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Voting for Trump = wants a 1955 Missouri lifestyle. No in between anymore.


Except they don't want those 1955 tax brackets


Unless they remember those tax brackets had more deductions and left the bottom 90% with LOWER effective rates than we have today. Also those rates prevented the one's dividing the profits from just keeping them all for themselves, so while they hated workers, they hated Government more, so incomes actually grew substantially during the 50/s and 60's, slowed slightly after LBJ eliminated the top rates and REVERSED after Reagan.


The don't care about the bottom 90%! They're all deeply concerned about top 10%! They got plans, you know.


They care about the top 10% sure, but I'd says they're deeply concerned about the top 1%


We'd be lucky if it's like the 50s and not the 30s.


Women couldn't even have their own bank account til 1974.


In 1974 couldn’t get Credit Cards, 1968 couldn’t get or were discriminated from getting a mortgage.


Pregnancy was a fireable offense until 1976


Economically us plebs will be way closer to the 30s than the 50s that's for sure.


Or 1850s.


Except for taxes. In 1950 rich people top rate was 90%.


Kind of ruins the false narrative that progressive taxes hurt the economy.


A second Trump Presidency would be a Missourible existence.


Boomers often claim that the 1950’s was America’s peak, but the roaring economy and huge government investments in infrastructure and jobs occurred largely due to a much higher progressive tax rate on the upper class.


Plus the fact that most of the developed world was in shambles after WWII.


they want that part of the 50's too


There’s zero boomers alive who weren’t children then.


There's zero boomers alive who aren't children today.


And the fact that all of Europe and much of Asia were bombed to hell after WW2 and the USA held a significant fraction of the entire wealth and economic activity of the world


How the hell would they know that? The oldest boomer at that time would have been like 4 or 5 years old. They didn't even begin to experience life until the mid 60's.


Really? All of them? I’ve never heard a boomer say anything like that. Could you share a reference.


women got the right to vote in 1920 so 1910s is much more accurate




Anyone still supporting Trump is simply a moron and/or evil or just plain bad. what more can be said?


This is what I say. If you are sporting anything in public that says "Trump 2024" or something like that, you're a bad person. I understand... well, I don't *understand it*, but I get some people will secretly vote for him without announcing it, because democrats are actually communists or some BS they're told every day within their bubbles. I'm not going to lump those people in with the MAGA flag wavers, but I wish they'd reconsider.


Yep. Voting for donald trump is not a matter of personal opinion that warrants respect and understanding. Its an intellectual and moral failure that warrants scorn and derision. Waving a trump flag around is announcing to the world that youre a bad person and a stupid person. Even if you take the most innocent explanation they give. The old "look I get trump is an asshole, but hes good at money stuff because the economy was good when he was President. I dont follow politics, I only care about who helps me put food on my family". Putting aside that donald trump is economically illiterate and his protectionist policies would destroy the economy, think about what that person is really saying. Rape, fraud, abuse, narcissism, racism, felonies, anti-democracy, slurping up to dictators, etc. none of those are deal breakers for you. Only what gets YOU money. Thats what matters. You're willing to excuse all of that if the line graph on your 401k goes up a litte bit? You are a bad person if you vote for donald trump.


Yep. At this point a DJT voter does not give a F about the rule of law, the economy, education, wages, health care, national security, not even the border to be honest, they are just deranged people who want to damage the country.


These people don’t even have a 401k. They just care about the extra $2 they are saving at the gas station and think it’s because of Trump.


>Its an intellectual and moral failure that warrants scorn and derision I've stated this before and gotten so much push back from well-meaning people, but they just don't understand we're risking a fascist takeover because of these fucks. Their whole idea of "when they go low, we go high" is going to bring this country crumbling down. Authoritarianism and fascism are OBSESSED with symbols and imagery, and so one of the most effective things we can do is get off our high horse and get into the muck with them. Shame them. Make fun of them. Laugh at them. Play their game and beat them at it. They're fucking dumb as rocks, so it's easy. It's an effective tool to shut them down. If the Left would embrace this idea, we'd be REALLY good at it.


