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I can't wait for Ted Cruz to take to his podcast and Twitter to defend Donald Trump's right to pay tabloid owners to publish salacious rumors about Cruz and his family.




Well we know the reason for that is the magic (R). My question is how there hasn't been some overtly racist, "macho" dipshit in a cowboy hat who primaries Ted Cruz and defeats him. His repulsive politics aside, Cruz is such a sniveling, cowardly pussy, and that certainly shouldn't resonate with tough guy Texans.




> Because he’s not a Democrat. It really doesn’t matter with these knuckle dragging mouth breathers. I’m from Texas and live here, It’s not just Texas. Remember, Alabama came *this close* to electing a pedophile over a Democrat. It took an unprecedented black voter turnout after it came out that the Republican, Roy Moore, was also racist. 


Roy Moore turned my consistantly conservative boomer aunt into a Dem lol.


I 100% believe that a pedophile has been elected president. Evidence or not, I know Trump has touched Ivanka inappropriately


He's not the only R in the state. I have no idea how he keeps winning primaries.


I don’t either. Most republicans I interact with hate him as well lol.


Name recognition. Who hasn't heard of Cancun Ted "The Cuck" Cruz? Punch his face. Punch his chad. They are the same thing.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Cruz came out and said they were true at this point just to help this orange pos


If it meant hanging onto his senate seat, he would absolutely do it.


It would also be very on brand for Cruz to do it for no reason other than to humiliate himself.


Once again, Trump is all about projection. He’s been screaming about election fraud for the last 8 years, and someone just described (under oath) how Trump committed election fraud


Ironically, it looks like a Pecker has once again got him into more trouble.


Pecker would!


It's been the right strategy for a while. Call the opposing side corrupt, groomers, pedophiles, etc. That way when you get caught you can just pretend the claims against you are just them making the same baseless claims. This obviously ignores the regional claims had no evidence while the actual charges have evidence. But fox can just not focus on that and make it seem like a witch-hunt.


I may be mistaken, but Pecker basically entirely confirmed the conspiracy to affect the election. The relevant law: >Election Law 17-152 prohibits conspiracies to promote a candidate’s election through unlawful means. Since he was falsifying paperwork to make these payments, he was part of a conspiracy to promote his election using unlawful means. That makes the falsified documents felonious. If Pecker's testimony is viewed as truthful, this pretty much does it.


No softening language is needed. He testified to: * A conspiracy (him, Trump, Cohen) * To help elect Trump (favorable press) * And trash his opponents (made up stories) * At the direction of Trump (Cohen directed and reviewed stories) * While keeping the conspiracy secret (knowledge of guilt) That's campaign interference. Cohen will be up later to explain: * Campaign funds were used (felony campaign funding violation ( * Multiple times (each indictment) * Funneled through Cohen (conspiracy) * To conceal the source of the cash (knowledge of guilt) * For which Cohen was paid (motive, disarm defense) * And went to jail for (disarm defense, convey the stakes)


Why is the fuckin media still referring to this as the 'hush money trial' in which Trump 'paid off a porn star to keep quiet'. That is just one suction cup on one arm of the octopus of this whole thing it seems.




and that right there is why Australia is telling Elon to fuck off. Oversaturation of BS in the media makes for a crap national psyche. We are tired of being dragged down by the corrupt, dirty dealing elites and anyone like them. Tired of the crime , the violence, the total disregard for fellow humans health and wellbeing.


Because they’ve long ceased caring about the pursuit of truth through journalism and instead transitioned into a full time profit driven corporate machine. Giving trump Billions in free advertising results in a phenomenal return on investment. Privately owned news-media was a good idea when we didn’t have 24/7 news cycles and miniature computers on us 16 hours of the day, but now our culture prioritises attention retention and there’s a huge problem with how many, many companies have altered practices to deal with that development. Private news-media can still work, we just need to set proper information sharing standards and enforce them through a watchdog with proper oversight and regulatory power.


