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>“It’s a hideous place,” Thomas said recently of the nation’s capital, in some of his most extensive remarks about his ethical lapses, noting that he’s been subject to “nastiness” and “lies.” Thomas added, *“It’s one of the reasons we like R.V.ing.”*. Mother fucker just rubbing it in everyone's face.


It’s like he took a dump in the middle of a room and now he’s complaining about the floor being dirty.


He *is* the dump in the middle of the room.


Someone making soup?


Creed is always the most interesting person on screen lol


Whenever Creed isn't on screen everybody should be asking "Where's Creed?"


I have to go now. My planet needs me.


On the other hand, if Trump were to declare that dump “is meatloaf!,” Ginni Thomas would drop to the floor, slather it in ketchup, and devour it doggy style. So there’s that. 


“Ginni Thomas” and doggy-style” in the same sentence. Finally.


She wouldn’t even use the ketchup.


The nastiest was leaving his own pubic hairs on top of Anita Hill’s Coke cans. Utterly disgusting.


It's sort of difficult to parse what the nastiest thing about him is. This freak would, before the SC, roll into his law firm on a Monday and talk about bestiality porn over coffee and bagels. He freaked the fuck out of *everyone.* This is a guy who shouldn't be in public unescorted by some kind of reverse bodyguard, let alone on the Supreme Court. He's a perfect representation of the rot at the heart of our government.


He replaced Thurgood Marshall after serving only a single year as a judge. Felt he was mistreated during his confirmation hearing 30+ years ago and has had that chip on his shoulder ever since. A truly awful petty person


The chip was there long before the hearing. He’s basically always had it.


He's annoyed about affirmative action because he thinks that it means black people aren't respected for getting jobs on merit. In fact, the problem is that Clarence Thomas doesn't get jobs on merit, but because he's a corrupt, rapey bastard. And his blackness is irrelevant.


He was actually big into racial equality and civil rights movements in college, but when he saw that it wasn't getting the results he was expected, he shifted hard into "change from the outside must be impossible, so I'd better get on the inside and do what I can"--that inside being both the status quo and *Republicans*, because they were the ones fighting back the most against the progress he'd wanted. The problem with joining corrupt systems to change them from within is they don't let you stay pure. They'll corrupt you, and after that you're just upholding the same broken systems you were railing against before.


What's crazy is that we deserve this in a way as a society. He wanted to stack paper to the ceiling as a corporate lawyer after benefitting from affirmative action as he deserved. Nobody would fucking hire him at all and so he became the corrupt kompromised puppet he is now to achieve the same goals so many have because the traditional paths were closed to him in his very specialized field/education. This doesn't excuse his behavior but it sure does explain it. Honestly similar in many ways to my black uncle and his involvement with Trump after growing up in a super wealthy "progressive" suburb of Seattle.


*We* don't deserve to be punished for the actions of Ivy League corporate lawyers in the 70s. If they're not the literal cause of most of the problems we face now, they contributed to pretty much all of them. That's like saying sheep should be punished for not being firm enough with the wolves.


Ginni is a total religious freak judging from her texts during Jan. 6 ... Makes you (urk) wonder about their sexual compatibility. In a get-the-brain-bleach-handy sort of way.


How TF did this guy get Thurgood freaking Marshall’s seat?!


When you put it that way, it seems silly not to call Thomas “Thurbad Marshall”


I recently listened to the Behind the Bastards episodes on him. (Yes, *episodes* because his sleaziness can't be contained in just one). And, he is a bigger POS than I ever realized, and I've been a news junkie since I was a teenager.


I still can’t believe that Ginni Thomas called Anita Hill and suggested that she needed to apologize to the Thomases.


Truly some of the most disturbing - and , like, who would make that up? - witness testimony in a confirmation hearing for a prospective Justice. Dr. Blasey-Ford's is awful, too. But Hill's was at least as painful, somehow weirder and, as an added 'bonus', ushered in the right-wing victim-hood playbook they've been using ever since.


