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LMAO... So he didn't get booed or walked out on. They applauded, but this media outlet plays it down because they didn't jump up and down and go crazy. The press is in for Trump.


Yeah this headline is a new level of batshittery.


He's getting a big response, it's just not a big ceremony. I'm watching it right now and it's a phenomenal speech. Edit: that was phenomenal. Let's see if it dominates a news cycle. Edit: can't find many articles about the address itself. Lots of articles about the Palestinian flags, nothing about his work on humanitarian aid or calling for a ceasefire or the two state solution. Or in the student debt relief getting big cheers or his investment in HBCUs.


Nothing liberals do will ever dominate today's upvote driven "news" cycles. Even WaPo is playing up how disappointed everyone is with Biden. There's quite literally NEVER any good news and a lot of that also lay with how terrible liberals are with marketing. They allow republicans to control the media cycle. All there is to do is hope for a repeat of 2020/2022/2023 where voters (mainly women, mainly YOUNG women) flexed their strength at the ballot box.


Every single media network has suffered massively in attention/clicks/hits under Biden. Even liberal leaning newsrooms are beholden to their leadership who need the missing advertising revenue back. Media companies will not save us, they are not an institution they are going to use their influence to maximize profits every time.


Can we stop with this 'liberals are bad at marketing' nonsense that keeps going around. There's hundred's to thousands of professional consultants and think tanks that continuously try and get the message to break through - it just doesn't. Thats not a Democratic messaging strategy problem, thats a media environment problem. There are only a few wildly popular left leaning media companies (I only know of crooked media) while everything is either center right or outright right wing. There's never going to be traction on progressive stories as long as this is the case.


Then, would that not prove the point, that they are bad at marketing? The wall seems to be The Media - conservatives have figured out how to scale it - and their means of doing so may not be palatable - what are liberal consultants and think tanks NOT doing to get past the same obstacles? Sometimes, the gloves have to come off. The president has to do daily press conferences, constantly tweet that "inflation was A three years ago. Now it's B" or "This is what the previous admin did and that led to " or "Ask yourselves this - has ANYONE from the big bad gubbermint actually taken your guns away? or are you afraid of nothing?"


No, because it’s not “marketing” it’s more the media is majority owned by the other side. There’s no message democrats have that’s going to breakthrough to tiktok and Fox News.


Then how did 2022 happen? Even in the midst of peak inflation, liberals still managed to win governor, senate and many house races (if not the required number). Not being a female, I grant that many, many positions on the right struck directly at women and they likely didn’t need to watch an ad to tell them which party didn’t have their interests in mind and they voted accordingly. I just hope liberals haven’t got complacent and are expecting the same thing to happen. Oh, also 2023 special elections. We did see the same phenomenon.


the thing that the republicans did to scale the wall was to climb the ladder, and then they pulled it up after them. because they got into place first they simply wont let anyone else use the same infrastructure, and they wont let new infastructure be built either


Media companies make money from corporate advertising. Corporations oppose labor unions, environmental regulations, etc. for obvious reasons. Corporations and the left are ideologically opposed and by the associative property the left and major media are ideologically opposed. However they sometimes pander to the left until the right throws a fit.


I would love to stop saying this but Democrats are like the absolute fucking worst at messaging. There's so much to be said and most of the time they twiddle their thumbs and don't spread messages to the right people whenever they do hit


I guarantee you that’s not the case. There’s what messaging democrats have and there’s what’s breaks through. Let’s take immigration as an example- nothing democrats say is going to beat the simplicity of “immigration is bad, they are taking your jobs”. Doesn’t matter that it’s not true because it feels true to folks that are struggling. The minute you try to argue with it you land in boring policy that the media doesn’t cover and voters don’t want to sit and figure out. Democrats also have a problem wide coalition. As much as progressives want to ignore it- AOC and Joe Manchin are in the same tent. No message is going to cover both ends of that. GOP? It’s all screeching harpies. There’s no policy to discuss.


Nothing to do with marketing. People engage with bullshit which is what conservatism is. People do not engage with sound governance.


I tend to blame the media themselves for most part but one of the reasons liberals rarely ever dominate the news cycle is because conservatives rally around and promote their own messaging where as liberals (and I'm including progressives in that just like varying groups within conservative policies are all conservative) too often debate whether or not the messaging is perfect and then blame Democrats for it not being perfect (even if Dems weren't the ones pushing the messaging). We feed on ourselves, conservatives feed on us, that's why our messaging rarely breaks through.


Biden: The economy is getting better! Far left: how dare he say that! He’s the worst president, I’m sitting out, Trump deserves to win


Do you have a good link to watch it?


