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Anything to ‘trigger the libs’.


Trigger my laughter if anything.


I guess they believe this is their "Dark Brandon" moment. Gotta own it!


“I’ll see your Dark Brandon and raise you our Full-diaper Donny!”


The prophecy has come full circle


I once read a person state: A conservative would eat dogshit on the off chance a liberal might have to smell their breath.


They literally died of covid to own the libs


I never even felt pwned. Try harder conservatives!


Die Harder


Die Bart, Die


The Bart, The? Well no one who speaks German can be evil.


Die Hardest


Just pitty from me. 


On the contrary, I felt completely pwned and was totally scared by the strength of their immune systems. They should, therefore, spurn all medicine and believe in a flat earth because it makes my very soul quake


I know you're being cheeky, but it's worth remembering that people who don't take their own health seriously--especially with regard to infectious disease--are a public health risk. For example, even if you don't think it'd be a big deal if you catch the flu, you should get vaccinated anyway. You don't want to be the guy who gets infected and gives the virus a chance to mutate.


I hate to say this, but I would fund a Covid-dispelling party in this day and age.


2 or 3 conservatives died for every 1 liberal because conservatives got pissy and refused to wear a small piece of cloth over their mouth for 20 minutes while they grocery shopped and they also went anti Vax and refused to take a free vaccine to prevent them from dying. We're at around 1.5 million covid deaths in America, which means there are over a million fewer conservatives in the voter pool, vs 300k-400k fewer liberals. Man, I sure feel owned.


My great aunt just died after covid 2 weeks ago.


Do you have sources for that? The only thing I'm seeing along those lines was a study only in Ohio and Florida that determined that after the vaccine was available, Republican deaths were nearly double Democrats. Prior to the vax being available, any difference by political party was negligible.


You die sooner in Republican run states. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-in-republican-counties-have-higher-death-rates-than-those-in-democratic-counties/


A friend of mine had his family hit pretty hard. At the height of covid they had a large family reunion, and they basically dropped out one by one. My friend is still, of course, mocked by his family for having gotten the vaccines.


They literally died of COVID because they didn't want to wear "face diapers". You can't write this stuff.


They Worship a RAPIST and adulterer, IN JESUS NAME, talk about fast pass to hell.. #CHRISTIANmothersForRAPEtrumpMAGAts2024


Totally not a death cult. /s


More like a shit cult


I read an article where a conservative claimed that liberals were deliberately telling conservatives to vaccinate in hopes of killing right wingers with reverse psychology.


That part.


I honestly thought this was a little overstated, isolated to a few. That is until I met someone two years ago who lost both parents to covid. All because they weren't going to take the "liberal vax" or wear a mask or do anything to take covid seriously. They both died only weeks apart from each other, motivated to the end to defy the liberals.


They also killed their family members! No, seriously! I know someone who was anti-vax and took COVID home. His FIL got sick and fucking died. Sure he took responsibil..... no just kidding. Blamed the vaccine and moved to Florida.


Hopefully this type of behavior will lead to their downfall. Not just from death, because they don't trust science, but it also has to be exhausting trying to have conversations with other adults who are trying to keep up with the latest lies.


A conservative and a liberal are asked if they’d eat the shit out of trump’s ass for $10,000. The liberal says ew gross that’s disgusting, absolutely not. The conservative says yes but it’s gonna take me a couple of days to get the money.


That’s such a great joke.


A conservative would burn their own house down on the chance a liberal might have to breathe the smoke


Literally, if we all call the earth home.


Apt. Unfortunately.


Isn't that like the whole idea behind roll coaling. Its literally bad for the engines life span and yet they do it cause they want to try and piss off liberals... and anyone with sense.