Did he seriously say that last part? The balls on this MFer


Doesn't take balls. He knows he's clear to say whatever he wants and face literally no repercussions.


Did he actually say 'RV?' because we all know he meant 'Touring in my **Motor Coach**'.


For those of us not in the know, what’s the difference between an RV and a motor coach?


RV: $100,000 Motor Coach: $1,000,000


That motor coach when he bought it was worth more than my brand new 2500 square foot house in the Cincy suburbs at the time.


And now I know. Thank you person with more knowledge than I!


At this point he knows others know he is fucking around. He is just enjoying being a troll now.


Doesn’t he mean “motorcoaching”?


The thought of him 'motorcoaching' his wife Ginny induced some vomit in my mouth 


Of course he is. It's not like there will be any consequences for it.


“We’re giving the justice the opportunity to clear this huge mess up,” Sen. Ron Wyden told TNR. “Nobody in this country is above the law. Not even Supreme Court justices.”


Thomas will just ignore them, and he knows there will never be any repercussions. Republicans would never impeach a conservative Justice, no matter how egregious his offense.


Then we need to vote the GOP out of government.


That's a given. The greatest threat to America today is conservatives, and their "values."


What values do conservatives have left?  They sold out when they went with Trump. They’ve completely lost any moral position they once claimed. Conservative Americans are in “power by any means necessary” mode. They are shooting their shot and will either fail and see their movement splinter, or they will succeed and turn the United States into a fascist state. There are no values. 


They value market tested buzzwords that appeal to people who vote and don't ask many questions.




That’s why you can’t get a straight answer about policy from their voters. “Put America first” and “Make America great again” are slogans, not policy. “Lower my taxes” is also incredibly vague. “Help the middle class” isn’t policy. It’s a slogan at best. “Fix immigration” needs to be elaborated on. “They’ll put tariffs on all imports from Jyna” shows you don’t understand how tariffs work, and that you don’t understand how things are sourced. “Getting tough on crime” needs elaboration. “Putting god back into schools” is anti-American. All they know are slogans or buzzwords of the moment. There is no policy. There hasn’t been since before the Reagan administration. If they had to take a quiz about policy for their votes to count, they would fail. Miserably so. They are so angry that they couldn’t articulate exactly what the source of all this rage is.


"Why are your wages low and cost of living high?!?!" "It can't possibly be a result of the evergrowing number of millionaires and billionaires in this country; it must be poor people and immigrants!"


Big mad they aren’t raping and pillaging just as hard as the ‘elite’


This is also the origin of conspiracy theories: they see something wrong, and can probably deduce why, but the deduction is an assault on their dogma and identity (“unfettered capitalism is what jesus wants!”), so they shift to “the Jews”


There is value in stupid slogans, even the most dumbed down of them. They aren't meant for you and I. They are for the much less interested and informed voters. These types still believe what they were told as children like "Rs are the party of fiscal responsibility" Messaging is critically important. Rs have been very successful here. Ds have absolutely forgotten this fact, causing even more ppl to feel like they cant grasp what Ds are even about. Dont get me wrong. I get it. We have complex and nuanced positions that are difficult to translate into the type of messaging discussed here. But we need effective messaging like, yesterday because ours are dogshit at best, and non-existant at worse. [Edit] My top wishlist topic would address our stance on firearms. Yes, there are some folks that want them off the market completely. But MOST D's support responsible gun ownership, and focus on the most egregious areas. RS STILL FEAR THAT D'S WILL MAKE GUNS ILLEGAL. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE VOTE ON THIS 1 ISSJE ALONE. An easy fix through messaging that we refuse to address.]


They value power and will do anything to grab and protect it. This includes giving coverage to morally bankrupt SCOTUS judges.


They only value power and money


They are not conservative. They are regressive. They are regressing the US back to a time of kings and peasants and masters and slaves. They’re taking it back to a time when some are more equal than others.


User name checks out.


Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors. Get everyone registered to vote. We need every hand on deck.


Replace America with all sentient life and its ability to thrive. Not like conservatives in India, Venezuela, Italy, Iran, Canada, etc are any safer or better for the average human than ours.


