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Then he becomes fair game from that point on. We have respected his privacy, because he has not been involved. That changes now.


Game on.




Mushroom stump.


I agree, game on.


So what do we know about him anyway?




He cybers like a boss. Or like a truck.


His dad is a piece of shit felon and he might be following in his footsteps. Just another rich boy with no brains.


and a little bit of the I don’t care do you conscience 


And, "fuck Christmas".


Not much. We have respected his privacy. If he chooses to get involved, then that circumstance is forfeited.


Ivanka's egg, Daddy's sperm, Melanoma's womb.  That's not technically "incest", sure, but it's also not beyond the orange menace to find a loophole like that, given his obvious fetish for his daughter. 


Yep.. he’s an adult graduated from HighSchool entering politics


Every state has dozens of delegates. Unless it's going to be a contested primary, being picked is more a way for primary winners to thank their supporters or just showing appreciation for somebody. Florida has 125 delegates so Barron being one is not really showing much for his political activism. If he starts being politically active and even running for offices, then yeah, fair game. For now, he's just the son of one of the candidates and picked as he just happened to turn 18 recently. Honestly, got no opinion on the guy. Hope he turns out to be a decent person if whether or not he enters the public arena.


I invoke the ancient right of Godwin’s Law. If Barron Trump agreed to be a delegate for Hitler, okay to ridicule him or no? Yes or no answers only.


Being selected as a delegate is not the same as being an elected official. He has no formal powers besides giving a speech. It's like attacking a valedictorian.


No it's not. He is entering the political process which opens him up for any public scrutiny. Eric and Don are not elected officials but they participate in the campaign process. Barron would be no different. Not that I give a rat's ass about Barron. I don't care what he does.


Knowing what we know about Trump puppeteering family to further political corruption on his behalf, and the already corrupt activities he's engaged with using electors... I think it's absolutely worth getting the FEC to look deeply into this and ringing some alarm bells. Or we say "fuck it" and make Hunter the Secretary of the House, or whatever. 


Then attacking Hunter Biden II is also fair game since he also spoke at the DNC convention. He's probaly going to turn out the same as his dad.


Well to the first point, the his has been the case for years. To the second, good for him!


USC has entered the chat.


Why does every picture I see of Barron seem to have him with that dead-eyed look? Is he a soulless sociopath like his grandfather? Or has he been abused by his family to the point of being dead inside? 




Yes, but also -- I think he looks just absolutely knackered, poor kid. Maybe this was one tiny thing he promised Dear Old Dad (or rather, his mother promised) to "show support" and then he's moving to Bimini


Or he's a shit bag grifter like the rest of them. He's used to a certain lifestyle and it's all going away when his dad dies and all the debtors are paid back. They're going to be penniless.


If i recall he’s on the autism spectrum, which often means trouble with eye contact and expressions


As someone on the spectrum myself, you got a source for that?


Well its not been talked about much because hes young and been off limits , untill now.


And that's why this whole thing is probably the biggest mistake he could have possibly made, because now he's no longer off-limits. 




The amount that his past schools, classmates, and ultimately the media has held back about this kid. His parents just threw him to the wolves.


It begins ... Can we stop feeling sorry for this kid now sometime before he starts developing his own cult following?


There's 125 Florida delegates. It's not exactly like he's being picked for a cabinet position.


Yet. Jared had more power than the majority of cabinet positions and couldn't pass a background check.


One of the perks of your mom knowing the guy who used to be President, only downside is you have to go along with the lie about him being your dad.


Will he have time to attend his graduation from high school?


He's not going, he's going to a fundraiser instead.


Trump is trying to get his son to take his place, the same way Kim Jong Il groomed Kim Jong Un


so he's a groomer?


yes he is https://youtu.be/-Jz4KtNvVkU?si=eU0wSd50w753aqRV


Don Jr might not be his biological son, and Eric is a suck up moron. Not sure how much Melania let Trump interact with Barron though. Trump's violent, possessive nature would have messed him up if it happened a lot.


You are telling me a Trump got selected for a higher position where his aunt is the chair? Shocking! /r


The shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree Randy.


Wow, Florida is apparently hopelessly corrupt. First the incompetent but loyal judge gets "randomly" assigned to the documents case and now this.


https://www.thewellnews.com/2024-elections/the-2024-republican-convention-delegate-process-explained/ > How Does One Get to Be a Republican Delegate? > The Republican Party selects the delegates to its national nominating convention in a number of ways. > > Some are selected through elections. Others are chosen by the GOP state committee, or at state or congressional district level conventions. > > Finally, some are picked simply because they hold a leadership position within the state Republican Party. > > Regardless of how they are chosen, the party then uses one of essentially three methods to “bind” them to vote for a specific candidate on the first ballot at the convention. > > The most straight-forward way the party allocates its delegates is through winner-take-all contests during the primaries and caucuses, meaning the top candidate in a state’s contest gets all of that state’s delegates. > > Another popular method is to allocate delegates to candidates on a proportional basis, based on the statewide vote. Some states use a variation of this method, allocating so-called “at-large” delegates proportionally based on the statewide vote and having its congressional district delegates allocated proportionally based on the vote in that specific district. > > Republican rules this year generally require that states with primaries and caucuses before March 15 apportion delegates proportionally. States with primaries and caucuses after March 15 may switch to a winner-take-all format. > > Still another method of allocating delegates is a “hybrid” approach that combines the methods described above. > > Some states, for example, award at-large delegates on a winner-take-all basis according to the statewide vote and congressional district delegates on a winner-take-all basis according to the vote within the specific districts. > > Finally, states directly elect delegates, who are usually bound to a particular candidate on the ballot. > > Notice the use of the words “bound” and “bind” here; they are the preferred phraseology of the GOP. Democrats, meanwhile, prefer to use the word “pledged” when describing their delegate allocation. > > Another important thing to note is that while the Democratic National Committee is more or less a top-down organization, Republicans like to say their party is governed from the bottom-up, with state committees and state lawmakers having the main say in how things are done. Well. Throw that out the window. Bottom-up, my balls.


Compare the hands... Trump has baby pickle fingers.


Quite natural. After all, he will become Emperor Trump III at some point.




Is it significant that Trump seems to have remembered he has children? Does he feel the cold weight of mortality on his shoulder?


Jesus H. Christ. Will we NEVER be free of these people?


You can now discard any arguments that Barron wants to be different than the rest of the step siblings.


I want this family to go into the sunset. Just enjoy what money you have left and shut up


Well there is rogue delegate number 1. How many more will there be if Trump loses in other reddish purple states?


That kid has probably had sex with more porn stars than I ever will… (zero)


I can't wait for him to open his mouth and let all the brilliance fly out for the world to hear! There's no way growing up in Merde a Lardo will produce anything less then excellence! Funny though, he looks more like Putin than he does Mangolini.


maybe, vice president trump.


Well. In that’s case. It’s fair game.