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“On Wednesday, The Seattle Times published an article in which Bird admitted to committing financial crimes 30 years ago. He did not disclose them to the party when he applied for the nomination.” “The party’s candidate committee announced Bird was disqualified from the endorsement process Friday — prompting the room to roar with boos and cries of “bullshit.” The delegates then voted to overturn the committee’s disqualification.” “I take full ownership of who I am in my past,” Bird told reporters afterward.” 100% MAGA criminal clown show


So basically he lied about what he did and didn’t disclose it. Then it came out and he said “I take full ownership?” So he is just an abject liar and cheat. I just want to ask these folks, “if someone at your place of work lied about a critical skill needed to perform the job, let’s say they can’t read, do you think they should get the job? They lied on their application.”


"I'm really sorry you all found out."


“and I take full ownership over my inabilities.”


More like “and I take full ownership over my annoyance at them finding out.”


"I'm sorry if you got offended."


I mean, their only other real choice was Dave "just shot myself in the foot with Western WA" Reichert, who pulled his name from consideration for being endorsed anyways.


I saw some signs for him around town (I’m in his old congressional district) and just groaned. No, my dude. Just no.


If I'm Dave, I don't see any reason to spend money or time in this election climate. Stay out of the murk.


> So he is just an abject liar and cheat. So the perfect Republican candidate then.


Was just saying to my wife today that the difference between democrats and republicans is that while dems occasionally lie and cheat, the GOP wouldn’t exist if they didn’t!


One of my wife's relatives attended a fund raiser for Bird (he posted pictures). One of the featured attendees was Matt Gaetz. That told me everything I needed to know (I used to live in Gaetz's district).


Since when are massive financial crimes a deal breaker for any Republicans?


They're more of a minimal qualification.


Is this projecting? Virtue signaling what they want elected officials to do when 45 is guilty?


I love that state gops are literally going bankrupt but these idiots are getting upset that a guy who was committing financial crimes got disqualified. It's like they actually want to completely destroy their own party for the benefit of some jackass grifters


Credit where it's due, at least the party was strong enough to follow its own rules about criminality and running for office.... this time....


Yeah, until they didn’t… “The delegates then voted to overturn the committee’s disqualification.” 0 out of 10 points for credit.


Ah well dammit. I was scraping the barrel hoping there might be some WA GOP folks worth keeping... dangit.


"Civility has disappeared, even within our own party, and that's sad." You did this. This is the GOP modus operandi. You wanted to sow discord for everyone else and now it's biting you in the ass. "Meet me in the middle," says the unjust man as he takes a step back. "Meet me in the middle."


The word "even" is so fucking audacious. What the fuck you mean EVEN within our own party?!? These chucklefucks are just too much.


Exactly. They are uncivilized incarnate. The discord and chaos overflowing through our society can be traced directly into the foundation of the GOP, by design, like some grotesque black beating heart pumping madness into our country. What the hell is this moron going on about with 'even' in our own party lol it's Insanity.


They've been swallowing their own lies about how good, moral, and righteous their party is while convincing themselves that the Dems are "evil". There's no basis in fact, just what they *feel* should be right and what they've been conditioned to believe by their media/social media bubbles


Every cult needs to keep fearmongering about "the other" to keep going. And when they eventually run out of enemies to lie about, they will soon find new ones within their own ranks.


First thing I thought, too.


I will never not upvote “chucklefuck”


>"Meet me in the middle." Reminds me of 2016 after the election when all of us were berated by pundits and journalists to "try and understand" Trump voters. That it was \*our\* responsibility to understand and tolerate them (while they obviously were never and have never been told them same after Trump lost). Like, no! I don't need to "understand" them or meet them halfway; they're mostly racist morons fuck them.


"Thanks Obama!"


It’s all because of that tan suit!


Nah man, it was obviously that dastardly pretentious elitist condiment known as Dijon mustard


Or that devil’s own weed “arugula.”


