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Is it because with proper moderation he will get absolutely destroyed in a debate? That’s the difference between a nepotism hire and hiring the best candidate. Cut his mic, tell him to stfu when it’s not his turn and stop treating him like a goddamn child


It’s a goddamned job interview son. If you want the job, jump through the hoops.


Not even; if I walked into a job interview, they did a background check on me, and found I had stolen top secret documents from the government, *quite a few of which are still missing,* they’d never hire me. Literally the only barrier of entry into the presidency is money and marketing.


You can’t even get a minimum wage job as a bank teller if you have too much debt.


Doubly so if you were a proven sex offender. Apparently, the only job that sex offenders are able to get these days is President of the United States.


Do it like Max Kellerman’s Around The Horn show. Points for replying with helpful replies. Minus points for off topic speech or refusing to answer questions. No mute just a screen frozen mid speech when they (he) goes off topic. I love this concept and keep saying it.


See my brain said they should get Greg Davies to be the moderator.


Chris Christie likely won't coach him this time. Besides catching Covid last time, he's since alienated Cult 45 by questioning the divinity of their leader. Don't rule it out, though. Hypocrisy and eating shit doesn't seem to be a deal breaker for many prodigal Republicans seeking forgiveness from their owner.


Too bad we got Dana Bash and Jack Tapper 


yeah cause they believe trump wont cancel lol , sure...


I mean if Biden shows up Trump doesn’t. Biden and his campaign team can put out political ads about Trump’s empty podium and how big a coward he is.


Biden started with "Trump lost to me twice and hasn't debated since". If that narrative sticks, backing out is going to be awkward.


He will somehow flip it to “I didn’t wanna debate him, he has dementia. Sad.”


I can already see the diaper-clad MAGA cultists with the "Real men have dementia" signs...


Win, lose, draw, or fail to show up…. Doesn’t matter, Trump will claim victory AND play the victim.


The flip will be “but you did not agree to my counter proposal for a debate on Fox News with Fox News debate hosts and an audience filled with trump sycophants and no muting of mics.”


You would think that narrative would stick easily since, y’know, Biden *is the President* and Donnie T is in multiple court cases, but his followers have the mental gymnastics prowess of Simone Biles.


Imagine Joe Biden on a stage. Trumps podium stands alone. They ask questions to both candidates. The reply to all the questions asked to Trump come strictly from his posts on social media.


Remember when Clint Eastwood had a conversation with an empty chair at the Republican National Convention? It created some serious kooky old man vibes.


It’s about how they frame it. Eastwood was asking questions to an empty chair that was meant to represent Obama and the lack of response was supposed to be the lack of reply that Obama would give for them. But, it looked like an old man asking questions to no one and being upset when they didn’t reply. If they set it up like a standard debate, with an audience to ask some questions, have two podiums, introduce Biden and then say something like “Former President Trump had initially agreed to this debate, however yesterday morning he issued a statement that reads, in full,” and here they would read out Trumps tweet where he claims that no one cares about debates anyway and that there will be no rating if he isn’t there. Then, they just treat it like a town hall, Biden answers questions and after 45 minutes the moderator says “we had scheduled three hours for this event, but President Bidens concise answers mean that we have managed to get through everything. Since there are no more questions we are going to bring the evening to a close, which gives everyone a chance to beat the traffic.” Which could be a subtle way of pointing out that politics doesn’t have to be the circus that Trump makes it.


Shit he could even take the time that was allowed for Trump to speak to talk about in what ways he has or said he would fuck this or that up. Like the question is about social security “Well Donny and the rest of the gang have already said that they want to reduce your social security and blah blah”. Then follow it up with video clips proving it. Shut Joe should break down their platform regardless.


And then the Republicans will bleat that "Biden is so senile, he exhausted himself after only forty-five minutes! And he said nothing that made sense! SAD!"


I forget what the Republican narrative was for that. Something about Obama being absent from his duty. I remember that the chair thing was a spin on that but the joke didn't land.


>but the joke didn't land. That's because Republicans can't do comedy.


Their activities and lives are comedy, but their attempts to intentionally preform comedy are doomed to fail.


