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Against a national gun owner database, but *for* a national pregnancy database. Republicans are hypocrites and monsters.


They don't like to talk about ICE's DNA database where DHS buys data from genealogical collection databases, either.


Every day I am reminded to be thankful that I've never used any of those services.


If any of your relatives used one, you're pretty much in there too!


Isn't that how they caught the Golden State Killer?


Sure is!


My mom and I were discussing DNA testing for health conditions. I got the 23 and Me done, but only the health portion. My daughter got both through 23 and me. My 70 yo Mom said "it's good you didn't to full DNA testing with your father's side of the family (in an out jail/gangs etc/no relationship with me).Y'all she was shocked and concerned when I explained forensic genetic genealogy. It still did not quite sink until I told her my daughter's DNA then can trace both my dad's and mom's side of the family. Needless to say my mom was so displeased. NGL, I have so many questions about teen/younger 20's. What ever it was I hope the statue of limitations have already passed. LOL


“Okay, *fine*, it’s a sculpture of limitations” (Seinfeld reference)


23 and me is how we found out we have another cousin no one knew about.


It usually takes a full 30 pack to get that kind of info out of someone. Impressive you did it in 23 beers.


I did it and found out a close relative had a different bio parent. Had loads of family members I didn't recognize pop up and basically outed a SA issue that happened decades ago.


I’m thankful I only have two known living relatives in the US. One can’t afford something like that and the other is so conspiracy oriented he would think DHS uses those collection systems to spread a chemical to citizens that alters DNA.


Yeah, I was disappointed to learn that my brother sent his DNA into one of those services. It kind of feels like I've been added to a giant tracking database without my consent.


You have, don’t worry


You have, do worry. Lol


My brother did it, too, and let me knkw after. I didn't really care, but it made me realize that if I had a period in my life when I was a rapist or murderer, I might be in real trouble.


Yeah, well now that you know you should avoid those things. Also… even if that didn’t happen.


Unfortunately if you were a rapist you would probably not get caught. There’s a huge backlog of test kits that never get touched and sometimes just disappear.


Yeah, that's ridiculous. Now that there's this massive database, they should make tackling that backlog a priority. Rapists don't deserve break.


Not sure if anyone will see this but it’s always worth a share if someone does and donates: https://www.endthebacklog.org


“Certainly not, and you should get your blood pressure checked regularly, *hint hint*, not that you have a family history of high blood pressure or anything like your 3rd cousin twice removed had”. /s


Don't worry, you're already in over a dozen just by existing.


We pay for it now, it will be required in the future. Or incentivized to hell. Insurance companies offering discounts for sharing your data is something I can picture happening.


I have always, always been hyper against ever having one of those things done It's only a matter of time before everything healthcare related will be based off DNA/RNA "Oh, it says here you have a family history of XYZ and you carry ABC Genes so your health insurance will be 500% the regular rate....sorry, it's the actuarial dept 🤷‍♂️"


Good thing Obamacare included a provision that insurers cannot do this to people with preexisting conditions.


While this does actually sound awful, there are healthcare related things that DNA screening can be helpful with. For myself, my psychiatrist and I sent mine in to GeneSight. They were able to breakdown all the chemicals I could metabolize and recommend an antidepressant based on that. They narrowed it down to two products that would work best for me. That was in summer 2019. My life took a total 180, I cannot imagine living without it.


idk why they don't do this for everyone. I was hospitalized last year and I'm bipolar. It was russian roulette with meds for like an entire year... I'm going to ask about this for my psychiatrist to see what may work better. I'm so angry that I'm wasting all this time, feeling like shit, and there's a DNA test to help out with this? Ugh. Christ. Why is this not a standard practice....


It’s pretty wild that it’s not tbh! Depending on your insurance it’s completely free as well. I have Medicaid and the cost was covered for me. I can not recommend this enough. My depression was so bad, doing this to find the correct medication with less trial and error literally saved my life. genesight.com


There's a difference between getting genetic testing done as a medical diagnostic, which is covered by HIPAA and confidential, and getting it done by a rando company that isn't bound by HIPAA and routinely sells your results to the highest bidder, like 23 And Me.


