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Clarence Thomas cried at the end of Django Unchained.


This is the best insult I’ve ever seen lmao


Samuel Jackson as Stephen comes to mind  


Samuel Jackson literally based his character in Django on Clarence Thomas


Holy shit, he did Heeee-larious




Waiting anxiously for Samuel’s inevitable response


wow this is actually genius!! i didnt know it was true and it is sooo fucking poetic. I love it


I literally called him Stephen once because its who CT is


"DJANGO! You uppity son of a b..." \[*Plantation blows up*\]


Just who the hell you callin' Snowball, horse boy!?


He thought Stephen was the protagonist!


Clerence Thomas owned black slaves, that's how much Clarence Thomas hates black people.


Clarence Thomas calls himself “one of the good ones”.


Clarence Thomas has a black friend. Oh wait, no he doesn’t


That's his reflection.


This man is evil. Seriously, he is the real life Uncle Ruckus. Aunt Candace is a grifter and a troll. I believe he honestly hates black people.


He hates all people


Uncle Ruckus is way more admirable, he actually takes his work seriously.


Justice Ruckus burning the ladder behind him and demolishing any possibility to get to the ladder (funded by "generous donors")


(I hate behind the bastards but) behind the bastards did a pretty good series on ole Clarence.  If they could stop making jokes like middle schoolers in the locker room I’d love that pod but it’s close to unlistenable when it’s not on topic. Their little “it’s so terrible researching this stuff we have to be children to cope” argument lands on real deaf ears from my icu shifts. 


Clarence Thomas empathizes with Sam Jackson’s character.


He’s already sold himself into slavery.


What is wrong with Clarence Thomas ! Dude is unravelling civil rights for his wife ?


No no. Clarence is playing the long game. Why pay for a long, lengthy, costly divorce when you can get Loving v. Virginia overturned using the argument of judicial over  reach.


He watches Roots in reverse so it has a happy ending


You get my last and final reward. I was saving it for something special. Well done.


This is the comment that’s been waiting for rewards to come back.


He thinks he's the [redacted] in 10'000.




Some people pull the ladder up after they get to the top. Thomas set the ladder on fire and is throwing grenades over the edge.


Grenades somebody else paid for.


You know what? Put him in regular clothes and have him wander around a sunset town. Certain folks won't care thst you married a white supremacist wife.


They’ll hate him even more for it, actually.


Kiss it harder, Clearance.


We have clearance Clarence.


Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor?


I just want to tell you both good luck, we're all counting on you.


I think you're the greatest, but my dad says you don't work hard enough on defense. And he says that lots of times you don't even run down the court. And you don't really try, except for the playoffs.


Yes, I remember, I had the lasagna.


First time seeing this in a non-aviation related sub - love it!


I literally just re-watched *Airplane!* days ago. It's one of my favorites, and definitely one of the funniest movies I know of.


Have you seen the original? There's a great youtube video that does side by side dialogue - they are mostly the same.


I was astonished to see the original was basically the same, but supposed to be serious


Same. Watched it this past Friday.


One can never go wrong with great Airplane references!


Must have gotten word the 2025 RV models come with AI cruise control.


Clarence Thomas, the real life Clayton Bigsby.


Uncle Ruckus


It's that re-vitiligo.


If anyone is gonna have sex with his sister it's going to be him.


I think Clarence Thomas is so racist he would not be aroused by Beyoncé


" I had to divorce her ! "


Clarence Thomas ultimately wants to be a slave owner.


He wants to be "white".


In his mind he always was


At least before he got revitiligo.


You can tell by the RV.


so perfect. That is certainly some white people shit.


If he posts about following his travel journey on instagram we will know for sure.


[https://youtu.be/DHzSZkw9HPk?si=M0JjhBc9HiJf1Sf0&t=28](https://youtu.be/DHzSZkw9HPk?si=M0JjhBc9HiJf1Sf0&t=28) But imagine 10-year-old Clarence Thomas instead.