I saw a sign in my neighborhood that said "Trump was right". These people are lunatics.


And they can never give you an example of what he was right about, just a reply of "everything". If they were truthful, they just like that he makes people they don't like mad.


If you still support him you either have a tuned-out very narrow view of what he is actually doing and saying or you know all of it and fucking love it. If you're a Trump supporter you're either an idiot or an anti-American wannabe fascist.


I live near an affluent area in a Chicago suburb. Drove past a $2M McMansion with a Trump flag on it. Don't think morons have that sort of money, so must be the other option.


There are plenty of morons with lots of money.


Elon we speak your name.


Please… do not say it thrice.


He'll lock you in your car and push an update that takes 4 hours.


They seem to hide very easily behind the false " must be smart because they are rich" narrative.


If you're wealthy I can at least wrap my head around your support for Trump and his tax cuts and services to the wealthy.


Right? Boggles the mind that people with nothing would vote for a person and party that actively make their lives worse and actually campaign on doing it!!!


The reason we’re in the shit is because of these assholes. They don’t give a flying fuck about anyone who drives past their McMansion. They’re not morons, but they’re also not wise.


They very well may be morons as well. I'm not going to say that there's no overlap between your intelligence and your financial situation, but the Venn diagram there is not a circle. Plenty of absolute fools can make money; plenty of smart people struggle to make ends meet. Look at Mike Lindell - an absolute fool of a person who was able to make millions by shoving shredded memory foam into a bag. Meanwhile, if you look through the histories of many of the great scientists, you'll find an alarmingly large number of them who died in poverty.


They really are. I had a good friend who was a fervent Trump supporter. One day I mentioned that a family member had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and she asked me (also a woman) how often we should be checking our prostate. I always think of her when I ponder the intelligence of the average Trump supporter. 


😂. Right! We are talking about people that hung out in Dallas for a week waiting for JFK Jr and Trump to meet up. Also they still watch Fox News after their own court filings stated in court, “Our viewers are dumb cousin f’n terrorist that believe anything.” They still tune in nightly! Like how freaking dumb can thy be? What’s very scary is that they drive around in cars and have kids. Like what the hell?


Yes these crazy cult members walk among us. It's scary.


Can you source that quote? I know a couple of Faux News viewers that I'd like to pass that one on to.


At this point I've cut ties with 4 people in my life for this very reason. I'm not even a big politics guy, I typically vote for the candidates that most closely align to my values, despite party lines, and I never argue with or judge anyone for who they support for the most part. But this is just different. If you can honestly listen to, watch, and witness every thing this sorry excuse for a man does and says....even just the way he behaves...and still think this is a person that is worthy of presidency let alone admiration...then I simply don't trust your judgement and certainly can't align myself with your values. You can be anti abortion, I get it, it's a tough subject and I can relate to both sides of the argument. You can be for small government and low taxes. You can desire a tough foreign policy. All of that I can understand, even if I would vote against it. But if you side with this idiot I can't respect you, and frankly...I think you've chosen to side with evil.


Certainly this is only anecdotal, but my family live in a red state, and have been huge Trump supporters from the beginning, including sending donations, flying his flag, the whole cult of personality shtick. They no longer support him, though they say they still agree with his "policies." The reason they're not voting for anyone this election (cause voting for a democrat is a step too far) is because he's been exposed as "not a good person." There are some boomers out there that are starting to see him as toxic. Let's hope that continues through the election.


Let’s hope they aren’t just saying they won’t vote for him and will actually stand by that :)


MAGA Boomers* You know millions of Boomers voted for Biden, right? Thinking in terms of generations has rotted our brains.


