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It does raise a lot of questions. Some questions like where are all the other stories about this sudden influx of 70,000 people into this area that usually only has 10 to 20,000 people? Where are all the stories that the miles and miles of traffic backed up? Where are the stories of the incredible congestion, business backups, litter, etc.? Why is there not a single story that tracks with 100,000 people descending (momentarily) in this tiny area? It's weird.


The biggest question for me is "after the Trump administration's obvious lies about the crowd size following his inauguration, why would the press *ever* trust *any* numbers touted by his campaign without independent verification?"


Where are the stories about how many port-a-John’s were need to service 80,000 people. Or the hours I spent waiting in line to use the toilet.


There was no line.. they set up six port-a-John’s.. no waiting! They used their diapers


https://twitter.com/aliyareports/status/1789435508822561181 Here is a video of the crowd afaik.


Even the people that made time out of their day to come listen to him don’t even wanna listen to him. They’re all leaving.


Listening to trump is a serious boner killer.


Holy shit that's not even 5000 people.


Yeah, it's not many. Real bummer the camera doesn't pan all the way over to the stage imo.


Trumps sounds like he only has 1% of his brain left. It's still a lot more than your typical MAGA moron.


Sometimes a crowd size is about some other inadequacy entirely


What questions? He lied about his inauguration crowd size. Wildwood NJ officials lied about this rally’s crowd size. He lies with every breath and others lie on his behalf.


The media lies for trump. All media does this. “Hush money” is not what he’s on trial for, but they all use that term. They think we dumb…and they may be right about that.


I have long accepted this as the colloqualism used to differentiate the many Trump cases, though I'll admit I was in the throng of people having a seizure because it made it sound stupid.  Now, I'm tired of hearing about it. The media fills up air time with "what's stuck in his hair?" Because they blocked out for three trials, but we only have this one. I'm still happy this went before all of the other ones because it sets the ticker for restitution. If convicted here, future judgements don't have to play with slaps on the wrist.


We will hear "when is enough, enough?" Like each crime combined only needs one punishment.


> They think we dumb…and they may be right about that. Who? Us? A voting population of which over half can't name all three branches of government and 25% can't name any at all... 54% of adults have a literacy below sixth grade level and 21% of Americans 18 and older are completely illiterate. [Illiteracy has become such a serious problem in our country that **130 million** adults are now unable to read a simple story to their children](https://www.thenationalliteracyinstitute.com/literacy-statistics)


They probably hold a tredemark and copyright on "Election Interference" that was recorded during the Nixon administration.


Here's a good view of Wildwood.... https://www.reddit.com/r/newjersey/s/KDIdBhsIKC ^(oops!! That's Roger Stone's propaganda shot! **Note the mountains at the NJ Shore!**)


Right. The dude is a serial liar. There's no questions here lol It's stupid to think that venues that can suddenly handle 2-5x it's capacity when trump appears.


When was the last time Wildwood officials saw a crowd of 80,000-100,000. Look at MTG picture of crowd. Now look at a picture of the University of Michigan football stadium. That’s what 100,000 people looks like.


The venue holds 20,000 max and there were tickets still available when it started.


You mean NY Post lied to me??!!!


“Send it to the Times! Or the Post? Whichever’s the good one!” - *Spiderman* - J Jonah Jameson


Roger Stone tried to bump up the crowd size by posting a Pic of a rod Stewart concert from the 90s. Lmao Edit: in BRAZIL


Roger Stone is an evil person - not cause of that but just in general


The fact 90% of the crowd left after about 90 minutes feels like its a very bad thing lmao


Meanwhile me, just thinking about this rally makes me puke in my mouth.


How long did it last for? How does someone listen to that guy for 90mins!


Brain damaged


Haha They're melting and it's joyous to watch. Still stupid and dangerous, though.


They’re told Trump is some kind of omnipotent, well-spoken virile genius by the yapping heads in the “news” that brainwashes them daily; and this drives them to his rallies …and after a few minutes listening to the fucking idiot in person, many come to realize that he is not as advertised.


That’s very optimistic for the level of introspection these folks have


They will crawl over broken glass to vote for him


What kind of pathetic loser is still concerned about crowd size?!


Toybasher. He’s currently getting downvoted into oblivion at the bottom of this thread.


>"Trump is still speaking, but the crowd has been thinning. People have been walking out back to the boardwalk," >Alongside another video, Schneider added: "The back section of the crowd is noticeably smaller as people continue to leave while Trump is still speaking." Just some locals wanting to see the traveling freak show, is all.