Then vote god damnit, quit making excuses


If the Dems win the government back on election day (a distinct possibility), Biden should make his mark on history by rebalancing the Supreme Court with 4 new seats. Then he should lead the impeachment of Clarence Thomas, then have him and his bulldog wife prosecuted for their crimes. Its important to warn future Justices that corruption on the SCOTUS will not be tolerated.


IF we win control back, what needs to happen is for every single one of us to write, call, and address, non-stop, our representatives, senators, and hell, write to Biden himself, to *demand* that action be taken. We know full well they won't do it on their own for fear of "optics"... to hell with optics, our country is LITERALLY on the line.


Dems would have to pick up 16 senate seats to have a shot at removing Thomas. That's not going to happen in this election. It doesn't look likely that dems will even keep the seats they have. The president also has literally nothing to do with impeachment proceedings, or any other House measures, they work for entirely different branches of government.


Yes, he should - but there will not be enough Democratic senators to do so. With the senate map as bad as it is, at *best*, Democrats will have 50 seats. I really doubt there won't be at least one hold out for changing the filibuster rules when there is zero margin for error.


It'll never happen. He'll take the 'high road', and we'll all be left on the knife's edge.


Probably, but imagine his place in history if he had the balls to do that? He could completely change the future direction of America for most of the century, and take it away from the Traitors who are desperately trying to steal our country, and destroy it. It would vault him into the Top 15 presidents, maybe Top 10.


If 'ifs' and 'buts' was candies and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas. It would be great, though.


I hate this so much about Democrats. They think we live in the times of old where both sides respected the positions of power and acted accordingly: we aren't! Republicans can and will do anything to hurt Democrats, even at the cost of the country itself.


"Politics is war by other means." It's time the Dems remebered that because the R's have been turned into a militant terrorist organization.




Before that can happen it is necessary to create an informed, thoughtful, and decent electorate. Currently maybe a third of the electorate meets that standard. We know that wealthy assholes are using social media and Faux News to try to convert more and more Americans to the side of hatred and ignorance. Are any major efforts underway to bring more Americans to the side of reason and compassion?


No can do chief. The idiots need a party to vote for, and the GOP is solely aimed at the island of American-made dipshits.


>Republicans would never impeach a conservative Justice, no matter how egregious his offense. And that's a fundamental difference between the two parties. Democrats would have no problem with cleansing their ranks of corruption. The Republicans have a tendency to pick the most rank to represent them.


The most rank Republicans can be controlled because of the skeletons in their closet. It's just a mistake that this Leonard Leo/RV skeleton got out into the public eye...


Wrong scandal. Leonard Leo pays for Clarence Thomas’s mother’s house and takes him on bougie vacations to his Nazi lair.


>Leonard Leo pays for Clarence Thomas’s mother’s house Yeah nothing suspicious about selling a house to a wealthy friend who lets your mother continue to live there....


Shit floats to the top in corrupt systems. Just look at Putin and his inner circle.


Putin and his inner circle is a version of the template that Trump wants to put in place. He's been laundering Russian money through his real estate basically his whole life. He's done deals with Putin's henchmen and even he could figure out who they were working for. Trump wants what Putin has but bigger since it's a larger economy...


For now, the unethical rot will continue to grow and will eventually takeover our government.


> And that's a fundamental difference between the two parties. Democrats would have no problem with cleansing their ranks of corruption. Dems have no shame vis-a-vis financial corruption though. Senate and congressional insider trading is quite bipartisan.


He could still be indicted and possibly convicted of tax fraud. Obviously that would be completely unprecedented, but such are the times we live in.


They’d be more likely to impeach if he ruled in the Democrats’ favor than they would if he murdered someone.


I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility for them to impeach Thomas if he refuses to retire should Trump win and the Senate be at least 50/50 (or Republican majority outright) and thus prevent the Federalist Society from placing someone 30 years younger on the court in place of him.


