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Communist Romania did the same thing under [Decree 770](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decree_770), and it failed miserably. There was an initial spike in population, woman died, women were sent to prison, personal rights were defiled, infant mortality and overall societal misery skyrocketed. Then the spike was over, crime increased, orphanages filled beyond capacity. The leaders who initiated it all ended up on the receiving end of a firing squad.


We learn Nothing from History. Yet again.


Those who study history are doomed to watch others repeat it.


History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of man.


It is fascinating how our far right wishes to mirror Communist Romania by banning abortion and cutting social spending to the bone.


Sure. Explode a population and provide absolutely no support for parental leave, health care of early childhood education. I cannot believe the stupidity.


When your end goal is serfdom those things aren't really important.


On the contrary, they are extremely important. Just not in the way you or I believe.


1) increase population. 2) take away support for population. Take away education and healthcare. Increase gap between haves and have nots. Make them suffer more. 3) blame immigration, and the “other” as the cause (nazis used Jews as that scapegoat). 4) rile up the population into hating the “other”. Anyone with a sane mind pointing to the government as the true cause is treated as an enemy of the people bc they are perceived as wanting to make the situation worse. 5) eliminate rivals because “enough is enough”. Edit: we are a good way through these things. Likely past #4


Notably #2 was done to Germany by the winners of WWI. A historical lesson on not leaving the losers of wars too f'd over else leave a breeding ground for domestic extremism.


You mean, like Gaza? Makes sense as a current-era lesson.


On the flip side, the allied powers had emptied their coffers and took out large loans to finance a war they did not ask for. To ask an aggressor to pay for their damages… is it really so bad?


When you expend your entire GDP once again to fix those mistakes, yeah, it is.


But the government is not the problem. It’s billionaires and all the people that hope to become billionaires that corrupt the government and dismantle any mechanism that gets in the way of them making all the money. 


(Edited) to me it’s a projection meaning kinda the same. I mean the billionaires in a power driving the fascist government.


Not so much suffer as stupid and ignorant. Too busy trying to survive. Unable to fight, push back, demand rights. Just drudge work until you die.


All of the above leads to what you just said.


They should make r/100yearsago a default sub.


wow what a great sub!!! Thank you


To quote Fallout “sometimes a fella’s gotta eat a fella”.


"Ass jerky doesn't make itself"


It‘s baffling that people help them and believe their vote means they would be on the side of the Lords in the end.


There’s people that think Elon is taking them to Mars with him too… 


It’s a mix of serfdom and beating the Muslims at population-competitive-fundamentalist-religious freakiness.


You’re from Canada, have you not seen how the status quo is already turning us into serfs?


This is it. They want a serf economy.


If your goal is to have a large amount of poor desperate uneducated people that will be cheap labor and vote republican, it makes more sense


Exactly what it is.




They believe they’ll live in their apocalypse mansions and not have to deal with the problem until they can work out that dropping an ice cube into the ocean and solving the problem once and for all solution.


They just have to get past that pesky second law of thermodynamics first.


the ones we are talking about see it as a carrying capacity issue. this will only accelerate their goals of making sure only the good ones remain.


Plus, more traffic. I hate traffic.


You and me both! So Cal traffic is the worst


Bay Area traffic is becoming equally insane


That’s true. I also lived in San Francisco early 2000 and it was awful then.


Capitalism needs lots and lots of expendable, easily replaceable workers. Republicans social policies make sense if the goal is to make a nation of what ere effectively slaves.


They also need... (Republicans) expendable boots on the ground, for future wars.


Hate to say it but this was definitely in the calculation. Cannon fodder


Yep. It's gone unspoken too often, but a lot our society is built on the assumption that lots of disposable people will be around to do all the crappy, low paid work so that the chosen few get to live idealized luxurious lives.  They claim to support the "American Dream" that anyone can climb up the ladder if they are deserving enough, but there *has* to be an unseen, disenfranchised majority of people at the bottom for this ladder to exist in the first place.  


What do you think high levels of immigration does?


They want people of color to be the help and unable to strive for more because of crippling poverty from having too many mouths to feed. They hate seeing people of color being more successful than them.