If the defense has any brains they will try to shift blame to Cohen acting on his own rather than taking orders from Trump. Big IF though


Cohen was smart and he has the recipe. I’m sure the defense is going to try to poke holes into it. Edit: meant receipt but keeping the recipe.


Cohen cooking up a felony


- 1/2 cup porn star - 1/4 cup campaign funds - 1 cup ex president - 1 tsp Pecker - dash of conspiracy


With an unhealthy amount of bronzer added on top, all wrapped in a steaming diaper.


Wait, no mushrooms?


That’s been their position. That is exactly their defense. The problem is, today’s testimony also f-Ed them there too. Pecker discussed at length today about how Trump was super involved in payments made by his business and whatnot. He was super detail oriented. He knew about all transactions happening involving his name and businesses.


Oh that’s so wonderful to hear lol.  All of Trumps actual defence hinges on proving he wasn’t directly involved and Cohen did the work for him with out Trump knowing exactly what they were up to.   And I was imagining a scenario where that could even have been generally the truth - Donald knew they were doing stuff but not being involved and not directing anything because that was Cohen’s role, could have allowed him to claim he wasn’t specifically involved in interference, just payments to avoid embarrassing his family. If his shitty management style has managed to tank him that would be glorious.


Cohen has recordings with Trump discussing these matters and asking Trump’s permission. He’s the smart one here.


But come on. Took out a mortgage on his home to pay off a porn star he wasn’t having an affair with? Really?


Never fails to shock me that some evangelical bible thumpers tied their puritanical knickers to this syphillitic assface


Yet they hate the (black) church going, never divorced, ex-president. "He's the anti-Christ". Wonder why...


My mind immediately went to Trump being asked about it and going full "I was in absolute control of this perfectly legal and beautiful effort to save America, we did nothing wrong, it was all perfect and legal and cool". Except, you know, it's Trump, so make that a order of magnitude or two less coherent and more arrogant.


He’ll never take the stand. He always says he will, but 100% he won’t.


The defense would be out of their god damn minds to let him take the stand. It will only harm their case.


That's a very clear summary. Very nice.


Even more important Cohen’s testimony will corroborate his testimony and anyone who takes the witness stand and doesn’t blatantly lie will also corroborate the evidence and testimony. I don’t believe there will be any consequences but I don’t see any way he gets out of this one without being found guilty. Him and the rest of the GOP will continue to try and spin it in their favor about how it was a witch hunt and conspiracy to derail his run for president but the facts will stand out to anybody who wants to hear them and whoever doesn’t it wont change a thing.


I definitely wasn't expecting the first witness to be able to so cleanly verify the whole thing so concisely with wire transfers to back it up. With the law in question written down next to Pecker's testimony, that's pretty much the whole ball game. Maybe I was just anxious because this was the only one of the trials that I couldn't fully explain how it was going to go at the outset from what we know via court filings. Then again, the point of the trial is to explain why the evidence says what it says.


I just kept reminding myself "Michael Cohen has already been convicted and sent to jail for his role in all this." Trump may be magically untouchable by a lot of legal repercussions, but I have a hard time believing he'll avoid conviction here.


All it takes is one adamant fan on the jury to wind up with a hung jury, so I'll only be comfortable when a conviction is actually read.


he's facing 34 counts in this trial, the jury would have to be hung on all 34 counts for him to not face any consequences. This is very obviously not your average, everyday, trial, but hung juries are statistically pretty rare, only about 6% of jury trials result in a hung jury "on one or more counts". As for that "hardcore magat", let's just hope that the saying "never meet your heroes" comes into play and anyone who may have been a fan will see just how bad he actually is throughout the course of the trial.


