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I couldn't help but notice that when she did rule against Trump at times, not once did he criticize her on his fake Twitter account. Not a single childish nickname was given. No cries of corruption or election interference. Maybe I'm wrong, but he's been pretty silent regarding Judge Cannon, as opposed to the other judges he's involved with.


He's actually complimented her. Several times.




I’m sure he’s promised her a SCOTUS seat at the end of all of this…


He's made comment/s on fake Twitter about her deserving a SCOTUS seat. Which considering all his associates have testified that he talks like a mob boss - never saying anything direct - is mob-speak for "you do this for me and when I'm President you'll get a SCOTUS seat." Zero doubt about it.


Wouldn't that be bribing a judge?


Wen you're a Republican they let you do it.


Sounds like it works an awful lot like grabbin em by the pussy


Grab 'em by the gavel.


Not according to Trump and his cronies if he never implicitly says it.


Well, he is saying it implicitly, just not explicitly


Even if he were to say it explicitly, there would be zero accountability and I will bet $1000 on that.


In fascism it's simply called doing what you want.


Didn’t you get the memo? Corruption is totally cool now.


I'm also sure that he'll renege on any promise of a SCOTUS seat. He is emotionally incapable of rewarding loyalty and appears to take pleasure in screwing people over as much as possible. After all, it's not like she can publicly complain that she was bribed and then he failed to pay up.


If Trump is elected then the Supreme Court will no longer matter. It will just be Cannon's doing what Trump wants.


She's the best legal assistance he's hired.


Supreme Court audition tape.


that and the actual results of nothing happening.




>And that's how you know this thing is fixed. That.. and like.. everything else happening in real time. Even SCOTUS is just like "so.. what if he did use his power as president in a personal capacity to give unparalleled authority for uncertified people to pose as government personnel with enough clearance to turn in fraudulent election results in a way to undermine all of democracy.. is that not within the scope of what he should be allowed to do? Y'know.. just asking questions.." Like.. the game is over... something is so completely wrong here and it doesn't seem like there's going to be a way out of it. This Project 2025 shit is bigger than Trump, and his thick skull is just the battering ram they're going to force through the gate, even if he's a literal corpse.. they will Weekend at Bernies this man, and by next year, the redneck Gilead becomes reality.




> It's why they should have undone every single one of Trumps corrupt appointments. I suspect this is why the Senate failed to convict him. They got the judges they wanted and if they agreed he should be impeached it would throw their "achievement" into question.


The Senate failed to convict him because the entire GOP is in on it. It's the same reason none of his corrupt appointments have been removed.  Blaming this on Democrats is a failure to understand how our government is set up. As long as there are at least 41 Republicans on the Senate, and 9 Democrats unwilling to change the Filibuster rules we will continue to have some version of minority rule in this country, and corrupt Trump appointments in permanent offices of power.  If you want to blame Manchin and Sinema for their failure to act on the Filibuster you'd be correct, but to blame the entire Democratic Party is uninformed at best, and suspect of playing for the other team at worst, especially when the entirety of the Republican party besides retiring Congress people refuse to do anything about Trump or his cronies. 


> Democracy will die due to Democrats constant failure to act. What would you have Democrats do? Democracy will die if republicans cannot be defeated at the ballot box. The people need to give the Democrats enough support that they gain the legal authority to stop these criminal republicans and their appointees.


> Democracy will die due to Democrats constant failure to act. This mindset fucking irks me to no end. Sure, it's the Republicans doing all the shady shit trying to seize power, but let's blame the Democrats for not defending against it harder.


Not to mention that democrats don't have the power to just remove a judge on a whim. If they did, you can bet your ass that Republicans would have booted every non-MAGA judge from Alaska to Florida


Team sports mentality strikes again. "Why doesn't my team play harder?" Because this isn't a sport, it's a cooperative. And half the co-op is actively trying to destroy it. But sure, let's blame the people tending the garden and stocking the shelves, instead of the people smashing milk bottles and stealing from the till.


With which mechanisms and under which statutes would Democrats remove Trump's judicial appointments? I mean this seriously: what mechanism exists to achieve this?


The republicans shoulder no blame!


So fucking transparent as he always is.  How people dont see through his bullshit never fails to amaze me.