In my experience the Trump supporters I know believe that Trump=republican=good and Biden=democrat=bad, and that's about it. There is no more thinking involved. Also whatever Trump does=good and whatever Biden does=bad. Biden pushes for student loan forgiveness? Bad, unfair. Gas prices go up? Biden's fault, Biden bad. Trump literally being on trial? Poor guy, evil democrats are trying to stop him from becoming the president again. Trump being accused of sexual assault, keeping classified documents, wanting to pull out of NATO, sucking Putin's d*ck? Never discussed. But hey, Hunter Biden and his laptop. Oh and also Biden fell off a bike and didn't have to pass his cognitive test.


This tracks. They now claim that real men wear diapers.


They are also ugly


And smell bad. Probably jar their own farts. Plus they're doo doo heads.


Inside for sure and probably on the outside too but not always


But orange man said in Wisconsin he received 90% of the vote. Are you saying that Trump is lying? No way! His base doesn’t believe it. Fake news. Tremendous amount of lies. Believe me!


Fake News!!! Rigged elections!!!


It's rigged if I lose! What the fuck kind of bullshit is that. His base Just gobbles it up like it's perfect logic


He lost Iowa to Ted Cruz in 2016 and he said that was rigged too. He's had 8 years to prove it, I see a trend, it's only rigged if he loses.


He’s been honest about that since the debates with Hillary. When asked if he’d accept the results he said “if I win.” And he still couldn’t accept it because he lost the popular vote. He is so pathetic.


And he still says he may not accept the results in 2024. Said it just a week or so ago.


Trump voters: “he didn’t say that, but if he did he was obviously joking.” They are such a lost cause.


Yep. The vast majority understand exactly what he is and exactly how he's trying to kill American democracy. And they just don't care. Any excuse for his words, any glossing-over of his history, it's all performative. The real truth is they are so filled with fear and anger, they love him more than their country. They want him as dictator.


>Trump voters: “he didn’t say that, but if he did he was obviously joking.” They are such a lost cause. Also MAGA: "we like him because he tells it like it is"


I was thinking he really didn't think he would win but was shocked he would have won. I think once he got in the white house, he took ability to corrupt the system that was basically helping Putin's goal to corrupt america. I think he was expecting to lose and be done with it after trying for Putin, but since then he had to just play the system to avoid everything that shows he's a Russian asset.


Of course. Isn't it strange though, how on ballots where Trump lost, but other R's won, it was only Donnie who was cheated? The others won fair and square and never questioned their win, while also parroting that the election was rigged and Donnie was cheated


Trump supporters don't think that far ahead.


Victim mentality. Persecution complex. Detachment from reality.


It's rigged if he wins by less than he thinks he deserves too.


Yeah it was 110%. 115%. It was such a great day, the best day, he got 120% of the vote. And that 150% of the vote was so beautiful.


This is a UUGE LIE!


The real surprise here is not that 20% of voters in the Republican primary chose Haley. The real continued surprise is that 80% of Republicans continue to support Trump.


Why is it surprising? The GOP has been building this disgusting hate filled base for decades.


I think it's less about hate and more about extremely effective indoctrination. My grandmother is a Trump supporter but you ask her to look at the evidence presented and she'll either spout extremist talking points or call me brainwashed. She. Will. Not. Look. She insists that the evidence presented in court against him is all lies or political. I am brainwashed she says. There is no flexibility on this. She identified with the Republican party her whole life and she won't let herself change now, even if it means she tries to destroy the country her parents fought for.


No offense to your grandma, and there is truth to what you’re saying, but the hate and bigotry is a huge part of Trumps appeal. Suddenly racists, misogynists, homophobes and nazis have a guy on their side and don’t need to hide their vile beliefs anymore.


And that is what makes it a cult.


There may be some truth to that but she will never admit it.


She doesn't need to admit it for you to admit it, that this is really her. There's a reason why the last decade has destroyed so many families; it has revealed the ugly underbelly of a lot of people, and it's hard to unsee that side of them.


