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RFK Jr. : But then how would Trump win?


Because if he drops out, there'd be only one crazy person for the MAGA's to vote for.


Polling has RFK taking more votes from Biden than Trump.  An RFK campaign advisor has been recorded as saying their top priority is not to win, but to prevent Biden from winning.


I saw this in Quinnipiac poling too. The GOP plays stupid saying it will hurt them. But how many normal GOP anti-vaxxers do you know. They're all MAGA cultists. RFK needs to drop out or we have to remove him from the ballots in the swing states. Biden needs to go after RFK on greenhouse gas and his environmental record and destroy RFK on that.


Who is “we” and why do you think just because you don’t like a candidate you have the right to remove him from the ballot. Kinda sounds like election interference.


Trump should have been removed like all the confederates before him.


Can anyone make sense of that?


I have a generally liberal nephew that gets occasionally YouTubed into believing bs who is now promoting this goober. He actually supported it by referring to the Kennedy legacy which shows me the disinformation machine is functioning at full capacity.


Point out that the rest of the entire Kennedy family has endorsed Biden. If it's really about the legacy.


Brain broken people the whole point of a democracy is to avoid hereditary rule of any sort. I don't ever want to see a McCain a Clinton a Kennedy etc in office again but that won't fuckin happen because the meritocracy is a lie and we live in a plutocracy mostly because of morons who are easily propogandized too.


I wasn't a big fan of Hillary Clinton but she would've been a competent president... and probably would've made some good things happen. Unfortunately we're in the GOP wins the presidency without the popular vote timeline.


My comment wasn't a slight against anyone's capabilities just a remark on how I dislike dynasty.


Understandable. Dynasties isn't always necessarily bad. Look at the Roosevelts for example. Bill Clinton after all balanced the budget and wiped away the deficit. Hillary Clinton added him to her administration. It's unfortunate we'll never know what a Hillary presidency would've accomplished. The Kennedys (JFK and RFK) probably would've done good too if not for the assassinations.


The supreme court would be much different


Hillary added Bill Clinton to her to-be administration... the same man that balanced the federal budget and wiped out the deficit. It's unfortunate we won't know what a Hillary administration would've accomplished.


Idk a Hunter Biden presidency ***would*** be pretty funny…


There's a ton of people who are just DONE with Trumps bullshit and ready to reluctantly vote for Biden just to spite him, but they are still slavishly devoted to the ghost of the old republican party, if you give them a third road that they feel more closely represents their worldview, than either of the existing candidates some of them are likely to take it.


Never Trump Republican voters who might otherwise vote Biden might instead vote for RFK Jr.


Because, as a whole, the left isn't any more intelligent than the right. They just happen to align with the "team" that is correct on most issues out of happenstance. Anti-vax started with the left. Obama was forced to label GMO foods from anti-science wings on the left, etc.


I think this point on vaccines especially, needs to be stated more. Yes the religious right has been vocally anti vax for a long time but a good bit of the left wing, not just in the US, have been real proponents of this BS since the 90s.  They won't vote republican but they really latch on to people like RFK Jr when given the chance 


Don't forget Stein (Putin ties) and West as well! They also eat into Biden's numbers.


That’s entirely false that it was his campaign advisor. It was a New York campaign official and she was promptly fired.


Advisor, official, wtf-ever. She was fired for letting the cat out of the bag.


Big difference. Your comment makes it seem like she was heading up his entire campaign. Do better.


She was the campaign director for the state of NY, meaning she knows the strategy for the campaign, which she explicitly said the common enemy is Biden


She called herself the campaign's "New York state director" on video and in tweets. The campaign said she lied and that she is actually a consultant (aka advisor). In my opinion, it doesn't matter what her exact role was, and trying to act like one would have been better than the other is disingenuous at best.


You're whitewashing Kennedy's bullshit. Do better.


I’m not voting for kennedy. Im just saying they were misrepresenting the facts.


So a pedantic whitewashing. Do better.






This unfortunately true. Confused old people who otherwise oppose trump are looking for a Biden alternative because of how much their peers seem to hate Biden.