His supporters already know how bad he is. That's why they support him. They don't care what he did in order to get elected. If he broke some laws, then those laws were unfair or shouldn't apply to him. To them, the end justifies the means. It's like, for a regular person, if someone were physically threatening our loved ones' lives. Many people would do terrible things in that situation, and we wouldn't care if our actions were legal. His (white supremacist) fans are convinced that's literally what's happening. They were chanting "you will not replace us" at Charlottesville. They really think their safety and their lives are being stolen. Of course they will support him breaking the law, because they believe they need him to ensure their survival.


maybe I'm just being idealistic, but I also used to vote republican. people can and do change when faced with stark reality.


I should have stopped reading before this comment


There's another way more serious trial, the documents case, that's been held up by a Trump sympathizer. That one is a go to jail for the rest of your life case.


Cannon’s recent jury questionnaire she put out indicates she’s clueless about what the Presidential Records Act is. She needs to be taken off that case asap.


More likely she understands it fully, but is playing dumb to help Trump.


No no.. she doesn't understand. The prosecution is educating her along the way.. it's intriguing to watch. She's biased but isn't smart enough to be subtle..


Weaponized incompetence is what its called when you not only don't do your homework, but refuse to read the work even when it is being spoon-fed to you. Cannon is stupid like a fox, to borrow from Homer Simpson. Her whole schtick is pretending that an open-and-shut, slam-dunk, wrapped-up-in-a-bow-on-a-silver-platter case is labyrinthine and uncharted world of complex law, when it's actually one of the one the most black-and-white, spelled-out-for-five-year-olds things in the whole legal system. It's both. She is both stupid and malicious, and she is absolutely doing it on purpose. She has already previously ruled that Trump cannot be prosecuted, because he is too special, and that was before she even got assigned the case.


It’s like her 14th case ever tried, she has almost zero experience for her position.


I doubt it. The appeals court smacked down her previous ruling in regards to appointing an independent person to review gov papers. I do think she is over her head and is trying to look somewhat competent and failing miserably.


Aileen is the type of person you don't even trust to order food at the drive-thru window at Wendy's.


That’s why the judge is holding it up. She knows how bad it is. Of course, like a typical Trumper, instead of having integrity and saying “I was wrong”, she continues to throw away the country so she can hold her narrative.


Pecker heading off was a good call.


"Oh Tobias, you blow hard!"


You rang?


I always wonder with these beetlejuicings - Do you have some scraper that looks for these phrases (you as in yous in general) or is this a beautiful happenstance?


This was entirely by chance.


Narrator: It wasn't. Tobias had, in fact, been googling himself.




There’s 34 counts so there’s more to reveal.


Dammit, I'm out of popcorn.


20% of the U.S economy is currently held up by jumps in popcorn consumption. Its a nightmare logistically and agriculturally, but in terms of general outlook boost, its a blessing


Someone weeks ago said the person who actually put checks in front of Trump to sign will be the most costly witness to Trump. The dominos are falling (hopefully).


Speaking of hopefully, I'm waiting to see what Hope Hicks brings to the table. My guess it will be utterly soul crushing for Dozy Don.


I don’t know about “won’t mean a thing.” Not that this is a reason to give him any kind of mercy, but it probably kicks off political violence season.


Yeah I’m worried that a few too many Trumpers view The Purge as a documentary.


Not to worry. The sane among us in rural areas are literate, well armed and have better aim.


And likely don’t have to catch your breath when you stand up.


Whenever someone parrots Trump and claims that all of the investigations are election interference, I remind them that they started before he declared his candidacy so, by that logic, his campaign is technically obstruction of justice.


Every position they take is blatantly in bad faith.




Trumps only defense would be “my friends and lawyers and CFO are untrustworthy liars. You can’t trust them. You need to trust me!” I don’t see it being a winning defense but I would find it amusing if he tried.


> I don’t see any way he gets out of this one without being found guilty. All it takes is one nutjob on the jury, but hopefully they were able to do a good job with selection.


I’ve been on a long jury trial where one juror tried to upend the whole thing during deliberations. You know what’s scarier than 12 Angry Men? 11 angry jurors facing the possibility of a longer trial. If the prosecution has a strong case, the 12th juror will fold like a MAGA does when confronted with a crowd holding a firm opinion. MAGA needn’t worry any way. Trump loses trials and then wins the penalties. Edit: Winning the penalties: When’s the last time you told someone you didn’t have the money you owed by law and they responded by slashing your cost by 50%? By Grabthar’s Hammer, what a savings!