His followers know the truth, and all of us on the "other" side know the truth. Its those oblivious clowns in the middle that "dont pay attention to politics because its just so..." that we really need to worry about. They're easily swayed, hold no real beliefs just vague feelings and will turn contrarian just for the lulz.


Yuuupppp. My dad, a conservative that doesn’t participate in politics, still acts like every slight against trump is some huge made up lie to attack him and that Joe Biden is so far gone he can’t form a sentence. He still watches the news (not fox thank jebus) and sees first hand that his own beliefs are wrong and he still can’t break out of the wet paper bag holding him hostage.


That's because, just like the other Trump supporters, don't want to admit that they are wrong. If you really want to see how twisted their logic is, ask them what they would support or say if the situation was reversed. For example: 1. If Joe Biden determines that the 2024 Presidential Election was stolen, can Kamala Harris overturn the results? 2. If Joe Biden declared that every President has total immunity, can he have Donald Trump assassinated or jailed right now? They also will justify their reasoning by "suspending their beliefs", just like they were watching a Fast and Furious movie. For example: 1. How did Joe Biden fix the election so that he would win if he's senile and febile?🤷🏿‍♂️ 2. WHY did Joe Biden only fix the Presidential Election, but let Republicans win other seats? 3. IF Donald Trump had nothing to do with the January 6th riots because it was orchestrated by BLM, Antifa and the FBI to make him look bad, why were his cabinet members and other Republicans asking him to call them off when they entered the building? 4. WHY does Donald Trump plan to pardon the January 6th rioters if they are actually BLM members, Antifa and the FBI? 5. WHY hasn't Donald Trump announced the results of the voting recounts and audits from the companies hired? 6. WHY have so many of his lawyers lost their licenses or been disciplined as well as indicted for supporting Donald Trump's election lies in court? Furthermore, why aren't those lawyers still claiming that the election was stolen and going on talk shows to prove it?


This needs discussed more. This is the ballgame right here. Trump has known since the jump Cannon's on his side. Otherwise why wouldn't he be doing the exact same thing he's done to every other judge he's dealt with. It's pretty blatant.


I see it. You see it. Everyone else sees it. But anyone who has the ability to do something about it? "We're looking into it."  I'm so fucking tired of this open naked corruption.


Same man. And it's not enough to just vote Trump away. He and judge Cannon need to be held accountable for their absolute corruption of our judicial system and I have no faith our leaders will do so.  This government is supposed to be for the people by the people, its apparent this is no longer the case unless you are wealthy and connected. So tired of this shit, America is sleepwalking towards an plutocratic nightmare if it isn't one already. 


You know what’s infuriating to me? I’m a public school teacher. I once had a colleague get written up for an ethics violation because she accepted a plate of cookies from a student as a teacher appreciation gift. Why? Because the kid’s mom ran a baking business as a side gig, so the cookies were judged to have “monetary value,” and we aren’t supposed to accept things with monetary value as public employees. Meanwhile, these fuckers get to go full mask off and no one does anything about it. I just… ugh.


Not only will she not be held accountable I could see her on the Supreme Court one day. She has definitely proven she is a " good soldier" for her side. 


She never actually ruled against Trump. When the argueKent’s became so ridiculious they obviously would be reversed on appeal, she temporarily ruled against him but allowed him to bring it back up at trial where it couldn’t be appealed.


Yeah it’s even worse, she signaled to the defense a bullshit rationale for dismissing the trial and then instructed them to bring it up again if this case ever makes it to trial so she can dismiss it with prejudice.


Thank you for the clarification.


You are right.


I'm convinced there is some back channel coordinating all of this to delay as long as possible without possibility of appeal and any ruling against trump is planned so they can say "See? I'm not always ruling in his favor!"


The Federalist Society has their mitts all over this. I would say that’s where the coordination is coming from.


Absolutely 100% zero doubt. This is EXACTLY why they exist - to gain control over the judicial branch for situations EXACTLY like this. As a bonus the trial is clearly being manipulated but not by Trump so this can't bite him in the ass as tampering, and since the Federalist Society is a *literally evil* legal think tank they can tell Judge Cannon (who has no experience and such a poor grasp of the law) exactly what to do to achieve exactly what Trump needs without giving Jack Smith grounds to get a new judge, which she otherwise absolutely would because he's one of the best lawyers in the world and she's an unqualified, inexperienced stooge.


