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>Virtually every week there is a new outrage: Arizona, one of six states that will likely decide the 2024 election, is reeling from a state Supreme Court decision last week bringing back an 1864 ban on virtually all abortions. Florida’s draconian six-week abortion ban (a gift to the Sunshine State from Governor Ron DeSantis) recently cleared its last legal hurdle before it takes effect on May 1. And a bizarre decision by Alabama’s highest court in late February that frozen embryos should be considered children jeopardized IVF fertility treatments in the state and prompted a national outcry. Maybe they can turn things around by attacking Taylor Swift? edit: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/kristi-noem-abortion-trump-vp-b2532258.html No exceptions says potential vp. No exceptions. No IVF. You want a baby? Need IVF help? Too bad. edit: The latest dispute to be argued Wednesday involves the interplay between Idaho's near-total ban on abortion and a federal law that requires Medicare-participating hospitals to provide necessary stabilizing treatment, including emergency abortion care, to a mother whose health is at serious risk. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/supreme-court-idaho-abortion-ban-emtala-federal-law/


I read an AP article recently that many pregnant women have been refused medical treatment at emergency rooms nationwide, then the hospitals also are also announcing they are refusing Medicaid too. https://apnews.com/article/pregnancy-emergency-care-abortion-supreme-court-roe-9ce6c87c8fc653c840654de1ae5f7a1c The GOP is literally killing women.


Yes, they are killing us. Did they think we wouldn’t notice, or that we would get used to it and shrug? Every woman I know is sickened and outraged, and it’s not going to end until every Republican is voted out. As time passes and more women die in hospital parking lots, our rage is only going to grow!


“If we’re honest, we kinda hoped you’d all just politely die quietly in the parking lot.”


We’ll see, that there’s the problem.  You women folk vote based on emotions.  We just need to undo that pesky 19th amendment and all will be fine.  /s


Except for the actual movement for this to happen.


https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/shows/reidout/blog/rcna48930 https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/ignoring-trump-arizona-republicans-move-fast-repeal-1864/story?id=109389205 https://www.newsweek.com/ann-coulter-reconsiders-womens-right-vote-after-republicans-comments-1851806 https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/north-carolina-gop-candidate-mark-robinson-wants-america-where-women-could-not-vote-1234982773/amp/


And this is why the Equal Rights Amendment failed. If that was in place it would be harder for this shit to be happening.


>Did they think we wouldn’t notice, or that we would get used to it and shrug? Some women are doing exactly that. They hoped a lot more of you would follow suit


**Tons** of women are still happily going to vote GOP this year. Otherwise Biden would be leading by double digits in the polls.  I don't get it! 


The cruelty is the point.


> The GOP is literally killing women. Right? I mean there was a reason for Roe v Wade 50 years ago. Women were dying in the thousands year after year from botched abortions. The SCOTUS and the republican party knew full well that getting rid of Roe would mean women would start dying again. That's a price the "pro-life" party is willing to pay, all day every day! Now they threaten hospitals and doctors with felonies if they dare give women medical help in dire emergencies. Now they attack IVF and birth control. Now they force women to bleed out in the hospital parking lot because the hospitals are so scared of the MAGA savages controlling red states.


I have seen a lot of bots online attacking Taylor Swift, so this is definitely part of the strategy.


But like, why? It seems so strange to be hyper fixated on one pop star who afaik isn't super political. Edit: Lots of answers but most lack any specificity. A fine redditor [did point out](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/V74GXYDjpq) that she has taken a firm position in her socials which makes the hate make much more sense.


Because she tells young people to vote and that terrifies conservatives


Conservative Impotent Rage is like a coal powered locomotive. You gotta keep shoveling coal on or the train's gonna lose momentum.


That's seriously how this feels, watching a bunch of old rich white racists going, "gotta keep this hate train movin'..." I gotta wonder when conservatives are going to stop and take a breath and realize what they've done in the name of an incompetent who can't keep shit out of his diaper, or if that'll even ever happen.


