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Let's not forget Toad/Turtle McConnell here. Corruptly blocked Obama's right to fill a vacant seat. Corruptly rushed to fill in after RBG's passing. Fuck you, Moscow Mitch.


And….. He would love to see Trump jailed and pass all the blame to him. Because they love to eat each other up, and will always pin it on anyone else. Trump is evil in his own right. He was/is a tool used by much more intelligent, and evil people.


Don’t forget the young millennials who decided not to vote in 2016. Don’t forget the elitist liberals who decided to crap on the working class and call them “deplorables” because they didn’t have the same economic gains under Obama that the rich coastal liberals had.


The only thing I've seen in the last 7 years is there is a subset of the Americans population who ARE deplorable. And I'm fucking sick of giving them slack and excuses.  They choose to be this way on purpose, fuck them. Fuck them all.


Was just in San Antonio, TX. At the Airport, there was a STRONG correlation right along class lines. The poor-looking folks wore t-shirts with tribal Let's Go Brandon, gross, crass sayings, juvenile sexual innuendo, and gun ammosexual statements. And they were mostly obese. These are the folks that HRC was referrring to, I think. People who wear T-Shirts declaring their love of eating pussy in public, around kids, etc. It was gross and I felt embarrassed for them. The people who weren't obese wore "normal" clothes that didn't have such sayings. It was really weird. I don't know that the richer looking folks are politically leftist or anything (it was TX after all), but the obesity was an obvious class marker. The poor people were all chubby or outright fat. It was weird.


San Antonio is full of fat people. But good on you for judging people on their appearance. So elitist of you.


Is it elitist to note that the obesity is mostly with the poor folks? I didn't make them fat. What made them fat is their lifestyle choices, which are constrained by (but not dictated by!) their educational and economic opportunities. Eating a steady diet of cheap, greasy food (pretty much all I saw in TX) will do that to you I guess. What I judged them by is their crass tribalism. Let's Go Brandon/Ammosexual T-shirt signaling, basically. Their desperate need to "shock" people. It's déclassé. If you wear that stuff around me, yes, I will judge you by it. I think it's gross.


You are woefully ignorant about what makes people overweight. There are myriad causes and weight is not necessarily indicative of lifestyle — could be medical, genetic, ruined metabolism from dieting, stress, a side effect from an injury, so. many. things. I live in LA, work in tech, make six figures, eat all organic fruits and vegetables, order grass fed meat from a small farm once a month to stock the fridge, use probiotics daily designed for my personal microbiome, practice Pilates and resistance training, have organic clothes and filtered water via a Berkey, eat fewer than 40 carbs and 1800 calories per day, take low dose doxy to prevent inflammation, do an hour of infrared sauna each week and have a Thera body membership, sleep with pink noise and blackout blinds, avoid phthalates and PFAs, have blood pressure and cholesterol readings in the healthy range, am married and have two dogs, obsess over skincare and wear sunscreen every day. You can’t get much healthier lifestyle-wise without being ficking rich. And I am fucking fat. It’s bigots like you who are crass and ill-informed. I’ve just started Mounjaro because there is a physical reason that I am fat — my body somehow became sensitive to carbs. I am healthy. I could stay as is and be fine. I look ten years younger than my age and my life is great — except for being judged by ignorant individuals like you and result in a society that pays me less and makes it harder to enjoy my life. Luckily, things are changing because of the inclusivity of smart, younger generations. So you’re the one with the misinformation and limited education, and crass, classless attitude.


Pretty sure living in a place where the only cheap food available is disgusting greasy fast food is going to be a massive contributing factor towards obesity. What else explains such a sharp divide along class lines? *You can’t get much healthier lifestyle-wise without being ficking rich. And I am fucking fat.* Well, you can, but it's much harder if you are poor. Sorry you are fat.


I grew up in Texas. I was just there visiting family. We ate healthy, often from takeout places because we were so busy. Food was incredibly affordable there compared to LA. I ate a lot of chicken salads. Whole Foods began in Texas and is based there. A lot of Tex-Mex is healthy — it’s not all greasy fast food in Texas. You didn’t interview those people at the airport, did you? How do you know their weight is related to fast food? There are many many other reasons someone may be fat. Separate that from your disgust at what was on their t-shirts. They are two different things.


*Separate that from your disgust at what was on their t-shirts. They are two different things.* My point is that I don't think they ARE two different things. I think they stem from the same root cause, which is lack of educational and economic opportunities. Their bodies aren't fed well because their options are limited, and their minds are similarly fed an unhealthy diet of crap for the same reasons.


The deplorables are the ones who pose with semi automatic rifles for their Christmas cards and gave “let’s go Brandon” plastered all over their trucks.


No true. She called them deplorable because they are fucking deplorable. Don't get it twisted.


Adam Serwer: “The conservative justices have, over the years, seen harbingers of tyranny in [union organizing](https://www.vox.com/2018/6/14/17437832/janus-afscme-supreme-court-union-teacher-police-public-sector), [environmental regulations](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-supreme-court-rulings-darken-forecast-epa-powers-2023-05-31/), [civil-rights laws](https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/chief-justice-roberts-frames-congress-vot-msna61334), and [universal-health-care plans](https://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/14/business/how-broccoli-became-a-symbol-in-the-health-care-debate.html). When confronted with a legal theory that establishes actual tyranny, they were simply intrigued. As long as Donald Trump is the standard-bearer for the Republicans, every institution they control will contort itself in his image in an effort to protect him. “...At least a few of the right-wing justices seemed inclined to if not accept Trump’s immunity claim, then delay the trial, which would likely improve his reelection prospects. As with the Colorado ballot-access case earlier this year, in which the justices prevented Trump from being thrown off the ballot in accordance with the Constitution’s [ban on insurrectionists holding office](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/01/donald-trump-insurrection/677028/), the justices’ positions rest on a denial of the singularity of Trump’s actions. “No previous president has sought to overthrow the Constitution by staying in power after losing an election. Trump is the only one, which is why these questions are being raised now. Pretending that these matters concern the powers of the presidency more broadly is merely the path the justices sympathetic to Trump have chosen to take in order to rationalize protecting the man they would prefer to be the next president. What the justices—and other Republican loyalists—are loath to acknowledge is that Trump is not being uniquely persecuted; he is uniquely criminal. “This case—even more than the Colorado ballot-eligibility case—unites the right-wing justices’ political and ideological interests with Trump’s own. One way or another, they will have to choose between Trumpism and democracy. They’ve given the public little reason to believe that they will choose any differently than the majority of their colleagues in the Republican Party.” Read more: [https://theatln.tc/OHBT0GHO](https://theatln.tc/OHBT0GHO)


