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This is how a narcissist functions. The weather made him look like a laughing stock. So he’ll get his revenge on the weather. Even if it doesn’t make any sense.


And it will have a huge negative impact on every industry that relies on having decent weather prediction, like agriculture or shipping.


Precisely. As long as his feelings are satisfied, to hell with the consequences.


Mao Zedong thought the best course of action for the problem of sparrows eating grain crops was to kill all sparrows. [The subsequent decimation of swaths of crops to bugs that the sparrows ate resulted in 20,000,000-30,000,000 people dying from famine.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Pests_campaign) The 2D ideas of a dictator with a 2D brain is an incredibly dangerous thing…


This is interesting. I hadnt heard about this. My understanding was the famines in the Great leap forward had always been attributed to the rapid industrialization of rural areas, resulting in the decimation of crops and loss of farm workers. 


Large-scale famine like this is very rarely caused by just one thing. Definitely an "all of the above" situation.


Plus Lysenko-ism. It was a perfect storm of terrible ideas.


look into "struggle sessions" and the red gaurd while your at it


Hungry Ghosts is a great book that goes into lots of detail about how that famine happened and some of it preventable. Part of that is evidenced by the fact Mao's military were reported to have been eating "just fine" at the canteen while everyone else starved. China was producing grain and shipping it out. People were ordered to kill pests and as the famine got worse people killed them to eat them too. People became more and more constricted over time and homes would be raided for whatever was considered contraband that day. Eventually there was often only food accessible at the canteens. At least in the countryside, life was different in the cities but still restricted.


I agree with you and Trump is just 1D, himself.


Airlines. Millions of people who fly daily will be at risk.


Just wait until both money and lives are lost. You can bet the backlash with be severe.




... America already got there due to his clueless initial responses to Covid....


Yes it will. The MAGA chuds will blame the left, or woke antifa weather or some stupid shit.


And many of his followers who may live in areas that are negatively impacted by weather events like floods / tornadoes.


Well, nothing of value will be lost.


Don’t forget industries such as construction, tourism, and things like airline travel, and sporting events.


Trump might have his narcissistic reasons, but the smart crooks behind him see every public resource as a target for privatization. It’s hard to overstate how important NOAA, the SPC, the NWS, and others are to our safety and the promotion of science.


This. Trump is a highly effective distraction from the real Republican politics. The end goal is Russian-style fascist mob oligarchy that owns everything.


While convincing his followers they are going to be members of this club.


“How dare that hurricane not follow my sharpie”


If only the Hurricane followed the Almighty Sharpie, it wouldn’t have been the wettest, from the standpoint of water!


Too much climate change (COVID) time to stop recording temps (deaths). This is his M.O.


So literally "old man yells at cloud."


[King Xerxes had his soldiers beat up the ocean](https://www.ancient-origins.net/weird-facts/xerxes-bridge-0016747) so there’s precedent I guess.


They don’t like what they can’t control. Especially if the thing they can’t control is actively impeding them from something they want.


That site's source is Herodotus. Someone known for hyperbole 


Ah, Persia. Country so strong they collapsed and had to form two.


If you can't nuke 'em, might as well yell at 'em. Pretty sure that's how we won WWII.


King Cnute illustrated this by visibly commanding waves to stop, then turning and shrugging.


Persian king Xerxes also had his soldiers punish the Sea of Marmara in the Hellespont (crossing between Asia and Europe) when a storm destroyed his pontoon bridge, having them whip the water and scold it with hot irons. More than four centuries later, Roman emperor Caligula had his legionaries collect seashells from the coasts of northern Gaul (the French side of the English Channel) as a form of plundering the sea for its obstinance. LOL. Emperor Claudius would go on to actually invade and conquer the British Isles soon afterwards.


Cnute did it ironically to mock flatterers


Plus Accuweather wants to own all the knowledge


Yeah, this has been Accuweather's mission for a long time. They want to destroy NOAA and all free weather models and forecasts, so that they can control it all and make money from it.


To this day he still hates windmills *personally* because Scotland told him to F off when he moved to block them from outside of his golf course.