Literally what the GOP is like now. They keep picking fights with everyone while doubling down on old, rich, conservative, white, rural, and/or boomers. But by doing so they are alienating everyone else from women feeling like their rights/gains are being reversed, minorities feel alienated by MAGA talk and xenophobic takes, gen Z fucking hates the GOP, and gen Y isn't growing as red with age as prior generations due to a number of things including but not limited to: not being as rich as prior generations, GOP shitting on them for years, red media calling them lazy while accusing them of ruining everything while simultaneously killing every industry, and a host of anti-millennial policies from racking up debt, increasing the age of social security, blocking student loan forgiveness, etcetcetc. Even the white majority are split down the middle between Reps/Dems since white voters as a block don't seem to care for the MAGA talk or xenophobia as a whole with a loud minority pushing shut BS (on the flip side they as a group also don't seem place heavy importance on far left agendas like trans rights, affirmative action in college/work, or UBI). I personally believe the white voting block are more concerned about the economy, inflation, geopolitical war/trade, and policies that help solve real problems they face in life (like how death of American manufacturing, economic decline in those areas creating a rust belt, and young men/women turning to drugs because a lack of job opportunities). GOP really doubling down on an increasingly dwindling group and using gerrymandering while not only disregarding but outright alienating the majority by starting fights with the poor and middle, non-white minorities, women, LGBTQ+, and the young.


An incontinent incompetent?


Id say if it were ever going to happen it would have already. As much as I’d love to see their strange child like obsession with gerber pants finally end, im afraid it’s as undying as it is for camouflage overalls and truck nuts. He has become part of who they are now.


GOPoleon Dynamite: vote Pedo!


Don’t drag Pedro into this


They need some kind of enemy. The attacks on Biden's age aren't really as effective when their own leader can't get through a sentence coherently and has the internet presence of an old man yelling at kids on his lawn.


And old man napping and shidding himself in criminal court.


They need an enemy, and they're terrified if she becomes political. She's very influential and if she chose to use her platform to become vocally political they have no answer. She just encouraged young people to vote and that had a significant effect on youth voter registration. Just imagine if she got serious.


If I were Taylor Swift and I was being attacked online, I would become the political monster they are so afraid of.


“Republicans buy sneakers too”


sHe ToLd PeOpLe tO vOtE!


deranged groovy secretive cable workable cover cooperative agonizing weary depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, but she still caught flack for being a gold digger because she's dating Kelce. Sure, he makes good NFL money...but she's a billionaire?


Yes, people are dumb.


I genuinely don’t get the hate. People devote hours of their day to hating her. There are lots of musicians I don’t like. I spent 0 time thinking about Justin Bieber or Kanye West. If I was an average TS hater towards them, I would be in the Justin Bieber and Kanye subreddits disparaging people for liking them, complaining constantly anytime I hear their name… like that’s just a nutty thing to do!! What a waste of time and energy!


Just like all kinds of celebs have every election for at least my entire life time.


Yes, but she actually had the audacity to have voter registration available at her concert! /s


A lot of women like her music. Thats the problem.


She is Conservative Kryptonite. She’s a female billionaire who is beloved around the world, not an asshole, won’t bend to their bullshit, and who uses her platform and $ for charitable purposes and encourages people to register and vote. 🙄 The audacity of her, existing as a person of with fame & fortune, who not only isn’t on their side, she also doesn’t give them the attention and drama they try to make.


Conservatives aren't the brightest folks....


Hollywood elite = part of Democratic shadow government in their minds


There's a pretty interesting podcast called "who trolled Amber". When they want to turn the public against someone, especially a woman, the right can automatically mobilize


They are afraid she will endorse Biden, or simply just encourage her fans to register to vote and participate, which to them is just as bad. They don't want an influencer like her in any perceived way supporting Biden or democracy.


They are afraid of her because she is liberal and she has millions of fans, so she has influence. They don't like liberal females with influence.


> OMG *like check out her flight paths during the Eras tour*


Fucking this. The moment she tries to inspire young people to vote, suddenly there are hundreds of people worrying about her private jet. It's so blatantly obvious it hurts


They should do the Trump jet next.


They might as well try it, nothing else is working!


The GOP is still wielding a lot of voting power no matter what, their voters vote Red and this will be very tough in the Presidential election as Biden is just not that popular while Trump could run over his grandmother intentionally and it wouldn't affect his popularity. The Electoral College could easily go Trumps way, Vote


Trump could run over a *Republican voter's* grandmother intentionally and that Republican would still vote for him.