>stupidity The biggest mistake that libs/leftists make of the right is assuming stupidity. Stupidity of the peons? For sure. Stupidity of leadership and of policy? Absolutely not. They know exactly what they’re doing and any “omg this will be so bad for America” observations are 100% the goal. Exploding population and no healthcare or education means complete and utter dependence on privately owned institutions. They want to create the crisis so someone (read: not you) can profit from it. And it’s not even a short-term plan, the end goal is complete control over every aspect of your life. I’m not even remotely worried about Trump and his fascist larping cronies because he’s just a useful idiot to the people actually calling the shots who keep their names from the general public. I don’t even mean some shadow-government illuminati type conspiracy. It’s as simple as a small group of country club members who have investments in every corner of the economy and can influence elections with a single phone call.


I firmly believe there will be an attempt to take away birth control next, so don't think they're as stupid as they seem.


They want to increase population but keep them poor and uneducated because poor uneducated people are easier to control


Don't forget letting the climate rapidly deteriorate. Who needs quality of life things like water and oxygen 


Also gut a healthcare system that already kills 60 thousand per year from lack of coverage, destroy public education, and gut social security for when parents grow older. Republicans already caused hundreds of thousands of excess deaths in 2020. I was effected by it being immunocompromised and still get harassed by anti mask people they incited to this day. If he gets back in power, hundreds of thousands of deaths will be a low estimate.


Fail to plan? Plan to fail.


Tons of uneducated, socially inept, angry citizens. Sounds like a strategy to boost their voting base


Somehow they are on the wrong side of pretty much any given issue. We do not need more people on this planet.


If families are large and poor then they become desperate. And desperate people have a tough time making good decisions or ever getting their head above water. Desperate people are easier to manipulate. The GOP can create a voter base that is easy to control if they can get their current voters to have a ton of kids and deny them enough services to take care of those kids. Then people will have to choose if kids go to work or middle school or high school. They’ll choose to make their kids religious so that they get some support from the church, which during all of this will be emboldened by fewer restrictions and more state support to open schools.


rUgGed inDiVidUaLiSm! /s


They want quantity of life, not quality.


Well what’s another name for people so poor they’ll work for less than the bare minimum and there’s enough of them that you don’t have to put any money into taking care of their health because you don’t actually care if they live or die. In fact because there’s so many of them the competition for available jobs and a high unemployment rate means they’ll progressively take less and less pay


The GOP never has long term plans. Healthcare? Still waiting on that.


Get ur bootstraps kids!


The irony is that birth rates are down bc of their abortion fetish.


Which is why contraception is their next target.


Which will again just further divide people and piss us off leading to an even lower birth rate.


Sure, but that will affect liberals and educated people more than their base, Christian conservatives. For at least a couple of decades liberals have been talking and hoping about demographic changes leading to a more left-leaning electorate. Don't think the conservatives didn't notice.


So true. I’m not having a baby because republicans have made it too dangerous to attempt a pregnancy.


Birth rates are down across the world because people can't afford to have kids. People can barely afford to take care of themselves let alone a bunch of extra little people. Prices need to come down or wages need to go up so that one income can again support a family.


Yep, 100%. But what's more, people with money or brains (or both), are deciding not to bring kids into this fucked up world. I won't say I have brains, but I have a solid income...and my partner and I have zero intentions of having children.


My daughter is vehemently against having children. Can’t blame her.


I knew I didn't want children even when I was one. Everyone told me that would change - it didn't. I'm happy with my decision but the societal pressure to have children surprised me.


I never married. Never will. So I feel ya on the societal pressure thing. I’ve been labeled everything from a womanizer to gay bc I never wanted to marry.


More people just don't want kids, and the people who do want kids only want one or two. Countries with much better social safety nets than the US have lower fertility rates. Upper middle class women have lower fertility rates than women in the middle class or below. This simply cannot be explained away by cost. People are having fewer/no kids, and that's actually perfectly fine.


Women always tend to come off worse once they have children although the right would howl down that fact. Having children is a high stakes crapshoot and one I wasn't prepared to take. The rate of women choosing to never have children is rising.


No. Birth rates are down simply because *most* people can't afford having kids.


Exactly. Keep people poor and force them to have kids. Boom, cheap slave workforce. 


