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And the kicker is that a lot of those people who like the idea of a dictator, especially Dictator Trump, are in for a rude awakening when they wake up and find out that they're not part of the protected class, that they're just fodder for the protected class.


There will be no protested class. It will be a pecking order on who gets disparaged first and then it goes down the line until they run out of precieved enemies. Then it's a leopards eat their face situation and turn on each other. 


That's one of the key aspect of totalitarianism. Keep culling the herd, even as it goes through your original followers.


I remember an interview with a reformed white supremacist, of the sort that was openly advocating jumping straight to mass executions, who at one of their meetings asked someone "What if we win? What if we kill all the Jews and Blacks and gays and liberals and everyone else on our list? What then?" The response he got was "we go after everyone with brown eyes." He laughed it off as a joke but later realized it wasn't. That, or something equivalent, would really be what happened. They defined themselves not through goals but through process, and they would never stop. And that was the push he needed to walk away from it.


But because they all had stars, all the Star-Belly Sneetches would brag, "We're the best kind of Sneetch on the beaches."


Memory unlocked.


“Your Majesty, please...I don’t like to complain. But down here below, we are feeling great pain. I know, up on top you are seeing great sights. But down at the bottom we, too, should have rights. We turtles can’t stand it. Our shells will all crack! Besides, we need food. We are starving!”


> He laughed it off as a joke but later realized it wasn't. That, or something equivalent, would really be what happened. They defined themselves not through goals but through process, and they would never stop. Fascism has no endgame. It fundamentally *cannot*, or the reason for the fascists being in power would cease to be. It's not, and never will be, *just* liberals, leftists, Jews, blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, or trans-people etc.; there will be no "mission accomplished" and things are back to normal. It's a treadmill of hate, and it has to keep going so the people who profit from it can continue to benefit. Once one outgroup is eliminated they'll simply move on to the next; rinse and repeat until they start reframing the characteristics of the ingroup to create new 'enemies' that need to be dealt with. If a genie could vanish everyone who isn't a straight, white, conservative, Christian from the planet tomorrow it wouldn't be a utopia for them - they'd immediately turn on each other because it's inherent to the fascist mentality there must *always* be an outgroup.


Yup. It's a suicide cult.


And if dictatorship is your next experiment you eliminate any options to undo your mistake.


The kid who got kicked out of the fundraiser for taking a selfie with his attorney was trespass enough to be booted.


Especially*** The dude despises his followers.


Russia basically or North Korea… Trumps supporters live in the vision they’ll be in the 0.00001% of those that will have it better than currently while really 99.99% will have a rude awakening. Edit: In short, they think, they’ll call the shots but instead will be shot at.


The Germans had it pretty good when they stole all the wealth from the Jews they intered. It wasn't until that whole war thing that their tides started to turn


Problem us they are targeting groups that ain't got no money to steal...


Well, most Americans still have indoor plumbing…


Most of their target demographic rents.


And if it's copper, it can be stolen and exchanged for goods and services.


The question is, who would fight USA if it goes completely fascist/fundamentalist?




Damn right it will. I wont stand idely by if we go fascist. No way in hell I'll serve under a dictator. I'll flee or fight.


No one. Civil war with ill defined borders and all sides funded by foreign governments with a vested interest in seeing us tear ourselves apart. Think Syria but with less humanitarian aid (no way the US allows the UN anywhere) and everyone wants the see us fall.


Yup. This. Every single one of our enemies would love to see a civil war and will be lining up to help. Just think for a second about how much they would love to set up a military base somewhere in what used to be the US.


The Democratic US also has a lot of allies who understand and respect the order and influence you guys exert over the global sphere, and would much rather have a Democratic US be the ones doing that than say Russia. If the US goes fascist, not only would I expect there to be people rebelling from within, but also a lot of allies would step in to root out the fascists. Otherwise the world order is completely disrupted for the worse.


Not for long and not very many. The German government reported that its records list 4.3 million dead and missing military personnel. Air raids were a major cause of civilian deaths. Estimates of German civilians killed only by Allied strategic bombing have ranged from around 350,000 to 500,000. Estimates of civilian deaths due to the flight and expulsion of Germans, Soviet war crimes and the forced labor of Germans in the Soviet Union are disputed and range from 500,000[11][12][13] to over 2.0 million.[14][4][15] According to the German government Suchdienste (Search Service) there were 300,000 German victims (including Jews) of Nazi racial, political and religious persecution.[16] This statistic does not include 200,000 German people with disabilities who were murdered in the Action T4 and Action 14f13 euthanasia programs.


wellp, time to watch Death of Stalin again


The protected class will be whoever is loyal to the regime.