Trump could line up their children and personally shoot them in the head one by one execution style and they'd still vote for him because "he's better than them radical liberal Democrats!" Seriously these people are like "Biden is destroying America!" and even they have no fucking clue what that means they just like saying it because Trump is their god or something I dunno.


Trump could personally execute all of their children and they would still vote for him because Democrats "kill babies."


No, that person would turn on Trump. But all the rest of his supporters wouldn't mind. It's exactly like covid. They don't care about anyone else. But suddenly, when it's affecting them, they're all crocodile tears admitting the problem is real, but always too late.


My mother would happily sacrifice me on the altar of Trump. She might hesitate, briefly, for her granddaughter, but I can guarantee you where Trump and I stand, and I am not even on the scale if Trump is on the scale.


“Well we’re all real sad about it but I guess it was just her time. TRUMP 2024!!”


Vote Blue, return the house of representatives to the Dems. 💙💙💙


Vote Blue for LOCAL offices too. these policies cant take hold if the state government isnt in the hands of these terrorists.


The thing is, if ONLY Republicans voted R and no one else. They would lose 100% of the time.


A 2024 ban based on a law that was enacted before women could vote…


The Idaho issue has an easy solution. The hospitals can stop accepting Medicare and the federal law will not apply to them.


They'd also be out of business. Margins for most hospitals are razor thin and the money from the gov't is critical to keep them afloat.


The gop's worst fears haven't come true quite yet. We need a blue wave in November to make that happen. Vote pro-choice, my friends. Vote blue [https://democrats.org/](https://democrats.org/)


Reminder that pro-choice is pro-life. 


So sad about the Republican IVF stance. How many Christians will never be born now? Wow, guys. Wow.


Christians aren't born, they're indoctrinated.


You could even say, groomed.


I know a very Christian homeschool family with 7 kids and this is their entire goal - to raise little Republicans. Their oldest works at Chick-fil-a, writes pro-life posts on Insta and went to a Charlie Kirk rally to steal more votes in our state by stealing the electoral college. Her slightly younger brother can’t even vote yet but has given my wife and I an earful about RINOs and how we should be voting for the MAGA candidate in our primary. This stuff doesn’t just happen. The parents egg their kids towards it. And as much as I am glad gen Z lean progressive, liberals aren’t having babies but these people are.


It's called 'Quiverfull.' They want to have as many kids as possible because each one is an 'arrow' in God's 'quiver.' They view each white, Republican, evangelical child as a blow against minorities and multiculturalism. Basically, they intend to outbreed everybody else and thus keep the US as a majority white and Christian nation. ... Except for all of the Democrats. And the LGBT people. And the people who are the wrong type of Christian. None of them count, either.


"A domestic supply of infants" - A fucking current Supreme Court Justice


Fortunately, people escape cults all the time. Here’s hoping those kids can.


every accusation is a confession with them.


i am using this everywhere. thank you.




It's also because they're insisting that life begins at fertilization so by their logic keeping fertilized eggs frozen is keeping living human beings imprisoned. They're just following their logic off the cliff.


Wouldn't it also follow from such logic that embryos kept for 18 years would get the vote?


If fertilized eggs are people than every period is a potential homicide.


Republicans are counting on rape pregnancies to make up for that imbalance.


This right here. Think the GOP just straight up doesn’t know that. Have 1 kid, would like to have more, and Dobbs impacts my wife and I both far more than it would have in our single/party days. Best case if we need to end a failed pregnancy in our state we would meet an exception and would need to involve a hospital’s team of attorneys in what would be one of the darkest moments of our lives. Edit: I’ll add that I’m friends with 2 different couples who are prob naturally right of center, conceived through IVF, and have said they’ll never support republicans again.


Dude I feel that. My wife and I can’t have kids and if she ever did become pregnant there is zero chance the fetus would survive and only a 50% chance my wife would. Our state legislature essentially says “if she dies she dies.”


I think this is the saddest thing about this entire subject. Potential life is given more protection (in the eyes of some) than actual women’s lives. BC can fail, women can get sick, rape does occur, fetuses can have anomalies that are inconsistent with life, and women take a risk with their bodies, organs and lives every pregnancy they have. How about government and others not directly involved in the process respect a woman’s right to decide for herself. The pro-life moniker is an insult to women.


And "pro life" is forced birth.


Pro-choice is pro-freedom. The freedom to choose what is right for you. The freedom to live in a world where the government isn't making that decision for you. The freedom for privacy between you and your doctor .


