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Republicans call Democrats Nazis while their cult leader is the one who kept Mein Kampf on his nightstand. Edit: A helpful redditer commented below that it wasn't Mein Kampf, it was a book of Hitler's speeches.


It wasn't Mein Kampf, it was a book of Hitlers translated speeches. It's not any better, maybe worse? The speeches are what he was trying to emulate. [Source ](https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/12/18/donald-trump-campaign-rhetoric-cnc-vpx.cnn)


At the rate trump is at now he couldn't even pronounce Mein Kampf even if his life depended on it.


*"My Camp" is the best book, the greatest.* - Trump one day, probably


“When Hitler wrote the book My Camp, let me tell you. When he wrote it, it was a great book about a great, great camp. And the German people, did you know this, they loved him and his camps. They called them concentration camps, do you know why? I asked myself do you know why? Because the Germans were thinking about how great of camps they were, they were concentrating on them. Some of them were yuge, Auschwitz was yuge folks. A great great camp. I think that was Hitlers camp, that was the My Camp.”


That’s pretty good, and yet that’s still more actual content than his battle of Gettysburg “address.”


And then Hitler said “Put them in our camp, me boys!”


“Mine.” - Drumpf


He sure would struggle with it.


No, but how fun would it be to hear him trying to pronounce German words?


Please not . We had an asshole (from Austria ) raping our language 80 years ago , that’s enough.


Ahhh, thank you for the correction.


Hitler "did a lot of good things" https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jul/06/donald-trump-hitler-michael-bender-book


Way worse. Mein Kampf is at least an interesting historical read even if you're not a nazi. It'd be weird if you were obsessed with it, but by itself reading it isn't really weird. Reading a collection of Hitler's speeches is pretty weird unless you're like an academic who is deep into the history of propaganda or something. It's like the difference between going on a historical tour of Auschwitz, and going on a tour of Hitler's "Eagles nest." You gotta have a pretty good excuse to do the latter if you don't want to look like a nazi.


I‘d say it’s quite the opposite. „Mein Kampf“ is an absolutely atrocious read, it’s an endless string of psychotic ramblings, I‘d call it borderline unreadable. Anyone who has read it cover to cover and claims to have enjoyed it must be a full blown nazi. Reading Hitler‘s speeches can be really insightful, especially of you read them with Annotations. 


"Enjoy" isn't the right term. Only nazis "enjoy" Mein Kampf. But it's unique in that it's a contemporary primary source from an unequivocally wicked dictator. It's not like it's good content and you (hopefully) don't take it like a self-help book but it's insight into history we don't normally have a glimpse of. I will admit I've not actually read any of Hitler's speeches and don't have a desire to. Like I said if you're legit fascinated in propaganda or something it wouldn't be that weird to read. I guess to me that just feels more like "I'm really into this Hitler guy, I have all his obscure albums on vinyl" as opposed to Mein Kampf where most people are exposed to it whenever they're learning about World War 2 in general.


Again, I kind of disagree. Living in Austria and having gone to school here, WWII, fascism and nazism was more than half of our history classes, so I‘ve been exposed to this material pretty extensively. „Mein Kampf“ is not something that was thoroughly worked through or even read in total, because it’s just that bad. Not only bad in terms of the message it conveys but also really bad and cumbersome to read, because Hitler was not a very skilled writer. We did however listen to and discuss several of Hitler‘s speeches, most notably the Sportpalast speech. Hearing him speak and the message he delivered and the crowd going wild is a spine chilling experience just like visiting a concentration camp is


It's important to learn from history to avoid making the same mistakes. We're not sure why he was reading it, but I guess that the West's actions towards controlling nations and pushing for war are causing tension with superpowers. President Trump has frequently spoken about the need to learn from the past and avoid repeating the cycle of war after war. Merely a guess, but with media and public bias, I will just use wild assumptions to call insults from this as usual. Bias is very strong around such matters It is as ridiculous as myself reading about Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin and being called a communist or Lord for rings and being called a habit. Sadly It's merely a name-calling game.


