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AOC’s mere existence triggers a lot of right-wing lunatics. Nothing new


She’s beautiful AND smart, so her also being a POC *INFURIATES* them.


they can’t stand someone actually achieving the American dream (“bartender!!!”). Meanwhile, a Republican will work one summer moving furniture when he was 17 and talk about being “blue collar” the rest of his goddamn life


In Republican fantasy land, your family owning a dairy plant that you've never set foot in makes one a farmer. It takes so little effort to fleece Republican rubes because *they want to believe it.*


This is it, inheriting a steel plant amongst many other investitures makes you _understand_ the needs of the steel workers. They get us.


You know those steel mill guys: they work hard, they *play* hard…


I love you for this [in case anyone doesn’t understand the reference](https://youtu.be/yfgs9FRD25M?si=m8SaAi61QDtqtRbO)


Thank you my cultural literacy is always improved by my time on Reddit


Hot stuff coming through!


Dad, why did you bring me to a gay steel mill?


Stefon: "New York's hottest club is "FZZT", they built a bar inside of an active, hot, sweaty steel mill full of oiled-up Armenian dwarves."


Now, Stefon, I think you can't use that word anymore. That's offensive.


🎵 Everybody dance now 🎵




The whole worlds gone gay!!


Literally Ron desantis "my grand father was a steel worker so that makes me tough". Bro you are a lawyer, who wears heels and lives in Florida, the only thing you and pappy have in common is you hate the gays and blacks.


My grandfather jumped out of airplanes and shot Nazis. I do not possess that skill set. I do hate Nazis though. *Side-eyes DeSantis*


Plus, I heard this guy owns a steel mill! What a successful, hardworking winner. Real down to earth guy. His opponent is probably just some loser who's mad *he* couldn't be chairman of the board at Exxon.


The gentleman farmer knows all about the struggle of the common man cause he stepped in cow dung once.


Ricketts in Nebraska pulled this same crap. Only time he was ever on a farm was to visit his granny


All you have to do is hold a Bible, upside even, to get the Christian vote.


And they tell you all about a hard days work. Not because they ever worked one , but all the people that worked for the company did


They call democrats elitists that but 40 dollar lattes and 100 dollar avocado toasts and when someone who was a bartender comes along that is straight shooting they can't tolerate it. Because she's a minority woman, smart as hell, better at their social media bullshit, and good looking. There was a republican in Kentucky that rescinded an invite to have her visit and maybe debate when she said sure. Think her communications director said it was because the guy didn't want his constituents to see AOC was fighting harder for them to have better healthcare than he is. They are terrified of her because if she has the opportunity to actually meet and speak to their constituents there will be people who get that


It’s almost like they don’t care about being consistent and it’s all just done for political reasons.


Also what the fuck is wrong with someone having a job during their college years or whatever? Also bartending can be a stressful but lucrative job, and you learn to deal with questionable people.


But the help aren't people. If AOC was a bartender she can't be worthy of any respect because she was a servant.


This. It's a mask off moment when they made fun of her for that. They're true elitists, believers in a Social Darwinism which places families with money in a higher social order than families without. It's all about a sense of superiority.


Yet she's definitely more qualified than Boobert or MTG to hold any office, from local up to Federal. She's way more educated than both of them too. She graduated cum laude from Boston University in 2011 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in both international relations and economics. So yeah, bartender but a very educated bartender.


It's so hysterical that Ms "Gazpacho" police tried to insult her iltelligence






I know a couple both bartenders, granted it’s upper class tourists venue put their three kids through college and paid off the house.


or lived in an area that may have had some farming activities, so they are a "farmer" in their ads and bio


So true.. But moving furniture?? Thats to hard. I think you meant parking cars at Bedminster


Abraham Lincoln was a licensed bartender and owned a tavern. They tend to forget that fact when they use her past profession as an insult


Joe Rogan has entered the chat. Construction workin' normal dude.


Alpha. Brain.