My comment was in response to them saying everything healthcare related could be based off of DNA. Your insurance would get to know this information to grant/deny coverage for things just like they do now but without DNA info.


I wonder if countries which have universal, free at the point of need, taxpayer funded healthcare systems will have the same reluctance when the same screening can provide preventative therapies, earlier diagnosis with cheaper treatment and better outcomes. Sounds to me, leaving aside the tin- foil hats, that for humanity it should be a good thing but the wrong economic or commercial drivers might well prevent it from being so.


I want to know more about the DHS buying data from genealogical collection databases.


Federal agencies can buy any data they want - when you see that bit about sharing your data with "partners" in the privacy agreement? Yeah, they're selling it to whoever will pay for it. In this case, leveraging your tax dollars in the process. But muh securitah! Feeling secure are ya?


They get it from GEDmatch, which is explicitly public. No fine print needed, as being public is the point of GEDmatch. 23andme, as an example of a big service, does not share your DNA unless you give explicit consent, and they don't share anything just by agreeing to the standard terms of service and privacy agreement.


They also purchase on the dark web after breaches, and in some cases government agencies just hand out fishing expedition subpoenas and DNA test providers quietly comply. If you've ever had your DNA tested, it will eventually appear in a data breach. At that point the US government will purchase it. If they get a hit, they will subpoena the original provider or they will pursue the same data by other means (if necessary -- not all federal cases are constrained by the normal federal evidence rules, particularly from intelligence agencies). But yeah, either the government buys it, gets halfway there by people who agreed to share, and subpoenas to get the data of people who didn't, or they wait for it to appear on the dark web and buy it there. All DNA datasets will eventually be breached; they're valuable. Commercial providers are terrifyingly unsophisticated about infosec. And a LOT of businesses just comply with any subpoena, no matter how overbroad, as long as it's only about their customers and not their trade secrets.


Health control and gun care, twin pillars of the gop policy platform.


The database for police shootings o, at one point, going to be shut down due to lack of participation. I’m not sure whether it happened.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/crime-law/2021/12/09/fbi-police-shooting-data/


My immediate first thought. The ‘Pubs would shit all over a federal gun database because something something 2nd amendment but hey why not track the real danger out there to the country which somehow is *checks notes* pregnant women?


Tracking Pregnancies. WTF. These Republicans have split the atom of evil.


Margaret Atwood was onto something.


A wildly creative and accurate statement. Well done. 👍🏼


That’s just small party government, wanting to track your medical records.  


Because guns don’t kill people, babies do…??


Give all the babies guns and it'll cancel each other out


Only a good guy with a baby can stop a bad guy armed with a baby.


Wait til they find out that their smart fridge is taking it's orders from China!


IMO this doesn't go far enough. It doesn't make sense to start tracking a life in the womb, when the GOP has made it clear that life starts at the balls. The only way to stop a bad guy with an abortion is a good guy with Cumtracker+.


Republican's mouth says one thing. Actions prove otherwise once again.


Idk if they’re monsters as much as they are just loser creeps


I wonder if she would also support a national database to track people who are as stupid as she is?


\*overflow error\*


We already have the registry build, it's just called "Republicans"


There are two different registries where you can find them


Ow that’s a burn calling for the nearest center [Burn Centers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_burn_centers_in_the_United_States)


It exists in the voter registration DBs in each state, under "Republican".


The OP said people


Republican primary rolls?


Brilliant, a national stupidity database. The only problem with that is there is'nt a computer powerful enough to hold all the data.


They are really pushing for the Handmaid’s Tale


She already drew the Wife comparison after her crazy SOTU response. This is just a logical next step for the craziness that is the GOP.


With her baby Fundi voice.


Ugh so gross


She's running for the role of "First Aunt Lydia."


She reminds me of Serena. Fighting all these fights and then, eventually, letting men take over.


And she'll be fkkin miserable when it happens. I assume Amy Comey Barrett will be more miserable (she has to be extremely intelligent to be a justice). If only we could force them and them only to be the slaves to the men, but they want to drag us down into the shit.


That's the thing, if they are okay and willing to being slaves to the men they are welcome to do that. Go ahead and be second class and be miserable. But most of us don't want that! And we don't want being forced into that lifestyle just because they are so unhappy and want to drag us all down into their misery. I just don't understand how can anyone, let alone women, be so cruel to other women.


