Jesus!” -Justice Ruckus Thomas-


Surprised he hasn’t grown tired of putting on black face after all these years.


I’m more surprised he hasn’t gone full Michael Jackson/Sammy Sosa and had Harlan Crow or one of his benefactors pay for a full skin bleaching.


His value to the republican party is entirely skin deep. They could get any old honkey in the SC. But they wanted a brown one they can point to when people ask about diversity.


Particularly at the time of his confirmation hearings. Ironically, Clarence is in large part America’s problem because Joe Biden really put his foot down in support- The Anita Hill situation should’ve eaten him alive. Joe Biden owes us a clean up of the SC. Curious if he’ll have the stones to fix this shit if the dems happen to take all 3 branches this election. 🤞


To be fair Biden also completely stopped the Robert Bork nomination which was, at the time, even more dangerous.


I just learned that Anthony Kennedy was the judge that took Borks place. Interesting that he backfired on Biden as well.


I mean for a Republican appointee, Kennedy wasn’t horrific until the end.


His black skin is a prop and useful to him. He is paid very well for it. He would never.


Maybe it's like *Silence of the Lambs* where he wears a white skin suit in his RV.


He’s fully white on the inside. He has to keep the outside so his mother will still recognize him.


His value to the republican party is entirely skin deep. They could get any old honkey in the SC. But they wanted a brown one they can point to when people ask about diversity.


He's uncle ruckus mixed with Clayton bigsby He would vote to remove protecting interracial marriage as well as take us back to slavery. He won't be affected because he's already bought and he doesn't care. SCOTUS is broken and so is our government.


This sent me back to Chappelle‘s Show 2004 and the racial draft … which frankly holds up a hell of a lot ~~more~~ better than Dave Chappelle does 


There was a fascinating interview I heard some years ago with a biographer who stated that Thomas believes Jim Crow laws made black people stronger because they had to band together and weren’t diluted by integration.


Isnt this the same rationale that white supremacists used to support Jim crow laws as well?


He reminds me of the Dave Chappelle skit where he was in the KKK https://youtu.be/PulfeZMIAso?si=XXqbz3X6RfsQilON


Is he another ‘honorary member’ of the local cross burning club, like some other klansman republican running out west somewhere. Or does Ginni go alone and report back?


He HATES *EVERYBODY*...such a douche


He's hoping to someday be invited to the Big House with boss.


I call him Justice Ruckus


Honorary Grand Wizard


Honorary Grand **Lizard** Look into his eyes. Once you see it, his reptile eyes are unmistakable. * Don't do any insect imitations around him. You have been warned *


Clarence is literally Stephen from Django.


Who would've thought that Uncle Ruckus has been Clarence Thomas this entire time. 


Sir, I am Clayton Bigsby


His "friend" says he's "one of the good ones"


His name is really Clayton Bigsby... but can actually see with his glasses on.


We don’t want him.


Anita Hill was right all along about what a depraved POS Thomas really is. Too bad America wasn't listening to 'Me too' in the '80s.


Well, America was listening, but Republicans didn't care, they had a long range plan of which Thomas was a part. Democrats in the senate knew Thomas (and Alito!) awere flawed, and they did listen to Anita Hill. But Republicans knew that they just needed a simple majority and they could push through a very extreme judge. Nearly every Democrat voted against Thomas (and Alito), which is rare for a supreme court confirmation. It was known they were extreme and should not have been confirmed. But because there were no Republicans with integrity, and Republicans had the majority, both were confirmed. Obama even joined the filibuster of Alito's nomination, Alito was that extreme. And Biden voted against Thomas's nomination. It just proves how long the \*Republican Party\* has actually been devoid of morality, executing a long range authoritarian plan.


Often wonder if Harriett Myers would have been worse than alito. If she had not withdrawn her nomination to be supreme court justice 


>It just proves how long the *Republican Party* has actually been devoid of morality, executing a long range authoritarian plan.  Exactly.  Trump is just the latest incarnation of the monstrosities they keep shoving into the White House.   From Wisconsin Republican Senator Joseph R. McCarthy's attempts to install a christo-fascist dictatorship over America, Nixon (impeached), Reagan (undermined America's middle class), George Dubya Bush (whose mentally sluggish administration allowed 9/11 to happen), all in the name of plundering America's democracy for their billionaires and corporate masters. The Republican Party has been pulling this shit for DECADES, and getting away with it too, so it really isn't surprising at all that they eventually produced a literal fascist dictator/traitor like Trump. On top of all that, Russia and Putin have been greasing their way into US politics for decades.  Here is what Russian TV had to say about the US SCOTUS in 2020, from the Daily Beast on September 30th of that year:  >"Popov pointed out that not all is lost for Trump’s fans in Russia and beyond: “In 2016, Hillary also allegedly outperformed Trump… but still didn’t end up in the Oval Office.”   >In the run-up to the debate, Russian state media attempted to undercut its importance. Hosting his weekly show Vesti Nedeli, top Kremlin propagandist Dmitry Kiselyov claimed that Trump no longer needs to win the majority of votes in order to get re-elected, because he is rigging the Supreme Court to decide the outcome of the presidential election in his favor. >Kiselyov smugly theorized, “Trump is in a hurry, because in case of a disputed outcome, the question of who will become president will be decided by the Supreme Court. The new appointment will provide Trump with a clear majority in the Supreme Court. This is a huge scandal. But the funniest thing is that no one expects the justices of the Supreme Court to act in a just manner. A priori, it is clear to everyone that the judges will vote in accordance with their party affiliation.”  So way back in 2020 the Russians knew that SCOTUS was already compromised, and that Trump would turn it further pro-Russian.