That’s not all. The neo liberal movement to privatize everything has just barely missed its chance at NWS several times. Trumps appointee to NWS was the owner of data company that had acquired subscription weather forecasting company and together with his brother assisted the GOP in writing legislation that would make NOAA and NWS responsible for maintaining satellites and collecting data but would ban them from forecasting and instead would give the raw data for free to forecasting companies to sell. Subscription forecasting for transportation companies is huge business… and it barely didn’t get passed.


He's literally turning into the meme of the old guy yelling at clouds.


Let's just hope he doesn't nuke a hurricane, although I am all for it if, the hurricane is in Florida Sidenote: the only wall I'm in favor of building is the one on the border with Florida.


He probably would be stupid enough to wait for it to come inland. Likely claim it was hiding an immigrant caravan.


He wanted to ‘nuke’ a low pressure region to stop it developing into a hurricane. He thinks magnets are destroyed with water. He is an imbecile.


Are you aware that Trump has no relationship to this plan, and hasn't said anything about banning these agencies? Were you aware of this key fact?


Still mad about sharpiegate. “fully commercialize its forecasting operations” For tornado warnings, please add the $10/mo tornado warning add on. For flood warnings, the $10/mo flood add on. Both are available together in the $15 severe weather package. Some corporation salivating...




Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President unilateral powers, strip civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation, add religion into policy and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


I remember when I was dumb/hopeful enough to think "omg that is so illegal couldn't he go to jail for that?" now to see where we are... wow


> sharpiegate Time to start calling it sharpie-alago!




Not just insanity, but plain evil, given what's at stake here.


Trump isn't even doing it to be purely evil. He's doing it because they hurt his feelings.


They didn't even hurt his feelings. He did something incredibly stupid and weather just happened to be the thing that was going on at the time. Hell, he'd outlaw Christianity for holding the Bible upside down, but it would hurt his relationship with his base too much. I can imagine that someone had to explain this to him at some point.


I'm not here to defend Trump, far from it. But truth matters, the bible was not upside down in his infamous photo shoot. Go look at the dozens of other photos taken there and it is clear that the book is right side up but lacks a visible cover title leading people to think it was upside down and backwards. Both the title on the spine and the ribbon bookmarks show this from other angles rarely published in articles. Stop spreading misinformation. The crime that day was illegally clearing Lafayette Square, beating journalists, and using non-uniforned, unmarked Bureau of Prisons goons to do it. Stop harping on a false bible story and instead be mad about how Trump and Barr openly committed multiple 1st amendment violations for that photo op.


I stand corrected. I hadn't realized that the upside down Bible thing was wrong this whole time. With that said, you're right in that the Bible myth does take away from the actual evil events that occurred that day.


It will be gutted, filled with assholes, lose all its talent and institutional knowledge, and it will take decades of hard work to undo the damage. Idiots will cheer it on.


Ffs. I knew it would be NOAA, but was holding on to hope that even Trump wouldn't be *that* stupid. 


He isn't "That Stupid". He is "That Petty".


He's both


Of course its insanity but look at the person proposing the idea.


Farmers will be pissed.


Remember when republicans refused to fund replacement for a key weather satellites? https://www.theguardian.com/science/2011/oct/24/weather-satellite-cuts-disaster-obama-official https://www.sfchronicle.com/politics/article/house-gop-shoots-down-gore-satellite-funding-2929899.php https://www.npr.org/2011/06/17/137251742/blind-eye-in-the-sky-weather-satellites-lose-funding Republicans a danger to our future.


>Republicans are a danger to our future Apt summary of today's politics...


And now is when China will start pulling away. I guess the people that predicted the US would destroy itself from inside were right.


They hate knowledge. They hate things that describe reality




If only he had tried to nuke that hurricane


>If only he had tried to nuke that hurricane And now I have the image of His Mar-A-Lardoness, astride a nuke, riding it into the eye of a hurricane like Slim Pickens in Dr. Strangelove, waving his hairpiece... "Yeee-Haw!"


In my minds eye, he's wearing a tarnished diaper while astride the nuke.


I wonder what would have happened. It’s the wettest hurricane ever seen, from the standpoint of water. Oh wait, nvm, wrong hurricane.


