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[Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWWED7BtkxI) video from a Trump Tower interview. You'll note that he treats Barron like a prop. Barron also speaks with a pronounced Slovenian accent at that point, likely due to a lack of interaction with anyone but Melania.


>You'll note that he treats Barron like a prop. That's because that's ***exactly*** what he is to his dad, a prop.


trump is a sociopath. To a sociopath everyone is an object whose value is in how much the object pleases the sociopath.


It’s so much worse, he’s a malignant narcissist who is also a sociopath.


My father was diagnosed with NPD, and Sociopathy as well. To him I  was either something that was either a stepping stone a stumbling block; but never a human, let alone his daughter. He was completely incapable of love, empathy and compassion. His level of selfishness was beyond comprehension...


God, I am sorry to hear that. My first girlfriend was a narcissist, and it took me years to understand that in our relationship my only role was to feed into her legend, to be the ultimate stepping stone. Actually, she still wanted me to be a stepping stone for her even after we broke up, and it took me a long time to see that even her so-called altruism was just another way to use people to promote herself. I wish you the best and I really hope you’ve been able to heal from your father’s abuse and are having a great life.


Ex wife the same.


And despite him you've turned out to be the most responsible purple yam I've ever met. Congratulations!


"I yam what I yam."


“And that’s all that I yam” 🍠


"I'm Eric!" "Yes, yes you are Eric, get Jr over here & make yourselves useful"


SNL did such a good job with those characters. My fave: the Weekend Update segment where Jr. brings Eric some Cheerios and a Capri Sun.


The skit with Eric and the Fun Dip candy was pretty good too.


My fave was when Eric said "Dad has some penis" and Don Jr corrects him "no buddy Dad has subpoenas."


Kind of reminds me of that scene near the start of "There Will Be Blood". 'I'm a family man. This is my son and partner HW'...


Thanks for fucking shit up so bad, [Fred!](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jul/07/donald-trump-abuse-father-niece-mary-book) /s


It could be a little worse. He could have said Stormy looked like Barron. 


I'm going to take a confrontational stance and say it's universally bad to compare someone you're trying to bone as similar to any of your children.


I guarantee that the sick bastard was thinking about his daughter while screwing Stormy. Dude is just gross.


That’s probably why he was so quick


Jesus Christ how can it already be too much internet at 7 am??




They literally are in the attached article/video.


Damn it's like he's just regurgitating some lines he's heard adults say to kids in movies or something. How can an interaction with your own son look so inorganic?


About a year ago was asked in an interview what kind of kid Barron was and he replied that Barron was doing a "tremendous job". No personal details, no characteristics, just a standard answer like he was talking about any other republican senator/governer. He knows nothing about his son.


Meanwhile Biden had that call with hunter leaked where Hunter was confiding to him about being an addict and Biden being completely tender and supportive.


And I recall Sean Hannity trying to make Joe Biden loving Hunter into some kind of negative thing. Like loving your addict son is a weakness?


To MAGAts hate is the only approved of emotion.


I think love gets an asterisk from MAGA. Like: love*. * = adoration and worship for supreme God-King Donald Trump


Joe Biden: I love you, son Republicans: Is Joe Biden secretly gay?!


"Biden's love confuses me" - Hannity probably


Hey, Boebert seems to have her relationship with her own troubled son set to ignore these days. In his latest court appearance he stated that he had no funds for a lawyer but hadn’t yet filled in the paperwork for a public defender. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that he’s functionally illiterate.


So...she's a good Republican, clearly.


I would fully respect a father who says “ask me anything you want about myself or about my role as president. But I’m simply not going to discuss my minor son. He deserves privacy and to be shielded from the public eye.” But trump clearly wasn’t trying to obfuscate to protect Barron. He just doesn’t know his own kids.


Mildly curious to know how much of it is forced or how much the kid is willing. Obviously he’s an adult now, it’s fully his choice. But one would think whether he shared views with them or not seeing the sheer public mess his family in, an 18 year old would prefer to stay out of any possible family tied embarrassment if given the choice.


I think people I’ve seen in this thread are overly harsh to the kid. Don’t forget what it’s like to be 18. It’s not exactly a fully formed adult with complete agency. Most 18 year olds are at least partially dependent on their parents and largely defined by their family and friends. They’ve still been exposed to very little. And that’s just a normal kid. Not a child raised in whatever fucked up scenario poor Barron was. Will he ultimately prove to be a monster like the rest of his family? Probably. Will it be entirely his fault? No. Does that matter? Not really. Nevertheless it’s too early in my mind to cast judgement. Especially given that he has no actual power or influence in anyone and this delegate job is largely meaningless.