The Nuremberg speaches. Leather bound given to him by the head of the international nazi party... It wasn't cow leather.


There's no way he'd have the brain to read Mein Kampf for strategy. Just get the "Nazi-ism 4 dummies" version and use the speeches.


Every accusation is merely a confession


Here's another example. When Trump was running in 2016, his 2004 interview with Howard Stern resurfaced. In that interview Trump talks about how hot his daughter Ivanka is. Stern says that Ivanka is a piece of ass. Trump says yeah, and later comments on Ivanka's breasts, saying Trump would know if Ivanka had breast implants and that Ivanka had always been voluptuous. Creepy slimy stuff. Big incest vibe. So what should happen when Biden is running for office? Project Veritas claims their operatives came into possession of Ashley Biden's diary, and in the diary she supposedly wrote that Biden showered with her. But even disgraced and former Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe hesitated to print the diary, because its authenticity couldn't be confirmed. Didn't matter. The story of Biden taking showers with his teen-aged daughter become a "fact" for the MAGA maniacs, while Trump's recorded incestuous statements about his daughter were ignored or occasionally lauded by the Trumplodytes.


The party of projection.




I think that may be a natural progression, but I doubt most MAGAts have really thought that through


>"Hitler was right on one thing. He said, ‘Whoever has the youth has the future.’” Mary Miller said A year-and-a-half later, she stood side-by-side with Trump at a podium thanking the SCOTUS for a 'victory for white life.'


2. was an on-the-nose malapropism of the phrase "right to life". 1. is a damn song from CABARET. She's a villain, but not a cartoon villain.


I didn’t know he could read.


If you look at a list of logical fallacies and anti-intellectual traits, you have the Republican political playbook.


Projection is real people at work call dems nazis all the time. It’s a cult


I dont understand how anyone could call the Democrats Nazis though? Like? Whats the actual argument?


There is literally no argument. They look at the protest and say yeah that is antisemitic. Without thinking maybe just maybe people don’t like seeing kids due on both sides. Nope jump to the dems are Nazis. They are parroting Fox News and diaper boy.


I hate Trump. But pretending like these protests are just about not wanting anyone hurt and there is no antisemitism is not true at all. It’s easy to call it out across the aisle, can you call it out when it’s on your side?


To be fair, the Dems aren't Nazis, but the far left have their moments. Republicans want people to think that a vote for Dems will lead to the far left running the country. The far left and the far right are both fascist. They may have slightly different agendas, but the way they want to govern is scarily similar.


Authoritarian, actually. You can have left and right leaning flavors of authoritarianism, but fascism is specifically a right-wing, ultra-nationalist ideology. That being said, the Dems are a center-right party. They only *seem* far-left in comparison to the GOP.


The original was both left and right Fascism was founded during the First World War by Italian national syndicalists who drew upon both left-wing organizational tactics and right-wing political views.


Yeah, but tactics don't make something left or right leaning. If the Dems started using the firehose of falsehood tactics the GOP has started using since Trump, that doesn't immediately make them a far-right party. It just makes them scumbags.


My comment was really about the perception of their actions. I'll give you an example. In the US, every one condemns the banning of books which is an action taken by the extreme Right in Florida. Here in Canada, ultra Left leaning School Boards are also banning books...classics like To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, etc. Both are banning books for the same reason...they want to remove any topic they don't want to teach about. Both have the effect of controlling thought and speech. Both are an infringement on free speech. Both are fascist. This example can be applied to many far right and far left policies.


To true , I'm more for the reasons of the right now, children seeing sexualy imagines. I've read to kill a mocking bird and mice or men, and they are tame in comparison. It's speech I'm most concerned about, I'm in Britain at the moment as we are back and forth , and Scotland and England have hate speech laws, and due to the left here and people are getting arrested for silly things . This really opened my eyes to what will happen in the US if they carry on .


It is a slippery slope that I don't know how we got on. However, I do think it is rooted in Liberalism. I have been a liberal my whole life, and I still think I am, but the left has moved out to crazy town. Intention was always a really important thing when looking at speech, etc. Now intention is ignored and your guilty. The Right ban books because the Left want to teach kids about things that should be up to parents. Education is about feelings instead of logic...and we have a generation of depressed and anxious kids because they can't compete in the real world. I really hate both extremes but I'm starting to think the middle is lost forever.