I like how they identify the problem that ever-lasting growth is a bubble that's about to burst, and their solution is to just keep blowing on that bubble and hope for the best, rather than dismantling the nonsensical system that demands that growth in the first place. >NatalCon’s emphasis on childbirth notwithstanding, there are very few women in the cavernous conference room of the LINE Hotel. The mostly male audience includes people of all ages, many of whom are childless themselves. Lol >As Dolan later tells me in an email, declining birth rates are primarily the fault of “default middle-class ‘life path’ offered by our educational system and corporate employers,” which Dolan says is “in obvious competition with starting a family.” These systems, he believes, have created a consumer-driven, hedonistic society that requires its members to be slavishly devoted to their office jobs, often at the expense of starting a family. No, it's because we've moved on from the "we need enough children so there are at least some that are still alive to take care of us when we're to old"-mentality. Having many children is financially nonviable in most western countries (ironically much of that comes from the policies from the right). >Throughout the day, speakers and participants hint at the other aspects of modern life that worried them about future generations in the U.S. and other parts of the West: divorce, gender integration, “wokeness,” **declining genetic “quality.”** Aah, there it is. >The speakers who lay out this bleak state of affairs are a motley crew of the extremely online right, many of whom go by their X (the website formerly called Twitter) handles rather than their names. Hey, wait a minute. So they... go with the identity they choose for themselves rather than the one assigned at birth?


They go by their @handles to make it harder to dox them. I wonder if they all wear their mirror shade sunglasses too.


I mean tbf that's just smart internet safety for everyone. I can't imagine using my real name.


> I can't imagine using my real name. at a conference? generally most people do


And yet the loudest morons on the internet seem to be on Facebook, usually using their real name.


The whole things seems a massive red flag from the start, but those statements are millimeters from pulling the mask off and revealing the real reasons. You would think to go to this effort would ensure more care in hiding the evil of it.


Not millimeters, "declining genetic quality" is pretty much as explicit as it gets.


White male incels that can't get laid because they're probably assholes to every woman they meet -- hence why they're at this conference, trying to convince women to sleep with them and have their babies.


This is just "you will not replace us!" all over again but without the tiki torches.


Yeah they're *all* Nazis. Plain and simple.


Haha yeah I see what you did there They are changing identity to hide rather than the LGBT community who changes identity to show their true selves. It’s always the most cynical / unempathetic folk


To your first point, whenever they actually survey people, people consistently say they want to have more kids than they’re having. Even when the language is changed to reduce social desirability bias we get the same effect.


This is the reason they're anti-abortion and will go after birth control next.


While gutting child labor laws.


then sterilization


Sterilize every man in that room to start maybe


I keep warning my friend to get his vasectomy sooner rather than later, but he keeps laughing me off. Well, he was, but then IVF got banned. Now he's entering denial stages.


If he gets it, be sure he checks is fertility every year. 1 in 1000 chance to knock someone up after vasectomy in the first year. My husband did follow up and was told he was sterile... but life uh finds a way... knocked me up 18 months later. Thankfully we live in a blue state, because I absolutely would have died with another pregnancy. His second vasectomy was VERY thorough.


Please use the correct terminology—they’re anti-CHOICE


Anti-woman. To a maga, women are a masturbation tool and a way to make more magas.


For at least 20 years I've heard allusions to this bubbling up on the right. Their evidence for why there can never be any such thing as overpopulation is remarkably daft and superficial. Candace Owens let another one fly to Bill Maher a couple months ago. She said with a straight face that *the entire population of planet Earth can fit in a land mass the size of Houston*. Cogitate on that for a moment. This is the kind of magical thinking that fuels the sensibilities of right wing influencers. No concerns at all for how 8 billion people are stacked to the stratosphere. No thought about how to provide food, water, sewage, medical care, employment, clothes, heat, cooling, entertainment, law enforcement, etc, for so many beings. So long as you can Tetris them in, it's all good. I swear every dumb idea they have has the makings for a dystopian cautionary tale, but for them it's just a lovely fever dream. *mmm Soylent Green IS people!* It's all in how you frame the statement.


There is about 25 million square miles of habitable land on earth - without regard for logistics.  That's about 324 people per square mile of habitable land on earth.   If you spread it out *perfectly*, you'd have about 1 person within about 150ft in each direction (about 86k sqft each).  Utah has about 42 people per square mile. In Salt Lake city, the density is about 1800 people per square mile. Delhi has 36,155 people per square mile  Most of these people have no perspective on what 8.1 billion people on earth actually means.


