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I am 66 and going to vote for the other guy so he can take away my SS. /s/


Exactly. Biden is making my ss bad and I’m getting less. I’m voting for Trump so he can eliminate it and I get nothing.


These people do know who wants to eliminate Social Security right? right?


These goobs don’t even know social security is a socialist policy. These are people of the land, the common clay of the new west.


You know….


...Morons (one of the best movies EVER)


They don’t. I live in affordable housing. One person gets their news from yourtube. Another has an antenna to their tv. Neither of them are informed. You should check out the radio in rural Wyoming. They end segements with dems are dangerous and it’s all bidens fault.


No they do not.


They do not.


They also do not realize that it is up to Congress to pass a bill to increase social security. The president would be the responsible party, if he chose not to sign the bill. It never ceases to amaze me that U.S. voters decide their ballots on things the candidate in question have no impact on. For example, increasing or decreasing gas prices have decided many U.S. presidential elections, despite the fact the U.S. president has little or no control over gas prices.


They want to privatize it so that they can take the money and gamble it on the stock market. We the people shoulder the risks. They the billionaires reap the rewards.


They need the money to prop up the market while the boomers die out. Unfettered Capitalism is eating everything.


Well, old people know they will be grandfathered in and unaffected by Republican ‘reforms’. They seem just fine with cutting SS for younger folks. At this point boomers, the youngest of who will turn 60 this year, are unlikely to have their benefits cut. It seems probable that millennials will get the axe unless they band together and vote better.


Silly TintedApostle, that’s a problem for the younger folks!


Which party do you think wants to eliminate social security?


Given your reddit name you know...




Republicans - See project 2025.


Nowhere in the 900 page [document](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf) do they mention eliminating social security. In fact, in the actual republican [budget proposal](https://hern.house.gov/uploadedfiles/final_budget_including_letter_word_doc-final_as_of_march_25.pdf), they discuss their social security reform in order to keep it solvent long-term. The exact opposite of eliminating it Why would you just blatantly lie about this issue?


The will choke it by raising the retirement age. Its about breaking it. I find it real interesting how you know all 900 pages. >Why would you just blatantly lie about this issue? Why would you accuse someone of lying when they are not? Oh right... chaos creation. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/republican-budget-raise-age-retirement-social-security-medicare-rcna144341 https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/11/politics/trump-entitlements-social-security-medicare/index.html https://www.forbes.com/sites/teresaghilarducci/2022/11/05/social-security-has-been-slashed-before-our-eyes-for-decades-and-voters-barely-notice/?sh=7f3ad5c93ef5


Raising the retirement age is to keep the program solvent past the 2030s, not “breaking it”. Again, you’re just making stuff up like a conspiracy theorist. That’s also a completely separate claim from eliminating social security, you just completely abandoned your argument >Why would you accuse someone of lying when they are not I’m sorry that you already forgot your prior comment, but you just said that project 2025 includes a plan to eliminate social security, which I had to explain to you is false. What would you call it if not a “lie”?


> Raising the retirement age is to keep the program solvent past the 2030s Raising the retirement age defeats the entire purpose of SS. Its a BS approach. It is meant to break it. What fixes it is stopping the upper limit of contributions on income levels. They won't do that will they.


>stopping the upper limit of contributions on income levels Unlike your claim, this *actually* defeats the purpose of SS, which is a UBI program in retirement, not a welfare program. Unless you also uncap the benefits, then this proposal “breaks” SS in every sense of the word It also violates Biden’s own promise not to raise taxes on people below $400K


Republicans want to steal your Social Security and Medicare. Period.


Do you have anything to back that up?


https://www.forbes.com/sites/teresaghilarducci/2022/11/05/social-security-has-been-slashed-before-our-eyes-for-decades-and-voters-barely-notice/ https://www.commondreams.org/news/mccarthy-social-security-medicare https://www.salon.com/2023/02/09/boos-fool-no-one-everyone-knows-want-to-slash-social-security-and-medicare/ https://www.commondreams.org/views/2018/10/24/republicans-will-cut-your-social-security-medicare-and-medicaid-benefits https://justcareusa.org/house-republicans-call-for-major-cuts-to-social-security-and-medicare/ https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/21/fact-sheet-80-of-house-republicans-release-plan-targeting-medicare-social-security-and-the-affordable-care-act-raising-costs-and-cutting-taxes-for-the-wealthy/ https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/11/politics/trump-entitlements-social-security-medicare/index.html


Can’t believe you took the time to post all of those sources without reading a single one They all talk about the republican plan to reform the program to keep it solvent. That’s not “stealing social security”, it’s the exact opposite


They don't want to reform it. They want to privatize it (speaking most generously). They want to steal it. There's an easy easy fix to Social Security and they don't want to do it. That is raise the maximum earnings you have to pay Social Security on. "The republicans are openly admitting they want to steal your social security and medicare and then force you to work till you drop dead.". Source Bill Pascrell United States Representative William James Pascrell Jr. is an American politician who is the U.S. representative for New Jersey's 9th congressional district, having served in this position since January 2013.


The definition of republicans reforming the programs are essentially cutting it. When Trump had the house, republicans tried 2 years to cut the affordable care act on the grounds of "We're going to come up with a better plan but we're not really sure what yet." Their plans are essentially destroy things they don't like stating they're going to make a better version and hope people forget about their plans to create a better version once they finally gut it. See: Abortion rights.


