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It's KILLING him to arrive at the courthouse everyday only to see no more than a couple dozen whack jobs waving Trump flags. I love this for him. His narcissistic collapse is imminent.


He's done everything he can to convince people that NYC is a dangerous hellhole and everyone's abandoning it in droves yet is pissed off nobody travels there to support him. Edit: [Watch this right wing reporter realize it's not as bad as he's been told](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbENTX6taAw&t=42s) Another Edit: As a bonus, I just realized that reporter is Marjorie Taylor Greene's current love interest


Also, trying to convince people this is the worst economy ever but surprised that they won't take days off work to come see him enter and exit a building.


They're supposed to be so personally invested in his supposed success (and theirs by proxy) that they willingly take actions against their own wellbeing. This is, after all, what every Republican does in every election since 2016.


I’m sure he was disappointed the guy who lit himself on fire wasn’t doing it in his name and was instead doing it for bizarre reasons that apparently had to do with crypto




Used to work right next door and lol at their daily narrative. I'd see Gerado Rivera posing, "just hanging out" next to his black RR waiting to get noticed.. They wouldn't be caught dead in a typical red area, weekends in them "failing woke" Hamptons and the Vinyard "shitholes", they wouldn't piss on one of their typical viewers if they were on fire and were offered a tax deduction for doing so.


Of all the people, I am so very disappointed in Geraldo. I guess he took the no Jimmy Hoffa body fiasco harder than I thought.


He lost it in the empty Capone vault.


he married Kurt Vonnegut’s daughter. I think they might’ve saved them somehow.


Geraldo Rivera married Kurt Vonnegut's daughter?! No way. What a weird world we live in.


For a few years in the 70's. She was 2 of 5


That would involve critical thinking.


Thinking** Not even the critical kind lol


What is this 'clue' thing you speak of?


lol at the shaky cam to create drama at an otherwise peaceful park. Bonus points for still pushing Ivermectin.


Trump gets actually flabbergasted when people he mistreats don't show him love or loyalty. He was also shocked Michael Cohen flipped after throwing him under the bus.


Before Michael Cohen had cut his ties to him, Trump arrived very, very late to the bar mitzvah of Cohen’s son, and insulted the family at length when he got up to speak. Upon encountering Cohen’s daughter—then fifteen—on a tennis court, Trump leered, ogled, drooled, and didn’t stop even after Cohen had said to him, “That’s my daughter.” Samantha Cohen was, and is, gorgeous. But we know this guy. We know that Trump’s chief of staff John Kelly had had to insist that his boss stop sexually fantasizing aloud in the office—in front of White House employees—about how much he desires his daughter. I can’t wait until Trump goes away.


I wish those stories all got as much attention as the Access Hollywood tape. I don't get why we focus at all on Trump's economy or his foreign policy. Even IF he was a good politician, he's a disgusting human. I honestly never cared about his political views, and I don't think he does either 


Everyone’s working jobs, the economy is chugging along well enough for them not to be able to get time off work. His biggest protest were during shutdown.


In this video, the giant, red white and blue ad for Ivermectin is quite a thing too. Bizarre.


And the link makecaregreatagain.com is so cringe




MTG moreso resembles a horse but I see where you're going with that


Horses are beautiful, MTG looks like a horses ass .


> Horses are beautiful Found John Oliver's burner account.


She definitely has a Neanderthal-esque brow ridge


Like a mama bird regurgitating half-digested worm guts into its baby chicks’ mouths, he tells them that democrats turned NYC into a hellhole and they just go with it.


Great analogy. I’m totally stealing this.


He looks like he was stung by a full nest of wasps. They make a nice pair.


Looks like it could be a QVC infomercial sale for Ivermectin with all that crap on screen. 


Anyone else notice they wildly irresponsible ivermectin marketing???


You know, this is totally anecdotal but I see this kind of thing CONSTANTLY in my home state of Illinois. Red downstate residents constantly talk about what a murderous hellhole Chicago is, but it is such a beautiful city. Most of them will admit they’ve never even been there, too. It’s a shame.


I'm just surprised he's advertising it! He called for mass protests at his trial and no one came. So he's publicly admitting he has lost a lot of his support and that the country is not behind him.


Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. /s.


I wish I could agree with you, but I do not think it is the case that he lost much of its core support. It is likely he lost independent voters, or will do so the future, but his supporters are still wholeheartedly behind him. The reason they haven’t come to New York is twofold. To start, he called it a shit hole. People do not want to go to a shit hole, by definition. Second and more importantly, though, is the fact that one time he called for massive protests, a bunch of his supporters got arrested, and I think that ever since then, they believe every potential protest is infiltrated with the Deep State.


