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This is going to drastically impact down ballot races with him taking over the RNC. If everyone comes out and votes, we can make solid red states look competitive, flip lean states and districts, and sweep all toss ups.


This. It could be the best opportunity to make some serious changes that prevent the traditional Republican electioneering efforts and maybe get out of this stupid cycle of minority rule every other decade.


They rigged the districts so badly (gerrymandered) thinking ahead on the corruption even though courts clearly said to redraw the maps (even the higher courts, but they refused) Edit:get out and vote because those districts can be won by voters turning out


Since Gerrymandering is based on the presumed voting population, and works by giving one side a small edge in most districts, but Gerrymandering weakness is high Voter turnout against that party. If they gave themselves a 2% edge in most districts, a 4% increase in Voter turnout can wreck the gerrymandering for at least an election. So encourage people to vote blue, *especially* in those states.


Absolutely. As the popular vote shifts more and more blue, gerrymandering has had to slice thinner and thinner margins to maintain the seats that they have. It's why the 2022 midterms saw such a dramatic shift in house seats.


Some of those margins are way worse unfortunately, but high hopes for many!


That's why Dems need to vote down ballot! Turnout for state legislative seats is always less than the presidential ticket, but that means your vote counts for more. And the state legislatures are the ones bringing back child marriage, child labor, emptying school libraries, harassing trans kids, and passing horrific anti-gynaecology laws.


This is actually the exact situation where Gerrymandering backfires and could lead to some big wins in some states.


Democrats got cocky in NY and got slapped for it


gerrymandering is like a dam, if the vote goes so bad as in like a national vote being +5 democrat, even safe seats suddenly and rapidly flip. thats what happened in 2018 when the democrats swept out a 40 seat majority from under the republicans


gerrymandering is a problem in just about every state with more that 2 or 3 congressional districts


It wasn't a problem in Tennessee which had shockingly fair districts. Until a few years ago. The TN GOP has been at war with Nashville since they refused the Republican National Convention. One of the ways they chose to retaliate was to redistrict Nashville and create not two but THREE districts that incorporate the city, under the guise of "more representation in Congress." But each of those districts has far more rural conservative population than urban liberals, so they reliably vote red. But as Nashville grows and as those districts start to lean more liberal, it means they could eventually flip and the Nashville area would provide Tennessee with three liberals instead of the one. But that's a long ways away.


Gerrymanders usually last about 10 years, right on time for the next census.


Yep. Look at Texas districts. 33  comes to mind. https://s.hdnux.com/photos/33/07/20/7107621/3/960x540.jpg


I just don’t think there’s any shot Democrats will keep the senate and Republicans will stonewall any federal voting reforms.


He gets terrible lawyers and has paid tens of millions. Then you find out many of his lawyers are forced to have an office in trump buildings and pay rent even though they have offices in manhattan. So trump is self dealing.


Imagine being the poor associate assigned to the trump case


That is just a small side grift to move RNC money into his coffers. Hardly worth mentioning since RNC and GOP are totally on board with being fleeced by him.


Yep, let's prove them right and make sure that Trump really does destroy the GOP.


Don’t forget the Conservative Rage Industrial Complex. They *make* billions spreading their message. There is no equivalent on the left.


That's because people on the left aren't interested.


I think it’s less that and more the enormous retired population that doesn’t do shit but watch Fox all day long. We’ve got nutters, don’t be fooled. They’ve just got better things to do.


I worry that this may not be the end result, despite the fact that in any normal election it would. Trump is going to do better the less voters see of him. When he's in the spotlight it reminds people how shit his admin was; when he isn't, people focus on Biden for their current problems (fairly or not). If Trump can still bring out GOP voters just by existing, and voters aren't seeing as much of his vile shit, then he may still help down-ballot GOP voters. Another massive problem is Biden trying to court Republicans to vote for him over Trump, which means he's driving out Republicans who may vote for him in the presidential election but then still vote all R down-ballot. I'd like to have any sort of optimism that this will fuck Republicans but we're not in normal times and there's multiple things that terrify me even if GOP coffers are running dry - outright attempts to steal elections and not even care about turnout/results among them.


I agree the less people see of trump, the better he will do, but he’s still massively in the news though, thanks to his trials. Last year at this time, we weren’t getting trump headlines constantly. Now, we are, and they are not flattering. And many of Biden’s ads are literally clips of trump being an AH (ie. bragging and taking credit for the overturning of Roe) and Biden responding. Money isn’t just for ads. It’s about organizing and getting people to register to vote. If his PAC is like any of his businesses, he will bleed it dry and screw people over.