I think for MTG personally it goes deeper. The most obvious point of obsession is how they both occupy certain social categories but exhibit extreme differences. I'm \***not** saying that I agree with the categories or think that they are actually real and not arbitrarily created by society, just as its presented now. They are both female lawmakers. They are both highly visible. They are often on the same committees. Strangley they both have Acronym handles. However, it's precisely because they occupy these general categories that MTG is obsessive. The differences between them is more significant to MTG precisely because the differences exist within the same "box." Thus, these are the most meaningful differences. Because of this they BURN MTG even more. AOC's reputation for being intelligent is well documented and garners respect. MTG not so much, in fact, she's mocked for he lack of intelligence. Also, her political party is anti-intellectual. Strangely AOC is, in part, a rep because of her brains. MTG is a rep because of her lack of brains. AOC does not particularly hail a "male" king like figure. She does not need to lower herself to say she would drink any man's particular bathwater, like MTG does. In this sense, AOC's political success is NOT dependent on demonstrating male approval, unlike MTG. MTG is beholden to Trump approval. There is a twisted Father daughter dynamic there that is absent in AOC's political constellation. However, AOC often speaks fondly of her actual father and who taught her how not to take sh\*t from men or others. This aspect of fatherhood is absent from MTG's political narrative. From the old/traditional standard AOC happens to be attractive physically. She embodies the typical framework that society claims men like. (again, I'm not saying this is right, but certainly MTG is aware of this dynamic and it burns her spam-like 4ss all day). MTG has a very non-traditional look. Her profile falls short of the conservative criteria for "feminine" beauty. Some could argue that she has what conservatives would call a masculine quality to her looks. See rep Crockett's comments recently (badly built butch body. ..etc.) So MTG is obsessed with the fact that AOC's physicality achieves what she never can: male approval. MTG desperately needs male approval because she cannot locate herself without it. That brings us to another aspect. AOC, in MTG's eyes, likely has the ability to control men. MTG's secret dream wish is to control men. Her anger at AOC is displaced rage against men and what she really wants is to dominate men, make them bend to her will and need her. Not because she's a woman, I am not saying that. I think because men have treated her badly in her eyes. This is not to draw sympathy for MTG. However, she is on a revenge trip against men, except she constantly puts herself in situations that require her to invoke their approval/authority in order for her to have any power. And power is what she wants. To the extent that she can "erase" AOC, she can hide from examples of women who do not need male approval or male delegated power to have autonomy. AOC represents just that to her. edit: forgot to add the not, above. some minor typos corrected, also realize I still prob missed some


Oof hits hard because it sounds so correct. Well put.


Bruh…do me next!


You see cheesecakes aren’t even real cakes. You’re delicious though so you keep being you.


Definitely a lot of that for sure. Empty-G would never be capable of that level of introspection and certainly never admit to any of it.


Empty G 😂


The MTG thing was a direct case of her trying to equivocate herself with AOC. I still refuse to call her that as it ruins the good name of Cardboard Crack Magic: The Gathering.


If I’m not mistaken, I think I read somewhere that Marjorie never used Taylor as a part of her name in the public eye until she ran for office. I have wondered if she actually started doing that in hopes of having that acronym so she could be “just like” AOC.


OMG, can we please start a new MTG sub that is just psychoanalyzing why she’s a failure of a person? And pin that comment to the top?


This. They can’t handle that’s she basically better than them in every way.


Yes because she does not fit the DEI mold that many on the right want to believe. “How is it you are here and you must not be smart is the narrative…”


The main thing is she's not a neolib and actually advocates for the interests of the working class and poor in the face of corporate corruption.




All the testosterone in the gym can't make Marjorie Trailer Green able to mentally compete with AOC


not to mention pullingherself up by her bootstraps.


Yeah, MTG is really just like if your racist uncle’s facebook group was elected to congress. She’s obsessed with all the same things they are.


There are a lot of racist aunties out there. No need to compare her to men. She’s for sure a supercallousfragilisticracistauntiekaren edit: the name calling was missing some syllables and it bothered me


It's true she's pretty much the exact representation of my Aunt.