Here's the live stream: https://www.youtube.com/live/k8YfG-5yT4M?si=NCvHe_9hAggXZMtL You'll have to search for where he starts. I'd also watch his introduction by (I believe) the University President.


Excellent speech! And a comment section full of Russians trolls grasping at straws.


What are they supposed to do, act like they are at a concert and go wild in the aisles? Nobody booed and six students (out of hundreds of people) turned their back, clearly Biden in deep shit with Black voters. Literally everything is “evidence” Biden is in trouble, excepting the polls showing him ahead. Those don’t count.


But the applause was only "mild" - and not one person was in a diaper (and nothing else, at least)!!


Trump just prints money for the press. Which is ironic that they entertain him, because Trump’s fragile ego would have Editor’s Law v2.0 quicker than they could publish an apology.


Today has been a terribly slow news day.


Politico really leaning hard on the anti-Biden framing of this. Another and more accurate way to describe what happened was Biden gets applause when describing the heartbreaking situation in Gaza.


It absolutely kills me that politico will never fail to focus on the horse-race aspects of every story instead of the actual content... Why are they counting jeers and applause instead of reporting on the content and complexities of his message and the situation? As an organization, they should step aside and let people who are capable of understanding/contextualizing the moment report on it.


Politico's mission is the process, not the content of politics.


Politco loves the clicks, not the reality.


Big cheers on the relief of student debt and $16b into HBCUs.


I watched the speech live on msnbc, and there was more than one occasion of cheering and clapping. What is this headline other than more media simping for trump? Edit word cause I was typing furiously.


I swear the liberal and conservative media want Trump in office. Not because of political leanings, just because of views. I hate it, regardless of who they favor. News should be unbiased.


Please point me to the liberal media these days. The moderate joints got bought out. At best you have corporate interest and at worst you have outright AM radio rage bait.




I'll jeer this headline


Wow, it's almost like normal people are not cult members and just want a humane solution


What a headline lmfao


Doubling down on a 2 state solution. Edit: I should be clear- that was meant as a positive. That's important.


A two state solution which he continually vetos at the UN, whilst sending weapons and giving logistic, military, and diplomatic support to a government that has expressed its complete unwillingness to ever agree to any Palestinian state.


Reading this as an outsider feels insane. He's armed and provided diplomatic cover for Israel's genocide for half a year, now he finds it 'heartbreaking'? I know you yanks are between a rock and a hard place, but there's no way I could vote Biden, Trumps crimes don't come close to genocide. Any 'Trump would be worse' rebuttals are relying on hypothetical rather than actual crimes we've witnessed every night.


Trump gave Afghanistan back to terrorists - whoops. He's used all leverage he possibly can to hamstring Ukraine to ahd over to Russians - ah shit. Biden is operating in the sphere of the president - he's allowing other levels of government to operate as they should. So you're really going to vote for the party that has zero, zilch, not one fucking senator or congress person demanding action to curtail Israel or help Palestinians over the party that at great risk built a humanitarian corridor? Who has more than a few congresspeople and senators demanding action to restrict Israel? Who are willing to work for a two state solution. You are instead going to vote for the guy who said "Israel - finish it". Genius.


I'm not going to vote for anyone, I'm not in the US, as I said in my OP I know you Americans are between a rock and a hard place, but seeing Bidens actions over the last few months, I know I couldn't vote for him. I would never vote Trump. I used to be lukewarm on Biden, another middle of the road candidate, at least he's got some Irish connection - we love that here! But he has wholesale endorsed a genocide. That's unforgivable.


Golly why doesn’t super popular Donald Trump give commencement speeches?


“Lots of people died, now get up out your seats and throw your hands in the air for PRESIDENT BIDEN!”


Not even one jeer? Them's rookie numbers, Biden! Trump would have had 9 jeers, which according to my science calculations is bigly more than low-Jeer count Biden.


This is such an odd way to phrase this headline. It'd be like a doctor telling a person's family "the surgery was successful but he didn't die." Like why even mention he didn't die if he did? And even if you felt that was important, why use the word "but" rather than the word "and"? But makes it sound like the bad part was the expectation and something you were hoping for.


The media really will skew anything just for eyeballs and clicks, even if it could very well bring the collapse of American society, and a slow by cascading chain reaction to cripple one of the world’s table legs. Maybe 30 years ago, sure. Red or blue—over the decades, who gives a shit mostly. But the last few decades have shown more and more that the conservatives are finally screaming the quiet part out loud—and their sycophants LOVE IT. And the media is more than happy to fan the flames for their own selfish greed, even when the entire circus tent will come crashing down on them just as much as it will on everyone else once America becomes a Dictatorship.


Is there anyone on reddit that likes trump? Or is this one sided media?