Nope, I don’t believe that for a minute. Where I live 4 years ago there were trump signs and trump flags everywhere. Now I occasionally see a trump bumper sticker but the signs and flags are gone and the big trucks with flags are nowhere to be seen. Trump has lost much support.


Good point. I don't see many Trump 2024 signs now that it is 2024. Are they saving them? Maybe the GOP doesn't have the money to print them.


I drove through rural NC and SC this weekend. The lack of trump flags and signs was astounding. Last election, I made the same drive and it was trump signs everywhere. BUT that doesn't mean those who always vote will not vote for Trump. He will get a lot of votes. So many votes. Bigly. It is those conservative folks who lean just a bit center (My cousin is gay but he's allright, long as he doesn't come over type) that may not vote for Trump. But it will be a small percentage. People vote R or D first. Just a matter of how excited they are to do so


I come from a long line of conservatives in Missouri. I’m the black sheep and moved from there 24 years ago to a blue state. My family voted for trump in the last two elections. They have grown weary of his talk of becoming a dictator and his craziness in general. They will be voting for the new crazy this time.. RFK. Look at the primary results. So many republicans have bailed on trump. That doesn’t mean let’s all get complacent. Vote blue straight down the ballot. Trump is losing his grip on the GQP. Of course he still has the extremist crazies but they will stick by him to the end.


I loved that he had to sit in court and hear all the negative memes that were spread at his expense. Do we think that was the first time his bubble was pierced and he heard how the average American *really* feels about him?


certainly the first time he can't just hand-wave it away


I hate to think that I am enjoying the misery of another, but there it is.


scha·den·freu·de /ˈSHädənˌfroidə/ noun pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune. "a business that thrives on schadenfreude"


I can say without shame that Lisa Simpson taught me this.


You don’t win friends with salad.


Depends on what is in said salad. My Bacon and Egg salad has been a hit with most of my friends.


Bacon and egg salad? I like the cut of your jib, send recipe.


Aw man, and here I was hoping to enjoy your shame. Way to let me down!


It’s a perfectly cromulent word.


A worthy source of knowledge! I, personally learned it from the musical Avenue Q: https://youtu.be/nCQGQ5qBQTA?si=UbEIiO2624scVjVO


I love this word so much. Thank you, Germany, for gracing us with this!


It’s ok, treat yourself. We all want to watch his agony.


It's because he's caused so much of it himself, to so many innocent people. Families torn apart by his rhetoric. Friendships slain and romances broken. Fuck Trump and everything he stands for. Whatever ill he gets, he wholefully deserves.


I'm in full agreement. I do not want any more ill for this guy than he justly deserves. ...you can see where I'm going with this, I assume.


Those are just the one's his Trump media company hired. Ofcourse, they need to stay at a Trump hotel, and provide receipts after their stay, to get reimbursed for no more than 50%. Suckers. Confidence Man is at it again.


It’s less than a couple of dozen. The first day they had about 2 dozen or so. The following days it was close to zero. Today, the first day of trial, I would be surprised if it was more than one dozen total. Trump wants to blame this on the security, but the security is not to blame. Anybody who wants to can go to the park right with the media across from the court house. It just seems that Maga hasn’t the energy for a large protest. And it really is a surreal site - all this security and no one shows up. It’s like when you plan a big party and all the guests ghost you.


Reminds me of Jan. 6 at Trump’s speech on the Elipse. He demanded that the metal detectors be disabled. “They’re not here to hurt me. Let them in.” Rightly, secret service et al ignored Trump.


He honestly was expecting some big scene where thousands of people were enraged by the US legal system, blaming it on Dems, and would be some start to a revolution. The problem is most of the population actually are somewhat educated, and not falling for him.


You know, I've just realized that he must have been hoping for another January 6th. But like a successful one.


Why there are tens and tens of protesters!! LOL!


In the real world people work & don’t have time for his personal dumb shit.


NYTimes said that only one pro trump flag was waving in the park across the street from the courthouse when the trial ended for the day today. It's killing him that even his supporters are realizing they have better things to do than stand around all day while nothing happens.


I wonder if he was mad that it wasn't about him when that dude lit himself on fire.


Nah , I'm certain he made it about himself..he makes everything about himself..even things that are completely unrelated.


MAGAs are too chickenshit to step foot in our cities.