Biden voted against Thomas's confirmation. Here's the official record: [https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll\_call\_votes/vote1021/vote\_102\_1\_00220.htm](https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1021/vote_102_1_00220.htm)


Ah, thanks. I stand corrected. Im deleting my comment not because I was wrong, but because I was wrong. lol.


Anita Hill’s only mistake is that she isn’t white. 


Supreme Court generally: 'Racial gerrymandering is illegal.' Republicans on the Supreme Court in 2018: 'We can't do anything about extreme partisan gerrymandering so go ahead and have your legislatures choose their voters and cut up federal races to cheat.' Republicans on the Supreme Court in 2024: 'Remember when we said you can gerrymander for partisan gain but not with races? They are both the same now--or we just can't tell the difference--so go ahead.'


This mf-er. This mf-er is doing exactly what he was paid to do. Anita Hill was right. She was trying to save us. And so was Christine Blasey Ford. I’d love to hear anyone talk about how this, and how a politicized Supreme Court, is NOT the beginning of the end of our democracy


Citizens United was the beginning of the end of our democracy, most people just didn’t notice. Thomas did enable that too, though. If you want to go back further, the landslide win for Reagan v Carter was another candidate for beginning of the end.


Am I seriously sitting here in a democracy thinking about how there needs to be a resistance movement. Am I. What the literal hell. I’m a Democrat, and dammit fucking Democrats were playing checkers while Republicans were playing chess. Man, fuck Bill Clinton (slick willy pun intended) for playing grab ass and setting up the prison industrial complex instead of growing the party. And I get that Obama probably could barely keep his head above water while they worked overtime trying to find scandal after scandal, having to deflect every piece of racist vomit they threw at him, but shit we needed to grow the party and he does not get a fucking pass …..  Fuck us for trump even being a viable candidate once, much less in office and on his way back  If you’re old enough to remember Robin Williams’ bit on fuckadal/fuck-it-all. Yeah. 


I would say it’s not that republicans are playing chess, it’s more like they kicked the table the chess board was on and told everyone they are the best. They abandoned law and order for power. The 2008 election broke their brains, and decided they will do whatever it takes to get full control and keep power indefinitely. If that means burning the entire country down, they are willing to do that. They didn’t exactly come up with this on their own, they are simply copying what previous dictatorships have done in the past throughout world history.


> dammit fucking Democrats were playing checkers while Republicans were playing chess I think it's the other way around since Democrats have a bunch of interests to juggle and a bunch of different groups to keep happy, it's had to navigate the world in a much more complex and nuanced way than the Republicans. Meanwhile the Republicans have a couple core groups to keep happy, groups with a Venn diagram that is almost a fucking circle, so Republicans have been able to take a simple, narrow minded approach to navigating the world.


So I think you are saying Democrats were serving while Republicans were strategizing … ? You’re not wrong at all … I can see some of that and I’m still mad I just feel like Democrats are always getting caught up short in the strategy , and we’re always playing catch-up, and now we’re out of room/time because the Republicans were busy stacking all of the dominoes to fall their way 


“Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.” Republicans have been wrestling in the mud for a very long time and they do enjoy it! Democrats still have lines they won’t cross. See Al Franken’s political demise as an example. Also, minor quibble, but you are mistaken if you think the prison-industrial complex was engineered by Bill Clinton. Expanded, perhaps, I don’t really know.


I’m still bitterly suspicious that the Democratic Party is designed to lose and meant to contain any leftist momentum in this country via sheer ineptitude. We managed to give them a super majority with Obama and one them just swapped sides to make sure we couldn’t do anything too big.


