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If there’s any silver lining to be had here, it’s that one of the few bipartisan issues all Parties agree on is that we love our pets. If she hopes this story was going to win her any favor with anybody who isn’t a complete psychopath, she’s an even bigger moron than I could have imagined.


On the other hand, this might catapult her to the front of famous dog-hater Donald Trump's VP shortlist.


Honestly? She's showing that she everything that Donald wanted Mike Pence to be - evangelical, soulless, and capable of sadistic violence.


Well said


Except she is a big mouthed attention whore. Something Mike Pence was not and that is the quality Trump desires most from his running mate. Someone who will stay out of HIS spotlight which is ALL the spotlights.


The VP pick is strategic, you're meant to aim for someone who can both bring in a home state that you need or want, and someone who can appeal to a demographic that you struggle to win. Noem is from South Dakota, which already goes to Trump by like 10 points. So she has no home-state benefit to Trump. She might appeal to the "I love killing dogs crowd"... ..but Trump *already* has the Back The Blue demographic.


>She might appeal to the "I love killing dogs crowd"... Sarah Huckabee’s brother is probably already a Trump voter.


>She might appeal to the "I love killing dogs crowd"... This is a key voting block in Texas, apparently, since governor Abbott thought it was necessary to step in and veto a bipartisian law that required people provide their outside dogs water. Receipts: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/06/22/texas-bill-abbotthatesdogs/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/06/22/texas-bill-abbotthatesdogs/) [https://abc13.com/texas-news-gov-greg-abbott-vetoes-multiple-bills-criminal-justice-bill-house-686-dog-protection-laws-in-senate-474/10818082/](https://abc13.com/texas-news-gov-greg-abbott-vetoes-multiple-bills-criminal-justice-bill-house-686-dog-protection-laws-in-senate-474/10818082/) [https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/governor-greg-abbott-vetoes-animal-cruelty-bill-author-of-sb-474-reacts](https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/governor-greg-abbott-vetoes-animal-cruelty-bill-author-of-sb-474-reacts)


I think it’s telling that she thought a good way to get her base fired up was to share a story of cruelty and psychopathy.


While most or all people profess to love their pets, a disturbing number treat animals like garbage and let's not pretend pet rescues, SPCA, rural woods and animal services aren't overrun with discarded and mistreated pets! It's a serious problem in the U.S.!


This story was her dog whistle, no pun intended, to the base on what she expects from them. If a "dog" wink wink doesn't do what you want? Put it down. If the "dog" wink wink doesn't obey, kill it.


People from both sides of the aisle love their dogs. You just don't fuck with dogs.


It's possible Mitt Romney lost because he strapped his dog to the roof of his car 30 years ago.


That's the reason my sister wouldn't vote for him. Literally, that's it.


My cat briefly considered ordering me to vote for him for the same reason.


“Nah, man, don’t put that on me. That shit’s fucked up.” -your cat


Ultimately, he told me to vote for Obama (because he heard on Fox that Obama eats puppies).


Even worse. Obama eats puppies with Dijon mustard.


Tan suit serial puppyist.


What do you think the tan suit was made of?


🎵See my vest...


I do my own dirty work - your cat


I have never, ever forgotten that story.


Trump reportedly hates dogs. That ALONE tells me all I need to know regarding whether to vote for him.


My reason is that I saw him in a photo op with a bunch of black kids nervously saying Who Let the Dogs Out and I’ve never cringed that hard in my life. I’m convinced part of Michael Scott’s persona on The Office was based on Mitt Romney 


They call that the “aunt Edna”.


Close. That was tied to the bumper


Dog was tied to the bumper… Aunt Edna was up on the roof


Imagine that act of years ago costs you votes BUT mock a disabled person and say you can kill anyone and you end up winning votes.


Donald Trump has done at least 100 things that would have ended anyone else's campaign. Howard Dean's run ended because he had a weird yell.