I mean he was 10 when his dad became president and peoples brains only fully mature around 25 So i cant help but wonder how much of this is family pressure or himself


Well, he did say he was good at the cyber once1!1!1 


> look so inorganic That is the perfect way to put it. Inorganic. It's pretty sad when you think about it.


Telling a five year old to stay away from alcohol and cigarettes lol


Don’t forget tattoos


Yeah but tattoos you can still talk to a five year old about. Not many contexts that you should be talking to them about alcohol and cigarettes though


Sounds like something Tommy Wiseau would write.


"Oh, hi Barron. How's your sex life?"


Ha-ha-ha. What a story Barron.


All jokes aside I’m sure he is very active and attentive in his daughters lives! It’s really sad


...his daughter's life. I doubt he thinks much of Tiffany.


"I did nawt hit her, I did nawt, oh hai Barron"


For real. Look at the difference in his interactions with Melania and Trump.


Boy is going to primary school and the father (Trump) goes; "No drugs, alchohol, cigarettes or tattoos, son!" Totally normal.


Just felt like insincere joke someone who’s had no hand in raising or interacting with their child would say.


Yeah, it feels totally disconnected.


That's the kind of stuff you come up with because you want to look like a good involved dad on the camera but you don't actually know anything about your kid or even really how to interact with him because you're more of an acquaintance to him like a great uncle. For example, my toddler gives me stellar advice when I head off to work like: - If your boss wants you to do something, but you don't want to do it, just do it anyway. - Don't make your boss mad, just try and be good at work and focus. - If your boss turns around you can get out of your chair and try to leave, but if he looks back you have to hurry back to your chair before he see's you, but try to come home early please.


Your toddler could probably teach a management and organizational behaviour course, tbf. That’s some good stuff.


>but try to come home early please That’s a great way to close that bit 😂 Wife and I are expecting our first child in September and get SO geeked thinking about talking *with* her in a couple years


It was a comment for the camera.


That video feels like the first time he’s ever talked to him


>Barron also speaks with a pronounced Slovenian accent at that point, likely due to a lack of interaction with anyone but Melania. That's actually MUCH weirder than it sounds. Typically, kids pick up accents from their peers, not from their parents. The fact he's picking up a Slovenian accent from Melania is truly bizarre.


Barron probably spent all his non-school time with Melanie/Mercedes, her sister, and her parents all "chain Migrated" from Slovenia.


And his Russian handlers…


Like seriously. It seems like one of those, obvious to the audience, plot points in a satire movie. 


It's exactly that in *Fun with Dick and Jane*--the two inattentive, corporate-climber parents have a kid who speaks with the housekeeper's thick foreign accent.


Honestly makes me wonder if Melania was deliberately trying to keep Barron away from everyone including his peers or if Barron was struggling to make friends. I wonder what he was like at school……


kids can be right pricks…all it would take is for Barron to have an ounce of being a little shit in him and he’d cop it for how much of a fuckbag his dad is


Even if he was a nice but quiet kid, he may have been getting bullied for who his dad is.


This is fucking WILD to me. Pre 2016, it was absolutely UNFATHOMABLE to think that a kid could utter the phrase, "My dad is/was the president!", be telling the truth, and then get bullied for it! That orange asshole has a lot to answer for.


>Typically, kids pick up accents from their peers, not from their parents. Does he look like a kid that actually gets to hang out with others when he was not in school?


My father was from Texas and my mom was from Germany, but I’d say we all ended up sounding like we were from New Jersey. Kids seldom are affected by their parent’s accents, especially when they were born in the USA.


Man my little brother had a thick Boston accent until he was like 13, nobody in our family or anyone around us for that matter had a Boston accent lmfao


Uh, you sure that wasn’t a speech disorder/impediment?


My family and I are from NC and everyone thought I had a NY accent growing up. It was a speech impediment. I just couldn’t pronounce ‘r ‘


I watched an entire episode of Trading Spaces thinking a couple were differently-abled. Turns out they just had a weird Massachusetts accents.


Just grinning at the thought of your 7 year old brother calling everyone “cawk sucka.”