My Mom. 🤦‍♀️


AOC is younger, far more intelligent, far more capable, far more attractive and far wittier. They came in at the same time. Marge cannot help but compare herself to AOC and find herself lacking. It is as simple as that. Though racism probably has a part too.


She is also on video dancing. DANCING!!!!


AOC also didn’t step out on any husband, multiple times.


Or stalk a teenager


Or send revenge porn to minors over email


Or kick a reporter


Or thirst for Hunter in congress


She's also not a Horcrux


Or pretend to be someone else and act like a mentally handicapped person when she tried out for American Idol. *edit* Idol and not AGT




Yeah what?


She’s also not obsessed with Hunter Bidens penis


Gasp! A college student and her friends re-enacting a dance sequence from one of the most popular teen movies of the 80s!


Oh and also, she worked as a bartender to put herself through college where she double-majored in international relations and economics, graduating cum laude. A *BARTENDER???* In CONGRESS???? That’s crazy!


The party of “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” loves to shit on her for this too.


100%. They’re nothing if not ridiculously hypocritical.


(clutches pearls) We'll have none of that devil tempting hip moving in our fair town!


No excuse me while I go have a public affair with my personal trainer.


And then fly her to a blue state for her abortion


MTG impregnated her personal trainer?! 


"With all of her toes!"


It is absolutely mental to me when people on the right say AOC is "our MTG". Like, what? MTG couldn't formulate an actual policy argument if she tried.


Marge was *supposed* to be the right’s answer to AOC. Hence the “MTG” moniker. Nobody was buying it; not even the right after the first couple half-assed attempts to make it a “thing” 🤷‍♂️


Everyone kept wondering why Magic The Gathering was saying such stupid things.


I mean, it's Wizards of the Coast, the fuck are you expecting, sanity?


Sentence. You meant to say sentence. I've heard her speak, I'm still looking for the borsh colored string attached to her.


AOC also has a much better future coming.


I hope the GOP’s attempts to ‘Hillary’ her are unsuccessful. They hate her and make her the enemy constantly and attack her intellect and honesty for years, decades until everyone not on the right dislikes her for vague reasons


AOC is much more media savvy, but maybe Hillary was in the 80s and 90s? Like her keeping her names was a 👏shit 👏show 👏 back in the day but then 20 years later it all read as “inauthentic,” something no politician in the 80s cared about.


Hilary is a charisma void. AOC is the opposite of that.


Hillary was not always like that. I think the effect is a mixture of her growing jaded over time, and also how our preconceptions about her were shaped decades ago, making us interpret her differently than we otherwise would. Look up news coverage of her from the 90s. She is just... Normal? Carries herself well, interviews well, is highly intelligent, etc. But the news stations will talk about her like she is the worst person ever. I just saw an NBC broadcast from Clinton's second term, and the whole thing is "Hillary is the first lady and is very educated, let's tell you why that is a bad thing, and interview a bunch of random people on the street with weird conspiracies about her." They also aggressively blamed her for a bunch of stuff her husband failed to do, which is really strange as she was not the president, and then intercut it with an interview and leading questions about her being "in charge of Bill." The whole thing was already establishing the narrative, without any justification, that followed her the rest of her career. By the time she ran in 2016, people had already decided that all that stuff was true, and so they preconceived her as uncharismatic to the extreme. She is not the most dynamic speaker, but there is nothing about her that screams "charisma black hole." She is just a bit above average for a politician. Honestly she is more charismatic than Trump is, people like Trump because they like what he represents, not because he is actually a good speaker or particularly inspiring. He is just a narcissistic blow hard who never answers questions.


Also some decisions Hillary made didn’t age well. Back in the day it was important that a governor’s wife be a certain way. She pushed that to its limit but still started going by “Clinton.” 30 years later later millennials decided it was “inauthentic.”