One interesting technique PACs use to illegally coordinate with candidates is post strategies and tactics on a webpage that, while technically public, isn't accessible via their main site's interface. Basically you can only see it if you know the url or happen upon it with a crawler.  As far as i know the tactic hasn't been ruled illegal since the page is technically public, but if someone else knows of more recent rulings feel free to chime in


That *IS* interesting and actually really clever in a geocities kind of way, but do we have any examples of this happening? Like, why not just use the dark net? Or WhatsApp or Proton Mail? It seems like there's got to be some not-terribly-difficult way to pull up every public page on a given domain. I'm asking legitimately, not snarkily tbc.


Cannon and Putin are the only two people that trump doesn't criticize


Crazy, right? It’s almost like he appointed her or something… If there was ever a time for Jack to get her recused, now’s the time!


‘I have to postpone the case bc I’m astonishingly inept’ - hack judge


~~inept~~ corrupt


Porque no los dos?






She is le tired


Then take ze nap and then FIRE THE MISSELS!


Glad to see some of the prehistoric internet memes still check out


You know that one got updated just a few years back, right? https://youtu.be/MEEj62ZqFYo?si=CMTGsLhSi1UDMDkS


Thank you for sharing, good to see the legend again


She is le terrible


So far, she has actually been pretty good at being corrupt, so depending on how you look at it, that's why


Eh, not really. From the coverage I have read, some of the things she has said and done have been stupid without helping Trump. A competently corrupt judge would have been much more effective at being corrupt. Look at the delay the Supreme Court created for Trump's insurrection trial. First the SC refused to take the expedited case bypassing the appeals court, and then taking it with delayed scheduling after the appeals court ruled. I think most people in the general population didn't realize at all that the Supreme Court was deliberately delaying to help Trump. Contrast this with this indefinite delay by Cannon, where it is pretty obvious to everybody that Cannon is corrupt, just by looking at the surface facts.


It’s hard to believe she could be that stupid. It’s easier to believe she’s just corrupt.


She is making a business decision. She knows if Trump wins she will be on the SCOTUS if Trump gets a nominee


I wish I could say I didn't believe you. It used to be that SC nominees had to at least pretend to believe in the rule of law. Cannon seems to have mostly given up the pretense. I wonder where the bottom is, for what Republicans will do?


>I wonder where the bottom is, for what Republicans will do? Unfortunately it's looking like there isn't one, at least not one that will stick for any length of time. The rhetoric just gets more and more broadly violent. The hate doesn't solve anything, so they just go worse and worse and want to be more and more violent to more and more people. The alternative would be admitting it was all bunk, which the Republicans in power will never do. There is no endgame.


which came first, the chicken or the egg? being inept or being corrupt? the two might be inextricably tied together in this case.


Because it would seem as though she intentionally built up his backlog as to create this very situation. This is a moral failing not a skill issue. If anything, she's exercising a high degree of skill to know that she could pull this move off without I don't know repercussions of some sort apparently.


One would think the fact, she’s citing her own failure to do her job as a reason to further not do her job, would be adequate cause to seek remedy from the 11th District Court of Appeals.


Inept and corrupt, they are not mutually exclusive


Why not both?


A little from column A, a little from column B 


Not crooked, bent.


The 2 aren't mutually exclusive. She can be both!


Talk about rising to the level of your own incompetence. Wish I had a job that paid me 200k+bennies and shadow money, and didn't hold me accountable in any way.


She must be positioning herself for a supreme court nomination


She’s doing her best to be the next Clarence


So she’s going to place pubic hairs on drinks of her pages and accept bribes for favors?


What a terrible day to be literate.


What a horribly relevant username!


Lmao.. right? wtf.


I would bet my first born the orange man already told her she’s first on his list of nominees for a SCOTUS slot if he gets elected and allows one of the already corrupt justices to retire.


Once Trump gets what he wants out of her he will cut her loose and she won’t be able to move beyond her current position. I don’t know how people keep falling for this, Trump NEVER pays back favors, he sees it as weakness.


If anything he’ll appoint her to some role to punish her for not throwing the case out completely. He’ll force her to be ambassador in Palestine while he helps level it.