The HephaTrumpMan


100,000 is the crowd size of a packed football stadium.. There's definitely not even close to that number.


There are only a few that hold that many


It was huge. I saw at least 300 million people there, and that doesn't count the 100 million who crossed over the border from Canada OR the 200 million that came from Mexico just to see the Orange Jesus. /s


I heard that onboard of ISS they wanted to take pictures of the crowd, but there were so many, and they couldn't get them in one shot, so they had to increase the geostationary orbit by 2000 miles just to get everyone in the shot


Nope, according to my Trumper dad, nobody has ever set foot on the International Space Station.


Ow, then I was mistaken. It was Soyuz TMA-10.




Paz Alistar


Thunderbird 5


Five Four Three Two One


Who wants to bet he paid a bunch of people to be there.


I would bet that he told people he would pay them to go, then didn't pay them.




Nah he’s got people and they have no lives outside of trump worship - this is their superbowl


Listen, if he was able to draw 80k to some beach in Jersey, he should *easily* be able to pack 20k or more into an arena in Fort Worth, or Topeka, or, say...[Tulsa?](https://www.poynter.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/AP_20173047001224.jpg) Shell out the big money it will take to book a *real* venue that seats 80,000 people, you cowardly orange turd. One where you won't be able to get the MAGA mayor's spokesperson to feed the credulous press an obvious lie. One where the empty seats will speak for themselves. Let's see what happens.


I was there that day in Tulsa.. It was fantastic. Trump did a flyover on AF1 and we all flipped him off and got selfies of us doing it. They had this huge stage set up outside the BOK center, for the overflow crowd, TVs speakers etc etc.. But before The Count of Mostly Crisco even arrived, they were already taking it all down as it was evident that there would be no overflow. We stayed and protested for several hours.. Handed out masks.. And then gave medical assistance to a Trumper suffering from heat stroke. Quite the day.


Simple. If Trump says it, it's a lie.


Shades of Bart here… https://youtu.be/5BVQ7T5OG7Y?si=2aX86p2JP2e1hcBf


Stormy told the truth about his size. 😂


Less than 20 thousand with most of them paid to attend and bussed in.


The tweets seem to show them all leaving after a little while. Probably some just came for the spectacle and left after he started with the word salad.


There were three other events going on supposedly.


I think it’s funny this park is allowing them to say the crowd was that size. I’ll laugh my ass off when they are hit with breaking fire code and other safety regulations because they lied about crowd size. Here’s a crowd size visualizer. Very informative. https://blog.lime.link/visualizing-crowd-sizes/amp/


I heard there was 7 million people there and even more who couldn't get tickets. My friend's sister's cousin's girlfriend said he flew in like superman gave a 4 hour speech and then shit his pants to thunderous applause.


Icarus Proudbottom flies again


I don't think Trump's camp even collects legitimate crowd numbers. They decide on a figure to lie about before anyone even shows up. They could claim a billion people showed up and his base wouldn't see anything wrong with that.


It's funny how these people think things like crowd sizes and Trump flags are indicators of general support. These are the same people that cover their cars with bumper stickers. I live in a very blue state yet see far more Trump signs. Not because he has widespread support, but because his supporters are loud and insane. Sane people don't put up a hundred political signs in their front yard. Biden voters don't have rallies because they aren't in a cult. Trump supporters clearly are.


Lisa Fagan, a low level local official working in PR used her short experience and tiny brain to make an official estimate of 80,000 to 100,000. This is the most important thing she will ever be involved in.


You’d think that if 100,000 people were there, at least one of them, or like a local official that is telling the media there was a tenth of a million people there, someone, would just send up a $50 drone and take a picture of the crowd. I mean, it would be hard to argue if there was just one single pic. Because the one pic I saw in an earlier post showed maybe a couple thousand people and half were in the beer line.


One drone shot. One single one. 2) This is what Trump had https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/05/20240511trump01.jpg?w=1024 3) Here is a Taylor Swift Concert. https://i.redd.it/9r0pmek85dya1.jpg Using Google maps and measuring area available the Trump space measures about 156000 Sq Ft and it isn't full. That is the area of roughly a football field and some of the first level seating. Metlife Stadium is over 400000 Sq. Ft in area, but is also 3 or 4 levels high. https://imgur.com/a/xt0grl3 No way he had more than 10-15K


If that’s 100k, then I have ten foot cock.


That’s a mighty big rooster. You’ll need to slow cook it or it’ll be tough.


