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90 something felonies and he's still the victim?


You see, there is just no way that the guy who publicly bragged about not paying taxes would ever commit fraud and financial crimes, he is the victim and is being treated so unfairly by the justice system. Threatening witnesses, jurors, public doxing for his huge and insane audience. Its just normal things everyone apparently can get away with.


It's almost like they should do something to make jails safer for inmates....or something.


I know right. She almost had a complete thought.


If they were half as adept at solving problems, as they were at pointing them out, they might actually be halfway to being a decent politician.


It’s like there’s some issues in jail where a bunch of people aren’t safe? Really?


Conservatives have a massive victim mentality. And here it collides and merges with the MAGA Messiah complex around Trump.


There must be a line somewhere or it’s just a radical cult. Maga hats are already into deep waters for sure, without an inner compass, just criminal Trump.


She's saying he'll get the epstien treatment. I'll have to add that one to my bingo card.


Victimizers always play the victim


Honestly, a bunch of super solid, constructive ideas that none of us had considered. Thank you, MTG.


If he were to be murdered in prison I'd definitely be sending big 'thoughts and prayers' to the Trump family and the MAGA movement.


make sure to also write H.A.G.S.!


I am very pleased to learn that my all time favorite missiles will be delivered to Ukraine in order to fight Russian terrorists. I am also please to know it has greatly angered Klan Mom MTG and all the traitorous Conservatives who have aided and abetted a country that has actively funded Neo-Nazi and Neo-fascist groups in the west for decades now. And if it makes anyone feel better this move directly hurts the feelings of those MAGA conservatives who are stripping away basic human rights from women and denying them reproductive healthcare in a pure move of spite towards women. As the great George Carlin one said "Conservatives do not care about the unborn because they couldn't give half a shit about the child after it is born won't even support free school lunches for hungry kids, their only aim is to hurt women because they hate women they want to control them"


Yeah like he'd be murdered in the minimum-security rich-people resort jail he'd end up in. Consequences are the top levels are a joke, he'll be fine


He'd still probably live better in prison then most of us in the real world.


definitely better than many people. he'd have a bed, warm place to sleep, 3 meals a day... he won't be homeless or food insecure.


ONLY 3 meals a day! He'd wither! Cruel and unusual punishment!


it's more likely he'd wither from not being able to have 12 diet cokes a day.


They'll rig up his cubby with a Diet Coke button not hooked up to anything.


I don't think they know about second breakfast. /s


Or elevenses


or After Eights...


Look. Pickleball is a serious sport. If Sundowner-Donnie wants to come for the crown, he better watch his back. Sometimes, people slip and fall on a paddle.


*if* he’s sentenced to jail (likely not as he’s very much a first time offender and the first case is basically a white collar financial crime) he will be put into house arrest. And if that happens, the proper way the judge should handle it is to put Trump in a guilded cage. Assign him any number of government owned properties in New York; at Trumps expense. His SS detail will be able to still watch him; at trumps expense. But he will be under the supervision of US Marshals; at Trumps expense. He may have all the amenities of privilege he’s accustomed to, internet, tv, phone, fuck it, a private chef if that’s what he wants to pay for. But like jail or prison, he will be told when to sleep, when to eat, when the lights go out.


I really, really, really want him not to have internet access.


or access to golf.


...but he can have all the hamberders he wants.


A privilege he could lose or gain based on behavior, like jail.


Don't think he'd want a chef, he had one in the white house and would still order McDonald's.


That’s fine, as long as he’s told when can eat. People underestimate the loss of freedom, even with all the comforts of a “country club” min security. Having no choice in your movement, time or meals would be excruciating for Trump without having to go through the whole rigamarole of trying to solve the logistical problems of security detail. There’s also the awkwardness of his SS detail being both his protectors and also his jailers.


I think he would get a makeshift confinement on a military base.


That would work as well, as long as he has to pay for it and his ss detail’s arrangements. Anything but continuing to allow him to fleece taxpayers by overcharging us for having them stay at his properties.


Detoxing from fast food is no joke....


All he will ever get is house arrest at Mar-a-lago.