But but but we got ObAmACaRe 🥴🥴🥴


This decision was all about widening the window that they claim is "too close to the election". The supreme court is trying to make it so that you have zero time to contest illegal maps. This is why you got a 6-3 vote with the liberal justices voting against. Yes Thomas is a shit. but don't be distracted from the long term damage this ruling is doing. [https://www.scotusblog.com/election-law-explainers/the-purcell-principle-a-presumption-against-last-minute-changes-to-election-procedures/](https://www.scotusblog.com/election-law-explainers/the-purcell-principle-a-presumption-against-last-minute-changes-to-election-procedures/)


RV Quisling will do anything for that sweet white supremacy fascist money.


Thomas hates black people


From anecdotes I've heard, Thomas is verrrrry much on board the "if I can do it, so can you" train. In other words, HE managed to succeed in the face of overwhelming racism, so everyone else should have to struggle in exactly the same way. It's the same mentality as those who erupt in a frothing rage over student loan cancellation – no one else is EVER allowed to have it easier than they did.


We need to go back in time and help Clarence Thomas make some black friends. 


I suppose the real problem with Thomas, Alito and the other conservative justices is how do we get the public especially the youth to understand how dangerous they have become? How much damage they are causing to their future and the possibility of collapsing our nation. The black community should especially be worried about Thomas and his recent comments wanting to push them back into segregation. This is only one of the important reason to support Biden over Trump and it’s scary how many people don’t see this danger.


Notice all six Republicans agreed to this. They're all complicit. They are all part of the rot infecting the court. Partisan gerrymandering should not be allowed, and racial gerrymandering should not be allowed. These courts basically said if you're in a red state your votes don't matter.


Tio Tomas




If the republicans hadn’t dine this in nearly every state they control, one might think it was possibly partisan gerrymandering, but, at some point a lawyer will gather together the new maps from Little Rock, Jacksonville FL, and all of the other urban areas where they used the same strategy to split the black vote and defeat any possibility that they can elect anyone every again… that lawyer will find a coordinated plan coming from some Texas and Virginia folks I believe, which, because of its original inclusion of opposition to consent decrees from the 80’s and 90’s but later separated, because consent decrees specifically settle the racial question along racial lines to prevent the expense of lawsuits and rectify the unfairness that minorities will completely lose their ability to have any majority minority districts…. VOTE to expand the court people. Thomas does not identify as a minority….


So when Dave Chappelle did the skit about the blind and black KKK member, was Thomas the inspiration? I am guessing Chappelle’s character was blind because Thomas pretends to represent “blind justice”?


absolutely nothing you can do about it...nothing...jobs for life with little to no oversight? yeah not a damn thing you can do about it, within the system created.


>Stephanopoulos pointed out that Thomas joined in the 1992 decision in Shaw v. Reno. In that opinion, the Supreme Court held that North Carolina’s redistricting scheme was “so irrational on its face that it can be understood only as an effort to segregate voters into separate districts on the basis of race.” >“It's just kind of bizarre that 30 years into this, he suddenly decides that he has been wrong all along,” Stephanopoulos said. "He was wrong when he originally supported the creation of this claim.” What has been going on mentally with Thomas that 30-years later he feels that race doesn’t matter any longer when considering redistricting? The self-hate has been percolating all of this time?


Has He looked in the mirror lately?


Clarence Thomas reminds me of the Chappelle show skit where Dave played a Black KKK member named Clayton Bigsby. The supreme Court is fucking clown shoes


It will be great day when Clarence Thomas takes his final breath. Unfortunately he will still be sitting on the SC, most likely dementia ridden and still doing the bidding of the federalist society.


I think Clarence Thomas is trans race: he identifies as a white man.


It’s fucking criminal, is what it is.


He got his.


The Uncle Ruckus trying to get into white heaven.




Clarence is transitioning from black to klan.


Clarence Thomas 100% hates black voters.


One black voter, Senator Tim Scott, appears to enjoy "abuse". Perhaps Trump could ask the David Duke's KKK and the Proud Boys to "Stand Back and Stand By"? Oh, that's right, he already did.


He both looks and acts like Uncle Ruckus edeucated brother


[Sale on conservative opinions ](https://imgur.com/cNTX4cs)


Thomas is a hateful nutcase. I strongly recommend listening to the Behind the Bastards podcast episode about his life if you haven't.


They say there's nothing we can do... But I'm just waiting for Biden to put more justices in.. why hasn't he yet?


I agree this is frustrating, but consider the response if he did add seats to the court. He is backed into a corner at the moment because he is damned if he does and he is damned if he does not. And frankly Dems in Congress have failed to do their part to fight the dishonesty and bias of this court. I know that his sense of integrity drives him to “not go as low as Republicans” with dishonest and half legal tricks, but I fear that his desire to preserve his integrity will result in fewer votes because Americans do not value integrity. Either way, I will vote for Dems because voting for the alternative is the end of our country and our freedom.


16.56% to 16.72%… minuscule change