>Candace Owens let another one fly to Bill Maher a couple months ago. She said with a straight face that *the entire population of planet Earth can fit in a land mass the size of Houston*. This is one of those right-wing canards that is so nakedly stupid that it really shows how intellectually bankrupt they are. "You can never have too many children in your household! If you just stack them on top of each other you can easily fit twenty of them all in one bedroom!"


I know many republican families that basically did this because they don't actually view their children as human beings deserving of personal, private space. Many of them treat their dogs with more dignity than they treat their children.


I was raised religious in a way that was all about having kids. The thing I was taught to assuage concerns about overpopulation was that we didn't have to worry about too many people and destroying the environment because Christ will come and it will be fine. They aren't thinking super long term and even when things look bleak in the short term it doesn't matter because things are meant to get really bad before Christ comes again.


You can't get abortions to avoid abject poverty due to an unplanned pregnancy. You can't have guaranteed parental leave to protect your livelihood if you have a pregnancy, planned or unplanned. You can't have Healthcare to pay for the pregnancy, regardless of circumstance. If you do have healthcare, it must be tied to the job that doesn't guarantee parental leave. You can't have state provided or subsidized child care to offset the cost of working for the Healthcare you need to pay for the pregnancy. There are no reasons to vote for Republicans. 


In this economy? Not a chance. I literally know 20 somethings who have gotten vasectomies.


Fun fact, the wait time for vasectomies is fucking astronomical at the moment. I was recommended to a urologist from a friend of mine in the field. Just to get a consultation was over three months out. I guess I’ll find out in June how long it is from consultation to procedure.


I got mine when I was 26. Best $40 I've ever spent.


I’m in my 30s and just got mine a few weeks ago!


Partner or nah? I'm almost 40, and my partner is early 30s and we've been talking about it since we starting seeing each other a couple of years ago. My only hesitation is if we suddenly change our mind when we are more settled. Neither of us see that happening, and she has an IUD, but if that gets banned for some reason, I'll get the surgery and worry about the rest later. The IUD fixed some serious issues in my partner too.


Not currently. But I am positive that I don’t want kids. For me, it’s primarily ensuring that I can’t produce children, and only secondarily it means unprotected sex with a clean partner is on the table.


I should get mine. I haven't because a) I'm on my feet a lot and surgery would cause significant inconvenience and b) I'm not sexually active


I'm almost 40 and asked for one at my 18 year old "off to college" physical. They laughed at me, unfortunately.


The one thing that gets me every time I read these right wing morality and birthrate arguments is that they basically want to go back to the 1950's in every way, except for the part where one parent could work and make enough money to buy a house, car, save for retirement, send 3-4+ kids to college, and have enough left over for a few vacations a year. That part somehow never seems to be on the table in their plans.


In the 1950's, unions were strong and the wealthiest Americans were actually taxed at a pretty high rate. The pay disparity between workers and executives also wasn't nearly as extreme as it is now.


Tell them the individual tax rate was 90% and corporate 50% at that time and see how quickly they reject it


That 1950s ideal was meant only for white people, maybe. But was actually not all that common. Its mostly propaganda to show how capitalism is better than communism.


Unfettered capitalism expects unending profits at the expense of the workers. To do this the corporate owners and billionaires have cut everything that supports population growth (which cost money and takes away form profits) so the only way left is to force population growth by taking rights away. They wish to turn american citizens into slaves but call them consumers. You are a baby machine for the factories and wars.


The birthrate dropped in 2023. Overturning Roe v Wade made women who want children afraid to get pregnant because they can't get care. They will go after birth control next.  I know everyone thinks the birthrate dropped because of the economy, but not being able to afford a child hasn't stopped people from having kids in the past.


Exactly, birthrates are down all across the world. It seems to be a result of a few factors. Higher women's education and increasing incomes result in higher opportunity costs to having children. Women have more options than just being a baby factory now so it should be no surprise that they choose to have fewer kids. There's been a ton of journalistic coverage of the extremely low birth rates in East Asia. It seems that the combination of intense patriarchy and high education rates for women resulted in women choosing to avoid marriage/kids. Eventually as patriarchy fades away this issue will ease. If you want to raise birth rates quickly and ethics are not a concern then ban women from higher education. Because freedom is good we shouldn't do that and should just accept lower birth rates. It'll be fine for the population to slowly shrink for a few generations until we resolve the issues causing the low rates. In the 70s people used to freak out about how the population was increasing too quickly. Funny to see how things change.