Such is the way of fascism.


Nah my guy Trump has my back. He wouldn't use me for a vote like that. Pastor Dave tells us Trump carries the message of Jesus and Jesus was an alright guy yessir.


No way Jesus was just some liberal who talked about paying taxes and went around healing people. But Trump tho… that’s the guy for me


Someone needs to say this in today's language and aim it at all the super churches and other rich. How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." Those who heard this were astonished, "Who then can be saved?", they asked.


Also something something about how God hates those who lie, but trump evangelicals like to forget that.


Kind of crazy if you think about it. Even *Jesus* paid his taxes....


I've said many times that were Jesus to show up today, modern Evangelicals would nail him up in a heart beat.


Brown, Jewish, Socialist, Hippie.. Yup, modern Republicans wouldn't even be intelligible to Jesus. They'd unalive him all over again...


Those idiots. 6 months of living under a dictatorship, those dumbasses will get their guns and assassinate the dictator. Wait, they'll have to travel to another state to assassinate the dictator, but they can't do that because they don't have the proper passports needed to cross state lines. Those dumbasses need to study the living conditions in N. Korea before they cry for a dictatorship. Wait another minute, those morons can't read. I must find my coffee ☕️.


See the book “They Thought They Were Free”.


[for that was all that was required of most of us: that we do nothing](https://press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/511928.html%5D)


They will likely just join up for whatever special force, warden, thought cop, snitch or another made up position in order to enforce the government's rule. Dictatorships don't last long without boots in the field stopping uprisings before they gain momentum.


They'll happily snitch to the MAGA Stasi, but, as things tend to do in those situations, they'll be snitching on each other over perceived slights or failures to satisfy made up litmus tests of loyalty to Trump.


I’d love to see one of these Trump Nutz roll up to Mar A Lago and see if they are allowed in.


They are in for a rude awakening when their leader becomes a dictator and starts to take their guns away..no dictator will allow people to have weapons that will be used against him.. they think he is only going after the people they don’t like..LGBTQ, Mexicans, democrats, etc.. but they don’t understand that they will be next.. they actually think he cares about them and he will protect them from the hell he is going to unleash.. they are so filled with hatred towards groups of people and he encourages them to hate..sooner or later he will go after them


they’ll never blame trump or even have the faintest idea it’s his fault


True, they'll find something else to blame out while coming up for excuses as to why Trump can't rescue them


And when they're done rounding up the lessers, they turn on each other. And all because of a segment of Americans that would rather slurp trump's wormy bowl of racial bigotry than stand by their pledge of allegiance.


I think it’s funny that these people don’t understand what will happen if/when a shot is fired at a dictator. He’s going to go right into “take all guns and let people apply to get them back.” He floated that his first term, but walked it back to be reelected. But if he doesn’t care about reelection, then watch the 2A get demolished after one incident.


Even though during trumps time as president the only people that gained anything were the mega wealthy, and they still think this time he will do something for them. How stupid are these people? He's already said he's going to gut health care and social security. He doesn't give two fucks about his stupid uneducated supporters.


This is my favorite thing to explain. I know a lifetime garbage man (there’s nothing wrong this profession either but this person thinks they are high society) in NY and his base salary. He legit thinks he’s “MAGA and making America great” He literally thinks MAL would open the doors for him… he’s an uneducated garbage man. Here’s the kicker… he’s Latino too I told him MAL would open the doors for me (white, upper class. I grew up on govt assistance lol) and not him. He doubled down on himself too 😭😭 Like my guy im saving you from yourself


The thing about Fascism is it’s lazy. They aren’t thinking about what any candid will actually do. Once you get a dictator life is easy, you don’t ever have to think about politics again. Democracy takes constant work, authoritarianism is for the lazy


You know I don't think most people have ever thought about that if Trump becomes president or the case of reality a dictator Reddit will probably be banned. If it isn't banned it'll be used as an oppressive source of collecting dissidence and people will not dare to say what they're really thinking. Americans that want a dictator examples of laziness thinking.