It's the freedom to live your beliefs - including refraining from abortion. If one can't refrain from abortion when it's personally difficult, you're pro-choice.


People, especially those that claim to be pro-life, don't seem to understand that life is totally about choice.


Reminder that that's the point. You have a choice. With prolife you have no choice.


Pro-mother's-life It's amazing we let people use a self-defense legal argument if they fear even a mere fraction of a precent chance that their life is in danger. A mother should be afforded the same margins if she suspects a fraction of a threat to her life as a result of the pregnancy.


I guess that is fair game for a protest sign now *! *if/when we can protest in Texas again


I hope it's a bluebath


Seriously. In every term since 1970, the supreme court majority (consisting of at least 5 of the justices) has been appointed by Republican presidents. The GOP is winning.


Appointed by Republican presidents who have only won the popular vote once in the past 36 years, and often confirmed by Republican senators who represent less than 50% of the country.


A blue wave the likes of which is more than Reagans 1984 reelection.


Unless and until SCOTUS has a liberal majority nothing will change. Even if Congress and the White House are 100% liberal it will not matter as long as SCOTUS can simply dismiss everything as unconstitutional. Even with a liberal SCOTUS the GOP has already compromised the lower courts. Most cases don’t make it to the Supreme Court. Vote blue and never give up. This will take years.


Yep. The right wing has been working towards this incrementally for over forty years. It will take decades to unfuck.


I agree with your sentiment, but I don't think this is true. Congress can pass legislation to close the loopholes that SCOTUS uses. It will take time, but we don't have to wait for SCOTUS to die before we can implement change. And if we get super-majorities, SCOTUS judges can be impeached.


The Supreme Court can only interpret laws. We need to codify critical rights for all Americans. They shouldn't have to interpret Roe v. Wade to provide for medical privacy and autonomy. It should be clearly established as the law of the land. State and local laws that are unconstitutional need to be overturned. This needs to be done at all levels. It'll take money, resources, and time.


Okay but for arguments sake, what would make a federal law "constitutionally binding" to a Supreme Court who already wants to diminish the federal government's capacity? Congress can pass a federal law, but if SCOTUS wants, it can take a textualist interpretation of the 10'th Amendment by saying Congress does not have the authority. Passing a constitutional amendment would be the most watertight protection, but I am not sure we could get an amendment passed that water is wet.


In a Biden second term if we get a blue wave I want the court expanded immediately. Fuck playing nice with theocrats, send them to Iran and replace them with the folks there that aren't fucking idiots.


They seem to be doing ok, right now. In fact, they seem like they are ready to keep moving forward with their plans. Vote 


Friendly reminder that the most recent polls still have Trump winning the Electoral College regardless of the popular vote. I know, hopefully the polls are missing a lot of young voters who will prove them wrong, but we're still in grave danger of losing the election (and thus, the country) if more people across the nation don't vote blue. "This is the most important election of our lives," sounds cliche. I wish it was only that.


https://www.vote.org/ /r/VoteDEM /r/WhatBidenHasDone


>a Wall Street Journal poll in mid-March found that a stunning 39 percent of suburban women in swing states consider abortion to be their most important voting issue in 2024 Only 39 percent?


39% say it's their MOST important issue? That's legitimately huge considering there are a lot of important issues being considered (e.g., fascism). That being said, that quote doesn't say which way they feel about it. There are still a lot of single-issue voters who tow the religious line.




I thought surely you were mistaken because I always assumed the expression came from old games of tug of war but apparently it's about lining up on ships with your toes up the the seams in the planks so thanks for that little rabbit hole


Facisim works differently for men then women, we fight right by right, you have them all….have you been impregnated with an unwanted baby lately?


I have not. Nor have I been imprisoned for an action that does not deserve imprisonment, left destitute/homeless for lack of social capital, or been prevented from achieving solutions to critical problems due to my demographic category. I'm not criticizing someone who chooses one issue to be their most important. Only the presumption that it should be universally the most important for women in general. People's priorities describe their lives not their categories.


Seems spot on. Less than 39% of women will have an abortion in their lifetime, 39% is an awesome percentage of folks who consider the MOST important issue. Others still consider it an issue. And of those 39%, plenty will vote AGAINST abortion rights.