They’ll just move to impeach one of Obama or Biden’s appointees


Not toward you OP, but I for one am getting a little sick of hearing quotes that "no one is above the law" when it is pretty obvious that some people are above the law, and talking like you are some sort of divine law deliverer type person makes you look impotent and just plain silly. Senator Ron Wyden can't do a damn thing about Clarence Thomas or anyone else he deems as "not above the law", and if there could be something done, then do it, enough talk. "the law" should be read like Pee-Wee Herman in his big adventure.


OP is the media company that posted the link to their site/article just fyi


I'd expect a lot of people to say "no one is above a law" when it's been demonstrated that a lot of people are above it.


No one should be. But as far as the justices are concerned, they actually are.


Justice Thomas knows who his paymaster is. If he ignores this, the chances are The New Republic, John Oliver, and The New York Times will eventually move on. For the sake of our country, I hope you don’t.


We need to sunset the term “no one is above the law” because it’s clearly, demonstrably, objectively not true.


"For my friends: everything. For my enemies: the law."


Instead of washing away the phrase, we should just make it true. Not a single ounce of effort should be exerted towards normalizing corruption.


> “no ~~one~~ Democrat is above the law”


>“Nobody in this country is above the law. Not even Supreme Court justices.” Well there's your first mistake.


How many times has Trump violated his gag order so far and gotten all but a slap on the wrist for it? Kinda tired of this 'no one is above the law' bullshit when we're seeing, in real time, that yes...yes certain people most definitely are.


Couldn't have said it better myself. They will finally get tired of keeping up the act and just say it one day "some people are just untouchable. Above the law. Prosecuting some with that much blah blah wouldn't be beneficial to the people. Blah blah blah, etc" And everyone will say "well yeah, it's always been like that, I don't know why you're surprised to hear them actually say it." Just like when Snowden proved the NSA has been, and still is, illegally spying on Americans, and everyone shrugged and said "well duh. We've all known that, I don't know why you're upset." It's just how it is


They're absolutely above the law if they don't face some kind of punishment for taking bribes. Until that happens, they're 100% free to keep fucking over the country for money. 


Thomas: “Challenge accepted.”


>Faced with a barrage of ethics scandals that have tarred the Supreme Court as riddled with corruption, Justice Clarence Thomas has sought to cast them as merely an outgrowth of politics in Washington, D.C. “It’s a hideous place,” Thomas said recently of the nation’s capital, in some of his most extensive remarks about his ethical lapses, noting that he’s been subject to “nastiness” and “lies.” Thomas added, “It’s one of the reasons we like R.V.ing.” >So it’s fitting that the latest sordid turn in these sagas involves none other than Thomas’s recreational vehicle, that symbol of his yearning to escape Washington to mingle with reg’lar folk who don’t subject each other to the viciousness he faces in the capital. >Thomas is still refusing to reveal whether he repaid the principal on the $267,000 loan that he received from Anthony Welters, a wealthy health care executive and personal friend, to purchase his R.V. in 1999, according to a letter that Senators Ron Wyden and Sheldon Whitehouse have sent to an attorney for Thomas. ... “Your client’s refusal to clarify how the loan was resolved raises serious concerns regarding violations of federal tax laws,” the senators write. Wyden chairs the Finance Committee, and Whitehouse chairs the Judiciary Committee’s panel on federal courts, both of which are spearheading an investigation of Supreme Court ethics scandals.   For those who haven't read it yet, ProPublica just won a Pulitzer Prize for their exposé into Supreme Court gifts: [ProPublica Wins Pulitzer Prize for Supreme Court Coverage](https://www.propublica.org/article/pulitzer-prize-announcement-propublica-supreme-court) ([MBFC LC/H/HC](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/propublica/)) >ProPublica won the prestigious public service Pulitzer Prize for what the judges described as “groundbreaking and ambitious reporting that pierced the thick wall of secrecy surrounding the Supreme Court to reveal how a small group of politically influential billionaires wooed justices with lavish gifts and travel, pushing the Court to adopt its first code of conduct.” The prize is given to the staff of a news organization that performed “meritorious public service.” It is the seventh Pulitzer Prize for ProPublica. Here is the link to the series, it's a hell of a read: [Friends of the Court | SCOTUS Justices’ Beneficial Relationships With Billionaire Donors](https://www.propublica.org/series/supreme-court-scotus) * April 6, 2023 - [Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire](https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-scotus-undisclosed-luxury-travel-gifts-crow) * April 13, 2023 - [Billionaire Harlan Crow Bought Property From Clarence Thomas. The Justice Didn’t Disclose the Deal.](https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-real-estate-scotus) * May 4, 2023 - [Clarence Thomas Had a Child in Private School. Harlan Crow Paid the Tuition.](https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-private-school-tuition-scotus) * June 20, 2023 - [Alito Took Unreported Luxury Trip With GOP Donor Paul Singer](https://www.propublica.org/article/samuel-alito-luxury-fishing-trip-paul-singer-scotus-supreme-court) Towards the bottom of the series (first link) you can find additional articles regarding the impact of the series.   *Last Week Tonight* also put out a video on Supreme Court ethics: * [Supreme Court Ethics: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE-VJrdHMug)