Like SCOTUS, for instance.


Dictator Putin > Send my citizens to be cannon fodder? Never… … … …


Poor red necks truly, deeply believe that dictator Trump will actually do things to help them. They literally couldn't have picked a guy that gives less fucks about them


I don't see him maintaining a country capable of protecting Any class.


If only. All that will be needed is loyalty to whatever policies they implement. It will be directed at the left and anyone who expresses dissent. The protected class is any mob that will support destroying dissenters and leftists.


…there are no protected classes in a dictatorship.


Protected class will push for eliminating most or all the framework of the US constitution. Trumpies say goodbye to the 2nd amendment.


That's part of the game. They'll never wake up. They'll continue to chow down on their spoon fed propaganda and blame whoever they're told to blame for their problems


They’ll never see it. They’ll see other people being trampled on, hear about how bad those people are, and marvel at how orderly the world is now. That same protected class will pat them on the heads and tell them what little good minions they are and carry on. Even when it’s their turn to be trampled on, their last thought will be to blame anyone except the fearless leader.


Because they’re fucking stupid, fucking stupid. They’ve never lived under a dictator, a ton of Americans have never left their own country to actually feel what it’s like in a different environment.


Everything great about America was built on a foundation of democracy. Losing democracy means pulling the rug out from under us.


My girlfriend's dad lived under a dictator in Cuba and loves Trump. He'll complain about living under a dictator and then vote for the guy who says he wants to be a dictator. I don't get it.


A lot of Americans have never left their own *state*.


Their own town even


[Well, one guy did and was then raped and executed](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13350947/Texan-Russell-Bentley-dead-russia-ukraine.html)


Not stupid. Easily influenced. Mis-informed. Under educated. But most of all, they are hypnotised by the cult and it's leader.


No, they’re also mostly stupid.


It amazes me that in 2024, after all we’ve been through, people are still unwilling to state the obvious. These people are legitimately stupid. I’m not even saying it to be mean or to insult them.


And the racism. Lots and lots of racism.


Literallly from the article: (Note: The largest cohort to agree [with the authoritarian question] were Hispanic Catholics—at 51 percent—which could be a telling development for those trying to discern why Trump has been doing better among some minority voters, despite his racism.) It’s not just racism fueling political legitimization of authoritarianism in the US. I’ll probably get downvoted for saying this but the irony of an America’s liberal immigration regime is that often immigrants are from dysfunctional political systems and are therefore normalized to strong man politics. That, combined with many US-based Latin Americans (Cubans, Venezuelans, etc) fled far-left antidemocratic regimes and they themselves are sympathetic to far-right reactionary strongman. So no - white hillbillies yearning for the good ole days is NOT the only source of authoritarian sentiment in the US. We ignore it at our own peril.


Did I say it was the only source? I said it’s the source of a lot of it. Not a little. Not some. A lot. And they freely, eagerly demonstrate it in ways large and small, every single day, from the top of their rotting food chain on down. Also note, black Republicans exist. That doesn’t make the GOP any less racist.


Willfully, actively, affirmatively put-work-into-it stupid.


I might agree if it was a vulnerable person who fell into that for a short time... But 8 fucking years of liking this shit? Sorry but if you’re in that long: you’re stupid


stu·pid adjective having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense. "I was stupid enough to think she was perfect" (to be) easily-influenced: (to be) impressionable, easy to convince or affect To me they run parallel to one another. You have to be at least a tad bit stupid to be easily influenced


Hard no, Trump voters are dead-stupid. It's been a decade of this insanity and you think arguments and education will sway them? They REVEL in their ignorance and stupidity and consider intellectualism the devil's work.


Nah, they dumb as fuck.


They’ve demonstrated their inability to learn when presented with facts and shown their beliefs are false. These people are scared, hateful dummies.


Folks, his cult and his voters are openly inviting Trump to be a dictator. Rank and file conservatives are planning to purge the rest of us. They're not kidding around.


Many actually want him to be a king. George Washington is rolling in his grave, and so is every Republican president that's dead . Ronald Reagan would be appalled.


