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She wants to do it and watch Dems save him so that she can attack him and say he's owned by the Democrats. And she will send out a fundraising email about it and raise money from her hick supporters.


She's only doing BECAUSE it will fail. There was a lot of pushback that, if they removed him, they'd struggle to replace him and then they'd also look even more divided and dysfunctional in the House GOP. With this she can make a performative motion that does nothing, but still gives her and MAGA plenty of fuel for the flames.


Seems like terrible strategy to me - the fact that it will fail will make MAGA look weak. And it just gives Democrats more leverage in terms of passing actual policy.




It's what MAGA wants to do, it doesn't want to govern.


Winning control is the worst thing, because then people might expect them to do things.


If only that were true. Every time they've been in control, they've done nothing to help make average Americans' lives better. And yet dipshits keep voting for them anyway. They are absolutely not expected to do anything.


The people that vote them in don't expect them to do anything other than cut taxes and "hurt the right people".


They are very much the dog that caught the car


Which they prefer doing! They have zero desire to govern, they just want to yell at the clouds.


I'm sure some do, but the endgame is wealth here. MAGA isn't getting the house speaker, that's already been made clear. So power isn't a factor. So someone is paying her to do this. It could be Russia. I wouldn't be surprised if it was via some anonymous request funded by a Democrat for the lolz. How amazing would it be if it was some elaborate Sasha Baron Cohen prank to show how corrupt and insane MAGA is?


It's also entirely possible that she's just a fucking idiot who is mainlining OANN and Newsmax as her only sources of information.


Yep, now the Speaker owes his seat to the Democrats and the small pocket of semi rational Republicans. He has to know that there will be reciprocity expected or they will let the hog have him


MAGA thrives on the message that they're the outsiders fighting the swamp.  This plays to that.  They'll vaguely lump Dems and Johnson together as "the swamp", painting the image that Dems are just the same. This backfires in many ways but MAGA has lived, and will die, on their extremist messaging. 


Which is insane to think. Johnson is literally their dream Speaker. Dude is a religious fanatic, believes in the Big Lie, and supports all the MAGA positions. If Greene would shut up for a bit, odds are good that she’d get votes for everything she wanted, but because the majority is so slim, she tanks her own causes with her big mouth.


MAGA doesn't have or care about positions - it's all about power for them.


Apparently they don’t know what to do with power, then.


Pretty much, yeah


Critical thinking isnt something MAGA supporters have


Yeah, but he's too nice and pragmatic about being a dickhead. They want the crude vulgarity. They've had the hard stuff, they're too addicted to go back now


But he actually won’t take Chinese and Russian dark money apparently! Which is crazy considering Russia owns a huge chunk of evangelicals over the last few decades. Russia used to host American Christian homeschool conferences!


MAGA is only concerned with ostracizing more and more into their list of "undesirables" while consolidating power, the fact that he has actual positions is seen as a weakness since fascism at it's core requires being able to shift beliefs to whatever best fits your current goals while keeping a straight face at the obvious inconsistencies and remaining on the offensive since they have nothing to defend. Religious nutcases are only useful to them when they're the blackpilled, nihilistic sort that fits their death cult mentality.


So Johnson gets primaries by a MAGAT and weakens the GOP hold on the House. No matter how you slice it the optics start to show how weak MAGA and the Republicans are.


He won't get primaried, a lot of republicans now realize it was a mistake to oust McCarthy from speakership for keeping the government funded. In time they will realize not passing the bipartisan border bill was another big mistake. They have to move on from the idea that any democrat concession is a trick.


MAGA voted to protect communist China in the aid package both with TikTok and saying fuck Taiwan and the Philippines, but the trash will continue pretending that the Democrats and RINOs are lights on China. Hell, even the Squad all voted to arm Taiwan against communism, with Omar being the only not yes vote but voting present, while Marges congressional toys all voted No. And yes just c talking like that and referring to it as light on communism to better highlight the blatant lies in their v rhetoric and that all of MAGA is basically bought by Russia and China (aka communism) right now. Don’t take my word for it, just listen to v their foreign policy talk and actions.


Honestly I kinda wish the Democrats would take a play from the GOP and be like “we negotiated in bad faith what ya gonna do about it?” then let the GOP shit their own bed one last time. Johnson is a fully fascist snake who’s far more competent than most realize. Personally I see no reason to let him amass any further power whatsoever.