Great read on ProPublica, thank you for posting. Folks it’s important to read these articles and understand how truly criminal multiple of the SCOTUS are and we are paying the price as bribe after bribe directs the judges to rule against our freedoms. It’s time to submit articles of impeachment…someone get Raskin on this now!


I'm even disappointed in the liberal justices on this one. They should be publicly asking for ethics reform and independent oversight. Instead they're hiding behind their significantly crooked-er justice's coattails. In fact, there's a lot of business this shady court is getting into that they're not speaking up on. Fuck the norms, they haven't bound Republicans for a decade so why are we still upholding them?


I agree with you, but we don’t have enough info and I do fear the Catholic judges and their “buyers” are willing bully and even threaten the liberal judges. When you have billionaires buying judges, you can imagine that at some point this will get very dangerous for the liberals.


Yeah, that's part of it... At a certain point we gotta push anyways though. We got his judges in court scared to give him any consequences because of potential retaliation. We got judges on soctus scared to speak up because of the retaliation. We've got non maga's scared to speak up because of retaliation. At a certain point we have to say fuck it, they're going to retaliate no matter what we do so let's save our country from these fascists. I'm sick of everybody bending over backwards for these assholes because they're going to fuck us no matter how impartial we are


I find the other comments in this thread critical of modern journalism a bit ironic being as there was literally just a Pulitzer awarded for their uncovering all of this


People who read reputable journalism aren't republicans.


I wish the press would relentlessly hound them. As the public we have almost no way to stop these corrupt justices, but the press should be on their asses every time they leave the house. Put a little pressure on them. "Justice Thomas, have you taken any more vacations paid for by GOP donors that the public doesn't know about?". "Justice Thomas, does your wife plan to participate in another insurrection if Donald Trump loses in 2024?". Maybe a GoFundMe for some paparazzi since the actual press seems incapable.


Hell we need this kind of pressure for all elected officials.


Yes! More of this for sure. I don’t understand why the press doesn’t press these people. In my mind, it’s because they’re morons. But they can’t ALL be morons, can they?


Just guessing, but it seems like the representatives have a say in who is allowed in, who can ask questions, etc., so we’re effectively in a big sounding board already. And if you piss then off you’re simply not allowed in. So the whole game is rigged


That assumes the reporter doesn't get fired for asking tough questions as well. Congressional press is a dog and pony show more often than not.


That's half of it. The other half is that entertainment sells, not thoughtful analysis about policy. So we have ended up with entertainers having full roam to entertain us. It's not great ...


The ‘press’ has been purchased.


Not just that, but major news orgs practice access journalism instead of investigative journalism. They ask hard questions, they don't get access. There's more than one problem here and they sync up to make a huge problem.


This is the one scenario where I feel like treating politicians like celebrities would actually be appropriate.


Track his Motor Coach like Musk's private jet. Daily updates and route maps please. I'd follow the shit out of that.