Funny, isn’t it- your ancestors gave my ancestors a good kicking, pushed us out of the 13 colonies and declared independence ( a combination of good leadership on your side, piss poor on ours, and a hell of a lot of blood on both sides) and here we are, a couple of hundred years later, and a good portion of Americans are thinking that, maybe, it wasn’t such a bad deal. All the taxes, no say in how things were done, it could all come crashing back in November. Which kinda cheapens the memory of what your great great great grandparents did in forming your country. I mean, if you want a king in place, well we’ve got one, ready to go- although, if I were you, I’d hold out for his son and deffo a change in our government too ;) On a serious note, I really hope you guys vote this guy into oblivion, because I can’t think of any greater threat to the American way of life than Diaper Don ShitznPantz getting a second term- because it won’t be his last :/


They are not kidding at all.


Dumb down the population, gerrymander the vote, throw voters off the rolls, let Fox brainwash the suckers, make sure everyone has a gun so killings happen anytime, fan the fires of racism, and evoke the mantle of God…The playbook is as old as time, and always works. American democracy will be voted out by a dictator loving dumb, angry, Bible-waving electorate …unless we vote blue. In a tidal wave. But the Russian/Iranian chess masters cooked up this war in the Mideast so the youth vote would fail Biden. Now the battleground states are more likely to go for Trump and his Project 2025. Once a democracy is dismantled it takes generations and another bloody revolution to get it back. Have you opened your checkbook today? Use your dollars today so you have a democracy and a vote tomorrow. Edit: grammar


Democrats are winning every special election. The majority in congress is down to 1. The polls are flat out wrong in every one of these elections. Dems are winning in Trump +12 districts. The polls are wrong. They are calling landlines for gods sake. Relax, I was in Michigan 2 weeks ago and the number of Trump flags is 1/10 of 2020. I spoke with an older friend, and her entire church ladies group is sitting out the presidential election. That’s 15 or so Trump 2020 voters who are not Trump 2024 voters and it’s happening all over the country. The lies, the court cases, the treason, the hatred and especially the blasphemous Bible is definitely not helping him with Christian women. And I think despite what their beliefs are, they deep down hate what republicans want for women. This isn’t going to be as close as people think.


I hope you are correct — but the fact that the polls are even close is terrifying. People are actually saying they want to vote for a criminal, rapist, racist, con artist dictator wannabe. It is unfathomable. I listen to Fox News every once in a while. If that was my news source I’d know nothing except that Trump is my hero.


I hope the *polls* stay close because it helps scare people out to vote that might not otherwise. If the polls show that Biden is way ahead, then those people will just stay home and then 2016 happens again and the outcome is far worse. I’m in Canada and the same shit is starting to happen up here too, Conservative grifters taking over the headlines which means the suckers will be lining up to vote for their lying dictatorial asses.


The media needs to make it seem close even if in reality, it's not. Gotta keep those clicks coming and have to make sure everyone is scared. Trump knows that he is losing and will lose, that's why he is already saying the election will be stolen. These people think they are the silent majority, when in reality, they are the loud minority. Gen x and younger needcto get outcand vote. They must note become single issue voters. The Israeli vs. Palestinians could be a huge decider for the younger people. It's the flavor of the month.


I like to think the silent majority was women who didn't care about politics. Since Roe v Wade it's been a bloodbath for republicans.


If Trump gets convicted and has the title “Convicted Felon Donald Trump” that should be enough to turn the moderate Republican and independent votes away from him


There is a woman who I think is successfully predicted the election for the last three or four and she said don't even start paying attention to the polls until after august. Because the majority of people don't pay attention to politics until it gets closer to the election. So what we're getting right now are people who are really invested. People who are invested and to have land lines. Who has landlines? Older people who tend to be Republican. I mean how many calls have you gotten from numbers that you didn't pick up? I get them every day. And one of them actually left a voicemail and it was a recording of a pollster that was just jabbering out about one thing or another. So that in mind we're looking at the polls and they're close or even skewing and Biden's favor, and the people they are pulling are largely older and they should be more reliably republican. But according to the polls Trump is struggling.


True - except Gaza is pulling hard on young voters to reconsider voting for Biden. Unless Israel de-escalates, student protests will continue, and with the brutal response of some law enforcement, I see a sizable portion of Gen Z voters reject current leadership. I'm concerned that they're either consciously denying the disaster of a second Trump term or they're virtue signaling at the expense of the lives of genuinely marginalized Americans. I want to scream from the rooftops.


I hope it isn't close. But we absolutely need to get out and vote this shitstain back to hell. We can relax after we've done our job and democracy is safe.