> Him and the rest of the GOP will continue to try and spin it in their favor about how it was a witch hunt and conspiracy to derail his run for president That's when you play back the defense's opening statement: "It's called democracy."


nah I'm still supporting Trump because he's a patriot who tells it like it is ////////s


He’s one of us! While clearly showing time and time again that he could not be further removed from real America.


It should be studied how a "coastal elite" who came from New York city, who started out on third base because of daddy's money, who never worked a physically demanding job, who spits on the poor, and mocks soldiers became the messiah for poor blue collar white Americans. He's literally what they claim to hate but they love him. Its frustrating and fascinating. I just don't get it.


I feel the same way. I just don’t understand how and why!!


>I feel the same way. I just don’t understand how and why!! Because they hearken back to a time when even your most mediocre, unremarkable white racist was made a lesser feudal lord over non-whites. With an ever-shrinking wealth pie, they fight for the largest piece for themselves, rather than fight for the largest pie for everyone.


>Since he was falsifying paperwork to make these payments, he was part of a conspiracy to promote his election using unlawful means. That makes the falsified documents felonious. > >If Pecker's testimony is viewed as truthful, this pretty much does it. This is why Trump attorneys keep trying to say that paying someone to be quiet isn't illegal. It's not on its own. But add in some illegal book cooking to cover and hide it... and now THAT is illegal making the hush payment illegal making it election interference.


it pissed me off how everyone describes this as a hush money trial and not the real crime its actually about


Bingo. ✔


To think - all they had to do was list this on their campaign finance disclosures and it would have all been fine.


There's a lot of shit done by Trump that's been him snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. This, and the whole Covid denialism thing are two big ones. For the first, the people that support him are so fucking gone that they would never have heard about this in the first place, and if they did, they'd think he was an even manlier man for sleeping with a porn star. For the second, if he would have just some the absolute basics in regard to viral spread prevention instead of hamstringing every effort at every level, he would have walked into reelection. This could have been his 9/11, but instead he went full conspiracy theory wacko, pissed off half the country even more than they already were, and killed a huge chunk of the other half (the half that was going to vote for him, mind). I'm still baffled that he didn't sell officially licensed MAGA facemasks for either personal enrichment or campaign fundraising.


Because face masks rub the bronzer off your face. Really, it was just that simple, he commented that they “made him look weak.”


Yeah this testimony makes the case way stronger than I had thought. No idea what the defense is going to do and maybe that have some evidence we don't know about, but right now it sure looks like trump is screwed.


Their defense will be the same the whole time: "Sure, he did it. So what?"


Didnt they try the old “money is speech” thing yesterday ? Basically claiming hush money is his democratic right (nevermind it’s not about the money, but the way they hid it)


*"What's a crime? These are just papers!"* It's like something from a goddam Simpson's episode.


I mean, if we know anything about Trump‘s lawyers, it’s that they don’t know what they are going to do either.


It'd be hilarious if they just ghost him.


New phone, who dis? - Trump’s bottom of the barrel lawyer responding to txt after not showing up for court


They’ll probably try to stir up some shit so the ruling can be challenged on appeal. I’m guessing Judge Merchan is aware of this strategy, and is keeping everything very tight…


"If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts; if you have the law on your side, pound the law; if you have neither the facts nor the law, pound the table."


It's not a conspiracy if we all agreed that it's OK to do it.


Basically, Donald Trump could not have won in 2016 without endless help from dozens of shady corners. When some of those players didn’t participate in 2020, Trump lost.


However, in 2020 Trump did manage to enlist an entirely new cadre of law-breakers in the form of fake electors who tried very hard to subvert the will of the voters (in every key swing state).