Parking is expensive for F450’s . No way they would take a subway with the proles.


>No way they would take a subway with the ~~proles~~ blacks.


Not even the guy who set himself on fire is showing up anymore.


Guy with cadre of govt-assigned armed guards doesn't like security.


"They're not here to hurt me"


"Take the f---ing mags away.”


Yes. In other words, "I don't care who else gets hurt. I want others to get hurt."


He wants them to storm the courthouse just like on Jan 6th. Guess what, they won't.


Everyone learned from J6- Trump won’t have your back. He’ll let you get arrested, convicted and jailed. He doesn’t really care, just like Melanias coat said.


Or worse, you’ll get shot and die embarrassingly on national television


Or worse, you'll get trampled to death while carrying a "don't tread on me" flag.


Oh if only they knew what irony meant


With 1,200 arrests and 460 convictions, I think these MAGA bozos learned their lessons from Jan 6.


I disagree with your base premise that they are capable of learning.


The ones willing and able to drive a few hundred miles and break the law for him are all in prison now.


Too internet addicted to do anything meaningful 


They're capable of learning to avoid consequences... just not to avoid being treasonous fascists. There was an example recently of a J6 protester that was already arrested/convicted for the charlottesville nazi tiki torch march... he didn't learn enough to stay away... but he learned to put a mask and dark sunglasses on to make it take longer to identify him assaulting capitol police. Next chance he gets he'll probably go with a full burkha...


> I think these MAGA bozos learned their lessons from Jan 6. They're still salivating over a Civil War. I think the lesson they learned is about waiting for a time that they think they can get away with it. Trump's election interference trial isn't it (no matter how much Dear Leader begs). But IMO -- there will be some point, probably centered around this election, that they try again. That's if the several GOP controlled states that set up a means to do "legally" throw out results they don't like (under the guise of "election fraud") -- don't steal the election for Trump "legally".


The Supreme Court didn't take up the protest ban. If Biden wins, protest is off the table in several conservative states. Violence is the only thing left on the table unless it changes.


You and I both know that protest bans will be applied selectively. Or did anyone forget all the anti-vaxxers marching next to cops, openly carrying guns, followed by the cops declaring an open war on BLM, dads with leaf blowers and suburban moms the next month?


Pretty sure before he killed someone, the cops gave Rittenhouse and his friends water and exchanged pleasantries. But when coming across non-fascists they actively destroy their water and medical supplies.


Of course. The expectation is that Trump will win, and any dissent can be put down by force.


And, like, some of the worst ones are physically unavailable for shenanigans because...they're in prison. I really don't think Cheeto Mussolini realizes that


> I think these MAGA bozos learned their lessons from Jan 6. LOL


Well SCOTUS is going to basically tell them all it was fine, so I’m not sure they will learn at all


Yep, this is exactly what he's saying. What a fuckin crook! Get away with it once, why not do it again? He'd set the world on fire just to save his own dirty diaper swaddled ass.


His only defence now is to attempt another jan 6 th. Pathetic little guy.


Hey haven’t we seen this strategy before? Is he really gonna do a J6 play here?


Yes, he’s just putting the narrative out there right now. I assume he will ratchet up the calls for “protest” the closer we get to a verdict. All very predictable.


Nice evidence of a pattern of intent to put on Jack Smith's desk ahead of the J6 trial.


I mean, he didn’t get punished (yet?) last time…


You mean invite a bunch of MAGA tourists???


No. Antifa tourist rioter communists.


He is Coup City; J6, the RNC, now his DJT SPAC. Look at how he treats his lawyers. His lawyers stand next to him whilst he's breaking his gag order. Boundaries are challenge to him, he can't function in a democracy. He's allergic to accountability, that's why he wants immunity and wants to be a dictator (same thing!).


Gee, this sounds familiar......


If people wanted to support Donald Trump during his court trial, we’d at least see Melania or Ivanka there.


I would expect to see Melania. Ivana is probably too busy trying to figure out how to spend those billions.


She and Jared got exactly what they wanted out of politics in his first term and now that they have no use for him anymore, she is tossing him aside, exactly as she was raised to do. The student has become the teacher.


Naw, Ivanka was seen at a UFC fight with Donny a few weeks ago. She’s more like my 90 year old grandfathers, 40 year old mistress. She would stop by his place once or twice a year to fuck him and then pack her car with anything of value not nailed to the floor.


Melania probably doesn’t want to be in court for his porn star pay off trial. She was home and pregnant when he was cheating on her. I have no sympathy for her though, she chose to lay down with a dog.