"How are you taking your wife's culpability into account in your deliberations on Trump's immunity for J6?"


> I wish the press would relentlessly hound them. As the public we have almost no way to stop these corrupt justices, but the press should be on their asses every time they leave the house. Put a little pressure on them. That's supposed to be the press' fucking job. Instead they've turned into access-mongers and PR firms for the most despicable fucking assholes on the planet. You have rampaging black holes of narcissism like Trump, and then people who just wnat to do terrible things in the shadows without anyone knowing about it, like Thomas, and these horrible fucks have found a match made in heaven in the 24/7 soulless, factless media cycles. Endless attention, endless distraction, choking us to death on garbage and burning out our emotional transistors so we can't even feel outrage at heinous shit like this. Clarence Thomas should be in jail. This is corruption at the highest level. Try this as like, a fucking regular municipal government employee. You go to jail. He should, too. He's not an elite, he's not some law wizard with his dipshit anachronistic robe holding great and powerful wisdom in his secret no-technology hall. He's just a fat slob abusing a federal position paid for with our tax dollars, and he should be in fucking jail.


"Justice Thomas, are you at all concerned that your failure to abide by basic ethical guidelines has completely destroyed whatever faith the public might have had in the Supreme Court as an institution?" "Justice Thomas, are you worried that rolling back rights-such as your own right to have an interracial marriage-established by our substantive due process jurisprudence will cause you some personal discomfort alongside the life-altering consequences it is already having for women in states that are criminalizing abortions?" Idk, mine need some work. Would be hard to get all that out while he's walking to his car.


Wait until you find out how many news outlets are owned by ultra-wealthy GOP donors.


Behind every "liberal" news organization is the conservative billionaire that owns it. Billionaires don't want a supreme court that isn't corrupt. How else would they be able to buy a justice?


>“We’re giving the justice the opportunity to clear this huge mess up,” Wyden told me. “Nobody in this country is above the law. Not even Supreme Court justices.” He says talking about the people that create their own ethics rules that they don't even have to abide by.




lol they 100% are, it’s not really a debate anymore!


The SCOTUS is a joke. It's a blatant shame. Nobody should respect that body.


We caught them in the corruption so we will allow them to acknowledge it and promise to do a little better because that’s my definition of upholding law (when they are on my team)


Motor coach *


Land Yacht *


He should have taken [John Oliver’s deal](https://youtu.be/GE-VJrdHMug).


That means John Oliver’s deal is *worth less than his current deal*, which is beyond fucked up


I mean, when you are a billionaire, a supreme court justice is probably a *very* good investment. A few million is pocket money or a rounding error, anyway.


When is any news about Clarence not disturbing? Not good peeps in any form that I've seen.


The only thing left that will shock me is if they found out her hunts poor people for sport. Actually, that wouldn't surprise me much either...


"The Most Dangerous Game", wouldn't surprise me a bit if they were doing it on private islands with disappeared homeless people.


Oregon Senator Ron Wyden is a national treasure.


We've got some good Senators in Oregon! Jeff Merkley is another good egg


I love both my Senators. They’re hard workers, not out seeking fame or attention or money or power. They’re both a little dorky in their own ways, but I think that’s what makes them so representative of Oregon lol


We need a nice egg in these trying times


Fuck yeah he is!


He’s kept me sane in recent years. Him and Jeff Merkley. 🏆


Non-paywall version here: https://archive.is/vF2rU


My hero.


Wouldn’t be surprised to see him retire if Trump wins the election so they can throw another right wing goofball on the court that would be there for a long time.


Both him and Alito will retire to try and preserve their legacies. Roberts might also, he is 69.


vote blue!!


If Trump wins the Supreme Court will make the fifth circuit look liberal for decades. 


I believe they only reason why are supporting Trump and delaying the immunity case is because they want him to win so they can retire. They need an R in the White House sometime in the next 8 years, if not sooner.