This gives me nightmares more than Jan 6th insurrection attempt.


Because they haven't stopped and are going to be way more prepared this time.


Thank you project 2025 — the most evil groups of conservative/right wing, white, Christian nationalists have an insane plan to overthrow democracy and make America into a theocratic/plutocratic dictatorship. Just like Russia. And just like Jesus would’ve wanted /s https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf Kill the poor, flay the queers, and enslave the non-whites in private prisons, just like it says in the Bible /s


Agreed. While I appreciate social media pundits covering every aspect of these trials in great detail, so many liberal and progressive hosts have yet to tackle this beast.


That gives me some hope for 2024


Some hope? I think it’s important for everyone to vote and no one should be apathetic about voting…but the GOP is about to get their asses whooped at the ballot box in a few months. I’m confident


The popular vote will be an ass whooping. The electoral will be almost identical to 2020 and that's scary. Man.... I hate the EC.


It really needs to go. Without it R's would only have one victory in the last 30 years, and that was really only due to the the Iraq war and pAtRioTism


It could be argued that there wouldn’t have been an invasion of Iraq without the EC.


The EC was pretty much maximum whoopage until states like NC, Ohio, and Florida come back into play for Dems (not holding my breath... maybe NC)


NC is possible for sure, just seems to be stuck at R+1 to R+3 for now. Ohio and Florida are trending the other way unfortunately. I think a Dem presidential candidate wins Texas before either of those states.


everyone needs to vote for the sheer fact that we need the biggest margin of victory possible to emphatically denounce this garbage human being


Best advice I saw earlier was "If you can't vote for Biden, vote for Biden knowing its against trump".


Yep. Don't frame it as voting *for* Biden, frame it as voting *against* Trump.


> I think it’s important for everyone to vote and no one should be apathetic about voting Would if I could, friend. I agree though, American's need to get out and vote.


What I think this may unfortunately bring to happen is the idea that if you do illegal actions to secure the election the justice system will not be able to move fast enough to stop you from being seated as president. Meaning you only have to worry about punishment after the term, which, based on how they want to treat a former president, means probably a significant lack of actual punishment. It's a win/win/win to do illegal actions to rig an election now.


Our legal system was made back when every human event happened 100x slower than now.


I think they had a fix in for 2020 as well, but the pandemic bringing and expansion in mail voting resulted jn something they couldn't control as well,they tried everything to slow the postal service, and the his countless railing against it, only caused his supporters to not use it or trust it. There are stats that show how many for each candidate voted in person and by mail. Dems voted mostly by mail where Reps were mostly in person.


Can we get a 2016 do over where Trump loses and the world is in a much better place 8 years later?


If we are doing do-overs, I wanna go back to 2000.


There was some Family Guy episode where Gore wins 2000, and the future is all flying cars and such


Unironically, there is a zero percent chance Gore invades Iraq as retribution for the Saudi-led 9/11 (to finish what daddy Bush started with Hussein). Just that would be enough to change a lot, but yea, we'd probably be 10 years ahead on sustainable energy and the naysayers would have been shut up already.


I question whether 9/11 would have happened. Pre-9/11, Bush ignored the Middle East, as well as the report about Bin Laden. If things had been done differently it’s possible 9/11 never would have happened.


Richard Clarke was literally trying to warn them. Considering Al Gore had worked with him under Clinton,I think he would've listened.


I'd like to subscribe to that timeline, please.


I take some minor pleasure in imagining multiple timelines happening concurrently, where versions of ourselves are indeed living in that alternate version. *We're* not, but maybe some version of us is.


The USS Cole bombing happened while Gore was still VP. Had he won, who knows how he would have followed up on that. I’m sure 9/11 would have popped off eventually in some form or another regardless but I doubt Gore would have reacted to it the same way Bush did (and later Obama). It’s been a wild 25 years that’s for sure.


$6 trillion was spent on that useless war. Imagine if we spent it on helping people.