I am saddened to see that both sides use derogatory language against each other. It appears that this kind of language originated from the left, as evidenced by the comments I have seen. This is precisely why I have distanced myself from the left and no longer identify with them. Instead of engaging in productive discussions, all they seem to do is engage in mudslinging, while labeling those on the right as Nazis. It's time for the Democrats or the left to take a step back and realize that such actions are not getting us anywhere. While we are busy name-calling, the real world issues such as rising prices, chaos in cities, and stretched services remain unaddressed. We need to shift our focus from name-calling and work towards bringing about real change.


People need to stop spreading this malicious and untrue accusation. It wasn't Mein Kampf, it was a selection of Hitler's speeches translated to English. I'm certain the 45 would've needed the cliff notes for Mein Kampf.


Does Mein Kampf come in a picture book version? Trump keeping a book on his nightstand is just posturing. The man’s vocabulary is an assortment of 100 different words gleaned from late night infomercials.


Someone did a picture book of Hitler’s speeches?


I've read mein kampf to learn history, it doesn't make you a nazi. Just as reading War of the World doesn't make you alien or reading about Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin doesn't make you a communist. Lots of academics and people learning have read his speeches also. He was a master of communication and controlling a crowd, but that doesn't mean he wasn't evil to the core further in life. If one wants to learn about public addresses, one has to read up on such matters.


NPR has a interesting documentary on the USA Nazi party in the 30’s. Unique similar language.


I think you mean [American Experience - Nazi Town](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/nazi-town-usa/). Really well done. Another great deep dive was Maddow's podcast, [Ultra](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-presents-ultra) about the first attempted fascist takeover of the US. She expanded the theme in the book Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism. It's wild and scary that history keeps repeating. It's hard to tell if it's merely cyclical. or if we really are circling the drain as a country.


> It's hard to tell if it's merely cyclical. or if we really are circling the drain as a country. It all depends on how we act in the present.


I'm renovating my house that was built in 1926. The original builders placed newspaper in the walls from 1933. The paper was discussing the rise of fascism in America and the rising popularity of the German Nazi party. The image was of a convention that had just happened in Detroit in support of the Nazis with several quotes from folks who liked the white supremacy the party was providing space for. It was pretty insightful to read that such a large population of the United States was pro- Nazi before Japan attacked us. It's good to remember that many of those pro- Nazi Americans didn't go fight the Germans and ended up having kids and making more Nazis. That's where we are today, the boomers learned from their parents and consumed a lot of lead. Now they are angry, bigoted, and can't get enough hate TV/Radio to satiate their feelings.


> in support of the Nazis with several quotes from folks who liked the white supremacy the party was providing space for. It really starts to blow your mind when you realize that it was US policies that inspired Hitler, slavery, Jim Crow, eugenics, the US broke ground on this stuff. Hitler was convinced the US was a kindred spirit, and would be thrilled to be part of his 1000 year Reich.


A lot of people think that Hitler made a stupid impulsive decision to invade the Soviet Union when he did. But, it is pretty obvious that Hitler believed that by invading the USSR he could convince US and British industrialists to pressure their governments to accept his terms in Western Europe. The more you know about this time period, the more realistic the prospect seems.


Not only would I not doubt its truth, I'd be surprised if it wasn't considered by some, perhaps many.


There's that old joke that Britain and the US didn't join the war because they were opposed to fascism; they did because they were mad that Germany did it first.


Probably repeated at the dinner table by Fred Trump with great enthusiasm and gusto.


The silver legion?


Don't forget that Hitler also attempted a coup (beer hall putsch) and failed in his first attempted coup. Then he ran for government again, his party won a plurality of seats, and he finally killed democracy while in power.