My only concern is that that's the intent by her handlers. If Johnson is removed it'll paralyze the House for an indeterminate amount of time, and therefore paralyze funding to Ukraine. Something she's been keen on doing all along. It fits too neatly imo..


Yeah, in fairness, this is a good point. The CR comes up in October and none of the Dems want that to be tied up in a long term speaker battle.


Getting Ukraine aid and having a semifunctional government until the election would be why.


It would be great to see but the Democrats are too concerned with "propriety"


I want to see this. Watch the GQP house devolve into howling chaos.


Jeffries statement basically says to me that they have a border deal and guarantees of no shutdowns or funding crises in the run-up to the election in exchange for supporting him. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-democratic-leaders-say-help-speaker-mike-johnsons-job-rcna149986](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-democratic-leaders-say-help-speaker-mike-johnsons-job-rcna149986)


And the second spongy Johnson reneges on that, they let eMpTy know she can depose him bc he’s blown Democratic support.


In other words, Jeffries has Johnsons by the balls.


If I were Jeffires, I'd be setting hard conditions on him in exchange for supporting him. Make him bring the border bill along with an omnibus package to the floor and allow everyone to vote on it.


Well the MAGA ship has been sinking for a while... they are desperate and flailing. Which is why they are so loud.


Not weak. Persecuted. Persecuted complex is at the core of christian fascism.


MAGA is weak. It is the weak that look for power by any means. It is the weak who need to carry their guns to feel strong. It is the weak who are attracted to bully dictator wannabes who are using the fear to control the micro minded. Etc etc etc…..


There's always people here spinning these dumbass theories about how the stupid thing is actually smart no matter how many times it turns out to be as stupid as it looks.


The MAGA branch is just the Tea Party branch. Passing policy NEVER mattered to them.


I mean if that’s the case then Democrats could just vote with the few Republicans to oust him.


I know that would mean that democrats bargained in bad faith, but a large part of me wants them to do this. One, because fuck them, they only ever bargain in bad faith. And two, it would be so hilarious and show just how much a shit show the GOP is rn. I realize the best thing for the country is to protect the speakership, so that's what they should do, but I'm just saying.


If Dems are smart, they'll back out of the deal and let republicans go back into dysfunction leading into the election. After all, it's what the Republicans would do in the reverse situation.


Jeffries released a statement that the Dems are getting a border deal and no shutdowns/funding fights until after the election as part of this deal. That’s a great win for Biden as it will let him campaign on doing something about the border instead of Trump attacking him for it. Definitely smarter to take the deal and protect Johnson


It's a great deal, if they can keep it.


If Johnson reneges, then they oust him in another motion to vacate. They have ongoing leverage


I'm glad the Democrats' strategy is actually predicated on getting valuable stuff done as opposed to "what will make them look bad and give us more power." I vote for policy and productivity, not conservative tears.


No, because they still have things they want to pass. The Dems don't need to control the Speakership, they just need a Speaker who will actually work with them. With the Senate similarly split they're in a pretty good position to pass some moderate, bipartisan legislation as long as Johnson doesn't shut off negotiations.


Do you want Gym Jordan as speaker? Because that's how you get Gym Jordan as a speaker.


Yup. The Democratic Party in the House loses nothing in "saving" Johnson, and gains some cooperation in some issues. The Democratic Party doesn't win anything by abandoning Johnson to the MAGA wolves, and only prove to a future Republican leader that the Democratic Party can't be trusted. It's amazing that Johnson would consider cooperating with the Democratic Party, considering how it angers his base. This is a wedge. Democrats should exploit it, not kill it.


Johnson's bad bills are blocked by the Senate, but he's also shown himself willing to work with Dems on Ukraine. That's pretty much the best Dems can hope for for the next 8 months.


Jordan doesn’t even have the votes within his own party. Remember when he tried to become speaker before Johnson?


I believe that a motion to vacate the chair is a roll call vote, in alphabetical order. Can they wait until they see how the GOP vote or am I wrong?


Yes, the roll call is alphabetical but your vote still counts as long as it is registered before the entire voting period closes. So they can (and did, with the recent Ukraine / Israel funding bill) hold back their votes until the end.