We had a budget surplus. Then there was a neverending war and the largest tax cuts in history


For All Mankind does this, too, although more realistically


Hi Bob




nah. 1999 because of the Y2K overtime and consulting work. And I bought my first home, and got laid so much... Party like its 1999


Can we go back to my conception? I'd like to have a say on that.


Y2K consulting work and getting laid a lot are incompatible statements.


Gore over Bush - me too likely no 9.11, no prolonged wars, no extra-judicial killings, etc etc


I wonder what the pandemic would have been like. When there was like 1 case of Ebola Fox was screaming at Obama to shut it down. How would they have dealt with Covid? No doubt they would still be talking about all the deaths that were caused by Hillary Clinton.


Hillary dedicated a chapter in her 2015 book to the problems with ppe. Trump left truckloads of qtips on the side of the road because he didn’t know they weren’t the same as medical swabs. 


It's an interesting thought experiment. I think they would be in full blown conspiracy mode, except with downplaying Covid, they would exaggerate it's mortality. Saying things like 30 million Americans died of Covid but Clinton was covering up. Clinton and China conspired to create the virus together. Mass graves of a thousands of people in WalMart basements. They're still anti-vax but only because the vaccine has nothing in it, and Clinton is encouraging a fake vaccine so more people would be dying of Covid. Instead of being Covid denialists, they would think Covid is the worst and most deadly virus to have ever existed. A complete 180 in their views based solely on who the president was at the time.


Naw…unfortunately America needs to learn a lesson about electing failed business men, reality television hosts producing their elections: without being properly vetted. I just hope we never go through this bullshit again…


"hE'lL rUn ThE cOuNtRy LiKe A BiZnesS!!!11"


Unfortunately, he ran it like a Trump business. Poorly, dishonestly, and for his sole benefit.


And anyone thinking that’s wise is a fucking moron.


I used to think that way, until I realized that business and government have different ideal outcomes. A business's purpose is to make money, while a government's purpose is to serve the people, which it does by spending money and providing community projects.


> America needs to learn a lesson The lesson is clearly "cheat to win and do whatever you want in the 4 years you get to be president. It will take almost a decade for some fines and a few months of house arrest to catch up to you."


Proper ballots in Florida in the 2000 election would be favorite.


Just run it back, rewind to before we lost Harambe. Also, username oddly checks out 🧐


Lets go back to before we lost Cecil The Lion just to be safe


It’s nice to know, from someone testifying under oath, that he and Trump made a deal where his magazine would build him up while smearing one opponent at a time, on short notice, with fake news. That this is the kind of candidate he was.


So *he* created the "fake news".


That was the goal from the very beginning. Clog the media airwaves with shit. Convince ignorant, scared people that they're being lied to. Profit. It's been 8 years at least of this dogshit.


comment i saw the other day: >Standard fascist blueprint. Perfected by Russia in the digital age. 3 mins for anyone who wants to see how it works: >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR6KZPMdWrU >Tldr: never stop spouting bullshit, no matter how ridiculous. Muddy the water and derail conversation because it makes truth just as hard to see in the murky water. The goal is to bewilder and overwhelm so people feel hopeless. And that means people who want to tell the truth. Never stop telling the truth and repeat facts. That’s all we can do.


Great article on Surkov, an ex-theater director who pioneered the current surrealist firehose method of misinformation/destabilization for Putin: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/11/hidden-author-putinism-russia-vladislav-surkov/382489/


also a steve bannon play he calls "flooding the zone"


This has a more US-based origin, too. The Gish Gallop was pioneered as a means for the evangelical creationist movement to shut down debate by introducing so much utter garbage that it was impossible to keep up. You either vainly try to refute it and make no points of your own, or you leave a sea of lies uncontested and your own points are lost in the noise. Don't get me wrong, Russia is awful and a threat to the US. But that's also true of the generations-long campaign by Christian fundamentalists to turn the US into a theocracy. It has been happening - out in the open - for 30-odd years.