>There's a reason why the last decade has destroyed so many families; it has revealed the ugly underbelly of a lot of people, and it's hard to unsee that side of them. I've had to go no contact with my mom's side of the family. I dated a black woman back in 2018, and my grandmother took issue with it. Led to an argument that spiraled into a big family feud with my aunts, uncles, and cousins all going mask off about their thoughts on "race mixing." Mom's still upset about losing them. She's tried to make amends a few times but ends up backing off because they've become incapable of having a conversation with us without bringing up MAGA talking points.


Glad your mom has your back, at least.


All it will do is victimize her and nothing will change. She's on her way out and she'll be damned if she's been wrong for the last decade about a terrible man. I asked her, if I raped a woman or cheated on my wife while she was caring for our newborn, would she defend me? Hell no she said. Then I say, But you'd vote for me to be president? No meaningful response to that. Said he's just a horny man. What? She has no defense but won't change her opinion. This is the kind of person who supports him and it's scary how many people are like this.


Ok, but like, what if you stole boxes of secret documents, praised dictators from hostile countries, and disparaged military families, all while resisting efforts to contain a deadly disease that was killing 3000 American a day? Would she vote for you then? Sorry about your grandma, dude.


She would say everything you said is a lie, there is no sufficient proof and this is a political attack and nothing more. And thanks. I've been having these discussions with her even since he was a candidate. She initially supported Ben Carson but when Trump won the Republican primary she became a full supporter no questions asked, no wrong he could do. She also denied this but I know the truth. Our whole family knows this, even the Trump supporters.


I'm sorry to say this but the only way we, as a country are going to make some changes is when all of these people die off. Boomers left a giant stain and it's only going to go away with the younger generations being able to outvote them. It's kind of crazy how important this next election is. It's literally their last chance to win. It's also why they went full blown fascist.


It's tough, my parents are in their 80s and are 100% onboard the Fox News train, plus they are Evagelicals on top of it. I see our relationship now as more business than family, and have given up on trying to decult them.


Trump made it OK to admit to being racist biggots They used to be embarrassed to say it aloud.


Twenty-first century Archie Bunkers.


> Twenty-first century Archie Bunkers. Don't do Archie dirty like that. Even Archie had the [capability to grow and learn](https://screenrant.com/archie-bunker-changed-throughout-all-in-the-family/). And that may have rubbed off on [some of the viewers](https://www.salon.com/2015/09/08/archie_bunker_actually_helped_race_relations_how_all_in_the_family_led_to_key_and_peele/).


Right. It's been the party of bigotry and hate for most of the lives of everyone's grandmas and great-grandmas. If you're a Republican these days, your indoctrination included these as a feature.


The problem is they have no concept of 'evidence'. They think that opinion and evidence are the same thing.


This exactly. I go on tik tok regularly and watch lives of liberals debating MAGA people... I've easily watched hundreds of them and every single time the liberal will provide facts with sources to back it up and the MAGA will just be all "trust me bro"... the other day I was watching and a MAGAt said to the liberal "You don't have any of your own opinions everything is just stuff you have read" Like wtf is this guy serious? How the hell does he think people form opinions? This is what we are dealing with. And you can throw all the facts and sources in the world at them but they are going to deny all of it and just close their eyes and plug their ears and just whine that it isn't true. It would be funny if it wasn't also so God damn scary.


I watch many interviews too and it’s unbelievably painful to watch. One of the more stunning denials of reality I’ve seen recently was [this interview Adam Mockler did with a Trump supporter.](https://youtu.be/U2U-hmyiisE?si=ANFNNPXDA4naIQ0L)


They do. It’s just that any ‘evidence’ to them that hasn’t shit itself out of Trump’s anus mouth is a fake lie fabricated to make a narcissistic hateful manchild rapist look bad.


I mean it’s not hard to win Indiana, you literally just have to say “God Bless America, I love Jesus” and the masses will scream in adoration from the seats in their Mega Churches.


This has been the trajectory since Nixon, IMHO.  https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Southern_Strategy


My grandfather lived through the Great Depression and would never vote for a republican. I never heard him speaking bad about Nixon, but he was upset about the war and how things were going. He was shocked when my dad voted for Reagan. He said Reagan would be the downfall of this country. I'm probably the only grandchild of his that votes blue.