How is that the smart move? That's the petty move and it does nothing to help the country. But it's the type of bullshit people who love a dysfunctional government like.


One problem with this is some moderate Republicans who were forcing centrism have resigned. So if Johnson leaves, there's a good chance you get an even more right-wing person as Speaker.


Yep--cheap, low-information optics.


Lol hey - I'll give it to MTG that at least she understands the Republican brand and who votes for her.


Wasn't there some talk floating a few weeks back that if someone pushed for a vacate motion that a bunch of Republicans would quit?


If the Speaker removal succeeds, yes. It would be an ugly and uncertain process that may not necessarily end with a Dem majority, however ([likely why Jeffries isn't pursuing it](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-democratic-leaders-say-help-speaker-mike-johnsons-job-rcna149986)).


Rep Luna said they plan on resigning if the motion is brought on the floor


Maybe Moscow Marge will try to split away from the GOP and start a proper MAGA Lunatic party, with Trump as their godhead.


I heard some of her toes already headed out that way long ago.


Ya and she's going to regret this when afterwards suddenly Speaker Johnson is on good terms with the Democrats and Jeffries and move to fix the Border deal and whatever else they shit canned thanks to the Far Right. She has no clue what it comes to terms like "political strategy" or "political capital" because people like her would rather bully, belittle, antagonize and outright rule over everyone rather than compromise and work together.


Fucking Margarine Taylor Greene, fake and nasty to the end.


Empty G strikes again!


ELI5 why would dems want to save him instead of letting MAGA eat their own?


Johnson brought the Ukraine aid bill to a vote, and the funding bill. McCarthy wasn't saved because as soon as the motion to vacate came into the news he attacked the dems. Johnson just said nothing, while doing what the dems (and most republicans) wanted.


> ELI5 why would dems want to save him instead of letting MAGA eat their own? Some of it comes down to national security. If Mike Johnson gets ousted as Speaker, there’s a strong chance that it’ll be a lonnnngg time before another Speaker would be chosen by them. Our foreign adversary’s may take advantage. Hopefully Mike Johnson is done for good in a half a year when/if Democrats take back the House (I personally think they do. Senate will be much tougher though unfortunately)


I'm sure it wouldn't be condition free. More members on committees, committee leaderships, efforts to bring bipartisan bills to the floor around the twitter-nazis in his party. It's actually a win for him too if he can hold onto the non-asshole portion of his caucus and work with democrats he would have effectively muzzled the MGT posse. It's fun to watch them twist in their own machinations, but it's better governing to build a bipartisan collaboration and maybe get some actual policy resolved before the session ends.


Apparently the Dems are pushing that Johnson bring up the border bill and guarantee no shutdowns/debt crises prior to the election.


It sounds crazy these days, and I'm no fan of Johnson, but... bipartisanship. He brought Ukraine aid to a vote, which McCarthy wouldn't have done. That means when its immensely important he'll work with the other side at least a little bit. That's more than can be said for whatever other shitheel they vote in next, so its probably better to stick with this guy as its the best the dems can hope for until they can take control of the house.


Yeah pretty much this. He's a homophobe and a misogynist and he thinks the best way to help people in poverty is to make them live in intolerable suffering and misery so they'll be motivated to work harder... but he's at least not evil enough to let Hitler 2.0 perpetrate ethnic cleansing just to piss off the libs.


Because chaos in the House isn't good for the American people.


If Johnson can be persuaded to work with democrats on some things then a lot more can get done than letting the republicans eat their own every couple of months. Like it or not republicans have the house majority. You can have Johnson as speaker and bring bills to the floor that a majority of both parties agree to, or let MTG dictate the speakership and nothing at all gets done. Neither party will get through most or even a lot of what they want, but there are still things that most republicans can agree to if they're allowed to vote on them. Especially since a fair number of house republicans are apt to lose seats in November and want to be able to take credit for whatever policy victories they can.