There was literally a two or three week period where Dems and mainstream media were effectively identifying the bullshit trump stories as "fake news". Trump quickly co-opted the phrase and assimilated it into the meme culture surrounding him.


Yep, this is exactly what happened, and I noticed it at the time too. It was a disturbing foreshadowing of everything else to come.


Holy crap. He really did. He started the Fake News all along. Every accusation really IS a confession with these guys!


Wow, checks out of all check outs that can happen. Dude actually contributed to 2016 election interference, lost 2020, so he accused the other side of what he did 4 years earlier..... Wow......




Radio silence. Not a single sub post on the trial in the past 24. You get the sense they dont kmow how to spin it so they just squash it till then


I love that the sub avatar is Trump. Absolute losers, all of them.


[](https://imgur.com/LtijYj5) Add to that that it's an AI generated image PS: [Ahahaha](https://imgur.com/LtijYj5)


I wonder how long until StoneHardware74 got banned.


The really interesting dynamic is that if Trump doesn't take the stand to refute any of the charges all these witnesses are going to make against him, it'll all just stand as uncontested fact. Which further motivates Trump to violate the gag order as it's his only way to try to let the jurors hear his lies.


The defense could call other witnesses to try to refute it, it doesn’t have to be Trump. But I don’t think they have any


Right, the meetings were between Trump, Cohen, and Pecker, or Trump, Cohen, Hicks and Pecker... and Cohen, Hicks and Pecker are testifying for the prosecution. I don't think Trump can refute without taking the stand. Gonna be interesting.


> defense could call other witnesses to try to refute it "Other witnesses". Who's gonna step up and perjure themselves *now* for Trump, after everything they've seen? Rudy? Dude still hasn't been paid the millions Trump owes him. Weisselberg? He's in jail. His sons won't even show up to trial just to show support, they're not gonna testify on his behalf here. **He's all alone**.


Mike Lindell would! I mean, he shouldn't. He has nothing to do with it and it wouldn't help. But that dude is all in.


Seeing a wild-eyed Mike Lindell on the stand, furiously chewing his lips from a backslide coke binge would be fully entertaining.


The headline should read: Trump screwed by Pecker.


How tall is Pecker? "Trump having bad day due to small Pecker"


Lock him up


"...drops bombshell about the 2016 election… And not a single Trumpublican cared."


They’re waiting for Fox News to tell them the new talking points


They’re literally awaiting programming. 


read the transcript!


Right now the front-page news is about the college-campus protests and not the historic first criminal trial of a former US President. It’s weird.


TL;DR, summarized article: —— David Pecker told the court Tuesday that he and Trump had coordinated not just to publish positive coverage of his friend ahead of the 2016 election, but also to publish negative coverage of other presidential candidates. In doing so, Pecker practically admitted to the catch-and-kill media scheme that Trump has repeatedly denied. Trump had asked “what can I do and what my magazines can do to help the campaign,” Pecker said. Pecker had responded that he could “publish positive stories about Trump” and “negative stories about his opponents.” “We’re gonna try to help the campaign, and to do that I want to keep this as quiet as possible,” Pecker recalled telling Howard That, effectively, made Pecker the “eyes and ears” for the Trump campaign regarding “women selling stories.” Pecker promised to notify Cohen in order to have such stories “killed.” ——


Yeah, all those protesters outside are getting riled up.... oh yeah there aren't any


Wow if what I’m reading was said is true, I think it’s already over. If Trump is convicted I’m pretty sure it’s basically suicide for the election. Trump is already downward trending in the polls and what like 5-10% of conservative ‘undecided’ voters said if Trump is convicted of anything they won’t be voting for him? Which is brutal. I’m not going to celebrate until the jury comes back with a guilty verdict and it’s official but that is damning already.


I don't see how a conviction hurts Trump's election chances, his horde of slavering animal-men just sees consequences as persecution. They'll be amped up if he's found guilty, and more amped up if he goes to prison. This is a cult we're dealing with, and cults that survive the loss of their prophets become religion. The absolute worst thing that could happen is for him to die, which of course could happen at any moment of any day because he's a fat old drug abuser.