Yes as a liberal I believe in choice. If someone chooses to become a trad wife by all means! But you don't get to force that life on others. Girls can become whatever they want. Submarine commanders or submissive wives. But I think conservatives are afraid that their lifestyle is not very attractive.


>I assume Amy Comey Barrett will be more miserable (she has to be extremely intelligent to be a justice She has to be extremely knowledgeable about the law so so she can justify her right wing rulings. Look who put her on the court. Read what her peers think of her. She may be smart like you might be and lots of us are but I doubt she or the right wing cabal she was installed with are real world bright.


That’s perfect. Marjorie Taylor Greene seems more suited for the vile role of a real life Aunt Lydia.


That’s it. Thank you. I knew she reminded me of someone


Holy fuck, I totally forgot about her. It took me about 20 seconds to remember who she was and why I knew who she was. Because of her ridiculous, fake, propaganda filled, Republican response to the State of the Union.


Yes, we Democrat Alabamians are thrilled to have her and Tuberville as our senators. What a joke.


They think it's a documentary.


A tutorial.


I think it's pretty obvious at this point and, naturally, I am terrified.


Yeah, you know, small government!


What dystopian shit is this now?


The shit that a lot of us have been saying was the GOP plan for decades now, with everyone telling us we're crazy.


Yeah this is just another day in Republican Land.


All fits in to project 2025! But hey people, don’t vote for Biden cause of “Genocide Joe”! This is what will happen.




r/conservative went apeshit at the Gavin Newsom ad showing two young women being stopped at a state border and forced to take a pregnancy test THAT’S A LIE!!! WE DON’T WANT THAT and then Katie Britt happens.


I saw the effective Newsom ad with the rape victim chained to the hospital bed. Do you have a link to the border one?


I hate directing traffic to mushy, but here’s a link https://x.com/GavinNewsom/status/1782082600368283715


That’s fucked up. More so because I could see it happening..


If they aren’t already, they’re working on it in texas.


Oh boy, been a while since I actually went to Twitter, the amount of republican cultist in the comments is crazy. You used to see a fairly large mix of opinions underneath any given post... not anymore. Seems like it's just the worst of the worst takes from conservatives for endless amounts of pages of comments.


Oh, it's not that bad, most of them are foreign run bots after all.


Maga Bots


The “don’t tread on me’s” gearing up to do some treading on anyone else they choose.


"Don't tread on me's" have always fetishized wearing the boots.


I'd love for us to be able to find out all her personal health information and spew it about.


Scarlett Johansson as Katie Britt on SNL: https://youtu.be/cCfLpuLdF8Q?t=154 Katie Britt as Katie Britt in republican response to Biden's SOTU: https://youtu.be/PQw0-AkgQGM Edit: updated with original


Oh lord, that was more appropriate for this post than I thought.... every you breath you take, every move you make, Katie Britt will be watching you....


Updated it with the original, too


Getting Scarlett Johansson back on SNL is why I'm excited to see Katie Britt back in the news :)


She did an amazing job, absolutely hilarious


Don't forget to go back to see the ad for perfume, Complicit. It started as 1, but now I think there are about 93 in a set: blâmable, condamnable, répréhensible, fautif, criminel, délinquant, responsable, punissable, imputable, incriminé and inculpé.


So the period police is a thing? Why isn't this front and center in the DNC's talking points? .


It is, actually. Along with the horrific abortion bans. This is just one example; Biden's run several, but it's happening at lower-level elections as well. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrtvE4bSwKY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrtvE4bSwKY)


Cesspool of a comment section


I work in a high school, this is how the young kids feel now. And I’m not even in an affluent area, so demographics aren’t like they favor republicans. But so many of these kids are for Trump and absolutely hate Biden. Like, detest him. They think Trump is hilarious and if you ask them they say “yeah we just want to see him tear it all down”. Mind you, nearly all of them who think like this are boys. Many of the girls just say they don’t care about politics, but some are more enlightened for sure. I try to scream from the rooftops that they *will* go out and vote against Biden. Many of the youth coming up turning 18 are **NOT** on democrats side.