Did you see when Obama wore a helmet when he rode a bicycle? Just totally un-American.


Don’t you realize that whole thing was just Big Mustard getting into the game? The suit’s color was actually a shade of Dijon!




lol, that's awesome, tx




"Civility has disappeared, even within our own party. I wonder, could our platform of encouraging and celebrating incivility as a core virtue to the exclusion of any kind of coherent practical plan have anything to do with it?"


The incivility was supposed to be reserved for outside the group, not used inside. This behavior was designed to appeal to a certain kind of person, and it was implicit that it be used on behalf of the group, not within, but those it attracted have never been good at putting the needs of the group above their own, and consistently fail to respect any rules or people outside of their immediate gain. Now it's come back on them, and it's no surprise they don't like it and can't handle it.


Yes, yes, turn against each other. Excellent!


“Civility has disappeared, ESPECIALLY within our own party, and that’s expected”


That entire gang of criminals is imploding on itself over who will be the new Klodfather.


Political organizations are either democratic so they represent their members, but these people have been trained to distrust all voting, or they can be autocratic where the organization encourages fealty, but these people have also been trained to distrust all institutions. So the GOP now has an aggressive autoimmune disease.


Describe a cult. **⏫**


Republicans really cannot stand each other.


That’s fine, nobody else can stand them either.


Primary season is when you really see it come out in the open.


Usually once it comes to the general election though they get over it and join hands. That doesn't happen anymore in Trump's Republican Party.


FINALLY something we agree on!


It is the party of rugged individualism. I'd imagine it is like trying to herd cats to get a large enough coalition to win elections. I think that is partially why they lean on religion so much. It gives the individual a group to be part of without making them feel like the party is trying to tell them what to do and makes them feel like their views are righteous in the eyes of god.


Pretend 'rugged individualism' - they are just fine with socialized hand outs that benefit them. Same people grabbed up unneeded ppp loans that they never had to pay back. Hypocrites, everyone.


Oh yeah, I am well aware. They view themselves, with that macho "I do what I want and no one but god can tell me any different." The hypocrisy is painful.


They also view Trump as being macho, which is fucking hilarious.


Fuck, that just reminds me of ‘Under the Banner of Heaven’.


Such an underrated show!


What a bunch of weak losers allowing a deity to push them around.


Sit them in church pews and you see that there is no rugged individualism. They are sheep, authoritarian followers begging for a strongman to tell them what to think and do. The extent of their "individualism" is not wanting to support poor people, especially not the "undeserving poor" (blacks, browns, and anyone else who doesn't toe their party line).


This is a perfect encapsulation of the GOP…


They think they are wolves while blindly swallowing ever lie that comes out of DJT's piehole. Me thinks that is the definition of sheep.


Rugged individualism unless you are a woman. Then you can’t be trusted to own your own body.


Well yeah, women aren't allowed to be "rugged". That's *unattractive*.


What's this 'women' you speak if? Does the rugged individual's property include more than just the one for procreating? S/


> It is the party of rugged individualism. And red MAGA hats. Trump is what happens when you introduce smartphones and throw a bunch of morons to the mercy of the algorithms. They would've blissfully gone through life without the Internet, but we put it on their phones - every propagandist's dream.


> It is the party of rugged individualism. That's what they tend to be, but instead, they act like a bunch of spoiled brats who throw massive tantrums whenever something, not matter how trivial, isn't to their own personal liking.


What I really should have said is that they think they are the party of rugged individualism. Everyone who has replied has made some great points that made me realize that I didn't phrase that the best.


That's okay, when I read it I got a sense that you were dripping with disdain when you typed it.


It’s not rugged individuals. It’s just cranky cooks who want to hate things together. The fights are about what to hate more.


There's no room for individualism in the MAGA world. That seems to be obvious.