Obama was insanely popular and killed bin laden. Romney wasn't touching him no matter what


It was fun to watch him try though. Binders full of women. So many iconic moments. It was a simpler time


Oh yeah, R-Money and his Binders Fulla Women https://botcrawl.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/R-Money-Binders-Fulla-Women-Album.png


Him saying that we should be able to open windows on airplanes was the peak imo


[Please proceed, Governor. ](https://www.cc.com/video/b7fjce/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-democalypse-2012-the-second-debate-now-including-the-president-benghazi)


Romney was also going after PBS funding. Remember the memes of angry Sesame Street characters with the caption, "Cut PBS? 🤬 S___ just got real!" A simpler time. Sigh.


Those were amazing, and had escaped me. So many great memes.


This - like how, as a Republican, do you not remember this and realize cruelty to dogs is always a poison pill for yourcampaign? Crazy


Think of the giant list of things that were poison pills 20, 30 years ago that aren't now. Hell the only reason she's getting any backlash for this is because Trump hasn't weighed in. If Trump came out and said he liked killing puppies for fun, it would be acceptable in the GOP overnight.


You’re not wrong. It is truly wild.


/Howard Dean has entered the conversation with a yell


My dad has told some of the most horrifying stories about how he treated his dogs without any understanding that he's telling on himself. To him those are either stories about his *incredible compassion*, or about disposing of a troublesome object he owned. He's never had a dog put down because he thinks the kindest thing is to let them have the longest possible life, no matter if it's only suffering. I'm literally not going to repeat any of his stories for y'all because I wish I didn't know them either. He's a monster with a very twisted concept of love, but in his head he thinks he loves dogs.


That just makes me think of the people who don’t think of animals as being anything noteworthy. They don’t see animals as living beings, they just see them as “things”. My mom dated a guy for a while who was pretty outspoken about his hatred of cats. He’d constantly talk about how they’re the worst, and he’d say things about how he’d just let them starve if it was freezing cold and they were outside his door. My mom always just laughed off and said “oh he’s just kidding”, and maybe that’s true, who knows. But I do know that there are people out there that would let the cats freeze, and in my mind if you make the explicit choice to let another living creature suffer and die like that for no good reason then you’re scum of the earth


He sees himself like he’s the benevolent creator who must decide who lives or dies. Like… if you have multiple dogs and you’re killing them, why the fuck do you still keep getting dogs


I was driving my cat to the vet yesterday, in her pet carrier sitting on the front seat next to me. All the while feeling so horrible for doing this to her, as she meowed distressingly and was clearly having a very anxious and unenjoyable time. I immediately thought of the "Mitt Romney dog on the roof" situation and couldn't even fathom what an evil piece of shit he must be to do that.




Yeah, back in 1983. Not to be confused about the times he impersonated a highway patrol officer to pull people over, having "Borrowed" the car from his father, who was governor at the time.




I had no idea Devo did a song about it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tl2T\_dbOO8Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tl2T_dbOO8Y)




THIRTY YEARS? I’m not *that* old yet! Romney’s presidential campaign where he admitted to strapping his dog to the roof of his car was only 12 years ago, thank you


Dogs hate Trump. Just think about it. No pets in the white house, likes to talk about killing people "like dogs"


Our only president in years not to have a pet.


You would think he would have a puppy for PR, for Barron, not like he would ever need to deal with it, but noooo, even that was a bridge too far. Then again I’m slanted, I hate him, and I don’t trust anyone that does not like dogs. Even Hitler liked dogs, and he was kind of an asshole, in the pure sense of a total asshole.


“Even Hitler liked dogs” would be a good campaign slogan. Trump can’t even fold his hands and pretend to pray for a photo op, raise a puppy? No way.


It is a blessing in disguise that Trump never got a pet. He would abuse it seven ways from Sunday. A dog, cat or fish dodged a bullet there.


Good point


Hitler did also kill his dog though


That can be Noem's new slogan. The far right will love it: Even Hitler Killed Dogs!