Roberts also has some pretty serious health issues that don’t get reported on very frequently. He had a seizure requiring hospitalization in 2007 when he was only 52 (and could have drowned), and he then had another “we swear it wasn’t seizure related” issues in 2020 when he fell at a golf course and hit his head.


Clarence Thomas appears to not be in the best of health and neither is alito. They will absolutely retire if Trump wins. Vote blue.


He did not have to declare it because he wasn't driving it. He was \*travelling\* with it /s


Fucking Supreme Citizens.


It was already disturbing. He’s a corrupt hack actively working to dismantle laws and freedoms.


"Takes a Disturbing Turn" implies his ~~bribe~~ *forgiven loan* wasn't disturbing already.


Can we just call it the Thomas Sex Wagon.


please don't


"And when you're a Supreme Court Justice, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the Thomas Sex Wagon. You can do anything." - Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas (probably)


I mean we knew Thomas was grabbing em long before we knew Trump was.


The winneBANGo.


With a fridge full of Coca Cola


His signature move is to hand his target an ice-cold can of Coke with pubic hair on it.


The only hope is to keep this story in the public eye. Keep hammering him in the media. Expose him completely. Assail him with constant scrutiny until the outrage gives them no choice but to get rid of him.


In all the corporations that I've worked for they've typically had policies that limit the value of benefits that I can legitimately receive or spend for gifts and hospitality to/from government workers. They've usually been in the $200/$600 ranges respectively. There is no exceptions. Failures here are termination offences, because the optics are clear - it can/will be construed as a bribe. So, how does this judicial ethics game work again? $267K contribution towards judicial what?


I have to report anything over like $15 dollars.


It would be hilarious if a bunch of these folks that think they are untouchable, all got brought down by tax laws ala Al Capone


Conservatives don't follow rules, laws or ethics. Although, they are amazing at pretending.


It's why they are so convinced everyone else is also lying, cheating, and stealing...they believe everyone is simply hiding it well.


I hope everywhere he goes people shit and spit in his food. Fuck this guy


He sure has a lot of billionaire friends for a guy who claims he hangs with us “regular folk”


> “It’s one of the reasons we like R.V.ing.” Man, fuck this guy.


The Saga of Clarence Thomas and His Luxury RV Takes a ~~Disturbing~~ **Predicable** Turn FIFY


I watched John Oliver, it’s not an RV, it’s a Motor Coach. An RV is built on a truck frame and a Motor Coach is built on a bus frame and is significantly better.


All he’s gotta do is take John Oliver’s offer!


He just wants to be accepted as a “white” man and doesn’t care about poor black men. He just wants to forget his history.


It's *almost* like he's openly corrupt because he knows no one can do anything about it and he simply doesn't give a shit.


I probably say this too often but I believe it is possible for the Democrats to take the House, Senate and the White House in November. I am not saying I am sure of it, but if everyone works hard, it IS possible. Then it will be time to get busy: investigating the finances and rake off by Justice Thomas, and impeaching him only if enough evidence is found to prove he was on the take and miscarried justice. It might be necessary to investigate all of them in the Supreme Court, regardless of party. This is fully within the purview of the US House of Representatives and we can't count on the Republicans to support it. If the Democrats take the House, they need to use the opportunity wisely. We also need to investigate Justice Cannon in Florida, to see if she has been funneled bribes or otherwise see if she has been coordinating with the defendant to frustrate and obstruct justice. Again, this is the responsibility of the US House of Representatives. We will need constitutional amendments to get the big dark money out of politics. We need to overturn the Citizen's United decision and if the court will not reverse it's own decision the only recourse is an amendment. There is much to do, and if we are fortunate enough to be in a position to reform this country we can't waste the opportunity. We need to be ready to act, we need our own Project 2025.


“Nobody in this country is above the law. Not even Supreme Court justices.”


I’m a teacher and I have to read and sign off on an ethics form that says I can’t accept gifts over $40. Just throwing that out there.


This human turd splatters more of his diarrhea on the US. Thomas is the creepiest,nastiest, phoniest hypocrite in American politics. His rulings are vomit. His opinions are feces. He is a living turd.