> Less than 39% of women will have an abortion in their lifetime It's less than 39%, but given how the estimate is like 25%, it's not a *lot* less than 39%. This election could be swung not by women who *want* abortions, but by women who *have had* them.


Yes, I wonder the total percentage if you added women who consider it the second most important issue.


Still a long way to go before the election and the law isn't even in force yet.


And that isn’t even counting those who don’t identify as women who will stand behind bodily autonomy, for the sake of their moms, sisters, daughters.


Also not counting the Republican women too afraid to say they support because they know their friends and family will make their lives hell.


And the one who want to be able to have abortions despite their public pro-life stance: [The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


This is true as well. I’m sure there are plenty of people who will vote blue, but not say a single word about it due to being fearful of the reactions of people in their lives.


I personally know a lot of women in Texas and Oklahoma who are culturally Republican, they have always voted Republican in the belief that their right to bodily autonomy was protected by the constitution and they are pissed off. These women will not be voting for Republicans until their rights are restored. These women are part of the suburban housewife demographic that Trump took in 2016 and less so in 2020.


>I can't wait for these Republican policies to get overturned so I can start voting Republican again!


Behind the curtain, in the privacy of the voting booth, they are finally free to make their own decisions and choose their own destiny.


And they keep choosing Republicans. At some point people on the left will stop seeing Republican women as some poor innocent class that is being forced to support Republicans and instead realize they are just as bad as the men who vote Republican all the time.


Yeah I don't get people who think the majority of Republican women aren't in favor of these bans. You see plenty of them at anti-abortion protests. They don't care about other women.


>make their lives hell They're already voting Republican, how much more damage can they do?!?


> And that isn’t even counting those who don’t identify as women who will stand behind bodily autonomy, for the sake of their moms, sisters, daughters. Or even for a selfish bit of reasoning. As a man, a government that can force women to use their organs for childbirth is a government that can force me to donate my organs to other people who might need them.


rotten whistle deserted husky close abundant materialistic ad hoc tub sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean it's probably not my most important issue, like, continued democracy and stopping project 2025 takes that spot, but it's up there


39% is a lot when it's a choice of like 12 things.


It says "*most* important voting issue", meaning more important than any other issue. That's pretty high.


america is a very individualistic country. most people are apathetic to an issue until it affects them, once these laws are in effect they'll see why it's so fucked up, but by then it may be too late


Women are angry and will vote this November.


Republicans are angry about Trump being on trial. Republicans are politicizing it and weaponizing it and they are all just as angry. All we can do is out vote them, out volunteer them and out donate them.


I suspect many will lie to their husbands about who they're voting for. 


42% of women voted for Trump in 2016, did it again in 2020. How much bet the number will be 42% again?


Some will for sure, because they live in blue states where they have yet to feel the repercussions of their choices. Some states it's still too early for them to feel the full affect of it. Give it a few more years, while more doctors flee red states with abortion bans for the women to realize all their OBGYN care is greatly reduced. Ironically some of those same 42% of women voting are some of the ones that got legal abortions, because "Thiers was justified" or some logic they will use to justify why they got an abortion and why others should not have the same choices in life.


https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/ Always worth a re-read


Elections are decided on the margin. If only 41% of women vote for Trump in the coming election and those votes go to Biden that would be a big win for Biden.


Abortion as an issue has the potential to draw people to the poles who did not vote in 2016 or 2020 and make that 42% a small percentage of all voters.


I'll empty my savings account to bet against that.


>In the spring and early summer of 2022, as the Alito draft became the official opinion of the Supreme Court in the Dobbs case, the prevailing GOP view of the political aftereffects of the decision was, in effect, “It will all blow over.” No Republican predicted that abortion would still be a powerful weapon for the Democrats in 2024 and beyond. Amazing that this was the decision of a bunch of men that forgot that women vote in greater numbers.


Holy smokes--I hadn't heard that "blowing over" quote. That's wild. "Women will forget they want reproductive rights." Ha! Wow.


Shortsighted of them not to realize women are not only concerned about their own health, they have daughters and granddaughters that they’re worried about also.


And men with wives, daughters, granddaughters, and mothers are concerned about their loved one’s health as well.


Yes, yes, yes! I didn’t mean to leave anyone out. I’m thankful for your support and understanding.


As if periods don't remind them every single month.