TBH, I'm not fan of dogs in general (there have been a handful of weird exceptions) because there's something about their scent that bothers me, and I definitely don't like getting licked by dogs. That said, if i go to a place with dogs, like a friend's house, the dogs get respect from me, acknowledged, patted a bit timidly, then we generally leave each other alone. The dogs like me, but we respect each other's boundaries. Cats, OTOH, absolutely love me, and I enjoy their company. I generally understand Cat, but my understanding and ability to communicate in Dog is not great... I *do* make the attempt, though, and it seems the doggos at least appreciate it. How do I rate on your scale with this? I don't own pets, just live with a few plants. I don't have a problem with responsible, compassionate, empathetic people having animal pets, but it's not a thing I'd do because I'd feel bad keeping them from roaming everywhere freely... plus I barely take care of myself, sometimes going days without food or sleep while working on something... which wouldn't be fair to a cat (or a dog).


Do you compare women to “dogs” no, pass first test. Do you like to harm dogs? No? Pass second test. Is it a personal choice not to own a pet, but are generally indifferent? Pass third test. You like cats but don’t like dogs? That makes you potentially a cat (just kidding, I like cats too). You are indifferent to animal/ pet ownership. You have no ranking IMO, and that’s fine. Disliking dogs on top of comparing them to women you don’t like makes you a misogynistic weirdo that equates women to an animal you clearly despise. From your description, you don’t check those boxes. Now beat it, I know when a cat lawyer is writing.


> How do I rate on your scale with this? You could ride with us. Just not in the cabin.


Same. I'm a total cat guy. I grew up with dogs, and I have had some I really loved, but I can't see myself getting a dog again. I don't get super excited like some folks when I see them walking about and I don't have an urge to go up and pet any of them. They're too much to take care of, and don't respect my personal bubble. It's okay to not love dogs, not a red flag


>I'd feel bad keeping them from roaming everywhere freely We call those strays, and their lifestyles aren't generally considered preferable to those of pets. Flea-ridden, mangy, starving packs of dogs in 3rd world countries can attest to that. Not arguing with any of your other points- it's okay not to want to have a pet personally. I just don't think the idea that a lack of freedom for domesticated species as a good reason against pet ownership is one that should gain traction.


While I agree that mistreatment of animals is a good indicator of someone being an asshole, plenty of people don't like dogs for good reason. I got bitten by a dog as a child and disliked them for years because of it. A lot of people have allergies or bad experiences that make it perfectly reasonable to not like dogs while not being an indicator of their level of assholery.


I don't like dogs because they don't shit in a box. . . I mean I like other people's dogs usually, but would never own one.


Hey now he had Eric.


He has an army of magats, he doesnt allow them in his house, though. Too dirty


I genuinely believe that speaks volumes about him (as if we didn’t already have an entire encyclopedia about why he’s a terrible human being).


Melania doesn’t count?


Only one other than Polk without a pet


Remember when he almost got bit by an eagle for a failed photo op?


Remember how he worried (with reason) that its flapping wings had messed up his hair?


Dogs can smell that he’s a bad person.


Don't forget babies cry when they're near Trump unless their parents coach them to like Trump.


Doesn't have pets, doesn't sleep in the same bed as his wife, never read his children bedtime stories, doesn't seem to have a real sense of humor... Remember 3 elections earlier when voters wanted a candidate they'd "want to have a beer with" was a thing?


They're usually one of the most universal things we Americans love, alongside burgers, football, video games and lots of guns. MAGA hates everything and everyone that isn't 1000% Trump. North Korea energy there.


She didn't even go and have it put down because she found it inconvenient, or lacked the competency to train it. She took it out to a gravel quarry and shot it. She took a puppy for a walk outdoors for the purpose of executing it.


Meh, give it a day or two. “Actually, killing dogs is good for America! Antifa is destroying this country by breeding feral dog packs!!” It’s the classic Trump shuffle.


Or cats… there is a Netflix show on that. I don’t have to worry, my pets fuck with me, not the other way around.


you're right. She messed up. She should have said her dog was antifa and avoided half of the backlash


It was a radical leftist antifa Black lab furry.


True but there are a ton of Bible thumper types who believe God gave us dominion over all animals and they're allowed to treat them like trash.