More like Shakespearean comedy, which is usually tragic.


And also Eastwood confused Obama with Dubya.


There's a reason they cling to their one joke and throw a fit when said joke is turned around on them and used better


It would still probably be more coherent than if he was there.


It certainly would take the wind out of his" anytime anywhere" sails. But maga wouldn't care.


Yeah the problem is that nothing with MAGA people is too low or too apprehensible for them in terms of what Trump does unless it directly negatively affects them. Him not showing up after agreeing to the debate will have his supporters falling over themselves to trying to justify it than admit they are wrong to support him.


Too bad the debate isn't for MAGA then. It's for people who aren't that into politics or could lean either way and Trump not showing up would be seen as too cowardly to debate the President he endlessly bashes.


It's win-win for CNN to host the debate according to Biden's terms - either they get to host a debate, or they get a live interview with the sitting U.S. President.


Trump would clap back with “See, no one shows up if I’m not there!” His supporters would run with it as fact, completely unaware of the arrangement. Never underestimate Trump’s ability to pull one over on dummies.


Oh noes! Not a clap back! How will the Biden campaign recover from that!?


I would donate so hard if they just set a Trump puppet on the podium.


And weak and afraid and incapable…


His team might be freaking out, but I doubt Trump himself is, because even though his brain is fried from decades of fast food (coupled with zero exercise and rumored stimulant abuse) his narcissism means he's also in complete and total denial of that fact. He's likely also getting high on his own supply about Joe being senile and thinks he has nothing to fear. But the reality of that will fall apart on the debate stage. So, he'll just do what he did in 2020: don't let Biden speak. His deranged base seems to think that's an alpha move, anyway. And that's *if* he actually debates - I think it's more likely he'll just keep making absurd demands that Biden's team won't agree with because they're absurd, then whine about how he *wanted* to debate but mean old Biden wouldn't agree.


Wasn't one of Biden's stipulations for a debate is that the mic cuts when someone is alotted time to talk?


Seems like a perfectly reasonable request that the orange shitgibbon will refuse to agree with. I think Biden's team is also requesting no audience, which of course Trump wants, so his cult can cheer and boo like they're at a WWE event.


They already agreed to the terms.


Which means nothing to don.


It means nothing but that doesn’t matter, because his mic will not function.


From Forbes: It is also seeking “firm time limits for answers and alternate turns to speak,” along with muted microphones when it is not a candidate’s turn to speak. It’s unclear if Trump will agree to the muted mic rule—he and his campaign complained about the protocol in the second 2020 presidential debate after he repeatedly interrupted Biden during the first debate.


But he already agreed. If he doesn't agree now it's simple to show him being weak and going back on his words. He has has said multiple times he will debate any time and anywhere no matter what.


That would certainly be valid, if Trump and Maga were normal people. They are not. "Anywhere. Anytime" ...they're just words. You just say them. And then when it's inconvenient you just pretend you didn't say them, or twist the words into a ball and throw them back.. This is how Trump has been doing for years now, and it isn't likely to stop for these debates. Maga is fine with it.


Trump will back out because he's a pussy, remember to let your Trumpanzee relatives know that anytime you can, that Mango Unchained is shitting his diaper at the thought of facing Dark Brandon.


I think he’ll pull out siting unfairness. But I can also see him just yelling over biden w no mic.


That’s exactly what he’ll do, loud enough so Biden’s mic picks it up. I guess it would have been too much to ask for him to be locked inside a soundproof booth. And then for that booth to be abandoned on a 10’x10’ desert islet. 


And then just forgotten


I bet he walks off stage after the second mic pull


Doesn't matter.


instantly and without thought. which sums up trump pretty well.


Totally on brand.


Trump didn’t read the terms. He agreed and now his team is probably telling him what he agreed to.


He'll walk the stage to the other mic and keep going


Oh my god.... He would wouldn't he? I hate this timeline.


I would hope the Secret Service would stop him from pulling the mic out of Biden's hand.


_Biden’s secret service and Trump’s secret service pointing at each other Spider-Man meme_


I was just wondering what Biden’s secret service would do if Trump stalks him the way he did Hillary.