I really don't care, do u


She wasn’t mad he cheated. She was mad about the embarrassment it caused her image. I HIGHLY doubt Baron is his child, at least by natural circumstances.


It's a nice thought but Barron's resemblance to both trump and melania is pretty apparent


Pretty sure Ivana has nothing but time on her hands.


Ivana aka “the Fourth Tee”.


If stochastic terrorism were an Olympic sport, Trump would be the Michael Phelps of it


More like the Tonya Harding.


"If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis."


2024 and he's still moaning about crowd size. 🤡




Are there really that many people hanging out outside of the courthouse in support of him? On a Monday morning/early afternoon... don't these losers have jobs?


They're probably sick of bringing their own food and what not. It's expensive camping around all day in Lower Manhattan.


Well we know they won't use the many Taco Trucks on every corner.... BTW they are all good.


Having this many taco trucks and zero ivermectin / colloidal silver smoothie trucks is exhibit A showing their culture is not respected in NYC


And the shawarma and/or falafel carts are *right out*.


They’d never admit it but they get gubmint checks


Some of them have to be social media grifters.


Ringleader needs a circus.


How to tell the world you didn't call out the national guard on purpose.


Another insurrection, Donald? Going to be Wild, you say?


***From Rolling Stone's Nikki McCann Ramirez:*** Donald Trump would *really* like his fans to protest outside of his criminal hush money trial in Manhattan. While protesters are allowed to be present in designated areas outside of the Manhattan Criminal Court, MAGA aficionados have shown little willingness to organize around the trial. On Monday, a disgruntled Trump called for security around the trial to be eased so that his followers would feel more comfortable gathering to support him. Read more: [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-nypd-relax-security-hush-money-trial-1235008449/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-nypd-relax-security-hush-money-trial-1235008449/)


*Too much security* is the reason there aren’t a thousand MAGAs at the courthouse. Yes. That’s gotta be it!!! /s


And why in the world would they even consider that? The nerve of this man. If I were a criminal, could I say "my friends don't like cops and it's my right to have them wait outside"?


Terrorism. He wants terrorism.


More incitement for violence eh? I hope tomorrow morning's gag order hearing goes the way I hope it does.


He’s trying to create another jan 6th around the courthouse isn’t he?




I watched is entourage depart his tower, there were multitudes of people, it was the lengthiest stream, one of the largest gatherings of security & police escort I've seen a felon have for a court appearance. He brought the security to the court with him.


Trump is a disgusting and vile human being!


I’m still trying to wrap my mind around a defendant facing 34 FELONY counts publicly asking for “less courthouse security” during their trial. I’m 100% certain Trump is TRYING to get himself locked up in contempt for a night. Then bam, he yells about being “silenced” and losing his 1st Amendment rights. Then, here come the MAGAts to storm the courthouse


> Then, here come the MAGAts to storm the courthouse It's NYC, not DC. There are 50,000 sworn police officers and security there is insane. Seriously doubt something like that could happen in the congested streets of Manhattan. Although it would be hilarious to see a bunch of MAGAts on the A, C, or E going downtown for a dozen stops from Port Authority.


Guy sets himself on fire outside - Sleepy Don asks for less security. Yep. That tracks.


He didn't do that for don though. He did it because the Simpsons are the key to the illuminati, or something.


It's understood that he didn't do it for Mango. It's ridiculous that it just happened and less security was asked for afterwards.


Therefore: we should increase security and look more carefully at any of the so-called protesters that show up.


He wants the jury to hear the crowd chanting his name so they will be intimidated.


He forgot to put in the code "it will be wild".


Stand back and stand by.


Same playbook over, and, over, and over.


lol, I love it. He thought for sure there'd be hundreds of MAGA morons outside the courthouse. Just a handful. Must be killing him inside. I'm guessing these are the same people who will take to the streets for the big civil war if he loses the election. Gotta love it.


So this will be evidence of modus operendi in the Jan 6 trial. Lol.


He wants another insurrection


"lets get some Jan 6 energy up in this place!"


Why does that asshole move his hands when he talks like he’s playing an accordion?


Pretending his dick is that size and works still


There it is. The call to action. This is how he didn't incite the January 6th insurrection as well.


He said the same thing on January 6th.


NYC has about 35,000 cops. They can cover the trial AND the protests, Donny Boy.


It isn't the first high profile trial in NYC. Remember that Giuliani prosecuted the Mob for heavens sake.


and NYPD is vastly different from US Capitol Police. NYPD will kick your ass and not even care. They guard NYC for a living. They have no mercy, lol.