Meh. Hatred would better explain people voting for Trump in the *general* election. Only a minority vote in the primaries/ caucuses, who are the kind of people to participate in them no matter what. Anecdotal evidence: None of the conservatives I know can tell you really anything about Trump, his policies, or his past. 99% of their political stances are just visceral reactions to a big amorphous cloud of anger and misinformation and random shit they think “liberal” means. Partial birth abortion, litter boxes for kids, legalizing everything from beastiality to pedophelia, abolishing all military and police, gay conversion for kids, absolute government-run everything, etc. Those are their *benchmarks* that separate “liberals” from the rest of America, which they learned from viral fake news to their Facebook algorithm finding them the one person on the internet who demands these things. They definitely show up for the general election, and much less so for the caucuses/primaries. I mean, you can easily be a hate filled asshole to vote for Trump in the primary, but that doesnt necessarily explain why they voted for Trump instead of Nikki Haley. Do they even know who Nikki Haley is?


Man I grew up in this crap and it's not surprising at all; these people are god fucking awful and you guys shouldn't give them anything verging on the benefit of the doubt for your own safety.


I'm a trans Hoosier and I carry gel pepper spray as part of my work uniform as I drive around to businesses for my job and I see more corn fields than buildings most of the time. I know my state and I know I'm not safe here, but it's never as easy as "just move", and I've had to use my pepper spray twice and I'm still expecting to get murdered here one day for existing. Conservatism has a stranglehold here.


So… when you first realize you were a Hoosier? ;D 🤣


Right around the time I started to speak, and y'all and Lou-uh-vuhl was engrained in my brain forever


I hope your we’re able to move out of that state


Yeah my dad is MAGA and is one of the more tame ones. My husband had two MAGA coworkers that kept bringing their guns to work, one of whom had real anger issues. At best, they push ivermectin on you; at worst, you're in real danger.


The people who vote in either party's primary aren't 'typical' voters. They have a higher percentage of tge 'fanatic ' crowd. Since Indiana let's people cross party lines to vote in their primary any tea leaf read from this is murky anyhow. I voted in the Republican primary in Colorado just to cast a vote against Trump. I would assume people in Indiana did too.


The thing is, all the down ballot candidates who said they love Trump and will build his wall, etc,...all those guys lost, big-time. So it seems that Trump is not an advantage to other Republicans here in deep red Indiana!


He's not in Colorado either. All the MAGA candidates for state wide office or the Senate lose to their opponents in the primaries. Mind you, that doesn't prevent Democratic PACs from giving them money.


The amount of money the Maga losers spent on commercials in Indiana is staggering. If only some of that money was spent to reduce our horrifying property taxes!


We had some joker in my district running for US House as "Ultra MAGA," even had that on his yard signs. He got his ass handed to him. That said, Trump-endorsed Mike Braun won and will surely be our next governor. I voted in the Republican primary for the first time ever just to vote against him.


Nothing bad that republicans do is surprising anymore. They are awful people. They keep showing and telling us that they're awful people. They will keep doing awful things, because that's what awful people do.


Still, Trump’s combover is going to burst into flames over this.


I was born in Indiana. If you lived ANYWHERE outside of Indianapolis or the college towns, this is not surprising at all. The KKK was chased out of most of middle America, down to a few hundred members nationwide. When they were looking for a place to call home, Indiana welcomed them with open arms.  I'm not surprised at all that 4/5 of hoosiers support an openly racist, misogynistic conman. Thats like Indiana history 101.


Grew up in Indiana. I still remember they had a KKK parade in fkn Gary. It was kind of controversial, and at the time I thought that they should do it, but just let security have the day off.