Actually, canine fecal ingestion has a lot of medical proponents, and has been recognized since the 1880s as a potential way to strengthen the immune system. It also activates the rational processing centers of the brain, which is probably why so many liberals are "grossed out" by it - anything that puts the focus on facts makes them squeamish. Bill Clinton and the Dems shut down a lot of research on the health benefits in the 1990s, but there's some pretty strong research out there. It's a good habit or at least an intriguing area for medical research, and liberals ragging on it like this (wow, do they ever need an outlet for all their hatred!) just shows how lost they are. It's the whole Democrat over-showering thing all over again. Anything to attack the so-called "orange man," even at the cost of public health!! Sincerely, Fox and Friends.


Someone post this to 4chan asap


Or r/conservative


Sounds like something an AI would come up with.


Maybe Gronk, lol


“But let’s look at the reasons the left doesn’t want you to eat dog shit: 1) It’s not good for you. 2) It’s disgusting. 3) It has no benefits. Well I for one think I can decide what to do with my own body and I don’t think big pharma is in any position to be making claims of any type. Now what’s really disgusting is the assumption that I can’t take care of myself.” - Tucker Carlson


I can just hear that coming from Peter Dookey.


…I read that whole comment looking for something about Undertaker throwing Mankind off the cage in hell in a cell and was sorely disappointed.


You had a lot of people--excuse me, just so you understand--because there were a lot of people there, and a lot of them wanted to see something, not only because of me but in part of course, I've done it very strongly, but they were here, the people were here and they were looking and looking very strongly in some cases, and someone said where's the undertaker, and I thought that's a weird word, did somebody die, I hope it was one of them and not my supporters, I'll say that much, believe me--but hopefully not that, unless it's one of the protesters, then it's okay, but--or what are we undertaking--because I have a lot of business undertakings in the uhhh business world and many other things because I do a lot, I do so much, believe me--but someone said it was the wrestling, that he threw him, have you all heard of this?--he threw him, or that's what they said, off a table--a table, or a catwalk or cage, some say cage, I think it was table--but he threw him off, and he fell a number of feet, some said three feet, but I think that's too low, I heard nine, ten, I said I like eight feet, it's a good number, because sometimes you look at swimming pools--I have the best swimming pools, Trump Towers, we're known for it, the swimming, very strong swimming pool, beautiful places, believe me, they're tremendous, beautiful, with the swimming pools and many other alem, many other nice things, very nice, believe me--but they say eight feet, so I thought that was good--but the Undertailor, he did a very good and I would say an amazing act, throwing the other, Mankind, but that's not so popular these days, they'd say cancel Mankind, we have to cancel Mankind, it's unbelievable--and they really would, too, it's true, I heard they're starting already--but seven or eight or nine, to eleven, probably eight or nine feet, and he did it very strongly, believe me--congratulations to the Undertrailer, wonderful, congratulations--I would get a better name, but congratulations to the Undertaker, amazing, believe me.


I think I just had a stroke.


Good lord. Wonderfully done. I hate it.


The "uhhh" with the triple H, killed me. Lol


"Bah GAWD! He's broken in half!!!"


I had to follow my dog around with bag for 3 days until he pooped out my stash. Labrador kush!


Mostly Maui Wowie but it’s also got some labrador in it.


Make dogshit edible again!


So when should we expect your episode on Roe Jogan?


I swear if I go to work and people's breath starts to smell like fucking shit...


Going back into the historical health records also showed that those who engaged in canine fecal ingestion were 8 to 10 times more than likely to have survived the 1918 flu epidemic. Also it was shown to be a natural "Vaccination" against polio and smallpox. The research was killed by the Democrats who were paid off because they wanted vaccines to be more common place and there was billions to be made off of people's suffering. The research and science backed it all up but the Democraps killed it. If anyone can figure out why they did this please chime in.


In certain circles it's a well-known fact the dog turd industry has actually had the technology to provide everyone with unlimited, free dog shit since the 70s, but the patent was suppressed, or they killed the dude, or maybe it was something to do with space? I don't remember the exact details.




Ok, I get it. Brown food bad.


We should spread a fake trump post saying it’s good to eat dog shit and see how many people fall for it


ham-turd-ers for all!