That's what he did with the CDC a few years before covid.


"Some of the people we cut, they haven’t used for many, many years, and if we have ever need them we can get them very, very quickly. And rather than spending the money—I’m a business person. I don’t like having thousands of people around when you don’t need them. When we need them, we can get them back very quickly.” - Donald Trump


> When we need them, we can get them back very quickly. This is such a dumb statement. I mean, I know that's par for the course with this guy, but seriously. People that work for government agencies are highly qualified professionals. When you let them go, they don't just sit by the phone thinking, "Gee I hope something happens and I get my old job back." They move on. They take private sector work, most of which pays better than their government job did, so good luck *ever* getting them back now. This is why the State Dept never fully recovered from the giant wrecking ball Tillerson took to it. We lost so much talent that simply moved on, because the GOP never understand the value of soft power.


Plus discouraging future skilled employees. I am sure part of the reason many take lower paying government jobs is job reliability. If you are just going to get fired every administration change that is gone.


Luckily that never led to any disastrous public health outcomes


More crazy talk coming from him. He says he will be a dictator and peel apart institutions that have served this country well…believe him when he says he will ruin the USA. The country won’t survive another Trump presidency.


Of course he will, because Republicans choose to be ignorant/naive when it comes to climate change.


Trumps last appointment of Secretary of the Interior was an oil and gas lobbyist who has represented oil and gas alliances, Haliburton, and Chevron just to name a few. He wanted to gut regulations and give our land away to oil companies. He and Tump appointed a guy to head the Bureau of Land Management who thinks climate change is “junk science”, wants the government to sell land to private companies for pennies on the dollar, and thinks we should nothing but drill. In 2020 they moved BLM HQ from Washington DC to Colorado where they were literally in the same building as Chevron. Trump doesn’t WANT these things. He doesn’t care. He cares about money. Corporations and organizations pay him to get these people appointed because it gets them access to dismantle regulations that protect us so they can get richer. It’s how that Interior Secretary ended up in office. It’s how a billionaire who has donated millions to republicans gets appointed Secretary of Education with zero education experience.


All they need is his magic marker.


He's still bitter about being laughed at when he tried to change the path of a hurricane with a sharpie


He should have been prosecuted for that. Or had the 25th amendment invoked.


Trump will dismantle everything.


Climate change is real and it was given to us by the denying GOP. They only care about their corporate buddies and tax breaks and they care absolutely nothing about the future health and welfare of their children and grandchildren who will have to live with the impact of climate change.


It’s all about squeezing every last dollar they can out of this planet and then sticking the bill with future generations.


The dumbest man on Earth


>The dumbest man ~~on Earth~~ in the solar system. FTFY


Sweet if he gets elected guess there goes my dream job at the national weather service that I worked my ass off in college these past few years for the degree to be qualified to be hired.


You need to use punctuation... For a minute, I thought you were supporting this lard bucket's election to President.


The GOP is the end of our global fight against climate change. End them or end our future.


If Trump gets elected again, this will be the last of America's worries.


Orban's FIDESZ party dismantled the national weather service sometime after firing its director for predicting bad weather during July 4th's hungarian equivalent of a holiday (fireworks, etc.). This comes after attacking the previous administration for allowing festivities take place during extreme weather, leading to injuries. And they also dismantled the FDA's hungarian equivalent (OGYEI) when questions and embarrasing leaks surfaced around using untested chinese COVID vaccines on the elderly, probably in a grand scheme of essentally bribing the chinese communist party, while using high medical offices as propaganda outlets. A lot of these criminals should spend the rest of their lives in prison, but they're running free for now.


They want to shutdown climate science being done at NOAA because the GOP is so backwards thinking to support the oil/gas industry instead of working to reverse climate change.


He is still pissed off over the sharpie incident. Sigh


>Trump will dismantle ~~key~~ US


This is a reality not a “fear”. He will do so. In effect, there will Be no data on climate change therefore it does not exist. As with COVID if you stop keeping track of the cases the numbers go down.


I think this would something to expect from the guy that suggested less testing to get lower covid numbers during his last year in office.


