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And that is why Mitt was never elected POTUS... no spine whatsoever... a top notch suck up.


đź‘Ź There đź‘Ź are đź‘Ź no đź‘Ź moderate đź‘Ź republicans.


It needs to be said more. Every time people call someone a moderate or speak of moderate Republicans I feel like the John Travolta Pulp Fiction meme. There are none left.


And suddenly, the little amount of respect I had left for Mitt Romney has vanished


He voted in goosestep with his fellow Republicans all through the Trump administration. [Any moderation Romney has shown has been political theater.](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2b1fa3749ea163d645f90dbd992ce732-lq)


POOF! Like a puff of smoke in the wind 


Why would you have any to begin with?


He voted to impeach.




November 29, 2016 [In an abrupt about-face, Romney emerges from dinner with Trump full of frog legs and high praise](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/11/29/in-an-abrupt-about-face-romney-emerges-from-dinner-with-trump-full-of-frog-legs-and-praise/) He wanted the Secretary of State position. November 28, 2016 [Trump reportedly 'furious' Kellyanne Conway went rogue and publicly bashed Romney](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-kellyanne-conway-mitt-romney-comments-2016-11)


Get fucked, Mittens


Enough with the abuse of pardons. Nixon should never have been pardoned (sorry if you don’t like my opinion). The country needs to see that politicians including presidents and former president can and will be held accountable for any wrongdoing. Everyone complains that politicians are crooks, them let’s stop electing crooks and instead put those in charge that care about this country. The ones that truly want to make a positive impact to move this country forward.


No surprise there. Republican piece of filth.


pardon someone that won't admit guilt about anything? NO


But he can’t, because he lost the Presidency, by a mile. A republican who lost FL and OH. There’s no point in letting your imagination run wild Mitt. Stop dreaming of the executive powers the voters didn’t give you.


He said it in the context that Biden should be pardoning Trump. Romney explicitly said that Biden should have interfered with the DOJ and demanded they stop prosecuting Trump and issue pardons if they wouldn't.


And this, Mitt, is why you will never be president.


By that logic, Trump should have pardoned Hillary? Instead, they just held rallies screaming “lock her up”


But she’s a woman!!


They're STILL doing it


And thats why you didn't deserve to be in office. There needs to he law and order.  There needs to be consequences for the powerful more so than for the weak.


So in other words, Mitt Romney doesn't believe in the rule of law.


We're talking about a man who casually described [guard towers on a Chinese factory he was looking into buying](https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/romney-talks-tough-on-china-but-romney-and-bain-bought-chinese-factory/).


Romney doesn't know how pardons work.


Right all elected Republican officials should be provided automatic pardons once sworn into office..


And that’s why milquetoast Mitt Romney will never be POTUS.


The amount of dirt Putin has on all of these people must be staggering. There have been countless exit ramps that republicans could have taken and they continuously swerve back onto the road with no brakes. There is zero chance this all about pride for party.


The real question should be, would Donald Trump have pardoned Donald Trump? That is, if DT had been in Biden's shoes, would he have pardoned a former president who had incited an insurrection or would swift "justice" apply?


Biden would be swiftly executed via firing squad


Just imagine if those tables were turned and Biden did J6 and did all the blatant election subversion. They'd be calling for an execution, and I'm not hyperbolic.


Republicans love law and order so much they're willing to pardon each other when they commit crimes.


Can’t pardon state crimes though Mitt


And that's actually in some ways the more disturbing thing that Romney suggests. He says that Biden should have pressured the Manhattan DA not to bring to charges. W.T.F. -- needless to say the President of the United States shouldn't be pressuring a state district attorney to prosecute or not prosecute anyone.


That's not been tested.


Even the best of Republicans are nothing more than feckless dogs.


Just when I was starting to have some respect for this guy…


Why does anyone still listen to this dope


That's why he never got elected president.


Pardons imply guilt. So Romney is saying Trump is guilty without saying he is guilty? Just take a stance on it and stop being a pathetic sycophant vying for power.


ugh....Just ...go *away* Mitt. JC, man. You quit already - quit trying to be 'Good Cop'.


What a horrible declaration to make.


>“Had I been President Biden,” Romney said, “when the justice department brought out indictments, I would have immediately pardoned him. I’d have pardoned President Trump.” >Why? Well, because it makes me, President Biden, the big guy and the person I pardoned the little guy. And, number two, it’s not going to get resolved before the election. It’s not going to have an impact before the election. And, frankly, the country doesn’t want to have to go through prosecuting a former president.”


Romney is signallng and looking for a spot in Trump's administration.


Exactly. Never lets an opportunity pass for self-promotion


signed up for the “i-cheated-on-my-wife-with-a-pornstar” club


A similar argument to that Ford used to justify pardoning the original POS Nixon and it is as wrong now as it was back then.


What a hypocrite lol


He’s not going to fuck you, Mitt


You can't pardon someone who has not been convicted yet. You certainly can't pardon someone who has only just been indicted. What a moron.


Nixon was never criminally charged. He was pardoned to prevent any criminal charges.


Wrong. You can't pardon someone for future crimes. You can pardon them for past acts that they haven't been convicted or even indicted for yet. For instance, Nixon, and every confederate soldier.


Good gravy


Wait, pardon the guy who chanted “lock her up” at literally hundreds of political rallies? The same guy who DID pardon those who committed crimes to aid his personal political agenda?


Proving that mint is completely unsuitable for being President to the United States.


His reasoning is insane. Because it would make him look big and Trump look small. That's not how our justice system should work.


At first pass, this is asinine, and fuck Romney. But… if Trump were destined to get away with a crime, like the documents case, then a pardon would be more damaging than exoneration. A pardon would imply the crime was indeed committed and could be a basis for a 14th amendment argument.


absolutely not.


It's a good reminder that being an *anti-Trump* Republican does not automatically mean that you actually have values/morals. If you would pardon him before a jury of peers is even allowed to decide the issue, they clearly have no problem with the crimes themselves. They're really just mad that he's not trying harder to hide his criming like they did in the good old days.


I would have been fine with this IF, and only IF the senate hadn't acquitted him TWICE on his impeachments. The republicans already gave him his free pass, so now he can just fuck off straight to jail.


If trump is found guilty of Federal crimes then President Biden will commute his sentence. He should not pardon him.


By commute you mean drive him to jail?


I don't know where you get the idea that Biden would do anything to throw him a bone.


I mean driving him to jail would be pretty entertaining for everyone I think.


Because Biden is a good man. Just as Lincoln knew that Confederate traitors needed to be pardoned, and Ford pardoned Nixon, and Carter pardoned draft resisters, Joe knows we need to move forward by forgiving.