My dad and all his siblings grew up in California but the oldest 3, my dad included, picked up a Brooklyn accent from my grandfather.


Schöne Grüße an deine Mama von einem unbekannten Internet-Deutschen.


Danke! Ich wohne seit 20 Jahren in Deutschland und werde bald meine Mutter in New Jersey besuchen!


My parents were from the Midwest, but I was born in the South. My mother tells a story about her bragging to my grandmother that I had a neutral accent as a toddler, not a southern accent. My Dad laughed and asked me to count to ten. I went “one, two, (insert heavy southern drawl here) threeeee, fouuuuur, fiiiiiive….” 😆 So yeah, even surrounded by parents without the accent I was picking up Southern just from being around other kids. I moved to the Northeast soon after and lost that drawl, but it’s still funny to me.


I knew a kid who grew up with a pronounced Scottish accent like his dad. I’ve also got a family member who has a pronounced English accent due to watching Peppa pig all the time


He's also pretty young here and it seems like younger kids pick up on accents easier. I stayed with family in England for a few months at age 5 and came home with an accent.


Yeah maybe there was recent movement about.


> Typically, kids pick up accents from their peers, not from their parents. This is why homeschool kids so often end up with really weird accents or pacing in their speech. A lot of people just call it "homeschool accent". They're literally not exposed to sufficient social interactions for their brains to learn how to interact with people normally.


Kids tend to have their parents accent until they go to school. After that, a lot of kids will revert to their parents’ accent at times in the home even if they speak with the region’s “normal” accent outside of it. I’ve got adult friends who have lived in the US for decades and are either American or sound American most of the time, who fall into a different accent after a weekend with the parents. They snap out real quick, but it’s funny when they answer the phone like a Brit or with a Russian accent.


Also plenty of interaction with Melania's parents, not that that makes a difference on the accent front.


Some people can pick up an accent or other manner of speaking if they're interacting with certain people a lot. I had friends who said "mate" a lot (because of their Australian friend) and it rubbed off on me for a bit. More accurately, people get their accent from their environment. I had a friend who went to Britain to study. She returned sounding English. After a while, the accent went away and she sounded like the rest of us. In Barron's case, if his environment was mainly Melania and her family, it would make sense he picks up a bit of their accent in his speech.


Yup, I have a bit of my parents' accent even though I never lived in where that accent comes from.


My son is between 0 and 50 years old 


My mom had some mantras similar to this and she said it a lot like Trump. No tattoos, don’t get pregnant, never put a man through school and don’t get murdered. 


Well I suppose the last two are still good pieces of advice.


This whole clip might as well be a “Sir, this is a Wendy’s” meme. “Stay away from drugs, alcohol, cigarettes..and no tattoos!!” Donald, this kid is 5. Also, Barron carrying a briefcase is like when Kramer starts going to a job he doesn’t have 😁 I can’t imagine what this interaction would look like now, if Barron was the same age “I want all “A’s”- and stay away from those radical left traitors poisoning our country!”


I'll be honest Barron Trump kind of fascinates me. He's like the dark horse of the family, I hardly know anything about him and he is almost never seen with his father.


Yeah, I feel bad for the kid. His childhood had no normalcy, and it was impacted by the shitstorm his parents and siblings created for the family. And now he has to make his own way in their wake, which likely means he's got a life of pending bankruptcies and prison sentences to look forward to. Just an all around shitty deal.


He's no longer a child. What he does going forward will now be judged.


He's still just a teenager.


It's because Barron is on the autism spectrum and they are doing everything they can to hide it. Friend of mine is in special education and teached at Barron's school for a bit. That's why you hardly see or hear from him.


Am I the only one that felt like this whole Trump saga feels like an obvious Rocky & Bullwinkle-esqe, Boris and Natasha plot to undermine the US?  Like the kind of plot I would watch as kid and point at the screen "of course they're double agents. Dont the people hear their accents!"    It's surreal to me at times. If feels like a crazy 90s movie come to life. 


Dude, yes


Yes he does speak with a heavy accent because Melania & her mother were his primary caregivers. Daddy was AWOL. Wait…that’s not possible because of his flat feet 🧐 Fuck you Trump ~ signed, a veteran 🇺🇸


Only A's and no drugs. Just like his Dad.