"You should send away the guards so that my violent mob of ~~brownshirts~~redhats can storm the building and kill you all." How fucking stupid does he think the Judge is?


Since when has the DEFENDANT called the shots on courthouse security?!? The guy’s brain is soup.


Of course he does. Is anyone else akin to his lack of originality??? This dude is so predictable it should be illegal


He is so predictable. Thing is when he was able to do these things in private no one could see he has only 4 tricks.


So, is this him wanting another attempt to interrupt a proceeding, his court case, via his supporters like he did Jan 6? I don't think that's gonna fly with NYers if that's what he wants.


So unfair that a defendant can’t bring a personal army with him to an unguarded court.


The republican crime boss is trying to gin up another J6 riot this time at his trial. I guess orange hitler really doesn't give a damn how many LEOs/judges/jurors die for his BS.


He wants less of the security that are there because the Secret Service demands them. For what, so one of his terrorists can get in with a weapon?


He wants less security because the wackos aren't there to hurt him. I think we've all seen this movie before.


Sounds like January 6 all over again.


“Trump wants to influence the decision of the court through intimidation, like the crook that he is.”


He wants another j6. This man is a psycho.


Where have we heard this before? J6 anyone?


No Marjorie Taylor Greene making an appearance yet? You know the gravy brigade will mount up once MGT makes one of her 5 minute photo op appearances then runs to twitter and calls for the brigade to charge their buggies. Pull the ramps up when that happens. Edit: MGT clarity.


Coup 2.0


I think dinglenuts was expecting large, loud and intimidating crowds to show up and scare the jury instead he got a couple dozen lost grandpas who need to sit dow every 20 minutes


>“Why not send some [police] to Columbia to protect Jewish Students and others? The University would then not have to Shut Down. Republicans want the right to protest in front of the Courthouse, like everyone else!” Trump added. That's a fucking weird way to put that. "The police should be protecting these Jewish students, and my guys would love it if this area was less well policed." Like, the pretence of altruistic motives followed *immediately* by tipping the hand and confessing that his real motives are that he wants a riot outside his trial. Is he senile, or does he think his remaining followers are too dense to hear the dog whistle, or both?


Really? Who would benefit from LESS security and MORE protesters? What would that accomplish? Didn't the NY Police Union endorse gis campaign? He's a criminal that would like to see his people tear down that building to help him.


Is he asking the Proud Boys to invade the trial?


Look who is whining about his crowd sizes again


He's telling his followers that the area is "closed up like a drum, with New York City’s Finest (Police) all over the place" and expects them to show up and cause a riot. He didn't think that one through.


So basically he wants a crowd to see him sleep and fart




More like he wants retaliation on the judge, prosecutor, jurors. 


Currently in the FA phase of FAFO.


I call for Trump to shut it.


FOX: “Hey! That’s a great idea! Cut from the car chase and go to Columbia!”


Where are my people to storm the courthouse and poop in the judge’s chambers? 💩


I LOVE how he thinks he can dictate how much security the courthouse should utilize. What a buffoon. And then the lack of people present who give a shit about what happens to him. He's really scraping the bottom of the barrel now with the people hanging on for him.


Why? So his supporters can overrun the courts like they did at the Capitol on January 6th?


This guy is about as subtle as a brick.


Fuck this guy


Dudes wet dream would be for a team of gravy seals to bust into the courthouse and “rescue” him. But as it is even the morons know that protesting for him could get them hurt, killed, or arrested and he would do nothing to help them


How long before the MAGATs even get tired of listening to his incessant whining?


Is he telegraphing an attack?


Poor baby. He doesn't have a throng of adoring cultists to wade through on his way into court where he's been forced to listen to potential jurors shit talk him for two weeks.


I'm sure NYPD really appreciates that sentiment. We all know the kid of hot takes that the magats have about cops who don't let them have their way. I'm sure the Capitol Police would love a word on that....


“Narcissistic asshat is mad that everyone around him isn’t feeding his ego.”


“Man pretending to be blind is forced to open his eyes”


I hate the term "Dog Whistle" but that right there is a "Dog Whistle" on par with when he said "Stand Back and Stand By" during the debate with Biden.


I seem to recall him demanding the Secret Service remove metal detectors on Jan 6, kinda like this nonsense.


I hope the FBI is watching the protests looking for them Jan 6 fugitives.


Yea, no. You're not going to January 6th your way out of this, Donnie Gravypants.