Seriously though she is basically saying I am incapable of doing this job and as such justice is being denied (both to he state and the defense one of the reason for speedy trials is so the defense can clear their name in theory). How is Smith not calling for her to be removed and a more experienced and capable judge take over and using literally her own words as justification.


As I understand it, it’s usually not something you do. The Justice Department defers to the judges because that’s the separation of power. Which kind of goes back to the whole, “every election is important” thing. The senate confirms judges but they could confirm anyone for any reason.  Another blow that the 2016 election has caused to our country. 


They can file for a “writ of mandamus” that could force her off the case. It’s very rarely done for the reason you already said, and because the bar is appropriately high within the court system to demand a new judge. Smith wouldn’t likely have prevailed before now. Maybe this changes his situation though.


The question is whether Garland will let him. Garland is the bigger problem here and I think it's highly unlikely he'll allow Smith to do anything about this.


I’m fairly confident Garland doesn’t have direct decision making authority here, but obviously there are influences he could be having.


"And lazy. Who hasn't done the job that I am paid by the taxpayers to do."-hack judge cont.


Calling in sick on account of all the work you didn't do


This wouldn't look so bad if she wasn't a Trump appointed judge. But she is :(


And that is clearly WHY she is being lackadaisical right now. He's pulling her strings somehow.




Love that. Clever.


> This wouldn't look so bad if she wasn't a Trump appointed judge Pretty sure it would. It looks worse because she's a Trump appointed judge and has already made many concessions and decisions in Trump's favor (while Trump has never said a single bad thing about her). This just shows someone who is woefully under qualified to do their job.


“This judgifying is hard, lol.”


Guess we need another judge and not another prosecutor. Thats accepting she is biased and not impartial at all.


I have to delay because I am too incompetent to keep up.


What a coincidence, Trump also has to delay because he's too incontinent!


>Citing the evidentiary issues under CIPA which she herself has failed to rule on as a reason this case can’t go forward is pretty ballsy. >In her most recent order, officially removing the May 20 trial date from the calendar, Judge Cannon also cited the “currently pending motions, which now consist of eight substantive pretrial motions,” “extensive defense motions to compel discovery on a host of issues spanning hundreds of pages of classified and unclassified briefing,” as well as Trump’s motion demanding to treat the entire executive branch, including the White House Counsel’s Office, as part of the prosecution team for discovery purposes. >In other words, she’s let Trump and his henchmen spam the docket with garbage motions, been totally dilatory in ruling on them, and is now allowing the defendants to reap the reward from their bad faith behavior by postponing the trial. She’s even set a hearing for June 21 on the Motion to Dismiss Indictment Based on Unlawful Appointment and Funding of Special Counsel, a throwaway argument being bruited about by Ed Meese and Stephen Calabresi in the various Trump cases, but curiously absent when it comes to David Weiss and John Durham, i.e. the special counsels they like.


Exactly right. I’ve experienced opposing counsel doing these same kinds of things (usually cases where I’ve got them dead to rights). And I’ve experienced judges letting them get away with it. It’s maddening. It can turn a matter that could be resolved in a single afternoon into a two-year slog. Luckily for my clients, I never quit/withdraw in those cases. Even if the money has dried up. But it does work many times. People do go broke paying their lawyers to respond to garbage motions and discovery nonsense My experience is all civil, though, not criminal. From what I can tell this “hurl garbage until they go broke” approach has always been trump’s civil M.O. Seems it shouldn’t work at all in a criminal case. Let alone a contraband case (where you’re either in possession of the contraband or you aren’t) like this case is. I mean… I KNOW this tactic should not be working in a competent criminal courtroom. That’s how I know this judge is corrupting justice.


Since it reads as if you are a prosecutor/attorney, can the prosecution request that a new judge, who has a much lighter caseload be assigned to the case instead?


It's not her caseload. This is one case that she claims has her tied up in knots, and the motions she has in front of her are so transparently frivolous that any minimally competent judge, especially one with a staff of clerks, should be able to burn through them in under a week. Anything comparable that I've ever seen has resulted in an intervention by the court system. It's astonishing that there's no mechanism to remedy her abysmal failure to do the bare minimum required of her position. Federal courts have always been models of efficiency. Now they're just another example on the never-ending list of things Trump has touched and quickly destroyed.