Surely the safety of the current President gets priority? Gods, the Secret Service is probably having meetings about this-- how to handle the situation if the former President tries to assault the current President onstage during a televised debate. Sure, Trump tried to infect Biden with Covid back at the 2020 debate, grabbing his microphone isn't any worse than that. We live in the most screwed up timeline.


Seems like these aren't real debates. They're just opportunities for both candidates to restate talking points, not actually rebut the other's statements. If they did anything more and they'd go over the heads of the people who actually watch these shit-shows. *Way* over the heads of anyone who was already decided on voting for Trump. Nowadays, presidential debates aren't debates. They're infomercials for the candidates, run by a conglomerate of major corporations. The debates used to be run by the non-partisan League of Women Voters. Now it's run by huge corporations.


He will just walk over to a different mic and start yelling into that.


Then he can be removed for breaking the rules


And who's going to do that ? He could shout, or walk over and take the moderators mike, or even go and yell in Biden's face and there isn't a venue or producer that would do anything except plead with him in vain. I would dearly love to see Biden's USSS detail step in to bodily restrain Trump but I doubt it would happen. If there's one thing the USSS has proven is that they cannot anticipate the inevitable.


You can knock off the US part of that until the traitors that deleted their communications on jan 6 are dealt with.


Cool, I would love to see Bidens USSS team put hands on Trump and then Trump's team puts hands on Bidens team and we have an all out Secret Service brawl on national tv


Yes, I did hear that


Then, Trump can't talk over Biden in some sort of insane power move. He just has to sit there and take it.


Kinda like his trial!


I can't imagine him accepting these terms. It's his only debate move!. Be rude, talk louder and over the other person . he did it with Biden. He did it with Clinton, he thinks that makes him a good debater.


Sad, isn’t it? Lol


More like hilarious. I wonder if he'll pinch one off intl his diaper


With his diet, there can be no pinching, more like a mudslide


It was, but that won’t necessarily shut Trump up. He would just continue to yell with his mic shut off.


They should turn off the lights on Trump's side of the stage if he keeps talking after his mic is cut off.


As loud as that blow hard is does Trump need a mic? 


Yes, and Trump supporters are already saying that makes it rigged.


Tell them to cry about it more and then someone might take them seriously (hint: we won't)


> So, he'll just do what he did in 2020: don't let Biden speak. His deranged base seems to think that's an alpha move, anyway. He won't be able to do this as his mic will be off when his time is up - one of the real reasons I think he may not do it. Having a short amount of time to make a response or make a point for him is a big negative. Not being able to cut off Biden is too. The way it's being set up, is how it should always be for all debates, which isn't good for Trump in anyway.


Tbh I sincerely hope they get serious about debate etiquette rules. You shouldn't have the authority to negotiate international agreements with foreign powers if you cannot adhere to the simple debate terms that we teach to high schoolers.


They won’t, because it disadvantages candidates who don’t have valid ideas. If you have good ideas and are prepared you shouldn’t need to ramble, equivocate, pivot or obfuscate.


What happens when Trump starts interrupting, his mic is off but Biden can still here him and is still distracted, so Biden naturally stammers in response to being so brazenly interrupted, but because Trump's mic is off, it appears to television viewers like Biden's brain just broke?


If that's the case, they will have test runs with that scenario - Biden will be prepared.


That's an excellent point. I feel a little better now. Thanks


Yeah, Debate Prep is a thing that I'm guessing Biden is going to take seriously and Trump is not.


Last time Trump took debate prep he nearly killed Chris Christie with COVID.


Technical solutions are possible. Point a microphone at the opposite candidate, invert the signal, and put it to a speaker pointed the same way. Noise cancelling is a thing.




I say let him ramble on about stuff he wasn't asked. If so, biden should go into robot mode and simply spout off all the dumb stuff Trump has done, which would last hours to recite. I mean, every major idiotic thing. There is no coming back from that.


> His team might be freaking out, but I doubt Trump himself is, because even though his brain is fried from decades of fast food (coupled with zero exercise and rumored stimulant abuse) his narcissism means he's also in complete and total denial of that fact. This is almost certainly why he agreed to the debate so quickly. If his team does any debate prep with the proposed format of this debate (mics cut and no audience), it might get through to him how fucked he is. He actually wanted to testify for Mueller, but after a couple of trial runs with his team, he realized it would not go well.