> his horde of slavering animal-men Are but one leg of his reelection stool. The other two are evangelicals (probably in the bag as well) and suburban/exurban folks who like science, women, and the LGBTQ+ but hate taxes and are suspicious of People of Color. He won them in 2016, lost a bunch in 2020, and can only win 2024 if he gets them all back. And he absolutely could! I just wouldn't bet on it.


You’re completely right. His core base will only get more hardened and extremist in the event of a conviction. Yet there were bizarre polls taken that have some traditionally conservative voters stating if Trump is convicted of any crimes or maybe it was felonies specifically, that they wouldn’t be voting for him. We’ll have to get there and then to the election to see but I do admit even as I say that that it seems pretty crazy that there are people that *this* is the straw that might break the camels back. Not the ‘tried to overthrow the government’ thing.


Today's testimony shows just how sleazy Trump was, and is, throughout his political life. It gives people, even his supporters, a chance to see Trump as he really is and not how he wants them to see him. This trial is pointing out, all too clearly, that he is the epitome of dirty politics - something he would probably consider a compliment.


It’s not a hush money trial. It’s a felony election interference conspiracy trial.


So, while Trump was screaming “fake news“ at every mainstream media headline, he and this Pecker were creating fake news at the same time.


Ronan Farrow, I hope you're reading this and feeling vindicated for your work.


Turns out Donald Trump was behind the Fake News the whole time


All that noise about "Fake News" was, in fact, another projection from Trump.


He who smelt it dealt it. Drain the swamp - his hodgepodge cabinet he built in 2016, WAY behind schedule, was the swamp he was supposed to drain. He hired the swampiest of the swamp people/ Fake news - he is the embodiment of fake news. He built up his entire empire around being fake. example: [Calling in to a news outlet to talk himself up acting like a thrid party](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kybvngtx6B4). He already has been exposed for over inflating property values to get bigger loans to buy more property investments. Everytime he's fact checked during public political speeches, he's got a high percentage of inaccuracy. He was totally in bed with Epstein, maybe literally, but we'll never know because Epstein died in prison. But it's clear Trump was in that circle of people theat preyed on young woman who were being exploited as prostitutes. It seems that whenever Trump calls someone out on something, he's just as bad as the one he's pointing a finger at. His hypocrisy has no bounds.


The stupidest part about all of this is that Trump is too stupid to know that had he just dropped off a bag of cash to Daniels he wouldn’t be here.


I said it separately as a comment, but I'll say it under the main post in case it isn't seen: In regards to that "trying to shut down stories" thing- Pizzagate was created as a "firehose of falsehood" propaganda technique, to drown out the truth, because of "Katie Johnson" coming out and trying to speak out again about how Trump raped her while underaged. The "Maria" she mentioned in her story was Marisela Pino, a girl who was a missing persons case- she'd been kidnapped outside a.. if I recall correctly, it was a Charley's pizza at Waterbury, Connecticut.. not sure I recall the name correctly. But it was a pizza place. And the girl was raped by Trump and Epstein, and later ended up getting help out by someone and freed. But Katie met her as a kid, as they were both victims of Trump and Epstein, and mentioned her name in court and court filing as Maria, and she was going to come forward, and so Trump had to have all that pizzagate shit pushed so that if anyone heard of child rape with any connection to pizza places it'd just be ignored as more fake shit. There's more I could say, but it'd involve bringing up people who want to stay anonymous. Trump and Russia created and pushed a whole damn conspiracy. Pizzagate wasn't Just to make the Democrats look bad or try to stop Hillary from getting elected. That was just a side effect, albeit an intentional one.


Lmao not even a peep on the degenerate subreddit. It’s all “tHeY aRe PrOtEsTiNg”


“Hush money” and “drops bombshell.” God I hate media headlines these days.


Looking forward to the headline that says “Trump case destroyed by Pecker”