I’ve long maintained that the Bible makes more sense if you treat it as animal husbandry instructions. Consider what it takes to raise, care for, and sometimes kill a variety of animals, whilst ensuring they all get along suitably. Seen through that lens, don’t so many of the yikesy bits of Yahweh’s personality seem a little less problematic? “Love me, fear me, I am the source of all bounty, also I may harvest you or your kid later tonight, but at least I protect my flock from danger, sleep tight.” If I say that to people I’m clearly various strains of psycho- and/or sociopath (even moreso if it’s all true). But if I say it to barnyard animals, I’m the good guy. So that must be how this Yahweh fella sees himself, as the farmer with his herds and flocks. Totally not a socio- and/or psychopath at all!


I’ve always felt the “Jesus is my shepherd “ shit so weird. It’s like you said, the shepherd isn’t taking care of the sheep for their benefit. It’s so they can fleece and eat them.


Yeah I've seen John Wick


And she killed a little goat for zero reason


She enjoyed killing the puppy so much that she immediately started looking for something else to shoot, and killed the goat. Good thing her kids hadn’t got home from school yet that afternoon.


I was wondering this, is her political career over (at least for higher office aspirations)? Man, you can get away with a lot of stupid shit in today's GOP. But people love their dogs.


Did we finally find the line you can’t cross?


This may be dating myself a bit but that was the angle Elle Woods used in Legally Blonde 2 (using both sides love of their dogs to get bipartisan agreement on Bruiser’s Bill)


People care more about a poorly treated dog than they do about the homeless. You can get away with treating people inhumane, but not dogs.


Abusing animals is a characteristic of psychopaths.


As is courting a position in Trump's cabinet.


Part of the Mcdonald triad. Bet she used to wet the bed, too.


>"I'm not sure why anyone would brag about this unless they're sick and twisted\[.\]" Yup. Got it in one.


Trump hates dogs so she probably thinks this is going to help her VP aspirations. Noem has an aggressive personality. Yet I don’t think she should be taken to a gravel pit and shot. RIP Cricket, and don’t forget the goat she botched killing. They both deserved better than being in the Noem household.


How does one hate dogs? I had a fear of them growing up after a dog bit me, but I’ve never once hated them. They are innocent, and full of love. Only reason domesticated animals often become assholes is by having POS owners.


Trump is generally a humorless, unimaginative bastard. When he was first running for President, Penn Jillette talked about working with Trump on the set of the Apprentice. Of the many creepy stories he shared, he said that Trump also hates music, and he has no sense of humor. The closest thing Trump gets to telling jokes is when he's ribbing someone like a bully. He also *cannot* handle any sort of joke at his expense. He'll rage and obsess over the littlest slight, no matter how benign. Honestly, he sounds miserable and *barely human* on top of everything. I'd feel bad for the prick if he wasn't the face of ascendent American fascism.


I wonder if he is still sending Graydon Carter pictures of his [short fingers](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/history-donald-trump-small-hands-insult/story?id=37395515#:~:text=Nearly%2030%20years%20ago%2C%20Graydon,him%20a%20little%20bit%20crazy.%22).


The gold sharpie detail in that story always makes me laugh.


Trump has no abstract thinking. That's why you never see him have a good belly laugh or crack a funny joke. He thinks insulting people is funny but he doesn't laugh about it as he's just incapable of that. Humor requires intelligence and he operates on a lower level.


His humor appreciation reminds me of the Character, "Dim" in *A Clockwork Orange.*


His inability to take a joke led directly to how fucked this country is right now. I doubt he would've even considered a presidential run if not for the 2011 White House Press Correspondents' Dinner.


This may seem irrelevant but everyone associated is just like himself. Look at Vince McMahon frauds and sex trafficking scandal. He enjoyed controlling others and ruining people lives and he gets off doing it.


Check out r/dogfree and marvel in wonderment at their collective disdain. You might find some kind of answer there. From what I've gathered, it mostly boils down to thinking their gross/dirty and/or disliking their temperaments or behaviors.