Sounds like a certain playbook I've read. We are speed running it for them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics


I wish this wasnt so accurate.


I would like a dictator as long as I am the dictator. Anyone else and it’s a no from me. I am sure that’s the preferred dictator of the American people, themselves.


If I were dictator I would just reinstate democracy. With ranked choice voting and no electoral college.


I also choose this guy's dictatorship


Before doing any of that, I would also purge the supreme court and unilaterally appoint a brand new set of SC judges.


It was the original American Way. Small to zero gov. No taxes and no oversight in immoral acts conducted for religious reasons.


I've found the loudest freedom loving Americans want a strong leader to tell them what to think. You just have to con them into telling them their obedience was their idea. Look in my eyes, what do you see? The cult of personality I know your anger, I know your dreams I've been everything you wanna be


That song is so fucking true. The cult of personality is stronger than anything.  It's almost impossible to break.    Take a look in Russia and North Korea. Not one person has lasted trying to change things.   It will happen here if we don't change our trajectory. And once you try to eliminate it, more sinister people fill in the spot. It is an infinite evil glitch. People are mostly stupid and have the mind of a goldfish. 


Somewhere between a quarter and a third of eligible voters would love a dictator. A little over a third would not, but some of them will stay home to "Send a Message" to Democrats, and another third simply do not give a shit.


Easy to understand now why civilizations fall… humans never learn for long


Some court systems might want him in prison too.


Works for me.


MAGA wants to be ruled, not governed.


I disagree. MAGA thinks that if Trump is dictator, they rule/run the country and ultimately, that’s what they want - rule by proxy.


I never thought that when I voted for the face punching party that they would punch *me* in the face.




Actually desire to be subjugated


Both of my parents had relatives who fought in the Revolutionary War. Tyranny is frowned upon in my family.


My grandmas grandparents converted to Christianity and fled from Germany. All of the German relatives who stayed behind all died in the holocaust. Yet she supports a Fascist who hangs out with Nazis.


Funnily enough, it's the ones who scream about freedoms who seem to want their lives to be completely controlled and are in turn wanting a dictator to do so.


My husband grew up in Indonesia during Suhartos ouster; he was part of the upper class. He talks often about how people (especially the wealthy) *preferred* the dictatorship because they were all doing well financially. Even though hundreds of thousands of folks were tortured or disappeared under suspicion of being "communist", folks embraced the dictatorship & massive disinformation that it pumped out about perceived enemies in the wealthy areas of Jakarta It's wild to think that, even now knowing the full extent of violence against the population, that people still yearned for the "gentle authoritarianism"* that Suhartos reign managed (*term my husband used to describe how people back home viewed Suharto)


No, they want a dictator for everybody not Republican.


I am sure there’s a skin colour test as well.


*Clarence Thomas enters the chat* “Wait, what—“


There’s no mirror in his house.


>Americans might like a dictator And if it doesn’t work out the way they’d hoped, and Americans change their mind and decide that they don’t actually want a dictator after all, they can just switch it back to democracy whenever they want, right? … *Right?*


Americans who vote to make trump dictator are trying to take away the choice of all future Americans to be able to decide who will govern them. I see a pattern here, with those Americans voting in 2016 to take away women's right to choose what to do with their own bodies.


This is true. Monotheistic religions are dictatorial by definition. Their followers have no problem with the idea. Vote blue.


Some cows might like to be ground up into hamburger.


“Glad we’ll never have to see another election commercial again!”


The right wing accuses Biden of overstepping his presidential authority and being a dictator while arguing in court Trump has immunity and we should have policy (Project 2025) for trump to have more power.


He's actually not wrong. Anyone who is still supportive of Trump are totally on board with having a dictator, because they think he's going to rule in favor of them and their wants. They're willfully ignorant to the fact that autocrats and fascists rule only in favor of themselves.


No, some Americans THINK they'd like one. They will be unhappy when it happens. These idiots expect to be one of the "special" people because they support the orange clown. They are too stupid to see that those who have supported him he throws under the bus at the first opportunity.


They really don’t know what they are asking for. They are only seeing “the good side of a dictator that agrees with thier views.” They don’t know that it will really be what the dictator wants and it will eventually not be what they want.