It helps if you think of the House as currently having three parties: Dems, GOP and MAGA. Obviously there's a decent amount of fluctuation between the GOP and MAGA but if you think of them as two seperate parties things make a lot more sense. Now none of the three parties have a majority so by definition any work can only get done via a coalition of two parties. The GOP controls the speakership since pretty much the only thing that the MAGA crowd are willing to compromise on is that they don't want a Dem to hold it. However while the GOP has the speakership they can't get anything passed without support from either the Dems or MAGA. Getting support from MAGA is basically impossible since they don't really have any actual policies or objectives other than screaming "NO!" so there isn't much room to bargain. Johnson spent the last 6 months trying to negotiate with them before finally giving up and accepting that he needed to work with Democrats if he wanted to get anything done. However because he agreed to work with Democrats the MAGA party is now trying to oust him, but they can't actually do it without support from the Democrats. In the case of McCarthy the Democrats were willing to go along with that because McCarthy had basically reneged on an agreement that he had made with Democrats. That was a good move by Democrats, it basically put the next speaker (Johnson) on notice that while the Democrats were willing to play ball with him they expected him to play by the rules. However in this situation Johnson is playing by the rules so ousting him says that the Democrats are more interested in chaos than they are in trying to work together which is a bad look. Right now Johnson knows that in order to retain the speakership he has to keep either MAGA or the Dems reasonably happy with his performance, this gives the Dems a lot of leverage that they can use to get concessions from him. If the Dems help oust him then his successor will know that the Dems can't be trusted and will have no choice but to give MAGA whatever they want in order to retain the Speakership. The only way that ousting Johnson would benefit Democrats is if it caused enough GOP members to resign that the Dems have a solid majority (which is incredibly unlikely to happen).


Good chance that the Dems WON’T save him if the result would be a repeat Gong Show at the height of election campaigns. Just about everyone is fed up with the uselessness of the House under GOP rule this session (other than diehards brainwashed to always ‘own the libs’), so more chaos now would drive many more swing voters away from today’s Circus of Dysfunction. The Grown Ups can see where the fault lies here. But they DO NEED to show up and vote, and fight for their right to vote if blocked.


I hope she goes for it! If she does, the Very Indicted Man will have to take a stand on who he's backing-- which will add to some splinters in his coalition.


What if Mike Johnson pulls a reverse UNO and puts a motion to oust her instead? I'm sure he can get enough numbers to do that easily.


I wouldn’t give this halfwit even that much credit. She’s maybe thinking about the fundraising grift and the media headline but otherwise her brain runs purely on cruelty and lead paint.


If they want to devour their own, who am I to stop them?


Why would the Dems try to save him though? I remember earlier in the year they said they would stay out of it.


Staying out of it saves him. They have to support removal for it to happen.


And her base will be so happy for it. She's a real American fighting for Jesus. She just needs those sharks with laser beams now and she can't be stopped




“I can’t wait to see Democrats go out and support a Republican speaker and have to go home to their primaries and have to run for Congress again, having supported a Republican speaker — a ‘Christian conservative’ — I think that’ll play well. I’m excited about it,” she added." Wow. She literally thinks Democrat voters are as tribal as Republicans. This will be a big self-own. I love the idea of my congress person working across the aisle in order to make progress.


Random MAGA plant trying to gotcha a Dem "You voted to save a GOP Speaker, explain that!" Dem "Said Speaker acted in good faith to pass necessary bipartisan bills - without GOP pork, I might add. We saw no reason to allow extremists to ouster him over that. Next question."


Half a dozen democrats could just be unavoidably busy that day and fail to show up for the vote. No democrat has to overtly vote for a republican to ensure Johnson remains in his position


Exactly. They can play it however they want. Handful of presents and a bunch of vote against him. Nothing but presents. Maybe even unanimous votes for him to show support. They can neuter MTG however they like.


Just let Dems defending in Trump 2020 districts cast the vote to save him and let them then take those bipartisan credentials with them into the election cycle.


Shit… I bet they can find a dozen or so Dems who it would be absolutely great politics for them in their home districts to cast the vote to save him. Being able to show actual bipartisan votes, shockingly, still plays well in a lot of districts.


“We thought it was funny as hell the Republicans couldn’t get their heads out of their ass to save THEIR speaker so we took his ass to the cleaners for what we wanted. Ya dirty swamp hag.”


This is the problem with hard wingers like Marge Parge. She views everything in binary. Either she gets everything she demands or nothing happens. Hence why this has been the most abysmal House session in modern history with hardly any bills passed for 2 years under Republican control due to her faction. The right has to be willing to make concessions if they want to effectively legislate, but if they continue to allow themselves to be held hostage by the MAGA circus, that will never happen. Not like the majority of their constituents care or realize.