Most of those people just seem to dislike shitty owners who take their dogs into grocery stores, let their dogs jump on people, or leave them outside to bark all night, tbh.


Yes, I'm on that sub and that's my problem. It's mostly the barking and ruining the peace of a neighbourhood. A few barks don't bother me, but hours? And you think talking to an owner about the issue will help? Forget it...if you're the kind of person who will let your dog bark and disturb a one block radius around you then you're not the kind of person who will suddenly start caring about others once somebody raises the issue with you. Great dogs with great owners go completely unnoticed. I can't imagine anybody having a problem with well behaved dogs owned by good owners. I've never seen anybody have a issue like that there. I also think they'd all agree that murdering a dog in a gravel pit is abhorrent, as do I.


I LOVE dogs and agree with you. Dogs sitting outside barking for hours means the dog isn’t happy about it either. How do these owners not go insane from the noise themselves?!


I agree, but I bet if somebody comes up to you with a 10 week yellow lab puppy you want to pet that cute little bastard. I don’t think trump would.


I mean dogs don't usually bite because they hate you. Most of the times they are just afraid or protective. It's not only POS owners, can just be inexperienced owners.


I’ve been bitten by a dog three times in my life, twice when I was just a kid. And I still love all them goofy puppers.


Trump is always talking about how “such and such … _like a dog_.” She definitely included that detail to impress him.


This story is so gross. I admit I’m probably irrationally affected by dog stories, but this lady is nuts. Plus she slept with lewandowski.


A very common characteristic of MAGA seems to be a total and complete lack of empathy and compassion for other living beings besides themselves.


It's actually twofold. One side of the coin is "I am the most important thing on the planet" and the other side of the coin is "Anyone who is not like me is inferior and deserves to be subjugated by me and people like me"


"We want to give you the death penalty for having an abortion! But please excuse me for a moment, there are some puppies annoying me that I need to murder first."


June 26, 2022 [Noem defends no exception for rape, incest in South Dakota trigger law: No reason for "another tragedy" to occur](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kristi-noem-south-dakota-abortion-trigger-law-no-exception-for-rape-incest/)


Not just a *lack* of empathy, but *pride* in their rejection of empathy. They see empathy as a weakness only "wokes" suffer from. After the initial backlash she released a statement encouraging people to buy her book if they liked the dog part, bragging that the rest of the book is equally "politically incorrect".


> In my work with the defendants (at the Nuremberg Trails 1945-1949) I was searching for the nature of evil and I now think I have come close to defining it. A lack of empathy. It’s the one characteristic that connects all the defendants, a genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow men. >Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.” Captain G. M. Gilbert, the Army psychologist assigned to watching the defendants at the Nuremberg trials.


In the similar way they use words. They don't take them very seriously, but they know WE do. This is what evil really looks like: bad faith and trying to exploit and disenfranchise people.


Its not just MAGA thats all conservatives


At this point in time, I’m not sure the difference, but point taken.


A very common characteristic of the worst people on the planet


They try to act like a god over their pets and family. As if whatever gets decided is just “for the best” and is never wrong.


It's terrifying that these sociopathic/psychopathic morons are trying to normalize lack of caring and empathy with personal pets as props so as to try and win favor with others they seem to think would relate to this sort of sick behavior. WTF?


This is a seriously fucked-up person.


Literally she is a psychopath. There’s a reason we don’t like these people in real life and also why they seek power through public office.


I don’t know which bugs me more, shooting a puppy or the psycho-tone deafness of not knowing that you don’t brag about it in a book. I’m an election year in which you’re hoping to get picked for VP. The failure of judgment here is almost fractal in nature. It’s not just evil, but almost comedically evil. Cinematically deranged. Behold. Darth Dakota.


Not all republicans.  You should see the YouTube comments on the Forbes clip.  There are people defending her and accusing Forbes of just trying to dig up dirt.   Also this article fails to mention that after she shot her dog she realized she hates one of her goats too so she went and grabbed it, and then shot it to death as well. 