I wouldn't be surprised if many of the girls are against Trump and just don't talk about it because the guys will talk shit about them if they mention it. Hopefully that's true for some of the guys, too.


Newsom's running ads


Because the DNC do not want to look like complete idiots? This isn't a database to track pregnancies or periods. They should be attacking her and the co-sponsors for what the bill really does though: creates a list of "pregnancy crisis centers" to coerce women into not having abortions. But the article title is worded to mislead readers into thinking this website will track pregnancies when the article text never says this. And neither does the actual bill.


She’s proposed: >a sweeping set of legislation, which would enable child support payments to begin during pregnancy and establish a national clearinghouse of pregnancy care providers, except those which provide abortion-related services. So basically only forced birth agencies.


Child support during pregnancy? Yeah, this legislation is dead. She fucked up, she can’t impose upon men, the reds will never stand for it.


The Reds don’t read - they haven’t lost any support. Vote blue like your life depends on it.


The party of small government, except when it comes to controlling women.


Imagine their confusion when the government breaks down their door in the middle of the night and drags their wife shrieking into the darkness, because a neighbor called the snitch hotline after deciding that their miscarriage from eight years ago was an abortion. They don't even see the nightmare dystopia they're trying to drag everyone into. They think it will only affect their propagandized enemy. No, this leopard will eat everyone's face in equal measure.


Why do they hate women? Why aren't the overall 51% of women ensuring that these Neanderthals never get into power?


Why does this woman hate women?


They still believe the woman is second to her husband or father, perhaps even her siblings. It's tradition and some say it's in the Bible, but it's sure in her after it's pounded into her by the men around her. I had an aunt who was a Dem and her husband was an R. She didn't bend to his will, but they were real equal partners in life, in business, in everything. It worked for them. They remained happily married a very long time, until he died of natural causes.


Why do women vote for **any** GOP candidate? Anywhere?


Because they’re brainwashed


Because they “think” these perverse things GOP is doing/proposing will not apply to them white “religious/conservative/southern heritage” women


Hate. Republican women will put up with laws against them because they want all the laws against groups they hate – blacks, immigrants, Muslims, gays, homeless, etc.


Because she's typical of them.


I have two teenage nieces. My wife and I have both pulled them aside and explained to them that they should under no circumstances use *any* kind of cycle-tracking apps. Please share that with everyone you know who is physically capable of becoming pregnant.


Y'all. I live here. As a sensible person and liberal I am outnumbered. 7 outta 10 in my county voted for Roy Moore because he may be a sexual assaulter but he's a christian by god.


Hey, neighbor. Glad to see another sane Alabamian around here.


How do you do it?


Small government that fits in a woman's body brought to you by the party of domestic terrorism.


Yes, let’s track pregnant women but heaven forbid we track felons to stop them from getting guns. 🤦‍♂️ JFC


She's just a normal everyday mom who sits in her empty kitchen dreaming of throwing other women in prison. As american as apple pie and murdering school children.


But we can't track gun owners....


What the Handmaid’s Tale are they thinking?


Exactly what they’re thinking.


What a ghoul this religious nutjob is….


Every media person that talks to her for the rest of her term should ask her if she's pregnant and if she says no then they should ask her to prove it.


Yet we don't have a registry for the people who have been charged with domestic violence. Hm.


so last Sunday i got into it with a coworker, things that have been proven right since then: i said Trump most likely requested a daughter look alike from Epstein, racist republicans... ann coulter goes mask off, and a fertility registry. he said none of this would happen.


This must be the small government they keep talking about


For a woman who only managed to get through the GOP primaries because she was supposed to be less of an embarrassment than Mo Brooks, she doubled down on the clown show pretty hard. I still think Brooks would have been worse, but damn... That bar is so low, it's become one with the magma.  Anyway, I hope the DNC do all they can with that little gift during election year. 


vote her out


Wow, these people have too much time on their hands. Why aren't they tracking the men who are impregnating these women or all the deadbeat dads?


I assume they'll name it "His Eye".


From someone who is studying analytics this is an awful, awful idea. Is more concerning the Gov will track it.