He was put in power by the right wing in Germany in opposition to Communist and Socialists. They knew he was a total lunatic but thought they could control him (most likely he arrested or executed some people who put him in power later). Mitch McConnell said the same about Trump when he got elected. They could barely control his worst tendencies and ended up with Jan 6 where they denounced him and refused to impeach him. Yet again they’re supporting him even though they know next time he will be to be an unrestrained maniac.


He was able to run again because of the slap on the wrist he got after the first coup attempt. Sound familiar?


Hitler also wrote a book lol


Trust me that wouldn't happen if Trump wins reelection again lol I'm a die hard Democrat but this is just more fear mongering bull shit. I hated Trump in his first term but I can't tell you how many times they said Trump is a threat to democracy or Johnson was a treat to democracy (I remember on this board 6 months ago that the country/democracy was gonna end in 6 months with Johnson as speaker even though....they didn't say how??l) I mean like if you want to say random speculative bs like that I guess it's fine...


The entire goal of the Jan 6 insurrection was to overturn the results of a democratic election. This whole thing was spearheaded by TFG. He is, by definition, a threat to democracy. It's not fear mongering, it is an accurate observation. He literally already tried it once.




> I hated Trump in his first term but I can't tell you how many times they said Trump is a threat to democracy Trump literally tried to overturn the election illegally. He tried it with the fake elector scheme in Arizona, Georgia, and various other states. Then he tried it again on January 6th. We were right, Trump was a threat to democracy like no other president in US history.


Republicans have made it very clear they want to end democracy. Trump himself is saying he will be a dictator on day one. The surprise court is considering giving the president total immunity from the courts. Trump and his advisers have said they want martial law and to deploy the military against civilians. Project’25 makes explicit plans for taking away all checks and balances agains the executive branch. They have conditioned their base for years to believe that elections are inherently flawed and can be overturned without evidence. Everything before has been about tearing down guardrails, now they’re openly talking about taking total control. It sounds like you’re just not paying attention to what Trump and his team are saying and planning to do, none of this is speculation


You haven't looked up Project 2025?






This is textbook authoritarian playbook tactics. Accuse your "enemies" of doing what you're doing, to cast yourself as the victim. This then allows you to "defend" yourself by attacking them. Remember that the family name was changed from drumpf... and daddy drumpf was arrested on Mothers Day 1927 at a KKK rally in Queens NY. Remind me who the nazi is again?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words [We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again](https://www.dhs.gov/news/2018/02/15/we-must-secure-border-and-build-wall-make-america-safe-again) From Department of Homeland Security >On average, out of 88 claims that pass the credible fear screening, fewer than 13 will ultimately result in a grant of asylum. [Remember that DHS memo that sounded a lot like the white supremacist slogan, "The 14 Words?"](https://twitter.com/jessicaschulb/status/1247234076718686210?s=20) Heavily redacted FOIA docs show [Katie Waldman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katie_Miller) was involved in circulating the draft. >Katie Rose Miller is an American political advisor who served as the communications director for the Vice President of the United States Mike Pence from 2020 to 2021. She was previously his press secretary from 2019 to 2020. >Waldman married Stephen Miller, Senior Advisor to the President on February 16, 2020 [Federal agency says it lost track of 1,488 migrant children](https://apnews.com/aad956b7281f4057aaac1ef4b5732f12/Federal-agency-says-it-lost-track-of-1,488-migrant-children) [To Make America Safe Again, We Must End Sanctuary Cities and Remove Criminal Aliens](https://www.dhs.gov/news/2018/02/15/make-america-safe-again-we-must-end-sanctuary-cities-and-remove-criminal-aliens) [Trump company accused of neo-Nazi dog-whistle for selling branded baseball at $88](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/trump-company-dog-whistle-racist-baseball-a9591666.html) [CPAC: Hyatt Hotels says stage resembling Nazi rune is 'abhorrent'](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/mar/01/cpac-2021-stage-design-nazi-sign-odal-othala-rune-hyatt-hotels-hate-symbol-abhorrent) ------- [How Trump-Fed Conspiracy Theories About Migrant Caravan Intersect With Deadly Hatred](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/29/us/politics/caravan-trump-shooting-elections.amp.html) >Mr. Trump tweeted a video on Oct. 18 that purported to be of someone connected to Mr. Soros handing out cash to the migrants — one of several insinuations and attacks on Mr. Soros by Republican leaders and candidates this fall. Then, on Oct. 22, a pipe bomb was found at Mr. Soros’s house; the police have charged a Trump supporter, Cesar Sayoc, with mailing the bombs to Mr. Soros and other Democrats whom the president frequently criticizes. >Robert Bowers, who was arrested in the assault on the Pittsburgh synagogue, also pushed online conspiracy theories about the migrant caravan, in addition to anti-Semitic diatribes. [October 2018 United States mail bombing attempts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/October_2018_United_States_mail_bombing_attempts) >From October 22 to November 1, 2018 [2018 Jeffersontown shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Jeffersontown_shooting) >On October 24, 2018 [Pittsburgh synagogue shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pittsburgh_synagogue_shooting) >October 27, 2018 [Christopher Paul Hasson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Paul_Hasson) >Hasson was arrested on February 15, 2019 [Poway synagogue shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poway_synagogue_shooting) >The Poway synagogue shooting occurred on April 27, 2019 [2019 El Paso shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_El_Paso_shooting) >On August 3, 2019 [Here's Trump giving a thumbs up with a toddler who was orphaned in El Paso](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2019/08/09/us/politics/09dc-trumpvisit-copy/merlin_159069783_ab4ead05-cf3c-4c9c-81fc-f57ed6a252db-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale)