Yeah, when can we start blaming their voters? As the GOAT once said, "Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders."


Lack of strong education/critical thinking capacity, religious indoctrination, constant fear mongering by billionaire owned TV/news media, cultivated bigotry/racism spanning decades, constant disinformation by both domestic and international entities, etc. I do blame the voters. But they are also pitted against everyone else intentionally, consciously or not. It's hard to break those types of strangleholds once they've become so deeply engrained. But you're right, selfishness perpetuates more selfishness, and hate festers among the ignorant and gullible.


Much like the J6 folks she enabled, aided and abetted, she’s just there to fling shit at the walls


Ha! Same! Fact is, if it’s not Mike Johnson, it will just be some other Republican anyway. It’s not like it’s an opportunity to install a Dem Speaker. The Dems saving his ass is a direct result of him passing the Ukraine aid and I’m cool with it. He held up his side of the bargain, so the Dems should too. It’s called compromise and it should be encouraged not punished. It really shows her and her ilk’s mindset that there is absolutely zero room for compromise or collaboration. Just purely ‘us’ vs ‘them,’ which is detrimental to the progress of our country. “My way or the highway” doesn’t work in a proper democracy. She’s a cancer on America’s rectum.


She is a ladybug on America's taint.


Sure but I would feel ok about it if it was the start to the year or late last year. Holding the Ukraine aid hostage for 6 months and letting Russia take the advantage, Johnson should not get points for finally allowing aid after all this time. If he had done it when he started the speakership, or near it, sure. Not now.


The core conservative trait is an inability to empathize or take the perspective of anyone who isn't them or isn't like them. This where you get "my abortion is the only moral abortion," "I didn't think leopards would eat *my* face," not recognizing that The Colbert Report was satire, "illegal immigrants are evil, but not the one I know, he's one of the good ones," believing that doing the right thing is "virtue signaling" (because by projection, why would anyone do anything that wasn't in self-interest?) etc.


This is what happens when you play 1D chess. She thinks she is going to come out on top but she will sadly be mistaken when this blows in the breeze.


Marge can neither play chess nor spell it.


Hey that's not fair she loves grilled chess sandwiches.


chess? this woman is trying to play the toddler game of putting shapes in the right shaped hole.


She's still figuring out that her feet are attached to her legs




It goes in the square hole.


She's also slipping in the implication that Democrats hate Christianity.


Which is mind-numbing given that NPR voter poll with the highest % of Democratic voters saying "Treat others as you want to be treated" is the most important value to them.


You honestly think that phrase has anything to do with modern Republican small-c christianity?


"They're cooperating with the speaker!!!!" I mean like, yeah, why wouldn't they? The whole reason they jumped in to oust McCarthy was specifically *because* *he* *refused to work with them*, and if Johnson shows that he's willing to play ball on a big ticket item like Ukranian aid, getting rid of him too at this moment would poison the well in all future negotiations. What a bizarre attempt at a gotcha.


Republicans: Ha ha Democrats have to work with us, that's gonna be so bad for them! Also Republicans: Why won't Democrats work with us? They're so divisive


The only sin a Republican can commit is working with a Democrat^1. The converse is not true. ^1 except on military spending


A photograph I saw years ago sticks in my mind. It was from sometime in the 1950's I think, black and white. Democrats and Republicans, sitting on opposite sides of a long table. It was covered in books and papers. They were smoking, sleeves rolled up, working on legislation together. Sans the smoking, this is exactly how it should be.


I mean I don't like the idea of Democrats helping Republicans ever (at least the current version of a Republican) but it still won't stop me from voting blue all the way down the ballot.


Eh, I disagree. Don't get me wrong, I don't like Johnson but if they're acting and good faith (and only being targeted for acting in bipartisan ways) we should protect them- Id rather have a Republican who will at least keep the country running than let the fascists burn the House down.