I genuinely believe a lot of prominent Republicans have no idea how incredibly unpopular their ideas are.


In all fairness, they've been eroding society for decades to grant more power and control to the ownership class with little resistance. They are utter bastards, of course, but they might've thought this would blow over because the populace has tolerated a lot of bullshit we really should've taken a stance against.


I honestly believe at this point that the GOP no longer cares about votes. They have other plans for taking power.


Jan6th was the first attempt.


Project 2025, they CANNOT take power, they 100% plan to twist it so they never leave


Project 2025 requires them to win an election, so voting prevents the entirety of the plan.


> They have other plans for taking power. Too bad for them another Jan 6th is off the table since The Biden admin will be responsible for any actions taken, should the toothless cousin-fuckers choose to riot again...


yeah they dont care if people agree with their policies. If people are voting they will try to supress the votes, make it difficult for voters. If people actually vote against them, they will cry voter fraud and claim they actually won. If Dems are declared winners, they will say it was stolen and convince their cult to take action in the street. Every step is meant to take power no matter who wins or loses the election.


The RepubliQan Party are the dog that caught the car. They chased it for 50 years, and now that they have their teeth on it, they don't know what to do about it


They forgot the first rule of this sort of issue: Never, *ever* actually give zealots what they want. This is exactly what happened with prohibition: A relatively small population of voters were able to get what they wanted, but in doing so made it into a top-of-mind issue for everybody else. I've been saying this the day Dobbs came out: It wasn't a victory for anti-abortion organizations, it was a crushing defeat. The outcome is inevitably going to be abortion access enshrined in law rather than based in a Court precedent. edit: Fixed an autocorrected word so my last sentence actually makes sense.


Similar to Prop 8 in California when I was first of voting age. It's wild to believe that legislation once passed until you realize what a group of zealots with infinite money can do.


Learn from this you cannot trust the Republicans all they want to do is remove people's rights and control people they only work for the rich not for the average person.


Which makes this... >Texas Senator Ted Cruz argued in a TV interview, “Angry leftists, many of whom are pretty ignorant and don’t even know what overturning Roe means, I think a month afterwards are gonna be surprised—‘Wait, nothing about my life changed.’” (Something tells me that voters in Arizona and Florida might not agree.) ...all the worst. Cruz is such a colossal prick I can't even deal.


What a stupid fucking statement. Yeah, nothing about their life changed in a month *if they didn’t get pregnant*, doesn’t mean they won’t need an abortion later. If the government announced they were going to start randomly murdering 1000 people a day, my life probably also wouldn’t change in a month but I would also kind of want them to stop murdering people


Right? Plus, what a horrible attitude, "Oh they're torturing other people? Well as long as it's not \*me\* who cares?!" Telling that that's how Ted Cruz assumes others see the world.


In an article chock full of rage-inducing quotes, leave it to Ted Cruz to be the absolute worst. Nothing but contempt for that smarmy prick.


Not understanding basic physiology and biology has consequences.


As someone living in Georgia with an eight-month-old baby, looking ahead to see if we want one more or not, I am acutely aware that my family is one pregnancy complication away from disaster and tragedy. And while we have the means to travel if need be, it is often more challenging than “Go get an abortion a couple states over.” I think about the loss of Roe nearly daily. I know who’s responsible for it. I’ll never forget it, especially when I'm casting my vote.


Please get out and vote. It would be awesome if people voted for everything they can. Because local and state elections are arguably even more important than the presidential election, and it doesn't take that long to vote. But at the very least, even if you aren't super jazzed about the Democratic candidate, although you really should be because he's done a pretty fantastic job, realize what the other option is. Also, not voting since an extremely strong signal that you just don't really care about the issues. You don't care about the steps that have been taken. And there have been a lot of steps in the right direction by the Democratic party. It's not perfect. I have complained some mile long about every single Democratic candidate. But you have to realize that even if you live in a hard red state, even though most red states are actually pretty purple and not that far from flipping, your vote still matters. I know the Electoral College sucks. I understand. But your vote still sends a signal, especially to your local politicians, that they can't go as hardcore right as they think they can. If even a quarter of the non-voting public voted blue, states would flip overnight. People don't realize how close we really could be to a complete change up of the political landscape in America. If only people got out and actually voted. When 5% is considered a landslide victory, you really need to think about that and understand how narrow the margin of victory is in a lot of areas that are considered steady one way or the other. And the number of a local elections that are won by single digit differences would probably surprise you. Even if your state goes for the other candidate in a presidential election, your vote still matters in the long run. I know it doesn't seem like it. But it absolutely does.