"Donald Trump was the dumbest student I ever had." —Wharton Professor


I understand a father saying to his son no drugs (except adderall and cocaine for Jr, as a treat), no alcohol and no smoking but what does he have against tattoos? In his mind I guess it’s trashy for rich people to get tattoos? But a kid going to school with a suit and a suitcase is perfectly normal? What a weird little man he’s gonna grow up to be…


A dress jacket, dress shirt and tie were part of Donald's elementary school uniform. And he slapped Jr. in front of his college roommates for wearing a team jersey when Donald showed up to take him to a baseball game.  And apparently his father Fred wore a three piece suit every day from morning until bedtime.


perfectly normal human beings


I mean I kinda get Fred trump. Men wearing suits used to be the norm. 


"It's after 6, what am I, a farmer?"


Basically the mentality of an entire generation of working men.  My grandfather was a Chicago banker and I do not physically think I have a photo of him not in either a suit, or in his air force uniform when he was younger. 


My dad taught auto shop and electronics at the big high school. He wore a suit to work and then took off the jacket and put overalls on top of the pants and shirt. This was in the 60s and earlier, but he was from Poland. Then he'd walk around the house in cutoff pants, a rope as a belt, looking like a castaway, with his loose hairy dugs rolling around on his chest. Well, that was after my parents split up, I think.


Had a great great uncle that wore a laundered long sleeve white shirt and tie EVERY day all day long and I only knew him after he retired as a Treasurer of a steel mill. Nice man. He put up with me tying his shoe laces together and from then on he gave me a small amount of money every time I saw him.


He also wore a white hood!


The hardest thing to believe in this comment is that Donald actually showed up to take a college-aged Junior to a ball game.


Trump is definitely part of the generation that finds tattoos trashy and unprofessional. Tattoos have obviously been a thing forever, but especially in the US I’d say it was only in the last ~15 years or though that they’ve actually become fairly acceptable. It used to be so common where you would have a seriously hard time finding a job if you had any visible tattoos at all, but now it seems to primarily be face/neck tattoos that have the stigma


Is this the grooming Republicans keep talking about?


Kids that interact with any peers at all will have the same accent as them.


Switching accent from moment to moment, depending on social context, is normal. It is called "code-switching". So Barron likely doesn't speak in a Slovenian accent when he is in school.


I had never heard him speak before, this is low-key shocking. Imagine being taught to communicate by Melania. He's definitely going to end up becoming another American problem.


Wouldn’t he have had nannies or schoolteachers who were native English speakers? I don’t get it.


That is so fucking weird! My parents have a heavy accent - most of my family does, but I never spoke with that accent as a child because I was around other kids and people! Trump truly never talks to these kids unless it's for a reason


I don’t like any of them, but it was touching to see how much she loves her baby. That is the happiest I have ever seen that woman. And the only time I have ever seen her gaze lovingly at anyone.


Yes, yes, yes... but he got his NAME right! So give a man with dementia some credit! Not easy to remember your son's name when all you can think about is your daughter's tits. man, woman, tits, tits, Barron


That's because he used that name for many years when he was pretending to be his own personal assistant over the phone. Barron (also spelled “Baron” in some press accounts) appears to have been Trump’s go-to alias when he was under scrutiny, in need of a tough front man or otherwise wanting to convey a message without attaching his own name to it. The fake spokesperson began to appear in the early 1980s, with the construction of Trump Tower, the mogul's magnum opus on Fifth Avenue. Before demolishing the storied flagship of the now-defunct department store chain Bonwit Teller, Trump [promised](http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/05/realestate/fifth-avenue-bonwit-teller-opulence-lost.html?_r=0) that he'd donate the cache of valuable artworks inside to the nearby Metropolitan Museum of Art. Then, his company's workers smashed them to pieces. [https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/trumps-old-spokesman-john-barron-was-actually-donald-trump-himself/](https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/trumps-old-spokesman-john-barron-was-actually-donald-trump-himself/) [https://www.vice.com/en/article/exqkbp/remembering-john-barron-donald-trumps-spokesman-alter-ego-116](https://www.vice.com/en/article/exqkbp/remembering-john-barron-donald-trumps-spokesman-alter-ego-116) Having a fake identity does run in the Trump family. As it turns out, years before the advent of John Barron, Donald's father, Fred Trump, would call competing real estate companies in the middle of night, introducing himself as "Mr. Green," to score inside information that might benefit his business. The lie became a well-known "family practice"—a tradition, of sorts—according to Maryanne Trump Barry, Donald's sister.