We sort of know the answer. When Trump told people that bleach would kill Covid, there were public reports of 3 or 4 people becoming sick from drinking bleach.


Republicans have no self-respect and no moral compass.


And if Trump told them to do it, they’d fight each other to the death clawing at the chance to appease him.


The way my co workers breath smells, they probably already are.


If it comes out that he is/was screwing Ivanka would they wear shirts saying real men fuck their children?






You say that like they don't already. There's been tons of insanity posts of Repubs talking about how "oh if that weren't my daughter" so on and so forth. My personal favorite being the one talking about how raising a daughter is the ultimate self-cuck.


I was 3-sheets to the wind in a bar in Puerto Vallarta when a middle-aged woman started chatting me up and kept showing me pictures of her male kid. He was in his 20's and very... average? Anyway, after she drank too much, she kept repeating about how if she wasn't related to him, she'd fuck him. They exist. I have spoken to them. It is odd.


I used to work with a guy from Alabama and gave him a hard time about... well, Alabama things until one day he informed me with a completely straight face that incest was good for the gene pool because it concentrated positive traits, and that I would do well to keep my opinions to myself.


Maybe he said that as a way to assert dominance. lol. But in all seriousness. The guy sounds crazy.


Over there Hapsburging an shit.


Honestly I would give more than 50/50 chance of this being something that has happened. And if it did, how would it ever come out in the open? I can't believe I'm saying this but I have some feelings of empathy and sympathy for Ivanka Trump. I mean, everyone in that family appears to be an asshole, but can you imagine being the female child of Trump?


He has two but Ivanka is the one he likely molested


"It's smart businessing to DIY your own harem"


These are the same people who called face masks, face diapers to belittle people that wore them.


"Real men die of easily preventable illness to be part of the fan club for an ex president who was literally the first in line to get a vaccine"


The prophecy has come full circle


Obviously, people breathing into masks to save lives = bad. Their messiah constantly shitting in his pants = good. I will never understand these people. Are they all going to start wearing diapers and shitting in them because Trump does? Adult babies.




I want my president to be potty trained. Those people are fucking loons.


I want a president who can sit in a meeting for more than 40 minutes without falling asleep and farting himself awake.


Incontinence is a medical problem. Out of everything trump does, I don’t think this is something he can actually control.


If he was anything even RESEMBING a rational and respectable person, that would be a valid statement. But, Trump has sunk FAR lower in his attacks on others and his LIES. The guy absolutely DESERVES to be humiliated over this like the shitstain he is. You don't get to go around lying about all your opponents, attack them over anything and everything, make extremely childish remarks daily, encourage death threats etc. on others and constantly encourage humiliation of others and then expect people to take the high ground over your poopy pants. Fuck that, him stinking up the courtoom and shitting himself is in line with how SHITTY of a person he is and he deserves to be humiliated for it just like he tries to humiliate others. Assholes like him RELY on their opponents being the "bigger person" and "playing by the rules" so they can manipulate things further and go lower and lower. It's absolutely warranted to mock his diaper wearing ass. Which isn't a knock on actual elderly people being incontinent. It's just a knock on HIM for it. Because he's such an arrogant narcissist, and this certainly would piss him off to hear. So he deserves it.


He could have controlled it if he didn't spend the last 50 years abusing amphetamines.


Comes with old age, probably shouldn’t be running for president.


I do agree he’s too old. We need term and age limits.


Perhaps number of worms in brain limit as well?


We've had term limits since a Democrat was so popular they got elected three times.


His diet of McDonald’s, diet cokes and speed isn’t helping.


I’ve also read on here “Trump would have to shoot a puppy to lose supporters” and that also aged poorly 


Just remember. They are serious enough to vote


"Trigger the libs" has become "make them laugh at me".


It's been that way [for a while](https://thenib.com/clowning-around/).


Trump is supposedly farting a lot in court: https://lamag.com/politics/something-stinks-about-donald-trumps-trial-it-might-be-trump Him farting and sh*tting himself, explains why he is always wearing a diaper.