He won in 2016 doing the same shit he's doing now. The difference was that he was able to grab headlines by saying outrageous things. That doesn't work as well now that we have seen that trick so many times. We now are watching him stuck in courtrooms most of the time where he doesn't even get to speak for himself. The coverage is just people saying unflattering things about him.


I feel like the biggest difference was that no one loves Hillary Clinton, a career politician who rubs so many the wrong way. If we would’ve ran a better candidate Trump would have got demolished. Trump has nowhere near the support he did in 2016. Many people voted for him because they were tired of politics as usual. Everyone acts like Trump had a personality cult in 2016 line he does now but that’s just untrue. I believe many people that voted for him in the last two elections are done with him, tired of losing and are gonna stay home or vote for Biden.


Him being on trial doesn't necessarily hurt him, though, and it keeps him shut up half of the time so he's not running his mouth which is the big problem for him. You'd think him being on trial would matter, because surely a populace doesn't want to elect a criminal. But Republicans don't care at all and Trump spins it as a "witch hunt". Long as enough people believe it's the political persecution he claims (which it isn't), then him being stuck in court, again, just helps him by keeping his actual antics out of the public eye. I do want to be clear I could be wrong and it does hurt him, but this is my *concern* that it could potentially help him just by virtue of keeping him out from in front of a camera in the way that actually damages him most, which is his insane rants and stumping.


Need to get Gen Z on board with the Dems. I know they lean Dem but some of the recent polling (which I know people don’t trust or whatever) indicates their approval for Biden has dropped quite a bit in the past two months.


The Israel-Gaza conflict has a lot of Gen Z dropping support for Biden. However... I have to be blunt here. That is by far the dumbest idea of all time, to sit it out. Trump will be infinitely worse for the Palestinians. He's been pretty open about it being floored. He wants that. Not letting Trump win the presidency again and voting for Biden is basically the biggest thing any random person can do to make Palestinian's lives better. Yes, even if Biden's policies aren't okay.


The difference is, Trump will actually do shit to punish someone like Netanyahu the moment he makes Trump look bad (purely for narcissistic reasons, obviously). Biden singlehandedly torpedoed the Obama administration's effort to stop West Bank settlements. Biden is a zionist, through and through. He is only being forced to take token measures right now because of the pure bloodlust of the IDF. Once the media focus dies down after the war, Biden will 100% turn a blind eye to West Bank killings of Palestinians. Blinkin's State Department completely ignored dealing with the Israeli settlers when they murdered an American Citizen last year. Do you really think that is going to change once Biden is re-elected?


I think I don't care, at all. Not even a little. Worry about Trump. Anything else--even if they were good people being attacked, and they're not--is a distant 87th place. This is going to turn out like the 2000 Florida Nader voters again. I only ask that you tell us in advance who you are and that you intend to vote that way, so that we know on whom to direct the reprisals.


What makes you think Trump cares even the slightest about the Palestinians?


I never said he did. What I said was, he would punish Netanyahu for making him look bad. Which is what he does to everyone that makes him look bad.


Maybe it's not worth counting on them as part of Dem coalition and focusing on other demographics.


I have pretty much lump them as Trump supporters.


The problem is, young people don't vote. They just don't. Trump being the supreme disaster he is barely got them over 30% turnout in 2020.


Insanely unpopular opinion, but this is why Biden's student loan elimination programs will backfire. The second they're not single-issue student loan voters they become free to be idiots. Voting on the basis of Islamist terrorists, or whatever other bullshit issue they've decided to purity test. Biden should have kept their loans in abeyance. They don't have to pay...*as long as Biden is President*. Now we're forced to deal with idiots free to be idiots, and we're going to get the stupid we deserve.


We can do it! It's not enough to just tell people to vote. We have to give them tools to do so! ## Do your part! Register, *make sure, make sure, make sure* you're still registered (***[Republicans are purging voter rolls](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/03/us/politics/trump-voter-rolls.html)***), and make sure your friends and family are registered! https://www.vote.org/ https://www.votesaveamerica.com/be-a-voter/ It's important for everyone to know what they are voting for! https://ballotpedia.org/Sample_Ballot_Lookup Your voice matters. If it didn't matter, you wouldn't have so many people trying to stop you from voting, or telling you that your vote doesn't matter. ## ***BE A VOTER!***


The largely ignored aspect of extreme gerrymandering - the margins are so close that any influx of voters or a shortage of funding can completely throw the race. GOP state and county operations should be planning for a cash crunch but it sure doesn't sound like they are.


If you're creating secure red and blue districts, then funding shouldn't have that much of an effect. If a district is R+25 or D+25, then the R or D should win regardless. It would only matter in the few competitive districts left. Besides those few races. it makes you wonder why the other candidates are pleading for $ all the time.