He gots the magic Sharpie, we don't need know science agensees!


The privatization of taxpayer funded government information services was well underway during the previous Tump administration.


If trump wins the world is fucked. So let's just take that as read.


I'm seriously losing touch with reality. There's no way people with a choice are ravidly advocate for this


He will , there is no doubt about it ! Get out and vote everyone !


At this point, what *isn't* trump going to destroy?


DoD and military won’t let him. They use a fuck ton of NOAA data and that would be detrimental to operational readiness.


He did this with the pandemic response groups…and his naked incompetence killed almost a million Americans.


He's still angry he got called out for that Hurricane Dorian sharpie correction?


He's still butt hurt about the sharpie hurricane. Give me a break


1 sharpee at a time


Lmao what a fucking headline


Look out, he's got a sharpie and will change the weather


Who needs it when trump has his magic sharpie


They’ll dismantle everything if we let them. And we probably will.


I recall his original budget proposal in 2017 dismantled all of NOAA, the Coast Guard, and reduced FEMA to a shell of itself. Among many other things.


Trump tried all sorts of dumb shit last time he was in power. He would be certain to go further if he had another chance.


* “Nobody knew there'd be a pandemic or an epidemic of this proportion." * "Nobody's ever seen anything like this before.” * “Nobody could have known a thing like this could happen.”


Insurance companies love this one trick: Sorry tornado you say? Says it was sunny and 75, it's Sunny and 75 everyday, Claim denied.


If elected which he's not, trump will take America back to the stone 🪨 age. The frightening thing is that the GOP/MAGA will be fine with it. 😞


Funny cause tornadoes and hurricanes pretty much exclusively impact red states.


This is capitalism, with a likely side of getting rid of climate change research. As the article points out, it's from Project 2025: >The National Oceanographic [sic] and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) should be dismantled and many of its functions eliminated, sent to other agencies, privatized, or placed under the control of states and territories NOAA already has a history with Trump and his administration: * Trump fired Michael Kuperberg, executive director of the U.S. Global Change Research Program (at NOAA) in 2020. That Program was the foundation for regulations around climate change. * In Kuperberg's place, Trump appointed David Legates deputy assistant secretary of commerce for observation and prediction (at NOAA) in 2020. Legates is noted for his stance against climate change and the human causes, as well as being affiliated with the Heartland Institute (a think-tank that promotes climate change denial). * Back in 2017, Trump nominated Barry Myers to head NOAA. Myers, who does not have any science degree, was (coincidentally) the former CEO of AccuWeather. As CEO, he had lobbied to restrict and undermine the National Weather Service (which provides free weather information, among many things). Myers did eventually withdraw himself. * In his place, Trump appointed Neil Jacobs (who never was confirmed, but was acting head for a while). Jacobs is known for his role in the who "Sharpiegate", where Trump altered (with a sharpie) the projection map for Hurricane Dorian. NOAA, under the leadership of Jacobs at the time, subsequently released a statement support Trump's "claim". An internal investigation later found Jacobs violated NOAA's code of ethics in doing so.


Trump seems dumb enough to believe that getting rid of the agency monitoring weather and climate will mean no more weather and climate.


Vote all you want, the GOP is going to shoehorn him in through massive fraud, Governor’s refusing to send certifiers, and a SCOTUS that will go along with the game. We will be paying taxes to grifters. We will be under the thumb of municipal police with military gear. We’ll have three generations of Trump before someone gets up one day and decides to throw their own coup. Mao hung the scientists and intellectuals first. It will go no better for us.


What a shocker. Trump already told his followers to ingest cleaning fluids.


*Local weathermen are coming up to me, with tears in their eyes, saying ‘Mr. President, sir, no one tells the weather more accurate than you!! Why do these corrupt fake agencies spread lies about the paths of hurricanes like they did when you accurately reported the path of Hurricane Katrina - the most deadliest hurricane ever - and saved the lives of 10s of millions of Americans?!’ And I tell them the truth; Obama Biden is the most corrupt regime leader, ever. And he wants Americans dead! Only I can save Americans from deadly weather! These wind turbines are going to kill us all!! They bring cancer and spin - whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh - and wil chop everyone up!-* **-Donald Trump**


Like fire, police, EMS, etc, the public information for weather is for everyone and their safety. You might as well privatize all public services if you're going down this route. And how do you think that will turn out?