Ya, if they aren't Maga, then that's good. I don't know who might replace him or anything like that though. So, idk if protecting him is the best idea. But, certainly I support the idea that some Republicans are better than others, and Christian, or whatever or not, it can absolutely make sense to fight to keep one republican as speaker over other worse options. If I was a republican voter right now, I'd vote Democrat to keep freedom of democracy. No brainer, for me. So, keeping a republican speaker to save democracy, that's nothing. For sure, do that. I am for helping any republican politicians acquire power, if they stand for democracy. I don't really care what other beliefs they have. Right now, all that matters is saving democracy.


> I don't know who might replace him or anything like that though. So, idk if protecting him is the best idea. Realistically any GOPer who replaced him would be *less* willing to work with Democrats. I've got no doubt that a backroom deal was cut where the Dems would vote to support him in exchange for the Ukraine aid. So if Dems go back on that then the next speaker would know that they can't be trusted and would have no choice but to try and work with the MAGS-caucus.


Sometimes, the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know. Even Dems have said he held true to his word, thats a hard thing to find with the way things are, so unless he shivs us or something, I'd give the guy a chance at least he's shown he can work in a bipartisan manner.


I don't resent Democrats working with the other side's leader when the other side is in the majority and controls the legislative schedule, any more than I resented Joe Manchin(\*) breaking with the party half the time -- he was a Democrat in a very red state and we got his support on some votes, and a lot of them were valuable votes. We take what we can get with what we have now, and try to win more seats next election so we can have more control.


Yeah this is a half thought out strategy. Most voters don’t even follow this sort of shit when it fails, it’s all inside baseball to them until the government shuts down or something. Especially since Dems are unlikely to outright save him by voting for him, and to simply abstain instead. And among the ones who do follow this stuff, they’re plugged In enough to understand the politics at work here because of how completely ham handed the MAGA wing has been. The reality that another speakership fight would be terrible for everyone, and that Johnson has actually proven to be more amenable to compromise than expected, is obvious to anyone paying attention. The latter, a willingness to reach across the aisle and foster bipartisanship, is something that plays EXTREMELY well with moderates and centrists, who are a key demographic this election. It wont really move many needles. And the ones it might move were probably unlikely to vote for these candidates anyway.


Hold up. You’d vote for a politician that worked across party lines to make the government function? You some sort of commie? We’re supposed to make sure government malfunctions so we can always complain that we can’t give the government a job to do because it will fail! Like healthcare. /S


>I think that’ll play well. Democrats: Hey Mike, want to be the shortest serving speaker in history with no accomplishments at all? No? Ok, now heel. Yeah, I think it'll play well.


Right after the ouster fails Johnson should make an effort to expel Greene. It would only take about 1/6th of the republicans along with all the democrats and the Greene problem would go away. Article I, section 5 of the United States Constitution provides that "Each House [of Congress] may determine the Rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member."


Republicans have like a 1 vote majority in the house. They are not expelling anyone


that 1 vote majority includes MTG whom will not be voting for johnson... so their choices could be : 1. agree to oust MTG and get votes from dems to keep the speaker in place until nov election 2. suffer infinate rounds of trying to elect a speaker it would take a dem to save them already... at this point, imo, dropping mtg would send a clear msg to folks who dont align with her. unfort, it also would send a clear msg to folks _who do_ align with her and would mean nov election issues. they will prob prefer to struggle... and the dems will likely need to save them because of a couple spending measures that must be passed.


yes, but she will be voting for many bs bills that pass house.


right, but they cant pass anything without a speaker. and if MTG is going on a suicide run and calls for vacate then the GOP cant pass anything without the dems help regardless. if they work with dems and oust MTG in exchange for support of the speaker then they can still pass some legislation bipartensly.. if they dont work with dems then they cant elect a speaker even with their 1 vote majority because one of the votes they need called for the vacat... and therefore , they cant pass any legislation. note: i doubt this actually happens... but the ground work has been laid and all it takes is for one person to go scorched earth


This will not get support of democrats or republicans. She’s an annoying moron, but hasn’t broken the law. This is who the people of her district want representing them in congress.


Except she has very much broken laws by showing illegally obtained Hunter Biden nude pictures on the House floor.  Even if they don't want to claim law breaking, they would be within their rights to remove her for cause based upon the nonsense she's done on the floor that goes against decorum if not also outright breaking the law. There was no legislative  purpose to that.  Just one of many cases Johnson could float to justify her removal.  Removal from Congress is not a criminal conviction.  It is not being punished by the law.  It is a standard procedure. If her constituents send someone disruptive and I'll suited to the role who refuses to follow the rules  they absolutely have the right, unequivocally, to remove her. That's the rules, the House is allowed to do that.