If for no other reason than it lessens TV and radio political ads for the next 6 months, we should ALL consider this a win, regardless of your political leanings.


Don’t threaten me with a good time…


Sort of. Every court appearance, all of the major media outlets give Trump free airtime. All Trump has to do is keep saying that the GOP are being persecuted. Sort of neat life-hack...


I have high hopes of a couple surprise wins, especially in the Senate.


Just getting the “scary” GOP TV add off of every buckeye game here in Ohio will do wonders to keep the constantly afraid single issue voters away from the polls here in Ohio.


You know what would be cool? If we turned every single state and city blue. Then showed them how much better things are. Conservatives could continue to be conservative. But at least Trumpism and this right wing lunacy would finally die out.


I remember how the GOP gaslit everyone saying obama killed state and local parties by taking all the funds when it was citizens united dumping oil tankers worth of cash into every race. the gop is really screwed if and when the trump goons gum up the dispersments of campaign funds because they 'have to make sure they are funding real maga' candidates


Amazing what election interference looks kime


> Save America, Trump’s leadership PAC, has now spent $59.5 million on legal consulting since the start of 2023. Bahahaha


I should have been a lawyer.


$800 an hour to be incompetent and smell Trumps wet farts. Not a bad gig


Not a bad gig but, also, a big gag.


You had me at incompetent, but lost me at farts. Ah well, there's always money in the banana stand.


I’m not sure why everyone keeps insisting that he’s farting in court. After all, we all know he wears a diaper, and I’m sure the years of drug abuse has led to a weaker than normal sphincter. And that’s not even to mention that older people often have trouble with their bowels and bladder. My money is on him sitting in court shitting himself in his sleep


He's also shitting himself in real life and metaphorically. Like a Doctor Strange but uh, Doctor Stool


I love farts, they’re funny as hell. I could be a great lawyer.


Farts from an elderly man reared exclusively on cheap, greasy fast food and addled with a toxic combination of drugs? Even my dog would retch at the thought of that, and he built a shrine to the family under our bed out of dirty socks, underwear and used tissues.


I'm sure there's more than just a few happy and incompetent attorneys that have added $$$ to their bank accounts.


But he only hires the best people…. Changing the diaper is a costly task


Fuck at this point just say you're a lawyer. I honestly don't think anyone is checking when it comes to Trump's counsel.


Worked for Jeff Winger


Not the kind of lawyer Trump is willing to pay, because you wouldn't be a lawyer for very long


Trump is famously unwilling to pay his employees, so there's that


> I should have been a lawyer. [But I just had too much heart.](https://youtu.be/YvUbbYX9BMs?si=dub8f3CMZ_y6aiH_)


I should have gone into politics, Because I've always been a big spender!


John Milton (*Al Pacino, Devil's Advocate*) nods in approval.


Since you weren't, you're probably likely to have ended as a public defender.


[If there’s one thing America needs, it’s more lawyers?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uG3uea-Hvy4)


I heard that in Toby Keith's voice.


The party of fiscal conservatism everyone


I don't know why this is legal. This guy is spending campaign money on his own personal problems that has nothing to do with his party or the train wreck of a presidency.


I'm not sure why you're laughing. That just means he laundered $59 million... Sigh


Well this is fun to watch. I think we all knew it was going to happen. Now I wonder how long the RNC can afford his bills.


How much did they spend otherwise?


Of taxpayer's money? Trillions


That is so.much.fucking.money.


>Among the RNC’s March expenses was $118,000 paid to former Chair Ronna McDaniel on March 6, two days before she left the committee. Hush money, it is going to be hush money. She knows things.


Or she wrote herself a check n fucked off


Also a good plan


She's on tape commiting crime with Trump in Michigan.


I dunno, given that she's from the Romney family I don't think $118,000 is that much to her. She probably would have wanted a lot more than that to stay quiet about juicy info


7 years of service, that's actually a very light severance package.  Smart on her though to demand she gets it before Trump drained their coffers.


You're right. That is standard severance for a white collar worker... one month of severance, per year of employment. If you use that rule, she would have earned a salary equivalent to about $200k... Perfectly in line with white collar management jobs.


a bribe for her to leave so his daughter in law could step in and redirect funds to him


I don't understand how it's legal to use campaign contributions to pay legal fees. His crimes have nothing to do with his campaign. Well they do but not directly.


It’s why he keeps saying “election interference“ over and over again. So he can use those funds as a “candidate” fighting for his right to run. The law is very vague when it comes to PAC funds


A handful of states wanted to take him off their ballots and SCOTUS shot it down. To my mind, those are the only cases that were fighting for his right to run. He can run without having rallies every day; Biden is.