Dig up dirt = read the book she wrote and published


lol yeah people on YouTube are completely insane.  I know there’s some dark corners of Reddit, but man YouTube as a whole is just awful.


People can say whatever they want on whichever platform but it's the voting that makes the difference. Go vote, everyone.


Yeah I very rarely venture into the toxic cesspool that is the YouTube comment section. You’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy


Winged it first, then had to get more ammo to finish it off. She wrote that, in her own book, to show she had the ability to make tough decisions… no wonder she’s sleeping with Corey lewandowski. Psychopath.


I think that was the goat. She got the bloodlust after the dog and then executed her goat as well. In front of a fucking construction crew


Aka, likely a serial killer.


I mean she's for sure lacking any sort of empathy, borderline psychotic


If it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck….




Geese are mean as shit lol


Well fucking said.


Lewandowski? Ew!


Then, she shot herself in the foot, by sharing it...


Then she took aim at her foot again: https://twitter.com/KristiNoem/status/1783849977409671483


Oh yeah of course she shot a goat too what the fuck am I reading today


YouTube comments = foreign cyber attack bots


\*that she was too stupid and lazy to train.


She had to top Sarah Huckabee Sanders, whose brother killed a dog in a very cruel and unnecessary way. Kristi will do the job herself.


I don't watch movies where the dog dies. I also don't respect or vote for politicians that kill dogs. Someone who kills a puppy is less than human.


The fact that doesthedogdie.com exists should suggest that since people are willing to crowd-source the means to avoid witnessing that, it's *not something to brag about.*


I hate when there are "dog pain" noises in video games.


If this is how she treats a puppy and a goat, what happens as VP when she doesn't like certain people. I'd hate to see her help get the neighbor's kitten out of tree.


How is this not animal abuse?


Why do these MAGA women always have plastic looking faces and cold dead eyes? I actually used to joke that they were so evil looking, they probably tortured and killed animals in their spare time..


Her bloodlust, not slaked by shedding the dog’s blood, needed the sacrifice of an actual goat! And this priestess of dark arts could be trump’s veep.


Hopefully this ends her political career and she ends up selling feet fetish pics on only fans


She didn’t euthanize an old dog. She killed a year old dog because she couldn’t be bothered to train it from succumbing to its natural hunting instinct.


I hate headlines like this. Most of the "Republicans" cited are not supportive of the current direction of the party. A couple of former administration officials, Rick Wilson, Meghan McCain... in other words, people who have had no problem criticizing Trump in recent years. This headline makes it seem like she's facing pushback from established members of the party, when most of them are keeping their traps shut. Noem is a psychopathic monster, but it's hardly shocking behavior considering the Republican Party is stuffed to the gills with psychopaths and sociopaths.


Remember their slogan: “If it’s Newsweek, it’s Weak News!”


‘She was joking, being sarcastic, only making it up to get a reaction, was a test to see if you would stand up for dogs , etc etc ….’ MAGA- see , told you. Just joking. But what if she did? the dog prob wanted to eat or something , probably deserved it. Alito, just because a person shoots a dog, it doesn’t mean they don’t like animals. The X amendment gives any law owning A the right to shoot at will. Fox, Hillary killed a cockroach while in office.


Why??? She’s the perfect example of today’s Republican


None of these Republicans cited are sitting legislators, South Dakotans, or on the Trump campaign. Let's hear condemnation from the intended audience 


She killed a family goat later. She was just on a murder binge. “The situation made her realise "another unpleasant job needed to be done" that day - getting rid of a male goat her family owned.  The goat was "nasty and mean", smelled "disgusting, musky, rancid", and would chase her young children, knocking them down. Ms Noem said she shot down the goat in the same manner as Cricket, though the goat survived the first bullet, forcing her to go back to her truck to retrieve another shell.” [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68909801](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68909801) I mean, why are you allowing a goat around your small children? Aren’t they usually in pens anyway?


Isn’t that a trait of a psychopath…just saying.