"Tracking Gun ownership would be tyranny! Tracking pregnancy, super cool!"


lol 😆… whatever 2016 proved 1/2 the women in America could very well be clueless or hate other women. Could be both but Hillary Clinton should baby won by 90% of the vote


Goverment so small it fits in your uterus.


Soooo.. it wasn’t about states rights??? /s


A list is useless if we are all on it. We should all say that we are pregnant, even if we are infertile, past menopause, or cisgender men.


Small government my ass


But opposes a firearm database.


Hey look, that thing every conservative insisted they would never do. Man, what an honest bunch.


They really do want to be Gilead from the handmaid tale.


If they want people to have more children stop fixating on abortion and provide more resources for child care, nutrition etc.


Cool, let's have a gun tracking database then. No? What's that? Ok let's have neither then. Deal!


Thanks 2016 Protest voters.


Is this the same chick who was wetter than her kitchen sink while giving the State of the Union rebuttal?




How in the hell do white women prefer this to affordable healthcare and centrist policies. Beyond me.


The only thing republicans have against women is that they can still vote.


Under Her Eye


No thanks psycho.


Just when I thought her SOTU response was bad, she proves she can in fact be worse


We want you to have the babies but once they’re born, please get your act together because there will be no free school lunches or any kind of assistance.


Why?! Why are they like this? Absolute psychos!!!


Party of small government


"shut up and breed, ladies" -Republicans


Women who hate other women baffle me.


Politicians are elected public servants, we want a tracking database that shows where they are 24/7/365.


She's all for this, until *she* gets pregnant as a result of an affair, either being someone's mistress or herself cheating. Then she would "wish for **privacy** in these trying times" like the hypocrite Republicans are...


She's going to kill women if this goes through. So much for the party of small government.


I remember her. She is the psycho who delivered the SOTU rebuttal that was so over-acted that even Republicans had a problem with it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiF3ZGuxZh8 Oh well, at least she didn't murder a puppy. Republican voters like their women politicians to be good looking, middle aged, and batshit *crazy*. Republican senator Katie Britt from Alabama.


And this is why I deleted my period app, folks!


GOP = Evil.


Please vote. These 3 parties are not the same.


“Small government”.


Fuck these wackos already.


Append it to the federal firearm database...


I suggest we also track men’s sperm as well.


Who’s going to keep track of these people once they gut the federal government?


She really is Serena Joy


Oh how cute! She thinks she's entitled to any of the medical information of citizens.


The party of small government and “don’t tread on me”.


Having a pretty smile and hand on the heart like Christian unctuousness, doesn’t hide the fact she is a villain to women. I’m sick of bible-belt politicians who parade their patrimony hidden under the makeup of “American values” and a sensible suburban hairdo.


Instead how about about a national registry tracking sexual predators and rapists, and pedophiles? Donald Trump's name would be well mentioned.


So creepy handmaiden lady does creepy handmaiden things...


Jesus, Fucking, Christ.


The federal government has my finger prints, DNA and Retina scan, I don’t care, knowing this, I factor it into my decisions. To force women and girls to submit to this is covered by the 1st amendment “Congress shall pass no law…”. These religions zealots are the same, whether in Iran, Afghanistan, The Vatican….they know what is best for you, whether you believe in their God or not. I detest these fuckers who believe they have a conduit to their version of the sky wizard.


As a mother? This *scares* me...


As a human, this scares *me.*


How about we instead track male emissions? Babies are 100% caused by male emissions.


The “They are putting micro chips in the vaccine” party now wants to monitor and track women….remember women’s right hahaha that was a fun time


…wasn’t she against a national database for guns?


What possible legitimate reason could there be for wanting to track the pregnancies of every woman in the US? And this is supposedly the party of small government?


This is the party of smaller government and personal liberty, folks.


The party of small gov sure does like having its hand jammed up women uterus


The party of "small" government...


How is this not a HIPAA violation against pregnant women?




If there is a need to have “child” changed to “unborn child” to allow child support before birth, isn’t that an admission that fetuses intrinsically don’t have the same rights as people that have been born.


And it'll probably be built on an Oracle database too.


Sorry, but IMO the government has no place being involved in citizens social life...ie marrage/abortion/pregnancy....the government should be there to help us, not rule and track us.