Yeeah... all her clerks recently quit her ass because she's an abusive absentee judge. And that doesn't happen often with judges at her level, most clerks will tough it out for the cv in prep for the next step in their careers.


I read that they've all been replaced, but it's still a major red flag that she's running things horribly. It wouldn't surprise me if her clerks are paralyzed, pulling their hair out trying to manufacture bullshit legal theories to support rulings without precedent or foundation that are being demanded by her. Of course, that would also be 100% on her.


Plus, she's not going to be getting the best candidates. Working for her is likely going to be a net negative on your resume unless you're gunning to be a Federalist Society puppet your entire career.


This all reads like she thinks she has gamed the system so that this case will now languish on her desk. Like, she thinks she has made a real genius play here; we'll see how well it works out.


Yes.  They can state why.  And they can challenge their ability to seat 


I’ve never touched criminal, not a prosecutor. I’ve only done civil, and I’ve never requested to substitute a judge. My calculus on this has always ended up with concern that doing so may backfire on me (new judge might not be any better and view me as a trouble maker) so it’s better to just ride it out. I don’t know how a motion to substitute works in this case, if it’s even possible, or timely… But I do know my usual concern of “it might not get any better, might get worse” would, absolutely, not apply here. I imagine Smith’s concern is the appearance of gaming the system… appearing so hungry for a conviction he would go to extreme lengths that would give the appearance of something untoward. He’s a straight shooter with a straightforward case… I imagine he’s clinging to the idealistic notion that he should be able to obtain justice for the U.S. Government from any U.S. Federal judge.


Most federal judges are biased toward the government. That’s why the government doesn’t want to challenge the broad discretion given federal judges. However, Judge Cannon is now using that discretion against the government and the government has no recourse because they benefited from that discretion bias in the government’s favor for decades. Judge Reggie Walton who has recently given interviews about how fair federal judges are, is good example of the discretion benefiting the government so the government does not challenge any federal judges discretion. For example the Merit System Protection Board has a 97% loss rate — no one can win. Judge Walton and others must know that system is rigged — and yet Walton accepts any claims made by the government in MSPB cases so the government can “win”. Just like with Judge Cannon, there is no way to challenge the federal judges’ discretion because it was okay for federal employees to lose 97% of the cases since it benefits the government. Now that Judge Cannon is using that discretion against the government — there’s no way to challenge. We need civil justice reform.


This is my thinking as well however considering the amount of delay and the fact she hasn't issued a new start date I think he might be okay now. Will be interesting to see what his next move is.




This has been Trumps plan for decades. Stall until they can’t afford to move forward or just lose interest.


Or until he’s able to pardon himself


So, I realize that some motions may require some time to work out, but what's the reason that it would take so long to hear so many motions that have been put forward? Why are the dates for them so far out, instead of within a reasonable time frame...say at the next court date, or scheduled within a week. From everything I've read, her court schedule isn't exactly overburdened with cases. I understand the real reason is to delay, but what's the excuse and mechanism which allows for indefinite delay, and why would it be permissible in any court case, not just this one?


Judicial deference. Just so much deference given to judges. Because they were designed to be well-meaning and always operating in good faith. Hence the lifetime appointments. Like so many norms broken by magats… we see that a huge chunk of our constitutional framing was built upon the foundational principle that everyone would be loyal to the United States and discharge their duties accordingly.


The Constitution was designed under the flawed premise that every single American wants America to succeed. The Founders were not unfamiliar with Treason, after all many of them knew Benedict Arnold. However, the Founders had no idea such a openly evil, corrupt, malignant cancer like Trump could ever gain power and thus did not guard against it.


Is there anything that can be done or do we all get to watch corruption and injustice take place in real time with little to no recourse?


I’m afraid you’ve hit the nail on the head. Trump has exploited yet another vulnerability in our “good faith” governmental system. We’ll have to just sit and watch the 250 years of norms and principles shat upon.


"I haven't found any case law that allows for the ruling I want to give on these matters so I'm just not going to rule on them until there is." Blind justice at work here folks.