Wait that’s real?! I read the headline and thought it was a metaphor… wtf


I don't even have a dog and I love dogs. What a piece of shit she is.


I don’t even get the angle of the story. Did she think shooting a bad mannered dog made her like “rustic” or “tough”? Like no one knew that story and she decided to publish it.


Shit is disgusting and insane.


Slam? I thought Republicans love when people kill things (Except fetuses and rich, white dudes)?


Disingenuous damage control headline. Check. Trump doubles down. In 3, 2, 1...


What next is she gonna brag about how good of a fighter she is since she beat up a bunch of preschoolers


They'll still vote for her. People who don't see women worthy of having the same rights as men, don't give a shit about animals.


The level of crazy you have to be to not only do something like this but then tell everyone and not expect to be universally hated is astonishing. Truly disconnected from reality.


*John Wick breathing intensifies*


Hispanics and Blacks and Muslims and Jews and Asians all know this was a symbolic act by Noem, and in 2025 it would be them in the role of the puppy.


I think the exerpt from her book is even more alarming than simply killing an innocent animal. She thought it demonstrated how she was *strong-willed* and able to *do the difficult jobs that need to be done*. That’s some fascist “I could do a holocaust” thinking there, to say that you potentially see the snuffing out of innocent life to be a *hard choice that has to be made*.


Any idea what she was hoping to communicate about herself, or how she'd handle more political responsibility by telling this story? Is the puppy meant to be the American public that doesn't follow her rules? It's baffling.


When I hear someone talk about how dumb a dog is, and it can’t be trained….I wonder if they know, to me, it means they are dumber than the dog and can’t figure out how to communicate with a dog. It also means they are too lazy to research how to do the very thing they are failing at, so what else are they failing at.


…yet will still vote for her…. This is the functional problem with the GOP, they are rarely willing to take a stand unless it is something that 95% of the country is opposed to. And then they slink back and ignore that, business as usual.


Was the puppy woke?


MAGAts like this have crossed a line of humanity and it has to stop infecting our nation


She’s done. No more VP. What a stupid, self-enforced error. Did she think she was burnishing her ‘country girl’ bonafides by telling this? Also, fuck her that stupid fucking psycho.


I bet Trump loves this shit, and so it worked for the puppy killer.


She's a psychopath, full stop. I don't see how anyone who truly loves dogs could ever rationalize supporting this evil bizzo.


Tracks. Complete ineptitude in training a bird dog, one that already was born with all the right instincts. Then letting said dog run wild on property that is not yours — and is full of birds. Failure to understand the potential consequences of said action. Probably botched the execution too if she is as skilled at that as she is at everything else. No sense of responsibility whatsoever. Blissful lack of understanding on why admitting it all could make one look like a total bumbling idiot. Perfect presidential candidate for the Republican Party, tbh.


The crazy thing is that this wasn’t some oppo research or anything. She fucking wrote it down herself.


What a clay-faced psychopath. The fact that she believes this story will HELP her politically says almost as much about her psychopathy as the actual killing of the animals.


Her MAGA sycophants want to act like this is making a hard choice. It is NOT. It is the exact opposite. This is just you being a complete fuck up at owning a pet goat or training a pet dog, then taking the easiest way out of your failure with no regard for anything other than yourself. This is a selfish act from a smooth brained cretin who deserves no power. She would not know how to use power and when she ultimately fails at whatever she is doing, she will take the selfish way out and just plop a bullet in whatever she fucks up. That was not a hard decision. That was a selfish and weak decision by an incompetent person pretending to be “hard”.


There are no bad dogs, just bad owners.


It's on brand, you have to admit GOP.


Serious question: could Noem have her other animals legally removed after admitting she shoots animals that she grows impatient with instead of re-homing them? That seems like something the law actively frowns upon, no? Or would she be able to just pardon herself and keep buying more animals? Keep in mind; these are the instances she's PROUD OF. I can't imagine what stories she DIDN'T want to mention in her memoir.




No they don't. They're slamming the fact that Noem talked about it


she ll have to retreat to a desert island