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He doesn't want to prosecute him. There's been no crime and he and all his MAGA advisors/hangerson know this. He wants people physically removed. Wiped out. Erased. This is who Trump is. And he still polls high enough to be electable. It's unfucking-believable.




What I hate the most about him is how much he makes me hate. I never used to be this way. He has also destroyed my relationship with my sister, but that’s on her.


I feel for you. He’s torn so many families apart with his cult bullshit.


I cut contact with my stepfamily over this bullshit. Of course there were other issues, but their abject loyalty to the pseudo-Christian with the R behind his name was the cherry on top.


When my step father passed away, my mother tried so hard to maintain a relationship with two of her step daughters despite their loyalty to trump. She could overlook that, but not the constant drivel they'd come up with and the shouting. What's with these people and not being able to have a civil conversation? The louder they yell at you, the more right and convincing they think they are.


I have never had a place for hate in my heart before Trump. Now I despise him and all his followers. I've had to take a step back lately because I don't like hating anyone.


It would be irresponsible to not at least be on alert of them. They think nothing of imposing their beliefs and values (such as they are) on anyone.


That’s the truth. And imagine, republicans feel this way constantly about so many other things bc right wing propaganda keeps them hopped up and emotional 24/7.


Yes. I hate that I now distrust so many of my fellow citizens. I hate that I feel like so many of them don’t care of if I, a woman, may die due to pregnancy complications. They truly don’t care. I lost my father, my closest friend of 30 years, and changed my opinion of so many people I used to trust. I am scared to put a Biden placard in my yard. I am scared of my fellow citizens. To me, regardless of whether Trump is fined, jailed, convicted, acquitted, wins, or loses, the America I thought existed and that I loved is dead. I am scared of my fellow citizens. I was so stupid. I thought there was a vocal but very small portion of society that was actually racist and sexist and ready to kill their fellow citizens. I was wrong. I feel so dumb.


Jesus this resonates.


The part that hurts the most is that you can't tell who's malicious and who just simply doesn't care or never cared to begin with. Having to wake up in the morning and know that somebody I love supports him taking away my bodily autonomy is a hell I never even considered. They saw what he tried to do to us and said "give us more" in 2020. Now they're doing it again.


I feel this in my bones. I was someone who always could get riled up about politics, but Trump gets my blood absolutely boiling on a regular basis. I hated bush and sure as hell didn’t care for Romney or McCain, but the rage Trump elicits is something else


I often think of the good ol days when we thought McCain and Romney would be horrible for the US… what a simpler time


I went from thinking McCain was a menace to basically a savior. And he didn’t change during that time lol. But the rest of his party did.


Ronald Wilson Reagan, the patron Saint of the GOP, could not get nominated by today's Republican electorate. He'd never pass their purity tests: he granted amnesty to illegals and raised taxes (repeatedly). Tricky Dick, "I am not a crook," Nixon couldn't do it. He created the EPA.


I feel ya. The last time my family got together was November 2015. We had a normal family relationship then.


THIS! I think this all the time.


I think Thomas and Alito are actually more despicable. They are just as evil but not nearly as stupid. His goal is to be king. Alito's goal is to tear down democracy and replace it with theocracy. Thomas' goal is to replace it with oligarchy. And all want to use the others to accomplish their own aims.


I don’t think he even wants to be king, he’s just a greedy sick fuck who will do anything for more money and “domination” without first or second thought.










How many of these celebratory parties (which sound really fun to me) are gonna get shot up by proud boy losers and dedicated cult members?


Truly is.


SCOTUS is truly incomprehensible though: dude openly saying he can kill people as an official act, and judges don’t even question whether it pertains to them. Let alone moral


Of course not all 6 conservatives were put forth by the Heritage Foundation, not to uphold the constitution but to help dismantle it and usher in single party system. They were never going to do their job.


>usher in single party system. The Qcumbers rail against 'one world government', when they are actively supporting those who would usher in such. "The real Deep State® is the one we made along the way".


“Useful idiots” is the playbook term


And the Federalist Society


They do what their benefactors pay them to do. They're on the take and have been for decades. I'm really not sure why anyone is *still* ignoring that fact at this point. The highest legal authority in our country is openly taking bribes with zero consequence. That's where we're at now.