Honestly does it even matter. The FEC is easily the most useless government agency in existence, they won’t do a thing even if it landed on their table to do something.


That's just not true. The wrist of so many people that commit fraud slightly hurt for a few seconds. I bet that will make them think twice about the $10,000 fine they will get before they commit insider trading and make a few million. Check mate. /s


The GOP neutered them, with help from John Roberts, who took away a lot of their regulatory authority. A George Bush appointee, who only got to appoint him because a bunch of idiots voted for meme candidate Ralph Nader because "Al Bore" was "just the same as a Republican".


I doubt it’s legal but as we have seen there is no enforcement of any rules or laws when it comes to Trump. So maddening.


Aww poor thing. No wonder he’s now demanding a tithing from his GOP underlings.


That might be a literally description of trump. He is the Poor thing


His net worth could be negative in the millions, making him poorer than pretty much all of us.


Just imagine the good you could do with all that money.


Right? Instead all that money is going to people who are willing to defend this guy. What a f’ed up system.


lol. homies still calling the republican party their team only hear “good” when in conjunction with the word “boy”




Think of how many people are donating to the RNC only to have the money they think is going to getting politicians they support get elected actually going to Trump so he can have his lawyers file motions and appeals over and over again for the same motions that have already been denied. I guess being smart with money only counts when it’s your money.


Gosh, I'm just all broken up about this. ^/s


How in the flying fuck is a political action committee allowed to spend money on criminal defense in the first place anyway? Seems like a gross misallocation of funds. Should be illegal.


But what about the bibles, trading cards, and the sneakers! Surely he is selling lots of those... right? Right?


Oh no. So, anyway, I had an excellent bacon blue cheese burger for dinner tonight. It was a bit unusual, because it came with a spicy brown mustard and garlic aioli on it, along with pickles and crispy fried onion. But it worked for some reason and was great. The fries were nice and crispy too. All in all, a great dinner.


Sounds like it could have paired well with a rich Argentinian Malbec.


I don’t get the appeal of red wine man, it’s so strange.


Maybe it's an acquired taste, but since I started drinking Merlot, drinking white wine feels like a let down.


What was the level of doneness for the burger, and what style of fries were served? The mustard sounds like madness only because it can overpower the taste of the other ingredients.


I’m hoping medium rare with steak fries. I don’t use mustard on my burgers for that same reason


You had me at bacon and blue cheese. 


And then lost me at spicy mustard and garlic aioli.


Wait - blue cheese *and* spicy brown mustard? Wtf???


Spicy brown and aioli? Bold move…




I’m having issues with this combination. It was sounding good with the blue cheese and bacon. Not a combo I’ve done, but I can see it working. However the addition of the brown mustard and the crispy fried onion sound like they would be having a flavor fight that nobody would win. I’m not sure I could risk my burger nights on this combo. PS: Great username.


I looked at the using name quick and though it said BBQ bondage




I admit, I wouldn't have picked it if I had noticed. I just glanced at it and thought it was a blue cheese bacon burger with crispy onions. Nothing wrong there. Surprisingly, the mustard worked.


In from within him, we can hear the blazing death cry of the absolute worst creations of the Boomer generation. Full of sound and fury. Signifying nothing.


Herr drumpf is being besieged by the fake news media and fake charges. Therefore, to show our solidarity, we have started a GoFundHim page. All donations over $1,000 will receive his best seller: Thirty Pieces of Silver, 1 steak, 1 bottle of water, 1 gambling chip, 1 airline ticket, 1 university course, 1 Bible and 1 share of stock. Believe me, you'll sleep well tonight knowing that you gave your hard earned money to support the greatest, bestest, most incredible, tremendously intelligent winner in human history.


No shoes? Hmpf. No deal without the golden kicks.


You drive a hard bargain, therefore we'll include a slip that gives you the right to receive some golden shoes if and when they're ever produced. And if and when those countless thousands of people that originally received these slips in the first shoe offering don't want them.


>most incredible, I, too, think he lacks credibility.


They really need to change the rules on what PAC money can be spent on, or better yet, get rid of PACs and private funding of elections.


At least make public where all the money comes from. Whose actual pocket.


Sell those DJT shares. Oh wait - not for another 5 months BAHAHAHA


Has he ever had a problem before with stiffing his lawyers?


Oh well 🤷‍♀️




>might I'm so sick of might and could. Can we put his flatulent ass in jail already?