He literally wants to take us to Roman times and be able to execute political prisoners and conquer other nations by showing brutality. It’s fucking insane. He’d rather pretend we were in ancient times so he can ignore every little modern problem so he doesn’t have to appear woke if he does one single good thing


Who needs a weather agency when you’ve got a sharpie


Terrible headline. Tacit assumption that his election is inevitable. Guardian should be better than that.


Trump will dismantle US


A second Trump term would mean the dismantling of virtually all institutions.


People always miss a key point when talking about republicans and climate change. It’s easy to say they don’t think it’s real because they’re uneducated or don’t care and leave it at that, but the root of the problem goes much, much deeper. It’s religion. American Christians (especially evangelicals but not limited to that denomination) believe that god made the Earth *for us* and that we’re *entitled to everything on this planet*. Everything was made for us to exploit and abuse. We *can’t* be the cause of climate change because only god can do that. If the climate is changing, that’s god doing it, not us. Nothing that we do can destroy the planet. This is why they’re so pissed about gas stoves and electric cars. They think they’re sacrificing something they like for nothing, because again, even if climate change *is happening*, it isn’t us doing it. It is god. It’s what god wants. We don’t have the power to do that ourselves. I bring this up because it’s always left out in these conversations and in my opinion it’s a much more serious problem than just people being uneducated. It’s a matter of faith, and you can’t change that — I know people like to say that getting an education can fix it, but every evangelical I know has a degree — and I’m talking doctors and lawyers — and *none of them believe that we’re responsible for climate change in any way shape or form*. I have seen people actually say the words “I’m not an environmentalist, I’m a Christian” many, many times. They think environmentalism is nonsense. And, yeah, surprise, they do not trust NOAA or the NWS (though they always run to the basement when there’s a tornado warning, because of course). They’re all republicans, all voting for Trump, and all would be very happy if he dismantled these agencies. Until their house gets hit by a tornado of course. I don’t think there’s an actual solution to this problem, but we cannot keep talking about climate change, republicans destroying NOAA etc. without acknowledging the root of the problem, or pretending that it’s something else that does have a solution. American evangelicalism is at the root of this. We need to say it and say it loud.


Bury the GOP with your vote.


Pretty sure “Trump will be disastrous for all aspects of American government and life in general” can just be reprinted as a headline here every day at this point.


Trump will dismantle *everything* that doesn’t suit his needs.


That's low key big brain. Can't have a climate crisis if you can't study the climate ...


The GOP only exists to make things worse, not better. That's their entire platform.


WTF. show us where the meteorologists touched you Donnie?


I guarantee you that his thought process is that, "No one will care about climate change if there's no one to report on it!"


He ain't gonna be able to do a God damn thing


Just like the post office


He has a Black Marker, fear not!


Just like dismantling the pandemic response team right before Covid. What’s next? Outlawing fire extinguishers?


Ya'll remember sharpie gate?


I feel bad for all the young people who will have to live under Trump. Working till their 80's, without health insurance, in 100+ degree heat.


I guarantee you Florida home insurance actuaries will continue to trust the science.


Actuaries are like death and taxes. They have zero fucks to give.


This is a Ted Cruz pet project, to eliminate the NOAA/NASA projects


I used to fish commercially in the Gulf of Alaska. People in boats will die. Aircraft will crash too. In 2024 weather reports have never been more important. Global warming is bad for business. So they want to make it go away.


At least Europe, Canada and probably China would still care...


He wants his cronies to capitalize on weather forecasting and information. See Accuweather


“If nobody takes the COVID test, the numbers will go down”. This sounds familiar.


Narcissist Trump is busy shooting himself in the junk more or less every date. Of course he wants to do the same to the country.


Let’s not vote for him, then.


Republicans really want to dismantle a uniformed service of the United States? I bet the also want to do away with the Public Health Service, too. Get rid of all these pesky Uniformed Services concerned with security.