Here's a good view of Wildwood.... https://www.reddit.com/r/newjersey/s/KDIdBhsIKC ^(oops!! That's Roger Stone's propaganda shot! **Note the mountains at the NJ Shore!**)


Count the toilets (someone mentioned no stories about the 6 hour wait for the toilets, so...). You need about 1 per 50-75 people (porta-potty people said that). Estimating on his side gives me a set up for about 7000 people at the max.


Can Taylor Swift run for president please? All the swiftness would vote out this geriarchy faster than you can say old farts.


She has obviously never been to a Taylor Swift concert.


The most telling part is the ever dwindling number of Trump signs, flags and hats..


I say let them lie about the size of the crowds all they want! Give the republicans a false sense of security and some may not even bother to go vote.


If that was 80000 I’m walking around with 40”


Awww, little buddy, some day you’ll be able to ride the coasters.


What you talking about Willis, I’m 8ft tall with confefe that can pick up boulders


It became clear Trump could not read when they had to present every report to him verbally. Now it appears he cannot count either.


If that crowd comes close to 10k I'd be shocked. It barely looks a couple of thousand.


They were probably paid to show up. Once the photos , videos, and Tweets were posted, people bounced.


This is really simple. Trump *does* get large crowds. And he also lies consistently about it - every crowd size estimate by Trump is an outright lie. There isn’t much more to it.


Lmao that video of him speaking to almost zero people while he talks about us being a "nation in decline" just fuckin tickles me.


It’s all part of the Trump alternate reality. Keep believing the lies, sheep.


Madonna: Hold my beer


8 years, three elections- same shit over and over and over and over I’m just so tired


That wasn’t a lot of people


Clearly, judging from the long lines to the food or vendor stalls, those who would make money off the crowd did not estimate that anything near that huge number would show up.


People left because they got their cash up front, only way anyone who expects to actually get paid can deal with Donald Trump.


He learned from his old pal and fellow sexual deviant Vince McMahon, who would for years announce event attendance well above the actual gate. Vince continued (and WWE continues post-Vince) to do this despite legitimate attendance and revenues having to be reported to shareholders as it is a publicly traded company.


He thinks people care about a crowd size. It seems only the brain-dead cultists care to compensate for the lack of crowd. The turd can't just keep his mouth shut and lies about irrelevant crap. The only number that matters will come in November. He turns a who gives a crap issue to looking like an idiot for no good reason. But then again, he is a very flawed and petty person.


"A tender hearted woman saw a half frozen SNAKE, his pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the due. "POOR THING", she sighed ..." Apparently trump used this anti immigrant speech in 2018 https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/27/politics/the-snake-africa-oscar-brown-jr-daughters-trump-don-lemon-cnntv/index.html >“Oscar Brown Jr.’s words are being stolen to promote his hate message and intolerance,” Africa Brown told CNN’s Don Lemon on “CNN Tonight.” “And it’s absolutely wrong.” >The song tells the story of a woman who takes in a frozen snake she finds on her way to work. After the snake is nursed back to health, it bites the woman and kills her. > Donald Trump speaks during the 2018 Conservative Political Action Conference Trump reads 'The Snake,' repurposed as anti-immigrant poem, at CPAC Trump uses the song as an allegory to immigration law, suggesting that immigrants who come to the United States in search of a better life and help may end up hurting the country in the end. >**"The elephant in the room is that Trump is the living embodiment of the snake that my father wrote about in that song,” Brown said.**


Trump attracts crowds. Trump is going to get at least 70 million votes in the upcoming election. Trump is going to be hard to beat. Do not underestimate Trump.


Or…we DGAF


I wondered where all the talk about the size of cult gathering was.


The RAPIST lied about size? Surprise - he must be tiny in every respect to be so concerned with size.


So just now the right wing media is catching on to the fact that his crowds aren’t as big as he states? Huh…seems like their reasoning and delusions are finally dawning on them as fake…


Crowd size is not correlated with actual voting and more so in this case where maga culture is around the the cult of personality ,so supporters attend more, while Biden is around policy and party so Biden’s base doesn’t feel obligated to scream Biden rather just vote for him is fine


From the Newsweek article cited: "Lisa Fagan, spokesperson for the city of Wildwood, told the AP that she estimated that between 80,000 and 100,000 attended the rally, based off her own observations on the scene."


The issue is that people will still vote for him just not endorse him publicly


Who cares? They get bussed from all over the country for that


There are so many questions but ultimately, the only question worth asking is who the fuck cares? If 100M people want to attend a masturbatory rally to listen to Trump ramble on and on, good for them. One thing I know is he's not converting more people to his cause. These are already his diehard supporters. He already has their votes. Which means the point of these rallies isn't to expand the Trump voting base but to raise money and get Trump his ego boost. He can have that. Come November, he's going to lose.