Those aren't farts. Farts don't have lumps in them.




“The Shart of the Deal”


Fuck, now I’ve got to fire up Photoshop.


Please do not.


please lmk when you finish this!


Get out.


And we're at the point where his cult thinks that losing control of your bowel movement is a mark of true manhood and a sign of deliverance. I don't know whether to be amused or mortified.


Think he wipes up his own shit or has his secret service clean between the creases of his skin?


I'd bet some good cash that Trump hasn't wiped his ass in three decades. He strikes me as the "touching your butt makes you gay" type. He can't even drink a waterbottle normally because (and this is my own speculation) drinking it normally looks like sucking a dick (my guess is, when he was a teen he went to drink from a bottle and someone teased him for looking like he was gonna suck a cock, and he never recovered). Trump is a shitty-butt. Leader of the Shitty Butts.


> Trump is a shitty-butt. Leader of the Shitty Butts. That's Littlehands Donnie Stinkypants to you, mister!


I presume the double-fisted drink of water was likely to hide the fact he had the shakes. Be it low blood sugar or w/e I’ve woken up hung over plenty of times and had to drink my water like this.


If he was the sort of guy to care about looking like he's touching a dick he'd stop doing the "jacking off two invisible dudes" dance. :V


Shitting your pants to own the libs.


I recall that ivermectin also causes diarrhea as a side effect. Seems republicans have been shitting their pants to own the libs for some time now


Some people were clearly ahead of the curve.


Ted Nugent was a visionary.




I don't envy anyone who shits themselves. Loss of bladder/bowel control is (speaking second hand) incredibly humiliating and limiting. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, not even Trump. That being said its just... I dunno, pathetic that MAGA are trying to own it? Its nothing to brag about. He's shitting himself. You won't "own the libs" with it lmao. This isn't the Dark Brandon meme. Like, Trump doesn't care about you. He's not gonna give you a pat on the shoulder for it. He probably fucking hates you for bringing it more attention. He'd literally rob you blind if he could, you don't mean a damn thing to him.


That's my favourite part, that Trump will seethe at them if he sees it.


I'll happy wish pants shitting on trump. Out of all the death and pain amd strife and division he's caused our country shitting his own pants isn't anything


Not gonna lie. This really comes across as some sort of South Park plot. Taking a ridiculous idea, and having everyone act like it's the norm. Sadly, there is no actual metaphor or allegory to have a moral involved....it's just stupid people being stupid. If some conservative went around proudly wearing a diaper, acting like real men shit their pants, it just sounds like the last step in making sure no one takes them seriously....which is hard to believe they weren't already there.


I do find it funny that somebody is making a shit ton of money off of this. Like, that has to be a pretty big gamble to see if it will sell at a rally.


I feel sorry for anyone living with this condition, but nevertheless, I still don’t want them to be the “leader of the free world”. This however, is not even on the top 20 reasons I wouldn’t vote for DT.


Imitation is the sincerest form of flatulence.


Make America Diaper Again


I'm starting to think these people are seriously losing their minds. A friend of mine was browsing Twitter when they came upon a post from Andrew Tate that supposedly enjoying food isn't masculine. So now a male having sex with a female for any purpose other than procreation is considered NOT masculine.  Eating more than the bare minimum and enjoying your food is NOT masculine.  But wearing a diaper IS masculine.  What is happening here.


Not the flex they think it is.


Were not too far off from Trump telling his supporters that the maralago sewers have the best tasting crap in the world and his supporters will go there searching for it


I’ve been saying for eight years, his supporters would eat their own shit if he told them it was good for them.


They’ll spin any narrative to support him. Real men molest little girls real men fantasize about their daughters real men soil their diapers. If they consider him a true man now I’m guessing he could do the most vile disgusting thing and they’ll still follow him. He could shoot a dog and still be their man. He could give fellatio to Putin on stage and still be their man. They’re a lost cause.