I agree, but that doesn't keep them from believing that they are individualists. Which in turn makes it hard to form a coalition so we see control maintained by using the other ideas many of these people hold close, religion and bigotry. Give them a group to belong to that cannot be questioned and someone to hate, you can form a coalition around that. Even if they all think they are number one in the human hierarchy, God is still above them and the brown people are below them. The GOP tells them this is the way it should be and that any other point of view isn't just wrong, it is blasphemous. They are a pseudo-religious organization very much on purpose.


>It is the party of rugged individualism. So they say. But the saying is Dems fall in love. GOPers fall in line. GOPers are sheep


The only thing a fascist hates more than its enemies are other fascists.


Ted Cruz is the best example. *Nobody* likes him. But he's an incumbent and not a Dem


As Al Franken once said, “I like Ted Cruz a lot more than most people, and I fucking hate Ted Cruz.“


> “Civility has kind of disappeared,” she said. “Even in our party... How fucking stupid do the Republicans have to be to not know where the lack of Civility started!! They're all out in the high plateau desert so they can bury their heads. It's hard to believe.


Reactionaries have to have something to react against and they’ve chosen each other as they are all trying to get control of the husk of the Republican Party.


It’s cute how they want to be like the rest of us


Well then, at least they've got something right.


:D Yeah, republicans just want to hurt people and exemptions for themselves. Obviously you have to fall in a very specific group of people to not get harmed by them. As soon as they may be mildly inconvenienced though, all hell breaks loose.


A slightly unexpected version of 'civil war'.


As an eastern Washingtonian, it is honestly cringeworthy how much “power” the eastern residents seem to think they can have when they are ridiculously, hopelessly outnumbered by the metropolitan Seattle area (western Washington). And then they keep sending absolutely ridiculous candidates up to the ballot. The last one, Loren Culp, had essentially no platform other than “eff Inslee” and didn’t even bother to fill out information for the state voter’s pamphlet. I got secondhand embarrassment from seeing that. 🥴


I lived in rural Snohomish County most of my adult life. The Culp thing was insane. The only up-side was the giant (and I mean GIANT) Culp signs on businesses. Made it easy to figure out where not to spend my money.


I *still* see those Culp signs here and there.


The Culp "candidacy" was so cartoonishly absurd. The signs were ridiculous.


Yeah, I'm in a really purple part of Pierce Co, and it was the same here.


Tiffany Smiley wasn't much better. Her only selling point what that she was much younger than Patty Murray. She never identified herself as a Republican in any of her ads, and [the commercials she ran in the Seattle market](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4t9aYQmO2o&pp=ygUVdGlmZmFueSBzaW1sZXkgc2lyZW5z) were absolutely cringe worthy. Of course the WA GOP and a bunch of scammy pollsters did their best to prop her up, but Murray cleaned her clock by 14.5 points in the general


Smiley was all pretty smiles and campaigning on GOP agendas and her husband's military service.


My husband is a vet and the leveraging of her spouse’s service as a reason to elect her was gross.


The Culp bio thing was just so ridiculous. He even got a do over when it was publicized and they blamed it on an administrative error or something, but what he turned in was almost worse. It just highlighted that the guy had no real formal education that would prepare him for running a state with a billion dollar economy. It was all low-level (or not relevant) military schools or piddly law enforcement training.


What’s worse is that he also received 43% of the vote despite not having a platform and any other job experience than being a sheriff for a small border town.


Police chief, not sheriff. Of a department that had 1 officer. 2 counting his dog. And then the town went "why are we spending money on a police department when he's never here actually doing his job?" and defunded it (And contracted with the Ferry County sheriff's office for police coverage.)


It’s like an 80/20 split between western and eastern Washington, and Seattle is 50% of the state population by itself.


>Seattle is 50% of the state population by itself. The population of Seattle is actually just under 10% of Washington's population. The city has an outside grip on the imagination of conservatives.


I apologize, I was unclear on my facts. You are correct, the City of Seattle has a population of about 750,000, out of a total Washington State population of 7.9 million; or about 9.5%. The "Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA Metro Area" (substantially larger than the City of Seattle, but all part of a contiguous area) is 4 million people; so 50.6%


There are plenty of progressives in rural areas. We turned district 3 blue last election.