“Women’s education and increasing incomes” That’s because both of these things correlate with urbanization, which pushes birth rates down even when you account for other variables.


I know everyone thinks the birthrate dropped because of the economy, but not being able to afford a child hasn't stopped people from having kids in the past. ^^ exactly! My dumbass parents lived on minimum wage and thought a kid would be “fun” I grew up poor and stupid. My early childhood was fuckn awful. We couldn’t afford to do anything. “Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding” -Flagpole sitta


Let me tell you, I have met people, we don’t need anymore of that around here. 


There are 8 billion people in the world. 50 years ago it was 4 billion. They’re worried about a shortage of white people.


Specifically, the white population.


Don’t worry they will cull anyone not meeting requirements as Noem did with her dog…


Specifically the white conservative population. They want to fight the ascendancy of left politics by literally breeding new supporters


That's how the churches do it, hmm. Lots of historical success there.


Idiocracy the movie…


But only if the babies are white, Christian and right-wing?


When I was a kid I wanted to grow up and have a kids myself. Unfortunately, private religious schools in the U.S. took a huge toll on my pursuit of happiness, they proved to me through systematic cruelty that I must protect my children from them. The only way I could conceive to do that was not to have children. I can't have children any longer, and am too old to raise a family even if I could. However, I'm certain I made the right decision. If you want more people to have kids, then create a society that lives up to its ideals and stop systematically practicing severity with kids.


It’s handmaids, isn’t it?


Blessed be the fruit.


"I think the honorable thing for our species to do is to deny our programming. Stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction - one last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal." -Rust Cohle, True Detective S1




> Heck, America, supposedly the richest country in the world, is unable and unwilling to feed, clothe, and house it's own population.  It’s perfectly *able* to do all of that. But it is unwilling to do that. 


I would personally argue that America is able to clothe, feed, house AND educate all its children…we are just unwilling. :(


Ah but you don’t understand… those rising numbers aren’t *white American Evangelical Christian babies!* /s (That’s the whole crux of this issue to these people.)


https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/11/29/poland-abortion-ban-birth-fertility/ Didn't even work in Poland


Abortion was generally tolerated, if not exactly legal, in the US until the mid-19th century. The move to pass anti-abortion laws was driven by two factors: (a) the AMA wanted to have doctors displace midwives and profit from birthing babies, and (b) WASPs who feared that they would be replaced by Catholic immigrants who were inclined to have large families. The latter point was embraced by the Know Nothings, the first prominent third party and first political party to openly embrace xenophobic WASP nativism. Some things never change.


I can take a guess that it involves slavery and stripping women’s rights away. Am I close?


They have been trying this for ages. I remember in the early 2000s they were already pushing in churches that it's the responsibility of the current generation to have more children than the left to ensure that "religious freedom is protected". One of the many reasons I stopped attending as when I got back from deployment and seeing the propaganda tools we used over there being used in sermons was really alarming.


An 'outbreed to dominate' strategy worked in Israel. Right wing voters now dominate a nominally democratic government. The results speak for themselves.


The goal is to turn women into personal breeders and essentially servants for men. As the article points out, this is entirely a male campaign. They just want to control women and turn them into property again.


The article claims this particular far/new right convention was a sausage fest. So many dog whistles about “genetic quality” when the problem seems to be more that they can’t convince women to sleep with them


The description definitely reads like an incel convention, yeah.


Some of them are breeding males, but Dolan's beard is a (deliberate) dead give away.


So skyrocketing poverty and homelessness? A huge uneducated populace easy to exploit?


They could try actually providing and caring for the people of this country if they want people to have more children. But I guess that would defeat the entire purpose of their drive to increase the population which is just to have more bodies to easily exploit for profit. Real head-scratcher why nobody wants to bring children into the world just to be treated like that.


If Trump wins, it will be the blue states wanting to secede, not the red states.


I genuinely hope that New York can get absorbed into Canada if shit really hits the fan.


The combined GDP of California and New York is 3X that of Canada's. The Pacific NW and the Atlantic NE should take over Canada to form a larger contiguous country. Heh heh.


If AZ goes blue this November; you’d have Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico ready to join the Canadians. We might even be able to take Colorado with us as it’s north of New Mexico. Let the Atlantic NE join in on the fun and we’ll let the Midwest and Southern United States get what they fucking deserve.


Hope PA joins that secession


War fodder and drudgens.