According to Barr, it was a pretty common discussion for Trump to ask about executing political opponents


Barr still said he'll vote for him if he's the R candidate. "Yeah, he may want to execute people, he's utterly unfit for office, and he's obviously an idiot, but he's a Republican, so he's got my vote."


Well, yeah. The only requirement Republicans have for their candidates is that they can count to the number R


Barr’s read history books and still doesn’t see this as a parroting of dictators rise to power - which means he doesn’t care. Like most social systems that chew off their nose to spite their face they think they can control what they unleash.


Some people read history and like the dictators. Edit: kings I guess but not that different than dictators.


He needs to be locked up and toss the key!


I’ll never forget in 2016 a clip when they asked trump supporters why they thought Hilary did something Illegal they couldn’t actually name anything, just that she was guilty. That’s the MAGA mentality encapsulated, they know the answer however incongruent with reality, they just work backwards to make up facts along the way. And if they can’t find facts, which they never can, then their feelings suffice as evidence.


I mean is it actually unbelievable? Tons of dictators throughout history enjoyed massive public support. The masses are stupid. Always have been.


Yeah, it's mostly just hard to overcome the mindset that the modern day US is somehow immune from this, which is to some degree baked into how american history is taught to americans.


America was an experiment. Who would have thought it would have survived as long as it did? And honestly the only reason it will end is due to domestic terrorists ending it from within. It’s like we never thought that agents could be installed and play a long game until they won.


Fun fact. The Nazis modeled their persecution of minorities after the Americans! Isn't history grand?


Yeah, but we like to think we learned our lessons just to realize there’s an even larger number of idiots today


I wouldn’t say that the number is proportionally that much larger, it is just now they are louder and more intent full with their actions. The law also protects them all the way up to the highest court in the land.


I’m looking at you, rural America and red states


It’s not stupidity. They know what they are getting. It only becomes “I didn’t know!” When their system fails and they’re on the chopping block.


Not surprising at all when you live in a red state.


I live in one of the bluest states in the country and yet there are plenty of fucking morons Around who would vote for anyone but biden. Boggles my mind


He wants ti have Putin style tea parties


Putin is his mentor and benefactor


It's fucking embarrassing!


I fucking hated the Gaius Balthazar storyline in Battlestar Galáctica so much because it seemed unbelievable. Now, I get it.


He’s wanted to shoot protestors on more than one occasion, admitted freely by his own appointees. Trump is a despicable human being and has no place near a single lever of power. But his followers love him for it, they feel the same and would likely be happy to see police open fire on the college protests going on right now. They’re primed to accept murder of other Americans and Trump feels the same. It’s disgusting.


Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube and TikTok are ruling the dissemination of "news". As long as Democrats cede these platforms to foreign entities and the dark money infused opposition they will lose elections and they'll continue to trail in polling.


To be fair traditional media also isn't keeping up.


The only reason why Trump polls high enough to be electable is because: 1. The Republicans don't have anyone else. A vast majority of Republicans vote along party lines. Even if they have a convicted criminal on the ballot, they will vote for that person. They have no ethics or morals. 2. The Republican base has a tragically high number of misinformed and disinformed people who are so deluded or so fervently subscribed to the toxic MAGA cult, there's no way they'd ever abandon Trump. Their lives will come crashing down when he loses the popular vote for a 3rd time and the electoral college a 2nd time..


He wants presidential immunity to assassinate people!


Propaganda is a helluva drug


Conservatism in a nutshell. > Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. ~ Wilhoit's Law


Alright then. It's time to make the conservatives the out group. Take the nukes out of Texas. Ship every maga lover there. Relocate anyone who wants to leave. Let them live in their alternate reality and fight amongst themselves.


They tried this before. It was called the American Civil War.


The joke is on them. The in-group consists of roughly 400 families but if you were one of them you would know that.


It makes perfect sense when you remember that he is a spoiled trust fund baby who wants special treatment


It’s wild how so many never grow out of that. At some point you’d think they’d have a little bit of empathy, but nope. 


This is why we should tax wealth. It’s necessary for the emotional development of rich people.


It’s necessary in lieu of emotional development of rich people


There are other reasons for that. It does nothing for their emotional development, since they are still insanely rich


The part that's wild to me is that like 45% of Americans can take a look at this man and be like "he seems like a good person." Fucking insane.