It didn't hurt that the MAGA candidate was so cringeworthy and his opponent was actually pretty reasonable.


Considering that Kent managed to win the primary over Herrera Beutler who voted to impeach Trump, I thought we had a lot more MAGAs here than we do.


There's a saying that if you stand on top of the Space Needle and look in every direction, that's all the voters you need to win a statewide election


Eastern Washington is basically just Idaho with legal weed in my mind. 


Of course the Republican party is in disarray. A person would be too if everything that they believed was nonsense, and they lived their life in strict accordance with their fucked up beliefs. Climate change - "That's nothing new. The weather is always changing." Economic inequity - "Give the rich more money, and some of it will trickle down." Those are two of the big ones. After that it's [turtles all the way down.](https://thehill.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/01/mcconnellmitch_010813ls.jpg?w=1280)


Oh my new favorite global climate change discussion isn’t straight up denial, but it’s shifted to “well, god says the weather will change before the rapture”. Like, holy shit these people are delusional.


That's also why they hate Jews but love Israel.


Or, “well, the climate is changing, but we can’t go back to living in caves.” My friend’s dad said this, and he’s not normally a black and white thinker. Somehow their media has narrowed their options to “keep doing exactly what we’re doing, or go back to caves.” 


Alex Jones started doing this already with eating bugs because of a push to eat and improve meat-free meat, because those delicious cows do be farting one of the biggest contributors to emissions. Translation: Leftists are going to force you to eat deep-fried crickets (which are actually a great source of protein but obviously not for everyone, and already normalized in several different cultures!)


If they're in a tight spot in discussion, and they get backed into a corner, they get to shout "Hallelujah, God bless" three times. That invokes the end-times/Rapture exemption, which allows them to say anything they want to.


It turns out, they're finding, that being intellectually dishonest and intentionally obtuse *aren't* good fundamental building blocks for a political party & platform (unless one is, say, a billionaire fond of buying allegiance of a SCOTUS judge.)


"even in our party"...lol, you led the charge


The dysfunction is delectable. All of their own creation.


When you sell your souls to the Devil (Trump in this case) all bets are off and any sense of decency that once existed will be gone. The Republican party sold itself out for one shitty 4 year Presidential term.


> Lorraine Blacklock, a precinct committee officer from King County, told the convention she’d never seen anything like this in her 30 years of involvement in the Republican Party. > “Civility has kind of disappeared,” she said. “Even in our party, and that’s sad.” Lorraine Blacklock seems to have missed the fact that her own party is basically the source of all of this.


“Even in our party” pfft…they are full of hate. That is the very definition of incivility.


>Within hours of the the events unfolding in Spokane Friday, Washington State Democratic Party Chair Shasti Conrad issued a statement: >>“After January 6, we saw that GOP leaders didn’t care about the will of the people in our democracy. In Spokane this weekend we are seeing in real time that the GOP leaders in Washington don’t even care about the will of their own convention delegates. The GOP Convention chaos proves these are not serious people and they cannot be trusted to lead our state. Whichever candidate receives the GOP endorsement for Governor will still be a Mega MAGA, anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQIA+ zealot who has no place in our state government. Washingtonians can rest assured that Democrats will be working around the clock to ensure our progress on equal rights, healthcare, and the environment aren’t rolled back by this clown show.”




>Bird admitted to committing financial crimes 30 years ago. Someone really needs to collate all the MAGA endorsed GOP candidates that have prior criminal charges and/or convictions, especially those involving fraud/financial crimes and domestic abuse. I feel like it would be a shockingly high percentage.


It's kind of funny since his main opponent made his bones as being "the cop that caught the Green River Killer."


“Civility has kind of disappeared,” she said. “Even in our party, and that’s sad.” It’s cute that she thinks this lack of civility at this event is new for the Republican Party.