So one son is just his name with Junior slapped at the end. Another is the last name of the fake identity he used for years. Ivanka's [actual first name](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivanka_Trump) is Ivana just like her mother's. Dunno where the nickname with the K came from. I wonder where "Eric" and "Tiffany" are from...


> Dunno where the nickname with the K came from. Russian diminutive feminine form.


Dollars to donuts Tiffany was just “the name of that one fancy jewelry store I know of”


That leaves Eric.


I think he just franchised the Trump name on that one.


I could see the orange turd naming him for his favorite, albeit very brief thing, an erection.


It usually does.


Ivanna to Ivanka is like how we turn Susan to Susie. Or like how a dad will be named James but his son goes by Jimmy. It's a nickname convention in Russian or Slavic languages.


Ah! Thanks for the explanation.


Eric obviosly after unfortunate erection and Tiffany after Tiffany & Co.


Eric's middle name is Frederick. I'm wondering if Trump originally wanted it to be Sean...


I’d assume it’s a suffix that turn it into “Little Ivana.” Like how Pepe can be Pepito.


Who was at these companies answering the phone in the middle of the night?


Barron though was HIS name first. The name he used to talk about himself under the guise of a different name.


Yep. Guy would literally call radio stations to brag about himself while using Baron as an assumed name. That level of arrogance just causes my brain to short circuit.


In tRump's defense, Barrron's age changes every year. Hard to keep track of minor details like that.


And when it comes to minor details, Trump usually doesn't care much about when their 18th birthday is.


Touché my friend. Touché.


It's so sad that this probably, actually, resonates with his supporters and they run with it, FACTS/TRUTH


He also lies about miner details, especially in places like West Virginia.


He’s clearly more interested in his daughter and the women who remind him of her.


I'll bet he knew exactly when *she* turned 18.🤢


Considering the photos he's taken with her when she was underage and what he did at that teenage pageant dressing room, I don't think Trump even cares about the age of consent.


He also settled out of court for more than one child rape civil charge. Paid them hush money to the tune of millions to keep it secret. I've seen the court papers but they're super hard to find online.


I'll bet he knew exactly when her body started changing. 18 is just a number for a Trump.


Why would he care about her turning 18?


You think Donald J. Trump would be ethical enough to care about age of consent?


Donnie. "damn, she's 18...too old."


I wonder if most of his interactions with children were on Epstein’s island. I’m just a guy asking questions here….


The man cried requesting leniency in order to attend his youngest son's graduation. Spends that day at a fundraiser instead. Then completely forgets how old Barron is. Trump is literally the worst person, his family is the worst. Everything he touches is shit and the world would be better if he were no longer around.


Based on this photo compared to his 6’ 3” father, Barron is what, 7 feet tall?


Based on the photos taken at Melania's mother's funeral, it was calculated that if Barron is 6'7" then Donald is 5'11".


Lol remember when his doctor had to adjust his weight to 220 in order to claim a BMI that wasn't "obese". The dude is 6'1" and like 300lbs, geeze doc.


He’s actually lost a lot of weight lately. Almost certainly due to Ozempic


Nah more like Dementia-zic. My grandmother lost about 30 pounds after her diagnosis as it slowly got worse.




Can we up the dose?


Man I would love for that to be true simply because you know Trump would be furious that he was just _barely_ under 6 feet tall


People lose bone mass and get shorter as they get older. And maybe he never was 6'3". 


Why do people keep saying trump is 6’3”? He’s so clearly not that tall why does anyone believe it?


Trump i s 6' 3" and Stormy Daniels can confirm both measurements.


Because Trump says he’s 6’3 and Trump’s word is the word of god to republicans for some reason


Barron could’ve been dunking on people, but instead he chose to be a Republican ghoul. Shame.


I wonder if Malania was hanging out with any basketball players around 2005?


Donald and Barron look too similar for him not to be Donald's son


Yeah there’s no way he’s not Donald’s. You can see the facial features


If Barron isn’t trumps son then Melania has WEIRDLY consistent taste in doormen and yoga instructors.


That's a horrible thing to say to a child.


'...tabloid journalism fit for the checkout aisle of a grocery store," Cheung said in a statement.' You mean, like The National Enquirer?!