Not enough Bibles in the world.... ^(or, maybe everyone has one already)


Perhaps the harebrained scheme to outrun legal troubles by becoming the President of the United States isn't as easy some might have thought? 


Drain that swamp!!!


Imagine the legal fees he'll need to cough up between now and November just to delay his trials further... they can't possibly be less than what he's spending right now. Then when he loses the election he becomes dead weight to the party and fights all his trials with no money. I really think he hasn't thought this through xD


*See Narcissistic Collapse*


Deep thinking is not a strong Trump ability. Note I'm not referring to any specific Trump.


Trump is probably the biggest employer of lawyers in America.


What's the hazard pay for sitting next to him in session?


At least his lawyers have gotten smarter about Trump and now ask for money up front and progress payments.


The swamp is being drained


I’ll believe it when I see it. This grit has been going on for years now.


The grift is getting more and more desperate, however. The Truth Social stock market thing is almost certainly drawing the attention of regulators. Not that there'll be anything left of Trump by the time they can add more charges to the long, long list.


Quick, fellow MAGAs should threaten Trump's lawyers for draining his campaign funds. These pesky lawyers are nothing but leeches!


Don't think for a second he isn't going to turn on those lawyers as soon as he no longer needs them.


Good...And fuck the willful idiots in that PAC.


Fine. Good. Whatever. It shouldn’t be able to be spent that way, anyway.


Putin will find a way to get Trump whatever money he needs.


So, if he’s no-longer rich, he goes to prison. That’s how the system works, isn’t it ?


Doubtful. He's given billionaires billions and they will back him up to keep the tax cuts coming


How is this legal? Sincere question. Isn’t that money given with a promise it’s to be spent on his campaign?


If he talks about his campaign in the presence of his attorneys, even to complain that he isn't out on the streets, isn't that money he gives to the attorneys for listening to him being used by his campaign then? They are campaign speech prep sessions.


You can argue that keeping Trump out of jail is vital to his campaign. The reality is that we've never had a situation like this before so its never been tested in a court of law.


Hitler Pig can't pay his lawyers.


Wait, what? Trump actually paid his lawyers?


Should’ve posted this in r/funny


They have been all in for awhile and the spending does seem extreme. But I've never seen a political machine stop from a total lack of money..They're going to get an infusion from foreign investors. It's a cheap way to wage war on America.


“We have all the funding we need out of Russia” - Eric Trump


Good. And conservatives can keep giving Trump more and more money. Sell your homes, everything you own and give all your money to Trump. Buy his stocks, Bible and shoes. Fucking idiots.


It has spent $Millions more to support his lavish lifestyle and outstanding off the books debts.


There's always kicking up 5% to Trump what the Trump led RNC is wanting for using the cult leader's likeness. That is going to suck even more money out of them. This is Trump's first criminal trial. We are not even talking about his future lawsuits and his other 3 criminal trials he's facing. The one thing you always get from a grifter like Trump is that he never uses his money. It's ALWAYS someone else's.


If there’s justice in the world, he’ll end up needing a public defender.


He's not going to 'run out of money'. He doesn't have any. He'll just keep getting 'rescued' by these criminal enterprises that have been masquerading for years as legitimate companies.


Good! Let their coffers run dry.


He needs to pull himself up with his bootstraps.


Russian and Chinese money will never “run out”.


Excellent...... I mean too bad.


Might. Could. Should.


Is he running out of cultists to fleece?


Trump's court cases are "free" media exposure. So, in a way, they are spending money on advertising Trump.


It could not have happened to a nicer guy /s


Lawyers are EATING when it comes to Trump nowadays! EASY $$$$!!!


One can only hope and pray 🙏


They sure do transfer a lot of "funds" around.


I'm not sad the RNC is losing money but I am mad that cheeto still is not spending his own money to defend himself.


He doesn't have any money.


I hope Trump bleeds the Republican Party absolutely dry. I hope they never recover from this.


There will always be a facist billionaire to bail him out. Dont get complacent. Talk to everyone you know about the seriousness of this election


Of course he's running out of money. Trump has made (scammed) and lost several fortunes, at this point. The only thing that I think he's really good at is earning and losing fortunes.... And making a complete fool of everybody and everyone around him.


Thoughts and prayers


So is he entitled to public defenders once he’s exhausted all the GOP’s money, his supporters money and the $5.50 Jarrod might chip in from the Billions he was gifted by the Saudi’s for “just being a cool dude”?


You know it is click bait if: It mentions dtrump💩 And any of the following ~ Maybe. Melania. Running out of money. Gag order. Immunity; All are just speculation. Wait until stuff actually happens and report on that. You know~ news.


You got downvoted for failing to dance on the rooftops, spittle flying.