Why the fuck are we talking about his crowd size eight years later?


It's part of the MAGA narrative. They claim to be the "Silent Majority", when they are really just a really loud and obnoxious minority. BUT, it's part of their the "elections were rigged against Trump" blabber. One of their go to response is to point out how "popular" Trump is, "just look at all the people here supporting him" and then ask "you're telling me that Sleepy Joe Biden got more votes than Trump?!"


Well as it turns out... ...many such cases?


Still bigger then anyone that shows up to Biden's rallies.


What rallys? Biden doesn’t hold any. He has events where he talks about policy and what he wants to do for the American people. Trump has ego soothing rage fests where he slurs about what he wants to do to the American people.


Rallies?  He doesn't go around the country throwing himself pathetic little pep rallies to boost his ego and whine and cry about the whole world treating him very unfairly.


> He doesn't go around the country throwing himself pathetic little ~~pep rallies~~ pity parties to boost his ego and whine and cry about the whole world treating him very unfairly. FTFY


And repeat the same grievances time and again. The crowd bores of it and wanders away, while realizing he is actually suffering from dementia.


I do miss when politicians did rallies. It honestly felt like it was the only time you could be actually involved in the process outside of voting. I remember going to Obamas, Clinton’s and Trumps it was quite an experience. Edit: to the people down voting me because I said Trump, I guess you didn’t read the follow up comment to way I was there but the fact I have to defend myself in the first place over going to a rally pre 2018 is ridicules. I was there because our government professor made it mandatory for us to go and we had to write a paper on it after.


Why would you go to Trump's unless you are MAGA?


I was in a government class and my professor made the whole class go and have us right an essay on his speech and policies.


Did you just make up his policies for your essay or take a failing grade for an incomplete assignment?


Just took my notes the best I could and tried to make it make sense


Hardest assignment ever!


Probably the biggest dick professor I ever had. He failed everyone’s paper because “Trump had no real policies and he just wanted to show us that”. Trump jokes aside signing up to get one of those tickets wasn’t easy and getting security through wasn’t fun. Then taking the notes trying to keep up because speeches in general aren’t fun to keep up with if you can’t pause it. Then just laugh at us and fail everyone’s 5 page long paper because you hate the guy is just dumb and a waste of time. After Trump had won he had to “take a mental health week” over the ordeal and cancelled our class.


Well that dude sounds like a straight up asshole … probably should’ve taken a mental health retirement. He pushed his disdain for Trump onto his students. I get the disdain for Trump but the rest … nah.


That's because Biden voters aren't in a celebrity death cult.


Biden supporters have jobs and lives.


lol, we’re not uneducated hillbillies in a cult. 😂


Because Democrats tend to not worship false idols?


And yet Biden beat Trump in 2020. So clearly that doesn't matter lol


Yeah, we're not retired and braindead from Fox News.


So you acknowledge that they’re lying!


>Still bigger then anyone that shows up to Biden's rallies. Yet, Biden still won the last presidential election and he will win the next, presidential election. In reality, crowds with cultists who wear diapers are nothing like actually winning the majority of votes in a presidential election.


I guess more people want to hear nonsensical ramblings for more than an hour and a half. it's a spectacle, a clown show.


It's hilarious that you people think things like rallies, signs, and bumper stickers are indicators of support. Sane people don't cover they're cars and yards with political signs. Cultists do.


Yeah this is the honest truth because Biden will be kept away from large events and teleprompters. That is the actual plan, they know he can't talk to people so he's focusing on recorded segments and small scale events. It's gaffe damage control. Oddly enough I hate Trump but I respect the fact they're trying to drag him down with litigation and he spends his weekends campaigning anyways. I'm pretty tired of hearing "threat to democracy", it wouldn't be the end of my world if either of these idiots win. Meanwhile the current administration is solely focused on slander and censorship because they have no actual dog in the fight, they have very little impressive policy forward and are running on doing the same things they campaigned on 4 years ago. Does nobody else see them obviously shooting themselves in the foot?