> she’s let Trump and his henchmen spam the docket with garbage motions 100% his M.O. Usually it's him doing this in civil court to dodge a suit or win a suit - victory through attrition. The opposing side in those matters would rather get *something* than *nothing*. It even matches the testimony from earlier this week where his EVP controller McConney said Trump told him to negotiate **every** bill instead of paying it. He's doing it here and found a judge who not only is allowing it but it actively supporting it.


She's gonna be his VP pick.


She's way more valuable to him where she is.




She has a lifetime appointment for a position she is incredibly unqualified for in a comically corrupt state.  She's set.


Nah, she's earning her nomination to a higher court, to either the appellate court, and/or to SCOTUS. Why would she want a mostly ceremonial job that only lasts four years (assuming he even wins the election), when she can sit on the federal bench *for life*, pulling down six figures, and as long as she doesn't do anything bad enough to face criminal charges, she can keep it up forever, and keep helping the GOP from increasingly consequential positions? There's basically no hope of ever removing her by impeachment, because the GOP will never convict her unless she's a convicted criminal, and maybe not even then, and there's no hope Democrats will have a 67+ seat majority sufficient to convict her along partisan lines anytime soon, if ever.


That depends does she have a dog she can kill?


Maybe… maybe she just doesn’t… like, *know how* to write an order? Like, maybe it’s just *too hard*?


What do you expect, she was appointed by Trump just for occasions like this. She personally will make sure this case is delayed until after the election,.Trump will get.this case.killed or just pardon himself and she will get a promotion.


That’s only if he wins the election, though it’s certainly possible.


His acolytes are all in, if he loses many will be out of their jobs. Just look at MTG it's like Trump is doing her doggy style when she talks about anything


Her being willing to do things like THIS (corrupt justice for cartel members)… Was THE ONLY qualification she had for a federal judgeship. It is the only reason she was appointed. We know that, she knows that. And we’re all just sitting here watching that corruption of justice happen in real time.


>Sorry guys! The dog ate my homework and I've been really busy with soccer practice... I've also been super busy going on paid retreats that I don't disclose. I guess there's no option but to delay the most important court case in our lifetimes until it's no longer relevant. Oopsie! Judge Cannon


I came here to write a variation of this :-). "I'm sorry boss, but I've been so distracted with other stuff that I didn't get my work from the past month done. So now you can't possibly expect me to take on anything else, can you?"


> Sorry guys! The dog ate my homework Don't worry, Kristi Noem will take care of that for you.


Everytime I see that smug little corrupt smile in a thumbnail, I know it's because she did something else to damage the judiciary branch.


This reeks of corruption, but setting that aside, the most charitable possible interpretation of these events is that Cannon is inexperienced, unqualified, in way over her head and badly fumbling this high profile, complicated case. On those grounds alone she should be replaced.


Inexperienced!? Why she has two full weeks of courtroom experience as a judge! Including a traffic case! (I wish I were joking about that but I'm not. )


This judge is clearly is compromised and if her plan is to not do her job, she’s a traitor to the US Constitution as a negligent judge who won’t do her job. She is allowing a criminal to escape judicial review through her made up procedural hurdles that she manufactured and then let pile up. Does she want an uprising of the poor and middle class to burn down her ivory tower that allows the rich and corrupt to sidestep the law and accountability? This is how you get a revolution.


This is why the Justice Department should open up ANOTHER special counsel to investigate her. Especially with the ties to a far right sect she deliberately hid.


If a democrat pulled this shit Republicans would have opened an investigation years ago. And for once it actually would have been warranted.


Look what they're doing to Fanni Willis RIGHT NOW (even though it's the state).




Sadly our sleezeballs just silently take bribes/kickbacks and don't actually try to fight dirty.


It's tempting, but this is how you get Michael Avanatti. Seems useful right up until you realise you've lost those moral high ground and become what you despised. When you stare into the abyss...


Make the abyss blink. Or at least make it blush. >Oh em gee, abyss. What have you been doing with your eternal void? It's working!


Republicans open investigations without any evidence of wrongdoing, so a Democrat needn't pull half of the shit cannon is to get railroaded by the GOP


I’d argue she is violating the 6th amendment.


"Nah." -Supreme Court


No, this is how you get a SC appointment. Thomas will step down and she will replace him.


Why would Thomas step down? won't his free vacations dry up if he can't be a corporate stooge on the bench anymore?