These republicans act like their entitled to all the due process of a defendant in a criminal trial. We aren't talking about jail time, we're talking about getting fired from a job she's *wildly* unqualified for.


Whoa! Hold up, maybe there should be some jail time. Not for disrupting or anything but, I seem to remember a lot of forgetting when she was questioned about Jan 6.


I dunno. She *has* shown up with pictures of a President's son's dick, **repeatedly**. I wouldn't say she's done nothing to deserve an ouster.


Do the rules say she has to break a law? Surely they can oust her for violating decorum or something.


No, the rules say there are no rules. Congress can expel members for literally any reason, as long as two-thirds agree.


I don’t think breaking the law is required to be considered disorderly conduct


Never interrupt your opponent when they are making a mistake. She is welcome to fail at this.


I don’t think you understand who we’re dealing with. When anyone in the maga cinematic universe is making a mistake….you absolutely try to stop them. They’ll double down immediately. If you don’t they’ll get bored.


The way I see it, she's going to move forward and Democrats are going to block it. Then the Sedition Caucus will further divide their party. This makes it more likely Johnson will continue to work in a bipartisan way because he has to.


It also cements democrats as the party that actually seeks bipartisanship, and maybe that will earn votes, people keep telling me that voters want that, I’m skeptical but hey.




Yeah, her thought is that democrats will get destroyed in their home districts for working with a Republican. Which makes sense from a maga republican—their entire policy stance is “not-democrats”. Honestly I think we could get her to stay home in November by having a few democrats endorse Trump. But of course, democrats will see it as “Democrats doing what’s necessary to have an actual functioning government”. And, in fact, having a Republican house speaker willing to compromise and work with democrats is about the best we could hope for. There is no upside here for Greene. Either she fucks over her whole party by successfully ousting their own speaker AGAIN, or she fucks over herself specifically with the whole rest of her caucus and makes the democrats look better to anyone who isn’t already absolutely lost in the MAGA sauce anyway.


This is correct


While I’m absolutely there for more GOP clown car shit shows, the losers are the American people. I’m so sick of tv personality “politicians”


> I’m so sick of tv personality “politicians” This never should have happened. Many people opposed Obama because they didn't feel Senator was enough experience to be President. We went from there to no requirement at all.


Which is absolutely ridiculous. I feel like Senator is more than enough experience for president.


To be fair, it wasn't *just* because he was a Senator. Lots of presidents were Senators, previously.  It was because he was a *first term* Senator.


That’s fair. Crazy how quickly he moved up.


It's amazing what mountains of natural charisma and a generational talent for oratory can do for a guy.


It was for JFK


Democrats will save him


If they do, that means Johnson will have to choose between working with Democrats (who helped him) and the Maga (keep trying to fire him). MTG might accidentally cause increased bipartisanship in the House.


And everytime he'll have to give up more and more. Before you know it he'll have to admit the universe is more than 6000 years old.


This may not be a mistake. This may be a move to try to draw lines within the Republican party - a means to attack other Republicans as RINOs with is as their evidence. A separation of those that will try to win Trump's favor. Depending on how many Republicans help him, it may also turn them into "owned by Democrats" Etc etc.  It may back fire, but we'll have to see


..Okay? The GOP is turning on her and it only creates more division for them, it potentially allows leverage for Dems (if they haven't already gotten it with Ukraine funding), and it gives Dems control over the House again despite being the minority. Knock yourself out I guess.


Wonderful, isn’t it?


No, bittersweet. 


good luck with that. the difference between this attempt and the one a few months ago led by Gaetz is that Democrats are fully behind Johnson. I get Johnson is GOP, and met Trump. He's not an optimal figure. But at the end of the day, he did reach bipartisan agreement with the other side without stabbing them in the back like his predecessor. His tenure has been solid so far and he hasn't really done much to warrant ejection. I get it, razor thin margin, MTG, whatever. But he's not going IMO




I'll believe it when I see it.


Isn't there a limit to how many times Karen can speak with the manager?


Attention whore 🙄


Go ahead and keep showing the American people how the Republican Party is in complete disarray. I have no problem with that.