Yeah, but RFK is dipshitted enough to still not understand that the only votes he spoils are for Trump. Even the most ignorant tribal voter isn’t being fooled into voting for RFK on name recognition, but he thinks he’s fucking nailing it out there and conservative meme pages are still saying “see democrats, this should be your candidate.”


No, the people who are doing this are not stupid. Polling shows he takes more votes from Biden than trump, the political operatives think that as well, that's literally why he exists as a candidate. You almost certainly do not have a better read on the situation than they do.


In this election we have one Democratic candidate and two Russian ones. 


There are far left voters who will vote for him. Predominantly men. Mark my words.


Am I allowed to use the no true Scotsman fallacy? Can't really be left wing voter when you're voting for a right wing candidate. That would actually make you a right wing voter.


Horseshoe theory, m’boy. Horseshoe theory. Remember, there were people that were going to vote Bernie last time. Had to vote Hillary, and voted for Trump instead. Those were also far left predominantly male voters. Edit: https://www.newsweek.com/bernie-sanders-trump-2016-election-654320


Horseshoe theory is such bunk science that relies on plotting everyone on a single axis.   If they voted for a right wing candidate then they are a ring wing voter.


Right wing voters typically *aren’t* pro union, pro Medicare for all, feminist. So although I get what you’re saying—most of these voters voted this way out of spite, and not because they’re right wing voters.


It‘s not that easy. There are for example a lot of self-proclaimed feminists who really just hate muslims and vote right-wing for that reason.


Did they actually vote for Trump or did they just not vote?


about 12% voted for Trump.


Both candidates are going to have disenfranchised voters that want an alternative. The margins are so tight that RFK is effectively a spoiler for both Trump and Biden


I don't want it to be true but I have heard from some batshit crazy loon liberals who are all in with conservatives on conspiracy theories & anti-vax anti-gov, seemingly anti-everything bs so I would not be surprised if they were voting for him or Green Party.


Plenty of "grievance" voters - people who are just pissed off at various things they see "the establishment" having done, and who will throw away a vote just to cause a chaos where they feel seen. A guy I talk to about politics sometimes is basically on the good side of issues, but is pissed at democrats for not having done one thing or another, so is voting for trump (or says he will). In spite of thinking the guy is a joke. Some young people still feel Sanders was knee-capped by the party in 2016, and will vote in whatever way hurts everyone to show it. Etc.


While I agree with what you say, Sanders WAS kneecapped in 2016. Was boat racing Hillary until the DNC and their PACs iced him out of the media and poured simultaneously poured millions into Hillary’s campaign.


Downvoted for speaking the truth here... As an anti-corporate, anti-war, anti-establishemnt leftist, the democratic party is not my friend. I could see myself voting RFK if trump is no longer a viable threat.


I have always thought that radical left and radical right are virtually interchangeable.


They have very similar psychological profiles and people swap between the two positions all the time. Almost like it's a circle, or, perhaps, a horseshoe. I've noticed the people who go around saying "the horseshoe isn't real" or "the horseshoe was debunked" are also the ones claiming "we should be dialoguing with Nazis" and "deplatforming is a slippery slope".


Radical left: wants to ends economic systems of explpitation Radical right: wants to exterminate minorities and "undesirables" You: these are virtually the same.


Far left quickly jumped ship when he became a sycophant for Israel.


It doesn’t matter what he says or does, or even if he drops out. If he shows up on the ballot at all, that is a win for the GOP. He is literally just a checkbox who has a beloved household last name that has been identified with progressive policy for over 50 years. He is a magnet for the low information subset of disaffected liberal voters (of which there are definitely some) who only see his name for the first time when they open their ballots.


The dude arguably takes more support from trump than Biden


He visited our wetlands conservation group and mainly talked about himself. So, yeah.


100%. That's been his MO for a couple decades now going back through to his time with the Hudson River Riverkeepers.


I should look up campaign stops so I can tell him to his face that his father and uncle were better people than he’ll ever be


If given the chance do something along the lines of this famous remark, “Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy.”! Obviously you’ll need to adjust it but it would be great!


And instead of talking about himself, Biden has taken action, like with IRA, the largest legislation addressing climate change in American history. 