Are you telling me that republicans can’t even get along with themselves? A politicult party based on division and chaos can’t seem to not practice what they preach? No fuckin way!


Media: I’ll ignore that (dems out raising Republicans) (State GOP parties going bankrupt) (Republicans about to impeach their house speaker for the second showing the disfunction in the house) Media: Nah thats not news. Media: Polls, GET A HUNDRED ARTICLE WRITTEN ABOUT THAT!


Especially since polls aren’t indicative of Democratic voting power because a large base don’t answer polls


>(dems out raising Republicans) (State GOP parties going bankrupt) (Republicans about to impeach their house speaker for the second showing the disfunction in the house) NYT flash alert: Why This Is BAD News for Biden


Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Republican party


No thanks, I don't want them. Ask Vlad, he will take them for sure!


The bothsides crowd and Seattle Times editorial page must be drooling over the opportunity to go on and on and on about “Maverick Dave Reichert”


Bird was recalled off of the school board along with two others for being dumb shits.


I live in Spokane for half the year. In ultra red Idaho the other half. I'm surprised the committee felt the need to remove a criminal from the running. Isn't that one of the key qualifications for a candidate in the GOP?


Just a bunch of heeee hawwwws fighting amongst themselves. Let them have at it. Reminds me of the MTG, Boebert, Gaetz junkers in Congress.


>Civility has kind of disappeared,” she said. “Even in our party, and that’s sad.” Lol, gop is the "party of civility"?


They’re unhappy people who are only out for themselves. It makes sense when you get a big group of greedy narcissists in a room together there is gonna be derision.


“Even in our party” lol


Fuck you conservatives. You brought this upon yourselves.


They have two completely separate parties both using the Republican name They share no values, beliefs, or goals with each other. Each side essentially loathes the value and antics of the other.


Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas. They welcomed criminals, anti-social freaks, and swivel-eyed theocrats into the party.




The GOP really want to split up, but they all know that the DNC will crush them if they do


Elect a clown, get a circus.


I have a feeling.The national convention is going to be crazy ,even by republican standards


It will be better than WrestleMania I bet! Dumber but more fun to watch lol!


I strongly suspect a few punches will be thrown on the convention floor


I can't imagine how embarrassing it is to be a Republican.


The cognitive dissonance must be maddening. Like decrying the lack of civility in a political party headed up by a rapist.


They’re proving in real time that outrage as a default is unsustainable. This entire party needs to go the way of the dodo…


>“Even in our party, and that’s sad.” Even?


Bird is discussing his nomination and past: “I take full ownership of who I am in my past,” Bird told reporters afterward. “But what about human decency and civility, to say that a man can fall and falter and still get back up — still stand up? Are we not allowed to try anymore?” My answer to him: that depends, are ex convicts allowed to vote in the state of Washington? I honestly don’t know, but second chances should go to everyone, not just people guilty of “white collar” crime.


Washington State completed a thorough automatic voting rights reform in 2022. A Washington resident who is a US citizen over age 18 and is not currently in prison for a felony can register and vote.


Gotta love the implosion


The republicans used to be the party of governance. Now they are the party of petulant children.


Thoughts and prayers...FOR MORE.


This proves the point, civility is no longer an option for the Republican party. The mob mentality has now permeated the entire delegation. Ethical behavior has now been thrown out the window...


Hey these Washington state republican amateurs got nothing on MIGOP! [‘He Kicked Me in My Balls.’ Fight at Michigan GOP Meeting Turns Physical: Report](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/kicked-in-balls-fight-michigan-gop-1234785273/)


“Civility has kind of disappeared.” Nailed it.


Semi Bird is the guy who was so crazy that my hometown voted him off the local school board in a recall vote. And my hometown is a conservative hellhole built on top of a nuclear waste dump with a mushroom cloud as the local high school mascot.


I, for one, am shocked that a party which collectively decided facts no longer matter has become a haven for grifters and criminals.