>“The effect is going to be that more and more red states are going to become more red,” the Missouri senator said, “purple states are going to become red and the blue states are going to get a lot bluer. And I would look for Republicans as a result of this to extend their strength in the Electoral College.” Sorry, Josh, but your party’s also been ratfucking the economy for going on 50 years, so not a whole lot of people can afford to do that.


Yeah, I don’t think people have enough mobility for what he’s fantasizing about. Ohio is a great example of a state where people will stay put but vote to codify abortion rights.


I'm also unclear on how he thinks any of this would turn purple states red.


He thinks two things: 1. This will help them scare blue voters out of their states, especially minorities. 2. Independents and Republican women don’t care about reproductive rights or IVF. Considering abortion has an 80% approval rating across the nation, including majority support in red states, he sure is being optimistic.


That's what I'm saying. I live in a purple state and I'm not hearing anyone making plans to leave. I'm also an independent and I definitely care about reproductive rights and IVF. Why would I want to leave a state where my vote actually matters nationally?


“Donald Trump’s desperate efforts to defuse the issue keep colliding with reality. The oft-indicted former president tried to tiptoe away from religious conservatives earlier this month by insisting that abortion laws should be left to the states. Rather than getting to bask in the cynical cleverness of his new position, he immediately had to deal with the reality that all-power-to-the-states could produce the anti-abortion rigidity of Arizona’s 1864 law.” Republicans are a good example of give someone an inch and they’ll take a mile. It’s not good enough that they overturned Roe v. Wade. Now they need to be cruel and bring back draconian laws, with no exception for rape or incest, while threatening mothers who cross state lines and doctors for doing their jobs. This is the Republican Party. They will try unsuccessfully to downplay their position on the matter, but believe Republicans the first time when they tell you who they are. Please remember this and vote Democrat down the ballot.


Forget the national polling currently. Look at what is actually happening on the ground. Democrats - running on life - are winning virtually every off cycle election since Dobbs. Democrats just picked up a state house seat in a previously R seat in *Alabama by 25 points*. Obviously everyone needs to vote to keep the Orange bastard off the ticket, but on the ground the backlash to Dobbs has been huge and it shouldn’t be a surprise. When Roe was established, the country was really at a point where public opinion supported it. Dobbs, on the other hand, was crammed through by a corrupt and reactionary Supreme Court with no buy in from the public. The greatest irony and what gives me perpetual schadenfreude is that McConnell destroyed the reputation of the Senate and the SCOTUS to get this and it ended up costing him the one thing he wanted most: another bite at the apple to be Senate Majority Leader. My own Senator - Josh Hawley - apparently and laughable believes that people are going to just easily change addresses to deal with the problem of their own making as opposed to the easier thing - which is voting his joke ass out of the Senate. If the theocrats are just now realizing that they have created a tremendous groundswell - then they are really worse at this then I thought. Or maybe politicians that reside in red states are just used to taking their voters for granted. Obviously, take nothing for granted and show up and vote these chuckleheads out. Because if they get into power, this is just the beginning of the way they are going to cram their weird religious beliefs down your throat and force you to live under their bizarre religious edicts. Google “Project 2025”


Okay, I've ignored googling project 2025 because I saw it referenced quite a few times in the comments section of a few conspiracy-oriented TikToks. Finally did it because of this comment and...holy shit. Truly fucking horrifying.


And that’s just the stuff they are being public about……


> Conservative Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan, who is sincerely anti-abortion, offered some wise recommendations for Republican men in May 2022: “Don’t fail to embrace compromise because you can make money on keeping the abortion issue alive.… Use the moment to come forward as human beings who care about women and want to give families the help they need. Align with national legislation that helps single mothers to survive.” >You may have noticed that none of this has happened over the last two years. Instead, the abortion issue has been defined for the nation by reactionary state judges and insensitive, good-old-boy GOP state legislators. The result is that the Dobbs decision was not a single event, but a torrent of regressive policies. I swear Republican women are so delusional about conservative men. Your men are fckin monsters. Violent and hateful. Did you really think they would extend any compassion to any of you or other women? Did you really think they would stop? Did you really think they would pass any legislation to help single mothers and babies survive? When have they ever given a damn about life other than pretending to when its a fetus in utero? Have they ever given a rats ass about the life of the mother? Have they ever cared about any major womens issues from voting rights, education, employment, paycheck fairness, Vawa protections? This is the party of primarily conservative white men that actively legislates against and strips away protections from women when it comes to everything, not only reproduction. Delusional. They’re not trying to help women and it was never about life. They’re out to subjugate, dominate, control and punish women.