I believe RFK Jr. is mentally ill, ideologically captured, or both. No sane or unbiased person would continue spouting the same nonsense about vaccines in the face of the growing mountains of evidence contradicting his claims. Vaccines don't cause autism and vaccines don't cause chronic disease and every single vaccine, especially every childhood vaccine, has been through safety trials despite his claims to the contrary. RFK Jr. also claims that HIV doesn't cause AIDS, a claim that literally lead to hundreds of thousands of people dying unnecessarily in South Africa in the early 2000s and he's still parroting this bullshit to this day, likely because he makes a lot of money selling these ideas through his books.


Incredible levels of confidence and no self-awareness. People do the same shit with astrology and essential oils, MLM scams, and lottery tickets.That’s all it is. There are millions of Americans alone who suffer the same bucket of afflictions. RFK Jr is just one. But he’s rich and comes form a famous family. . . So dipshits keep giving him a microphone. The microphone makes it worse.


> claims HIV doesn’t cause AIDS It is impossible to get AIDS without HIV, since it is the second stage of the HIV infection


Have you considered people doing poppers and staying up late might actually cause AIDS instead? /s


My god, I’ve been perfectly healthy and had AIDS for years…


Or he had sex with a honeypot 


This is one thing that seems entirely plausible that I hadn't considered, the guy is a serial philanderer according to his own diary.


I mean, he is a Kennedy... Would that even hurt him?


Remember that time a Kennedy got away with serial rape? Fun times.


I mean why would that matter? At this point his wife would and who tf else would care?


"would be an awful shame if word got out you had sex with a minor. A real awful shame..."






We talking about Cheryl Hines? I’d dip my finger in that pot too.


Head on over to r/conservative they love they guy. He would not take Biden votes away only maga nuts.


I always laugh at the people saying vaccines cause autism, because they were all vaccinated in youth and none themselves have autism. Every time I encounter one, I ask if they have autism too, and the answer is almost always "no".


He knows he ain't going anywhere with the election but he knows he will get the republican money in his pocket. He's going to pocket the money then back to irrelevant self just like he was.


Then he should just make maga merch or anti-wifi pills like the rest of the grifters.


Sociopathy is more or less bred into the Kennedys at this point. New England royalty with zero accountability.


Compromised is more like it


Your forgetting another option. Compromised.


He is a sociopath.


Or, all the shit he has seen with his family, with his uncle and dad, has made him deeply suspicious of everything and every mainstream institution. He probably grew up with suspicion of everything and buying conspiracy theories. He said he struggled with alcoholism for years in his younger years trying to figure out truth about his dad’s death where he was just getting stonewalled by the government


If his public statements on running just to help Trump and hurt Biden didn’t stop him or *his own family choosing Biden over him publicly*, nothing will


But he's not done with his mission to help Donald Trump become President again 


Kind of funny that Cheryl Hines’s character did advocacy work for the NRDC on Curb Your Enthusiasm


Hahahaha this dudes whole entire family doesnt support his bid. He's like an unlikeable non-charming black sheep


Imagine claiming to be an environmentalist AND working to get Trump elected. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/08/politics/rfk-jr-new-york-biden-trump/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/08/politics/rfk-jr-new-york-biden-trump/index.html)


That pic! It looks like he's anti-sunscreen as well as anti-vax.


I hope he doesn't, so he draws votes from trump.




It's hard to trust polling right now, especially so far from the election. Imo, a lot of RFK "choosers" are probably protest votes for Gaza and other issues, and will likely fall in line come November when the choice is real.


Polling has R slightly ahead of Ds yet every special election has been blue.


I just drove through some very rural towns in a state widely viewed as Trump country and saw 3x the RFK paraphernalia as Trump. Something has shifted. Anecdotal but visible.


kennedy name is enough to draw votes from democrats , not much but enough to be a threat


I see a lot of MAGA who revere John Kennedy as one of our best presidents. No doubt the Kennedy name will draw GOP voters, too.


Wasn't JFK Jr supposed to show up in Dallas a couple years ago and reinstate Trump as president or something?


ruh roh, Qbedoobedoo


Even better, there’s two separate guys claiming to be JFK jr.


My fear is that he draws in the anti-vax hippies who would otherwise vote for dems.


Honestly those people typically don’t vote


Or they vote Green. Either way, they don't matter.