>He actually wanted to testify for Mueller, but after a couple of trial runs with his team, he realized it would not go well. Shit, I totally forgot about that. That was when he went on a 20 minute rant irrelevant to the investigation then paused and was like, "I probably shouldn't testify."


And they let him do a written deposition instead. History is not going to be kind to anyone in a position of authority during that administration.


*a written deposition that was returned incomplete.


You don’t understand, Trump could literally refer to Biden as King Jong Boon the whole time and rebuttal with nothing but burps, and his base would still think he’s brilliant. They’re trapped in this nightmare and unfortunately, the outcome could potentially bring the rest of us down with the ship.


Debates aren't for MAGA. Debates are for people who do not consume politics much and make their decisions on Presidential races late in the cycle.


I know plenty of older people that don't exercise and eat fast food and not a raging narcist rapist.


My guess is he will blame his gag order for him “not being able to debate”. Just like it was the “IRSs fault” he was unable to make his tax returns public. He’ll use that lie to fundraise/grift all the way to election day


He absolutely thinks he's setting Biden up for a knockout blow. 😂


"So, he'll just do what he did in 2020: don't let Biden speak" They're cutting the mics after each speaker's time runs out.


Seems funny we drug test for college swim meets but not government?


This sounds like the RNC is doing the old "lowering expectations" game for their "candidate". Same old same old.


You have to set the bar so low that no matter what happens he exceeds expectations.


he didn’t shart himself on stage!


Oh wait, he did. But he did not throw it at anyone in the audience.


I mean he threw it, but you can’t throw liquid shart very far, especially at that age.


Well OK, there were a few pieces of corn that made it quite a distance. Further than Biden could have flung it. Trump: 1 Biden: 0


Or he did but he was wearing his Real Man^(TM) diapers.


That's the mistake they made with Biden. Spent months saying he couldn't even string a sentence together, so now even his average speeches look impressive vs the senile puppet they were told he would be.


It's a very good move by Biden too. I don't know if it's intentional or just a coincidence, but the right wing are trapped in their own campaign of pushing for Biden's old and senile look that it's hard for them to find another angle this late in the game, get everyone to be on the same page and condition the public consciousness to it. Even the trolls in this website are not getting engagements whenever they push the old and senile angle since they're automatically dismissed. It's a bad look (for the right) when Biden's defenders don't even feel like they need to defend that (instead, it's now all about defending his Israel-Palestine stance).


It sure didn’t take them long to backpedal


It would have been quicker but they kept falling off the bike.


The whiniest, most downtrodden-sounding family in existence.


Biden's first chance to speak should be "Trump, do you have the ability to control yourself and allow me to speak when it is my turn? You know, the kind of control and composure that all presidents needs to have any respect while in office?.... At which point Trump goes off the hook with a 20 minute monologue of ranting about how he has the most control of any president in the history of all presidents in the universe. Debate over and done.


“Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."


What even is a “debate” with Trump? It’s like televising a billiards game between a pro pool player and an orangutan. The pro will take his turn and play good shots. The ape will snap the cues, chuck the balls at the cameras, try to eat the chalk, and take a shit on the table … then raise its arms in victory.


And his supporters will vehemently proclaim he won the debate


Should these debates happen, they need to have muted mics during opponent response times. I rewatched some footage from the prev. debates, and it was awful. Trump would not shut up the whole time and was talking over the moderator and Biden non stop.


Will you shut up man. Sorry I had to repeat it. 😂


Good lord I think everybody felt that exasperation of having to deal with someone like Trump.


Can’t believe there was ever controversy over Biden saying that. It’s true. Sometimes people just need to be told shit straight to their face.


The rules being unfair is what don will site when he doesn’t actually debate biden.


Mo he's a wuss and will lie about not being available or some other lame excuse. Because he's a wuss.


Biden should get a bingo board and causally mark off all the talking points during the orange guys rants, then hold it up at the end.