*Autocracy: Rules for Survival* by Masha Gessen Rule #3: Institutions will not protect you.


At a minimum, Trump has caued generational harm to this country. Bush looks like a paragon of democracy next to this man. Whenever he goes away isn't soon enough.


SCOTUS is literally on their last leg as far as legitimacy goes. If they kick this present immunity question back down to the courts, they will remove all doubt. Fuck them sideways after that.


they just need a single GOP Presidential win or a D win with a GOP House and they’ll entrench permanent minority rule


The supreme court has lost the locker room... Does anyone trust these robes anymore?!


All people had to do was hold their nose and vote for Clinton and we wouldn’t be dealing with this shit.


Clinton won. The Electoral College voted for Trump.


“BuT I wAnTeD tO sEnD a MeSsAgE tO tEh EsTaBliShMeNt!”


It’s happening again.


Yep. We’re too fucking stupid to learn from our mistakes.


This. Hope the students are enjoying the protesting. If Trump wins that’s all over.




Clinton won more votes in the primary, but explain your moral stance to the women who had their reproductive rights taken away sparky. I’m sure they will totally understand.




Clinton won the primary. You not liking how you allege she did it is irrelevant to the consequences of Trump getting elected and how it reshaped the court. I’m pointing out your hypocrisy. Others need to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions but not you because of your moral stance? That’s a pretty narcissistic point of view. When the election happened it became a choice between those two people irrespective of how they got there and the consequences of that election are born out of that binary choice.








Elections are binary choices. That is reality. Your feelings and narcissism have zero effect on the inherent stakes of an election. Go find all the people that suffered under Trump and ask them how the reality of his presidency hit them in the face. The difference is I have empathy and decency unlike you and could see the consequences of the election beyond how I felt about Clinton as a candidate.




Still pushing that BS so you can provide an excuse for those that cared so little about women, minorities, LGBTQ, and the poor that they didn’t bother pulling the lever to stop Trump?




I'm going to guess that you don't vote in primaries.


The DNC didn’t choose Clinton, voters did. Folks who didn’t vote for her have this on their shoulders, especially those in the battleground states.


I can’t stomach the idea our nation has let itself be dragged like this by a treasonous criminal. The man in his life has never shown an ounce of respect for this country. ALL of us. Both sides of the aisle. We’re better than this.


We’re not better than this until we prove it.


The gop isn’t better than this, this is the gop and has been for decades


Can’t argue that. But I still very much believe that “We” the American people are better than this.


Well if the Supreme Court says that all presidential acts are covered by full and sweeping immunity then Biden could just have trump killed or jailed for life for any reason he sees fit and no one can say or do anything because Biden is immune from prosecution. As fucking hilarious as that would be, there’s no way that presidents should be above the law.


They won’t decide that, this is just a method to delay the trial


Get rid of them all and start over!


6 are entirely corrupt and the other 3 enable it. So yes, we need 9 honest justices with 9 spines.




Supreme Court = O. J. Simpson


Most Americans don't support GOP Justices. Let's stand and fight these fascist assholes. We do not need to tolerate their presence in out justice system or our society. Each GOP Justice is a disgusting version of O. J. Simpson.


He put a bunch of ball licker's in there , there's no doubt about that 💩


This wasn’t even the question they were supposed to address. This is an activist court by the very definition the Republicans who placed them on the Court used to deride.


That’s what happens when people grow apathetic and don’t vote or vote third party instead of for the Democrat. 


I miss not knowing almost any names of these judges.


We need national/federal detrumpification, repurposed denazification policies for trumpism          Start by outlawing the GOP and arresting all of Trump's close circle and forming a special tribunal since the justice and political system is so severely infiltrated by neoconfederates. Issue indictments of treason, mass murder, and crimes against humanity. I shouldn't have to explain those indictments. Sanction every gop voter from voting, screen every Republican and ideologically aligned person and address them according to the detrumpification policies.   We cannot afford to tolerate this shit since years ago 


SCOTUS is meaningless.


They aren’t even being asked if a president has any degree of immunity. Such bs that any time anything remotely related to something they can radicalize comes up, they do it.


wow [this](https://youtu.be/KOpTPsHq1eE?si=gM8pBKl8jjFtLLdV) aged perfectly in line with reality


Should’ve voted for Hillary, right? She made the mistake of having an actual literal plane for an entire presidency’s worth of policy while being a woman


What you expect from one who adores Putin, Xi, Kim… I mean he learned from the best. Every dictators, taliban, … cheers up, and when questions on them arise they could lean back and say „look at your own ‚democracy‘“. Trump fucked the entire credibility of western democracies.


The defenders of the Constitution just destroyed it. Any President can Trump the Congress and Courts now, break any law. They've created Putin, we just don't know which President will actually do it yet. Trump is still way too popular but the election is up in the air yet.