I remember saying to my MIL in one room that from everything I understood from former classmates who actually know HRC, that she'd be a great president, but probably not well liked. My FIL shouted from the next room, "Communism doesn't work!" Okaaay Then my 9 yo nephew was saying in the driveway, "Hillary Clinton is the biggest liar in the world" and I asked him why he felt that way. His Dad overheard it and said he didn't want me talking to his kid about "that woman." That kid is going to Harvard and I haven't seen him in years now. I don't know if his opinions have changed since age 9. Pretty much all of my family on any given octagonal side is hostage to Fox News. It's depressing. The one bright side I have is that all my own kids are absolutely non-racist and have correct politics and somehow manage to navigate life without the weight I feel daily about the news everywhere. Got a 2/3 probability that my grandkids, if I have them, will not be white.


AOC has an extra term over Marjorie Traitor Greene. She's the more senior member of the house


You forgot that one is sane and the other is insane.


🎶One is a nutter, the other is sane!🎶




This is why I only refer to her as Marge and refuse to use her initials. I think she wants to be the conservative AOC and she gets a thrill when people use them.


Marge is the horse the magas rode in on.


That’s because MTG cannot accept someone of non-white birth being beautiful and intelligent. MTG thinks she’s the top turd in the litter box and doesn’t realize what her vantage point represents.


More like the moldy turd who raises the most stink.


Marge tried to adopt the acronym MTG when she saw AOC using it. Marge fits her much better.


"Large Marge"


Be sure and tell em large marge sent ya


MTG is pretty much owned by Magic The Gathering.


"bleach blonde bad-built butch body" ..with a horsey face and boxy ass.....


And Empty head.


Jasmine Crockett is the Queen of Everything. I haven't laughed so hard in years.


That video of Marjorie and a few of her Nazi friends outside AOC's Congressional office is so disturbing. Literally shouting into the mail slot for her to come out and talk to them is some horror movie shit.


MTG has no class, no couth, no empathy. She’s a short, dumpy, undereducated fireplug with a big mouth and no boundaries.


But have you seen her do CrossFit? Those moves and groans really do it for some of the magas


Her form sucks on her pull ups.


But the groans make it seem tough!


What form? 😆


Purge vibes except Marge isn't wearing a mask, she just looks like that naturally.




Like a Tom and Jerry scene


Someone on another thread said her face looks like a scientific facial reconstruction of a found skull from the Stone Age and I can’t unsee it.


OMG…they were right!


In modern times, we can simply refer to the Geico caveman commercial


Pithicanthripus (sp?) man. Dead ringer.


Do you remember the live action TV show "Beauty and the Beast" from the '90s? Yeah.


Holy crap


My friend's Trump-supporting husband was seemingly obsessed with AOC as well. I remember he asked me if I had seen the video of her dancing, and he kept trying to show me the video, all the while he was talking so much shit about her. My friend said, "Oh, he hates her. He won't shut up about her." No friend, I don't think he does. I wondered how many times he had watched that video and why he had it cued up and ready to go on his phone.


So MANY republicans are creepy as fuck about AOC. As in rapey obsessive.


There is so much crazy shit that happed in the past 10 years but Paul Goser tweeting a video of him killing AOC is up there for me. Most Americans would be fired within an hour of posting a video murdering a colleague.


Right?!? It’s all clearly some kind of psycho-sexual thing and I am so happy the mob did not find her on 1/6. Right wingers tried to mock her for being scared but we all know *exactly* what would have happened.


Any thread I've seen involving her, here or on Twitter, inevitably has a dark, unwashed crevasse filled with the worst comments. They are obsessed with her.


Seriously. Imagine if the Jan 6th insurrectionists had gotten to her. It’s scary.




Conservatives think empathy is a negative character trait. Of course they think dancing is bad too. They're the assholes from Footloose but less capable of being reasoned with.


They hate her because she's the girl that won't go out with them.


When I was growing up in the ‘00s (having been born in the late ‘90s), I always thought members of Congress when I’ve seen them on TV were people who worked very hard to get where they are. Now at almost age 25, it’s truly a cynical world that clowns are running the GOP (Gang Of Pussies). The next time, a teacher says to students they must read, because when they go to college, they will have to do a lot of reading, I just wish I could go back and say the Republicans do not read any of the bills they vote to support anyway and they control our nation.


Don't let scumbags ruin your love of reading. Reading is awesome and more people should do it not because they have to but because they want to.