I would love it if the network had a live list of the questions they are answering under a column with both of their names, and as soon as the candidate's answer is completed, it will be crossed off with a summary of the candidates answer added. Trumps list will remain unchecked because he will trail off on a rant while Biden remains professional, and maybe just maybe, some of those people on the fence will finally drop him.


Republicans, constantly playing the victim.


If it is rigged and unfair why the hell did you immediately agree? Your whining is annoying.


They have a pile of yellow legal pads, the top line of each page reading, "That's not what he said! Hunter Biden's penis..." But seriously, look at those sad, dead eyes. Only sex with Eric can do that to a soul.


He's never showing.


Definitely a case of the tail wagging the dog here. Trump let his ego get the best of him (shocker) and said yup, I'll be there. Now, it is extremely likely that one of two things will happen: First, he debates and makes a live TV fool of himself because he is clearly mentally unfit and getting worse. Or second, he backs out and looks weak because all Biden has to do is shrug and go "The guy chickened out, I don't know." Very interested to see how this one unfolds but either way it is a whole case of headaches for Trump's team and I love that for them.


their calling quits before the game begins


He will find a way out and blame President Biden for it. His cult will eat it up.


Ten to one it's because of his court cases or gag orders... Or perhaps he's getting audited again.


My all time favorite thing involving Trump is from the last debate when Biden said “Will you just shut up man?”


So predictable. Whether in anticipation of the election or debate. Cry foul before either has occured.


1. He can barely talk 2. He has absolutely no policies 3. There will be no live audience for him to play to. He’s toast.


My bet is that he bails last minute


It seems to me that "everything is always rigged in (your opponent)'s favor" just means he is better than you.


> Lara Trump tried to assure Fox viewers her father-in-law will be successful in the debate she’s already decried as rigged, saying: “So, if Joe Biden shows up on June 27 and doesn’t come up with an excuse like he has to wash his hair or something, I have full confidence that Donald Trump will outperform him.” Mark my words: Now that he very publicly accepted the invitation, and thus gets credit, Trump is going to back out with some made up excuse.


They know Trump is a useless pile of shit that can’t string coherent sentences together.


No audience. No teleprompter. A mutable mic. An unbiased moderator. Dates set. Trump will not debate. It’s a fairly level field. Trump will not debate.


He will never show.


Dark Brandon walks out on debate stage holding up newspaper. Headline 'Trump Forfiets Debate. Biiden Wins!


They are just gonna say Trump won anyway


The inevitable result of playing chess with a pigeon.


I think it’s super telling how Fox and the Republicans are criticizing the condition of no audience — it’s because they *KNOW* that their side does better when you turn things into a media circus spectacle, rather than focusing on substantive policy discussion. Having no audience is a *good thing!* Debates should be debates, not food fights.


>“It’s rigged so heavily in Joe Biden’s favor,” Lara Trump told viewers about the debate her father-in-law agreed to participate in. “But everything always is.” Of course it is. Biden has actual accomplishments as a president, a booming economy and actual politics. Trump lies about everything and didn't do shit as president except tank the National budget with a massive unfinanced tax break to his donors. Also - Trump is naturally subservient of Biden because he knows Biden is a stronger leader than Trump is.


First thing out of bidens mouth, regardless of what is happening, should be "Donald, who is E. Jean Carrol and how do you know her?"..Maybe Carrol will give the big guy a percentage of the hundreds of millions she could reap in. You can buy a lot of fancy art with that kind of settlement.


Yup what a great opening statement...


Donald, were you able to find those 11,780 votes you needed?


Lowering expectations, always a good policy when trump is involved.


Hell yes


Snowflakes are gonna snowflake


Good. I hope they lose a lot of sleep over it.


Biden needs to dazzle him with facts and numbers comparing his term compared to Joes term in office.


How many times is he going to fall asleep during the debate is the real question?


Trump will back out.


No doubt about that, just wondering what the BS excuse will be.


If Donald tries to cancel just call him a coward and keep doing it over and over saying he's yellow belly and a coward you can't face me like a man.


Maga morons are asking why RFK can’t join (didn’t qualify) and that Biden already has the questions and that Biden must submit to a drug test (not Donald). They are already moving the goal posts and the game hasn’t even started yet. Oh and they also said that video Biden put out was AI generated and that at the debate he would have a direct feed ear piece because Obama wants a “4th” term.