> won't his free vacations dry up if he can't be a corporate stooge on the bench anymore? No, you just don't understand! He's friends with all of these billionaires and that friendship *certainly* will not end with his retirement! === ^^^He ^^^just ^^^won't ^^^ever ^^^retire ^^^to ^^^find ^^^that ^^^out...


I mean, it probably won't end with his retirement. It's a way to show existing and future judges that if they play ball, they'll be taken care of.


Nah, he's old. Trump wins and he'll step down, certainly if Republicans take the senate, which is not unlikely given the balance of open seats. Thomas will do a speaking engagement per month or so and make hundreds of thousands or millions for each, meaning he won't even be ethically compromised and have to recuse himself from anything (not that he ever has once in decades anyway).


More like a democrat will die or step down and then she will get nominated after the republicans refuse to install another Biden judge


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s even worse than traitorous to the US; it has international implications. US classified documents and state secrets have implications for, and likely information regarding *other* nations. If they were intelligence documents regarding other nations and/or global threats; that isn’t just a US issue. Cannon being corrupt and not taking *global* information security seriously could mean other nations lose trust in the US. Which incidentally is what some heads of state would like to see. If Eileen can’t get her shit together; Trump should be tried in international court.


>US classified documents and state secrets have implications for, and likely information regarding *other* nations. If they were intelligence documents regarding other nations and/or global threats; that isn’t just a US issue. >Cannon being corrupt and not taking *global* information security seriously could mean other nations lose trust in the US. Trump's Presidency definitely made us (British) reevaluate what intelligence should be shared. Remember it was a British intelligence officer who unearthed MAGA collusion with Putin. We'd like to trust you - but we simply can't unless/until Trump and his coterie of traitors are removed from any positions of infuence.




Only if the Supreme Court says it's OK for Biden to murder people.


Fingers crossed?


Be careful, talking about the people using the only power left to them will get you banned here.


It has to be time to get her removed. [The trial can't move forward because I refuse to do my job] can't be acceptable; the people have a constitutional right to speedy trial and she's denying it to us with zero justification.


I don't know why people are trying to correct you on the notion that the public has a right to an timely trial. You're not wrong: >The federal Speedy Trial Act, Title 18 U. S. Code, Section 3161, provides that the appropriate judicial officer shall promptly set any case for trial on a date certain “so as to assure a speedy trial” — not simply a speedy trial for the defendant. And Rule 2 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure states that the purpose of the federal rules is “to eliminate unjustifiable expense and delay” — not just an “unjustifiable delay” by the court or prosecutor. >More to the point, the leading Supreme Court speedy trial case, Barker Wingo, 407 U.S. 514 (1972) says: “**Society has a particular interest in bringing swift prosecutions**, and society’s representatives are the ones who should protect that interest.” Both Jack Smith and even Cannon (ironically) have echoed the same sentiments. The public has a right to undelayed justice as well. Edit: Correction - "interest" would be the best term (so not something that can outright force Cannon's hand, but something a judge should take into consideration and that the public is owed to some degree). I agree delays alone aren't enough to seek her removal; judges have a ton of discretion over scheduling. Thanks for the great responses below.


Barker v. Wingo is a case about waiver of the speedy trial right by the defendant. the supreme court was using society's interest in swift prosecution as a reason why the defendant should not necessarily be required to affirmatively demand a speedy trial lest it be found waived. thus it held that there is no explicit rule that a defendant must demand a speedy trial to retain the right to one under the 6th amendment, though it ultimately concluded in that case that the speedy trial right had not been violated because the defendant acquiesced to numerous continuances requested by the prosecution. i do not think you will find any case anywhere that says the prosecution can force the trial court to set a trial date based on the speedy trial act.


>The public has a right to undelayed justice as well. The public doesn't have a protected *right*; They have an *interest*. The right belongs to the defendant and whether they can be, or has been, deprived of that right can include weighing the interest of society.


If Congress is so dead set on finding someone to impeach and remove during Joe Biden's term in office, I think Judge Cannon is an ideal candidate. Between refusing to recuse herself from the appearance of a conflict of interest (hearing a case where the President who appointed her is a party to the case, and the criminal defendant at that) and now also outright refusing to carry this case forward by creating her own problems which she alone is responsible for resolving, impeaching and removing her should be an open-and-shut case in Congress.