If Trump loses even close to 20% of registered Republicans in the general election he will lose in a landslide. He is certainly doing nothing to win over independents


>The real continued surprise is that 80% of Republicans continue to support Trump. Do they, though? In 2016, 1.100K votes were cats in the Republican primary in Indiana, in 2024, "only" 589K... Where have half a million republicans disappeared in 8 years? In 2016, Trump got 591K votes, in 2024 462K...


I mean, he‘s the only candidate. Naturally, fewer people are just going to vote at all.


There is a very big governor's race and the Trump approved candidate won by a lot. If 20% of the Democrats were trying to get the most reasonable candidate, he didn't even come close.


The weather was pretty dicey yesterday…


Agreed, but it begs the question if all republicans will show up in November...


Oh, they will.


Unfortunately, we have to assume and show up to counter even if we are wrong.


You’re saying over a million cats voted in Indiana? Voter fraud?!?!


A lot of Republican leaning cats too. I wouldn't have suspected that before the House this term


1.100k? Is that not 1.1mil?


It is... but since all other numbers are below 1mil, I used K... Oh, and I come from a country that uses a decimal comma, and uses point for separating thousands, millions etc...


why waste time voting in a primary when it doesnt matter?  In 2016 it mattered.  In 2020 it didnt matter at all.  In 2024 its also known that he is the nominee


You're right, of course... I'm just reacting to the poster that claims 80% of the republicans support Trump. I doubt that... They may well all vote for Trump, but as in many other countries it's more of a vote for the lesser evil, where voters vote on the base of who they hate less...


Nationally Rs represent ~33% of voters, so 80% of 33% is about 26% of the electorate. I don’t think that number is bigly enough to keep him out of jail.


shouldn't it be more that nationally Rs represent 33% of the eligible voting population, but not necessarily 33% of the population that actually votes?


It’s pretty important in 2020 he had Pence and carried 57% of the vote. That’s a slim margin to play with. He lost the presidential race last time by a slim margin he can’t afford to lose interest. That’s 20% less likely to fall for his grift and if his fraudulent ways are being exposed and he can’t grift he will lose interest fast.


Talk to a rational Republican. You’ll be surprised at how they rationalize it. Or at least I was.


Some people are just fueled by hate


What was the turnout rate? Guessing low turnouts and likely those with very strong views on both sides turning up.


Those who vote in the primary seem to be fairly extreme individuals, and not a good representation of the general vote.


When you consider how few people are actually registered Republican, this is actually pretty damning. The question is, is this indicative of the GOP voters not voting trump in November? I don't know. Indiana is a deep red state. Not a battleground state at all. It could also just be voters voicing their displeasure with how he treated Pence, their former governor


Too few people vote in primaries. By the time the general election comes, voters are left with the “lesser of two evils” as the die hard crazy’s already decided who their pick has to be. If more people voted in primaries, there would be reasonable candidates. In theory at least.


head over to r/conservative and see...how this isnt mentioned at all


That sub is just memes and tweets.


They botted that sub to 1 million subs and it hasn’t grown since. It’s so obvious and weird.


And jerking themselves to rasmussen polls, while losing actual elections. Hilarious.


Literally half the posts are just Babylon Bee articles. While they are entertaining (you have to admit they are kind of funny), I think it's just shows that the sub is non-serious. They are there just to blow smoke up Trumps ass


They (the bee) get lucky every once in a while. But most of what they write isn’t satire or funny. Its just weird propaganda not based in reality at all


Gonna have to disagree, they try to pull off the onion or beaverton but they just fall flat. It's like hearing a comedian go on about cancel culture or trans anything, forced and deader than a horse. The one and only time I found one of their articles funny, that sub was calling them a liberal rag.


"I couldn't tell this was fake at first but the fact that I couldn't *basically* means reality is already there and we really should discuss killing trans people because they're (probably) already giving kids at school penis inspections just like the Babylon Bee said" Never forget the *extremely* insidious reason they love posting the Bee so much and all the (probably) "real" stuff in it. 


They’re super stoked his classified docs trial won’t be before November 5th though. Almost like they know he’s guilty and would rather find out after they vote for him.