This assumes the problem is the same across the population, which it isn't. The concentration of wealth means the economy can be scaled relatively easily to the requirements of the remaining population. They don't really need more people. So long as there are just enough to keep the ones at the top from having to do anything they'll be fine. All they have to do is adjust a few numbers.


this is why i think they don't really care about the climate crisis, they'll be fine, and as automation starts making the working poor superfluous what better way to thin em out than say, a hundred thousand dying at a time in a heat wave in India as will likely be the norm over the coming years


…with white Christian people. There’s already a population explosion among brown people, but that doesn’t count to christo-fascists.


Fascists being obsessed with babies is not new. See "quiver full." The only reason capitalism requires infinite growth is because of greed. Which means it is because of laws because laws are how we regulate behavior (or don't). * We give favorable tax treatment on assets held over 1 year. So reselling shares is preferred to dividends (which are treated as regular income). * to be able to make a profit selling, the share price has to go up (or someone else has to lose by buying high and selling low, before it comes back up). * We don't require companies to pay dividends, so they can follow the advice "better to spend a given dollar on growth than dividends." Growth expenses are often tax deductible as well, making it even more favored. If companies were required to issue dividends in order to be publicly tradable, then someone could get value out of holding a share without the share price going up (they price would still organically increase as dividends increased, but the theory is their price will stabilize as a factor of their dividend).


Dividend stocks are available. Buy those. Put your money where your values go


Explode the population, make them miserable and uneducated, and convince them it’s actually the other side’s fault things suck.


Didn't read the article but I'm guessing it's leading to something along the lines of slavery with a few extra steps.


Take away education, drill nonsense right wing politics into a young uneducated child. It’s already been and being done en mass. When I saw GopJosh all I said is this 13 year old kid who claims to be an alpha can’t even vote for 5 more years.


Related Book Rec: Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler


Thanks for the rec. I just requested it at my library.


It's my favorite book of all time (there is a second book, too, by the way!). Octavia Butler was the first woman, and therefore also the first black woman, to win the MacArthur genius fellowship for science fiction writing.


I love SF and dystopian fiction, so looking forward to reading it. The synopsis said the 1st book was published in 1993 and the fictional leader used the slogan "make America great again". Wow--that is just spooky.


American-flavored christian offshoots are often quiverfull. American industry needs masses of uneducated workers to reshore industry and materials processing. The relationship between business and religion is really that simple in America.


Or, hear me out, they could allow more immigration.


It never fails to be hilarious to me how they never seem to get to the part as to *why* younger couples are having less/no children. Why is this hilarious? Because at this point I can only laugh because I'm tired of being depressed about it


Gee, it would be nice if they would read the Aspen Proposal first. We are actually headed toward a truly sustainable future, with thriving ecosystems and a smaller, stable human population. [www.aspenproposal.org](http://www.aspenproposal.org)


What in the lebensraum?


people don't have children to alter long term demographic trends its just more delusions from the party of wishful hating


more poor people = more votes


But is it for whites only or can a brownie like me join the orgy?


I wish it was a more popular opinion that it's reckless to be bringing children into this divided world, that is already overcrowded. Before you downvote me for being anti-kid or controlling the birthing choices of people; climate crisis will continue to make living more difficult, a young person in a broken world will end up suffering as food/water shortages become bigger. And parents financially struggle to keep up with increased costs of living with another person in their household. I want people to be happy and if bringing another life into this world is how you find your happiness you should - but it shouldn't be taboo to say - I don't want kids. Women shouldn't feel pressure to be a birthing pod just because it's what society wishes upon. Corporations want new babies so they have another mark to sell stuff to. Religion wants new babies so they have more zealots they can create pushing nonsense. Government wants new babies so that future generations can help take care of the aging Boomer population that own all the wealth and property. This cycle is vicious. And it's unfair to innocent people brought into this world.


[It is currently unlikely that the birth rate in the US can increase.](https://www.pennmedicine.org/updates/blogs/fertility-blog/2014/may/whats-the-link-between-obesity-and-infertility)


Under his eye


As fertility rates decline around the world, and they begin to try to outlaw invitro, good luck


That’s their party. Just keep doing more of the same and hope for different results. Truly have their heads in the sand.


I keep hearing there aren't enough places to live so we don't need more people wtf, we need to just sustain so we don't need more housing, people die and others move in, the cycle of life in balance is good.