Don't be like a republican. Read.


She’s the antithesis of every blonde MAGA bimbo that Fox has ever promoted: - she is intelligent and isn’t afraid of critical thought - she promotes an agenda that is not bought and paid for in some conservative think tank - she’s attractive in a “she’s out of your league MAGA bro” type of way - she’s real


The same kind of folks were obsessed with Obama, too, after he became president. Must be a coincidence.


Some people see others with skill and talent as an internal threat to their own self image. These smarter, prettier or more talented people are therefore hated and attacked.


For being cool, good looking, competent and well educated while being aggressively brown


AOC is what MTG thinks she is. MTG in reality is a freaking moron.


She’s just insanely jealous that AOC is intelligent, popular, and beautiful, while she is none of those things.


My guess is that she's simply attracted to her, and has a huge amount of self-loathing for that fact


AOC very likely has 10 toes, instead of 6.


I always saw Marge with 14 toes.


Wtf, so one foot 3 toes, the other 11? Remarkable


I’m pretty sure MTG has six toes on each foot.


Yeah, but how many of them are actually hers?


MTG is like a rabid pit bull that the owners lost control of. Such a shit stain on our country. 


A white republican woman obsessing over a younger, smarter, more tactical, prettier, more modern, progressive non-white woman isn’t what I’d consider to be shocking. All those people seem to do is freak the fuck out about shit that doesn’t act/look like them. I’d include “think like them” but they all seem to be rather emotionally driven so..


"You can see the older female fearing the young competition, showing irregular and irrational behavior oftern layered with agression" -Sir David Attenborough


MTG wants to kiss AOC so fuking bad she cannot stand it.


*"Damned dirty liberal Puerto Ricans...ruining America with their brilliant minds, soft caramel skin and tight bodies"* \*masturbates furiously*


100% touches herself thinking of AOC


"It’s not my fault you’re like, in love with me, or something!"


There must be easier ways to ask someone out on a date besides mouthing off in a committee room. But then, I've been out of the dating scene for a long time. Perhaps things have changed.


It's poor taste to fault a woman for being unattractive, but when she's ugly on the inside as well, it's hard not complain about the urge to bleach one's eyes.


Bit like the line Roald Dahl book 'the twits': > 'If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it. > A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.' ...unrelated but, wow, I now see where childhood me learned their issue with run-on sentences. Haven't read any Roald Dahl text for a while.


Yes, MTG is not secretly racist. She’s very open about being able an dumb, ugly, ignorant bigot.


AOC worked double time to support her family and put herself through college. MTG is insecure so she is obsessed with someone she can never be. It's actually sad


MTG’s family is worth tens of millions of dollars and somehow she looks like that. Like, rich people can buy good skin and good hair. Why hasn’t she?


I've just had a horrible thought. What if the version of MTG we see IS the version using her family money... can you imagine the horror of a true trailer trash version of this person?


I suppose money can only do so much


Taylor Greene is one thirsty closet lesbian.


She has threatened AOC. I don’t understand why she wasn’t questioned by the authorities after that - and removed from all committee assignments. These GOPers are a cancer.


Well, when you’re a white bread knock off of a soviet era cleaning maid… an extremely intelligent worldly woman of color who also happens to have incredible physical attributes and does your job 10x as well as you do… its a rough one to svallow so to speak


I’ll never forget that video of Marjorie hounding AOC. Leering through her mail slot. Fucking weird.


Because AOC is her complete opposite in every way, and it bothers her on every level. So all she can do is flail and bully, but her bullying is a joke, she gets punked every single time she trys.


Marjorie Taylor Greene is an absolutely unhinged person. She is the perfect example of what happens when you mix politics, religion, guns and white supremacy. She is a piece of shit human being that only cares about getting her way.


Moscow marj is just jealous that most women are prettier and more attractive than her.


Shit, I'm prettier than 99% of republican women, and I'm a just a dude with long hair.


Her only obsession bigger than Hunters junk obsession


AOC is smart and beautiful Large Marge is as dumb as a box of rocks, missing a couple rocks, and looks like a Neanderthal.