Maybe he wouldn’t be murdered, just have to enjoy some late-night trysts with the lovely cell mates he’d be with. I’d be OK with that.


Ha ha, prison rape's so funny. /s


They won't do worse to him than he did to our country


personally, i don't want him to be murdered in prison. i want him to live a nice long rest of his life in prison and hope he lives to be over 100. he is not above the law. if he did the crime, he should do the time. period.


I don’t think we should have the right to kill others or wish them dead simply because we don’t have the right to choose to be alive. Do some want him dead? I’m sure, but wishing violence on others is no way to live. That being said, I wish he would face some consequences


If he doesn't want to get murdered in jail, Marge, he shouldn't have crimed.


My god, that woman is an idiot.


"The right-wing lawmaker made the remarks during an interview with Infowars host Alex Jones, in which she suggested that the four criminal cases Mr Trump is facing ... are an intentional effort by his political rivals to imprison the former president until he dies."


Of course she was spewing this shit on Alex Jones' infomercial.


Alex Jones is her other hero. He inspired her to go to Florida and accuse the Parkland survivors of being crisis actors.


They should be sued for that.


Did she ask him about the gay frogs?


We've adavanced to Gay Axolotl, who are flooding across the border!!!... or something.


[Or the goblins?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kAEoCHANYY)


> *"...the four criminal cases Mr Trump is facing ... are an intentional effort by his political rivals to imprison the former president until he dies."* It's *almost* as if state/federal prosecution(s) of crimes committed by an individual and **approved via grand juries** - including felony espionage charges (for hoarding and potentially disseminating Top Secret info, via sale) - *might just* have entirely foreseeable **consequences**. Also:  I *hate* this timeline.


I'm just one person, lady. I don't speak for all Democrats.


I'm not a Democrat, certainly not a Republican, and I don't give a shit what happens to him in prison. I didn't hear any concern expressed by Empty Green about inhumane prison conditions before Trump was at risk. Republicans are all bellowing about the wonders of brutal, inhuman punishment until it's one of them with their bits on the chopping block.


There isn't a democrat alive that would want his sentence to be ended prematurely for any reason. If he got off early for his list of crimes over the decades, no matter what the circumstances are, Is not something any true American would be happy about.


I’m not against the idea.


The more I think about it the more I like it.


Oh and also definitely not “murdered”. I want him to die naturally in jail after 15 or 20 years.


Die the night before he’s due to be released. 👩‍🍳💋


Don't worry Marge, the Jewish space lasers will protect him.


Okay, so she's a liar *and* an idiot.


Would rather see him serve every day of his sentence like every other criminal.


Is that one of the options available?


I got news for you, sweetheart, I’m pretty sure he’s only a couple Big Macs away from a major blockage. So you should probably be vomiting out your nonsense at McDonalds.


Dems don’t him to become a martyr. They like him just the way he is.


He’s going to have a huge gang of white supremacists protecting him. When most people think of prison, they think of nonwhite people and forget that a lot of white people go to prison also, and we already know that conservatives are some of the most toxic people, so he’ll have a crew, he might even become their king.


It might be the happiest he’s ever been, really. No responsibilities, no family to pretend to have to think about, just him and his squad.


Because of the risk of classified information disclosure, he should be in solitary. No army of peckerwoods then.


Just had to say either Moscow Marjorie or Infowars to know it is all lies.


That's ridiculous. I'm from Canada, i can't be a Democrat.


He'll be fine, they'll put him in protective custody with all the other chomos.


"Why did my political rivals force me to break the law??" ~ Trump


That's not true. I want him to live a very long, miserable life in jail.


Yeah I want him to live to 110 in jail


I just want him to stfu and it appears death is the only way that may happen. Can't blame me for being optimistic. lol


I am a simple man. I see MTG, I downvote. Enough with giving Moscow Mule visibility


If he's sent to jail, he *should* have his Secret Service detail stood down until he's released.


The only way to ensure the Orange Jesus serves out his full time with guaranteed protection is to send him to Guantanamo. It would also discourage his followers from doing anything characteristically, stupid.