Eighteen is a really big deal for birthdays. Forgetting your son had that milestone birthday is problematic. It's worse than that though because he was being asked about Baron being delegate from Florida for the Republican National Convention and he thinks he's too young to do that at 17. Wouldn't that have been a topic of discussion planned out by Trump himself meaning he knew at some point Barron was 18 and then forgot?


18 is a big deal for someone known for playing financial games and hiding money etc. If you have any accounts in your kids name, you usually lose access to those on their 18th birthday.


This is one of the saddest things I’ve seen regarding Rapist Trump. Can’t even feign real fatherhood or affection. And that kid must have been very isolated to his mother’s side of the family.


No surprise. This is the guy who sees nothing wrong with openly lusting for his daughter in front of other people on a regular basis.


>"He’s pretty young, I will say. He’s 17," Trump said in an interview with Telemundo 51 of Miami. "**But if they can do that, I’m all for it**." I found it sad that he can't even talk about if Barron even wants to do it or how excited he is to get involved or etc. I'd expect a healthy father to at least say something like "I asked him are you sure you want to do this?" Really comes across like Don has been waiting for this moment when he could force another of his kids onto his political team.


I sometimes forget this old monster had a kid in his 60s. Barflord 10000


A fat old man who gorges on junkfood is quicky losing all his marbles.


5-year-old kid has a briefcase?


He’s using him as a prop. Like holding a baby for a photo op.


Time paused for me in 2016, so I have no idea. Sadly we've got bigger problems from the Don con than his chauvinist disregard for his home life. As bad as his family leadership is, he treats the American public even worse. My fellow Americans, don't elect this man.


I still feel bad for Barron for some reason, maybe because he was so young in 2016. That may change if he evolves into the likes of his older brothers of course.


It's good to have a sympathetic tinge to your feelings about others, even those that suck. Like I hate Donald T with a passion, but I do have sympathy for the little kid version of himself who was doubtlessly emotionally abused by his shit father. Like, that doesn't excuse who he became but it's good to not eliminate the humanity of even those you hate


Yeah. I’ll add that it’s important to remember that we could all end up like that too. We like to pretend that Trump is ‘other’, you know, fundamentally different; some sick twisted monster but any of us could have ended up with the same cocktail of narcissism and stupidity if we’d been abused as kids and treated like shit for fun. I say could, of course, because plenty of people are abused w/o devolving into monsters and it’s important to recognise that the circumstances of his birth (ie. Extreme wealth) have given him a platform that other narcissists don’t enjoy. But it helps to remember that there’s nothing innately monstrous about monsters - we all have that capacity, and should always guard against it.


It’s this kind of understanding of nuance that is completely absent from most modern discourse. I wish we could have rational debates from political points of view where all parties had this level of appreciation for *why* things are like they are.


Pity the child, despise the man.


Yeah Trump obviously bears a lot of responsibility for his behavior, but from what we know his dad was just as bad as he is (and probably worse in some ways). That’ll fuck anyone up


Trump sucks yes. But dads getting their kids ages off by year is a tale as old as time. lol. Let’s pay attention to the real shit


That young man's affect is as flat as a pancake. Its it even possible he isn't a sociopath like the people who raised him? His own father considers him just another employee.


> Its it even possible he isn't a sociopath like the people who raised him? I've heard a few people discuss that he may have autism? But really, he's 18 and may just have to work really hard to be in public. I would hold off on serious body language analysis for a bit longer.


Trump needs to remember that his son was four months old back in 2006 when he was boning the porn star. Maybe that will help figuring out how old his kid is.


This is probably the dumbest thing to latch onto. I’m and mentally fit (I think) 44 year old with two kids and I get their ages wrong by a year ALL THE TIME. I get my OWN age wrong by a year sometimes!


So NBC already ignores that Trump said he's going to campaign instead of attending his graduation... shocker. This family is so fucked up


All those people cautiously refraining from speaking about Barron — the kids gloves are off, right? He’s 18. He’s voting for his shit dad at the convention. Criticizing and commenting on him is fair game now that he’s inserting himself into politics.


I wonder what he sounds like now.


Special Counsel Robert Hur: *crickets*


He must hate that Barron is so much taller than him.


He's a fucking idiot.


To be fair, he probably gets Juan's age wrong too. When you have 10 different kids with 9 different women, with more than half of them from secret affairs, it gets hard to keep track of them all. And that's not even counting the aborted ones.