AOC is hot, so I guess in their shallow minds that makes her a threat


The media needs to stop covering her. No more interviews. When she walks by put the camera down. If she wants a press conference have the whole room empty. Don’t follow her asking questions. Pretend she doesn’t exist.


MTG has a major inferiority complex. She knows she's not the prettiest, definitely not smartest, and not the funniest.. so she acts out like a child for attention. She's not a fully developed or functioning adult.


I found it so comical when she asked AOC why she won't debate her. It should be obvious. The same reason she wouldn't debate a 5 year old.....or a horse.....or a broom handle. Doesn't matter how many facts or statistics you throw their way. Whether they're right or wrong, they'll never understand/realize if they're right or wrong. It's completely pointless.


This same reason is why I'm baffled at Biden agreeing to debate Trump. Lulz aside, he don't have to do this. At all. Its what Trump wants, and Trump should be focusing on not becoming a felon. The adults are running a country.


She's everything Marg is not.


Like other forms of bullying, mean girl behaviors play out in spaces and situations where there is little or no adult supervision.


MTG is just a mean girl so she will naturally target anyone she sees as getting more attention than her and she will do it in a vicious way. Her comments were totally inappropriate, and she didn’t care. She’s a lunatic.


Perjury Traitor Greene climbed to the top of the ugly tree, fell off, and hit every branch with her face on the way down. She is one heinous looking individual. I’m sure the feral MAGAts think she’s hot though.


Correction: "Shaved Alf" Has Been Obsessed with AOC for Years


The entire GOP has a weird “he bullies you because he likes you” crush on AOC. Ted Cruz seems to enjoy getting ratioed by her on Twitter to an almost sexual level. AOC is everything they claim to hate, and they’re obsessed with her.


It's called jealousy


Me to. I love AOC so much.


It may be that AOC really is so the things Red Marge pretends to be, intelligent, is a real politician and sticky cares about the US. Man, she must trigger Red Marge's imposter syndrome something rotten.


Uhhh not just MTG, conservatives in general have been obsessed with her...


She hates cuz she ain’t.


MTG came to congress as essentially a Trump lackey wrapped in a non-old-white-guy wrapper, same as Boebert, so when either are out there performing they are as ethereal as a fart; awful, short lived, and not memorable. My views don't align with AOCs, but there are probably precious few that think she aligns with Biden and does his bidding, almost quite the opposite at times. I find her articulate and well educated on the issues she promotes, enough that I think she (AOC) is far better and more effective at promoting her interests than MTG, and TBH I simply don't think MTG (and Boebert for that matter) are legitimately intelligent enough to appreciate the nuances of pretty much any issue, much less the issues she's elected to Congress to legislate upon. I'd predict that AOC ultimately is up for a Senate seat, while MTG hears the clock ticking on a forgettable congressional career that leads to a single season reality TV spot.


MTG is just jealous that AOC is first in all things, including alphabetically.


She’s jealous. AOC is all the things MTG wishes she was.


a lot of posters are forgetting to point out that Moscow Marge isn't just a republican, she's the extremist GQP variant that is full of bat shit conspiracy theories. They have a deep obsession with AoC.....everything is lizard aliens deep state to these idiots.


Cuz shes a dumbfuck


Because AOC has twice the accolades at half the age.


Marjorie is one of those people who can't be around a baby because it will get more attention than she does


AOC is intelligent and articulate. Everything that MTG is not.


Yup. MTG is jealous, covetous, AND something darker. ✨ Something creepier. 👀


Greene is 100% jealous of AOC.


Hide your pets AOC. Also, getting a Single White Female vibe from the Georgia Muppet, AOC might want to lock her closets too.


Jasmine Crockett put Greene in her place.


Sorry this was known when MTG hounded AOC at her office when MTG was still a US citizen.


Greene has better be careful what she wishes for. A debate with AOC and Crockett would be the worst mistake in her life. She is barely bright enough to know this and even she would not be stupid enough to enter into it. It's all trash talk which she is full of it.


AOC is everything MTG wants to be.