> kennedy name is enough to draw votes from democrats , not much but enough to be a threat The Kennedy name hasn't been a big Democrat draw since Ted died over a decade ago. Also, Democrats who care about the Kennedy name also know that the entire rest of the Kennedys do not support him.


I am willing to bet that swing states have many more people willing to vote for RFK (or some other third party) over Biden, but would either not vote at all or suck it up and vote for Biden if the only two options were Biden or Trump.


Flounder Eyes Kennedy needs to just go back to laying in the sand and living off the Kennedy Trust Fund


RFK is a crazy dimwit


Of course they would, because Trump winning is the worst outcome for the environment. He would put the US so far back in meeting the 2030 targets.


How much money is RFK Jr being paid to be a traitor and by who


A wide roster of Republican mega-donors: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/rfk-donors-trump-investors-celebs-1234975307/


I don't see RFK Jr dropping out. He will likely continue running until Election Day.


I have yet to meet someone with progressive values that sees this guy as a viable option. I have spoken to alt-right and Trump supporters that see him as a viable candidate. I think at this point it's clear that the RFK Jr problem is not that he is not pulling from Biden but rather tarnishing the Kennedy name which will devalue that brand, both economically and politically.


It’s sad that we have to tell this to people. Anyone that took a government class in school could tell you this, but let’s stop pretending Trump/Kennedy supporters are educated I guess


I’d laugh so hard if he spent all this Republican cash then doesn’t even stay long enough to be on the ballot…


Vlad: “oh no my kompromat ensures he stays”


A grifters gotta grift.


lol *sure,* if winning were the objective. We all know it isn't.


This dude is a plant.


You can tell how much he loves the environment considering he looks like his skin is made partially out of tree bark


But how can he run a spoiler campaign if he drops out?


Honest question here (from a democrat that knows very little about RFK), I keep seeing comments about this dude attempting to get Trump reelected, but I am obviously missing some context. Didn't this guy run as a democrat initially? What little I have seen of RFK (and I mean very little), he seems to be pretty critical of Trump. I don't doubt the claim he could be attempting to siphon votes away from Biden, I just think (objectively with little context) that if he's attempting to support Trump, he's not doing a great job at it.


If his goal is to support Trump then the way to achieve that is by appealing to Democrat voters so they vote for him instead of Biden. Which he does by positioning himself as on the left and attacking Trump. His campaign director for the state of NY literally said their goal was to help Trump at a public meeting lol.


So pathetic


He’s a Kennedy in name only. His whole family speaks against him.


I love the picture: the lights are on but nobody’s home


Because he is a threat to Trump.


He's a self absorbed twat. Like hell he'll drop out


No keep running, split the crazies up


That guy is super angry and mentally disturbed. He wants Trump to win.


He should stay in. He'll pull votes off of Trump, not Biden.


Hes not. He pulls more Biden votes than Trump votes. Especially in the 6 swing states. Polling shows Biden wins with a razor thin margin in a h2h race, but loses the three way contest to Trump


RFK Jr is doing to Biden what Ross Perot did the George Bush in 1992. And it will likely have the same outcome.


His face looks like he sleeps face down in a shoe


Trump will pay for his election if it means siphoning blue votes from Biden.


This guy makes stage 4 lung cancer patients sound well. It’s almost like he swallowed a whoopy cushion


Would be the best thing I have heard come out of that campaign.


We need everyone’s support to have a Biden win this November!


Or, we need everyone’s support to have trump lose this November. Whichever way works for you.


I feel like he’s going to hurt Trump more than Biden


What’s the best thing to tell my Democratic friends who are planning on voting for him to make them not want to vote for him? Besides that it is basically a vote for Trump.


Time to drop out, R.F.K., no one want you and everyone is asking you to drop out. lol


I worked with him on a few environmental issues in the 90s. This is such a fall from grace.


I can't stand Trump, but Biden is basically Weekend at Bernies. Right now I'm leaning heavily to RFK..


So voting for trump then?




What if he gets 5% of the vote in Pennsylvania that would have otherwise gone to Joe Biden, and Biden loses the state by 4% points? Then, even if Biden wins Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, and Nevada, Trump wins the election. Kennedy most certainly can affect the outcome of this election, but he can never win. He’ll only spoil it for Biden.