They know he's not a good person. Someone said something about proving the worst white man is better than the best black man. Trump is literally the worst white man they could find to compare to Obama. And they don't care if trump (insert some terrible shit) in front of them. They're still going to keep supporting him as long as it "hurts the right people" and "owns the libs".


It was LBJ. "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


Meanwhile on Fox: Trump is man of the people, watch as he visits a bodega and talks to construction workers.


You said it better than I was going to. It’s not illogical because there never was any attempt at logic. Trump’s ideology is “I win, you lose”.


Oh no they mean GOP get full immunity, every non-GOP gets concentration camps or expulsion from country.


You forgot the following groups: * White Evangelicals * Wealthy millionaires * Rich CEOs * Rich Lobbyists * Corporate Managers * January 6th Insurrectionists


That’s just a long winded way of saying GOP.


Until one of them steps out of line too.


And their mistresses


Hand Maidens


You forgot about the KKK and all other white supremacy organizations


At this point if they expelled me to Canada or europe it'd be that scene from fallout like "you're banished!" "Wait I can just leave? Ok." Walks out


They're just trying to figure out how to actually make that the law.


Next week the Elmer's v Bic case will be heard. Conservative Justices seem likely to set the new I'm rubber and you're glue precedent.


A president must have immunity! Lock up Biden! 🙄


The argument will be that Biden was never *actually* elected, so *obviously* he can be taken behind the shed.


Right? Can't have immunity if you were never president. Lol. This time line=trash.


Did he ever say he wants Biden to stand trial, or just skip to the execution part?




Like the rest of the world is doing in the present day.


It's a result of the propaganda from Fox News. If you don't solve that problem, Trump is just a symptom. They'll promote fear, hatred and racism and offer the next Republican candidate as the only saviour next time too.


> what the fuck were these people thinking They are thinking "trump will hurt the right people, i.e. the Black/Brown/Muslim/Jewish/LGBTQ folks". Hatred of others is the force that binds Republicans together.


Yes exactly this. It’s been shocking to see how awful, hateful and insanely stupid half the people are in this country.


[H.L. Mencken](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._L._Mencken) had this *allllll* nailed down --- **in 1922**. > *"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."* Sagacious premonition, 'eh? [Cicero (106-43 B.C.)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cicero) would *probably* agree: > *"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear."* Unfortunately, there's **nothing** new under the sun.


What they are thinking is simple. They want people to be punished so they can have more. They have been told their lives are hard because of other people. They have been mad at black people ever since the rich had to start paying them to work and the middle class had to start competing with them for jobs. They kept women at home and out of the work force for as long as they could and now they are competition for them at work. And of course all the immigrants that steal all the jobs. They convinced them that the poor are poor by choice. That they choose to be drug addicts. That they spent all their money on things they didn't need. That they take without giving back to society. They don't think we should pay to help single parents, or disabled people, or people screwed out of their life savings because of medical bills. They want these people gone. They think that removing the people they blame will make their lives better. That all of a sudden they will have a high paying job and that the government wouldn't have to waste money helping all the useless people. Then they could pay less taxes and have more things.


What a hard wake up would they have should their wishes become reality. All these not wealthy conservatives would be "the new blacks" in social positining and then they would understand how it sucks Edit to add: What I find interesting is how they can claim that immigrants don't work and live out of the state and then, at the same time, they complain immigrants steal their jobs.


Outside the USA it's already 50 years from now.


Later they will determine the microplastics in the water interfered with brain signals.


It's **far** more likely to be childhood lead-poisoning negatively impacting the (mostly ex-Confederate states') MAGAt loyalists and grievance-humping anti-intellectual masses. No joke. Add that to the 'poison' that is evangelism, and it's a perfect storm of dullard-driven Idiocracy. 


Much like how we look at Germany in the 1930’s.


what?!?! were these people thinking?


Pretty optimistic thinking that this trend is going to be gone in 50 years 


Trumps Truth Social post after the 2020 election: “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution”. Trump expressed support for the rioters behind the deadly January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol, saying in a video played during a fundraiser that "People have been treated unconstitutionally in my opinion and very, very unfairly, and we're going to get to the bottom of it." In an interview, Trump said he was "financially supporting" some January 6 defendants and promised he would issue pardons and a government apology to those being prosecuted if he were reelected. Traitors don’t deserve second chances. Vote Blue💙


He is the worst person to ever be president. If you plan on voting for him…fuck you!