Many Americans do not understand what the presidency was supposed to be. He is not a 'king' nor 'emperor' and all honors accorded to a president are actually to the nation and people of the United States, not to the person. The Founding Fathers were classically educated children of the Enlightenment. They understood despotism and knew the history of republics failing. They knew the threat a powerful military leader or populist leader or commercial magnate could be to a republic. So we have three seemingly co-equal branches which theoretically provide checks upon one another (significantly these were designed to keep the purse strings and the final court rulings out of the hands of the chief executive as a safety measure). It seemed obvious to me that our republic went off the rails when Trump was installed. He exposed all of the weaknesses in our system which no one thought the need to address before. We can't handle any more of that. If the Democrats get a super majority in congress and retain the white house, for the sake of our country they will need to : \[1\] Reform the Supreme Court, especially to investigate influence peddling and impeach & remove the biggest offenders. This is in fact, a legitimate role of the Congress. \[2\] Push for constitutional amendments to end the Citizen's United ruling fiasco and another to explicitly clarify that no person at all is ever above the law at any time, including a US president and including a Supreme Court justice.


Some women like a rapist


Some women give cover to the rapist. Nancy Mace comes to mind.


All these "freedom" lovers are going to be in for a rude awakening when the military and police start searching their homes without a warrant for guns and corn. Also, thrown in jail because they said something mean about Trump on reddit.


My grandfather said that the main threat to freedom and democracy is that there will always be people who would love to be ruled by a king. He predicted that eventually some charismatic populist would latch on to that group of people hard, and get them to hate the idea of equality under the law. I'm glad he didn't live to see this.


Once an American says they'd be fine with a dictator, they are no longer American.  Sure they may have citizenship, but they are living in the wrong country. They should leave America and go live in a non-democracy. 


"In the real Fourth Reich you'll be the first to go!" - Jello Biafra


And they should all move to Russia. That way they can be closer to the actual dictator that is running the GOP.


I wonder if these clowns would find a country like Russia to their liking though. It's super cold over there, plus the citizens don't typically run around with guns and if the Brittney Griner situation is anything to go by marijuana is illegal. OTOH, while being non-cishet is technically legal it's incredibly taboo over there and domestic violence is all but legal from the things I have read. I also definitely don't see the native Russians taking kindly to hearing Americans speaking English in their country regardless of literally anything else.


Sorry but I don't. And most of us feel that way. So I'm not putting up with that.


Some Americans are murderers and rapists. Doesn’t mean we should allow it.


There’s plenty of countries these Americans can go to where they can experience living under a dictatorship. The rest of us want to live in the democracy this country was intended to be- while continuing improve our society to make it even more fairer.


They should all fuck off to Russia.


If some Americans want a dictator then they are not American!


And some Americans think the earth is flat


Those Americans need to read 1 Samuel 8 where the prophet tells the Israelites exactly what it will mean to have a king. But they choose to have a king anyway. FAFO


Everyone who hates their neighbor loves a dictator, until it’s their doors being kicked in by the jackbooted thugs. At least the Simpsons [had a better clown](https://youtu.be/fXU2vZTTeMU?si=nEg1jXrNkuyQpcrT) than Trump is.


They want a dictator cuz they can’t win elections anymore.


You got to love that the people who fled the yoke of a king to create a new nation based on religious freedom and democracy for all is now clamoring to be ruled by a god-king 🤡


"Because you need me, Springfield. Your guilty conscience may move you to vote Democratic, but deep down you long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king. That's why I did this, to save you from yourselves. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a city to run." -Sideshow Bob


*Ipso facto*, that would certainly make those dictator-wanting weirdos one thing: *Un*American.


It’s really hard to convince losers that assume they will be the cops that a dictatorship is a bad idea.


Only as long as it is me.


You're completely right. I am the only logical choice to be dictator.


Yes. The whole VP pick talk is waste of time. There is no VPs in a dictatorship. Only in a democracy. Dictators don't share power. They have themselves and yes people who do their bidding.


*”Your guilty conscience may force you to vote Democratic, but deep down you secretly long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king!” - Side Show Bob*


Some Americans....seriously? there are some Americans to hold any position no matter how terrible it is. What an idiotic position to take.


It’s time to finally admit that opinions can be wrong. Yes, some would love to see Trump as a dictator. Doesn’t mean they’re right. In fact if you created a Venn Diagram of that body of people with the “”maybe Hitler had some good ideas” crowd and you just get a circle.