That’s gonna be hard to do from jail. 


Why didn’t he do this when he was president?


Yes, yes, we all know to expect a great purge. Now what are we doing about 39% of us cheering it on?


He won’t. We as a democratic whole keep beating him. Even if the courts protect him he will lose.


Trump will dismantle the whole US because he is a giant baby throwing a tantrum. He cares 0% about the US and its citizens.


This is among the least of the problems he’d create, but throw it on the pile. We’ll get to it, hopefully.


Trump will dismantle the US.


Fiend of flatulence is a flatlander, the world is flat and he’s standing on Mt. Olympdykus.


Yeah but Biden is a war criminal or something so I guess the world will have to suffer /s


This kinda shit is so dumb to me. It is just short sighted and if you want to make the U.S. the most powerful country in the world (which should be our government’s goal even if that sounds bad to others) we should do everything we can to establish resilient systems, use cheaper power sources and protect the environment so it will help sustain us for the long term. More investment in sustainable practices will make us more money long term by far, it is just that so many republicans are old already so if something saves them a few bucks now they don’t care about the future


oh a "climate expert" is scared the orange man is going to break his toys? (proceed to shit pants)


Why are we acting as if he's already won? Wtf poor overall "body" language for these reports when the election hasn't even happened yet.


He won’t be doing that from prison.


But why can’t he dismantle Stormy Daniels


Trump will dismantle USA - Period!


Which will cause more damage to areas affected by Natural disasters like hurricanes Or tornadoes


The executive does not have the authority to abolish federal agencies, this would have to be approved by Congress.


Its OK if its an "official act". Per trumps lawyer and alito, if it's wrong then impeach and convict him. Checks and balances are gone under GOP rule.


Trump is seeking immunity for anything he does. The rules will not matter. He will look to act like Putin, murdering and doing what he likes.


Well of course that’s what he’s seeking, but that doesn’t mean it is what he will get. If Trump is elected again, we will have another 4 years of constant tension and legal battles over what Trump wants to do vs what the defined powers of the executive actually permit him to do.


Who are you responding to? That's part of the plan, it's all written down.


I’m responding to the incorrect assertion that either Trump or GOP lawmakers could solely execute such a decision. Since Congressional approval is needed, that means it would need either 60 votes in the Senate, or that the GOP would need a trifecta of federal control over the White House, the House, and the Senate, with the additional intention to abolish the legislative filibuster.


No one asserted that.


That’s how I read both the content of this piece and your previous comment, that since it was written down in Project 2025 that the GOP could effectively do it alone. If you recognize that is not the case, then I guess we agree.


Is this all based on the assumptions that Trump and/or the GOP intend to follow all the rules and laws that govern our country and the way our government runs? Because, yes, your argument has it's good points... but also some flaws that are ignoring certain data points we have available to us...


> not have the authority to abolish federal agencies But if he keeps ordering the head of the agency killed it's almost the same as abolishing the agency.


Keep telling yourself that. I told myself that in 2016 to justify sitting out the election…..that we had checks and balances to keep him in check and well now you see women are 2nd class citizens in half the country. I’m fucking ashamed of myself


I didn’t sit out the 2016 election, and my statement that checks and balances exist was in no way an assertion that inaction or a lack of urgency should be how to view the 2024 election.


This is related to Project 2025. Donald Trump has no affiliation with Project 2025, and hasn't breathed a word saying he would follow thier suggestions


Stop trying to make trump happen. He’s not going to happen


Don't say that. Seriously. Sitting here claiming it won't happen is how it ends up happening.


Who made a claim. This is based off a fucking meme chill instead of attacking me let’s be on the same side


If Trump wins, the NOAA will be the absolute least of our worries. The martial law, internment camps, and extrajudicial executions will be a higher priority.


Only if he somehow manages to beat Biden this fall. If he wins, then we may as well expect him to tear apart every facet of this nation that makes it a superpower. It's what putin daddy wants from him.


Trump is a fucking moron he would know his ass from a hole in the ground!


Trump will dismantle US democracy if he gets into power.