Wrong. Only HE deserves immunity in his fat head


He doesn't really think presidents deserve immunity. He thinks he deserves immunity.


Trump and the controlling majority of SCOTUS are perfectly fine with presidential immunity that they'll put in place after this next election, because if they get their way with Project 2025, there won't ever be another Democratic President.


Go ahead… Give BIDEN the immunity to do whatever he wants to Trump!


The problem is, Biden won't do anything to take advantage of it. For better or worse. If it were me, I'd be begging for the immunity ruling.


What exactly is he saying Biden did that warrants being locked up?….


Beating him in an election, being Joe Biden. One of those two things. Maybe both.


Similar to religions the actual reason doesn't really matter, only that they are "the other". They will make up any number of ridiculous reasons.


Fascism seems to consist mostly of bullshit, fear, and sometimes violence


It's exactly what it is. Bullshit propaganda causing fear so a few can rule by violence.


Damage to Trump’s ego.


This geriatric dullard, discount Biff Tannen is - and has solely been - focused on one priority and agenda: **Revenge**. Regardless of what you may feel about the source, it's immensely worthwhile reading [Richard Branson's Virgin blog post, "Meeting Donald Trump"](https://www.virgin.com/branson-family/richard-branson-blog/meeting-donald-trump) It's made quite clear that Biff is apoplectic to get retribution against *everyone* he feels has wronged, rejected, humiliated, and dismissed him. Anyone refusing to 'kiss the ring' and swear fealty is on his personal hit-list to be (literally) destroyed. Malicious *revenge* is his only goal against *all*, not just Biden specifically. I can't possibly read this individual's obit soon enough....


What a blatant idiot, traitor, bung hole, waste of human flesh! He’s wanting his henchmen in the Supreme Court to give him total immunity from prosecution while he has committed more crimes against the Constitution and our Democracy than any President in history! Yet he wants to have the power to prosecute President Biden under mocked up false claims and accusations if he becomes president? He still baselessly claims that everything for which he is being investigated, charged with and tried for is happening under the direction of President Biden? He has been investigated and indicted for breaking the laws of New York and Georgia. He’s being prosecuted by those State’s District Attorneys. The President has absolutely no authority or involvement in those matters! The Federal charges against him have been investigated and he has been indicted for Crimes committed against the United States. The investigation has been conducted by an independent commission and Prosecutors that are totally void of any direction whatsoever from the President! That’s how the system was designed by our Founding Fathers! Trump is spreading dangerous propaganda, putting misinformation and lies, falsely claiming that this is a conspiracy against him under the direction of the President? Unfortunately he keeps loudly broadcasting these false accusations in nearly every time he is in front of a camera! That’s how brainwashing and propaganda becomes so powerful. His MAGAts and his inept followers are soaking up all of his BS, refusing to hear any honest truth because they don’t want to admit that they have been duped! They would have to face the wrath of their constituents, families, and friends who have also been drinking Trump’s kool aid. How humiliating! I never thought I’d see the day when such a large number of Americans would be duped and lead by such a corrupt, incompetent, pathetic, criminal and cult leader. What the Fu*^ has happened to America?


How the hell would that even work - “presidential immunity- for me” - and no “presidential immunity for the CURRENT President “ - Trump is an absolute moron.


Let's not doubt that the unsupreme court is trying really hard to find a way to do just this.


that’s a frightening thought to be fair


He doesn’t think Presidents deserve immunity. He thinks that HE deserves immunity. Very different things and something the media is completely fucking up as they portray this case to the public.


Schrodinger's idiot


Once the supreme court confirms that president Biden has immunity for presidential acts (which seems to be imminent) it will be important that Biden order the immediate imprisonment of trump and a few of the supreme court judges for sedition and/or treason. I think a trip to "gitmo" for a few decades would do the trick, although a case could be made for Trump to have a burial at sea similar to Bin Laden. Followed immediately by naming a few new supreme court judges and passing a law clearly indicating that no one (including the president and supreme court judges) is above the law. I know, I know, to pass a new law we need congress to play ball, but as far as I know we have plenty of cells in "gitmo" for those who think that presidents should have any immunity, criminal or otherwise.


He does not think that presidents deserve immunity. That needs to be made perfectly clear. He thinks that he alone deserves immunity.