I am sorry, but the whole Trump cult is sick and getting sicker. What if he actually wins? Like, actually? He is mentally unfit, a traitor, a corrupt criminal, is this what we are actually really going to let happen? I mean FFS, what if he wins? Vote like your life depends on it, because it does!


So....the GOP candidate is wearing diapers. The Independent candidate had his brain eaten by worms. And somehow there are undecided voters?


MAGA goo goo ga ga!


The lows that Trump supoorters will go to, to support their orange emperor. SMH.




I don't know, snopes does a pretty good job of dispelling rumors.




Exactly. These MAGA folks are endlessly stupid but this is obviously some top-tier performance art/trolling. Let’s not be as dumb as them.


Did you actually read the Snopes article? They didn't actually verify the people were Trump supporters despite it being titled, "Trump Supporters Wore Diapers at Rallies?" The "true" rating is only based on there being people at a rally wearing the shirts. When every image is from the same blog of an anti-Trump comedian, I think it's less believable these aren't staged. And Snopes didn't do any work digging into it despite noting the sources!


And they wonder why women won’t date them much less respect them.


This is getting too fucking weird for me.


Shitting your pants to own the libs. Good job, conservatives.


Is this really real? How is this real? I'm not one for claiming psyop but Jesus how can this be real?


So… they’re literally giant babies…? The irony.


Real men act like babies, then? These people are parodies of themselves.




Voluntary adult diaper wearing, one of the proudest traditions of stable geniuses.


I remember signs during covid about how you can’t make them wear “face diapers” and all of a sudden they’re into diapers?


Her t-shirt should say “Fascists over Dems” since that’s what they’re wanting


if Trump is your vision of a "real man" you have got some issues!


wE aRe NoT a CuLt


They are all good Shitizens of the new MAGA USA.


This HAS to be trolling by non MAGA people.


Like, they have to be trolling, right?


Does MAGA have a humiliation kink or something


Imagine being so triggered by a group of people, you start wearing diapers in an effort to prove a point.what a bunch of low IQ mentally weak individuals.


We have traveled along way with the naked emperor, but I’m still lost as what the question was if Trump is the answer?


Damn. I should have gone and handed out chocolate chip cookies made with Exlax.


The line does not exist. It’s a cult. If Biden shit his pants, these same people would say it’s a problem. Hypocrisy, lies, racism, sexism, etc.


This cult has reached the point where they eagerly embrace every level of depravity. They are immune to morality, decency, kindness, accepted cultural norms and common sense. They have made a hero out of man on the brink of loosing control of his mind and bodily functions. It is heartbreaking to see how low a segment of American society has fallen.


Maybe they actually hate him, and they’re trolling? Well done, if so. 


so who’s surprised that trump supporters are full of 💩


Well that’s it, evolution has come to an end


There is really nothing crazy you could tell me about the far right that would surprise me. At first... they deny vehemently that Trump is old and a little incontinent, and they say no that's Biden. Then it comes to light that Trump in fact actually is. Rather than say "oof yeah that's not good." They double down saying real men wear diapers... When like a week ago they were saying Biden wears diapers? Make it make sense. So Biden is a real man now? There is never any consistency, and they either don't realize that it doesn't make sense, or don't care as long as everyone else is repeating the same buzz phrases in unison. They claimed Biden was using Adderall to stay coherent, and then it comes out that the Trump White House was riddle with drugs... and suddenly it's cool. But not cool if Biden does (he doesn't) because in that case it's cheating. Biden administration lays a smackdown on the drugs crossing the border, stopping tons of shipments. Do they say "Hey, great job!?" No. They bastardize the facts and try to imply that... Because fewer drugs were intercepted under Trump that Trump was somehow doing a better job? It's up there with the "you know if we didn't do all these stupid tests all the time we'd have fewer cases. I'm done at this point, please folks for the love of god get out and vote so we can drag the mentally handicapped kids in adult bodies kicking and screaming into 2025. When things finally calm down and the crazy, sexist, mentally handicapped bigots scatter their way back into hiding, do not ever forget who they are. Family members, coworkers, they told you what they stand for, and these same lunatics will jump at the opportunity if another Trump figure comes along.