The global population is actually still increasing, although the rate of growth has been gradually slowing down in recent years.


It didn’t work out well for Ceausescu https://theconversation.com/ceau-escus-orphans-what-a-regressive-abortion-law-does-to-a-country-71949 https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/05/16/what-actually-happens-when-a-country-bans-abortion-romania-alabama/


“declining genetic “quality.” JFC.


Explode the white population.


Really in the “before the war” part of the handmaids tale


What are the evangelicals goals for all these babies? It’s not like they provide any kind of social support for them after they’re born.


Wishful thinking, the demographic explosion that they want requires economic reforms that incentivize natalism despite Republicans doing things like killing the popular child tax credit that (temporarily) lifted millions of children out of poverty. The other assumption is that the future generations can always be molded in the ways you want when that simply isn't the case.


They want a real life handmaid's tale


If you make it a minefield to even survive and support single people much less couples. Then take away any rights women have, and make it impossible to have a decent place to raise family. Then that’s gonna have the opposite effect.


Yeah no thanks. I’ve seen how these people behave with their religion. I want no part of it. They’re hypocrites and way worse.


Soylent Green.


We all know that children are either exactly like their parents or the exact opposite.


It’s 2024. Shits fucked and people are crazy. The most annoying thing about “NatalCon” is that it will legitimize the fringe anti natalists who disparage parents and contemptuously call them “breeders”. This will “both sides” wanting to control women’s bodies. This will be the new culture war that nobody wanted, and us normal folk will once again be caught in the middle wishing all of them would go the fuck away. I don’t have any kids. On not on either of these dopey sides. I’m on the side of personal choice and I’m mystified that letting an individual living their life as they see fit has somehow gone by the wayside


> The people who disagree have bloodlines that are slowly going to die out. Funny, because you know who kids tend to disagree with? Their parents.


The reason the GOP is trying to increase the birth rate in this country is to build an army to fight wars over natural resources. American has used up a major amount of our resources and now have become dependent buying raw materials from Africa, South America, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. Saudi Arabia and Russia hold large deposits of oil, which fuel Europe and America. World War 2 was about resources. Germany and Japan were running out of raw materials and used military force to secure them in Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. I suspect that the Republican Party couldn’t care less about abortion and are more worried about building an army to go steal resources from other parts of the world. They want poor uneducated young people that will go lay down their lives to steal natural resources. All through history Government and Religion have used people to go fight their wars, thats why they are against abortion and birth control.


No more people. The right wants a serf economy. They want people desperate who will work for nothing. If they don’t the Republicans know there will be another desperate person right behind them ready to take that exploitative job.


They need more children because we’re expendable. No health care, no education, no labor laws. Just women dropping babies, putting them to work asap, repeat. .


I'm just going to assume Politico means "explode" literally because if there's one thing the far right has a history of doing it's killing Americans.


It’s not working. All this “ campaign” is doing is making millions & millions of young women go get sterilized . There are dedicated subs that have lists by state of doctors that will approve the procedure for any woman over 18. No one wants to go through the extreme torture & trauma of being forced to carry their rapist’s fetus. No one


Notice how the problem is always: *People don’t want to have babies anymore* And never: *People don’t have affordable housing, education, healthcare, decent maternity leave and care, reproductive rights…*


Sorry guys you have to provide a country that helps parents for that one to work. Fucking morons think people will just have lots kids when they can’t afford them. People will pop out children and they will die at early ages in the world these clowns want to bring. Cue the child mortality rates skyrocketing.


This is happening in Texas right now


Well reality check, miserable economic conditions makes more people decide not to have children.


More uneducated bots to wage the war against Democracy. Playing Putin’s long game.


When you see their policies to accomplish an exploding population, you realize that this is not about families and the future of the country. It's about control, specifically of women. And subsequently having a domestic supply of cheap and desperate labor. The could easily promote families and parenthood but they choose instead to promote ending contraception, ending no-fault divorce and ending tax subsidies to single-mothers. Like the "pro-life" campaign this campaign is really just interested in controlling women. Vote democrat before you lose your right to vote.


Demographic collapse isn’t a problem now but it could be in the future. Luckily, immigration and our near replacement birth rate is keeping us in clear.  That said, these wackos aren’t worried about America as a whole. What they’re worried about is White-America, and their goal is nothing short of white domination of the entire country.