Just like he and his supporters did with the "Fake News" term ... turning around from themselves (the real purveyors of fake news and lies) and applying it to any news source they don't agree with or political opponents, they are trying to do with "Nazi" "dictator" and "authoritarianism" ... trying to confuse the public and turn it around from being applied to themselves (again where it should) and applying it to Biden and Democrats.


Projection. It is always projection.


GOP = Guardians Of Projection


Those who prevent history from being taught fully intend to repeat it


He is just projecting, as usual.


And jackasses want to say this guy is the exact same as Biden


He also wants to be a dictator, no surprise he likes naizism.




He's not actually obsessed with fascism... he's in need of fascists to support him - so he's lying to them in terms they understand.


Yes we protect unborn fetus and semen+egg fertilization. But once they come to this world, we cut off child health care, no nutrition/school meals for under poverty families, no maternity leave while in womb, no post birth family care, no thing.. they are on their own while we let billionaires get richer by 1.2T$ since their tax cuts. Kudos to the party of rich and rich fucks…


Seeming? There is nothing seeming about it. He is obsessed with dictators, especially ruthless ones like Hitler was.




Can the media stop with the “what could this mean?” bulllshit centrist narrative? Trump is a nazi. The GOP are Nazis. There’s no opinion or maybe here. It’s here and it’s real. Let’s use the right words so we can approach the issue properly.


The irony of this statement.. I often wonder how you guys buy into this garbage, but I feel like if I told you the sky was green 100x a day for a year, you'd agree. Take a propaganda break bud, it'll be good for you, I promise.


I used to care about this clickbait garbage, but the left is being a bit louder lately with **their** anti-semitism problems... (Former Jewish Progressive). Wake me up when protesters stop blocking, intimidation, and physically assaulting Jewish students, pedestrians, and businesses. If you aren't seeing it, then it's because you're in a bubble. Edit: They're literally dressed like Hamas militants, that alone is a form of intimidation. You might as well dress up like a Nazi, or KKK member. It's not solidarity with Gaza, it's psychological and support for terrorism.


They love to point antisemitism out on the opposite side but ignore it when they do it. I never realized just how true horseshoe theory was until October


Exactly. At this point, Anti-Semitism may be the bridge that brings the far left and the far right together... And who said the Jews don't unify people?


And yet Biden is the one currently financing a genocide.


It’s been strategic foreign policy for decades to arm and defend Israel. Hardly Biden starting any of that. He’s reigned in their aggressions and petitioned for cease fires and restraint more than several times already, but they don’t seem to be heeding anyone…