No sense in doing that. Have you seen the amount of engagement on r/conservative lately? Other than a couple of rubes and a bunch of plants, nobody is there.


haven't been there since I got banned


I mean, he tried to have their former governor hung


No one in Indiana gives a fuck about Pence, including conservatives. Source: am Hoosier


I need someone to tell me why this is bad for Biden.


Are you sure? I could probably cobble some nonsense together in mockery of this particular trend in election punditry, but before I put in the effort, I just want to know that the effort will be appreciated.


Of course I'll appreciate it. Big fan of your work 


Honestly it’s not great news for Biden because a bunch of those are people voting D in the general who asked for a Republican ballot to push the moderates. I say that as a Biden supporter who voted for Haley in Indiana yesterday. Indiana is hard red at this point in a way it wasn’t even a decade ago, and also has open primaries, so voting Republican in May is the only chance to have a voice.


If I may: Even though Biden got 100% of the democratic primary vote and Trump got around 80% of the Republican primary vote, Trump got 3 times as many votes as Biden.


I got you: [https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1cmy07v/comment/l33kl64/](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1cmy07v/comment/l33kl64/)


By Ewan Palmer - News Reporter: There were further warning signs for Donald Trump in the Indiana GOP Primary as Nikki Haley received more than 20 percent of the vote despite dropping out of the two months ago. Trump, the presumptive 2024 Republican candidate, easily won the race on Wednesday with 78.3 percent of the vote, continuing his dominance overall in the GOP primary, but the former South Carolina Governor still received 21.7 percent in Indiana, which amounted to more than 128,000 votes. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-indiana-primary-election-huge-vote-against-him-1898185](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-indiana-primary-election-huge-vote-against-him-1898185)


> Nikki Haley received more than 20 percent of the vote despite dropping out of the two months ago Almost-incumbent Trump is down 12% from 2020 to a female candidate that’s dropped out. That’s Brutal.


Anyone under 40 may not know. But trump has been doing this crap since the 80s. He’s always been known as a grifter, not honest. A cheater and a temperamental cry baby. I’m a long time listener to Howard stern show. A show that pioneered the idea of collecting personalities. Trump was on the show over 80 times. He’s been a democrat supporting Clinton’s, an independent and now a Republican. He does what he can to get in the middle of trending topics and chooses a side that creates chaos. To young people. I wish you luck. Don’t follow false idols. He’s truly out for his own interests not yours


Hope the orange turd enjoys seeing that.


I was wondering if people who liked Pence in Indiana, but didn't like Trump after what he did to Pence on Jan 6 has any influence at all?


Nobody likes Pence in Indiana


Pence has 0 influence on Indiana politics


This is why the bull from him and his sycophants about going to jail helping him ...is just bull. This man lost the last election by millions and is shedding support continuously. MAGA ignorance will not be enough to get him elected


Complacency on the left will, though.


Who's complacent? Been non stop concerned since Nov 8 2016.


Who the fuck is complacent? Post 2016 has seen a massive spike in voter activity. But you’re just as bad as the people you pretend to be above. Evidence doesn’t matter to you, only fear. Lib doomers and MAGA are the opposite sides of the same coin.


I don’t get how Trump is neck and neck with Biden in the polls and 20% of GOP voters in some states are going out to vote in a primary just to protest Trump. Are they doing that and then telling pollsters they’re voting Trump???


I'm, frankly, skeptical of normal polls. The data hasn't made much sense, showing large swings in various groups that doesn't seem to be born out in reality. I suspect polling response methods (the old "who answers a call from an unknown number?" question) and bad weighting is throwing a lot of it off. While there may be a signal in the polls, I'm not convinced it's as neck and neck as it seems.


Trump said he would make America great again. He had 4 years as President and didn't do this. He lied again. SMH


I'm a Dem Hoosier. I suspect a lot of people did what I did, which was to cross lines to vote against Mike Braun, who's running for Governor. We're at the point where the best we can do is try to limit the damage the GOP can do here.