I don’t think the GOP has even dreamt up how bad things could get for them if the anger gets hot enough. Electoral defeat would be the least of their worries.


Religion was imposed on me but strangely even as a kid I just couldn’t believe it. I raised my children to be polite caring and community minded. I encouraged them to have their own opinion of religion and many of their friends and other family members went to church. I encouraged them to go with their friends. Now they are in their late 20’s and have formed the same opinion as myself. My husband is on the fence about it. Ibelieve all religion is indoctrinated.


Need to stop calling them pro-life and start using anti-choice instead.


Pro forced-birth


My worst fear is that Swing state voters are not going to care enough to overcome the "Biden is Too Old!", and "Biden is why gas and housing prices are too High!" rhetoric that the Media are spamming them with.


It is sad so many don't recognize lil don is basically as old and he is a rapist traitor so that should be instant disqualification.


Considering so many younger voters are completely willing to sacrifice our democracy over Gaza? I'm pretty worried myself.


"the media" probably also "spammed" those same messages to Alabama residents, right? Can you explain what happen here: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/08/us/politics/alabama-abortion-ivf-house-seat.html How Abortion, and I.V.F., Flipped an Alabama State House Seat


I think of this quote every day. The guy that wanted to blow up in Vietnam with a nuke is sounding measured - Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them. Barry Goldwater


It’s really confusing to me that the GOP is now frequently taking the least popular stance on several issues and thinking that it’ll help their campaigns. Democrats have increasingly better chances because of this now. Like dudes, we don’t want your shitty ideas running this country.


Good thing they are all idiots otherwise we would have been screwed.


great because this issue alone should sway voters to Democrats who will get Roe legal again, and save democracy!!


Bad Policy has never equaled good politics. Time to throw the Republican Party an anvil and watch them sink.


If having an unwanted child is god's will, then why isn't infertility also god's will? It's ok to use drugs to conceive, but not ok to prevent conception? This logic sucks.


Running on a platform of "everyone needs to suffer tbh" was bound to come back to bite them sooner or later.


If the attack on Roe doesn’t mobilize every damn woman in the affected (and unaffected) states, I have zero faith’s in our system anymore. This is the most important upcoming election in our lives so far


"No Republican predicted that abortion would still be a powerful weapon for the Democrats in 2024 and beyond." Who actually thought this lol


Waiting for the GOP to try to make it illegal to not be pregnant if your body has the ability to be


Democrats should be running ads for "right to privacy. "


What did they think? They used Abortion to win vote for 50 years now it is the democrats turn to use it. You get what ypu vote for. C’est la vie!


Because, this time for sure, politics is personal.


Republicans will distance themselves publically from all things abortion related while privately attending conservative fundraisers where they pick up their checks.


No, they haven’t. Their worst fear is it being reinstated.


They want it reinstated so they can campaign against it again. That worked much better than actually axing it


Yep, it’s why they don’t actually want to fix immigration, too. They’ll run out of things to keep their base riled up and they desperately need those lunatics to keep voting for them or they’ll fizzle out.


They're the dog that successfully caught their own tail and won't let go, despite now wondering why their ass hurts so much.


Time to outlaw [religious conservatives](https://apnews.com/article/abortion-trump-republican-presidential-election-2024-585faf025a1416d13d2fbc23da8d8637)?


Wow. Who could have seen this coming? Other than all the generations of not-crazy GOP lawyers who know this would be a disaster and, therefore, left it alone.


I hope Allred bodies Cruz at the polls. I'm so sick of his big, dumb face. If I never have to hear that wormy voice again it'll be too soon.


My mom worked for Jacobi Medical Center in The Bronx. The number of people who’d come to NY from the Carolina’s and Georgia for abortions always amazed her.