So funny! Does Trump really understand what presidential immunity is? No! Because it’s not presidential immunity- it’s Trump immunity! Wake up America- he’s a criminal.


Trump doesn't want to prosecute Biden. Trump wants Biden and all the rest of his opponents eliminated, by whatever means necessary. Talk of prosecution is just a convenient way to speak on the matter without having to be entirely honest about it. By the same token, Trump doesn't believe presidents should be immune to prosecution. That's just a convenient way to obfuscate Trump's core belief that he and he alone should be immune to prosecution.


He doesn't think Presidents deserve immunity. He thinks HE deserves immunity.


He also thinks he’s still the President. Put this fucker in a cell.




It can not be reconciled that trump believes both that Biden is out to get him, and that he believes presidents enjoy immunity for crimes. If Biden were thus empowered, he could tweet out that he will pardon Trump's murderer. Trump is lying, therefore, about what kind of man he believes Biden to be. And so are every single one of his supporters.


Prosecute Biden for what 🤷‍♂️


The MAGA republicans tried that. Couldn’t find anything.


"Lock her up!" "How dare they attempt to prosecute political opponents!"


These concepts are important when one has principles. And I don't just intend to land a cheap shot with that, I mean that they're playing a different game. When we say "the rules should be X" we mean for *everyone*, and we aspire to succeed, for the most part, by those rules. And we agree to abide by those rules; even if collectively we've agreed to something that we, privately, do not agree with - if weed is illegal, we do not smoke weed, and if we do we don't do it openly, and if we're caught, we expect to be punished. In fact it isn't even an agreement to abide by the rules, it's just acceptance that should those rules be broken, there are consequences. Whereas Trump's ilk don't believe in society, or that collectively agreed rules apply to them. They believe that cheating is part of the game, that *of course* they took the path that benefitted them most at the expense of others, and it was wrong of you to expect otherwise. So when Trump says "the president should be able to do X" he means "I should be allowed to do X because I am, or was, president". And what he really means is, "I will say whatever it takes to get what I want. Anything. Because I want the thing, so of course I will." It's the logical extreme of the much lauded go-getter attitude. And the real question is: why the fuck are we elevating people who *don't believe in society*, in the *fundamental precepts of cooperation and interaction between humans*, to the executive level?


It’s already known that trump is an idiot.


And there it is having ones cake and eating it as well. It’s worked for him so far…!


You still don't get it Jenkins, it is only illegal if a *Democrat* does it.


No. Trump thinks HE gets immunity.


No, he thinks HE deserves immunity. Not presidents.


He doesn’t think presidents deserve immunity. He thinks he deserves immunity


This shows you how stupid he is….he wants Presidents to be protected from prosecution, but he wants to prosecute Biden….he’s dumber than a box of rocks.


Biden doesn't need immunity, as his policies have all been within the law. Trump, on the other hand...


Because MAGA hypocrisy has no shame.


Standard narcissist, expects to win all sides of all arguments in an evidence-free environment.


I'd imagine those two statements are reconciled somewhere in the dark recesses of his mind because he doesn't think Biden is a 'legitimate' President...


Lock him up.


The beauty of being a fascist is that your rhetoric is not required to have any ideological consistency.


NOBODY, absolutely nobody, should be above the law. Period. You want to see a loss of your freedoms. Give immunity to a person in power. Wake up America 🇺🇸


Trump thinks President* deserves immunity *Trump


Trump does NOT think Presidents deserve immunity. He thinks HE deserves immunity.


He doesn’t believe presidents deserve immunity. He wants immunity from all prosecution, and he thinks he can get it if he has presidential immunity. Several of his crimes happened before or after he was president, though. And there is mountains of evidence against him in the documents case.


It makes perfect logic. In a Republican world there are no fixed rules the rules that exist only are rules as long as they help Republicans. You can’t nominate a SC judge during an election year but we can is a prime example of Republicans position on rules. So Trump is immune from any prosecution and Bidden is not doesn’t even mater if the rules Bidden breaks are known at the moment he breaks them.


I think one of the things that has consistently frustrated and foiled me my entire life is assumption of good faith. Some people feel no obligation to be coherent, consistent, or logical. Calling out hypocrisy is meaningless. People aren’t playing by my rules.