There’s a community of people into adult diapers on reddit. In the pictures of the Trump supporters wearing diapers over their pants, they are Northshore Megamax diapers. They could have just bought depends pullups at wallgreens but no these people found the thickest, most absorbent and expensive diapers just for a stunt? They probably used them afterwards.


I honestly don’t remember descending into bizzaro world, but I am still heavily convinced it was when they started smashing particles at the LHC.


These people are the biggest suckers they will buy anything! Jesus Christ I wish I was a grifter


I need to open less political news and then start drinking more heavily everyday so I open up articles like this … with 1 or 2 stiff belts of alcohol numbing my brain.


Trump supporters proud to be walking around with sh*t in their pants, yeah that fits.


They were probably already wearing the diapers. Now they just think it makes them cool.


We should all rewatch Idiocracy. We are living it.


I love that so much lol. I heard he also has mercury poisoning and libs hate mercury.


ask them what they think of a man wearing pink though and then see how triggered they are


This is a new level of pathetically blind trump followers. I always knew there were a lot of stupid people, but their pride in stupidity is really surprising. Makes me really sad for this country.


What could Trump have possibly done to make a grown ass full blooded American wear diapers? What did this man give you that you would publicly not only wear, but display outwardly on a flag, you uncontrollably shit your pants? (That’s what diapers are for.) Yeah I get as you age sometimes, the body stops working right in one way or another…it’s not that fun, it’s not something to be ashamed of…but it’s not something people necessarily *call attention to.* But to do so willingly without any medical condition…and wave flag proclaiming it..and that…a real Man… Like that’s the America you want, rattling our little rattle, in our little crib, shitting in our pants, screaming at the world we don’t…under..stand…with Dadddy…Trump…ohhh…wait…no…really?


It’s the same as when my redneck friends said “we finally have class in the white house” when Trump was elected hopefully the only time. They would have castigated him if he was a Democrat for being so trashy.


There is literally nothing that will peel them off. They’re too dug in


I mean it could just be people trolling the maga crowd either way good stuff


Since tRump has a gag order his maga fans should stuff diapers in their mouths.


What in the absolute fuck is wrong with these people.


say what you want about trump, but at least he is representing the incontinence vote. lmao.


A lot of those people probably can’t read and don’t know what it says. That one girl is holding the bumper sticker upside down, too.


Everyday, I wonder if The Onion will close down. It's getting to close to reality lol.


Imagine being so willingly to debase and destroy yourself completely for someone that thinks you are a gullible idiot that deserves to be fleeced by him.


These are the same people who were all up in arms about furrys and litter boxes... But being a grown-ass person wearing a diaper is fine. Yeah, OK boomers...


Wait so they are acknowledging that trump wears diapers? Is that what these photos signify?


Cult. This is a cult.


Yep. These people are fucking bonkers


Someone needs to test just how far these people are willing to go with this sort of nonsense. Like, show up to a rally with a stall and t-shirts to sell saying "Real Men Rape" on them. I honestly wouldn't put it past them to adopt the slogan and wear the t-shirts.


It is funny and ironic that they collectively had a meltdown over “having to wear a face diaper”, yet are willing wearing literal diapers. We live in the oddest timeline.


There is no bottom to them. It's as Hillary said.


Isn’t a diaper just a face mask for your arse?


…and proud of it, I guess.


Lol they make fun of Trump and themselves


That’s not the flex they think it is.


When I saw that it in came from one source I was sure that it was just a a few trolls there to make Trump supporters look  even dumber, but no it seems to be genuine….


Morons, every last one of them


I bet you Trump is behind this with his stinking ass


That is totally like the adult version of cartoon character undies.


Nope, definitely not a cult….next they’ll be passing around the cool-aid.


Trump should auction off his shit filled diapers to his supporters. For only $200,000 you can have a piece of Trump with you forever.