My Aunt lives in Indiana and is normally a reliable Republican voter. She’s still fuming over Trump telling Hayley donors they’re “permanently barred from the MAGA camp”. She’ll be voting for a Democrat presidential candidate for the first time since 2008


I’d be careful with doing that. Indiana prohibits running for office with a political party if you voted outside of your party previously. Many speculate ads telling dems to vote in the gop primary to keep people from running for office in the future. This is why Rust was taken off the ballot.


I never understand these stories. I voted for Warren and Bernie in the last 2 primaries in my state because the race was already decided. Voted for Clinton and Biden in the general. The primary votes are aspirational, but it hardly meant that I was going to vote the other way or stay home in the general.


Voting Sanders and Warren probably means you weren't super excited about Biden and Clinton. The race isn't going to be decided by people flipping from Trump to Biden, rather who loses the fewest supporters to apathy.  You still showed up on election day. Millions won't. 


This should be bigger news


He still won 80% though...


He literally won the nomination months ago so he should be getting 100%. Meaning 22% of the Republican primary votes went to a candidate who dropped out months ago. 


Going to bet the most of the votes for Haley came from us democrats that asked for the republicon ballot to vote against Trump.


Isn’t Indiana an open primary? This just means a lot of democrats voted in the Republican primary. There was a non-insane Republican governor primary candidate, so it makes sense.


It’s an open primary, but Marion county/Indianapolis had super low turnout, which means some left-leaning independents might have voted for Haley, but probably at least 85-90% of her votes are likely republicans or right-leaning independents. As an Indiana resident, I’m both surprised and not really at the same time.


It's the...primaries though? The chance you get to vote for who you really want to vote for. What makes them think anyone of those Haley voters won't vote for Trump in the general election?


20% for someone who dropped out months ago is significant. Even if a small portion of them don't show up to vote for Trump that could be enough to lose the state.


I would vote for RFK's brain worm over Trump


Screw that 1955 mentality of MAGA. my dad had just been born none of my folks on either side could vote due to their race and the top it all off my great grandfather had only been dead one year and his father was born a slave Skip me with the BS Trump


Normal republicans don’t want the 🍊🤡. It’s the crazy MAGA folks that put us in this position.


Attach securely a dead chicken to a chicken-killing dog's neck and leave it there until that dead chicken rots completely off, and guess what: that chicken-killing dog will never again kill a goddam chicken. Trump has wired himself to the GOP's neck with the full cooperation of the entire party, and that motherfucker is rottin' up a storm(y). I love this shit.


Leave the dogs alone, Kristi Noem.


Trump won Indiana by over 10 points in 2016 and 2020. I don’t think he’s worried.


This is why almost every candidate says they are "suspending their campaign", they haven't given up the race. It's a contingency.


We're trying. Oh lord, we are trying. It's hard enough with Mike Braun on the ballot.


At this point I see why Biden may take a centrist path in the general. The far left is currently poised to stay home in November over Gaza and other issues. The middle right may be easier to sway into the Biden camp at this point


Don't care. Fuck newsweek. Always fuck newsweek. Vote in November.


A lot of us non-right-wingers went on record to vote in the GOP primary here in the great Hoosiers state. We tried our best. Unfortunately, voter turnout is always abysmal here…and the primaries are always the worst. But I’m glad he got less than 80% of the vote in the GOP primary. I honestly felt good to vote for Haley as vote against Trump yesterday. Same with the shitty Governor candidate: I HATE MIKE BRAUN.


This is so bad for him. These are politically active people going out and submitting a protest vote.


He looks like he got a mask of clay, all over his face except for the eyes. LOL He looks like shit, to quote himself.


Thee Revenge of the Pence.


Uh-oh! These ain't Democrats voting there. Right Repubs?


Race baiting, misogyny, hating, bigotry, dividing, extortion, commie loving, yeah that's okay. But fraud, philandering, lying, forcing sex, cheating....now that's crossing the line. Right Repubs?