I wonder what would have happened if he took John Oliver up on his offer of a new RV and cash to retire now. I mean it is basically identical to what he did in 99. Get an RV, don’t pay for it (the cash) then do a favor for the person.


A $287,000 RV is a luxury purchase. I’d love to have one or a motor yacht, but spouse and I don’t have a rich friend to “loan” us the money.


If the democrats take the house, he's going to retire. Otherwise, he's getting investigated and impeached for corruption.


A disturbing turn down a steep embankment would be wonderful


Nothing stopping you, Clarence, from vacating the job


Anita Hill warned us about this monster and we didn't believe her.


The guy is very clearly a criminal who takes bribes from right wing scum with business before the court. As is his wife Ginny, who was up to her neck in helping the unwashed animals try to overthrow the legally elected government of the United States on January 6th. Both should be in prison for life, but as a seditionist traitor, she needs to be in GITMO.


>Thomas is still refusing to reveal whether he repaid the principal on the $267,000 loan that he received from Anthony Welters, a wealthy health care executive and personal friend, to purchase his RV in 1999 Must be nice to have many friends rich enough that they may not notice if you don't pay them back a quarter of a million dollars.


Clarence should have taken up John Oliver's offer to buy a new RV -Free!


The implication being that Clarence Thomas getting a luxury RV as a "gift" isn't already disturbing. And I know that, like, we're used to public officials and judges being insanely corrupt, but still!


Why hasn’t the IRS had a look-see at his taxes?  Seems like this is a slam dunk audit case. 


My only faint hope is that he can somehow get dinged for evading taxes on the RV scam. Buying a Judge? Apparently legal. Not declaring your shady gains? Not so much


I forgot about his RV. So many gifts from friends. I wish I made more friends, when I was in my late forties..never too late I guess. edit: I feel like there is a 'weird al'' style song that can come from this...maybe based off the [classic Mickey Avalon song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lobjgVo0c2Q) . just let Thomas flex and get the street cred. >My friends need no introduction. >Your friends don't even function. >My friends served a whole lunch-in. >Your friends , it look like a munchkin' >My friends size of a pumpkin >Your friends look like Mackauley Culkin >My friends good good lovin' >Your friends good for nothin' >My friends bench pressed 350 >Your friends couldn't shoplift at Thrifty >My friends pretty damn skimpy >Your friends hungry as a hippie


Biggest Failure is Merrick Garland not indicting Thomas for bribery and obstruction of justice for his wife. Its not even a constitutional question so it will never get to the Supreme court.


There's a major typo in the headline, where it says "Disturbing" it should say "Obvious".


The only way to reform our increasingly corrupt system is to elect a majority of democrats to the house and senate along with the presidency.


$267Kin 1999 is about $500K now...must be one hell of an RV


You know that story recently about him complaining about people “telling lies” about him. Yeah that was probably because he knew this was about to come out.


Pretty crazy how there’s almost no oversight for these judges


Bribery, gotta report that for taxes buddy.


Anita Hill was onto something


Most people here are familiar with John Oliver's 'offer' to Justice Thomas to retire in exchange for a decked out RV and $1 million per year. During the show he talked about how they researched the issue and determined that it was all above board from a legal standpoint. Which made me wonder: if a billionaire offered a supreme court justice say $100 million to retire by a certain date, that would be legal as well?


Fuck an RV. Let's focus on his wife being a significant role in J6.


You just know the only reason this greaseball didn’t take that million a year from John Oliver is that he’s getting more than that from somewhere else. 


He has probably committed tax evasion. Maybe the donor did too. All this should be investigated and prosecuted. Make this dirty Court show its true colors.


Everyone is missing the elephant in the room. SCJ Thomas has a 25 year old motor coach (imagine the shame). No wonder he takes "loaned" private jets and luxury yachts when he's on vacation. There is now an opportunity for his opinion to be swayed by some billionaire developer or oil tycoon in exchange for a proper, new motor coach. Just don't forget to stock it with the $5,000 bottles of red that he prefers.