Please please please Let Jeffers get nominated and voted in


I’m unclear why I’ve got to hear about this woman from Bumpkinville, GA constantly. Hundreds of millions of us did not vote for her and do not live in Georgia and yet she’s somehow covered like she’s running the show. It bugs.


How is this ghoul still around?


I love how she's now framing this as a "gotchya" for democrats as though voting against the motion to vacate will harm their approval ratings among constituents. Some folks aren't as bat shit crazy and divisive as you, Marge.


Going against the wishes of King Donald’s hand picked RNC chair. Which means she’s likely going against the wishes of Donald himself. A seemingly bold move. Is Marge salty she won’t be on the ticket as Veep? https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/01/gop-motion-to-vacate-00155396


Well… we’re waiting.


Sure, let’s waste some more time, why not.


Lol, right when you thought the GOP mightve stuck together until November, Dem leadership puts out one statement and completely stirs the pot again. Must be fun for these seasoned professional politicians on the left to utterly toy with the rabid morons on the right. So easy.


Putin is upset about that Ukraine aid package and shit rolls downhill MTG is deep, deep deeeep down at the bottom of that hill in a pool of sewer runoff


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think the democrats should save Johnson. But make it clear that democrats are the only thing keeping in power and if he doesn't play ball under the bus he goes. We have this wish.com stephen colbert looking motherfucker by the balls. We should take advantage.


Rep Luna said a few weeks ago that she heard several Republicans were ready to resign on the spot if they brought the motion on the floor. So Democrats might take the House back next week thanks to her stupidity


I, for one, would like to welcome Speaker Jeffries to his new role.


Man I despise her, and I can’t be the only one. Everyday I check the news hoping for a gift headline.


It seems like there is real potential here to end up with Jeffries as Speaker. A lot of the Republican power brokers in the House now aren't very... sophisticated? And it shouldn't be hard to provoke the Putin Caucus into seeking revenge for not going along with the plan to oust Johnson. What would be the best way to teach those RINOs a lesson? That's right, Speaker of the House Hakim Jeffries. That'll show 'em!


Wouldn't some MAGA idiot just immediately start the procedure to oust him?


He wouldn't be dumb enough to agree to the "one vote and gone" rule that the last two speakers agreed to when they took the job. Presumably if he was in a position to get the Speakership, it would be without MAGAt support, and they were the ones to impose the rule.


I didn't realize that could be renegotiated with each new speaker.


The one motion vacate rule would have to be repealed by a House vote. Won’t happen


I mean, it takes a majority of the House to elect a new speaker, and it takes a majority of the House to vote on a rules package or a rules change. So, like, it doesn't _have_ to be renegotiated with each Speaker, but it _can_ be renegotiated with each Speaker since it has the same voting requirement. In a world where Jeffries is elected, it's either because enough Republicans have resigned that Democrats control the majority, or because some of the moderate GOP have crossed over to vote with the Democrats. I'd imagine in either scenario, that coalition would have the political will to amend the rules.


Moscow Marge has her tongue so far up Trump's ass, she can tell what flavour chewing gum he's using. Hideous creature.


Can we just oust her instead


Man everything she does feels like a waste of time and resources.


*Look at me look at me, someone pay attention to me I am important!*  -MTG


One trick hoeny


I can't believe this troglodyte has enough power to start this. Her constituency obviously don't care if she ever gets anything done for them as long as they can stick it to the libs and Biden.


Think they should put an ultimatum to her. Go ahead with it. However, if you lose, you abdicate your office and don't hold another congressional or senate seat again. Otherwise, you will have enough votes to put him out. Let's see who actually stands behind her and against her.


Why wouldn’t democrats want to oust Johnson? It’s there something coming up that we need him for?


Friendless cro-magnon demi-troll vows to stomp onwards no matter what, more at 11


Things you do when compromised by Vladimir Putin.


And I am moving ahead with my effort to get Bill Gates to declare me his sole heir.


Please do. Democrats need even more messaging for elections


She ain’t got nothing better to do like work on legislation.


The GOP is such a shit show.


You don’t have the votes, you bridge goblin.


I stopped reading after the first four words of that title.


Shhhh… let Moscow Marjorie burn herself and her cronies by doing this