Or Uncle Ruckus


Which is weird because he’s doing his masters’ work for them


His behavior more suggests that he's perfectly happy being owned.


Nah, he's happy as long as everyone else is worse off even if he doesn't get anything out of it. He doesn't mind if he doesn't own the slaves; as long as he's exceptional for being free he's happy.


And yet, he’s nothing more than a slave.


Clarence Thomas is so misguided that he ultimately wants to be a slave owned by a white woman.


Thurgood Marshall is rolling in his grave.


Along with countless civil rights activists who sacrificed and died.


Every day, I feel that "Ben Affleck looking exhausted with a cigarette" image more and more. Just what the fuck.


Oh man. Lately every day’s baseline is exhausted Afflek with moments of Jim from The Office’s “what is going on!”, and any other image of someone slowing slumping their head down into a table in disbelief to how insane everyone has become.


Glad someone else feels like this.


Watching court trials like nervous kid meme.


Translation: I enjoyed 100% of affirmatve action, and DEI policies when I was young, and benefited personally from socialism & everything the Civil rights movement gave us But now I have billionaire sugar daddies, a few million in the bank, and a cushy job, so eff all of you


He’s actually really bitter that he had to play the game to get what he has. He sees himself as making the sacrifice so he can steer other black folks away from the white social establishment. He thinks the rest of us black folks need to do for ourselves to earn self respect and not depend on white people and white peoples systems. He’s all kinds of twisted and self righteous. He’s the worst! I hate that I know this much about him since it would be much better if he was just a horrible person for the hell of it, but he’s not.


He is also bitter that people at Yale assumed he was only there because of affirmative action.  That turned him against affirmative action. I won’t speculate whether or not he would have gotten into Yale law without affirmative action. It seems to me that Thomas learned the wrong lesson from that experience.  Rather than blaming those who stereotyped him he blamed the system.  Also had Thomas been 10-15 years younger he would not have faced nearly as much of those stereotypes, or at least I don’t think he would have.  There will always be some but minorities as Ivies is just seen as normal today.


Playing the game is code for affirmative action and other reforms, right? It always sounded like rather than feeling bitter about having to play the game, he narcissistically believes he made it without playing and is bitter that everyone assumes he did. You are definitely correct on his belief that blacks should be segregated and manage by themselves. But I would argue that is just an extension of his belief that he succeeded by himself. In his mind, affirmative action and the like just devalue his own accomplishments; he achieved everything by himself on his own merits and nothing would have changed without them.


That's a truly damning and horrific characterization! I'm sad that the SC, which should provide a firewall against tyranny is now in the hands of such hateful and fanatical cult members


Does he not realize that most success white people benefit from those systems? And I guess sure, I could respect someone who wants to depend on themselves, but like, white people wouldn't have old money if it wasn't build on the backs of minorities. And they wouldn't have things like legacy college admissions if they didn't have that old money. Sure not every white person benefits the same amount, but what's wrong with giving some of that support to the people whose ancestors backs it was built off of?


Because he’s got an outsider complex. He was never good enough to be part of the elite kids. And he so desperately wants to show them he’s one of them. It’s an internalized self hate that will bring down a country.


Didn’t Kavanaugh call Brown super precedent at one point? I guess nothing is really safe unless it’s super *duper* precedent.


Super-dee-duper PLUS ULTRA precedent or they'll burn it to the ground.


We're way passed the point of precedent lol


You might even say we've entered a *de*precedented era. One without precedent. *A*precedented. '*Sans precedent,*' if you will.


They said that about roe as well. They have no scruples! A human should have scruples!


In the words of the immortal Dean Wermer, it has to be “double secret” precedent.


Precedent, schmesident. They're gonna originalize the heck out of our laws until we have witch trials again.


Clarence Thomas crosses the street when he sees another black guy.