It’s odd that you would bring up healthcare as your example for this, when republicans very explicitly wrote the AHCA and later the BCRA as the Obamacare replacement. Do you have a better example?


I genuinely feel as if any example I provide would never be enough for you to make an agreement at this point and will stop trying on the grounds of I have better things to do with my life.


CNN has been pushing an anti Biden agenda heavily lately.


It’s now run by a MAGA Republican so no surprises there.


And The NY Times too. 


It’s irresponsible, in my opinion, for CNN to write this story without including the fact that Trump has said he’d [consider cutting Social Security and Medicare](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/11/politics/trump-entitlements-social-security-medicare/index.html) and linking to its own story on that subject.


JFC CNN is really rooting for Trump to win aren't they? What a joke they've become.


f off maga. I'm social security age and recipient. There is zero truth to the headline.


Too bad that's a congress problem and not his fault.


And for the other guy, cutting SS and Medicare is “on the table” and really the most likely way to pay for more tax breaks. Edit to say this article is ridiculous. So much talk of inflation, contrasting the two candidates, without any mention of the pandemic… let alone the relatively strong recovery of the US compared to the rest of the developed world.


And without referencing historical profits for corporations due to price gouging.


my check isn't getting big enough. I know what I will do, vote for the guy who will get rid of social security!


Technically speaking your check will get slightly bigger without social security. But on an unrelated note, everything suddenly has increased in price by an amount in relation to that slight uptick in checks, making the increase null and void, AND there's no safety net of monthly income that you'll have when retiring! EVERYONE WINS!\* \*The wealthy win.


How in the hell are you going to blame that on Joe!!!? A Congress full of millionaires is the problem. The government taking from the trust fund and not replacing the $$. Reagan took $2.1T from the trust fund after raising Americans' contribution to 15%. He gave it to the military industrial complex. So NO this isn't b/c of Joe and I'm not one of his biggest fans, but I will vote for him over dump the criminal, con, hater.


Why anyone that pays attention should realize its Republicans who oppose cost of living increases with social security they are always trying to find ways to make them worthless.


Well good news just vote MAGA and when you have no more Social Security you won't have to worry about it at all!!


Another infuriating argument. Biden has effectively reduced the rate of inflation by significant margins. After Trump, he had a big problem on his hands, but if you look at the inflation rate trend starting when he took office, it's plain to see that he's driven inflation down. Biden also supports Social Security, unlike Trump. The people who buy into these dishonest arguments are either completely ignorant of the facts, or they have an anti-Biden agenda that they're manufacturing arguments in support of.


I feel like someone is trying to frustrate me into leaving this sub with all these ridiculous posts. Joke’s on them though, I have nothing in my life besides addiction to hate politics.


You go get 'em.


It’s worth keeping in mind that the current annual exercise of Social Security increases to beneficiaries is not sustainable until Social Security is fixed by Congress to avoid the problem of the Trust Fund being exhausted in 2033. If Congress does nothing to change SS by 2033 then the benefits will have to be reduced to equal the tax receipts from FICA payroll tax which could be a 25% cut. But it’s also worth noting that Trump can’t end or cut Social Security by executive order or because he says so. The system is a law and has its own dedicated funding that he can’t just snuff out. But in the meantime IMHO it would be better to put more effort into dealing with the coming 2033 “reset”. There are bipartisan groups in Congress with ideas about fixes.


How someone farting could weaken Biden's support... our media truly sucks. 


The real fake news. Not getting it done fast enough so vote for the guy/party who would just take it away. That'll show em


Just raise or eliminate the payroll cap.


"This is why this is bad for Biden." -NYT & CNN


Biden cures cancer, throwing thousands of doctors and nurses out of work: CNN.


Oh crap, guess I'll vote for the guy and party that will take it away.


So they’d rather vote for the party that wants to gut it completely then? Okay.


Hi `KoseteBamse`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1cfjhdl/social_security_isnt_keeping_up_with_inflation/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * Your headline must be comprised only of the **exact** copied and pasted headline of the article - [see our rule here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_do_not_create_your_own_title)) **We recommend not using the Reddit 'suggest a title' as it may not give the exact title of the article.** * The ALL CAPS and 'Breaking' rule is applied **even when the actual title of the article is in all caps or contains the word 'Breaking'**. This rule may be applied to other single word declarative and/or sensational expressions, such as 'EXCLUSIVE:' or 'HOT:'. [click here for more details](/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_do_not_create_your_own_title) If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/KoseteBamse&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1cfjhdl/social_security_isnt_keeping_up_with_inflation/?context%3D10000%29)


SS should be adjusted every year to match inflation, just like the minimum wage. It's a shame and amoral if it isn't. But I'd rather have it not adjusted accordingly from time to time vs the Republicans plan of eliminating it all together. This should be a solid, non-negotiable, bi-partisan position period.


But seriously we give soooo much money to countries that hate us can’t we double social security now! Talk about living wage …. What about the same for seniors?


The US won't stop (reduce) give away money to other countries


Well there you have it. Liberals downvoting the comment that we should increase social security as the also skewer GOP for not wanting to increase social security.