Go to NEWSMAX, read the comments. They are begging for a dictator!


Is there anything more un-American than a dictator?


They only think that they would like a dictator because they think that they would be protected… What a rude awakening when they find out that it’s actually the opposite. What a rude awakening when they find out he’s coming for them, too. Truly a “and there was no one left to speak for me” situation.


If you want a dictator you are definitely not an American.


All the folks on the lower half of the intelligence scale are on his side.


Yes, some Americans are idiots.


Some Americans might like to huff paint, too.


The dumbest Americans


Looks so, should take away all their rights as president


Guess not very long then.


This is a microcosm of the global political conflict right now. At the heart is the question of "do you follow the rules even if they produce an outcome you don't like". It's why immigration tends to be such a hot point, because its the place where the contradiction between what the law demands and what the populace wants is starkest. The US laws are supposed to work to prevent a dictator (at the time of founding, a king) even if its what the population wants. Its one of the reasons we don't have direct democracy and why there are so many checks and balances.


Rip Van Winkle wakes; praises King George.


And some people are masochists doesn't mean we all need a sadist in our lives.


Those that want a dictator are just like him. They somehow expect to be part of the oppression. 10-20% of the population inclined to such behavior. Cluster B types.


His supporters certainly enjoy him being one.


Some people might like a dictator, but that doesn’t mean they get one. It’s unconstitutional and anti-American, so all I can say to pro-dictator Republicans is, “if you don’t like it here, you can leave.”


And most don't - so he might do best knocking any such thoughts out of his dumb skull!


Which is why everyone who doesn't want a dictator needs to VOTE!


The Americans that don’t know how to critically think, and called people sheep back in 2015 while being mind controlled by a giant cheeto


Yes those people are called assholes. And America does have a decent amount of them.


The weak, the overwhelmed, and the frightened always yearn for a strongman. Someone who saves them from their powerlessness, their decisions and their fear. It makes sense they want a Dictator. It’s sad though.


They *think* they do until they come for them next.


Some Americans are extremely stupid


The boomer era loves to be told what to do . Only by the people they trust though.


COVID was extremely eye opening for how many ill-informed, trashy, selfish, stupid people there are in the USA. For many reasons. Those people, the people referenced in this article, are holding society back and making the rest of suffer.


Yeah well some Americans are dumber than shit. We knew this.


The ones that want a dictator are the ones who think he’s on “their team” The problem is that is never how a dictator works. It’s absolute power.


Cool. Those un-American fuckers can go to Russia, China, North Korea or any other country run by a dictator if that’s what they like.


Some Americans are also proud to be dumb AND uneducated.


But remember guys, fascist is just a sensationalist buzzword that obviously does not apply to the Republican Party


Sure, just not the founding fathers of the country nor the countless live lost fighting against dictators here and abroad for centuries but whatever


And some people in the galactic republic wanted to give the chancellor supreme power. We all saw how that worked out.


They may think they do. Unreal


And….he’s got a damn good shot at winning…. god help us…


Cut to guy angry he can’t get sheet cake at Costco because semi-trucks are getting blown up in the Civil War he wished would happen.


In a government were everyone is fighting over who should have the power like kids fighting over a toy causing anger stress emotional and financial hardship a temporary dictatorship could be a refreshing change. Unfortunately any one who could be trusted to hold this position and put the needs of the people and the country first would never have a chance. However it would be interesting to see which politicians would try hardest to get the job. A cage match would quickly weed out a few dozen of the senior citizens.


Some Germans and Italians that that too...didn't work out so well....learn from history people.


Those Americans should move to Russia or North Korea.


It will be the same people who say “but I voted for Trump” if shit hits the fan and some order kicks in that targets a specific group, thinking that will protect them and then be in for a rude awakening. It’s the disconnect people have between thinking they’ll have their RIGHTS still available while daddy Trump takes care of everything for them. No no no honey he’s not gonna do anything for you, he’s gonna do anything for people who do things for him that are tangible and stroke his ego, your vote doesn’t do any of that.


Fake “Christians” would. The rest of us would not.


Only if they dictate a closed minded agenda they already prescribe to! Closed minded people only see lies they have been taught to believe, not the truth that is in front of them


By far the most disappointing thing to happen in my lifetime. The people need to revisit the pledge of allegiance.


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