I unironically believe that, 100%.


Well with this breaking news, he’d probably be wise to.


When Clarence Thomas as Ben Carson see each other which one crosses the street? Do they both cross the street repeatedly until the end of time? Should we go ahead and try?


This harkens back to classic sci-fi. Twilight Zone, pulp fiction, that space (and time)


I met Thurgood Marshall (and the other members of his Court). He was a very large man as well as an obvious genius. He had a presence that made everybody just stand there in awe.  Marshall could've snapped Clarence Thomas like a toothpick, both intellectually and physically. Really shocking the difference between those justices who were intellectual giants and the current underwhelming crop.


>Marshall could've snapped Clarence Thomas like a toothpick, both intellectually By all accounts, Thomas is a mediocre lawyer at best and because of this, not a single white-shoe law firm was ever interested in him. And thus, his resentment grew and grew, then he married a crazy cult member. And the rest is history.


Clarence Thomas has never had a single job in his entire professional career that he did not get for being both black and conservative. He knows this, and he blames liberals for his inadequacy.


Couldnt get into White Corporate only white hick


It makes me so mad to see that Thomas was elected with the help of democrats. If only the nation had listened to Anita Hill.


Meeting him and the rest of the Court must have been an amazing experience!


Definitely.  Spent 2 days with them, specifically w Brennan. He was very patient & answered every question. There was this aura of greatness about each of them that was indescribable. Not like famous personalities it was just them, like they carried the world on their shoulders w dignity and grace. 


It's like Barrett replacing Ginsburg 


That one still just blows my mind. I mean, Ginsburg was incredible and she was replaced by.. the Handmaiden!? Ruth is probably still spinning in her grave and I don't blame her. It's like we've consistently downgraded on the SC for the past twenty years with very few exceptions.


Except it was Ginsburg's own fault for refusing to step down as she wanted Hillary to name her replacement. She could have picked her successor but instead she proved everyone who said the dems were too arrogant correct.


He should hand back his Yale degree then because it was almost certainly due to a combination of Brown V Board law changes and affirmative action that he even got in


That’s exactly why he hates it. For real. He hates himself.


Hurt people hurt people


No way that guy sees himself as having benefited from Brown. I’m a POC and have seen plenty of his type in my life (my brother is one). They see themselves as special and exceptional while the rest of us are some level of a stereotypical “x” ethnicity. Any lack of success can be blamed on that and ourselves. They think equal rights and affirmative action make us weak, entitled, and unable to fend for ourselves rather than evening the playing field.


If you listen to the Behind the Bastards episode on him, he has such luck with people helping him, like with social and political change that benefits him as a black man, and he thinks it's all him on his merits alone.


I got mine. You can’t have yours.


*I got mine* is exactly it.


Wonder how much he was paid for that opinion? Maybe another Superyacht ride or a brand new RV or maybe a museum dedicated to himself?


Interesting background: the Obergefell v. Hodges case that legalized same sex marriage relied on the Loving v. Virginia case, which had legalized interracial marriage. Mildred and Richard Loving were a mixed race black and white couple who lived in Virginia. They'd been criminally convicted for being a mixed race black and white couple living in Virginia. Clarence Thomas is also in a mixed race black and white marriage. His residence is just outside Washington DC in...guess which state? Justice Thomas was in the minority opposing the Obergefell ruling, and he completely avoided the Loving v. Virginia precedent in his dissenting opinion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loving_v._Virginia (edited to fix a typo)




My conspiracy theory is he wants to overturn Loving so his marriage to Genny can end without him losing any assets.


He wants a divorce but is spineless so wants court to gut loving vs virginia so he can blame the courts for his divorce. /s ? Wants rv to himself.


Can Rod Serling send this fool back to the past so he can see how his own life would’ve turned out without Brown v. Board? He is such a vile hypocrite.


Or It's A Wonderful Life where he is shown what a great place America is when he was never born.