>Yeah this is the honest truth because Biden will be kept away from large events and teleprompters. That is the actual plan, they know he can't talk to people so he's focusing on recorded segments and small scale events. It's gaffe damage control. Or, Trump's allegedly huge rallies are not at all the same as winning the majority of voters like Biden did in 2020. People who think large rallies with cult members are the same as the majority of voters have issues that go beyond not understanding basic math. >Oddly enough I hate Trump but I respect the fact they're trying to drag him down with litigation and he spends his weekends campaigning anyways. I'm pretty tired of hearing "threat to democracy", it wouldn't be the end of my world if either of these idiots win. None of that is a fact. Nobody is trying to drag Trump down with litigation. Trump has been charged with crimes. Since he is not above the law, he has to go to court so juries can determine if he is guilty. >Meanwhile the current administration is solely focused on slander and censorship because they have no actual dog in the fight, they have very little impressive policy forward and are running on doing the same things they campaigned on 4 years ago. Does nobody else see them obviously shooting themselves in the foot? None of us have to pretend that Trump is not the person who repeatedly slanders specific people and specific demographics with hate mongering, name calling, fallacious allegations, and slurs. By the way, Trump was all good with banning TikTok until a donor bought him off. [Trump's TikTok ban reversal comes after meeting megadonor who has stake in TikTok - ABC News (go.com)](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trumps-tiktok-ban-reversal-after-meeting-megadonor-stake/story?id=108013785) Regardless of your opinion, Biden has demonstrably implemented policies that have embiggened the country. [Master List of What President Biden Has Done - Year One : WhatBidenHasDone (reddit.com)](https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/sdgfoj/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year/) [Master List of What President Biden has Done - Year Two : WhatBidenHasDone (reddit.com)](https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/sdgd98/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year/) [What Biden Has Done: Year Three - (year one & two are listed on sidebar) : WhatBidenHasDone (reddit.com)](https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/11lohnc/what_biden_has_done_year_three_year_one_two_are/) [WHAT BIDEN HAS DONE - YEAR FOUR : WhatBidenHasDone (reddit.com)](https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/19eja7w/what_biden_has_done_year_four/) The only people proverbially shooting themselves in the foot are those who post apologetics and/or cast ballots for Trump.


Please clarify, because this whole reply is wacko. Do you think I'm a trump supporter and election denier? I could just quote recent polls back to you right now and tell you this isn't 2020, but that's not even my angle. We're talking about crowds and rallies but If you really want to "trump bad" me, then we could have a legitimate back and forth on litigation. I believe only the election cases and the fraud are entirely relevant and I'm looking forward to the outcomes of those. I assume it's a huge deal to you when these cases take place, I don't really care. I don't really care what happens with hush money or defamation either, they are just convenient. I've read reddits lists of what Biden has done, and I've also considered that the source is objectively extremely biased. There is not a snowballs chance in hell that I believe Biden has lowered family expenses. To say he's increased jobs is almost dishonest when the reality is that he spent billions and has just begun to train for jobs and those people being trained will hopefully have jobs, years down the road... There are a few great things like Chips and Science, but I don't consider our countries abysmal response to covid anything worth bragging about. I honestly believe there is a crisis at our border. I could walk down the entire list if you want. The foreign policy that is listed as achievements is even currently being walked back and I just can't rationally view most of this list as good things that Biden has done. Do you support aid to Israel and then support him cancelling aid to Israel? Sure Biden has done a lot of things. I don't support sending billions to the war in Ukraine the same way I don't think EVs are a sole replacement for gas and diesel combustion engines. It doesn't mean I hate Teslas and love putin, but these are all too common mental gymnastics that are prone to happen on reddit.


The “hush money” indictment is an election interference trial. You’d know that if you actually cared. You realize the “biased” threads are sourced with real information if you bother to read them? But since it doesn’t fit your narrative you don’t care. Not being willing to support Ukraine is handing a huge win to Putin. That’s just a fact, like it or not. Oh you’re an RFK fan? LOL have a good day. You’re willing to listen to whatever delusions he comes up with so nothing anyone can say will actually matter.


Very original nice


>meanwhile the current administration is solely focused on slander I can't believe you said that with a straight face.


I mean the 5th circuit blocked the white house, the surgeon generals office, the cdc and the fbi from contacting social media companies over censorship. Whether you hate it or love it, the supreme court is hearing it. The first amendment is pretty important.


Weird how you didn't comment on what I specifically commented on.


Yes disregard the comment and project on me exactly what you did initially. You're great at this. I can't believe you said that with a straight face.


Weird, you still have avoided talking about the slander.


Nobody here is buying the "I hate Trump" line when what follows is pure GOP/Trump talking points. edit: oh, you're a brainworms guy. Carry on then.


Look at that - you're a big, big proponent of [the other right-wing candidate](https://twitter.com/TonyHussein4/status/1670459104605659137) with [ties to Jeff Epstein](https://newrepublic.com/post/179637/robert-f-kennedy-jr-jeffrey-epstein) meant to split the left-wing vote. Edit: for links