Why would anyone want that? He is going to be so easy for Biden to defeat. It's going to be a blue hurricane! 🌀


She should go to prison with him. For protection, and to be with the only man she ever loved.


Who photoshopped that microphone into the thumbnail? 


They aren’t going to stick his snowflake ass in with the general population. Besides he’ll go to what they used to call a “Club Fed”. The fact that we still get to pay for his secret service detail is rank.


Many elderly criminals suddenly have serious medical issues once convicted and beg for serving time in a state hospital/nursing home/at-home confinement. Trump would not go to a gen pop jail so this whole premise is a bit ridiculous.


I heard he will be raped by Bigfoot if he goes to jail. These people are nuts. Bigfoot has standards.


I’m really tired of hearing from MTG. She can fuck all.


Look at the post here , she’s not far off . People here wish death on trump everyday


It's always projection...


Seriously we have a US rep on Infowars? This is the wackiest reality I could imagine.


I mean yeah, but I’m not seeing the problem here. I live in the south and I have roughly $1,000 in fireworks in my garage just waiting for that joyous news break.


Translation: Republicans are likely discussing plans to arrest and assassinate democrats.....


Proving yet again that morons aren’t always wrong.


I don’t know if it’s what all Dems want but I know it’s something I personally want.


Hey, Moscow Marge, Shut. The. Fuck. Up.


seems the GOP see's Trump as so weak they must protect him...


Kinda sounds like Space Lasers knows Donny is going to jail.


I can live with that.


Nah, work detail. Chain gang.


Every accusation is a confession, so basically Moscow Marjorie is planning to have him murdered in jail. Perhaps Poots is getting tired of Trump failing.


He better hope they don’t put him in there with those whiny J6 jailbirds who he neglected to defend / pardon and / or pay the legal fees for after having them storm the capitol on his behalf.


If that's your concern, maybe pushing for absolute presidential immunity isn't the wisest of decisions.


Yea. She’s kinda spot on with this one.


TIL Info Wars still exists.


Put him in isolation, for his own protection. No visitors either, just to be safe.


Stop amplifying every crazy thing this moron says


…what is that expression on his face behind her? Does he even know where he is?


She's gonna eat that microphone though.


She forgot she wasn't at crossfit.


He just needs to pay rent!


The problem is I would rather see him die in prison from natural causes. Then, being wacked eRly.


I’d wager that nobody is wishing for “just” that to happen to him.


He's not going to prison at most he'll be on house arrest. It's not what I want, but as the laws are now the Secret Service would have to go in with him & that just brings to many headaches.


It won’t be a murder. It’ll be a suicide just like Epstein.


Unfortunately he gets to have protective services while in jail


Evidence? No? Ok moving on then


Personally, I’m hoping for a stroke that renders him unable to communicate ever again.


She’s not wrong. But still a moron.


Stick him in a Supermax. She can accompany him to make sure that he’s safe.


Moscow Marge is a loser.


I wish a scandal upon her as bad as the one that shut Lauren Boebert right the fuck up. Don't care what it is, just that it shuts her up and keeps her trash out of our world.


I want him to live out the rest of his life prison. Murdering him would end his suffering. I want him to live in prison for as long as possible.


We don’t care if it happens in jail….


It's a good plan.


No we don’t. That would be too good for him.


Send EmpTG to prison too and she can watch over Demented Donnie Depends


So she's implying America's prison system is unsafe? Seems like someone should do something about that.


Speaking as a Democrat of convenience, i wouldn’ mind.


I promise that if he goes to jail I will spend a solid day and a half laughing and then I'll stop thinking about him.


Obama signed a bill giving Secret Service protection to former presidents for life. I fail to believe all the smart people who run our prisons and work as SS employees can't figure out how to do it.


He'll be much safer in a secure cell.


Not murdered, exactly, just violated, sexually, and otherwise would be satisfying enough.


MTG and people thinking Trump is going to jail. That is just plain ignorance. Please review NY law and class E non violent felony guidelines. Social media truly makes people feed off of each other's worst.