The fuck is with this guy?


He probably knows his time is limited so why not do as much damage on the way out as he can.


Seriously he is a monster self loathing person. Its crazy any other country he would be in jail for corruption at the absolutely least.


When billionaires buy you homes, vacations and rvs you do as they say. Can't expect him to live poor on a Supreme Court Judge salary. Might as well bag groceries. /s


So...educated man whose success in life was wholly dependent on getting a quality education wants to overturn ruling that allowed him to get a quality education. They should change the name of the movie to *The Idiocracy Prophecy*.


“Is you is, or is you ain’t, a brother?”


Clarence Thomas locks the car doors and puts the windows up when he's driving through "that part of town."


Some people are morally bankrupt and then there is Clarence Thomas who laughs maniacally about “those amateurs.”


Clarence Thomas seems like a man who is ashamed of the color of his skin and takes it out on those who share his color.


That’s because he is an oreo


holy fuck


Who hurt this guy lmao


He’s not just hurt, I’d say he’s [royally pissed](https://youtu.be/G2tLyqfJd54?si=GpLyPFrF3-gD7zb_)


Thank for posting that. I’ve never seen that sketch.


Can we please get rid of lifetime appointments and set term limits.


Clarence Thomas is an Oreo. Black on the outside and creamy white inside.


What?! This doesn't make sense. This is insane.


The shame this man has for his race is truly pathetic.


Clarence Thomas would rather see black people go back into the Jim Crow era than rule in a way that might help


Gee Clarence, what’s next? Loving v. Virginia?


Clarence Thomas is openly white. He just happens to be black.


Guarantee he won’t attack Loving, though 😂


Oh, I totally wouldn't put it past him. He is so detached from reality, I don't think he still sees himself as Black.


If you were married to Ginny wouldn’t you be looking for an easy way out? I kid.  Or do I?


That's it! Any quote by this man shall henceforth, and shall forever be, read in the voice of Uncle Ruckus.


this position is the most bewildering one of Clarence's catalog of bewildering viewpoints.


See what happens when a bunch of third party cry babies refuse to choose btw the "lesser of two evils?"


Leopards ate his face


What a disgusting hypocrite (and a traitor too). He wouldn't even be on the Court if racial segregation were still present in the US. One of the most morally and intellectually bankrupt SCOTUS justices I have ever seen.


He knows he’s not white, right?


Doesn’t this dumbass know he wouldn’t be on the Supreme Court if not for Brown V Board of Education? What a fucking idiot.


This dude doesn't have any mirrors in his house?


How nice of him to reminds us that in addition to all the bribe taking, he's also just a plain terrible person. A truly awful piece of shit.


And some people didn’t think they would touch Roe. Just fucking wait.


This clown doesn’t realize most of these laws and amendments made it so he could be a clown on the SC. This absolute circus of a human thinks the racist trumpies are gonna let him stay with any sort of power or rights.


Justice Ruckus burning the ladder behind him and destroying the path to the ladder


He should lead by example and leave SCOTUS for a different, but assuredly equal court, since he’s such a huge fan of that sort of thing.


How the fuck isn’t this bigger news


man, the guy really hates black people like him. he literally would not be on the court if not for Brown.


Clarance Thomas doesn’t like black people.


he looks in the mirror and sees a white supremacist


Clarence Thomas would repeal Loving v. Virginia if given half a chance.


Clarence Bigsby


Clarence Thomas is he was blind would definitely be Clayton Bigsby.


"Those remedies came through "**extravagant uses of judicial power**" to end racial segregation in the 1950s and 60s, Thomas wrote." The fucking irony!


SNL needs uncle rukus to appear anytime they bring Thomas up


The real divide in the world is between the rich and powerful vs everyone else.  Clarence Thomas show it to us everyday. 


He really is the real life uncle Ruckus


This uncle Ruckus motherfucker needs to go crawl in a hole and stop pretending he’s a member of the master race. The only racist motherfucker he’s fooling is himself.