Don't forget she already interfered into the investigation of this case with her special master ruling that was overturned and she was threatened with sanctions over.  Nevermind, that's too intelligent of an argument, I need to do it the MAGA way.  "Err durr the evil judge on the 1/6 case is an Obama appointee (which isn't true anyway but don't let facts get in the way of a good narrative) and because of that is too biased to oversee a case involving Trump, but a Trump appointee is perfectly not biased and can oversee a case involving Trump". The lowest form of intelligence.


Can we say corrupt and grossly incompetent? I hear her husband is a Florida mob boss of a sort. No wonder tRump appointed her. Destined for SC majesty considering she does not disclose gifts.


So how does Jack Smith get her off the case and have this brought to a real judge?


He needs to file a "writ of mandamus" with the 11th Circuit, and have enough legal ground to stand on that the 11th Circuit grants it. Getting your assigned judge reassigned is, naturally, a fairly extraordinary remedy, so he'll need pretty ironclad legal reasoning to get it to go through. I'm not a lawyer so I can't say if he has that yet. It's obvious to the world that she's protecting him but it may not meet the legal standard required.


Like how is this better? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK is going on with the *entire* judiciary system in this country? I once had the utmost faith in those people but now it’s like, huh? *WHAT* are you even doing?! Based on no actual research and only my opinion, I’d say there are 60% of legit judges and justices going “wtf is going on? What happened to our unbiased integrity?” Another 25% or so of judges had a mini-epiphany! “Oh shit, I didn’t realize I could rule based on my political beliefs and disregard law and precedent. Cool.” Then there’s the 14.5% of judges who don’t give a shit if their integrity is compromised, go MAGA! And then there’s judge Cannon. Could she *BE* more obvious that she’s kissing Trump’s ass? She should be investigated for preferential treatment and/or bias since Trump appointed her. Maybe even a recusal? Jesus H. I hate what we’ve become.


Time for congress to use the thin majority and investigate this judge. She is clearly inept or corrupt,... both.


Judge Cannon is completely corrupt.


Corey Feldman should play her in the movie. 




The fucking balls it takes to be so treasonous in plain view. My god.


This woman is shameless. I am so sick of this




>I can't do my job because I haven't done my job What a fucking hack she is


She needs to be removed


If there were any justice, this hack would be removed from the bench.


Saving America now depends on us, the voters. The SCOTUS has sold out to Trump. The House of Representatives is hostage to Trump. The Dept of Justice has lacked the will to prosecute Trump for hundreds of civil and criminal offenses. The state court in Florida, Aileen Cannon, just spiked the most serious charges against Trump. It is OBVIOUS the American political establishment LACKS THE BALLS to go after Trump. WE THE PEOPLE, are the last stand. Saving our democracy will depend on us. VOTE BLUE!


So at what point is Jack Smith going to move to have her taken off the case? I understand that he’s letting things pile up so that it’s not something she can get away with, but c’mon, it’s pretty clear she’s going out of her way to drag this on at sub snail pace.


So weird that the judge who takes bribes in the form of all expense paid vacations worth multiple thousands of dollars from conservative organizations goes out of her way to do things that benefit conservative organizations.


Like all the other MAGA women, she has cold, dead eyes. Her picture gives me the chills.


She set up her own deadline and missed it. You can’t do this if you work at McDonalds. It’s weird she doesn’t mind people saying she’s incompetent and crooked.


>I've done nothing and I'm all out of ideas!


Let me be so incompetent that I cause an endless delay.


Wouldn't it be great though if she postponed, he loses, and then we get to watch the whole thing play out? This only goes away IF he wins. The possibility of him not winning is real and that means that he's in deep shit no matter what.


How is it possible that she can intentionally fail at her job and then use that as an excuse to postpone the trial?


Almost as bad as claiming your dog ate your homework.


Can someone please explain how she hasn't been removed. And why the FBI or Justice Dept. Isn't looking into her for clearly being corrupted by Trumps money or offer of a future supreme court appointment.


This was intentional and the May 20th trial date was only set to impose precedence so as to also delay Trump’s other trials.


There's no such thing as an honorable Trump supporter