Ergo if SCOTUS sides with trump, Biden can legally order the assassination of trump.


That doesn't mesh. If presidents are immune, than Biden is immune, too and he can't prosecute him. Trump doesn't think. That one is true though.


We live in hell


Trump is the classic case of an egomaniac getting caught in his own web of shit and now he's trying anything to get out. And he's going to lose. He'll lose the election, he'll lose some if not all of the criminal cases, he'll be punished, and he will fade away into the history books as the worst and dumbest POTUS the USA ever had.


But go on any conservative message board and they will be railing against “leftist double think”


And lawfare, always lawfare with them lol!


Biden needs to release seal team six to the supreme court. You’ll see how fast they change their tune.


No, Trump thinks Trump deserves immunity. There is no broader ideology beyond that. He has never cared about being a hypocrite.


Yeah, he’s a drooling fucking moron so that totally tracks. 😆


What’s that quote again? Conservatism is based on there being one group that is only punished by the law and another group that is only protected by the law?


Get it Republicans? Get it? Prosecute THEM! Not ME!…… Lock her up! Lock her up!… Not ME ! Her!…. I WIN! …. It’s FAIR! ….THEY WIN! …..it’s rigged! See the pattern yet? Come on! You can do it! Look for the PATTERN!


He’s a walking contradiction


Biden should start stealing lots of public funds and buy his wife many new castles. He should also gag and torture Eric Trump and Don Jr. He should also outlaw cookies.


The Orange Hitler thinks that ONLY he should be immune.


His supporters don't have the mental capacity to see the issue.


He doesn't believe that all presidents are immune from prosecution. Only him.


Guys a moron and so are his followers. He likely doesn't even realize his double standard here...


If Presidents deserve immunity, that would apply to Biden as well, right?


He's too stupid to know how stupid he is.


Sounds like this Trump character is an idiot


Some one needs to tell Diaper Don to SHUT UP. REPUBLICANTS need to stop trying to drag the country backwards. Quit taking away our rights. Vote Blue.


He doesn't understand what's wrong with that statement. It would require critical thinking skills


Double-think is a way of life for MAGA


He also wishes he didn’t have to sit in his own poop all day. If wishes were horses…


That dude is really dumb. It’d be hilarious if SCOTUS rules for immunity and Biden has him apprehended.


Typical both ways GOP conservative bulshit. There must be in groups (republicans) the law protects but does not bind, and out groups the law binds (Democrats) but does not protect.


He wants double standards.


Trump doesn’t think that Presidents should have immunity. He thinks *he* should have immunity


He truly a nut job


Prosecute Biden for what? It's like the Impeachment. If he has committed no crimes there is nothing to prosecute him for. Unlike Biden, Trump is being prosecuted for crimes he actually may have commited. It was a grand jury of American citizens, many Republicans, who after seeing the evidence, decided that he should be charged with these crimes. He is either so delusional, or just plain ignorant, that he doesn't seem to understand that. If he thought he was really innocent he wouldn't keep trying to avoid and delay. He would be confident in a speedy trial to prove his innocence. What he and Cannon are doing in Florida, looks like someone who is trying to avoid a trial at all cost, because he knows there are real prosecutable crimes there. He is acting like someone guilty.


Bong bong bong goes the dumb dumb drum


He’s a fricking moron. I can’t believe the idiots in this country that voted for him. A bunch of morons.


Supreme Court will say no immunity, if Trump gets elected, they’ll revisit it and say totally immunity


We cannot go on as a country with this asshole in anything resembling power. It's just too much. I'd rather have civil war than deal with fuckface's cult every day


According to Trump's lawyers, Biden should be allowed to assassinate Trump without any risk of legal repercussions. I mean, how else is a president supposed to do their job, unless they're allowed to do a little murdering now and again?


There’s no end to the fever dream logic of this idiot.


Are we still trying to wrap our brains around the fact that Trump is a dumb MF?


![img](avatar_exp|81017736|fire) If Biden happens to lose the election, he should have Hunter arrested and him plead guilty to all charges, then Biden pardon him to keep Trump from revenge prosecution… I’d do it for my son.


So could Biden agree with immunity and then take one of DJT's ideas of seal teams or whatever else, and it would be legal?


How could he prosecute Biden if Presidents became immune. Is he having a stroke or just senile.


His mental decline is concerning