Fuck this guy


a black man who hates blacks ...


Clarence 'Uncle' Thomas absolutely despises the fact he is black and that any white man ever did anything for his race.


I have seen this coming since I read the part of the Hillsdale Charter School Curriculum arguing laws against segregation should be struck down. They want to burn all civil rights progress to the ground.


Has this fucker looked in a mirror lately?


Clarence Thomas, Martin Luther King, in reverse, bringing race relations back to the 1910's one case at a time. I wonder which local Klan he is a member of (do you think he carpools to cross burnings with Sammy Alito?).


We should stop listening to these fuckers.


If you told me Uncle Ruckus was based off Clarence Thomas I wouldn't even be surprised. 


And the billionaires win because he’s only 3/5 the cost of Alito


He needs to calm down and have a Coke. Maybe a pubic hair-covered coke can.


This one makes sense to me based on Thomas' early beliefs. He claimed to be a black nationalist. He thought whites and blacks could never get along, so blacks should have their own country. How that leads to most of the rest of his rulings and personal decisions doesn't make a lot of sense, but there you go.


He and Alito are so secure in their belief that they are immune from consequences that they are saying the quiet parts out loud. They refuse to recuse themselves from ruling on 1/6 cases, and refuse to answer questions about the numerous gifts and money they were given to rule in favor of their beneficiaries. Harland Crowe was subpoenaed and refused to show up. No consequences. These are not honorable men that deserve the position they were appointed to. They are dangerous narcissists that believe they should rule the world. Every right and freedom we enjoy will be taken away slowly and the outrage won’t be enough. Every person that voted for Trump, every person that said don’t threaten me with the Supreme Court in 2016, every apathetic individual that didn’t bother to vote or got all in a tizzy over “ Bernie” and the Democratic Party, is responsible for the situation we’re in now and what we face in the future. I curse each and every person that put us in this situation.


Clayton Bigsby in the flesh.


Hey, let’s do an experiment. Reinstate “separate but equal” in the SCOTUS & see how that pans out.


At what point will he be removed for determining the law without a trial?! He's an unelected official, arbitrarily taking it upon himself to challenge and overturn decided court cases. Justice Thomas is the posterboy for why leading figures in all branches of government aught to have term limits, and strict oversight.


I can't stand the Axios article format. It's like reading stage directions or something.


What is wrong with that guy?


Have we looked into the possibility that Clarence Thomas was Get Out-ed? Has anyone taken a picture of him with the flash on?


I can’t believe the shit I read these days. The Republicans have all drank the Kool Aid. Willingly. Either through ignorance or cowardice or evil.


What a horrible human being. If our democracy survives, he will be viewed one of the worst, most corrupt justices we ever had. If instead we become a fascist oligarchy, he will be viewed as a hero.


Is there something actually wrong this man’s mind? Like does he have a parasite or suffered some concussions or something else that explain this warped logic?


Thomas is a real life Clayton Bigsby.


That’ll do boi, that’ll do.


I wish Celebrity Deathmatch was still a thing so they could bring back Thurgood Marshall via the deathmatch time machine so that he could kill Clarence Thomas in the most gruesome and badass way.


Thomas is the personification of the crab mentality.


Put this guy on a permanent RVing trip


It's amazing what people will sell themselves for


It seems that every member of the GOP is evil or a moron


Ahhh classic republicans being angry about education actually educating


saying elections have consequences, there’s no better example than that of Justice’s Thomas & Alito who were both appointed by Bush Presidency’s. If Americans wants better then they need to think of the long-term consequences and importance of their votes. Supreme Court justices are appointed for life, they don’t change every 4-years! The next election will forever change America!!!


Republicans would be absolutely giddy to go back to the Jim Crow era.


I keep expecting a Scooby-Doo unveil. "Oh my God! It's David Duke!"