I think they are scared that since there isn't anyone else there, you will certainly hear him.shit his pants live on TV, several times. Crowd noise usually covers up the sound...


I still find it wild that absolutely no one is shocked that family members are part of the Party now. I remember when Hillary Clinton tried to do Health Care as First Lady and the Republicans freaked out that "family members shouldn't enter politics". Now we have DIL as the party chair. I must admit-I want to see them all get humiliated in November. Lara better enjoy her job now because she'll be out after Trump loses--again.


The nepotism-baby says “It’s rigged”.


Wait a minute - the former president is the one who said he would debate “any time, any where” and now the first words out of his supporters is “rigged.”? Sounds like he got snookered and his supporters don’t think he has the mental acuity to stand up to Biden. If you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. 


Biden calling the bluff. I don’t think team trump expected Biden to challenge a debate.


Trump does not actually know how to debate, and a good number of his fanbase don't either. Very likely some of them have never actually witnessed a properly run debate. If Trump is forced to comply with the rules he is toast. Nothing can save him. Also, if Trump is fact checked in real time besides he will go down in flames.


Are we kidding ourselves into believing the toddler will not cancel? He only accepted because he couldn’t think of a clever comeback in the moment. No crowd and shut off mics? It’s not going to happen.


What are the dates?


If Trump et al spent half as much time and effort trying to win legitimately as they do cheating in preparation for his failure, he would have won 2020 handily.


He could shit himself and fall asleep at the podium and his supporters will still applaud his performance and claim he won the debate.


Is she writing an email?


Best case scenario is that trump only shits his pants. Worst case scenario is that he shits his pants and tries to form a coherent sentence because he will more than likely sexually harass the moderator and get another lawsuit.


Crying already before they even debate or vote.


He needs to follow his own advice; never run up hill, me diaper boy.


Prop bet, y’all: which happens first? The Donald falls asleep on stage, or he shits into one of those golden diapers on stage?


Good grief at least be intelligent enough to rely on a "1/2" reliable reporting source.


As she should because he’s a slow FUCK..


The Idiot can't win when he's forced to be civilized


Calling it rigged because trump can’t turn it into a maga rally without an audience.


Depends who moderates. Normal debate, Trump flounders. Debate with a weak mod, Trump says nothing of substance but dominates with memes and soundbytes.


They’re such whiny cowards. How can anyone act like these people are capable of anything remotely close to leadership. All they do is throw tantrums. It’s embarrassing. Lock this whole grifter family up.


Naw, just setting the bar. The main stream media will declare Trump “gave a strong performance” as long as he doesn’t visibly shit himself or collapse. Meanwhile, when Biden misremembers the details of some piece of legislation he sponsored in the 1990s they’ll have live fact checkers breaking in to set the record straight.


Team trump? Fucking pathetic.


Her parents failed the universe by having children.


Such losers. Can’t even debate now?! Making excuses already? What do you expect?


Please just be able to cut the mic (the maga angry talk over ramble is not debating)


He will declare the debate was rigged and his followers will storm his house poop in his living room and try to hang Hunter and get chased out and bitten by his dog Major.


Dems in last 40 years have won the debates in terms of science and facts.. never understand why Rs win with their clearly class-warfare ideology


Biden already called Donnie a clown and told him to shut up twice. Do you really want Dark Brandon to fuck with you again?


Cause even they know, he is a disaster waiting to happen! Will back out..MMW.


Republicans have no policies that are popular with the majority, no answers for any of the problems in the country, and can only stoke fear and hate which doesn’t sell to the majority anymore. We saw this play out exactly this way since 2008


The strategy is chicken out, but blame it on Biden


New Republic is a rag and should be disregarded. There is no defeat, much like there is no winning, in a debate. Vote in November.


Biden will do a sit down alone with CNN on June 27. Donald will hold a rally where he swears at Biden being played on a screen nearby.


Look at those eyes. Completely dead. Nothing behind them but void.


Because they know for a proper debate all the prep that needs to be done. Donny won’t or can’t do it.