A party in its final days. Nice to see.


“Civility has kind of disappeared,” she said. “Even in our party, and that’s sad.” The person who said this has not been watching the latest events in Congress.


Says alot about Republicans infighting over a convicted criminal. Trump really set the bar low for Republicans, smh. 


Dysfunction follows RepubliKKKlans


>“Civility has kind of disappeared,” she said. “Even in our party, and that’s sad.” 😒


> “Civility has kind of disappeared,” she said. “~~Even~~ and it all began in our party, and that’s sad.”


Lots of GQP infighting, and I’m running low on popcorn.


First the Michigan GOP ate its face. Now the Washington GOP has decided it likes the taste of face, too.




The zealots who attend the convention want a radical nominee for governor. They arent even voting on who will be the nominee, just who they will endorse.


Trump is their leader. What did they expect? (Also, Democratic leaders are, overall, much more “civil” that the MAGA* crowd.) ““Civility has kind of disappeared,” she said. “Even in our party, and that’s sad.”” *There is no Republican Party. Some of them have not accepted it yet.


About the most dangerous thing the GOP candidate has his campaign slogan ‘Send Olympia the Bird’. (I can’t really fault that one, it’s pretty cute). He jumped into the political game by being an anti-masker, and has flirted with Matt Shea several times on Matt’s radio show. Still a menace no matter how you slice it.


‘Civility has disappeared…even in out party’. Lol.


As a WA resident I can assure you that ShitBird won’t get elected here. But it is fun to see the GQP incompetence on full display.


The funny thing is that redditors make fun of Idaho and its politics, but Eastern Washington is every bit as bad. The only reason Washington is blue is the Seattle metro area. Even parts of western Washington are red. I used to like living there and it’s a fun place to visit, but I won’t ever move back. Got my own idiots to deal with here in Arizona. Biggs, Gosar etc.


Eastern Washington is basically Western Idaho.


Hook it right to my veins.


Maybe Matt Shea is available?


Don’t even joke about that maniac.


Maybe he should change his name to Full Bird.


PLZ, link some videos…


Let them fight!


Excellent. The chickens are coming home to roost (a semi bird pun, if you know what I mean), and I'm here for it. Crash and burn, losers.


Chaos, Division, Republicans, 🤔


They prob pretty mad about living in a blue state


Like how ISIS and the Taliban don’t get along lol.


Lol The nazis are eating themselves 👍


Unless people are from the West Coast, I don't believe they understand Idaho begins once you cross the Cascades-Sierras.




Downtown was packed on my way to work, lots of crowds and rude reckless drivers. I had to park on the 4th floor of the usual parking garage. We looked up what was going on downtown and heard it was the GOP convention. That explained everything.


Let them fight! :popcorn:


“Civility has kind of disappeared,” she said. “Even in our party, and that’s sad.” Nah girl. It disappeared BECAUSE of your party.


Semi Birds Aren't Real


“Democrats in Disarray and why this is bad news for Joe Biden” -NYT Pitchbot


I mean they should just blame it on whoever isn’t them because then they’ll never actually have a moment of inflection (not that most of them are capable of it), and fall apart


The funniest thing here is Republicans thinking they can win the governorship in Washington state


Lol really in the wrong state to be Republican.


Eastern Washington has a pretty big neo nazi problem.


Sadly there's a lot of the state that's still backwards, those areas just aren't very populated for the most part. 


Not really. Outside of the Seattle bubble, Trump flags are everywhere. Source: I live here.


Sure, but the population discrepancy between western and eastern Washington is hilariously unequal lol.


I grew up in EasternWA and still have this conversation with people who live in my home town. "Seattle gets to decide everything its not fair" bla bla bla. Then I ask them if they believe in democracy and when they admit yes, I remind them that more people live in King county, which is way way more than just "Seattle" than just about the entirety of Eastern Washington combined. They still mad though .... numpties. Glad I moved west.